Welling Mathematics Al-Qaida versus everyone   


I want to address any kind of racism first and foremost. Nothing about any section is about racism; from the point of view of physics racism does not exist. From psychology and philosophy the concept is alive and well. But currently mathematics does not have an accurate way to measure such phenomenon so the concept according to the single number line does not exist.

In this specific article are comments about negative actions the Assyrian king “the all father” and his follower people did which were absolutely in all ways war crimes. But that was then, this is now. This is about exploring the past to gain a better understanding of the future.

Human civilization cannot carry forward unless and until the lessons and knowledge of the past is reintroduced and incorporated into the knowledge of the now.

The best description of the current war on terror is the ancient metaphoric story of

The Tower of babyle; where the armies of the richous destroyed those that would challenge god for supremacy.

Knowledge is power is the base of this accusation and claim.

This group of tribes described below are a hodgepodge of tribes. The important portion is not to track the happenings of each family/tribe but where and how the philosophy travels. The philosophy and the populations reaction to when their leaders adopt the philosophy. What occurs next is a fairly easy pathology to follow; since the philosophy has very clear guidelines to follow.


I hypothesis buried deep in the philosophy of the descendants of this group of tribes has a distinct Motus Operendi of. A trend in the conquest cultures who have taken out and erased as best they can the 7 ancient cultures I have spent a lifetime rebuilding. Something in their cultural makeup causes them to seek out and destroy specific items from other tribes.

Centers of commerce, learning, entertainment deemed Inappropriate, and other centers of activity deemed inappropriate or in other ways bad.


Thanks to the addition of religious doctrine; some religious leaders have pointed to all those that are not of the tribe are of that tribes understanding of evil.

That association with being of that tribe’s version of evil allows the soldiers to create mass casualty events. In effect sacrificing the unholy in the name of god. The more unholy sacrifices the larger the offering to god.

Which is a basic theme of most of this tribes stories from the beginning all the way up to and including the global war of the richous versus the infidel.

The definition of infidel is the same as the Greek definition of barbarian. Those not us; with a little religious dogma added for flavor. The religious dogma allows this group of tribes to justify any and all actions.

So al-Qaida is attempting to find and destroy the towers of babyle hoping to gain favor in the eyes of the lord. The attacks against the ziggurats of all the major cities in the middle east the most notably being the tower of babyle; the current incarnation of that same philosophy based army replace the tower of babyle with the twin towers. Which were attacked twice.

Problem is, little if anything about the philosophy geared toward either attacking the population centers or the infidel definition are based on facts. Since both events took place more than 1000 years before all current middle eastern living languages were invented; there is no way of knowing what the facts are. The only way to know the facts are to recreate the action pathologies, and examine the secondary responses of the surrounding areas. Examining the archaeology is also recommended. The philosophy is based on ancient propaganda created by the Assyrian empire before the supposed split into the cultures of Arab and Jew (no insult intended). The Assyrian army attacked the capital of that specific area and put all scholars to the sword. In effect forcing the surrounding inhabitance to teach themselves. Give a leader of a small town half a chance and that leader will attempt to parley a chance into as much power as they can muster. Consequently; when the tower of Babylon aka the university of Babylon was sacked, the citizens of the surrounding towns just stayed home instead of going off to school. Staying home caused centralized pockets of information. Small town leaders would want to recreate on there scale what the capital did. Large population centers can think and create great things. The large population can take those great ideas and build truly awesome technology. The ratio of population is in direct proportion to the ratio of what is possible. A population of a million and that ratio of products can be created. A population of 40,000 can create impressive things on that ratio. The best and most effective way to stop production on that idea into products factor is to attack and keep attacking the cultural centers; government, commerce, education, etc. institutes. The more the populations are forced to defend the less time and effort into thinking and creating new products. By destroying a key education and commerce center; the surrounding communities with no centralization repeat Aesop's Fables of the 5 brother bulls. Remove the centralization and the wolf was able to pick them off, one by one. Remove a central university and within a hundred years the domination of the individual cultures will take over and language diversities grow into radically different languages.

Reference without TV and other media outlets England, New York, and Los Angeles would have developed distinct and unique languages over the last 100 years. Every generation creates its own slang. Slang is the beginning of a new language. How good that language is, that is an entirely different subject. Only a key few languages have the ability to produce words and meanings like “what light through yonder window breaks”.


The only problem is; Advanced technology is not challenging god for supremacy. Advanced technology is just that; creating technology better than the previous.

Nothing evil about knowledge.

What man chooses to do with that knowledge might be construed as evil. But I also notice the advanced technology is used equally. So the evil machine in the hands of the richous is a fine and dandy tool; but in the hands of the enemy is the worst thing in the world. Sounds overly close to propaganda to me.

Especially when the story is shaped from the plot device of. He built the evil machine and then we took the evil machine from him. After we took the evil machine from him, we turned the machine on him and destroyed him with his own device. Kind of like killing someone with their own gun.



As I have researched I have found a trend. This hypothesis is based on tracking the reverse of the events in question; which tribe/culture was conquered in what order; Vinča, Canaanite, Indus Harappa, Aegean, Sarmartian, UK, etc. As each culture was conquered, who did the conquering and why.

How much did the technology drop from highly advanced cultures to the warlike tribes who kept on battering till they won.

There is a connection between a group of tribes, known as the Kurgan hypothesis, coming out of the area north between the black and Caspian seas.

This group of tribes which use a specific philosophical format; everywhere they go have caused mass damage, destruction, death, etc.

Each successive line from top left; the culture conquered were the Neolithic Germans.

The next is another line of German invasion.

This line attacked and destroyed the Vinča.

The next line traveled into and did a great deal of damage to the Aegean. Descendants of this line may well have been related to the Dorian's.

This tribe are who might be related or the parent culture to the Turks. The Turks conquered and broke the link between the Aegean and the Canaanite. This is also the same line the Assyrians later to be called Semitic came tearing down through; doing everything they could think of to eradicate the Canaanite. The Semitic being relabeled Arabic and Jewish.

The next three lines are basically the same tribes moving up, over and then south into the area between the middle east and India.

These three lines of conquest successfully took out the Indus Harappa culture. Although I find it a very interesting coincidence the Indus Harappa were erased; and the Vedic culture came up on their heels.


A second very interesting things which occurred at approximately 1600 b.c.e; just about the time the Indus Harappa were being erased. The 100 armed culture from the same Indus Harappa India area changed allegiances from the Aegean Cretan/Minoan to the new mycaeanian under the despotic government of Zeus. Zeus was born on Crete; metaphorically speaking the capital of the Aegean empire was at Knossos on Crete. A person, family, etc. of Royal lineage would have to be recognized and or “born” from the capital. Zeus is most likely both a man and the head of a new family line. Being the son of two powerful families; if a child (under 12) or young man (under 16/18/?)is strong enough he can petition the royal court to be head of his own family line. Hence “born on Crete”, but his older siblings were not strong enough. They were not allowed to be heads of their own families; so they were absorbed into the collective family of their birth family. In this case the older siblings of their father; their father remained in control of those kids destinies. Standard rules from then all the way up till now. If the head king or the royal court likes or dislikes a person or a family that person or family reap the rewards or the negatives of those respective decisions.

If a king or a ruler chooses not to allow a son to break from fathers rule, that child has no choice but to continue taking orders from his father. Or the patriarch in charge of the family. NO matter if the rules are good, bad, or indifferent the patriarchs word is law to the family.

Zeus thanks to his mother was able to break the political bounds his family patriarch forced on him. Once he was able to with his mother’s help break the royal rules and stand as his own man; head of his own family. He was able to maneuver and force the royal court to release his siblings from their patriarch’s domination as well.

This forced a major political rift. Half the royal court sided with the young upstart, the other half sided with the king. Be the king of just the family, mycaeania, the northern Aegean, of the king of the entire Aegean; that information has been lost to history.

With the royal court crushed and prince Zeus now King Zeus, he worked to reign in the entire Aegean under his rule of law.



What does Aegean royal politics have to do with ancient technology, al-Qaida, the Assyrians, and the general subjects of the conquest of ancient cultures. Zeus as a king and the head of a family was responsible for helping to destroy the culture who spoke linear A. The rift and eventual destruction of the Aegean culture starts with him. But he would not have been able to get the 100 arms culture to switch loyalty without the Indus Harappa being destroyed just in time.


The Indus Harappa and Aegean cultures being destroyed was the final death nail for the millennia of conflict in the middle east. With its three strongest allies cultures erased; the Canaanite were finally toppled by the Assyrians. Although the remnance of the Canaanite and Assyrians fought back and forth over smaller sections of the lands till the Jews came back from Egypt at around 1200 b.c.e. Which is about the time Canaanite changed their name from Canaanite to Phoenician. The Phoenicians maintained their knowledge from their ancient Tower of Babylon times, although in much smaller pockets, and sent constant copies in scroll and codex form to the smaller pocket of allies still remaining alive. What is my proof, the Phoenician language is one of the key base languages of English. After the Thera volcano and subsequent invasions; the Phoenicians helped to resettle most of the Mediterranean cities. Just as their ancestor cultures had done a dozen times before from the end of the last ice age till 500 ce. “This means that before the 8th century, there was a relationship between the Greeks and the Phoenicians.” From Wikipedia but several sources state the same thing. The Phoenicians imported language back into the Aegean after the Dorian's all but removed writing from the area. Why did the Dorian's remove writing from the Aegean; the Dorian's were closely allied with the previously named conquest cultures. The pathology is starting to become a cultural motto.


The smaller battles mentioned have a profound effect on the entire world almost 2000 years later. Small groups of Canaanite, Assyrians (name changed to ? Arab), the Jewish cultures were still fighting little battles over individual cities and small areas of land by 600 ce. One such sequence of battles around the city of Mecca between the three would have the largest effect on one baby boy born in that city. Be his parent; Canaanite, Arab, or Jewish the impact that boy had in just the last 1400 years on the world is remarkable.


As the boy grew up; the standard thing of most trauma survivors to do is seek comfort in religion. As the boy sot comfort in religion, he stumbled across the ancient teachers of Zoroaster. The Same teachings and philosophy in which lead to the crushing of the tower of babyle or at least the crushing of the Canaantie culture by the Assyrian Culture.

The Zorastrian philosophy is rather militant in its arrangement between the concept of good versus evil. Everything to Zoroaster is black or white; black being evil white being good.

As the boy progressed into the philosophy of Zoroaster; he became increasingly militant and angry. But was leanring the organizational format in wyhich to channel all that rage into controlling his surroundings.

As he did he  started to engage with the people around him. Some liked what he had to say, other were in opposition. Some opposition was violent. The violent opposition was seen as a further application of his the found philosophy is correct and the culture in which is in opposition is increasingly wrong.

As his further spreading the phislophy in which gave him comfort increased the opposition of his community and eventually culture. He was forced to become increasingly militant to stand up and fight for his new well more like ancient philosophy.

Eventually his ancient philosophy turned into a violent militant direction toward the enemies the founder of the philosophy faced. Since the enemies of the Zoroastrian philopshy were still around and in opposition to the philosophy(I hypothesis) he took is upon himself to finish the work of Zoroaster and finish erasing all traces of the enemy of Zoroaster form the world. Starting with physically violating over the course of three days a remaining academia built by the enemy. Directing all who would follow his teachings they are required to perform the same physical violation ritual over the same three day period of time he did it.


Not because of what the boy did; but the situation of which he was raised. The conflicts and cross cultural philosophical tug of war between the three dominant cultures of that very small land area in and around Mecca is what cause the boy to have the reactions and develop the philosophy and outlook he did. Which also caused the rest of the entire world to react to that boy’s post-traumatic stress by having to deal with being raised in a political and religious war zone. How do I know as a matter of fact that boy had post-traumatic stress; one does not create a religious ceremony based on pure hate unless the person has a great deal of hate in their heart.

A profanity laced rant while attempting to do a premeditated murder; there is nothing holy about that. Repeat the actions for a number of times over the course of a number of days. Once over a few minutes is one thing; beating a dead horse for three days is another. Not one thing about profanity and premeditated murder is acceptable, or holy.


The problem is with the entire thing. Almost no one has any idea of what the actions they are being asked and commanded to do. Do a physical action, but even the most learned person has no idea why the action is being commanded. The history of Mecca, why built the three pillars, why the three pillars were constructed in the first place, why Mecca is an ancient city dating back to before written language,  why throw rocks, they Zoroaster did what he did, where Zoroaster created his philosophy, or that Zoroaster was not his real name, or an accurate century in which Zoroaster was even born (estimates put his birth anywhere in a 4000 year stretch. With at least 3 different name changes. Problem is the first two names are from long dead languages; which one has not been fully translated into modern languages yet), etc.. So many meticulous records keeping but so many gigantic holes in the records.


Conquest is a very dangerous and difficult game to play. Just because a small village can be erased from history, does not mean a multi-city with millennia long connections to other cultures can be removed overnight. Survivors will get out, those survivors can rebuild at least in part what was burned to the ground. Have a couple pockets of survivors and a good proximity of what the pre-conquest culture was like can be reformed.


Germany, the UK, and the middle east are excellent examples of the survivors. reforming.

Even though Germany, the UK, and the middle east culture have been attacked and conquered more times than can easily be counted does not mean small pockets of ancient knowledge does not pass from generation to generation.

Powerful families have private libraries for a reason. Powerful families also create major defenses for the same reason. Keep what they have from being destroyed, take away, or other.

Germany has become exceedingly good at rebuilding and reforming a strong culture after being all but obliterated by invaders. Most notably when both Rome and Austria invaded with all but erased the previous culture. Kind of like a forest fire; the small animals just burrow down and wait for the heat to dissipate. After the heat leaves, the small pockets of survivors come out from under there protective rocks and start to rebuild.

The UK the Romans had more than a 500 year old foothold and major cities established. But Gaelic is still spoken.

Pockets of rather impressive knowledge and ancient mathematics is still findable if you know where to look in the middle east.


Militant Islam has a very impressive philosophical history. It might go by a hundred names, but the philosophy has remained mostly the same with some additions for the last 5000 years.

Starting with the present


Militant Islam v everyone 500-present

Militant Zoroastrian v everyone 1500 b.c.e - 500 ce

Before Zoroastrian (a language change occurred at 1500 b.c.e with most of the middle east. Most of the cuneiform and linear A languages were lost. When the change over occurred several cultures also name changed. When this name change occurred some of the history of those cultures were lost.

Militant Assyrians 3000-1500

Militant ? 5000-3000


This culture was first identified by way of the Kurgan hypothesis.


Every time they pop up in history they. The remnance of this specific tribe; using this specific philosophy as a guide for all actions.

They have a defined MO

Kill civilians.

Attack military unites by way of sneak attacks, suicide squads, and now IEDs hidden in every conceivable innocent container.


Previous incarnations were the assassins; basic suicide squads but specializing in entering specific targeted instillations and slicing throats while they slept. No distinction between military, civilian, kids etc. the only interest body counts.


Every single time a group holding this philosophy pops its head up they are one goal.

Kill all that question their authority,

Destroy all trace of anything which points to their philosophy being wrong.

Erase specific cultures from existence. Specific cultures itself bothers this specific philosophy.

This cultures philosophy since the beginning has always had a problem with any and all things to do with language, math, science, etc. which has to do with a specific leap in technology.

The leap in technology has to do with the leap from atomic to subatomic.