AErdology Birth Day



 Your Birthday is self-explanatory.

However what is not self-explanatory is the structure from which the Day you were born and the years since have a fixed point from which to mark from. That fixed point is within the 8 fixed points the earth passes through in its orbit around the sun.

Those 8 fixed point you were born either on one of those dates or you were born between one of those fixed points.

Which means the Letters Numbers of that specific fixed point will follow you for the rest of your entire life.

Every count done will be based on when your Letters Numbers formed based on those 8 fixed points, you being the 9th fixed point.

The rest of the counts are based off from the foundation of those 9.



No matter what Day it is, your fixed points count to your birthday. Your primary numbers/letters are from that fixed point. Todays are on top of your birthday fixed points.








TR Welling