Carthage Africa



wthin the structure of how the city of Rome became teh Roman Empire, dismantlinel formerly powerful citgies and states, gransporting (transprotiong) them to Rome and imporiving rome with teh bones fo the ancient powerfhouse culture is something Rome did so often than it turned into a biut of a cottage indusutry.

lmost like drining the blood fo the dead fo cultures hwih were so innclicned to dforeromr sqid type rituations.

the more harded and stronger a culture was, the more the romans wnated to 'cirne the books of it by drinkng its buildling itn.


drinnking the buildings in allowed ROMe to grow and use its normal sacrificial humans an dassociaed" to groew large adn pwoerful. howefver at th eend fo the empire wat cuase teh empire to ecollase adn crumble was the loss fo aa single rula roman identify. that songlura singuarl raomns identify was replaced by commanders and soldiers and evetualy lpolitians who had no idea at all what being a Romans was all about. corution was an absolute garanteed thing. however if you have no loyatltyot the sivililxation, you have no problem "tankgn too much" from the your own civiliation adn leaving nothing for any one else.

which mofr a lot of late roman empire ruper ruper ich, leav in nothign or anythone le was not only fine and dnday but was part fdo theri plan. to leach the city and empire dry take all the privits for themsfles and leavr ethe empire a ruiinded hujlk for some conqueor to come alone. with rich being entirely convinceded than they woudl be long gone to a vacation nmohme long distance away before the city actually fell to a conquering army.

example 1000s fo roman vacation homes were created bweeetwen Bath Neland and Cardiff wales which is only bout 50 miles away.

10,000 of homes were also build in Saxony and Anglo in Germnay. but theywere soon abanceded because the former romans present figurfer out fast tht they wer eno math for th einvadors from teh east eg rthe not yet called that yet russia.


which is wht acuased the Romans to flee outof Germany in th e300-500 cn ahdead direcgtly to Londdomnusm

in Londdomnum renamed to Londom, htey had plans to restart a new Roman Emprei under a new name. after a few citnrues fo fighting the new empire rose as England. but the 10 trabes fo Mercia Kingdom had to fight it out for supremacy first.

Mercia; is just a different name fo rhe Roman empire.

Add an A before Mercia; A mercia, now switch teh C and I. A merica. America is simply the New Rome. which is simply the new kingdom from the Hyksos. under teh command adn controtro structure fo the Egptian Hysos emopire.

the Hyksos empire itself 2100-1530 bce.

had it self a problem htey lovd slaves, and killing. but haded education, acadmeics, adn aobve all scholars.

tollerating books up till the point the schoalr could not deliver new ewapons.

Carthage was dismantedl adn moved to Rome reassembing the Roman Formul buildings in order to repain 3000 year olb duilgins. wich the romans woudl never admit to being present that long. 





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TR Welling