Adult FreeMasonry Pan II


FreeMasonry has a huge amount to do with the ATEN and of course the Greek mythology of Pan and his Wood Nymphs.



Intimacy used to be part of FreeMasonic rituals from the start to just after 1810, most lodges stripped them out and refuse to even discuss the matters.


However just because some theological jerks refuse to discuss facts, does not mean those facts are not present. Same rational for “abstinence” only education in sex ed. Which is a 100% useless waste of time. All teenagers minus a very small handful think about sex virtually the entire time they are teenagers. They just act/react to different stimulations differently.


Those contradictions are why the ceremonies are in place, and why they were stripped out. Too much power and information for most to deal with. So since it was too much, they stripped the details out.







Neuropathways of History

Neuropathways and language

Compass Headings

Misspellings Language

Word and Letter Time Maps

Key Letters

What are the key letters/words in this specific document.






TR Welling