11 11 13 31 11 COMM 215 ESSENTIALS OF COLLEGE WRITING DQ   01 26 2010 03 01 2010




W1 ticktock

I have found if I keep a “ticktock”, or a minute to minute accounting of what I do. The ideas I have write them down when I do, I see how an idea can progress over the course of a day or other time period.

An outline and or using outlook or other day planner helps, the format is close.


W1q1 prussia

One of my primary dislikes of both academics and the uop system, till about week 2 or even week 3 I have little idea of what the teacher is wanting from me, how to give the teacher what they want, how to shape the final paper in a vain hope of creating something they are wanting.

So far as an adult in college I have managed to figure out most of them, one exception of a low C in my grades. I did not figure out till the 7th week that persons specific rule on word length till week 7 at axia.

That is one portion of high school I liked, going up to the teacher and showing your progress with seeing if that is the direction the teacher wanted. I really miss that.

Its funny in the text the author gives the definition of the name our school system is based on. Parochial = close minded. Our system is based on a Prussian industial youth education model. To get the youth ready for the coming industrial age, the Prussians created this school system so kids would go from children, to in school, to working in factories. The training is also great for the military. It is not designed to promote ideas, flow of information, or to create a population of truly educated.

W1q1 distinguish skills jupiter

I had no idea I was building these kinds of skills with my distain for being lied too. I learned way back at around 7 to start distinguish between facts and strong opinion presented as fact.

The words and sentence structure are different, even if those differences are only a word or two in a pragarph different the distingsion between is still very important.

Most of my investigating ancient cultures has come as a direct result of deconstructing sentence structures to find the facts hidden behind fallacy.

If there are future scientists in this class, these skills have been worth more than platinum. I will give a for instance, when I was in astronomy class. Based completely on reading the first few chapters of the provided textbook, I simply used the sentence structure or what ever this skill is called to make a comparison to the facts given. The teacher told me I had a valid point when I pointed out based on the available data; Jupiter could be a failed brown draft, consequently gravitationally speaking we are in a binary solar system. I put that together based on dissecting the sentences used.

W1q1 western academics

I have something very powerful to say about the first few paragraphs from chapter 1. They are not a part of the reading but to my they are absolutely of the most vital of important topics.

A verb is important but who presents the package that verb word/tool and what that tool does is equally important. But who puts the package together. What teacher takes the package. How does that teacher present the verb tool. The structure of how something is taught is more important than the tool itself. “A lie is much easier to sell to the masses then the truth” (AH, 1900’s). For the package of how something is taught dictates to all but the strong willed how that tool will be used from the second they encounter the packaging till the mistakes are corrected.

The structure of where academics come from answers most of those very dominant and “my way or the highway” organizational structure. Academics comes directly from the guild system. The guild system comes directly from how the Vatican itself is organized. The Vatican is a direct organizational copy of “imperial Rome” (a noted difference between Imperial Rome and the roman republic), which is loosely based on the organizational structure of the Greece city state.

                        I say loosely because in the Aegean their were several cities. When the structure was revitalized by Caesar he fixed one problem by having one city and only one city. Rome was it, so their would be no city to city infighting. Rome was it, with a lot of smaller areas within. Since the city already operated with 7 smaller areas working together all they did was add areas to the cities main Forum hub.

The Greeks were not interested in furthering ideas, they were interested in the control of information. Academics is strongly in the business of controlling information not fostering a prosperous and bountiful ideas and information are all welcome environment. Unless you have a spirit willing to brass knuckle box and defend every word you use when presenting your ideas in academics do not bother.

A dissertation is to defend yourself to a panel of piers in that field who are there to tear you and your ideas apart.