13th tribe symbol a bull

Several pieces of history draw the idea that the 13th tribe of Israel the symbol was a bull; as apposed to the other 12 who’s symbol was a goat.

Atum was created by Ptah. Ptah created himself by “speaking” which is remarkably similar to “and the lord said”. Ptah is symbol is a bull, he carries a semi-shepherds crook, is from before Pharaonic egypt, etc.

“The English name Egypt derives from an ancient Egyptian name for Memphis, Hikuptah, which means "Home of the Soul of Ptah". This entered Ancient Greek as Αιγυπτος (Aiguptos), which entered Latin as Ægyptus, which developed into English as Egypt.” As talked about in another article the Greek culture the Dorian’s are descended from the Hittite 2 culture; which are a direct descendant of the monotheistic army invaders from the time the monotheistic Hyksos ruled Egypt. Egypt was called the House of Ptah (a monotheistic god) in pre-Pharaonic times. Pointing strongly to the pharaohs conquered a monotheistic culture in Egypt between 3500-3300 b. c. e. . The ways of the Ptah could be what angered Moses during the exodus; not being angry with the Jews reverting to polytheistic ways but the older 13th tribe bull/ptah ways.

Apis; a slightly different spelling for ptah. Or more likely this might indicate an ancient word for ptah’s house; being strongly associated with Memphis. Memphis being only a mile from Giza. Memphis might indicate or translate to “the house of Ptah”; being shortened to phonetically Ptis.

Khnum depicted as a ram or goat. The horns are stretched out similar to a goat rather than a ram.

Potter god of creation by use of Water. Could be a reference to genesis 1;6.

Creating the first men and humans on his potter’s wheel 040.tiff. As legend goes; Khnum created the first children out of clay from the banks of the Nile; on his potter wheel. Which would strongly point to both the pre-Pharaonic monotheistic Egypt and the Masonic ceremonial architectural design of Khufu. The great pyramid of Khufu being built by the Jews on their reservation/refugee lands later to be written about in genesis 32; 28 as Israel. Also the vast necropolis of bull sarcophagus on the left side of the Nile between Sakkara and giza.

Khnum worked with the sun god Ra; as Ra moved the sun across the sky at night. Also assisting on the suns journey through the underworld.

The major city of the pre-Egyptians living in the area between upper and lower Egypt their city was Heliopolis. The pyramids of Sakkara, Giza, and Abusir all point to Heliopolispyramidsheliopolis.JPG.

A major temple to Ra the sun  is located there.

(side note, is the body of the sphinx a lion or a bull? The paws point to a lion, but they could have been recarved from hooves to a lion circa the exoduscherubim.jpg winged_cherub.jpg. Both cherubim from Babylon are bull bodies with hoofed feet.)

“The Mnevis bull, an embodiment of the god Ra”(ra being a renamed sun or monotheistic god from pre-Pharaonic times.) Was the sacred bull of the city of Heliopolis as well as a major center during both the Hyksos times and the well established monotheistic pharaoh Amenhotep IV Akhenaten.


The monotheistic pharaoh Akhenaten who used the name Aten (also Aton, Egyptian jtn





 to represent Yahweh also points to this theory as being correct.