AErdology Judaism



The most difficult aspect of the theology, culture, civilization of Judaism is to accurately find out where it came from. Obviously, it came from a source, but that source is not about Adam and Eve, or about Noah. It is a differnet fixed point date, centuries after Noah.

The construction of the city of Heirakonopolis occurred centuries if not a millennia previous.

Heliopolis/IWNW that city is also a sequence of start dates based on invasions and language changes.

Also the concept and word Jew would not exist for more than 1100 years after the start year of the calendar. That start date for the Jews is when Judah took over as the new Pharaoh/King/Leader/Israel of his people; who were named after his Jews.

When Wilhelm Wundt was in Tiffin Ohio starting the notes circa 1844, which became the first modern textbook on Psychology published about three decades later circa 1880. Ironically about the same time Alois Hitler was stripped of his sur name, ranks, position, pensions, etc. for being an Esau based Semitic. Esau based the Semitic laws mostly applied to Jacobs descendants not Esau’s. But that is a distinction the western world has yet to understand.

Wundt had read a lot of books in the last decade he had started to study as a 5 year old ancient languages.

Being sold into indentured servitude to the Prussian Empire specifically the FreiKorp had given young Wilhelm a very odd and difficult perspective. He was also working with Oliver Cowdery and under a false name Joseph Smith who was working for the FreiKorp as a ghost slave. This slave masters has kidnapped him, left a dead body double in his place, and forced him to work for them.

Not unlike they forced millions of Jews to previous and post 1840.


Jesus was a Jew, Smith had been working on attempting to separate his flock into those loyal to himself who would embrace the fact that Jesus was a Jew and that the whole Christian thing was pure The Evil Priest Paul Fiction.

Salt Lake City was for the Christian Mormons to be led by B.Y., Rocky Mountain was to be for Jews and those who were interested in the ways of Jesus rejecting flat out the teachings of Paul.

Wundt learned all these things.

He also saw a pattern.

a good message for a missing better word comes from god,

and not long after some dominant jerk  who is entirely convinced they speak for god comes along and wants to corrupt the word from good to evil.


The pattern is present in almost every story of the bible.

Up to and including the power struggles from Caine and Able through Terah and the Tower of Babel, etc.

The “Bad People” come and demand they have the power, refusing flat out to listen to anything or anyone but their own in most cases narcissism and in come cases Megalomania.

Good is created, but then attracts all manner of “insects” to the light.





-3761. The approximate year invaders from Mecca invaded southern Egypt and forced the Library at Hierakonpolis to be picked up and moved north first to the city of Luz and then to the city of IWNW.

The invaders from Mecca at circa 2100 bce had a new name Hyksos. They were the direct descendants of Esau, but Esau did not invent the culture. He simply became the next King/Phaoah of that branch of the family. The branch of the family who rule from hate, rage, domination, control, bitterness, a distain for god, etc.


The invasion of Hierakonpolis marked the first of an endless waves of invasions and wars started by the “Bad People” against Noah and his descendants.


The Bad People are those who are entirely convinced they are acting in the best interests of god but are in fact acting exactly against


What sticks out in the bible is the fact the start of chapter 6 is a couple paragraphs about the Nephilim, then introduces Noah, and then instructs Noah’s Ark.

Then introduces the concept of a great flood to “removed the bad people”.

The problem si, the bad people were aiming at the Nephilim, because they are entirely convicned the Nephilim have divine secrets which should belong to them. The bad people demand to have access to divine secrets in order to help god rule over earth and heaven. But by help means they can sway gods thinking to always either favor the bad people and or allow the bad people to have complete dominance over what the bad people what dominance over.

They are sure the Nephilim have divine secrets and they will not stop till those secrets are in their possession. Form 4000 bce to present, the pattern of tracing the library of the nephilim in order to seize control over those wepaons has been the soul task of the bad people. They have done by a hundred different names, up and and including the Hyksos/Avaris/Dorians/Romans/and in part Vatican.



The Old Kingdom

The Old Kingdom of Egypt existed between 2600-2100 bce.

They are the ones who built the pyramids. But there is a huge collection of problems regarding the history of this time period.

First when the hYksos invaded at 2100 bce, it took about a century to completely secure Egypt under Hyksos control. Second the Hyksos became upset that since it took so long to secure all of Egypt under their domination that they had to in a very real effect go chase after those who had time to evacuate out of Egypt and consequently the control of the hYksos. Having someone out in the world not under the command and control of the Hyksos was and is entirely unacceptable in all ways, shapes, and forms to the Hyksos. They must dominat and control all, or the world is just not ok with them. Which occationallyl includes attacking god in an effort to control heaven to cascade down into controlling earth.

All in all a very bad culture.

The Hyksos were for the most part absolutely petrified that the royal family and of course the scholars involved with the “Old Kingdom” would somehow preserve the secrets used to build the opyramids and it would be those secrets that the enemy of the Hyksos would build weapons. Weapons which would be built and used to bring harm to the Hyksos.

Since the Hyksos only think about weapons, they are entirely convinced that everyone else also only  think about weapons and genocide. To kill the enemy is the entire point to existence.


The Hyksos had been planning on said invasion since the “Old Kingdom” started.

The Old Kingdom its history dates back to the time of Noah and well before that. However documentation is extremely spotty since the languages of the time have only been very partially translated. The oldest are less than 5% and newer ones of say 2800-2200 bce are about 25-35% translated. Some of the words and letters were used millennia later, but in most cases it can be shown that one culture uses x word in a very different way than y and z cultres.

The Hyksos changed things so radically when they seized power, that they changed almost all aspects of life in Egypt. The language, culture, customes, hsitoyr, etc. the story of the pyrmids true was changed to pure fiction by the Hyksos. They later when they name changed to Avaris and Doriian furthered this basic idea. Forcing the fictions they crddtead to hide the facts of the Old kingdom and Noah from the world by forcing the formuation of Academics after the Dorian Dark Age circa 1500-800 bce; when the Dorians agreed to have education return to the Ǽgean they did so only under the most strictd of parameters and some of ancient history was written according to what tey wanted, which was mostly fiction.

If the dorian/Hyksos scholars and leaders did not like something or some collection of facts from the ancient world “offended them” that collection of facts was altered to please the leader.

Which is a situation the Romans and then the Vaticn used almost every day when they rose to power.

The Hyksos, Dorians, Avaris, Romans, some Greek Cities, and the Vatican have one strong and domienat t hing in common. A soul level hadret for the Jews.

Most of Jewish history was written not by the Jews themselves but by their mortal enemy the descendants of Esau.

Up to and including the Hebrews, who have been pretending to be Jews since the Hyksos Moses from the city of Avaris decided to recreate Judaism in his own image. Erasing all but every single laspecgt of Judaism he could minus one small cerminy. He edited the holy book as hard as he could in order to make himself the eemphases of power.

The first 5 books, for of them are directly about the achidvements of Moses. The first book is only 50 chapters, and most of those chapters are serisly abridged.


Terah attacking the Ziggurat of Eridu






Sarah and Abraham





The beginning of Pyramid Construction

the imaginary line is an abbreviated timeline from 4004 when based on evidence Noah arrived in Heliopolis/IWNW

1476 is approximately when the "old kingdom returned" to take over ruling as the 18th dynasty.


the 18th technically took over 1530, but their was huge concern over when and or if the Hyksos would rally regroup and receive control over Egypt.




Neuropathways of History

Neuropathways and language

Compass Headings

Misspellings Language

Word and Letter Time Maps

Key Letters

What are the key letters/words in this specific documente.








TR Welling