Blue star of David is a symbol of Slavery



Blue means mind/thinking. The color of electricity; the color of a synapse which is thinking.

Green means physical. The concept of photosynthesis. Or the color of the Egyptian Geb(which is only one character away from being the Futhark character of Gebo or 17 on the graphic above the x; for x marks the spot, X the square boundaries of the selected area in question, also the way to mark your spot/make your mark{possibly developed by Jacobs line under any number of different times they were slaves to Esau's line, allowing the culture to have a symbol of personal recognition and a connection to the ancient past, a symbol Jesus Christ’s followers also used an X rotated 90’}).

Orange means the color of the sun the sun being at least for the pre-Moses monotheistics the sun is god. Translated from Egyptian as the name Ra/Aten/Amen/etc. or one god  many names.


The blue star of David is a reminder to all his people; that Israel in Levant lands is only in the mind. Levant lands are not the physical location of Israel; so from David down to being invaded by Rome, Israel could only exist in the mind.


The graphic represents an extension of where Hebrew was created from. Moses used the German and Northumberland people who came back; used their language of Futhark, destroyed/erased/killed/holocaust all who know it then created Hebrew from its basic framework. Hebrew having exactly the same behavior patterns as all ancient temple M.O. under almost every single middle eastern, European, Egyptian temple you will find a megalith. Either that or you will find a megalithic structure incorporated into the basic architecture of the remodeled temple for example Santa Costanza was built in several stages; with evidence of a megalith as its base. Corrupting the language, temples, customs, people, etc. any aspect of both the megalithic and Jacob leaning Monotheists as possible; continuing to this very day. Not much more corruption is possible than to use the angles connecting words of the Futhark build your language from it; then erase almost all of the previous language, killing anyone who might know the truth. Corrupting the megalithic temples by remodeling and removing as much of the old as possible. Killing anyone who might have had an idea of the pervious cultures megalithic structure. The killing of the megalithic culture in Europe is much easier to document; since the Vatican (Esau line descendants) went into a 1000 year burn all heretics aka Witch burning. The Vatican to this very day still brags about how many witches they killed.



David knew the Jews were under the slavery thumb of Moses. But  he could not return to Israel; the Jews had to stay in Levant till the power of Ramses Pharaonic line was broken.


Consequently the Jews started to play a waiting game. Waiting till they could return to Israel.


3000 years later the Jews are still waiting to return to Israel. Since Israel is absolutely not in Levant lands; that is a Moses and his descendants lie.


Moses forced the pharaoh to release the Jewish slaves under his control to the slave control of Moses. In effect the Jews traded slavery under Ramses for slavery under Moses.


  David’s star built into Stonehenge thousands of years previous to David. David’s star could be a remembrance to his ancestors who had to leave Egypt under threat from other Esau line descendants. Seems like Jacobs and his descendants have always been running from Esau’s line violent aggression. At least two if not a dozen holocausts; not just the Adolf (Esau line) holocaust but each time Esau’s descendants get upset; the answer is to remove as many Jacob line descendants as possible.