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Historiography Physics

AErdology Daily Counts 2021 5 20


  2021 5 20

  2021 5 21

  2021 5 22


Personal Counts


These posts are the base line counts of the times to and from every fixed point in the Earths Orbit around the Sun. Which is the foundation of the Greek (although that name did not exist till the Romans coined it after they conquered the major cities of the Aegean. A few of the cities scholars had started to use the word but only very very limited. After those scholars and the associated papers were seized by the invading Romans, did the term become coined.) mythology about Hades and Persephone. Which has a strong and substantial impact into the functionality and structure of the architecture of the Roman Forum. No where in all of the Aegean is there a Pit etc. However in the Roman Forum West there are two separate things called Pit which are only a few dozen feet apart indicating some ancient structure under the floor of the Roman Forum West. That Structure, Labyrinth (means double headed ax; the ax comes into the play by way of Odysseus and his Ax test, which he passed. His wife Penel OPE, the clergy of the Temple of Concord used the word OPE. Did the Odyssey take place in what would be called Rome in 600 ish years?), or Pit could be defined as a several story large building, its roof being the floor of the Forum.  Over the millennia from 1330 to 50 ce, that building/pit was slowly filled in. Floods, trash, human remains, etc. the pit was slowly filled in. Till it was completely full, then through the Vatican imposed Dark Age 200 – 1750 ce all records and references to it were erased from common knowledge. Why because it was a direct threat to the power and mythology of the evil priest Paul (as he is called by the Apostles in the Dead Sea Scrolls). The still alive Apostles called Paul “evil”. His ministry went to direct war against them and their followers to make sure only his ministry and not the ministry of Jesus/Simon Peter would exist.

Jesus metaphorically emerges from 3 days in Hell, could he have emerged from his body being tossed in that Pit of the west side of the Forum. A standard operating procedure for Roman Citizens who were put to death through the use of the Memento Mori Ceremony. After execution, the body was carried back from the Vatican Hill/Temple of Janus (as the statue of Janus points to; in millions of said examples. Taken from the Umbilicus/Traitors Post, around the north side of the Capitoline Hill, to the head of the Road leading across the Field of Mars to the bridge to the Vatican Hill. Tortured on the east side, dragged to the west side mole hill in the Temple of Janus then dispatched, then carried back east to be dumped in the pit. Jesus was not the first 100kth Jew treated in such manner. But he in that exact manner, he was close to the last.) to the Pit and dumped in. That Pit has a collection of divine seals built over it, to keep the Lapis (stone) Niger (black/golem; the body and souls of those dumped in eg the Tributes from ancient times as in the Minotaur and the Palace of Knossos to the immediate South on the Palatine Hill the Pit.) sealed in that pit. Those seals over the next 800 years emerged as the language of Hebrew. Moses created those divine seals to keep the beast in its pit by using the Elder Futhark as a scaffolding. The Elder Futhark is literally several things all in one. It is a Language, mathematics, Calendar, etc. For this we will be specific about the functionality and structure of the Calendar. Since the Calendar is not a calendar but a sequence of them; 8 calendars in a gear’s mechanism. One set to each of the 8 fixed points in the earth’s orbit around the sun. As example Dec 22 (Yule mid winter), Feb 2 (Imbulc the early start to spring), March 22 (Easter; the end of Pass Over; which was a much larger deal previous to 2000 years ago), May 1 (Beltane the start of spring), June 22 (Litha mid summer), Aug 2 (Lughnasad), Sept 22 (Mabon), Oct 31 (Samhain* Halloween) (the start of Pass Over). Those 8 fixed points (first rule of mathematics, measure too and from fixed points)(*One name many things. Was the name of the city of Rome before it was conquered 4 22 753 bce. Renamed for it surviving conqueror Romulus.) collected together is the only entirely from the smallest measurement to the length of the universe accurate time measurement device. But since it is also a language the numbers convert to letters. So any given day you have a foundation of 16 characters which will only alter by a small amount (there is a 3rd form of statistics, wherein you have Easter is only within plus or minus 36 hours plus or minus from a 0 point. All of the 8 are within 36 hours plus or minus from a 0 fixed point. Mid Summer is within 3 days of June 21, all of them are within 3 days of their approximate date. They never go outside of that 3 day window.), which the foundation Language in association with the Elder Futhark and Time provides the core from which to add more characters which adds words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters to tell the story of your life from the perspective of time. Which has a direct connection with the Greek Character of Medusa. Those counts are in part created by the use of complex sun dials to measure the distance between each of the 8 fixed points in the earths orbit around the sun. Eg misogynistic war lords changing a good story about a collection of scholars who would read this language and tell you about the story of your life, into the banished female (Alma not Bethela; Bethela means Virgin, Alma means a mathematician. The Hebrew word used to describe and define the Mary mother of Jesus was Alma not Bethela. Bethela means “of marriageable age”) clergy someplace way away. Her story mixed with the Stonehenge megaliths the Alma (Medusa. To ignorant hate filled war lords those carved standing stones poetic license turned into humans frozen in place by the power of those creatures. Human turned into a half snake. More information on the snake is available) Clergy used to track the passage of those 8 fixed points in the earth’s orbit around the sun. In Latin Alma was translated into the word Vestal, the records of that set of clergy were created in their compound south of the Forum, todays in effect stone information was displayed in the Temple of Vespa, and yesterdays counts were stored in the Tabelarium (an early word meaning in effect building/arium to house the record of those counts/tabulations/Tabel’s) behind the Temple of Concord. The Temple of Concord clergy were in part charged with maintenance and interpretation of those records created by the Vestal’s.

The Arabic language is where western culture receives its Arabic numbers from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, centuries later the 0 was added. Previous all characters were letters and numbers based on use.

Those numbers/letters create a foundation of words. It has been x days since Mid-Winter, it is y days till the next mid-Winter. That is how these counts and this post works.

The Date; Fixed point in the year, Days since, number, the translation of that number into Futhark Letters, Days till that fixed point in the year happens again, number of days till, letters of that number.

May 21

-3 Mabon

175   W   G

-2 Lammas or Lughnasadh

315   P   TH

-1 Litha

357   Al      L


42   U   B

+1 Easter

89   A   T

+2 Imbulc

132   K   J

+3 Yule

179   W   I

+4 Samhain

222   N   K


21-May Yule 149 G    R 212 H    M Imbulc 108 R    J 253 I    AE Easter 60 TH    J 301 AE    AE Beltane 21 F    L 340 AE    A Litha 329 P    T 32 U    W Lughnasad 289 AE    F  72 TH    D Mabon 238 N    Ing 123K    TH Samhain200 H    W ↑ 161 G    T




Days since Yule 149 G    R Days till Yule happens again 212 H    M

Days since Imbulc 108 R    J Days till Imbulc happens again 253 I    AE

Days since Easter 60 TH    J Days till Easter happens again 301 AE    AE

Days since Beltane 21 F    L Days till Beltane happens again 340 AE    A

Days since Litha 329 P    T Days till Litha happens again 32 U    W

Days since Lughnasad 289 AE    F  Days till Lughnasad happens again 72 TH    D

Days since Mabon 238 N    Ing Days till Mabon happens again 123K    TH

Days since Samhain200 H    W Days till Samhain happens again161 G    T



There are a number of different ways in which to assess how to arrange the letters/numbers to create coherent words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, etc.

From the basic Gears (Temple of Venus), to the compass (pick any number of fixed points and the letters fill themselves in; East, N, S, W, the exact valley of the Roman Forum West, the slightly different angle of the Roman Forum East, to key buildings, key locations, etc)


In the functionality of the structure of the Compass, from the fixed point of the exact center from the Temple of Caesar east to Traitors Post West. The exact center of 0 of that spot. Add the Compass circle which is also the circle of the language of the Elder Futhark.

Where does the Sun stream from east to west on the 8 fixed points in the earths orbit around the sun. Identify those 8 points; those are the starting points regarding those specific 8 counts. As in how many degrees from mid-summer to mid-winter, and then how many degrees from mid winter to mid summer. The Sun creates an arch. That Arch is in itself

The symbols are anchored to specific buildings. Wherever Fehu is in relations with those symbols as they are attached to those key buildings, those characters are added.

Which makes this literally the foundation mathematics of where the Hebrew Language was crated from, and where the Tarot Major Arcana came from.





Previous To the Current

Situations and People who Led to the Construction

Construction Pre Production

Construction Begins

Construction Progression and Details

How Long since Construction Ended

Events of the Structure since Construction Ended

Building Modifications

Current Configuration


People Involved

Location Involved









































































Elder Futhark


  2021 5 20

  2021 5 21

  2021 5 22

  2021 5 23

  2021 5 24

  2021 5 25

  2021 5 26

  2021 5 27

  2021 5 28

  2021 5 29

  2021 5 30

  2021 5 31


TR Welling