Welling Mathematics Ancient trade routes


What ancient trade routes were


A hypothesis as to how ancient cultures set up trade routes.


·         Definition 1.

o   A trade route; village A needs supplies located near an area village B is located. Village A representatives go out to village B. Village B sends out to representatives of village A. After the basics of language, greetings customs, etc. are worked out the two sides can find out what each other needs and present each other their needs. Village B gives A what it needs from that area in return Village A gives B something it has B needs.

·         Definition 2

o   Village A needs supplies from area B. Village A has teenagers who have energy to burn and in desperate need of someplace to burn off all that energy.

o   So the elders and parents send out the teens and some 20s and 30s adults looking for adventure out to location B in order to establish a settlement.

o   The benefits are the items from location B have a built in market with the villagers of A. The newly established residents of B former residents of A now have established a trade route. Supplies from A and given to B and the new supplies form B are shipped back to A.

·         Definition 2B

o   The only problem is when time passes. A year, a few years, a generation or two. Some might start to grow annoyed with the situation and want to even the odds of the trade. A wants more or B wants more. So instead of being a fair trade it becomes a power struggle.

o   A number of things could cause this rift.

o   The entire legal profession is based on working out these exact compromises.

o   The youth being sent out to take the upper hand by force is the usual outcome.


·         Definition 3

o   Family A/City A conquers Family A /City B; siblings or cousins fight each other

·         Definition 4

o   Unknown city A conquers unknown city B; the inhabitants of city A want something from City B. city A’s army lays siege and takes city B. City A and B are unrelated, and or could not care less if they are related.

·         Definition 5

o   The entire trade route and establishing trade route described above is not the primary way trade routes were created.

o   Many nomadic tribes force to be nomadic based on weather form temporary cooperation’s. Those temporary cooperation’s lead into long standing trust. The Generations pass, the trust and the inhabitance start to openly trade equal for equal. Some profits are pursued but mostly; long standing friendships become friends giving each other gifts. The inhabitance of each village create things especially for inhabitance of other villages. Just because the villages move around does not stop the mutual nurturing.

o   When the glacier age stopped, these would be the beginning of large cooperative cultures.

§  A large cooperative culture; the inhabitance are allowed to stop and build permanent cooperative cities. Over time and more cities are built; the cities on the outskirts protect the cities on the inside. Centers of military, learning, politics, religion, etc. are established in secure locations. The outer cities act as protection, the inner cities act as administration, training and storage.

§  Large cultural cooperation; the citizens of cultures A several hundred miles away from B work together. They do not see each other very often, but the fortunes and misfortunes are shared. No one culture gets rich without sharing or has disaster without help coming from hundreds of miles away.

§  Reference for this type are the settlers of the Americas. A fort was only x miles away. If the village is attacked, the army is close to call for help.

·         Definition


·         In the ancient world, most everyone was related to one another; by any number of ways, or theories.

o   The point is not if they were related. The point is how did each side work out their differences.

o   Brothers have gone to war with each other for a very long time.

o   Just because ancient cultures warred and razzed each other’s cities does not mean they were not related and did not interact with each other accordingly.

o   Brother A from city A might just for some reason need to go out and attack city B and in so doing be attacking the city of his brother B. Does not mean they are not brothers, nor does it mean they do not have familial bonds.

o   It does mean siblings and first cousins did not raise armies and attack each other during some summers.



·         Trade routes established during the glacier age continue unhindered (with some exceptions) till each major culture were conquered in turn.

o   Some of the trade routes continued under “new governmental management” others stopped.


·         Along with the mythology of the Cradle of civilizations

o   The creation of the first trade routes is a myth. The creation of trade routes starting after the glaciers retreated then after the first cities were established is a fallacy. Yes of course some trade routes started after. But the invention of the concept came around 75000 years ago, during a lull in the advancing glacier period. Their was a several thousand year lull from 70,000-40,000. From 40-10 the glaciers were moving and progressing south again.

·         The following cultures trade routes

o   Middle eastern

§  The ice did not come as far south as to cover the Mediterranean. Consequently the area of the Mediterranean was free to have settlements and cities created. Free from most of the major issues. Need being the mother of invention. It does not take long to figure out the youth need to go off and achieve goals. What better goals than to create new cities.

§  Although the middle east trade routes with the Aegean and the rest of the Mediterranean are highly questionable. This could be a clear case of the first trade route scenario. Culture A the Canaanites sent out ships and population to make new cities far away. The distance of faraway being a relative to each wave, with each wave of sending out settlements being farther and farther from the home city but equal (within reason) distant from the sent out settlements city. Each send out being generationally each successive wave.

§  The entire Mediterranean throughout the entire stretch from the first thoughts of “I want something from you.” This concept is of course just slightly above; I want, you have, I take, etc. This way it is; I want, you have, I will want more later, I give you something, I get what I want, I get more of what I want later, etc. All the way up to the modern era; the Mediterranean cultures have almost always maintained a vibrant trade route. Only occasionally have the trade routes have to be reestablished, renegotiated, and old settlements repopulated.

§  The old settlements have to be repopulated after successive natural disasters or conquest tribes kill as many as they can find. Most of the cities around the Mediterranean have been almost constantly inhabited from the beginning of civilization. The beginning of civilization began sometime after 100,000 years ago.

§  I reference Ice Road truckers and anything to do with Antarctica to show how hard life is when the temperature can be year round 60 below zero. If need is the mother of invention; a glacier age is second only to a nuclear disaster in devastation on the population.

§  Fires, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. will all be over with at some point. Or the water will not retreat and the population is forced to move away from the water. A glacier age on the other hand; there is no running there is no high ground; there is no just wait a bit longer it will be done. The ice is too big; the areas of cold are continental.

§  Consequently the Mediterranean was one of the only safe and warm places to be. Consequently the cities would be inhabited off and on the entire time.

§  Aegean

·         Mycenaean and south German and even south Scandinavian chiefs had direct personal contacts.

§  The entire Mediterranean

·         Egypt

·         Carthage

·         Morocco

·         Iberia

·         Basques

·         Italy

·         The islands in the Mediterranean

o   Sicily

o   Cyprus

o   Malta


o   Sarmartian

§   The areas of central and eastern Europe.

§  A couple settlements of the Minoan/Crete/ Pelasgians have been found in the area.

§  Sarmatia is located just north or Thracian lands, which are just to the north of the Aegean/Greece.

§  The Sarmartians, Celts, Thracians, and all kinds of differing barbarian tribes attempting to reestablish the age old trade routes with the new Dorian's and then the Greek's. The Dorian's and Greek's did not negotiate well with the “outsiders.” Many battles were fought as the Greek's attempted to establish dominance over their own lands, also over the cultures from the past.

o   Vinča


o   UK

§  The precursor culture to the Gaelic.

§  One advantage the Aegean cultures had. In 1630 bce; when the soil was fallowed by volcanic eruption and tidal wave. The Aegean sailed to the UK on mass; asking to settle in the UK from the tribes they had been doing business with for millennia.

§  Unfortunately the merging of long standing friend cultures did not last. The old cultures of the UK were mostly absorbed by the progressive cultures who came both invited and uninvited. Changing almost the entire framework of the Islands a dozen time before the Romans left in 400 ce.

§  Be the reason dominant philosophy

§  The Mycaeanians followed the Cretans/ Pelasgians to the UK. The Mycaeanians under Zeus were a terribly aggressive culture with a base philosophy of needing to be dominant over everyone else.


o   Indus Harappa

§  A hundred cities in central, western India and eastern Pakistan possibly including the city of burnt. This culture is the middle culture between Asia and the middle east. This is also the only way to get to asia overland to the south. The glaciers would still have Russia and the northern path blocked.

§  Meaning this culture had a trade route with absolutely everyone traveling through this area.

§  Which is one reason this culture was almost constantly at war.

o   Asia

§  Korea


·         Is one of the hardest cultures to pin down. The culture dates back into antiquity.

·         The language is one of the closest to the ancient proto-German/Norwegian.

·         Topographically; Korea is the first land mass northeast of china. Follow the land around the mountains and you find yourself in Korea.

·          Yonaguni Japan is an ancient monument and possibly city which has not been above the water line since roughly 10,000 b.c.e. Although proving this was manmade city is much harder than it sounds. Ancient construction techniques were designed around function and ease of form; rather than put massive effort into forcing the surroundings to meet our needs. Forcing is hard proof something is man-made; but in the middle of a glacier age forcing takes energy. How are resources best spent, working to make the place a little more handmade, or taking care of the normal tasks necessary when a 13,000 foot wall of ice dictates your movements. They might have hand other priorities then to leave a sufficient enough mark in rock their city was built on; which would be underwater for 10,000 years. Making a sufficient mark by carving takes hundreds of man-hours. Where resources are best spent, conforming to rock and natural features is easier than making the rock and natural features conform to needs.

·         At Yonaguni and Bimini; those ancient cultures would have wanted to build out of natural formations. So the same archetype personality 15,000 years ago insisting on minimalist effort into construction; is the same archetype not convinced it is manmade because of the same lack of hard handmade evidence. The same archetype personality which would not have wanted to waist the time and resources, now is not convinced it is manmade.

·         The best story available as to the application of this was a major city of the ancient world. The mythology of the lost city of Mu. Unlike Atlantis being in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Mu was claimed to be in Asia.

·         A far off culture having a consistent trade route with the west. By sea and land. The Polo family were following ancient trade routes laid out millennia of more before Venice was Venice. There is nothing to indicate the Polo brothers were not in the same tradition and following the same routes established during the last glacier age.


·          http://mathildasweirdworldweblog.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/yonaguni-model1.jpg



·         Carrying forward the same contact generation before had done.

o   http://jarnaes.wordpress.com/1-minoan-crete-linear-a/

·         The Aegean and Canaanites had long ancient trade routes as far north an Oslo Norway.

·         http://jarnaes.wordpress.com/1-minoan-crete-linear-a/