Anglo Saxon Jutes Danes



As the Roman Empire began to Fall, centuries before it actually fell. The Roman Senate became afraid of its retiring military. Both the commanders and of course the soldiers who served their two or so plus decades and were wanting to be both paid and retire.


The Senate from the beginning of the Roman Empire agreed to give lands to his retiring soldiers and their pay. They were usually not paid during their serve, they were paid when they were dismissed from service e.g. when the war was over, and or when they served their time and could become full Roman Citizens after their service was complete.

But the Senate grew afraid of them, the growing number of ex-soldiers within Italy became a threat to the Republic. So instead of allowing the legions to retire in Italy they allowed them to retire in what would be called France in half a millennia and or what would be called Germany aka Rhineland aka Sarmatia.

The Roman Soldiers set up life in areas like Jute, Dane, Saxon, and Anglo. The first two became countries but Anglo and Saxon formed into provinces of Germany.


However shortly after the Roman Empire collapsed, the soldiers on the extremes of the frontier themselves grew afraid of invaders from the east. So instead of saying in Germany, they evacuated out of their lands some of them had been in the area for generations. And retreated to Londonium; to be renamed London.

The Anglo Saxon Culture after a couple centuries formed and chose a new “united” name that of England.

The English then fought against the British from that moment to present.


The bulk of the British family evacuated into exile in the 1600-1700s leaving Britain and entered exile in the colonies. But the colonies were already wanted by the enemies of ht British for the vast tracks of farm land to turn into Plantations. To bring Jews and Nigerians in from Africa and force them to work as slaves.

The British were eventually defeated and scattered to the winds in Whatcom County circa 1889, when Washington Territory became a State. The last of the intact British culture vanished. Which unofficially ended the Trojan War











TR Welling