2/1/2013 10:41:22




Celts and Jews


A cross comparison between the Celtic culture and the Jewish culture. Celts were named by the Ionian Greek's.

The Celts also had a profound influence on the early Romans


Celts were named by Ionian soon to be called Greek's. the name was an insult similar to Bar Bar was an insult directed the Esau’s line and its Egyptian insult Hyksos meaning shepherd kings. Meaning the Hyksos/barbarian language sounded to Ionians as the bah bah of sheep.



Jew and druid are phonetically similar. In Gaelic the second d is not pronounced.



Welch rarbit  and Hanukkah


The 12 days of Odin; adding 4 days of Hanukkah for that Esau branch

Hierak; where hieroglyphics derives its name from Hierakonpolis circa 3800 bce.


Heiro and Gaelic phoneticlay are extremely similar.

H and ph

Ae and ei

Hie(rak and lic only on out of place character l and r which is semi-close in sound.


The spelling and grammar of Gaelic words and sentences is very close to hieroglyphs if hieroglyphics the sounds were spelled out using Latin letters.


Gaelic my very well be one of two generations from being  how Hieroglyphics sounded.






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T “TR” Robert Welling

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