Abuse of the handicapped; an experiential journey

T Robert Shawn Welling



Childhood (Linear chapter)

I was raised in Tiffin ohio, the last generation to have any part in tiffin ohio of my family. The ogles helped settle Tiffin and that area of north central ohio. The money, power, and political by the time I was born were mostly gone. So I was left with a mightly wide lengacy from the last 1700s till the 1970s of money power and influence, once the giant is taken down the surfivors are mostly not treated well.

So when my mother saw how bad the town responded to me, the only real thing to go was to leave.

Through the struggle of the area I was born was the fact I had a rather serious autatomic nervous system condistion. When I was a child it did a huge amount of damage to me. As I grew it was never far from being of impact on what I did.

I was diagnoses in my middle 30s with nerocardiogenic syncapi which to those that know Latin or medical terminonogy sounds simple. But the condition is extrely complicated. First the last sympom in the condition is not blood pressure bottoming out and hitting the floor, the worst is when the brain stem has trouble sending signs to the muscles and the mucles stop doing what they need to do. Breathing, vertical hold, and seeing are all majorly implacted when the condiction starts to become pronounced.

I was born with this, but hd to live in ignorance for three and a half decades.

My other primary issue is, my father is an abusive alcoholic, from a long line of either over achievers or alchololics. My entire matrirarcal family were not treated well at all.


Back injury (Linear chapter)

Labor day Monday 5 pm I was going some moving stuff around and I ripped the muscles in my back. I went from being able to walk as much and do as much as I wanted to having to crawl to the bathroom.

This did not do well with my nervous system.


Abusive father (Linear chapter)

The first meeting between my father and my material family went just about as bad as it could have gone with out someone being killed. It was easter, and my mother and father were just married at his frat out in alq. They were at her family home and her 15 year old brother was just playing with his big now second year college sister like he has always done. His new brother in law a 27 year old former marine (paris island 16 weeks) assaulted him. But since my father is a coward all he did was threaten to hurt him he did not actually hurt hit him. Unfornatly for me that action made my life with that family almost unworkable. The older a grew the more like my father I became.


Adulthood (Linear chapter)

Determined not to continue the cycle of abuse only a few options were available. The one I choose was not to have children and to go on a journey of discovery.

I spent more than 20 years of my legal adulthood attempting to figure out how the machine of the abuse of my specific family worked. First I had a great examples from my maternal family, my mother had full custody. So when I received my enharitance my paternal grandfather left I immediately took a trip to see my father. What an interesting summer that was. I left shortly after the fourth of july and arrived back shortly before my senior year.

What I learned from both my father and his mother will say with me till I die. My father even thought my grandmother welling was one of the strongest people around she was at the end and had nothing left to fight. So what my father stated was law.

Shortly after arriving back I was disenharited from the patriarchal with out my knowledge of understanding of what happened. I would not learn what happened till late 2008 and the first few months of 2009.


Epcot the land (Linear chapter)

first major since the Kellogg of a syncapi episode

The first major time after I was an adult my syncipy and my other health issues collided together was at walt Disney world pushing Emma up to very steep incline at the land. I became sick and did not feel very good.




The next year after moving to fl (Linear chapter)

From the mement we arrived in Florida. Things started to go down hill. We only had a little bit of time with dana to deal with. She knew it and we knew it. I think she was just as excited about being rid of us as we were of being rid of her.

We stayed with dad for a little over 2 days. What a jerk, we arrived on a Saturday. Sunday was hell, we spent one day in Orlando, one day in Delan looking to see if we might want to live near chris and jan, we spend one day and first looking in st Augustine. We partially based on how much I was angry with my father and partially because no opportunities existed in either st or delad. So we reluctantly settled in Orlando.

We had an apartment almost immmedilayt, we signed up for the place on our one day trip. Was approved, and moved in 2 days later. Could not get away from dad fast enough.

The next 13 months are a recipe in horriblneness.

I found a job quickly, Emma found a job through a temp agency waiting for her Disney interview

I started to work at universal studios. Emma did clerical.

I worked at universal for 29 days. I left when I bent over too many times and throw my back out.

Emma started at Disney a couple weeks later.

She was hired on the spot.

I had just started to detox off citric acid, and was 230 ish lbs. which at the time was fine. But now I see was bad I did not choose to head down to as little as health possible to clean the acid out of my system.

Upon hurting my back I choose to do research again. Not much else to do. So I started on research and had the chance to communicate with hank again. I talked to him openly about my research and about what I wanted to do with it. He was always pointing to he could not talk about it without his wifes permission. So

Hell (issolcated chapter)

After as always I noteiced right their an hour after our interactions stopeed that every time I am removed from hank or hank is removed from me I start understanding my research in a better way. Another layer of the onion peels back.

Well in just a few short weeks from nov 38 to early dec my research went from bad to I had something.

But then I started to be affected by the black mold just under the surface.


Ssi (isolated chapter)

It does not take a genius to figure out I was getting sicker and I had to have help. Appied in middle nov they fought for 3 solid years. the judge finally had to step in with my lawyer.

The fight was bitter and nasty.

The fight is still bitter and nasty.




Black mold (Linear chapter)

Black mold and nerves combine to stop allowing the nerves to work properly. The sicker I got the more my nervous system stoped working, the harder it was for me to work in research.hte more I stoped going outside.

Our income as far under our expences so we had to save in every direction possible. so I started to allow the natural summer heat to build up in the house. At first low 70s, then middle, then low 80s, right before I got sick I set the ac at mid 90s, considering the outside temp was 110 +99% humidity a 20 degree lower was I thought acceptable. Problem was the higher heat and higher humidity did wonders for mold growth, the higher the mold the sicker I got.


The hospital (Linear chapter)


Katrina had so much press Charlie was been almost forgotten. But the injuries are only begiing to heal. Just as I was starting to get so sick I was in bed the majority of the time, we had no money at all for any kind of medical care. So one day we headed out to start to figure out how to fix the problem, I went down hard, we went to an emergent care walk in clinic. They called a bus immedilaty. I was taken to the hospital and stayed for 11 days. I was able to walk into the pawn shop and just managed to walk out, I did not walk into the clinic nor did I walk out. my left leg stopped responding and the siatic nerve was pinched in at least 2 places.


The summer of Hurricanes (Linear chapter)

We arrived back home and were their for about 10 days before hurricane Charlie came at us. We evac to the ramada on 192 and were their through it.



My friend caregiver/abuser (Linear chapter)

After months of experience with hotels and relatives attempting to help. I choose to get additional care giving from dana. I know it was a very bad thing to do, but even though she came with extreme abuse she did things no one else could have done.

So the 2 months in the hotel, and then the 11 months in the apt. some of the hardest 11 months of my life.


Medical equipment (isolated chapter)

In the hospital I received the walker

Then a bit after Charlie my first standard wheelchair.

Extension legs

First the bed

Leg brace

Reclining wheelchair.

(no caregiver)

(only specific parameters for a home pt and she was abusive.

Access lynx first experiences




Riding with handicapps (issolcated chapter)


Access lynx bus system

5 journies of unending pain.

Needs not covered

As you might have guessed I need much more than just a standard bandaid on my issues. Consequently my issues require every expensive equipment. That equipment is above and beyond the coverage of either the state or employer can provide.


Medical needs(issolcated chatper)

My medical needs start being covered by insurance. Braces, wheelchair, electric wheelchair, aspen,


Gated community  (Linear chapter)

3 years after first acces lynx another try


Video production (issolcated chapter, project)

Wanted to put together osme kind of video production to show access for the handicapped. sometimes the blue sign is accurate, others it’s a corporation money saving joke.


Access lynx the battles (isolated chapter)


The handicapped are frail (isolated chatper)

Why should the handicapped be forced to fight their own battles. Call this number, write this report, contect these people, do all this work. Every action a handicapped or disabled person has to do is one more task and stress taken from their heal and well time.


You should not live their (issolcated chapter)


Pork (issolcated chapter)

I cannot say enough bad about people who use description words “Pork” and the like to describe how much waist is happening. THe first programs always cut are for the weakest, because we are the easiest organization who cannot fight for ourselves. Other organizations have advocates, aarp has advocates but not for the handicapped.


Tort sue reform (isolated chapter)

Takes energy to accomplish this goal. The handicapped and medical crisis do not have the energy to do both heal and fight for their basic rights.


Medical (isolated chapter)

why do you not just go off and die” program.


Geocentric (isolated chapter)


Defending one’s self requires enough enerough to do so


The past (isolated chapter)

A persons past should not reflect on their situation. Punishing someone for being disabled is not e pluribus unam. Being disabled is itself a prison sentence (to the able bodied). So adding more punishment ontop is cruel an unusual punishment.


Next (Linear chapter)


An aarp for the handicapped  (Linear chapter)

I think creating an organization which represents the handicapped is absolutely essential.