AErdology The Path of Jesus History Hours


The minutes to hours following the Crucifixion are difficult. Almost all of those events hurt the Evil Priest Paul’s feelings, so what actually occurred was as deeply buried as possible.

Shortly after he was stabbled to death, he was taken off the cross.

His body was taken of the cross, the nails were in part removed. The ones which could be at least semi easily were removed; hands, the sign over his head.

However the ankle nail had to wait for the burial, which was done by Mary his mother and Mary Magdelaine (his wife; extreme orthodox royal Jewish law, only blood females are allowed to touch the dead body of royal male rabbi)

It took a while to prepare the body from the Cross, carry it down to the Catacombs under the Vatican Hill, and do the preparation's.

it was done and the family prepared to mourn and grieve.





AErdology The Path of Jesus History Days







TR Welling