TR Welling 24*24 576


or people who go to church, do you go every sunday, how long have you been attending.

when did your church form, from what branch of christianity

or what branch of x

those numbers/letters affect your counts

if you do not, if you do,

unless you live in Rome, Mecca, Cairo. you do not live close to where the religion was founded. so that distance/numbers letters is also part of it.

anythign which can be converted to variables, numbers/letters adds to your letter count and of course sequence of letters understanding.

the more letters the more

words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, etc.


1 11  11b%20copy     Fehu  Priorities




11 1111b%20copy

11b%20copy the one count






B A Most of the info that is of this symbolic science Erdology is on and about the pursuit of the rules of motion. You see that every section has motion and movement.


setting and establishing basic priorities to all that is of this planet.


11b%20copy    Fehu the first Ætt. 



11b%20copy language

12%20copy Fehu

Number 1





basic priorities of Symbolic science Ǽrdology

Number 2




Strength Creation strengths that are found in Erdology


Number 3




Inner Cycles Boundaries, geography Symbolic math 24 dimensional mathematics geography


Number 4




Exploration Language, communication

Transverse Wave (water wave) what are the ways in which the inside of boundaries things interact and see that which is around them


Number 5




Journey  Physical movement, journey

Physical Journey: to achieve the goals set forward by the establishment of the priorities the physical journey begins.

ma 14 connection 2 copyJourney 

Number 6




Wisdom Education,

Wisdom: to lessons learned over the experience of time.


Number 7





partnerships and business


Number 8




Soul   Joy, emotion, art,

Emotion and art,

community/village/society/city/town/country/county/region you live in. since each of those places has its own time count and your art may or many not go well in the count you are trying to put yourself into







the items of this Ætt are about internal building and creating.  This group works similar to the first Ætt but instead of being about basic priorities this is about the internal strength required to put those priorities into action


in this planet this is the section that covers that which is specific to the happenings and goings on inside of the connections and communications with the past.  See as things move and maneuver around that past action is what propels things into the future.  Having a harmonization with that which is in the past is a key example of how to proceed other future.  This section is about all the steps necessary for one to understand that which is going on in the world around them.  From a pov of the past.

Number 9




Past Identification 

An understanding of the past


The way and flow of culture, communities, villages, cities, states, countries,

Nordic Germanic: the runes and the religion of Odin, thor, Loki, and the rest

Celtic: the megaliths, the Celtic cross, and the characters of their language

Etruscan: the religion, their language, the megaliths they left behind. Their connection to the culture who bore them the Cretans,

Cretan/Minoan/linear A: the religion, language, engineering, map making, navigation, cultural influence,

Canaanite/Elamite/Sumerian/Mesopotamian/: as the story goes this culture is known by many names and was the powerhouse culture in the middle east till they split with a revolutionary religions change. Half became monotheistic the other half stayed polytheistic.

Indus Harappa:  this culture is one of the oldest cultures of the world. They had the same language, engineering, religion, and connection and communication with the other 6 cultures.

Vinĉa:  these people located in present day hungry are more then 8000 years old.  This is  the culture that I think was the ancient Vanier. Since according to the Edda this culture matches that of the Vanier completely. 


anthropology archaeology


history.  Having an idea of where something not only has come from in the previous step of  its development, but where in the long term it has come from, and even where has its parents come from.  These are all very important questions to ask and understand where it comes to understanding something  past.


37%20copy cultures of the past

Mythical cultures


Symbolic cultures


Cuneiform cultures


Greek cultures


Latin cultures


German Nordic







Greek ???


Number 10






Number 11




Calm Future


Number 12




Time cycles 


Timing   sequences


24%20copy 11b%20copyCommunity    June 29 - Oct 27  This set is an outline on community interaction.   Allowing the community to interact and  respond to one another in a mutually productive way.  Fehu, Uruz, Thurasaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kannaz, Gebo, Wunjo

24%20copy Summer Season:  Time of action,  take the blooming possibilities from your hibernation and all the initiation from the spring season and  apply those now.


how to go about actually applying time to your life.


1.  Picking up the calendar and looking at it for the second time.

a.   Seeing the runic half month calendar

b.  Seeing the rhyme for the second time and realizing that it was translated after 300 c. e.

c.   The adjustment of the calendar, to match the blots.

d.  The meanings become more and more clear

e.   Ok, if this year has symbolic meanings then what happens next year, generation map instantaneously became clear

f.    Art of the past

g.   The calendar and what I say with that

h.  First came the year

i.     Fibonacci observation of the cycles of nature

j.     Hour

k.  Day

l.     Week

m.     The seasons

n.  The Year

o.  (The new calendar  (Julian and Gregorian changes)

p.  1 year

q.  2 the

r.    3 the Ǽtts

s.    Then the 5 seasons

t.    The 8 Sabbats

u.  13 moon cycles

v.  Then the generation map pack based non psychology

w.The latter math of the extended cycles 576

x.   13,824

y.   331,776

z.   7,962,624


1.  Calendar, what the calendar is: this calendar is my attempt to understand the creation of the Nordic Germanic runic/Elder Futhark.  See I knew that the items involved with the runic half month calendar were just flat out wrong, not out of being designed to be wrong, they were translated to be wrong.  When the calendar was translated into Julian, the Julian calendar was off by a few days, so the runic half month calendar was off by a few days.  When it was translated into Gregorian, our western world current calendar those off days stayed put.

a.   Month

                                         i.         Why Litha, because that is how it was set when I found the calendar, the calendar itself was set with Litha at the beginning.

                                       ii.         Why put the Sabbath in the middle of the month: Because mathematically adding all the 8 sabbots and the floating days to the year, putting Litha in the middle of the month is the only way to keep the Sabbath that refers to that month in the middle of that month.  It also helps with the addition of the days to each month.  To have the Litha in the middle of Fehu.

                                    iii.         Fortnight  This is an every fortnight column, it is updated info I write and rewrite every 15 to 16 days depending on the month and the Sabbath’s involved.   Although some of the information contained within repeats exactly, most of the information contained with this column changes dramatically.  I add, change, and rewrite some parts of the intro each column before I sent it out each Futhark month because as I gain a deeper understanding of the Erdology and how it works, I need to update the column.  Every time I get feedback on the content, I make subtle changes which improve the way the column is written.  Definition of fortnight: this is from the Ancient 14 day calendar of 14 consecutive nights.  Which could have easily been changed from the origins of 15 and 16 days of this calendar.  Too much from ancient European history has been changed, altered, subverted, and out right spun to be something else that we have to rebuild the history from clues left from the spin of time and conquest.

                                    iv.         Biblical reference to the Sabbath calendar, in the bible and Koran it tells that the people of ancient times lived 600 to 900 years.  Well what if that was not years but the count of sabots.  As in 8 Sabbaths a year.  600 to 900 Sabbaths a year is just about the regular human life span we have come to expect from the last 3000 years of human history.

                                      v.         24 sequence.


b. Standard Year

c.  Leap Year  this is an unusual year since this happens to be a leap year.  So the counts for Erdology the current month and the last month are a bit different.  This month has Feb. 29 in Bircano.

d.  Sabbath  Definition of Sabbath, this is a term I found in the dictionary that is the only word that I can find that truly gets close to that of the original origins of the 8 equinoxes and or solstices of a year.  In celebration of that time.  This is also called witches night.

e.  Seasonal actions and reactions to items

                                         i.         Allergies, some people are only effected by some items at specific times a year.

All animals have certain behavior patterns at specific times a year

Number 13




creation and growth Creation, fertility, feminine, reproduction




Yggdrasil world tree

fertility, creation, reproduction

Number 14




Apply Machines, mechanical devices 

Awareness  Divination  


Number 15




Written language Awareness warrior, instincts 

knowledge : the experience gained over the course of time. of ones activities. To learn from what one has done.
Higher ed


how do things interact and alter themselves according to how the vibration of the surroundings are


Number 16






Higher education higher education, 100 monkey, higher cognitive representation





combining that which is are the first steps and the second steps into a one harmonious balance of an internal structure this is about how to properly go about putting the basic priorities of the first Ætt and the strength of the second Ætt into proper boundaries and their proper place in the world. this is about how to properly go about putting the basic priorities of the first Ætt and the strength of the second Ætt into proper boundaries and their proper place in the world.

Number 17




Direction  of group,


Direction: working with the flow of what has been done over a course of time, and adding to that the direction of the next step in the process



Direction of laws and leaders, governments ands institutions,



direction, the direction of any one thing doing its own thing


direction and or projectile concepts.  This is about warrior when it comes to this planet but mostly this deals with the movement rates and the progression of motion, movement, projectile in motion, moving from one semi fixed point to another.  The 24 based navigation, how does Mannaz go from step 1 through step 2 all the way to step 3 and then alter course for step 4.  this is about a different kind of movement rate.  a projectile movement rate.

major directions


Warrior, direction of leaders move the community they are in charge of direction, the direction of any one thing doing its own thing

Number 18





Growth: growth patterns will emerge to show the long term affects of action and


growth on a  massive internal and external scale

Understanding of large movement growth,

Growth: watching the progress and establishment from birth all  the way up to full grown.

plants, and the growing process of seed to fallow


to grow and advance, from a small through the medium all the way up to big, and then down again into a smaller version of the big.  This is all about growth rates, and compression of huge blue prints of the mightiest of things into the smallest of packages,  DNA for instance,  the movement rules and regulations of planet and larger growing things.

Number 19




Celestial motion Movement

Celestial motion, tracking the earth, moon, sun, and the placement of our solar system in the galaxy we are in.

Celestial motion: great and profound motion that happens when one is surrounded by the accomplishment of lots of work and a partially completed project



Number 20




Identification of Self

The self: as to anything there is a time of deep reflection and personal growth, this is that step.


The journey of the self.  This is the journey of the mind, body, and spirit working together.


identification of the self.  All electro magnetic spheres, stability, harmony with the self and the surroundings self, what is happening on the inside of any one given electro magnetic sphere.

self, what is happening on the inside of any one given electro magnetic sphere.


self, to any and everything human or not, everything has to have an inner, a self identification of what is happening in the inner workings.  In 24 based navigation, Mannaz is all about the center 8 rules, what is causing something to have a past a present a future.  this is the electro magnetic that causes the movement to happen.  what does the thing need to be able to do with it does.




At  Age 4

At Age 28 

At Age 52 

At Age 76

At  Age 100


Number 21




Flow Electro magnetic concepts

this is where string theory is mapped out.  The overall branes of electro magnetic frequencies and vibrations  Flow: through and over the course and passage of time. everything that can and has been done has to balance with the energy of the universe.


Language separate definitions








Religion, magic, prayer, the dogma of belief


electro magnetic rules, dogma of religion, the rules of how to put things together on an electro magnetic level.

electro magnetic rules, dogma of religion, the rules of how to put things together on an electro magnetic level.


magic, prayer, electro magnetic rules and regulations of how this whole thing works on a Electromagnetic scale.  This is the Electromagnetic  machine is


Psychic development use and use in symbolic language


The communality of the bull in most of the symbolic cultures.

Indus Harappa







Psychic layout patterns


Celtic cross




Cup spread


Clockwise swirl


Counterclockwise swirl


9 worlds spread


3 card spread


Number 22




Small Growth The gears of this world and of everything in this world. atomic structure


everything in its place and a place for everything. From small to large and from large to small. Organization. Everything from atoms to the membranes  Details of life: as a harmonizing affect of energy happens, another step in having anything is to find its place in the world. To understand what everything is and where it all fits from the smallest to the biggest.


The map of the universe, from quarks through galaxies


the gear of how everything works, quarks all the way up to the biggest and back again covering each and every step between the machine of the gears of the counts. From the smallest parts all the way up to and through the biggest parts.


the gear of how everything works, quarks all the way up to the biggest and back again covering each and every step between


atomic construction.  This section is about the mechanics and superstructure of how to go about the mechanics of making something from a quark all the way up to something bigger, but this is more of a road map for construction processes, this is the blue prints, not the actually making of the thing.  this is to make sure all  the nuts and bolts are in the correct places.  the harmony between the smallest to the largest

Number 23







Home and Stability

Home stability: To achieve balance and harmony a thing has to have a home. A place where everything is stable inside and out. In the physical world this is called where you live. individual community




Culture counts, what is happening with a culture is different then what is happening with the governing body of that culture.  This section is all about the process of the count of a country, community, village, neighborhood, and such.

For instance the United States of America is 230 years old which means that the us is in the count of the Nauthiez generation Pertho year.  Nauthiez generation is the count of being in the right here and right now when it comes to the process of putting forward the identify of a nation. The middle Ætt in which the United States of America is in the 5th character or step is about personal and personality formulation.



cultures, communities, tribes, cities, ect what causes things to be stable and organized.  To be in harmony with the self, the smallest environment, a slightly larger surroundings, the earth(Erdology), and the movement of the planet through the world. A family home insert paradise lane house

Sociology the ways and flows of civilization


cultures, communities, tribes, cities, ect.


building and structures.  This section is all about the various concepts involved with construction and building of physical items.    This may be a larger structure then small molecular structures.



31%20copy 21%20copyMeaning in different languages:







Greek ???


Symbolic Meaning 

Literal Translation:

Divinatory Meaning:


specific sociology cultures and tribal living together situations. Smallest to largest.

Number 24




Balance  The electro magnetic sphere of this world 

Day:  this is the end of the sequence, this is a place where it is important to understand where one fits themselves into the fabric of the previous 23 parts, the previous year, the previous events that have happened.


How the whole process works together.


a how Erdology works with all the concepts of the planet we live on put together in one picture. An isolated and complete electro magnetic sphere of a planet, specifically our planet. formulated and well organized electro magnetic sphere


how Erdology works with all the concepts of the planet we live on put together in one picture. An isolated and complete electro magnetic sphere of a planet, specifically our planet.


planetary studies.  I think, this is about the ways and formats with in the framework of the overall symbolic sciences. I categorize this as planetary studies because this is the shape of a planetary emp planetary studies is not exactly what I am talking about.  this is more celestial body balancing and harmonizing for the existence of anything has to be in harmony with its immediate surroundings, the area of the planet where it is located, the planet on its elliptical, the planet in its internal counts, the sun, and the solar system just to name but a few of the things in which are all involved with what happens and is included in Daggaz Electromagnetic spheres


How to Respond to the world



planetary studies.  I think, this is about the ways and formats with in the framework of the overall symbolic sciences. I categorize this as planetary studies because this is the shape of a planetary emp planetary studies is not exactly what I am talking about.  this is more celestial body balancing and harmonizing for the existence of anything has to be in harmony with its immediate surroundings, the area of the planet where it is located, the planet on its elliptical, the planet in its internal counts, the sun, and the solar system just to name but a few of the things in which are all involved with what happens and is included in Daggaz Electromagnetic  spheres




Number 1 11  Fehu  F priorities basic priorities of Symbolic science Ǽrdology

 In the Beginning God Created




Ætt first community





1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center



2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up



3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down



4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South



5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North



6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East



7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West



8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination



Ætt second individual





9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center



10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up



11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down



12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South



13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North



14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East



15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West



16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination



Ætt third sociology





17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center



18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up



19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down



20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South



21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North



22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East



23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West



24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 2 12  Uruz  U strength strengths that are found in Erdology

Brain to hormone creation to muscles.  






Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 25

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 26

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 27

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 28

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 29

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 30

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 31

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 32

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination





Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 33

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 34

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 35

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 36

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 37

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 38

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 39

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 40

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination





Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 41

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 42

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 43

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 44

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 45

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 46

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 47

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 48

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 3 13  Thurasaz  TH location geography

To define location.  







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 49

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 50

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 51

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 52

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 53

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 54

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 55

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 56

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination





Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 57

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 58

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 59

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 60

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 61

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 62

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 63

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 64

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination





Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 65

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 66

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 67

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 68

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 69

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 70

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 71

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 72

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 4 14  Ansuz  A god/sound

Transverse Wave (water wave) what are the ways in which the inside of boundaries things interact and see that which is around them


The language of how this is tracked.

 sound wavelengths Language: as the new internal develops communication with the internal and the external needs to be established.







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 73

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 74

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 75

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 76

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 77

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 78

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 79

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 80

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination





Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 81

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 82

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 83

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 84

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 85

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 86

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 87

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 88

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination





Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 89

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 90

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 91

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 92

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 93

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 94

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 95

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 96

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 5 15  Raido  R physical motion Physical Journey: to achieve the goals set forward by the establishment of the priorities the physical journey begins.

ma 14 connection 2 copyJourney 

how do things on this planet maneuver around and take those first tentative steps toward that which each thing has set itself internal boundaries toward


physical movement rules and journey







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 97

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 98

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 99

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 100

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 101

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 102

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 103

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 104

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination





Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 105

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 106

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 107

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 108

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 109

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 110

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 111

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 112

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination





Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 113

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 114

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 115

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 116

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 117

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 118

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 119

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 120

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 6 16  Kannaz  K light roygbiv

Wisdom: to lessons learned over the experience of time.







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 121

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 122

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 123

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 124

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 125

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 126

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 127

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 128

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination





Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 129

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 130

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 131

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 132

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 133

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 134

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 135

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 136

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination





Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 137

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 138

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 139

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 140

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 141

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 142

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 143

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 144

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 7 17  Gebo  G partnership  

partnerships and business


how to make a successful partnership between any 2 and more symbols, there are multiple answers, since with yourself there are 1, with others that is a 2 count, with 3 that is a 3 count, 4 is ect, the rules of motion for each of the characters come into play with every additional person you add.

As well as the addition of what you are going to be doing. Since the actions you want to do also have their own set of rules ands regulations.  Marriage, business, art, explorations of the past, production, fertility/creation, religion, education,


partnerships connections to that which draws you to it, or that which is drawn to you.  Connections, attractions, basic navigation of more then one body in motion.  Before this step everything has been about the movement rates of the self, what is important about the self with any and just about everything .  this is where the interaction with any and everything starts to come into play.


Business, partnerships, relationships,


When and how to get more then one person working together one any given thing and or projects


The count of a business, the Electromagnetic cycles that are within the format of each section.


tracking the businesses that are created.  Now this is an overall count, not culture specific businesses.  There are world businesses and then there are cultures businesses.  This is about world.

18 art forms from around the world.


Partnership: finding who in the world around will help and or hurt.

BUSINESS, PARTNERSHIP, friends, family,







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 145

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 146

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 147

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 148

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 149

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 150

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 151

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 152

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination





Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 153

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 154

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 155

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 156

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 157

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 158

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 159

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 160

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination





Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 161

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 162

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 163

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 164

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 165

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 166

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 167

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D




24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination



Number 8 18  Wunjo W emotional connection Emotion and art, interpersonal intimate connections

Emotion: who best to find to work with are the ones with a good emotional connection, and cooperation.







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 169

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 170

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 171

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 172

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 173

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 174

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 175

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 176

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination





Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 177

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 178

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 179

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 180

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 181

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 182

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 183

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 184

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination





Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 185

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 186

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 187

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 188

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 189

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 190

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 191

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 192

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination



Number 9 21  Haggalaz  H past 

An understanding of the past


The way and flow of culture, communities, villages, cities, states, countries,


according to the rules of time motion, there are events that lead to the present, those events are just as important as the events of the present or future. Past: to begin another cycle, one must have an understanding of the past. Where one has come from


this is the actually placeholder of that which was the past.

Here I found this info, well to be honest with you I found it in the religion and mythology of the ancient Europeans.  The runes and the religion of the Nordic Germanics.  Having expanded greatly past where I thought the origins where from all the evidence I have found pointing to the presents of many cultures who had similar language, math, engineering, map making abilities, navigation, and religions.  The following cultures are all connected by decidedly similar language, math, religion, engineering, trade routes, navigation, map making, and cultural societal influences. Here is where I found the Symbolic Science Erdology that this column is a part of the 25 Eiwaz section.   The similarities of these cultures is surprisingly amazing. Each was conquered and their cultural influence can still be seen today. In our everyday lives.

Nordic Germanic: the runes and the religion of Odin, thor, Loki, and the rest

Celtic: the megaliths, the Celtic cross, and the characters of their language

Etruscan: the religion, their language, the megaliths they left behind. Their connection to the culture who bore them the Cretans,

Cretan/Minoan/linear A: the religion, language, engineering, map making, navigation, cultural influence,

Canaanite/Elamite/Sumerian/Mesopotamian/: as the story goes this culture is known by many names and was the powerhouse culture in the middle east till they split with a revolutionary religions change. Half became monotheistic the other half stayed polytheistic.

Indus Harappa:  this culture is one of the oldest cultures of the world. They had the same language, engineering, religion, and connection and communication with the other 6 cultures.

Vinĉa:  these people located in present day hungry are more then 8000 years old.  This is  the culture that I think was the ancient Vanier. Since according to the Edda this culture matches that of the Vanier completely. 


anthropology archaeology


history.  Having an idea of where something not only has come from in the previous step of  its development, but where in the long term it has come from, and even where has its parents come from.  These are all very important questions to ask and understand where it comes to understanding something  past.


37%20copy cultures of the past

Mythical cultures


Symbolic cultures


Cuneiform cultures


Greek cultures


Latin cultures


German Nordic







Greek ???







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 193

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 194

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 195

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 196

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 197

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 198

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 199

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 200

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination





Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 201

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 202

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 203

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 204

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 205

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 206

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 207

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 208

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 209

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 210

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 211

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 212

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 213

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 214

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 215

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 216

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination


Number 10 22  Nauthiez N present 

Present:  to carry forward their needs to an understanding of the present, to be in the moment.

 concepts about being in the now. Lessons involved with medication and beginning  in the present.







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 217

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 218

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 219

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 220

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 221

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 222

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 223

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 224

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 225

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 226

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 227

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 228

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 229

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 230

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 231

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 232

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 233

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 234

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 235

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 236

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 237

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 238

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 239

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 240

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 11 23  Isa  I future Future: to emotionally carry forward into the new cycle, some understanding of where the future direction is, how to get to the future, and what supplies that are needed is a good thing.








Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 241

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 242

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 243

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 244

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 245

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 246

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 247

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 248

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 249

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 250

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 251

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 252

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 253

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 254

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 255

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 256

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 257

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 258

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 259

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 260

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 261

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 262

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 263

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 264

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination


 Number 12 24  Jera  J time Time/cycles: the passage of time, the progress of what a second, minute, hour, tides of the day, a day, week, month, season, year, generation, generations, ages, epic, ect. These are segments of time.

to all movement there is a sense of time, how best does any and everything interact with that which is going on


Time is an interesting thing, time is not actually constant, time has ripples, tides, eddies, and flow patterns that can be tracked but time is most defiantly not constant.  Since time as we know it is a representation of the electro magnetic internal spin and the rotation of this planet, along with the rotation of our moon, and the sun in which we rotate.  So understanding these factors will give a complete understanding of the processes of time and this Symbolic Science Erdology is designed from watching the processes of the passage of time.

time and cycles of time

time.  Now time may be a simple no big deal thing since this planet has its own time line, and humans has their own time, movement rates.  But there is a problem, see the movement rates of this planet and moon do not match the movement rates of anything else.  some other bodies in out solar system are close to our movement rates of time but close and workable are not close enough most of the time.  so a keen understanding of how time works of each and everything begin measured is a very important thing.  see understanding the movement rates of time is a vitally important thing to understand when dealing with the interaction and study of anything including the self. since time is most defiantly not a constant, time is not even a constant for humans living our lives.



The hour of the sun in the day


The season and there overall effect of this season


24%20copy 11b%20copyCommunity    June 29 - Oct 27  This set is an outline on community interaction.   Allowing the community to interact and  respond to one another in a mutually productive way.  Fehu, Uruz, Thurasaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kannaz, Gebo, Wunjo

24%20copy Summer Season:  Time of action,  take the blooming possibilities from your hibernation and all the initiation from the spring season and  apply those now.


how to go about actually applying time to your life.


2.  Picking up the calendar and looking at it for the second time.

a.   Seeing the runic half month calendar

b.  Seeing the rhyme for the second time and realizing that it was translated after 300 c. e.

c.   The adjustment of the calendar, to match the blots.

d.  The meanings become more and more clear

e.   Ok, if this year has symbolic meanings then what happens next year, generation map instantaneously became clear

f.    Art of the past

g.   The calendar and what I say with that

h.  First came the year

i.     Fibonacci observation of the cycles of nature

j.     Hour

k.  Day

l.     Week

m.     The seasons

n.  The Year

o.  (The new calendar  (Julian and Gregorian changes)

p.  1 year

q.  2 the

r.    3 the Ǽtts

s.    Then the 5 seasons

t.    The 8 Sabbats

u.  13 moon cycles

v.  Then the generation map pack based non psychology

w.The latter math of the extended cycles 576

x.   13,824

y.   331,776

z.   7,962,624


2.  Calendar, what the calendar is: this calendar is my attempt to understand the creation of the Nordic Germanic runic/Elder Futhark.  See I knew that the items involved with the runic half month calendar were just flat out wrong, not out of being designed to be wrong, they were translated to be wrong.  When the calendar was translated into Julian, the Julian calendar was off by a few days, so the runic half month calendar was off by a few days.  When it was translated into Gregorian, our western world current calendar those off days stayed put.

a.   Month

                                         i.         Why Litha, because that is how it was set when I found the calendar, the calendar itself was set with Litha at the beginning.

                                       ii.         Why put the Sabbath in the middle of the month: Because mathematically adding all the 8 sabbots and the floating days to the year, putting Litha in the middle of the month is the only way to keep the Sabbath that refers to that month in the middle of that month.  It also helps with the addition of the days to each month.  To have the Litha in the middle of Fehu.

                                    iii.         Fortnight  This is an every fortnight column, it is updated info I write and rewrite every 15 to 16 days depending on the month and the Sabbath’s involved.   Although some of the information contained within repeats exactly, most of the information contained with this column changes dramatically.  I add, change, and rewrite some parts of the intro each column before I sent it out each Futhark month because as I gain a deeper understanding of the Erdology and how it works, I need to update the column.  Every time I get feedback on the content, I make subtle changes which improve the way the column is written.  Definition of fortnight: this is from the Ancient 14 day calendar of 14 consecutive nights.  Which could have easily been changed from the origins of 15 and 16 days of this calendar.  Too much from ancient European history has been changed, altered, subverted, and out right spun to be something else that we have to rebuild the history from clues left from the spin of time and conquest.

                                    iv.         Biblical reference to the Sabbath calendar, in the bible and Koran it tells that the people of ancient times lived 600 to 900 years.  Well what if that was not years but the count of sabots.  As in 8 Sabbaths a year.  600 to 900 Sabbaths a year is just about the regular human life span we have come to expect from the last 3000 years of human history.

                                      v.         24 sequence.


b. Standard Year

c.  Leap Year  this is an unusual year since this happens to be a leap year.  So the counts for Erdology the current month and the last month are a bit different.  This month has Feb. 29 in Bircano.

d.  Sabbath  Definition of Sabbath, this is a term I found in the dictionary that is the only word that I can find that truly gets close to that of the original origins of the 8 equinoxes and or solstices of a year.  In celebration of that time.  This is also called witches night.

e.  Seasonal actions and reactions to items

                                         i.         Allergies, some people are only effected by some items at specific times a year.

All animals have certain behavior patterns at specific times a year







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 265

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 266

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 267

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 268

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 269

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 270

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 271

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 272

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 273

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 274

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 275

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 276

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 277

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 278

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 279

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 280

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 281

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 282

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 283

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 284

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 285

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 286

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 287

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 288

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 13 25  Eiwaz AE   fertility ziggurat 

Application: what one does with ones creation. To apply ones talent, skill, understanding, will, and ability with the creation.






Yggdrasil world tree







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 289

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 290

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 291

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 292

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 293

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 294

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 295

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 296

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 297

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 298

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 299

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 300

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 301

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 302

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 303

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 304

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 305

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 306

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 307

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 308

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 309

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 310

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 311

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 312

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination


 Number 14 26  Pertho  P mechanical motion 

Awareness  Divination  Runes Awareness: to see that which is not you in the world. To see the world as it truly is v what we want to see of the world.

Written language







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 313

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 314

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 315

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 316

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 317

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 318

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 319

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 320

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 321

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 322

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 323

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 324

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 325

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 326

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 327

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 328

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 329

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 330

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 331

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 332

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 333

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 334

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 335

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 336

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination

Number 15 27  Alhaz  Al  visible motion/letters 

knowledge : the experience gained over the course of time. of ones activities. To learn from what one has done.
Higher ed








Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 337

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 338

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 339

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 340

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 341

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 342

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 343

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 344

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 345

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 346

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 347

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 348

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 349

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 350

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 351

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 352

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 353

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 354

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 355

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 356

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 357

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 358

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 359

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 360

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination


Number 16 28  Sowillo S full light spectrum Higher education higher education, 100 monkey, higher cognitive representation is







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 361

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 362

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 363

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 364

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 365

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 366

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 367

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 368

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 369

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 370

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 371

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 372

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 373

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 374

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 375

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 376

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 377

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 378

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 379

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 380

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 381

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 382

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 383

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 384

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination


Number 17 31  Tiwaz  T direction spear 

Direction: working with the flow of what has been done over a course of time, and adding to that the direction of the next step in the process



Direction of laws and leaders, governments ands institutions,








Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 385

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 386

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 387

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 388

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 389

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 390

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 391

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 392

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 393

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 394

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 395

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 396

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 397

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 398

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 399

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 400

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 401

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 402

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 403

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 404

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 405

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 406

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 407

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 408

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 18 32  Bircano  B environment Growth: growth patterns will emerge to show the long term affects of action and








Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 409

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 410

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 411

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 412

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 413

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 414

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 415

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 416

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 417

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 418

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 419

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 420

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 421

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 422

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 423

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 424

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 425

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 426

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 427

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 428

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 429

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 430

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 431

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 432

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination



Number 19 33  Ewaz E astrophysics

Celestial motion, tracking the earth, moon, sun, and the placement of our solar system in the galaxy we are in.

Celestial motion: great and profound motion that happens when one is surrounded by the accomplishment of lots of work and a partially completed project



celestial movement how does what is happening in the world affect that which is happening outside of our electro magnetic sphere.  The things which happen outside of this sphere affect that which happens inside this sphere celestial motion and movement


celestial motion and movement







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 433

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 434

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 435

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 436

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 437

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 438

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 439

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 440

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 441

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 442

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 443

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 444

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 445

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 446

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 447

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 448

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 449

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 450

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 451

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 452

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 453

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 454

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 455

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 456

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 20 34  Mannaz M man The self: as to anything there is a time of deep reflection and personal growth, this is that step.


The journey of the self.  This is the journey of the mind, body, and spirit working together.







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 457

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 458

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 459

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 460

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 461

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 462

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 463

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 464

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 465

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 466

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 467

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 468

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 469

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 470

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 471

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 472

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 473

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 474

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 475

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 476

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 477

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 478

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 479

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 480

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 21 35  Laguz  L electro-magnetics this is where string theory is mapped out.  The overall branes of electro magnetic frequencies and vibrations  Flow: through and over the course and passage of time. everything that can and has been done has to balance with the energy of the universe.









Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 481

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 482

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 483

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 484

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 485

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 486

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 487

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 488

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 489

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 490

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 491

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 492

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 493

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 494

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 495

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 496

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 497

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 498

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 499

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 500

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 501

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 502

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 503

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 504

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination


 Number 22 36  Ingwaz  Ing molecular structures atomic structure







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 505                      

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 506

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 507

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 508

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 509

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 510

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 511

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 512

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 513

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 514

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 515

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 516

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 517

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 518

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 519

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 520

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 521

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 522

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 523

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 524

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 525

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 526

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 527

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 528

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 23 37  Othallo  O Home-stability Home stability: To achieve balance and harmony a thing has to have a home. A place where everything is stable inside and out. In the physical world this is called where you live. individual community




Culture counts, what is happening with a culture is different then what is happening with the governing body of that culture.  This section is all about the process of the count of a country, community, village, neighborhood, and such.

For instance the United States of America is 230 years old which means that the us is in the count of the Nauthiez generation Pertho year.  Nauthiez generation is the count of being in the right here and right now when it comes to the process of putting forward the identify of a nation. The middle Ætt in which the United States of America is in the 5th character or step is about personal and personality formulation.



cultures, communities, tribes, cities, ect what causes things to be stable and organized.  To be in harmony with the self, the smallest environment, a slightly larger surroundings, the earth(Erdology), and the movement of the planet through the world. A family home insert paradise lane house

Sociology the ways and flows of civilization


cultures, communities, tribes, cities, ect.


building and structures.  This section is all about the various concepts involved with construction and building of physical items.    This may be a larger structure then small molecular structures.



31%20copy 21%20copyMeaning in different languages:







Greek ???


Symbolic Meaning 

Literal Translation:

Divinatory Meaning:







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 529

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 530

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 531

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 532

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 533

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 534

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 535

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 536

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination




Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 537

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 538

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 539

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 540

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 541

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 542

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 543

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 544

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination




Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 545

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 546

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 547

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 548

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 549

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 550

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 551

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 552

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination




Number 24 38  Daggaz  D magnetosphere 

Day:  this is the end of the sequence, this is a place where it is important to understand where one fits themselves into the fabric of the previous 23 parts, the previous year, the previous events that have happened.







Ætt first community



Number 1 F



Number 553

1  (11) priorities

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology Center

Number 2 U



Number 554

2  (12) motion

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 


AErdology Up

Number 3 Th



Number 555

3  (13) boundaries

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 4 A



Number 556

4  (14) sound

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 5 R



Number 557

5  (15) motion physical

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


physical motion

AErdology North

Number 6 K



Number 558

6  (16) light

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


light roygbiv

AErdology East

Number 7 G



Number 559

7  (17) partnerships

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 8 W



Number 560

8  (18) connections

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


emotional connection

AErdology Destination





Ætt second individual



Number 9 H



Number 561

9  (21) past

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 10 N



Number 562

10 (22) preset

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 11 I



Number 563

11  (23) future

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 12 J



Number 564

12  (24) time

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 13 AE



Number 565

13  (25) creation

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology North

Number 14 P



Number 566

14  (26) application

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


mechanical motion

AErdology East

Number 15 Al



Number 567

15  (27) awareness

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



visible motion/letters

AErdology West

Number 16 S



Number 568

16  (28) long wave lengths

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


full light spectrum

AErdology Destination





Ætt third sociology



Number 17 T



Number 569

17  (31) direction

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Center

Number 18 B



Number 570

18  (32) growth

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Up

Number 19 E



Number 571

19  (33) motion celestial

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Down

Number 20 M



Number 572

20  (34) self

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology South

Number 21 L



Number 573

21  (35) flow

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz


AErdology North

Number 22 Ing



Number 574

22  (36) organization

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz 

molecular structures

AErdology East

Number 23 O



Number 575

23  (37) home stability

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology West

Number 24 D



Number 576

24  (38) review

1 Fehu, 2 Uruz, 3 Thurasaz, 4  Ansuz, 5 Raido, 6 Kannaz, 7 Gebo, 8 Wunjo,

9 Haggalaz, 10 Nauthiez, 11 Isa, 12 Jera, 13 Eiwaz, 14 Pertho, 15 Alhaz, 16 Sowillo,

17 Tiwaz, 18 Bircano,  19 Ewaz, 20 Mannaz, 21 Laguz, 22 Ingwaz, 23 Othallo, 24 Daggaz



AErdology Destination








TR Welling