AErdology Magazine   Wannsee Conferences Part 1a b


Wannsee Conferences

The Conferences which took place in the seized house of the first assistance to Heinrich Himmler Reinhard Heydrich. Despite all that happened the members of the Thule Society were in absolute adjective violent opposition to the Prussians, the FreiKorp and the entirety of the Third Reich.

Makes the events of WWII put into an entirely different perspective.

Part of the allied expeditionary forces were not entirely quiet about their support for Adolf. Prescott Bush, he made millions in profits for himself and the Reich before he was punished. By all legal rights he should have been executed for high treason, but since he was a member of Tammani Hall he was immune. Tammany Hall is a name change organization form the FreiKorp as well as the NAZI Party. The New York branch name changed to Tammany Hall the Munich branch of the FreiKorp name changed to NAZI.

From 1920-1941, The Thule Society worked with the British against both the English and the Americans like Prescott Bush and his friends who were absolutely on the side of Adolf, including Coco Channel who came home one day after the war and informed someone she was saved by the gallows by a political friend. She was a hard core Nazi supporter. But then again so was Henry Ford, his hatred of Jews was legendary.


The Thule Society itself is what remained of a string of think tanks which formed and were very quickly outlawed by the Prussia Empire. They were outlawed because they had assembled solid research, which when outlawed the Prussians would come in an seized all resersach materials. They would also seize the treasuries. Then deny the group any and all access to each other or any library, till the paid to purchase another operating license.

This became a standard thing for the Prussian Empire, they were constantly declaring think tanks illegal and would seize all their assets. Demanding they pay for the rights to reform. Sometimes this happened every few months from 1806-1930 when all non-explicitly directed think tanks were entirely outlawed.

If a scholar belonged to a sequence of think tanks, that scholar was by default forced to in effect work for the Prussian Empire to focus on studies the empire wanted. Of course, all their assets would be seized and they would not be allowed to own anything. They were considered an enemy of the state and to earn their way from being executed they needed to turn their brain into whatever the Prussian wanted them to produce.

This is the fate of Wilhelm Wundt who created the first modern psychology textbook. He was taken from h is family and placed into slavery for 20 years. Officially it is called “indentured servitude” but it is just a nice way of saying slavery.

The Thule Society was one of the last named organizations of more than a century of different think tanks being outlawed. Shortly after they were outlawed by the Reich, they name changed to The Four Year Plan, then name changed agin when anything connected to the Reich was outlawed by the allied expeditionary forces. They name changed to The Stille Group, which is still up and operating in the present. It had been run by one of Himmler’s’ Daughters till a bit ago when she died of old age.

Himmler’s assistant Reinhard Heydrich

The conference occurred in his house which he seized from a nice Jewish family.


The first conference took place over the course of 3 days not 2 hours.

The first 2 hours was a conversation about how to write a documattary  
















TR Welling