12/26/2012 14:56:29




Breath of life

Ancients gods cites and schema

Ancient cultures had a god per city. Travel, conquest, etc. occurred the people from previous cities would want to honor the city of their birth or where their family was from.

Previous cultures understood the basics of electro-magnetics. They operated under the assumption their city had a soul; that soul having rules, regulations, and behavior patterns was given a name; the name of the city itself.

Conquest after conquest; conquest editing of history and ancient gods/cities took on a completely different meaning over time. With different both polytheistic religions and monotheistic religions asserting dominance of control over their conquered foes. The only real way to go about achieving is to incorporate the gods of your conquered cultures into  your pantheon

If a monotheistic culture conquers a polytheistic culture; but chooses to allow the inhabitance to keep their old religion; they will place the name of god or the name they use for god as the new head of the new pantheon. Which might have been why a Hyksos eg monotheistic tribe god name Zeus ended up being the head of the Greek pantheon. “No other god before me”; points to a behavior pattern of when the monotheists conquered a polytheistic culture, they would place that monotheistic tribes name/spelling for god as the head of the new pantheon.