2013 1 28 0400

1/28/2013 06:18:04




Advanced technology


It is entirely possible to go from very low level technology to a moon shot in only 150 years.


Ancient cultures could easily with sufficient funding and willpower achieved radically advanced technology in less than 200 years. Evidence of said could just as easily with progressive conquest cultures erased most signs.



Right now the Taliban and other Al-Qaida armies would like nothing more than to convert the entire world to their version of Islam. Destroy any and all technology which does not point to them being great. Destroy any and all which takes power away from them. They would do whatever it took to destroy most computers and electronics.


The oceans are great places to put stuff so that no one will ever be able to find it. Give a few hundred or a few thousand years and that which cannot be destroyed will be erased from history at the bottom of the ocean. For example; in 1000 years their will be almost no traces of the titanic at all;  maybe a few microbes and some discoloration but nothing else.