Welling Mathematics Humans and electro-magnetics


·         Humans have a magnetosphere around them. Why do I know this as a matter of hard fact. Fact one the brain is an electrical generator. Fact two all humans have at least a couple gallons of water or some kind of liquid in their system. Fact three electricity and water react well together. Fact four electricity is always coursing through the human body. Fact five the electricity coursing through the water and other liquids in the body create an electrical field. Fact six the electrical field humans carry with them has another name a magnetosphere.

·         A magnetosphere is the field generated by positive, negative, and neutral particles interacting with each other in close proximity. The close proximity allows an electrical bond to form between the particles. The bond between the particles is what creates the field.

·         Depending on how much electric, water, liquid, salt, other electricity conducting materials are present, etc. is what determines the strength of the field measured on a voltage meter.

·         Humans and ceremonies

o   It is possible and proven that when you get two or more magnetospheres in close proximity their energy fields can and will merge.


·         Every single solitary ceremony is about one or more humans taking their own individual magnetosphere and working to merge them together e.g. create a larger field.


o   A larger higher voltage energy field will produce larger more tangible results.

