Akashic records and AErdology


first rule of science measure too and from fixed points.

each of the 8 solstices and equinoxes over the year are fixed points to measure too and from.


all western culture languages previous to 800 bce the characters were letters and numbers depending on use. consequently, those fixed points in sequence of months days are both numbers and letters. 8 mixed together means that words will be created based on repeat letters in sequence with each other.

EG the Akashic record

the same thing applies to the pyramids the starting fixed point being the center under the sphinx right paw. that fixed point connects to the other 120 pyramids and their respective fixed points. numbers become letters. and you have two separate libraries. previously known to history.


The last 1700s in America produced a huge number of groups who took the “freedom to worship anyway you want to” literally. Which angered the great awakening followers to the depth of their soul. Since that law was written according to their perspective for them and so they could use their theology to bring harm to all others.


The concept of the Akashic records first began to be noted and recorded in documentation form from a Russian immigrant in New York City, but it had been part of western culture for centuries if not millennia.


It has been stated by the followers of this concept that; hidden somewhere are all the secrets of the universe. That there is a language/library somewhere which contains all the information every done.


I have proven to have found it. The more equations I fill in, the more I prove a “universal language” hwere it is, and how to decode it.






Neuropathways of History

Neuropathways and language

Compass Headings

Misspellings Language

Word and Letter Time Maps

Key Letters

What are the key letters/words in this specific documente.









TR Welling