11 11 13 35 15 PSY 340 dq


W5q1 boipsychology

Biopsychology is an amazing field. The most impressive thing I learned about in this class is that there is a strong possibility that the body and brain might operate from a basis of at least 4 languages. The format in which one thing communicate with another is technically a language (Basu, 2010). So the body communicating with the hippocampus, the hippocampus compressing and changing the signal format i.e. changing/translating language, then sending the newly translated signals out of the rest of the brain, where it just might be that the hippocampus and the rest of the brain might operate on different languages. Their might be other lobs which might have some kind of translation area (Rathore, 2009).

Not only do I find this fascinating but I find it an area of research in desperate need of additional work to solve some of those problems.


Basu, M., Krishnan, A., & Weber-Fox, C. (2010). Brainstem correlates of temporal auditory processing in children with specific language impairment. Developmental Science, 13(1), 77-91. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Rathore, C., George, A., Kesavadas, C., Sarma, P., & Radhakrishnan, K. (2009). Extent of initial injury determines language lateralization in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS). Epilepsia, 50(10), 2249-2255. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.


W5q1 balance line and the brain

The brains anatomy is very interesting when it is compared to a machine and the aspects in which the brain and the lobs operate.

Depending on point of view the center of the brain might be different; but there is a top of the brain, left side, right side, back, front, and they all need this orientation configuration in order to be able to do all the complicated portions and aspects required.

The brain sends signals out and receives them back from that “balance bar”; center, down, up, left, right, back, forward, and then communication with the body i.e. destinations. There is some really great research which can be done in that small concept alone.


W5q1 teams

Classic psychological examination born from philosophy

“if no one hears it, does a tree falling in the forest make a sound”

Answer of course, there are always impact evidence scattered throughout everything the tree touched.

Even sounds can be measured using the ground movements created as the tree fell.

Everything psychologists do in their practices revolve around the practice of finding the affected areas of damage and putting them back together. Smoothing the ground back from the root system ripping itself out of the ground.

Our teams teach us how best to manage our surrounding while we practice finding the torn up ground and smoothing everything back to normal.


W5q1 response to U

Me at my full unsick self I would have flat out failed this class.

W5q1 coliseum

There are two things the Greek cultures have to have; "American Idol" and their coliseum. They need as a part of the social structure to see talent rise out of their own and rise to stardom. They also need to tear those same stars down, just to see how well each person will rise up and become a star again, repeat.

The violence in sports, games, cartoons, etc at nausea is a much safer application of the coliseum then the original two applications. But the heart of the situation is exactly the same.

The defensive line does all kinds of damage to themselves and the opposite team every snap of the pig skin. Pig skin would be adding aspects of north western European culture to the Greek game. The sacred animal to the western Europeans has been the pig for a while, the Greeks like the bull. Shows a cultural connection between the Greeks and the India culture are close kissing cousins (back a few thousand years). Although now that I think of it, the Afghanistan culture does have a game where they take a dead animal and on horseback ride the carcass to and from each side of a large field in base similar to football but with horses. The teams are family units; one family aside some families are rather large.Do not remove the individual from the culture unless that individual understands the consequences of no longer being like the rest of the culture.

Trying to remove the love of the core of a culture from an individual is not a good thing to do. It will not accomplish much and they will be lost without a social structure to live within. It would be kind of like changing your sent, the others in the group would reject you; you do not smell like you used to therefore I no longer trust you are how you claim to be.

I just wrote 1100 words in three posts in about an hour and I compressed as much as I could. That is one of my strengths, so I need to channel that into an area where long detailed writing or sequential long detailed writing is an asset instead of a detriment.


W5q1 personality

I have spent most of my life restricting myself to please others. I either write less, bring up less, I learned to hunch as an adolescent my 6’4” frame would not scare/intimate my 5’6” uncles to much. I did not understand what I did to them till my early 30s. My uncles look like standard Irish peasants, I look like a standard Viking minus the blond hair (brown with natural streaks of red, and a bit of grey).

But in academics I have been forced to hold myself back so much on so many subject that during this class I chose to look at my education in a different light. Instead of the path I have been working on achieving for the last three decades I chose last week to forgo that path and choose an academic path much easier for me to do.

I am loud, dominate, aggressive, I have a bit of knowledge in a thousand subjects, I have been known to write (when I am not sick) between 6000 and 12000 words in a single day and a few thousand the next repeat, etc.

So instead of attempting to go into mathematics, science, engineering, and work on bringing forward some of my ideas into the super advanced technology sector. I am switching gears radically and adding a different area of academics to my degree process before going into mathematics. It will only take me a year to determine if I can build all the necessary organizational skills needed to achieve the x degree (email me privately if you want to know what x is).

I had to use my delusion skills to the mirror and I finally became tired of fighting against the “that is not the way to achieve that goal” input from everyone. I finally removed my delusions and looked at my skill set and realized there was only one degree path for me.

W5q1 totem pole

People have to be allowed to live their lives the way they want to. If they want to turn in minimums and think it is great; what business is it of myn to crumple their delusions.

Thomas Andrews the designer of the Titan and a 12 year old boy who might have been hired the last week of construction to sweep up, and Ismay all might have felt an equal sense of pride at their achievements. Now ismay did not lift a single finger in the construction other than to arrange all the money and manage the investment. The 12 year old also did little other than push a broom but the pride is still present. No reason to tell that 12 year old all he did was x, no matter if it is true or not. No reason to tell ismay all he did was y, that is just adding salt to a wound that would never heal.

Now as you stated “none of my business to dissuade them from their delusion” I feel is correct. I too have been on many a team where I did in the neighborhood of 97% of the work. I was on one team were there were three of us; two of them turned in a total of 800 words through all 4 team assignments. So instead of making people see their faults, my point is to do your thing and know who can play at your level and who cannot.

For those that cannot play at your level there is no real reason to engage them in anything more than a fun time. For serious work requires people with equal skills to match the project.

I mentioned 24 and the 300 not because everyone needs to be a deep cover secret counter terrorism in field agent or be able to come up with a battle plan where 1800 take on a full battle hardened million man army. Those with the skills capable of doing those jobs are few and far between. The mental capacity to train those skills is also in a population few and far between.

So instead of making those around you feel week and disillusioned about truth v realty. My point is to you as a future therapist is your job to assess where someone is and help them over time to see the truth. It is not your job to try and make someone into a jack. Even if you could put everyone through seal training, most do not have the mental capacity to even think how to do the training let along the job.

Know yourself well enough to know where your skills are, and where you are in the social structure. Your own delusions need to be removed; let others deal with their own delusions.

As future therapists, our clients through survival training are excellent at finding the week spots in people and exploiting them. They had to, in order to survive the damage which brought them to your “couch.” But you need to know your own delusions; so others cannot use those areas against you. Clients not only will but have no ability not to; conditioned response from their abuser teaches them how to repeat the cycle of abuse. You presenting weakness and or personal delusions is like candy to a diabetic; too tempting to resist.

W5q1 he should not play with adults

I have spent some time thinking about your response. You put family and other concerns ahead of your schooling. In opinion there is nothing wrong with that; a person has to walk their own path. Being comfortable in your own skin is IMOHO one of the key things to achieve in this life.

I am reminded of two things; both are examples of each person knew very closely who they are and how to best apply their skills in what area.

"he should not play with adults" character from the fictional tv show 24 Jack Bauer.
"they are just brawlers, they have no real combat experience. Spartans have one job" fictionalized character based on the Spartan king Leonidas, day 1of the battle of thermopolie aka 300.
Both characters are based on real archetype personalities. Both Leonidas and highly trained special forces personel are trained first and foremost to know their skills, limitations, and weeknesses.
Μο”λών λαβέ ! (Molon labe : Come and get them!)” Leonidas King of Sparta. Which that concept was repeated in the Matrix movies with the (hand gesture instead of a finger saying come here, all the fingers were used) hand gesture. He knew exactly what his 300 plus 1500 support troupes were capable of; he also knew exactly what the million + strong Persian army was capable of. Putting the two together, bloodbath for the Persians ensued.
Not everyone is cut out to be a seal/special forces/ect. Temet knosca (know thyself) which is the cornerstone psychology.
Knowing exactly who the person in the mirror is; would be the point of a psychology degree.
One major angle would be to learn strongly with emphases (bad English but you get the point) exactly where you are on the character archetype scale.
Charlies Martell was an amazing person, he did a few dozen things which helped formulate the very foundations of western culture circa 900 ce, but his son could not hold a candle to his fathers achievements. Nothing wrong with pipin the younger, he was just flat out incapable of filling his fathers shoes. But his son shaped and marked western culture more by folds than his grandfather.
Some aspects of pippins biography indicates he knew absolutely he could not measure up, but he also knew that his son was capable of doing more and beyond anything father could do.
Knowing exactly where on the totem pole you are (plural) allows one to operate and make decisions based on accurate personality profiling versus delusions of grandeur or delusions of inferiority. 

When people figure out what their strengths and weaknesses are, they know what they are capable of. More over when a person does that for themselves they can recognize strengths and weaknesses in others.

This is such an important topic for psychology, I think an entire class needs to be devoted to it. But then again if that would happen, just how many people would be very offended because their up or down delusions were broken?

If you are curious; I too have had a delusion break in this class. I learned three corner stone’s to my personality were incorrect in this class.


W5q1 plural math extension reflection balanced

Chapter one through four were so boring, I had trouble just getting through them. But after chapter five the book became very interesting.

Chapter eight I have now read three times, not because I missed the details on the first pass but because chapter eight actually talks about some really interesting aspects of biology.

For a while I have been fascinated with the concept of math i.e. how math specifically relates to the development of science. But our math is based on some very incorrect variables and assumptions from a dozen highly domineering sources. Who and what about those variables and sources need no mention, but how to fix the mistakes does.

A single number line is simply a waste of time. Not a single aspect of anything in this universe operates from a point of view of a single number line (Latif, 2003). Width, depth, length, and motion are present in all things. So as a point of fact Occam applies correctly to saying a single number line is not the most simple solution to a problem; the most simply has to be accurate (Riesch, 2010). Yes a handicapped person can use a stick to drag themselves from point A through point B to point C and back again, technically speaking this is the most simple of solutions. But there is nothing good about this; simple yes torture absolutely (Cassidy, 2010).

So a number line based on width, depth, length, and motion is needed for proper most basic measurements. If you look at the ramifications from what chapter eight was talking about. Take a muscle; extension, pause, reflection. This works exactly the same as a magnet. A magnet works on a push, pull, and neutral physics. A magnet and a biological unit operate from the same basis.

So designing a new number system based on those basic rules has at least a couple different most basic reference points.

I did not come up with the concept of plural math in which classroom, I did link it to biology in a dozen ways over the course of this class. I also used the basic concept of how plural math might have come into existence, at least one way it might have come into existence, to disprove C as a constant (
Ferreira, 2010).


Riesch, H. (2010). Simple or Simplistic? Scientists' Views on Occam's Razor. Theoria, 25(1), 75-90. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Latif, D. A. (2003). The Relationship Among Pharmacy Students' Basic Math Scores, Traditional Preadmission Indicators, and Performance in a Pharmaceutical Calculations Course. Journal of Pharmacy Teaching, 10(1), 17. doi:10.1300/J060v10n01•02

Cassidy, T., Phan, C., & Shelton, B. (2010). The Yoneda Algebra of a K2 Algebra Need not be Another K2 Algebra. Communications in Algebra, 38(1), 46-48. doi:10.1080/00927870902829148

Ferreira, P. (2010). GENERAL RELATIVITY. New Scientist Archive, 206(2767), 149. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

W5q1 A game

AMEN sister (Amen is an an acronym, A.M.E.N. from Sumerian)!!!

I could not agree with you more about “we pay all this money, why not bring our A game?”

“People call me a perfectionist, but I'm not. I'm a rightist. I do something until it's right, and then I move on to the next thing.” James Cameron

The more teams I have experienced the more I have had to deal with “but its good enough.” I never understood that.  But then again when I was in parochial school I did just enough effort to get the diploma and leave. I had valid reasons for those decisions but they also cost me more than I can could.

It is impossible to say, for me at least, if not bringing an A game to higher education will get a person farther than the opposite. But then I look at it in another angle; maybe my A game and other peoples A game are different.

Metaphorically speaking do not put me in a wood or metal shop; my A game the best I can do in those locations is mess most of it up. I do not belong around power tools; so my A game around power tools no matter how much I would love to be a craftsperson are not worth anything. Maybe our A game and their A game rankings are different; taking that into account for the last few teams has proven to be a good idea.

W5q1 personality

One major thing I learned this week is this.

When working with anyone learning what someone's archetype i.e. personality profile is; can be the difference between success and failure.

A personality profile is not just alpha, beta, etc. The situation is much more complicated than just strong, week, go along with what the leader states, and the timid.

What is the difference between any two people in America; the answer is their personality. What they want, need, desire, and how they go about getting what they want.

I now have the general ideas that not only are their personality profiles, but some of those profiles have strong roots in the hormone release sequences. Hormones as any teen will tell you produce a large quantity of mentality altering affects. So a part of our personality can be found in the hormone release sequences in our brain.

Hostage negotiation this is the primary skill set. To build a dynamic of what a persons profile is; then play word and action games till the correct hormonal sequence is released and the person will do what the negotiator wants done. Now with complicated sequences; i.e. hostages, food, shelter, clothing, noise, etc a hostage taker standoff might require the negotiator having to work a dozen or more angles to get the person to do what is needed in sequence to achieve a successful end of the situation with as little damage as possible.



W5q1 Wendy

That is funny these classes keep you from being board, but for me the short distance keeps me from getting too in-depth with the subject matter.

In this class I could not get my mind to move away from the basic structure of molecular physics; since all the neurotransmitters, hormones, etc are all created from a molecular interaction with a wide variety of stimulations the smaller the picture i.e. the closer to the base I found fascinating.

For me if this class had continued for any more length of time than basically this week; who knows what I would have thought of next week to explore.

The brain is an absolutely amazing thing.

I think I saw the machine/language the brain uses. I think the brain has multiple languages it operates from at the same time. A basic i.e. the signals after the corpus collosum, the random signals of the senses and the brain reacting to the signals, the language after the compressed and translated corpus collosum, then of course the body (blood brain barrier) has its also own language. At least that is what I was starting to see; but alas that will have to wait till I revisit this subject further into my academic career.

Being an amateur linguist; if it looks like a duck, has feathers, quakes, lays eggs, and flies south for the winter I would guess it is a language; metaphorically speaking. In the reading I saw 4 possibly five, I am not sure how the blood system works.

W5q1 5 week format

I would say the 5 week format is a great way to get ones feet wet academically.

I was talking to my father a few days ago, I told him I am at the UOP to learn the basics of academics so when I move on with my academic career I will be able to look back at the UOP with fondness for I learned how to write well, write in apa, ref, cite, learned all kinds of awesome study habits, and learned how to properly identify personality archetypes (working in teams determining who can do what but has the thoughts they want to do something else.) and put them to work appropriately.

I have loved my time because I graduated a bit ago from high school with a 1.97, now I have a gpa I can do something with.

One of the other things I have learned from the UOP is how great it is to only have to deal with a subject or a set of people for 5 weeks. For me I can rub people the wrong way quickly, so every 5 weeks I get to experience mostly a whole new group of people. I can get in learn the basics and move on to the next subject without my mind coming up with something that would truly annoy most in the class. Although in history class decrypting the organizational structure of the guild system helped me understand academics in a completely different light and different angle. Once I understood its internal structure my classes went from struggles to not entirely knuckle busting.

W5w4q1 strength

My upbringing was just that; I have nothing to compare it too. I can only come from my perspective.

Were the male influences in my life hard men but inside cowards; yes. But for better or worse they did shape the person I am now. I can say that even though I am an incredibly private person, I have some private achievements which might have come directly from trying to understand the interaction with those men.

One of the most recent was when I was struggling to figure out why a ruler or a culture would want to de-emphasis and then take knowable down by a peg or so. Then I remembered a couple incidents in from my childhood and I then understood at least in general why some leaders want technology and or the population to be less educated.

My point for you is this. Those men showed remarkable levels of strength, but underneath it was not hard to find the “chinks in the armor” and exploit them. A knight in shining armor might look absolutely imposing but as a matter of fact they are so vulnerable that a medium amount of strantagy and that 80 lbs iron can with a person in side is at your mercy.

Come up from behind and insert a small 4 inch thin spike into the chain mail under their arm, preferably left. Rending that arm and the shield on it useless. You might hit the artery and they bleed out in about 30 seconds.

Strength will only get you so far with actual clients. People who are damaged are trained how to spot the holes in ones armor and exploit them. I would even go as far as to say by the time a patient needs a psychologist; their a good defense is a awesome offense is their best coping skill.


W5q1 stimulation

One of the most important things I learned about in biological psychology is the built in responses to given stimulation.

In a large group I am one to wander from group to group picking up what I can when I can. Hoping to pick up what they were talking about in my absence and contributing when I can. But then wandering to the other groups to do the same thing.

The good portion of this is I get to interact with everyone, the bad thing is I get no substantive contributions or get the full story.


W5q1 learning team nightmare

My learning team experiences at uop have been 90% nightmares. I have had one team which turned out to be not a nightmare after one specific personality issue was worked out. I had another team where as long as I did exactly what the team lead wanted everything was ok.

This team on the other had has stood out as being simply an awesome team experience. I have enjoyed this one.

What did I learn from the bad teams? I learned how much 99/1 I am willing to put up with; 99% complaining with 1% work. But I also learned that a few minutes a day of telling them how much work they are actually doing allows me to actually do the work and do it to my standards (when not sick). I also have started to get used to the concept in a team of my academic career is my career; they have to do their thing. If I do max effort and they do minimum but they also get a good or at least passing grade that cannot be something I take into account. I have to just do my job and if others want to work on my level great if not no big deal. For the slackers in a team, will always be slackers. The one skill a slacker does is get allies to back them up; so when the truth is revealed they look great while the person doing all the work looks bad. I have been caught in a several of those and I figured out there is nothing a slacker can be caught doing. If I spend 7 hours studying they spend 7 hours making themselves look good. There is no competition with that. So they have to be allowed to “fail upwards” till they hit their peter principal and they get into a situation where no meat do not bother making yourself look good.


W5q1 academic career

Many disciplines are moving into a kind of team projects. Since more than one person working on a project, provided they are a good team, can achieve much more than a single team person working long and hard hours. Two heads are better than one.

I have learned that it is entirely about skills management. The writers have to be allowed to write, the slackers have to be appointed to making everyone feel great about what they are doing (turn the lack of study skills into a positive, if they cannot do x but are great at y then assign them to y.), the studiers who love to look stuff up but do not want to write anything down can fill in the references, etc. Takes careful observation of what someone is actually capable of doing; then figuring out a way to ensure they can actually achieve the goal. If a slacker thinks they can write or they want to be team lead they have to be allowed to think that is their roll in the team; delusion but a good team lead will allow each team member to do x job and if they need to think they are doing y then what is it my job to remove their illusions.

W4q1 split second

Thanks for asking.

I have taken about 20 or so classes at uop. Most of them I have has some kind of idea within the class which would shape the field in different ways.

But in this class this is the first class I have actually considered changing my post grad degree.

To answer your question I can think of at least a hundred ways in which our body is “programmed” with various autonomic responses. The autonomic nervous system might be making decisions, but it achieves its goals through complicated hormone releases at specific times to achieve faster than thought actions.

I remember as clearly as yesterday. I was in a group of college students and something happened. That happening triggered the guy in front of me to get that “surprised double quick step” which proceeds a flat out run. I had done in a thousand times myself but never had a seen it 10 feet in front of me natural to be observed. It is a part of the flight or fight sequence but this is more like; what actions are necessary to get this body on balance, forward motion, and then finally start to get the legs into flat out run position. Dead stop to a flat out run actually takes a tremendous effort for a vertical biological over 5 feet above the ground. Think of a toddler learning how to walk, at only 18 to 30 inches tall they can do the same thing but their nervous systems are not developed enough to successfully achieve without running into things frequently. An adult on the other hand cannot afford the health risks of not being fully in autonomic control over their body’s motion. A toddler can only travel so fast, an adult can move at short sprints at 20 mph for about 20 feet. 20 mph or even a sustainable 12 mph will still do a great deal of damage if a sudden stop occurs.

Talk about complicated hormonal releases to control and give split second commands to a thousand areas of the brain and a billion areas of the body to respond as quickly as the body can respond. The distance from the head to the foot doing a large amount of the work over 5 feet; meaning the blood takes more than .5 seconds to reach it. Many complicated things have to be “built in” to “anticipate” all the maneuvers required between 0 and .5 seconds in.

I can think of a few dozen other hormone reaction sequences, all humans depend on to live an average day.

W4q1 soul

Funny, the human soul through the scientific rules of a magnetosphere is what has stopped me from being able to finish the week 5 day 7 individual assignments.

In our reading the twin who had an ooops castration raised as a female. I have the largest problem with this example. I can guarantee to you I am one of the strongest personality type persons you will ever come across. But all the case studies in psychology so far have left out our and several of my key questions as to “load Bering” variables.

The human soul is an amazing thing so far complexly beyond scientific skill to measure. The basic concept of it is beyond the reach of a single number line measurement devise. Since all science is based on math and all math is based on a single number line; the entire concept cannot be measured by conventional means.

Does the soul carry the force of will; be it week like a timid person afraid of their own shadow or like myn with steal reinforced concrete (a thing oftentimes much more trouble than some of the benefits. Iron wills offend most people they encounter.). Or is the soul and the will two separate things?

Is the soul part of the magnetosphere around every biologic? Well technically every atom is a magnetosphere so in some small way everything has a magnetosphere. But biologics have a compact and dense magnetosphere.

Think of it this way, ever seen a cut electrical wire? That blue ball at the end which lets off sparks is a magnetosphere.

I can think of a hundred ways to answer your question.

W4q1 survival skills

They are called survival skills. My Grandfathers were men of extremely achievement. All four great grandfathers were also men of over the top extreme achievement.

My father and uncles (both maternal and paternal uncles) were rank screw ups. They were able to achieve some specific goals but a candle compared to their fathers and grandfathers halogen lights.

If you have noticed in class I have a rather strong forceful will. I had the same basic “I am the greatest when I was 3-5 as any other kid”, but my intelligence and force of will was not a good match for any of the direct males in my life. Hard being a threat to an adult with a degree when you are 4; but for some delusion in their heads I was. So hiding my emotions, excitement, fear, panic, anger, etc became a survival mechanism.

Stand in front of someone long enough who yells at you and you can start to feel the tingly tension start to build. When that tension occurs you can tell your skin is starting to change based on the reaction of the person in front of you berating. I went through a wide variety of techniques as a 6 year old to find one that would work to remove the blush and goose bumps; so they would not be encouraged the yell louder. I noticed that if you try and get rid of them after a certain point in the reflect that it only makes it worse; so the only real answer is to start earlier in the sequence and do actions which stop it. It takes a considerable amount of focus on your body to tell when the reaction starts. Which basically means you have to pay just enough attention to the person yelling to give them the appearance of the attention they are demanding, but the rest of your attention needs to be on removing the responses to what they are doing.

This is a very valuable set of skills to learn if you are planning on going into practice. Since wearing your heart on your sleeve might be a good idea in general with friends; but clients will take advantage of weakness.

Clients will not be able to help the fact they will take advantage; our culture strongly teaches to find the weakness in those around us and exploit them. The words are; teasing, picking on, bullying, etc. Do not show those weaknesses to your clients, or you will not be able to achieve any goals with your clients health.


W4q1 Greek culture



Body spitit


4.0 athlete religious

Almost all western culture, mathematics, education, science, philosophy, and psychology is entirely based on the Greek ideal of life needs to have almost total emphases on the Cretan/Cycladic cultures concept of Mind, Body, Spirit. A third your time devoted to the body/athletics, a third to the mind/learning, and the final third to the spirit/religion.

Consequently their culture was divided into three main parts. Much like modern western culture right now, in the following categories. Low, middle, and upper class; Legistative, Judicial, and Executive; parochial school, under grad, and grad school; the riddle of the sphinx walk on 4, 2 and 3 legs being baby adult elderly respectively; etc.

Why this is important is one trait most athletes and entertainers share is a heavy emphasis on some kind of spirit/spiritual/religious aspect to their lives. Societal they are just emulating 3000 years of Aegean culture.

Science has shown that doing some medium amount of exercise before studying increases the absorption rate of the subject being studied. It has among other benefits; sends lots of oxygenated blood to the brain.

In body builders and athletes; there are some emphases on strong faith, strong body, and a 4.0 from k-bachelors.

According to the application of hormonal triggering sequences, through all the various cultural issues and conquests over the last 3000 years; how did this specific sociological sequence of mind, body, spirit in equal thirds carry over so strongly?

This is not an easy conditioned response sequence to not only build but maintain; creating this hormonal sequence takes work. Especially from the Aegean, to Roman Republic, Imperial Rome, Vatican, the dark ages, Feudalism, Muslim Invasions on both side of Europe (Charles Martel in France/Gaul, and Prince Knight Vlad Wallachia III of the order of Dracul son of  Prince Knight Vlad Wallachia II Head of the Order of Dracul aka Dracula {his actual name, and his 4 nick names, and his title have been grossly mistranslated.}), the Guild system, the renaissance, modern science, mathematics, and finally the great awakening/puritan times. How can a sociological hormonal sequence started by the Cycladic culture have survived all that when the origins of sequence has been lost to the history books.

W4q1 medicine not posted

All this work on biology and how the body reacts the differing stimulation has me thinking very carefully about the actual field of medicine.




W4q1 safety and shelter

In the wild similar reasons why you would get goose bumps is why those creatures change color and texture. Something gets their “dander up” and a reaction is a part of all aspects of the nervous system.

Safety, security, food, shelter, rest, relaxation, etc the more I have thought about it the more I can draw connections between humans and our blushing goose bumps/dander(dander i.e. skin/hair; same the hair rises up because the skin holding the hair bumps) up and we react. In humans and those other creatures in both it is a sign of complicated structural responses. Many reagons of the human brain have to release specific hormones in specific sequences in order to achieve blushing and goose bumps. I am sure something similar is at work with octopi, squids, etc creatures. Since at least one species of octopi have similar to human hormones as a part of their systems; a slightly different take on the complicated social behavior of blushing and goose bumps mechanism. The more we know about our bodies mechanism the more we can do with consciously choosing how we respond.

For me it is extremely hard to embarrass me, I do not do the goose bumps thing unless I am not concentrating enough and I allow the reaction to move my body. I learned this trick of controlling my blushing and goose bump reaction as a child. When you start to feel the system tighten force your system to change action responses; change breathing patterns, tighten and release the affected muscles, think strongly on something else entirely, focus the mind into stopping the physical sequence. Sometimes all it takes is twisting my head and breathing deep will stop the reaction.

Just because an octopi does not mind its hunter to know its afraid, does not mean I want others to know what I am feeling.

W4q1 4.0

I had another idea in the same line as the body building.

What makes a culture like the Greeks of 3000 years ago not like the “egg heads” of then any more than the American culture likes the “egg heads” now. Except of the last 15 or so years America and some western cultures had the worst opinion of Geeks, Nerds, Dorks, Egg Heads, etc as could be imagined. The large body builder types ran the culture and the smart ones were relegated to any kind of job they could get. With the advent of the computer age the egg heads are now in major positions of authority and the “athletic ones” have been placed in odd positions.

What hormone sequences have been created in which the egg heads have been for 3000 years relegated to a subclass of society, but now some of those neuropathways and consequently the action hormones accompanying have changed American society to the point were egg heads are now no longer looked at as if they are something to pick on but are in a different category.

What occurred in the culture to cause such a society wide change in hormonal response?

On cable there are a dozen sports channels free access; but there are also a dozen or more learning educational channels. ESPN and family with Discovery family, Science, NASA, TLC, History, etc. In the 70s sports played from Friday night to Tuesday on all three networks give or take; pbs sometimes showed documentaries. Now 3/.3 now 3 decades later radically different.

What caused the change in the complicated hormonal responses culture wide?

Athletes 1 in 10,000 estimates become millionaires. Egg heads mostly have good careers, with a huge % becoming millionaires and a not small amount becoming billionaires. I am not sure but I think that might have something to do with it. Henry Kissinger “there is no antiseptic like success” 1960s circa.


W4q1 greek

Greeces 3000 yeas

Body builders




College graduate

I had a thought about the TV show “Lie to me” and the concept of the micro-expression as it relates to the application of the cultural normaling every culture puts its citizens through.

The conversation regarding body building reminds me of the Greek ideal of the perfect body, has carried almost directly from the Greek Adonis/Atlas/Hercules into the body builders concept.

How does a culture create an atmosphere where one ideal of the human male is to be of a specific kind of measurement? What hormones responses are created in which the society gains the idea that the Mr Atlas body is of an ideal and or a form of perfection?

Of course with sports the leap is today as simply as it was 3000 years ago give or take a few hundred years. Now that you have a large group of males who have built their bodies up to the societal ideal “now what”, or “now what do those Hard Bodies do with those highly athletic well chiseled phaseacs.” The answer then the Olympic games, now both the Modern Olympic games and a large range of local and national sports; where the goal for most of them is for the athletes to have as large a body as they can build muscle on.

How does a culture start to build the highly complicated micro responses needed for the individual to living within any given community?

W4q1 lie to me culture hormones

I am reminded of the show “lie to me”, where the micro expressions which are not or at least have extremely little to do with the conscious mind I would guess/bet they are controlled through the complicated release of hormones.

Since we know hormones send complicated singles/messages from the brain to the body, allowing the body to respond to given simulations without the sentience of the mind to have much to do with it. Those complicated micro expressions and pheromone releases can be contributed to hormone release.

Each Culture might need to have its own set of conditioned responses which are almost entirely subconscious. How would the brain build such a set of conditioned subconscious responses according to how to fit into each social group?

I was raised in North Middle Ohio for the first 6 years. I can tell you that even at 5 I knew the social structure of Ohio and where my Mothers family lived was radically different. Not just the basic stuff of architecture, environment, and some aspects of language. But much more subtle and bordering on subconscious actions. Recently I was sent a photo album from those first 5 years and was able to compare to photos taken just 6 months later in Colorado. The differences in all aspects of society were measurably different.

Both were mostly WASP societies with few Natives/Latinos around. Even though both were neighboring reservations. But the social structure and how Ohioans’ thought compared to how Coloradans’ thought caught me by surprise as a 6 year old, as a 39 year old with 20 years of adult life experience. The contrast was drastic and shocking.

I wonder where the cultural conditioned responses which cause the hormones to do their thing starts?


W4q1 answer culture

If I understand your question; I think that different environments do produce slightly different variables in which to measure with.

Differing hormonal applications i.e. how they are used both in frequency and volume in differing creatures.

I made a comparison between a Mediterranean body type of 5’5” and a Norwegian of 6’6” and how their body size has rarely been studied as a big difference in how their hormones work. Statistics wants to categorize a given population within the study framework. A given population by theory will have a mostly even population distribution in which to study from. The problem with this concept is anytime any chats about political statistics occur; the analysis states that any given population is not evenly distributed among the different body types.

If the subject has not been studied but is a biological and cultural fact some key points of information assumed by both societies and academics is by default not a complete picture. Those incomplete pictures need to be filled in to the best of academics and scientific ability; just in order to create the best range of accurate variables.

complex behaviors; has been an interesting topic to research. I am reminded of “I Robot” the Isaac Asimov concept. “Why do robots left in storage tend to gather in a close group rather than evenly spaced throughout the container where they were placed?” Same thing occurs in humans; in any large gathering of humans “comfortable/protection” groups start to form. Of course what causes those reactions is are complicated hormonal releases causing human to position their body in specific ways, say things at specific times, etc all to establish their comfortable place in the hierarchal structure of that specific group. The brain might think I want to be here, but the hormones tell the body and autonomic nervous system to do the actions which cause the group to “place” the person in their proper position.

Of course that example is of a cookie cutter population grouping. No or very little aspects of how each culture is represented.

I am reminded of a political negotiation between a Greek lord and a Celt lord 300 b.c.e. The negotiations went well till a formal dinner was hosted by the Greek lord. The Celt came in his “Sunday best” and both the Greeks at the party and the Celt half way though were so offended by each other’s “table/party” manners that negotiations stopped and the war raged on. A good chunk of those table manners on both sides were conditioned responses from the culture; in other words the culture taught the brain to do x, y, z actions and by so doing release the appropriate hormone at the appropriate time to achieve a given “subconscious” goal.


W4q1 blush 2

To answer you quickly; Yes. At least one octopi can produce dopamine.


“A few large invertebrates such as octopi have particularly impressive nervous systems (Butler and Hodos, 2005).”(p2)

“The degree to which invertebrates experience pain is less certain. Worms, snails and octopi have been thought to lack the neural hardware and to have less need for pain awareness because they are short-lived and rely on pre-programmed behaviour. But Sherwin (2001) summarizes intriguing studies showing that cockroaches, flies and slugs show “behavioural and physiological responses indicative of pain” (103). Mather (2001) has demonstrated that large-brained cephalopod molluscs Boyle, E. (2009). Neuroscience and Animal Sentience www.animalsentience.com 4

such as octopi may have “the potential for pain and suffering” (151). A report for the Norwegian

Scientific Committee for Food Safety showed that numerous invertebrates produce opioids

(Somme, 2005). It said the evidence for invertebrate pain awareness is insufficient but that

cephalopods such as octopi should perhaps be given the benefit of the doubt.” (p3)


“Even the

sea pansy, a relative of the jellyfish, uses dopamine (Balcombe, 2006c).”(p4)




“The blue-ringed octopus is 12 to 20 cm (5 to 8 inches), but its venom is powerful enough to kill humans. There is no blue-ringed octopus antivenom available.

The octopus produces venom that contains tetrodotoxin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, hyaluronidase, tyramine, histamine, tryptamine, octopamine, taurine, acetylcholine, and dopamine.” (2011,






Boyle, E (3 2009) Neuroscience and Animal Sentience http://www.ciwf.org.uk/includes/documents/cm_docs/2009/b/boyle_2009_neuroscience_and_animal_sentience.pdf


W4q1 goose bumps and blushing

how can a simple hormone reaction in a reptile and a Cephalopoda have anything remotely to do with humans and human reaction.

Humans blush (Dijk, 2009). What makes our skin on specific nervous system reactions produce (sometimes on demand) extra blood to rush to the surface of the skin; starting with the checks, spreading out from to the face, and at times the rest of the body. The change in skin pigment with octopi star around the eye and spread out in sequence to the rest of the body. Depending on how much of a threat the environment is happening on the octopi depends on how quickly the color change occurs; .7 seconds. Human can blush that quickly as well.

Humans along with blushing also have an ability to change their skin texture; Goose bumps (Stefan, 2002). Which though a basic glance at the surface of both octopi and a human getting goose bumps the surface actions look remarkably similar? Depending on the type and texture of the humans skin depends on how big the bumps get.

A human blushes can be seen in a scientific way similar to a Cephalopoda mimicking its surroundings. Both actions are done for the same reason. Both might use similar nervous system and hormone reactions to achieve.

Dijk, C., de Jong, P., & Peters, M. (2009). The remedial value of blushing in the context of transgressions and mishaps. Emotion, 9(2), 287-291. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Stefan, H., Pauli, E., Kerling, F., Schwarz, A., & Koebnick, C. (2002). Autonomic Auras: Left Hemispheric Predominance of Epileptic Generators of Cold Shivers and Goose Bumps?. Epilepsia (Series 4), 43(1), 41-45. doi:10.1046/j.1528-1157.2002.21001.x


W4q1 octopi

I was watching nova 2011 2 9 about 30 minutes into the program. They were talking about octopi and their amazing ability to camouflage themselves; not only changing their color but changing their body shape to match their surroundings. I thought a connection to solve this question can be found in the chameleon as well (Bennis, 2001).

The scientist in charge of the experiments was talking about the concepts of how the walnut sized brain had hit a level of sentience to process and remember what their surroundings are to mimic it so closely.

He stated “It would take a super computer and an amazing ability to see to achieve that goal and octopi do it in a .7 second.” I have a problem with this theory and conclusion. I do not think the proper application of occam is being used correctly. The simplest answer is almost always correct. So a major cognition, memory, and neurotransmitters sending out signals/hormones to tell the body to take on x color and x shape. Sounds beyond complex, and much more than a basic Cephalopoda can do.

Or a far simpler solution is that instead of using their eyes to do all that work, why not this idea. The octopi use an electro-magnetic sensor or a group of sensors and uses the basic brain stem function to alter the color and shape. We know that color is just a light wave length. A sensor on the body capable of detecting the frequency and wave lengths of differing colors and then mimicking or, on a cellular level, mirror the image they are over onto their skin. Instead of looking at it as if it was a well thought out; deeply contemplative memory trick. It turns into a simply hormonal reflex action from the senses to the skin; starting with the brain of course moving outward to the tips. We know many sea creatures have electro-magnetic sensors on their body; that large nose on sharks is a major em sensor so they can hunt in the dark or after their eyes roll back for protection (O'Connell, 2010).

The mechanism which would control the brain, the sensors, and the pigment change would be at least in part hormones. Hormones send more complicated signals throughout the brian, nervous system, and body. But the reaction might not be any more complicated than a plant following the patterns of the sun as the earth rotates i.e. a day. Same basic mechanism to follow the sun to mimic the surroundings.

Bennis, M., El Hassni, M., Rio, J., Lecren, D., Repérant, J., & Ward, R. (2001). A Quantitative Ultrastructural Study of the Optic Nerve of the Chameleon. Brain, Behavior & Evolution, 58(1), 49. doi:10.1159/000047261

O'Connell, C. P., Abel, D. C., Rice, P. H., Stroud, E. M., & Simuro, N. C. (2010). Responses of the southern stingray (Dasyatis americana) and the nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) to permanent magnets. Marine & Freshwater Behaviour & Physiology, 43(1), 63-73. doi:10.1080/10236241003672230


W4q1 thinks like a woman

Please explain the concept “thinks like a woman”, I can think of at least 5 major archetype reactions which can be classified in western cultures as thinking like a woman. With a few dozen more subcategories.

“Raised to think he was a male” this also gives me pause as to what you mean by that statement.

Our culture is based strongly on the hierarchal system. Leader, XO; and layers of ever widening influence but decreasing power. The leader on top the xo and major advisors directly beneath. It looks like a pyramid. Since this is what our societal structure is designed to emulate; I am wondering what you think is the “woman” roll in our society and then what is the “man” roll in our society.

But there are a dozens of archetype’s involved with the pyramid societal construction. Just look at junior and senior 7-12 grades as major examples.

I ask this not to be rude or judgmental but to understand where your frame of reference is.

The biology of the individual and the biology of the group dynamic play interesting functions creating this self identified dynamic and group identifying dynamic.

I am reminded of the famous http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_Leading_the_People; where the people of France were represented by the forces of “lady liberty” in a metaphoric representation (in court systems the blind lady of justice) of self governance. Then to the current Egyptian crisis were few if any woman are even allowed to come out of their homes. The men are demanding liberty from other men. Which I find slightly hypocritical.

W4q2 sexuality

There is something profoundly interesting about the application of proper parameters. Neuropathways, neurotransmitters, hormones, and behavior have multiple things in common with atomic clocks.

I was watching a report earlier today from the TV show “Modern Marvels”, in that show they in one sentence double contradicted themselves and backed up their incorrect assumptions with the following sentences.

Atomic clocks loose less than 1 second every thousand years. But in the GPS system it takes 24 satellites orbiting over 17,000 miles above the earth to even attempt to make the system work. Their orbits have to be constantly checked, the three on board atomic clocks have to be constantly rechecked, and the position of the 24 has to be constantly updated. The constantly updates leave the GPS system with a plus or minus of about 10 feet.

In the brain the flaws in the GPS system are the same flaws as in how science and medicine measure the brain, the neuropathways, neurotransmitter, and hormones. So much detailed information flowing at 300,000 kps; it works great in most cases but our measuring of it. Not only is at most 15 years old but interpreting the data makes the gap between the working electro-magnetic system of both our body and the planet difficult. The measuring of the cause and effect of any given point in which to create an accurate measurable hormones and behavior almost impossible. In chapter 12 the food portions of the measuring devise; every few sentences was another “This is the theory, but the theory did not hold to the reality.” Rats biological system nutrition can be measured, but again behavior in an un-sentient being compared with the actions and feelings of a sentient being the guess work stops short of a solid measurement point.

The GPS at least public information on the subject does not take into account the fluxuations in the earths magnetosphere. Those fluxuations are one factor which causes the measured decay of  to be impossible to create an accurate enough measurement point. Remember flaws which are at slow speeds can be easily adjusted for, flaws and fluxuations in calculations at high or extreme speeds cannot be ignored (Cundiff, 2008).

When studying the brain, neuropathways, hormones, and or anything to do with the biological systems. One metaphoric example must be first and foremost on the mind. Any drivers with at least a few months of driving experience have encountered this problem.

You are driving on the highway and say 75 mph. You come up with construction work and the speed is by default reduced to 55 out of safety. The lanes become thin, the road is uneven, and occasionally you have to drive through concrete barriers just a couple feet on either side of the car wider. During those risky road conditions the speed limit by default drops to sometimes 15 miles an hour. Now imagine this; an electrical or chemical impulse is released from A protion of the brain. That impulse has to travel to the opposite side of the brain (one hver large and constantly changing road map), give detailed instructions from A to portion B, now if another chemical/impulse is released from B or more information is added to the A molecule/impulse is not important, after leaving B that chemical and or impulse then has to travel to the specific body part meant to complete the action/s, this all has to be cone in microscopic sized areas, traveling down “roads” little wider than the impulse is (or at least the area in the blood system allowing room for that molecule within the stream), all this taking place at speeds as quickly as the blood flows/or 300,000 kps. Trying to study this from the outside would be like a fungi attempting to understand denvers “mousetrap”. Not only few if any frames of reference but the few reference points are fluxuation and flaws in them which are being ignored; thus not being added into the calculations.

Remember most creatures are in almost constantly motion, meaning the faster something does the more momentum. Even a molecule has mass. That mass has to travel at frightening speeds in a maze which is constantly moving and altering G forces position.

Driving the mousetrap at 90 mph is a recipe for disaster.

But if the starting point was from small up i.e. low speeds up, then a good map can be created of the electro-magnetic situation and the fluxuations can then be understood. Trying to formulate an understanding of sexuality from the hormone and behavior patterns without an understanding of the basics of calculus is not an advisable situation. Every single person who understands the basics of how to drive a motorized vehicle understands the basics of calculus. Try and take a corner too fast the effects of gravity will be present. Navigating from point A, through points B-H, and then arrive back at A. That is all calculus.

Adding these calculations to any and all behavior, neurological, body, and brain studies will start to paint a better picture of what is actually going on with the person. Starting with the basics of formulating thoughts will give a guild map to how specific aspects including sexuality can be formulated and understood.


Cundiff, S., Ye, J., & Hall, J. (2008). RULERS OF LIGHT. Scientific American, 298(4), 74-81. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

W4q2 gender

“Is our gender identification as male or female due to biology,”

There are several aspects of how an individual’s personally comes directly from the hormones rushing through the system at the same time the neuropathways are forming the personality. A large % of the identification of the sex of an individual sets the formulation of the personality.

“our environment,”

The environment plays an enormous roll in the development of the personality; in a dozen layered ways.

Each layer has its own unique % of effect. The Environment has an umbrella % but just exactly how each portion of the infrastructure of the umbrella or in this case the environment in which the personality forms is key to understanding the outcome.

The layers in no particular order

The individual


Strength of will

Abusive situation




The neighborhood





Political affiliations

Education wanted/determined

Education acceptable to the each layer

Expectations of each layer, in each category; measured separately.



Hemisphere (since no measurements have been taken as to the effects of polarity to a biological unit, this category is in the “measure what?” category of ridiculous. But the evidence is clear; liquid dynamics operate differently based on polarity. All biological unites operate inside a liquid environment.)

Religious affiliations

Each category and a few dozen more hold up the infrastructure of the umbrella term of environment.

Other layers of influence environmentally are in theoretical physics. Knowing that every atom talks to one another (in some form) and large organisms reach a biological balance within the area they live. As well as at least 16% of the population of biological units have a propensity for homosexuality v heterosexuality. Those layers of biological influence need to be accounted for as well (Bailey, 1999).

Molecular level: molecules talking with one another, and then the 100th monkey issue (Chevalier, 2009).

or both?”

Both %s of infrastructure are in differing degrees responsible for the “pot” in which the personality forms and consequently the sexual identification of the individual comes through.

So many different aspects not complete studied or understood to give a measurable way for any given individual to form their sexual identification from or around. To each their own; how to measure scientifically only vague guesses are possible.



Bailey, J., Pillard, R. C., Dawood, K., Miller, M. B., Farrer, L. A., Shruti Trivedi, L. A., & Murphy, R. L. (1999). A Family History Study of Male Sexual Orientation Using Three Independent Samples. Behavior Genetics, 29(2), 79-86. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Chevalier, M. W., & El-Samad, H. (2009). A rigorous framework for multiscale simulation of stochastic cellular networks. Journal of Chemical Physics, 131(5), 054102. doi:10.1063/1.3190327


W4q1 hormone behaviors

What is the role of hormone actions in complex behaviors?

In previous weeks we learned about neurotransmitters. One thing neurotransmitters produce are chemicals/hormones or messages that enable a response from other portions of the brain and or the body itself. All plants and animals produce hormons that send signals/messages from one to another.

One way neurotransmitters do their work is by releasing Hormones into the brain and system to produce more complicated responses.

“What is the end result of the interactions between hormones and behavior?”

Since behavior has only 130 years of laboratory experimentation no clear picture can be created as to the true nature of behavior.

Each culture which created a given psychological test has their own biases toward setting up the experiment, interpretation of data, and presenting an analysis of the experiment.

Human behavior is a criteria of responses not well understood by science. Behavior is also not easily measured. In the text book a massive emphases on the behavior of eating is examined; in an attempt to measure behavior through a measurable (or at least a presumably accurate measurement points) application of the behavior or eating (Gregorini, 2009).

So much is left out of those studies that the tests are almost completely invalid. The tactile response to eating is mentioned a dozen times but not studied or measured. It is not possible to accurately measure tactile response. Attempts have been made to measure tactile through a later say 15 step in the sequence by the use and repeat of offering the “favorite food” the tactile is strong at the beginning and lessons dramatically over repeated applications.

This test is invalid because repeated application of the same food over consecutive meals ignores the variables of; the biological systems requirements, the activity level of each test subject (activity levels at the time of the test and over specific periods over the course of weeks, months, and years. There is a reason in humans we can put 15 lbs on over a holiday week of 7 to 14 days, but it takes 2 or three months of dedicated work to take that weight off.)(Activity levels are also a major factor. Top of their class body builders can consume massive quantities of food and actually lose weight. Construction workers can also have vastly different metabolisms. The rest of the population the variables are so wide as to make accurate measurements of metabolism impossible.) (The metabolism if a 6’6” Northern European body v the metabolism if a 5’4” Mediterranean both males both working the same job; their metabolisms will work different. (Luo, 1999)).

Trying to build an accurate model of the actions of both hormones and behavior it is a wiser idea to start at the beginning and work up then to attempt to start at the end and work backwards. Working backwards to me is similar to trying to run and study the effects of a group of biologics running or just moving together down a one way road/path. The social dynamics layers of motion will hardly make any sense. Even after decades of study the flow patterns will still look confusing. One example would be standard American high school. Unless you have experienced parochial school, the highest of the standard school education systems will make less than no sense. Same model of study works in neuropathways, hormones, and behavior. But through high school the teachers, clicks, motion periods (the halls are still till the bell rings), the admin, parents, hall monitors (none needed, police, students with special privileges, janitors, etc the entire dynamic most of them have experienced since preschool are present but to an outsider the “jungle” is a frightening place. Junior and Senior High are categorized mostly not by what is being taught but by the body of the individuals involved are being effected strongly by both behavior and hormones (Castex, 1992).

In other words; it is impossible to successfully study from outside in, only possible way is to study the system from quarks up to how biological units interact with each other causing massive changes in both hormones and behavior in all subjects involved.


Castex, G. M. (1992). Soviet Refugee Children: The Dynamic of Migration and School Practice. Social Work in Education, 14(3), 141-152. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Gregorini, P. P., Clark, C. F., Jago, J. G., Glassey, C. B., McLeod, K. M., & Romera, A. J. (2009). Restricting time at pasture: Effects on dairy cow herbage intake, foraging behavior, hunger-related hormones, and metabolite concentration during the first grazing session. Journal of Dairy Science, 92(9), 4572-4580. doi:10.3168/jds.2009-2322

Luo, Z., Low, L., & Karlberg, J. (1999). A comparison of target height estimated and final height attained between Swedish and Hong Kong Chinese children. Acta Paediatrica, 88(3), 248-252. doi:10.1080/08035259950169972



W3q1 sight and vertical hold

I have a friend who has to wear large frame glasses, he has a neurological problem which causes him to depend on his eye sight in order to back up what his hears tell him about vertical. For years he had small rimmed glasses which narrowed his field of vision so much that his eyes could not tell his brain what vertical was as much as large frames.

Large frames i.e. the inside diameter of the frame not the thickness of the glasses or the bulkiness of the frame. Like aviator glasses, very large field of vision.

I find it interesting the neurological construct of how much our brains input data about the environment from eyes, hearing, and the inner ear to truly determine not only placement in any given environment but to maintain vertical hold.

I wonder just how many people suffer from “vertigo” or some other similar conditions based on either a narrowing of field of vision or a loss of hearing.

I know in the upper ranges of the military Lasik is a standard surgery. I am wondering if the soldiers have a faster reflex, dexterity, etc after having 20/20 or 20/15 vision then whatever they had before. If the statistics are accurate this might be a nice place to start researching possible new therapies for some with spacial issues. Like closterphobia or a persons understanding of their place in the world.

Today before the super bowl President Obama gave an interview with Bill OReilly. OReilly asked the President his view on his critics. President answered that he does not pay much attention to those who have a distorted i.e. a funhouse image of is actions. They do not know me, they only know the fun house image. Hard to take criticisms from a person who has a distorted view of the world.

Instead of hearing that nasty it heard it within the framework of what would cause someone to have a “funhouse” and or a distorted view of the world. Could my friends issue, vertigo, closterphobia, etc have to do with the neurological surrounding the brains ability to maintain vertical hold.



W3q1 cultural delusion

Your responce was good. I just dislike reality shows.
Recording from say 15 cameras everything somone does for 16 waking hours that person can be either edited to all the best things they do or the worst. 16 hours x 15 cameras down to 20 second clips (out of context) strung together over the course of a 22 or 45 minute show.
Greg "Pappy" Boyington USMC circa 1946 said it nicely "Give me a hero and I can proove he is a bum". The movie Ba Ba Blacksheep aka The Flying Misfits cronicles the figher squadron 214 USMC Pacific theator of war. The movie and the reality are at some points vastly different. Why what people want to see versus the reality of what actually happened. They wanted to see a rogue ace fighter pilot behind the desk pushing papers, while a CO could not wait to put every fighter jock behind a desk as some kind fo sick punishment. The sick punishment might not have been a reality for those events but they are a hard reality for people caught in similar situations.

Your responce about the altering the reality shows is a good one. I was attempting to give some meat to the argument of how someone can be convinced from their "arm chair" ala arm chair quarterback skills are higher or better than reality. But then that reality comes crashing down with real honost crisizms the violent reaction is a pathological sign of the aspects I was bringing up. The person is just a pawn in a much bigger game.

Psychologists need to understand that dynamic; a great deal of the clients needing mental health are suffering from layers of delussions teh society we live in create, foster, and fight tooth and nail to keep perpetuating. That dynamic is what causes the fictional "Colonel Lard" sadistically making sure ace fighter jocks were behind desks instead of in planes. Fictional characters like Lard played by Dana Elcar are real and do massive damage to those with unrealistic concepts of true skills; and Lard will seek them out and exploit those weeknesses. But if you back up the pathology to the dynamic of how the cultural dellusions started real treatments can begin; just focusing on what the Lard character does or does not do to upset someone is missing the base of the pathology.



W3q1 color blindness and academic perspective

Color blindness

You would be surprised at how many academics are so color blind (metaphorically speaking) that they in effect only see black and white. No insult intended just presenting facts.

My father was a professional academic. He has 303 credit hours. But when we talk he could not have come up with anything close to the ideas I have under extreme conditions.

The last time we talked about it he to my perspective is in a way color blind. He was a professional educator but he has no idea of the nature of what mental riggers it takes to do heavy research. Consequently I can see more colors academically than he can; simply because I allow my mind to grasp the concepts and let the evidence point to the truth, rather than try and fit the evidence into a package it does not belong.

IN that same chat I let him know that I found the evidence that points to the actual real boundaries of the northern board the Brythons had. He has looked at the same maps, looked at the same evidence and had no idea of the context of what he was looking at. In England there is a “row of kings” from 1 – E2; the tour guides will tell everyone who asks “someone in that line is the legendary King Aurthor.” But in fact that sentence and line of thinking are incorrect. The proper perspective is that Author was a Britt not a Anglo. That line of English kings are Anglos not Britts.

Britts controlled from Mercia (middle England) all the way up to the Firth of Forth River/Fjord or a few miles north of Edinburg. Switching Camelot from Wales North (Bassett, S. (2007). No city in wales was big enough to sustain an army at all. No Welch leaders were strong enough to be more than regionally noteworthy. Both of those parameters are covered by Brittish leaders and cities. There are several cities in York and north capable of sustaining an army; and they had dozens of powerful leaders.

Distinguishing between the two can metaphorically speaking in an academic setting be confusion; similar to the difference in colors between blue and purple. Same thing goes for the formulation of psychology out of the ashes of the Holy Roman Empire. From 1806-1970 most of western culture was created in Germany, minus the steam engine (Cavendish, 2006). Psychology, modern academics, modern mathematics, modern chemistry (some aspects), etc all had their transmogrification from renaissance to modern in those decades in that exact area. Blurring the colors of what the English did and what the Germans did is also a costly mistake. (1870 he was not born yet by 15 years. I am not talking or refereeing to him at all. Although his father did suffer several traumatic experiences in those same decades in that same area.)

Bassett, S. (2007). Divide and rule? The military infrastructure of eighth- and ninth-century Mercia. Early Medieval Europe, 15(1), 53-85. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0254.2007.00198.x

Cavendish, R. (2006). July's Anniversaries. History Today, 56(7), 60-61. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.


W3q2 senses

I have spent the last several days thinking about how to answer this. As normal for me I do not view the senses the same way most do. I come from the perspective of the five senses are great and all, but they are too far away in the chain to really count as having a loss of one or two of them making a difference.

My cousin was born deaf. She is my fathers brothers oldest (I can say cousin and mean several thousand people), and due to complications she was born deaf. But her deafness is not diminished her life only her ability to not manipulate.

The senses I feel are much more important are the sense of self and the sense of spacial relations (Bennett, 1943). “I think there for I am.” Would be a great description for the sense of self. In the train yard accident with the engineer who was partially lobotomized; the skills were still their but his sense of self was gone. Or his sense of self was altered due to the iron cutting the neuropathways and neurotransmitters. That accident permanently altered not the 5 senses we commonly understand but his self of being. He never said profanity before and after he was a “potty mouth.” The self before would have never permitted that kind of behavior.

In order to move the body requires a detailed up to the second sense of ones surroundings. The distance from the plate to the mouth to simply eat requires a sense of spacial relations updated every tenth of less second (Manderscheid, 2006). When dealing with the handicapped although all their 5 Greek senses work if there is a problem with the lower senses its does not matter if the person can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell.

Take self and spacial relation out of the picture and the rest of a vastly different picture. The medical community often times sides on these two areas to determine whether to pull the plug or not; “is there someone in their? Can that person do basic motions independently?”


Bennett, J. W. (1943). Some Problems Of Status And Solidarity In A Rural Society. Rural Sociology, 8(4), 396-408. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Manderscheid, K. (2006). Sozialräumliche Grenzgebiete: unsichtbare Zäune und gegenkulturelle Räume. (German). Sozialer Sinn, 7(2), 273-299. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

W3q1 shock and awe

You have brought up something I truly dislike. Let me preface this with a small addition of information. I have produced at least 15 different video products of varying lengths; 3 minutes up to several 90 minutes.

So I very keenly understand the process by which to edit something so it looks either great or not worth the time.

In the entire concept of the “reality TV shows” they are built on an entire promise of altering perception.

THe audience likes to watch “raw emotion”, the cast are typical archetype characters almost directly out of Greek comedy dramas, and the production staff work very hard to editing to make characatures of the three way dynamic. The three way dynamic; one the cast, the editing for emotional effect, and the audience. Without all three working on harmony the altered perception would not be present.

To put it another way; I am about to turn 40 in a few weeks (literally). I graduated high school at age 19. I attended two separate high schools; one was the same parochial line as the elementary and junior high I attended so I had lots of people in each step up I already knew, the second was for my last two years of high school in a different state. Thanks to facebook I reconnected with many of the school chums. Only a handful of the people I knew then are not still doing what they were doing at 17. They for some reason did not break out of the societal archetype and are doing almost exactly what they were doing at 17 now with a few additions and slightly better jobs. But they were sucked into the three way dynamic of; what they wanted to do, what the society told them they needed to do, and what their family/support structure would allow.

Same engine explored through two examples. I am not a fan of that dynamic.

W3q1 Socrates

I did a report on Socrates for a history class at uop last year. What is the most important aspect to what Socrates was talking about was this. Socrates lived during a very hard political time; since he was executed by that same political system I think I made the point. But the Athenian political system even thought it was over the top nasty, mean, crule, sadistic, and would kill anyone who spoke against it was by comparison easy than the previous systems.

Why is this important because knowing why the political system Socrates spoke against, learned from, gathered favors for/from, had access to the Alexandria library, had first hand kneoglwe the city of Athena used to be called Poseidon, and the city was founded by a culture named the Cycladic. All those small pieces of information are were the guild system, academics, mathematics, arithmetic, western culture, western political systems, and psychology all came from that same place.

Know theyself takes on a whole new understanding when the infrastructure of all apsecxts of western culture are understood a tiny bit more.

Socrates was not talking against the “gods of Athens” he was simply asking why would the mother of the commanding general of the forces who conquered then renamed the city in their own honor should be elevate4d to the status of gods when they all lived, bleed, grew old, and died. How can a god die.” When Athena died her son/commanding general of the conquering army had a major state funeral and marked a high holy day in her honor. The conquering army were part of the Delian League; one family was the Alcmaeonidae who Pericles is a descendant of on his mothers side. The Alcmaeonidae are a royal family of Poseidon Royal family; although very distantly over several hundred years. Poseison was not a god but the head of a royal family line. Each of his god siblins were also not gods but each major royal fmaly in Greece. All under the banner of a much older and connected Olympians royal line.

Decoding the past sometimes requires looking at dogma as if it is a complicated cipher hiding information from a conquering enemy. Especially since the German scholars after the Holy Roman Empire collapsed had free access to works dating from 1000 b.c.e in linear B; they might have had access and translations for reading linear A codex. Psychology comes directly from those Germans who decoded the libraries which came directly from Greece from 1500-300 b.c.e.


W3q1 burnt toast

There is an old story about that “I did not notice” it is called “burnt toast”.

One day a family was sitting down to eat breakfast and one of the younger boys who everyone thought was not only slow but mute suddenly broke the normal happy and quiet of breakfast to announce rather loud that “the toast is burnt.” Everyone in the family was absolutely shocked not only could the child speak but he was at least semi-intelligent.

Upon being asked why he has not said anything before now his answer “before now everything was perfect. No real reason to say much.”

This story brings up many a social and neurotransmitter aspect to how humans function.

Which reminds of me “prospection’s can be deceiving” from Rod Serling TV show “the twilight zone.” How many of his stories were based completely on altering one or two common variables an then having the rest of the script pay out normally; at the end the altered variables are revealed and how and why everyone was interacting with the main character becomes obvious. But not until the reveal of the altered variable.

It is very hard to figure out what one persons set of variables are and correlate those variables with one or more others. How they match or do not match up is a very interesting thing to not only study but to come to an understanding of how to balance.

As psychologists it is the job to always study and examine to find out who a person is, what there variables are, how their variables line up to what they want, who their variables line up with those closest to them, and the layers out from there. Sometimes people have a very strange sense of not only who they are, but what they actual can do.


W3q1 cataracts

Last  year my wife was diagnosed with fast growth cataracts. Her eyes went from being mostly ok to cloudy inside of a few months, the doctor stated she needed immediate replacement surgery or she would be blind inside of a few more months.

My wife stated needing glasses around age 5, so you can get an idea how great her eye site is. Her “coke bottle” glasses she had for the last 7 years were no help.

So when she received her surgery she also received the laser eye treatment at the same time. Meaning for the first time since my wife was about 3? she could see 20/20; the difference was night and day.

But only about half the situation was a good one. Although she no longer needed glasses, she still had decades of conditioned responses to deal with. My wife grew up in a time of glasses were seen as a handicap; insert insults centered around someone without perfect vision hear. Now contacts are great, but they still deliver on a portion of the society which does not tolerate imperfection. Others might not know about your bad eyes, but you do. Now with the surgery it adds a new element to the social structure of acceptable v unacceptable as to imperfection.


This is one exceedingly complicated question.

An individual usually live their lives according to a few layers and sometimes dozens of layers of forced delusion to live their lives (COROTIS, 2009).

Each society creates laws and social infrastructure which to perpetuate requires its citizens to adopt some ideas and concepts which are by default incorrect.

We are the best civilization, we will never be defeated in battle, our technology is the best, the loyalty the citizens have to the rules is absolute, etc just to mention a few societal delusions.

When it comes to perception, each citizen needs to start first not with their built in senses but what they have been trained to pay attention too and what they have been trained not to pay attention too.

It is only after that conditioned response training is it then possible to see what and how the individual can do with the senses they have.

Now add to that a major decrease and or removal of one or more of the built in senses creates a unique phenomenon. The decreased function of and or loss of a or more senses will produce heightening of the other senses. It also requires some removal of the social conditioned responses.

An episode of the television show MASH when the main character “hawkeye” loses his sight during an episode; the character stated that he had the most profound experience listening to the sound of a rain storm (Orzolek-Kronner, 2007). He was struck how magnificent it was. With eye sight a rain storm was just an event; after losing his sight he could hear it coming from miles away, heard it build up, heard the downpour, heard people scurrying around, heard someone fall in the mud, and then it was over. Going from just seeing it to hearing it was a radically different experience than the thousands of rain storms the character had seen before but never heard.


COROTIS, R. B. (2009). Societal issues in adopting life-cycle concepts within the political system. Structure & Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Life-Cycle Design & Performance, 5(1), 59-65. doi:10.1080/15732470701322867

Orzolek-Kronner, C. (2007). The Impact of Sight Loss in Social Work Practice. Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation, 6(1/2), 157-177. doi:10.1300/J198v06n01_09


W2q1 cold

Going through a major cold and studying neurotransmitters is a very infesting experience (Lau, 2010).

I now know that everyone my body is doing and undergoing is in some portion controlled by the neurotransmitters. Both the causing me pain and trying to solve the invader problem.

Plus it is all cyclical; 3 hours of being chilly and needing blankets or an extremely hot shower, an hour of feeling ok, then 3 hours of being so hot I need icepacks to cool me down.

My nose running so hard that just to keep hydrated it requires almost constant tea and water down my neck.

Deep breathing exercises to keep the nose liquid out of my lungs, and just going into the pattern of healing through addressing symptoms as they come up.

What I find the most interesting is not the patterns the neurotransmitters are putting out cross signaling. But if the brain sustains a 104 temperature for too long the brain will start to fry i.e. brain damage.

How many people are walking around who have no idea they have some kind of neurotransmitter error caused because they or their parents were not informed to keep the temperature below 103.

I am reminded of the “momma I do not feel good” “ok honey come and let us take your temperature; wow 104. We are going to the hospital right now.”

Problem with this is the brain has to cool down immediately; 15 minutes will produce damage. An hour will produce serous damage.

Lau, S. P., Yip, C. Y., Woo, P. Y., & Kwok-Yung, Y. (2010). Human rhinovirus C: a newly discovered human rhinovirus species. Emerging Health Threats, 32-31. doi:10.3134/ehtj.10.003



W2q1 Cortisol

Cortisol sounds at first glance like a fight or flight related molecular reaction.

The need for massive food intake is part of the fight or flight; to do either from what the nervous system interprets as a hard target threat fuel to motivate the body is required (Poomthavorn, 2009). If you have a major stamina test coming or you are in the middle of a major stamina test the results are massive cravings for foods that produce both short term energy and long term fuel.

Sedentary lifestyles will take that food and store it for the next fight or flight (Yamaner, 2010).

Stress can lead to a large amount of issues, but for the neurotransmitters interpreting what is going on outside the skin seems to be a problem.

I would be interesting in looking up information on and about the fight or flight instinct and how much of it has been tracked in brain.


Poomthavorn, P., Lertbunrian, R., Preutthipan, A., Sriphrapradang, A., Khlairit, P., & Mahachoklertwattana, P. (2009). Serum free cortisol index, free cortisol, and total cortisol in critically ill children. Intensive Care Medicine, 35(7), 1281-1285. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Yamaner, F., Bayraktaroğlu, T., Atmaca, H., Zıyagıl, M., & Tamer, K. (2010). Serum leptin, lipoprotein levels, and glucose homeostasis between national wrestlers and sedentary males. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 40(3), 471-477. doi:10.3906/sag-0905-27


W2q2 neurotransmitters and body issues

In MPD we know by cat scan that when each personality takes over the brain activity level changes. Where one personality is strong others are week; shows up in the scan (Gillig, 2009).

How can medical provider prescribe a powerful psychotic medication to someone when at the point the meds hit the system; say 30 to 90 minutes after ingestation which personality will end up taking the drug (BADEML, 2009). This sounds more dangerous than is useful.

Since there is no way to measure at least 4 of the variables, does that not disqualify the test.

If I understand medical science; each patient is actual a test subject. Medical science can only guess as to how each person will react to any given treatments (Gore, 2009).

Multiple that out to unknown number of multiples, unknown brain activity per, and unknown tests to determine the proper course of action with powerful drugs. Last but not least, how to determine how a say body type Norwegians at 6 6 250lbs with a Mediterranean body type 5 2 120lbs.

I am not a real big fan of unknowns.

How do these subjects relate to the chemical process of neurotransmitters. As the body adapts and adjusts itself to every given stimulation; (the body being any number of differing combinations of varying biological infrastructure. A body 6 6 takes a slightly different chemical makeup to maintain than a body 5 2.) the adjustment might be in the form, or the neurotransmitters are one step in the chain of adjustments.

MPD, differing body types (racism and body types are not the same subject), social organization (depending on the culture. “do what every is necessary to make that person act normal”), etc. Make the study of neurotransmitters a bit harder.


Gillig, P. (2009). Dissociative identity disorder: a controversial diagnosis. Psychiatry (1550-5952), 6(3), 24-29. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

BADEML, K. K., & BULDUKOGLU, K. K. (2009). Oral medication management in inpatient psychiatric care in Turkey. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 16(4), 355-362. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2850.2009.01384.x

Gore, S. A., Nordberg, J. M., Palmer, L. A., & Piorun, M. E. (2009). Trends in health sciences library and information science research: an analysis of research publications in the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association and Journal of the Medical Library Association from 1991 to 2007. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 97(3), 203-211. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.





W2q2 notes


Amino acids



Unconventional neurotransmitters



W2q1 c ref

Filsinger, F., Küpper, J., Meijer, G., Holmegaard, L., Nielsen, J. H., Nevo, I., & ... Stapelfeldt, H. (2009). Quantum-state selection, alignment, and orientation of large molecules using static electric and laser fields. Journal of Chemical Physics, 131(6), 064309. doi:10.1063/1.3194287


W2q2 Amino Acid Neurotransmitters


Neurotransmitters are complicated little molecules. They do a thousand and one things in the body and brain. The communicate in a unknown number of ways. They build things, turn things on, turn things off, spread messages throughout the brain, and a million more things (Fang-Zhen, 2010).

Complicated molecules are created through a variety of ways. One way is through the amino acids building block process.

Amino acids are the most abundant neurotransmitters in the brain of mammalians. Amino acids are what computer programming in basic is based on; basic is 1s and 0s. On and off i.e. 1 and 0. Acting as either a inhibitor or an exciter. There is some evidence that points to when a given synapse releases a given amino acid it will excite some and inhibit others.

Three amino acid Neurotransmitters Glutamate, Aspartate, glycine, and gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA) (Volman, 2010).

Glutamate in the vision section of page 140 in our text it talks about the less glutamate is released by a chemical reaction to varying degrees of light. Acts very quickly.

Aspartate NMDA receptors although the reaction is not as strong/slower as Glutamate. Aspartate is an excitatory neurotransmitter. 

gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid constructed out of the glutamate neurotransmitters molecular structure.


Althought Amino Acids are just one form of neurotransmitter.


They do their work through a combination of major molecular groups; Amino acids, Monoamines

Acetylcholine, and Unconventional neurotransmitters. Each does a slightly different job, in slightly different ways, and with slightly different percentages of time and force.


Are a strange thing, they mostly act as preventative signals to the brain and nervous system. Several mental illnesses of the brain and nervous system are not become something does not work correctly but a collision between differing neurotransmitters pushing too much or too little toward a specific function. The body works wonderful in balance, but once some portion of the brain is miss firing other portions attempt to make corrections. The miss fire and correction throws the balance off; that balance off creates problems like Parkinson’s, Epilepsy, etc.


Ghanem, H. M., & Mahfouz, M. H. (2008). BIOCHEMICAL ALTERATIONS OF AMINO ACIDS, NEUROTRANSMITTERS AND HEPATIC FUNCTIONS AFTER THERMAL INJURY IN RATS. Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 26(2), 13-28. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Fang-Zhen, S., Bing-Yuan, Z., Yu-Jie, F., Zhuo-Xia, J., Bing, A., Chang-Chang, L., & ... Yun, L. (2010). Current research in perineural invasionof cholangiocarcinoma. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (17569966), 2924-30. doi:10.1186/1756-9966-29-24

Volman, V., Levine, H., & Sejnowski, T. J. (2010). Shunting Inhibition Controls the Gain Modulation Mediated by Asynchronous Neurotransmitter Release in Early Development. PLoS Computational Biology, 6(11), 1-14. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000973


W2q2 neurotransmitters this class

I knew the brain could distinguish on a sub-molecular level differences in electro-magnetic signatures but I did not understand the full application of it till this class.

To me it is like an extremely complicated Jacobs ladder (Perdew, 2001). In our brain it is not just two copper wires/synapses x distant apart to produce the proper angle to encourage a spark between; but a hundred or thousands of copper wires/synapses each with a different end point purpose.

One copper wire can I am starting to think can distinguish between all hundred or not thousand of the other copper wires/synapses.

Differing neuron-molecules allow for different words to be passed between copper wire/synapse A and the copper wire/synapse B; while at a similar time A wire/synapse sends a different message to C.

I not only find this interesting on a psychological format but interesting on an electro-magnetic format.

In mathematics and science a theory holds absolutely true if the same rules apply on the molecular scale as they do on galactic scale. If the same theory does not hold water on each step from small up then the theory is either wrong or portions of it are wrong. So this concept of a neurotransmitter sending out different molecules to other neurotransmitter; brings the idea do large celestial bodies send out some kind of (?molecule/frequency/wave/protons/?) to other celestial bodies giving differing information?

I can apply the same concept to just earth things but those subjects are less acceptable than astronomy. Plus from the brain to celestial bodies is a good measurement tool to show correlations. No matter what the size if the same physics (is a neuron and a star do the same action) applies it can be measured.

This correlation might be able to lead a hand in explaining why the center of a galaxy and the outer most ring move at the same angle. Think of a merry go round; the center turns and the outer most turn and they turn the same. But unlike a merry go round a basic rules of physics and gravity say the center should move very quickly and the outer most material should move slower; i.e. a hurricane.

We know that neurons operate based on the rules of electro-magnetic; so would it not be a reasonable idea the protons and waves coming off stars affects other stars. That affect; could it be some kind of (similar to how neurotransmitters work) electrical communication between stars?

I can compare this concept to humans and other creatures but few would like it; other than William James.


Perdew, J. P., & Schmidt, K. (2001). Jacob’s ladder of density functional approximations for the exchange-correlation energy. AIP Conference Proceedings, 577(1), 1. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.



W1q1 C

Every atom is a conductor of some kind of electricity, since every atom is itself a specifically charged compressed magnetosphere.

The nervous system operates very similar to that of how c is charted. The same mistake in measuring occurs in the brain as well in astronomy. Take a mega sun something so big our entire solar system can fit inside with room to spare; that sun has so much gravity that it prevents anything from except that which is moving at close to 300,000 kms from escaping (Ziurys, 2007). Now take a mini-brown dwarf; it is so small that the stuff coming off of it is moving by default faster. Less gravity holding the material back.

IN the brain this is kind of like a large portion of the brain (giant star) interacting with a small portion of the brain (brown dwarf). Voltage from the giant can if things are not balanced correctly overwhelm and slow down the signals from the brown dwarf. Both affecting each other’s speed, and functionality.

Now add the variables of a given item in this case both protons/waves and protons/electrical signals interacting with each other inside first outside the solar system/brain traveling into our solar system/moving from the brain out to be measured.

As Einstein proved a magnetosphere can shape curve the signals/waves/protons from any other magnetosphere to any other magnetosphere?

The signals have to travel through the brain and its several sections all doing their own signals, then the outside of the brain, then out the skull, then out our biological magnetosphere. Each time those patterns pass through a new layer of magnetosphere the original signals are distorted.

Add those parameters to both astronomy and neurology and true accurate measurements of what might be going on can start. Fix the basic algebra and the rest of the equation becomes that much more accurate.


Gift, S. G. (2010). Light speed invariance is a remarkable illusion. Physics Essays, 23(1), 1-5. doi:10.4006/1.3280803

Ziurys, L. M., Milam, S. N., Apponi, A. J., & Woolf, N. J. (2007). Chemical complexity in the winds of the oxygen-rich supergiant star VY Canis Majoris. Nature, 447(7148), 1094. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.





W2q1 neurophysiological

“Mr. d’Orta’s story does not end here. You will learn what ultimately happened to him in Chapter 10. Meanwhile, keep him in mind while you read this chapter: His case illustrates why knowledge of the fundamentals of neural conduction and synaptic transmission is a must for any biopsychologist.” (p4)

Rule one in algebra fix a variable to a non fixed point and the entire rest of the equation is incorrect.

Psychology rests inside philosophy; which itself rests inside the scientific fields of “In comparison to physics, chemistry, and biology, biopsychology is an infant—a healthy, rapidly growing infant, but an infant nonetheless.”(p77). Consequently many assumptions regarding the fixed mathematics, electro-magnetics, and physics assumptions the major fields operate from need to be reexamined.

First and foremost the assumption that C is constant has a profound affect on our understanding of neurobiology (Gift, 2010). The speed limit of electrical condition has been estimated to be 300,000 kps or 186,000 mps; this speed limit is also thought to be the speed limit of how quickly neurons fire. The problem is it is this might not be a fixed point in which to measure from. If neurons fired and communicated with other neurons, synapses, and impulses down the nervous system operate faster or slower than the fixed C then several assumptions are by default incorrect.

Add to the C not being constant also brings up another point of inconsistency. Science has been able to measure and has an idea of how the brain functions; the physics of electro-magnetics is being almost complete ingored.

“The Resting Membrane Potential When both electrode tips are in the extracellular fluid, the

voltage difference between them is zero. However, when the tip of the intracellular electrode is inserted into a neuron, a steady potential of about -70 millivolts (mV) is”

what is being described is an mini/micro-Jacobs ladder (Perdew, 2001). Ever seen Frankenstein, the electrical vertical arch welder. But it appears the basic rules of electro-magnetic are being both ignored and proven through this specific field of psychology.


Gift, S. G. (2010). Light speed invariance is a remarkable illusion. Physics Essays, 23(1), 1-5. doi:10.4006/1.3280803

Perdew, J. P., & Schmidt, K. (2001). Jacob’s ladder of density functional approximations for the exchange-correlation energy. AIP Conference Proceedings, 577(1), 1. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.



W1q1 physical issues

Because this culture is partially based on the Greek cultural model, we in the 21st century do still have culturally issues with the physically handicapped. The genetics someone has which dictate their body will not accommodate for autoaumbulation, faces such severe levels of misinformation and are so misunderstood that it becomes a task just to get past the rhetoric.

Just this last election cycle a politician stated “those in wheelchairs should not force businesses to install elevators. They can just stay on the ground floor. The business owner should be allowed to chose if they want to spend 100,000 dollars on an elevator.” (CNN, 2010)

Those sentiments have been shared for the last many decades by a vocal minority of people in America in results of the ADA; forcing businesses to make accommodations for those on four wheels.

I cannot tell you how many times at Disney I have witnessed a tourist run straight at a full walking clip into the path of a wheelchair person. If the person in the wheelchair did not move more than 10 feet out of the way the person looking the other direction and walking as fast as they could would have collided.

Is their still prejudice in America against people in wheelchairs, No matter if the reason has physical issue, a brain disorder, or a neurological disorder the results are the same.

The current ADA laws about hotels in compliance with handicapped accessible are so heavily weighted to the business world they almost do not count. I can tell you as a matter of hard fact 99% of the hotels you have stayed at that are ADA handicapped to legal code, but there is no way to get any kind of medical equipment in the room. A nice 3 foot door to the bathroom and enough room to turn a wheelchair around does not wheelchair accessible make.


CNN (2010)

Americans with Disabilities act



W1q1 dyslexia

Even though Dyslexia has been around as a legitimate diagnosis for 4 decades; many in all layers of society still have little understanding of it. Dyslexia, Dysgraphia & Dyscalculia. Each has its overlaps. Each have their own unique attributes.

But what is more important is each has their own classifications within. Some mild dyslexia people can learn to cope and conditioned response themselves into looking and reacting as if they were normal. I have had more arguments with mild dyslexics about the condition than I have had with “normal people.” “I had dyslexia as a child but I grew out of it. (why can you not just grow out of it? I am normal now, you need to learn these techniques so you can be normal too) I just worked hard and the issues went away”

Now can anyone tell me why that last paragraph is higher in the chain or pathology to why health issues are such a major thing to the normal functioning of person.

What is normal, what is abnormal, and what scale is being used to examine the evidence as to setting those equation variables?

The entire thing even to describe it is beyond difficult.


Marshall, C., Harcourt-Brown, S., Ramus, F., & HKJ. (2009). The link between prosody and language skills in children with specific language impairment (SLI) and/or dyslexia. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 44(4), 466-488. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Monuteaux, M., Faraone, S., Herzig, K., Navsaria, N., & Biederman, J. (2005). ADHD and dyscalculia: evidence for independent familial transmission. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38(1), 86-93. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.



W1q2 Corpus callosum

The brain

One of the parts of the brain which fascinates me is the little finger of gue in the middle of the skull. It is fascinating because of what it might be able to do. Corpus callosum which controls the functioning of the senses and memory I find interesting. Not because of the known aspects of how it functions but because of the electro-magnetic aspects of how it functions.

It takes electrical impulses from the senses and converts them to information the rest of the brain can process and make decisions based on. Converting electro-magnetic impulses William James and I find infinitely fascinating(Krassay, 2009). So does M or string theory ( Schroer, 2008).

A portion of the brain specifically designed to input and interpret electro-magnetic energy waves; this is something of profound importance. Concentration on studying this will lead to a more rounded understanding of how each client processes the input from their senses.


Krassay, A. A., Korsch, R. J., & Drummond, B. J. (2009). Meandarra Gravity Ridge: symmetry elements of the gravity anomaly and its relationship to the Bowen-Gunnedah-Sydney basin system. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(3), 355-379. doi:10.1080/08120090802698695

Schroer, B. (2008). STRING THEORY, THE CRISIS IN PARTICLE PHYSICS AND THE ASCENT OF METAPHORIC ARGUMENTS. International Journal of Modern Physics D: Gravitation, Astrophysics & Cosmology, 17(13/14), 2373-2431. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.



w1q1 The genetics road map

A energy

B electricity

C magnetospheres

D proton, neutrons, and electrons

E atoms

F differently charged atoms

G basic molecules

H molecules

I complicated molecules

J attraction and repulsion of different complicated molecules

K compound molecules; more than one slightly different kind of molecule combining

L complicated molecular structures

Several steps later

biological units; the closer atoms are the stronger their electro-magnetic interacting energy. They push, pull, and or are neutral to each other the close.

On the DNA scale the basic concepts of electro-magnetic play a part in all things done.

Or DNA also through electro-magnetic partially chooses what environment we live in.

Any Nascar fans. Going in to the medical field of psychology means understanding the racecar from soup to nuts; metaphorically speaking clients are racecars. Racecars from time to time need maintenance. That maintenance for a racecar mind you requires not technicians but true engineers to identify the problem and use techniques (technicians) to fix the problem. The more science the engineer knows the better the fixes will be.

To fix a problem in a human does not mean metaphorically speaking do not try and put an engine block back together with bailing wire and duct tape. A cracked head requires a complete understanding of how to take the entire thing apart and put it back together; this time correctly. Using good parts which can take the force of the persons daily actions.


W1q1 genetics

Thanks to geni.com I have built several branches of my family tree back a long way. The point is that all my life I have done things similar to a few hundred of my distant relatives. I have ambition and drive; but I put those talents toward larger goals than just affecting my immediate surroundings.

In genetics the concept is still so new to most of the western world that we are still getting used to the word phrase DNA.

Molecules are funny things. They are funny because the electro-magnetic dynamic of the push, pull, and neutral are still aspects of the molecular structure science has not yet fully understood, or even understands it existence yet.

Many of the things we humans are “drawn to” have to do with the molecular push, pull, neutral aspects of molecular electro-magnetic (Minagawa, 2005). The drawn to is a clear measurable indication as to how to psychology and emotionally measure how much someone is drawn to or repelled to or by something. How much someone is drawn to food/water is in direct proportion to how hungry/thirsty they are. Same goes for other things. Genetically is where most of those rules for one any one given biological unite start (Workman, 2010). The genes build the nervous systems which then can act on the impulses from the genetic structure. Those impulses being almost a metaphoric word for the electricity which causes the reaction in the first place. The pulse is caused by electricity from the brain; that charge starts in the genetics, which is transfers to the nervous systems, which then transfers to the brain, and the process of achievement of the pulse takes on a physical manifestation. Transforming electrical impulse to physical action.


Minagawa, S. (2005). Fields of stress and electric displacement produced by dislocations and disclinations in three-dimensional, anisotropic, elastic, and piezoelectric media. II. Infinite straight dislocation and Frank disclination. Philosophical Magazine, 85(21), 2323-2343. doi:10.1080/14786430500098702

Workman, T., Fiszman, M., Hurdle, J. F., & Rindflesch, T. C. (2010). Biomedical text summarization to support genetic database curation: using Semantic MEDLINE to create a secondary database of genetic information. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 98(4), 273-281. doi:10.3163/1536-5050.98.4.003



W1q1 memory

The view 2011 1 20 "superior autobiographical memory" as I was watching I noticed I have a good memory but myn does not work that way. I do not record or as they put it “track” memories that way (Vandekerckhove, 2005). I track them not by using the Gregorian calendar but by sequence of events.

But I do memory trigger myself all the time. I try to remember the details of a given events and track forwards and backwards from any one given event. What happened the next day, or what happened 15 minutes later, what happened at breakfast that day.

I describe the way I think closer to that of iron man 2 the scene were tony stark is working out how to build a molecule his father thought of 40 years before. I close my eyes and create visuals in my imagination move things from point their position all over attacking and moving things around till I have in my imagination the image I wanted to created from the idea.

Sounds odd, but my ideas and creative visualizations are in two separate areas of my mind.

Even though there might be a number of different ways to access memories; psychologists need to be very familiar with all of them. During sessions it is almost beyond calculation how important learning how to memory trigger a client will be. Suppressed memories do exist. The way clients store memories are not their task to uncover and remember; they are the professional’s responsibility to know how to dig them up with as little pain as possible and process those memories to get the dysfunction to become extinct in the easiest way possible. Understanding how the neurological system processes and stores memories of the senses will be key to all client interactions.


Sullivan, K., & Madden, I. (2008). A pilot investigation of effectiveness of a memory-improvement program on subjective and objective memory in healthy young adults: directions for future research. NeuroRehabilitation, 23(2), 127-135. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Vandekerckhove, M. P., Markowitsch, H. J., Mertens, M., & Woermann, F. G. (2005). Bi-hemispheric engagement in the retrieval of autobiographical episodes. Behavioural Neurology, 16(4), 203-210. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.



W1q1 finding research

Two things which are very interesting. Both times the collected works from the Alexandria library have been made at least semi-available to scholars some form of psychology has emerged.

Germany had a large collection of the works from the Alexandrian library when the infrastructure collapsed scholars could gain access. Psychology was only 50 years away.

When that same library was in Constantinople circa 1000; Avicenna (980-1037) gained access and was able to link changes in bp to breathe and connect the pathology of what the patient was experiencing emotionally (Anderson, 2009). Since Avicenna was a Persian he had access to the Constanople library located in the farthest tip of the Anatolian Turkish Peninsula (Afshar, 2010).

René Descartes who would have had the same access to the library as Avicenna and the German scholars had. A thinker having access to great know from thousands of years it is impossible to predict what they will think of. What they think of will cascade into the academic, scholastic, medical, and related fields. Knowing how that infrastructure works of information dissemination will help every psychologist to better administer healing techniques (Janiak, 2010). Before the concept of psychology came into existence the field was still inside philosophy.

Why is this library thing important. Well just because the Romans burnt the building down does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that they did not take the scrolls and codeces out first. Evidence of this theory is both the Coliseum constructed after the Romans took possession and the first recorded steam engine circa 75 c.e Rome. A laundry list of other very impressive scientific discoveries were brought forth in the few decades after Rome sacked the city of Alexandria and “burnt” the library to the ground. 700 years of basically the same technology, suddenly a 5 story building (waterproof arena), the steam engine, industrial hydraulic factories (based on using gravity and rivers), etc.

Perception is the key to all scientific, medicine, psychology, and neurological studies. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat. Plus what does all this strange history stuff have to do with current problems; you never know what piece of information will lead to a great discovery that will help a patient heal.

Neuropsychology is a field just at the very beginning to emerge as something with might have significant substance. But western cultures for the last 1700 years have been extremely reluctant to explore or experimentation on or with the concept of electro-magnetic which neuropsychology exists within. Those CT, MRI, etc scans are scanning for changes in electrical voltage. Electricity. Previous cultures did a lot of exploring or experimentation with electricity. Information contained in that library might be able to advance the course neuropsychology and biological psychology by leaps and bounds.

If you know about the format of the culture which created a given psychological technique then it is a much higher percentage that you as the health care professionally will be able to administer the technique correctly.


Anderson, G. D. (2009). Islamic Spaces and Diplomacy in Constantinople (Tenth to Thirteenth Centuries C.E.). Medieval Encounters, 15(1), 86-113. doi:10.1163/138078508X286860


Afshar, A. (2010). Honoring Avicenna, the great Persian physician on the world's postage stamps. Archives of Iranian Medicine (AIM), 13(5), 447-453. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Janiak, A. (2010). SUBSTANCE AND ACTION IN DESCARTES AND NEWTON. Monist, 93(4), 657. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.



W1q1 Adolf

What neurological conditions in an area make a person become Adolf. Well to begin with his father was forced to give up his honorable name and take on the surname of beyond degradation; causing Alois to go from being a nice happy goal directed person to a tyrant. Psychology has presented to the world that a family who has a multi-generation of PTSD; produce multiple generations of people who have no idea how to stop the abuse cycle.

Yes Adolf was (fill in the appropriate insults and other accurate descriptions here) a tyrant of the first order. To understand what environment which created this tyrant is important to neuropsychology. The most important aspects to understand are whether or not he was born evil or not is a theoretical position; the true point is what caused this guy to manipulate the culture he lived in to express his PTSD to the world? What aspect of both the 100th monkey of his neurological culture to allow him to do what he did. What aspect of his childhood caused him to want to express himself to the world the way he did.

What aspect of his overly strict German Catholic mother and maternal grandmother caused him to want to do those actions (McLean, 2003). He considered himself a catholic till some point; but he also did many actions as a teen and 20s that were directly against the concept of being a catholic.

100th monkey which is transmitted to the brain and the thoughts processes and acted upon by both the sympatheic and active nervous systems. “the "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon." This phenomenon was baptized by Lyall Watson, who documents the case with references to five highly respectable articles by Japanese primatologists (Imanishi 1963; Kawai 1963 and 1965; Kawamura 1963; and Tsumori 1967).” We have not studied the phenomenon enough in order to determine the electro-magnetic of the mechanism which allows this phenomenon to exist.

What cultural neurological applications exist which cause a person living in a culture to take whatever good i.e. a president or bad a murderer to do the actions they do? Each culture values different aspects of what their citizens want to do.


Penkower, M. (1985). American Jewry and the Holocaust: From Biltmore to the American Jewish Conference. Jewish Social Studies, 47(2), 95-114. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.


McLean, I. T. (2003). The Fuzzy Picture of Hitler's Pope. Political Science Reviewer, 32159-220. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.



W1q2 reorganization

The way I see it psychology has a bad reputation in academic circles not because of anything illegitimate or pseudo about the field. But it is organized badly.

How many decades was cognitive thought great and behavioralism was all but laughed out of the room. Then in other decades the exact opposite was true?

William James came up with a really interesting aspect to the situation (Mewasingh, 2008). He stated flat out that we need to study and devote real time with laboratory examinations of electro-magnetic phenomenon. Unfortunately when he stated it he was almost laughed out of the room. In fact I cannot mention the common knowledge word definitions of what aspects of electro-magnetic I am refereeing to or I face very similar issues as he did over 100 years later in the 21st century.

Those three fields need to be their own independent body of examination.

Maybe have associate level clinical psychologists act as a kind of GP, referring the client to the appropriate field for appropriate health concerns (Hart, 2010).

In a previous class we were asked the question; should a specialist in any one given psychology field be able or is it a good idea to have them use their specific techniques on just anyone how walks through the door? The thought occurred to me that if I walked into a cardiologists office with an ear infection the AMA has a problem with him treating me, not a punishable one but more of a “what are you doing wasting your time on that?” Plus that cardio would be up for being sued because he might think he knows how to do something but not being an ENT doc what works in normal or cardio might be detrimental.

To be more specific in the field of biological sciences aka neuropsychology treating issues which may not be that closely linked. The human nervous system is also extremely closely linked to the scientific and physics fields of electro-magnetic; the field of electro-magnetics has only a few decades of research (Hiranandani, 2010).



Hiranandani, V. (2010). Under-Explored Threats to Privacy: See-Through-Wall Technologies and Electro- Magnetic Radiations. Surveillance & Society, 8(1), 93-98. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Mewasingh, L. (2008). Essay competition winner. 'The great thing in all education is to make our nervous system our ally instead of our enemy'--William James. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 11(4), 245-251. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Hart, J. K., Newton, B. W., & Boone, S. E. (2010). University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences electronic health record and medical informatics training for undergraduate health professionals. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 98(3), 212-216. doi:10.3163/1536-5050.98.3.007


W1q1 Adolf

In my first psychology class we were assigned the standard “pick a famous person and profile them.”

I chose Adolf, not because of anything he did great but because I wanted to research the history of what environment and biological issues would create a monster like that.

After only 9 hours of digging I found more information on the societal structure which created that level of hatred which went far beyond the parameters the history channel or our history textbooks claim.

First the last name is not a lost name but a major punishment of several orders. You are a citizen of the rhine but a genetically inferior person who is either not allowed to breed or is massively restricted in who they are allowed to breed with.

If you were stripped of your actual surname and forced to have a rhinelnad valley name you were not of the teutonic stock. Which is a massive insult to say the absolute least, if you are a proud citizen of the rhine and your family have been good honorable citizens for as long as anyone can remember.

The end of the holy roman empire is what caused the situation to become so horrific to begin with.

The biological foundations of psychology both aspects are extremely strong within any examination of central and eastern Europe from 1799-1920. That epic of time so much occurred that they are still the foundations in which western cultures have been based on.

The point which can be addressed to sum up the point nicely is this. What would drive a culture to be so radically nastly that altering the birth father of your mother and grandmother of the son and grandson from being of a prominent and rich Jewish family to that of a second cousin is more preferable? What would cause a society to favor incest over a group they considered to be inferior (I will not use the word race since that is a word with no real scientific meaning. The package is just shaped different, there is literally nothing about racism which actually exists beyond learned behaviors). There is a royal family in europe who all the family members were born with no earlobes, does that lack of an earlobe make them their own unique little race; of course not.

But that does bring up an other idea. Red haired especially woman have a sociogical framework for a “firey temper”, and for being extremely passionate in most things they do. Red haired people have been found in most Eurasian cultures. You can find Siberians, Chinese, Koreans, Indonesians, Africans, middle eastern, European goes without needing to be stated, etc all have red harid people. I had a classmate in high school who was a Chavez but was born with sky blue eyes, curvy red hair, and was 6 2 by time he was a freshman. Every member of his family for 5 generations were all standard Mexicans (standard physical description applied). But way back a family friend remembered a story about both sides did have children with the blue eyed conquistadors (consensual or not, makes little difference 400 years later). How does red hair and the character traits associated fit into biological psychology? Plus not a real race thing when any given genetic trait can be found in most any family.


W1q1 predisposition

I have a friend who I recently found out that her entire family for generations have been drawn into various service industries. From the lowest class service to middle class services.

I finally looked up the spelling of her last name and found it was Manx Gaelic. Manx Gaelic is a language popular in England from just south of York to the southern border of Scotland. I did a little more digging and found out this family used to be some of the principle families who served the Northumberland Royal family; till of course the tides of history washed most of the deeds of the family away.

I did write this in an email to her, but I wanted to repost to as a dq post. This friend of myn is strongly service oriented. Her entire family is service oriented.

Now sometimes those servant rolls are a little nastier than what would be considered sociologically acceptable. But from the time the name came into existence most of the family have been drawn to some kind of subservient, servant roll in their lives.

She described to me a dozen times how she and most of her family feel drawn to not helping but serving those around them.


I translated her name


This interesting surname is of Scottish origin, and is a reduced form of "Macilvernock", itself an Anglicization of the Old Gaelic "Mac GilleMhearnaig". The Gaelic prefix "Mac" denotes "son of", with "gille", literally meaning "servant", but used here in the sense of "devotee, follower", and the saint's name "Mearnag", representing a diminutive of "mear", wild, solitary; hence, "son of the follower of (St.) Mearnag". Gillemernoch, brother of Gilleasald M'Gilleandris in Ayrshire, witnessed a charter by Roger de Scalebroc in favour of Melrose Abbey, circa 1185, and Malcolm Gilmornaike had a charter of the lands of Gaitgillewarnoch in the parish of Borgue, Kirkcudbrightshire, in the reign of Robert 1 (1306 - 1329). These lands were named from the family, and in 1464 were recorded as "Gaitgillmakkilwernock". The curtailed form of the name first appears on record at the beginning of the 16th Century (see below). One John Warnok was recorded in Glasgow, circa 1530, and a James Warnok was a witness in Ayrshire in 1562. James and Agnes Warnock, residents in the parish of Borgue, were recorded in the "Register of the Privy Council of Scotland" in 1684, and on November 22nd 1685, the christening of David, son of James Warnock and Janet Scoty, took place in Barony, Lanarkshire. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Andree Warnoche, which was dated 1505, in the "Criminal Trials of Scotland", during the reign of King James 1V of Scotland, 1488 - 1513. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Read more: http://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Warnock#ixzz18MH5T5u4



rich, fat, thick, luxuriant

sewer/pipe/toob/conduit/boundary between inside and outside in a toob shape, ~ so    rnaig

son of the servant of the large/luxurous toob. is what her name means in ancient manx gaelic.

What would draw an entire family into being service oriented.

For that matter what would draw an entire family into being rulers?


W1q2 biology and the self

Biological psychology and how it fits in; this is a fascinating question. But my take on it from the second week of psychology classes is this.

I personally think psychology needs to seriously reorganize itself from the inside out. Taking on a medical field operational format than the current organization.

A great deal of scientists consider psychology to be just one step above a pseudo-science. But a point of fact the mathematics does agree with them. For something to be a science requires 80 to 90% statistical accuracy rates. However the field of medical science has on average a 75% accuracy rate. So psychology fits more into a medical field then a science field.

That being stated, I think psychology needs to reorganize itself into a format medical field and structure itself accordingly.

Take equivalent fields i.e. peds and place the equivalent psychology field into that. Cognitive, behavioral, and/or psychodynamic should not compete against each other for anything. Peds does not compete with oncology, neuro does not try and be better than cardio, etc. Each has its own unique specialized areas, tools, etc.

So why try and get say Pavlov to be better than Freud, or Freud better than etc. Each has great tools, each works great on the areas in which it is good.

But metaphorically speaking you would not give cancer an antibiotic, and you would not give a scrap to the knee chemotherapy. Apply the correct diagnostic and fix tool to the correct problem. Organize the fields accordingly.

Plus the entire foundation of psychology needs to be understood with a much higher degree of proficiency that it is currently afforded.

How the library from Greece arrived in the Holy Roman Empire is a fascinating story. The foundations of psychology came about after the fall of the last breath of the Holy Roman Empire Germany 1806. “the empire lasted until the renunciation of the imperial title by Francis II in 1806.”  (Holy Roman Empire, 2011). From 1806 to 1875 formed the basis of psychology. The books, laboratories, and most of the founders of it came directly out of those decades in Germany.


Holy Roman Empire. (2011). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/269851/Holy-Roman-Empire

medicine. (2011). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/372431/medicine


W1q1 biological aspects

The biological aspects to personality are a very strange mix of not well understood phenomenon.

Take my father and myself. Hold up a picture of him at my age and only my mother can tell the difference (minus the obvious technical clues) between us. I look, talk, walk, body build, but my personality is straight from my maternal grandfather. He was so strong willed and so able to maintain inner equilibrium that he was able to achieve goals beyond impossible given any other man.

My grandfather was not an officer in the Marines, but he had a seat at the admirals table wwii pacific (Battle of Guadalcanal, 2011). My father could not even comprehend how to achieve the goal of being a combat marine let along how to politically maneuver up the ranks without being promoted.

Biologically people have set parameters in which their bodies are constructed. Consequently how that person with a set parameters to interact with the world have to start with “the body that brung ya.” The senses are the brain are contained with the body that brung ya. All our perceptions are filtered through the body first, then into the character of who we are.

But after the body; the personality, character, moral compass, etc takes over and rules the wheel of our ship (personality, 2011). The ship would be a metaphoric example of the body, and the personality steers it. The personality can be pieces of our ancestors but it is actually (at least in my opinion) assembled and put to use by who we the individual is.



personality. (2011). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/452993/personality

Battle of Guadalcanal. (2011). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/247568/Battle-of-Guadalcanal