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[6 4 2009 1111 am] of events (manitoue; it was only 6 months but what  6 months.)

Shortly after making the rune book, I created the green book. Since I had a suspicion their was more than just the up and down versions.

So Able chiropractice Larry ? from down the street needed assistance at a fair in denver. He took me and I sat their on a very hot day at his booth and wrote out the definitions for the green book.

I then took the green book and made it the base of what became the rune workbook.


After the green and the up down side to side definitions were written down, I then started to think their was more than just 1 sequence.

I knew from archaeology and linguatics. The 24 were time and part of the major arcane but the ed thorson 36 just would not leave me alone.


So shakra and I started to explore more symbols with James help.


The character formulas for the pink book assembled 6 months later in az stated in the last few months in Manitou.


Here are some of the surviving sheets shakra drew out for me.

I had most of them, I lost them someplace between Cali, seattle, and fl. I assume some were thrown way by others for various reasons.


(But the main work is not finished yet. Since even thought I have rarely worked on these since Manitou, I have incorporated some of the images into my tarot deck process.)


a9 (2).BMPa9 (3).BMPa9.BMP


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