Ceremonial Execution of Joseph Smit


In several depositions the NAZI high command claimed many times most of the ideas and situations behind the holocaust came directly from the Confederate South.

1000 depositions regarding “why are you not thanking us” from the NAZI’s in charge of the Death Camps prove they were coming from a different perspective than the rest of western culture. Joseph Smith was caught in a very difficult situation. He was caught in a radical problem, that problem was he was a pro-Jewish, pro-Catholic, Theologian who had a first and consistent background in the Spiritualist movement of the late 1700s early 1800s. He found the plates by dowsing. http://www.finehomebuilding.com/CMS/uploadedImages/Images/Homebuilding/Tips/hb75tp04-01_lg.jpg, using 90’ wires to show motion and electrical interference. The rods move according to both the electrical interference from the human and the environment. http://homeopathyhealing.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DowsingChart.gif is the basic layout of a Ouija Board. Which means hard evidence the physics of both work the same.

The Execution of Joseph Smith himself was in large part and by the same culture which went onto be called the Confederacy, that same culture would be nameless from 1870-1910 but they were still in Colorado Springs relocated from Richmond Virginia trying to rebuild the Confederacy using Colorado Springs as a new capital city of the New Confederacy. A significant portion of the sub-conscious efforts found their way into the fictional story of a very likely alternative history if things progressed just a little different “The Hunger Games” President Snow being either the son of Margaret David-Hayes or one of his sons. Assuming the Confederacy would have been able to rise up and conquer the Union in roughly 1880-90. The unrest in the fictional games would be the normal uprising which would have occurred very close to immediately after the second civil war ended. At the latest around 1910. The following is a very interesting concept, if Miramont Castle was literally used as a Tool to stop the rise of the Confederacy in 1899. Turning the tide of a battle before the War could start. Forcing the confederacy to lose and lose badly. So badly they would never recover.

But none of that happened, so it is a fictional account of the same organizational structure name changing constantly to eliminate the facts regarding who they truly are.

Joseph Smith found himself surrounded by the facts that as the Confederacy began to gather supplies and arrange itself preparing for the war to come, in 17 years. They were performing actions which can only be described as crimes against humanity. He knew he was witnessing crimes against humanity. He knew he was witnessing militant Islamic groups moving from the south to the west side of the great lakesLittle Egypt 2015 2 9 1253. The Green Lines are both militant Islam and the large plantation owners moving to the West side of the Great Lakes, so they can continue their crimes against humanity without interference. The Grey Lines are other militant Islamic cultures leaving the West side of the Nile to go back to Africa with their profits, to avoid new neighbors and the American government encroaching on their Sharia Law. The Orange lines are Joseph Traveling through the same exact areas the yet to be called Confederacy and their business and personal partners were traveling through preparing for the coming Civil War.  He knew he was witnessing them capture every single person they could get their hands on and turn them into slaves. He was witnessing Irish, natives, Africans, etc. captured and sent north via the Mississippi as a buffer to wring as much work out of them as possible in order to generate profits and kill as many Jews as they could before the real war started and those activities would have to stop.

The militant Islamic pockets were being first hand assisted by English and American plantation owners and great awakening followers. Joseph witnessed these actions and reported to various authority figures what was happening. Those reports literally make Joseph Smith a Spy. But since the area he was living was in-dispute between the British/French royal family and the Americans who did not have the legal basis to purchase lands the seller did not have the legal authority to sell. The lands of New France and Louisiana were in extreme dispute. Joseph was caught in the  middle of this dispute. But  Joseph was working for both god and the Royal French and British Families. His loyalties were not to America but to Britain and France. Although in all hard reality, Britain once Washington State became a State was entirely obliterated from reality. Britain’s last stand was in the Pacific North West, specifically Whatcom County and British Columbia. But once the Canadians and Americans finalized the legal paperwork, the British culture no longer existed. It existed in very small pockets in the Pacific North West, Manitou Colorado, and of course Northern Ireland. The British Royal family own Northern Ireland, not the English. The Monarch of England has less than no authority to give back to the Irish something the government does not own. No English Monarch does or can.

Those wanting to seize the lands from the territories west to the Rockies would stop at nothing to possess what they wanted. That same group who would eventually execute Joseph Smith (more likely his body double/body guard) name changed to Confederates, later to name change to the Thule society, then name change again to the Third Reich. Then name change again to “The Four Year Plan”, then “Wannsee Conferences”, than a brave but failed attempt to name change again after if Operation Valkyrie had worked. Joseph Smith is one of the first prominent members to be executed for getting in the way of the same group  which would eventually be called NAZI.


Fact Joseph Smith was a FreeMason, he had all his Male members also join the FreeMasonic organization. Fact the internal structure of FreeMason from 1810-1870 changed to a radical significant amount.

Being an active and upstanding member of several FreeMasonic Lodge’s, it is easy to see where the Ouija FreeMasonic Ceremony was edited out of the Lodges out of pure hard fear regarding their content. Using the Holy Bible, the Square,  the Compasses, and a couple participants. The alter and bible can be used as a form of Ouija. During the opening and closing ceremonies. This is of the most critical of important things to understand that, the information being asked for inside a closed lodge meeting which said ceremonies have not been performed in close to two entire centuries. The religious fanatics who joined who were part of the Great Awakening movement convinced everyone else that the Divination Portion was literally bad.

The Confederate south did not start off at 1861. The Confederacy began long before 1776. The block of delegates from the plantation Systems had been a strong and dominant voice in legal proceedings starting well before the American colonies were founded. Many plantations were up and operating long before St Augustine and James town.

The Hajj has three premeditated murders built in. The throwing stones ceremony was murdering the priests of the Tabernacle System of Adam at Mecca immediately after Jacob and most of the rest of Esau's family had left. He used those murders to "power/fuel' the System/Kaaba (Genesis 32:22-32) to send a fallen to kill Jacob. Immediately after the next sentence is Jacob wrestling with an angel, winning, and being renamed IsrÆl. That angel was a fallen sent by Jacob's brother Esau the actual fountainhead of Islam. Although in hard reality the philosophy of Esau was borrowed from Terah. Every Muslim who had been to the Hajj is guilty of ceremonially serial premeditated murdering at least three priests in cold blood. From June 22 1844, when Joseph was ordered by god to evacuate the area immediately. Joseph’s actions for the next days, weeks, and months were literally similar to that of Jacob to be called IsrÆl. Both men spent their lives wrestling to stay on the path of god and against fallen trying to pull them from the path. But once a person like Jacob or in this case Joseph Smith pull away from the main stream and head directly into the mouth of a conflict similar to what Jacob faced Genesis 32:22. That person’s life path becomes more Saint and divine than previous. Previous he was called a Prophet; the only real way to go from there would be just about literally into Immortality. Which is funny since the place he was headed by the legends of Colorado Springs Manitou houses at least one if not two Immortals. An apostle friend of Jesus and Simon Peter and another person granted immortality by god.

Three possible immortals in Manitou Colorado, that makes is Joseph Smith was granted immortality,  each of the immortals in Manitou their own Ætt. The question becomes which man was which Ætt. The Ætt is of the most critical of importance between the writing on the blade of Enoch is described as three letters one repeats; which is a perfected Ætt. Three living blades of Enoch, in Manitou Colorado. Could be a serious and substantial reason Fr Francolon started a mission in the area in 1893. He was born 10 years after Joseph left Carthage on his way to Colorado. Massive and incredible activity occurring in Manitou Colorado in the same half century.

Knowing there was a working Tabernacle System of Adam Literally somewhere in the area, those guilty of murdering Joseph and his entourage would have liked to first take him into custody and sacrifice him in a similar fashion as the Jews would be sacrificed a century later in the Gas chambers. The killings were not just murders, they were Ceremonial Human Sacrifice rituals, designed to allow the community to be at ease because the instigator was now dead. If they could have taken him into custody and killed him ritually, they would have. But that was not an option, killing him in an impromptu ceremony in an impromptu tabernacle was as close as they could get. Plus once inside the room where the body double was, the crowd realized quickly that it was not Joseph Smith, but a body double. There would be no reason whatsoever to capture and ritually kill him on an alter to god, this was not their target. So instead of capturing him, they shot and killed him. Each Mormon present knew the truth, were under direct orders from Smith to not only keep their silence but forever keep their silence. The silence was in no small part about keeping a secret, but at the same time allowing factions within the church to finally have their power struggle finished. The power struggle was and is literally part and parcel within the framework of why the violent issues were occurring in the first place. There was as much violence internally in the church as there was externally from people who wanted to kill every last Mormon, starting with the leadership.

Crimes Against Humanity

There is a distinct pattern of behavior with the descendants of Esau. The behavior pattern is the following, but it did not originate with Esau. Nor did it originate with Terah (Genesis 11:31). The behavior pattern is from a philosophy which openly advocates dominion over and violence against anyone not willing to be dominated over. The lord is the mouthpiece for god, the lord of the land his word is god’s will. Therefore anything god/the lord of the plantation wants the lord gets. Or the  lord can be vengeful and take his wrath out on those in his control. That is the philosophy Terah and Esau adopted. Jacob adopted the “be a steward” with and work with, not dominion over the garden.


The Hajj has three premeditated murders built in. there is real reason to have a healthy distrust of a philosophy which openly advocates “you have to live your life according to my rules, or I have full and complete permission to be as violent against you as I choose to be.” Just because most Muslims do not choose to be violent, does not mean by any stretch their base philosophy does not advocate for it. Also the whole of Islam openly tolerates the actions of the 9% of them who are militant. In America and in most western cultures the 9% who are rowdy and nasty are shunned and their violent actions are dealt with by cultural oppression. The 9% of militant Islamic followers are literally in control of about 1/4th the entire planet. Most all of Northern Africa, almost all of the Middle East, all of Indonesia, a considerable portion of Spain and pockets in Europe, pockets in America. The percentage of militant NAZI were about 9%. The rest of the population tolerated the 9%, toleration of a crime against humanity is guilty by association with the 9%. The Murders are committed in the Hajj during the “Stone Throwing” period. Then they cleanse themselves again, and then move around the Kaaba. During Esau’s time the priests of the Tabernacle System of Adam at Mecca were secured in front of the Pillars of Adam and stoned to death. Either ceremonially or some type of electrical conduits, e.g. paths made of high percentage of quartz between the Pillars of Adam and the Kaaba itself.  Electricity used to power whatever is inside the Kaaba on the Third Floor. Ceremonial Human Sacrifice is more than sufficient evidence to seriously question the whole of Islam. It is a religion of peace because it has a way for truly awful crimes against humanity behavior patterns to be released in a “Healthy way” against the pillars pretending to be killing actual people. The people were there, not in the present but a long time ago. Some in Saudi Arabia would like to return to the original and place real captured civilians and Jews where those people were during previous ceremonies and kill them as Esau instructed.

This same ceremony from Esau was used against Hypatia of Alexandria to destroy that which is against the will of Esau. Hypatia was stoned, if you metaphorically change a rock for a bullet, Joseph Smith was also stoned to death. Stoning people to death seems to be a strong part of Esau’s line need for vengeance against any and all who question their divine right authority to be Tyrants. The whole Mohammed, prophet, Bakr confusion is based on arguments which took place between Mohammed and Bakr during the translation process the material's from the Constantinople library. The material's were being shipped from Constantinople back to Edinburgh and one of the ships was seized in combat. That ship based on tons of circumstantial  evidence and the documented evidence that Fatimah looked like her Nordic featured mother, Fatimah’s granddaughter had her same blue eyes, red hair, pale skin, tall, etc genetic features.

The throwing stones ceremony was murdering the priests of the Tabernacle System of Adam at Mecca immediately after Jacob and most of the rest of Esau's family had left.


He used those murders to "power/fuel' the System/Kaaba (Genesis 32:22-32) to send a fallen to kill Jacob.

Tiffin Ohio

In the history of Mormonism the city of Tiffin Ohio plays one of the most important roles short of Palmyra, Carthage and Salt Lake City. 1838 to 1848 Oliver Cowdery played a go between between Joseph Smith and the Ogle family of Tiffin. Oliver securing a great deal of information and support in the six years before the Carthage incident and the four years after. The information Smith and his most trusted were sending to smith, who sent to Oliver, to pass the information to the Ogles. Why because the Ogles were in Ohio, and could sent messages to other British families and friends. Tiffin could have been a kind of Langley Central Intelligence Agency to coordinate the events happening in Colorado. Those last four years being key to the organizational structure of the entire church and all associated.

The Ogles of Tiffin, Hiway 224 and Market Streets south and east those 250 acres belonged to the Ogle family from 1750-1980google maples largerMaples%20old%20and%20new%20merged%202013%205%2031%202024Maples_old_and_new_merged_closer_2013_5_31_2025Maples%20to%20the%20River%202014%2012%2014%200125. It was sold due to a family argument between Helen Ogle and her grandson Wes Ogle Welling. The argument resulted in the entire destruction of the family. After two centuries, no one from Tiffin lives in the North East anymore.

The 1750s house was a replacement house for an earlier Mansion. The family had to evacuate the earlier house for a shed which sat roughly where Lowes sits in the present. Around that corner was a grove of Maple Trees, hence the name of the place. Also a mound from the mound builders culture. Tiffin was a location of a Mound System.  Oliver Cowdery finished his education and acted as a go between the Ogle family and Joseph Smith. Oliver was one of the witnesses to the plates, he was around when the British family approached Joseph Smith and asked him to perform a series of missions for the French and British Royal families.

Martyrdom at Carthage


This story is so full of errors and holes, it is difficult to believe. But fortunately there is a built in code key to find out what actually happened.

The person who reported the situation provided the code key to understanding what actually happened during the reporting.

“I will happily martyr myself in your place” just a few minutes later he dives under a bed to protect himself. “Elder John Taylor was shot while crossing the room. He crawled to safety under a bed” This is pure folly. “Joseph followed Hyrum a few minutes later after bidding a tearful farewell to his family.” Second sentence indicating Joseph left the area instantly after the warning from god to leave. If you look at the sentence structure and behavior patterns, Joseph Smith leaves a few minutes after saying “I need to go to the Rocky Mountains” his body double head security guard takes his place. From the sentence June 22nd “A company of men are seeking to kill my brother Joseph, and the Lord has warned him to flee to the Rocky Mountains to save his life. Good-by, Brother Cahoon, we shall see you again.” Joseph did not ignore said warnings and directions. If the lord said “the Lord has warned him to flee to the Rocky Mountains” nothing would get in the way of Smith moving right then and there to the Rocky Mountains. Which at that time meant the future to be named Colorado. There were two cities in Colorado, Manitou Colorado and Pueblo. Denver would be founded more than 14 years later. Denver was still a collection of native tents and some semi-permanent structures. But nothing legal or formalized into an actual settlement. More like a semi-permanent tent city. Joseph would have left that second for Colorado. All the actions which happened from the moment Joseph Smith left the area June 22 till the Ceremonial Execution, and  Joseph’s body double head security guard was killed in his place.

The last thing Joseph Smith is heard to have said was encouraging violence against those attacking him. This is very much against his ethics and “turn the other cheek” prophet persona.

Moments before the head security guard pointed a six shot pepper box out and blindly shot it. hitting three people. These are not the actions of a prophet, these are the actions of a soldier. Killing to a soldier is part of the job description, killing is one of the most important rules to follow. Killing/murdering even in self defense is against the “Thall, shalt not kill” rule.

According to the official records, we know the date Joseph headed out to Colorado, June 22.

Although it was not called Colorado yet, not for another decade http://www.us-census.org/states/graphics/1840.gif(the person who controlled the area of Colorado was Napoleon III, who was about as violent a Libertine French man as Robespierre. Napoleon III wanted the French and British Royal Family descendants killed in the worst way.). “We shall leave now to head out to “The Rocky Mountains”, which means the area of Old Colorado City and Manitou.

Joseph’s body double/Royal Guard was who was killed not Joseph. Joseph lived for a while in Colorado City. Or whatever it was called previous to being called Old Colorado city in 1858.

Which would be close to the largest reason in the world for the schism in the Mormon Church to have occurred. Not only was Joseph not dead yet, but the weeks and months of press releases performed by  those who took over the church leadership after his body double/head body guard was killed make it difficult for Joseph to come out of hiding and live a good and solid life inside his church. The coup d'état  performed by several were strong enough he had no choice but to stay isolated. Fortunately that is very likely what the Lord told him to do after telling him to evacuate out of the area, immediately. He was to follow a different and very quiet life. From 1844-1860 Joseph slowly and very quietly built a different church in Manitou. That church would be obliterated by the Great Awakening Followers, Confederates, and of course the American government when they finally arrived in the area with full military force. Part of the infrastructure of that early Church was the Spa Building and the Cliff house; which was seized and remodeled into a Quaker resort similar to Battle creek Michigan, but for Quakers not Seventh Day Adventists.  But by then the 50 year old Smith was less interested in a strong and substantial battle with foes and living the life of a very quiet prophet and head of a church which was not so much interested in being controversial. He hated the direction his church was going, but could do absolutely nothing about it.

The Evil Priest Paul

According to the Dead Sea scrolls which are a collection of letters and gospels written between the apostles’ after the crucifixion. As well as letters to and from the Evil Priest Paul James and Simon peter as well as most of the rest of the Apostles called Paul the Evil Priest.



The events of the ministry of Jesus Christ had a firsthand, and profound effect on the Execution of Joseph Smith. Shortly after the last supper, Jesus was appointed to be the next Pharaoh of IsrÆl. Which means he took on at least a couple new names and the Pope. Jacob was renamed IsrÆl, Jesus took on the name Simon Peter, and now it was Joseph’s turn. He could no longer associate himself with the name Joseph Smith, he had to spent the rest of his life using a different name and walk a more holy path. He in effect would have become the Next Pharaoh of Israel.


The Alma Hypatia

The Hajj stoning the non-believers to death is the same ceremony done to Hypatias’ body double circa Died: March 8, 415 AD, Alexandria, Egypt. The only problem is there is literally no possible way she would have been allowed to stay in the area. When her fellow academics knew the violence was coming, they would have done what scholars in libraries have done countless times previous. Boxed everything up, made rough or fake copies of scrolls. Took all the valuable stuff out and shipped it out of harms way. The best and brightest of the scholars would have also been shipped out. She was the head of her department, so even if they had to drug her into unconsciousness, put her onboard ship. She would have woken up sometime the next day or two more than a days sail away from Alexandria. A dying woman would have been put in her place. Right before the violence started the stand in dying anyway would have been given a large enough amount of a narcotic to knock her out. So when the mob found the unconscious body, they would be able to be as violent to her previous and post death as they wanted. Which is the essence of the throwing stones, screaming profanities the entire time Hajj.

Hypatia was put through a similar experience as Joseph Smith, to be executed for the same basic reasons Smith was. As well as an attempt on their life’s like Jacob was by Esau through the fallen. The religious fanatics, who follow the teachings of Esau, will not tolerate any questioning of their theological philosophy. They will not even tolerate said from god.

Nemi Ships

Caligula built the Nemi Ships to have a working Tabernacle of Adam System he controlled and no bad people could gain access to it. The Nemi ships were what Joseph was going to design his Jerusalem, but he did not tell Brigham about said information. The Nemi Ships are were a working Tabernacle of Adam System.


To be born again, allowing the savior to live within your soul. That person who will save the world for the evil Jews; that was Mohammed not Jesus. This is not from the philosophy of Jacob or Simon Peter. This is from the delusional philosophy of Fatimah, which both St Augustine of Hippo (a city several miles west of Carthage) and Paul were in favor of as well. Since the War between Esau and Jacob was over the Tabernacle of Adam Systems and the control over said, has lasted from x time previous to Terah up to and through the present. The entire situation was adopted by Martin Luther, They formed the basics of Protestantism based on the teachings of Paul, St Augustus, Fatimah, etc..

Contrary to popular belief, the effects of the death of her father Mohammed were beyond measure devastating to Fatimah. She went as far as to create her own sub-Islamic philosophy based on finding ways to bring her father back from the dead. Which was in part based on the teachings of Paul and St Augustus of Hippo circa 400 ce. Fatimah was born circa 600 ce. But Fatimah had to pass through Carthage on her way to and from Rome and to the Iberian peninsula.

Fatimah’s Mother

Just because the documents presented show Khadijah (Khadīja bint Khuwaylid) dying at 620 ce, does not actually make those documents facts. It only means that Mohamed and his family could no longer hide the facts that Fatimah’s mother had left the area previous to 620. Be that left in a coffin or left alive and well. But her body double replacement was old and may have died that year. Someone who could stand in for Khadijah and act correctly. But Khadijah had all manner of issues and problems. Those issues and problems cascaded into an extremely significant issue. That problem being the body double was older than k, so Khadijah’s age was adjusted back to make the now dead body double.

This is of the most critical of importance because the body double’s age was needed in order to erase what Khadijah did under her real name back home in Northumberland.

Fatimah’s evacuation

When Fatimah was forced to evacuate out of Mecca, she did so full well knowing her history was going to be written  for her by her most hated enemy. Abu  Bakr had tried to kill her several times, failed and was restrained out of respect for her father. But once her father was incapable of holding Bakr back, Fatimah’s days were numbered.

But when she did leave, she left full knowing that she was going to be chased till Bakr’s forces could no longer chase her.

Vatican burning times

In response to Fatimah’s traveling all over the place in northern Africa, and Europe. The Vatican set up a special sub-office of inquisition to track down where Fatimah had gone and erase all evidence of her presence, kill all her followers, and most especially find and erase all traces of her descendants. It was feared she produced many children over her time in Europe. Becoming a virtual breading factory, producing a new pregnancy as quickly as her body would allow. The burning times were in part to seek  out and destroy Fatimah,  also to find and kill Jews, seek out any information the Vatican did not like and erase it. Following the philosophy of the Evil Priest Paul.

The Vatican and Joseph Smith 1844

The Rocky Mountains aka Manitou Colorado in the 1800s was the scene of more than a few Religious Jihad’s. Those incidents were problematic since with huge levels of light bring darkness. In 1820, 1844, 1850, 1860, 1865-every year to 1910. Various religious groups battled for supremacy inside that city. The battles did not stop in 1910, from 1922-1945, the area was also host to a very strong and numerous number of fascist who thought the third Reich was not only a good idea. But they had relatives and friends in the Third Reich. Those religious battles in Colorado Springs continued into the present. In 1990 Coloradans’ for Family Values formed a new round of laws which restricted rights according to following the rules of violently fanatical religious belief, not any other purpose. It became known as “Amendment Two”, which was close to the definition of religious discrimination, which was based from a core of pure hard core hatred. Hatred of anyone not living their lives according to the fanatical rules of one specific groups laws; which is a direct descendant of Esau’s “You have to live your life according to my rules of order, or I have the divine right to be as violent against you as I choose to be”. The religious battles in Colorado Springs from 1810 to present which included Mormonism. For a while it was a common understanding that the Vatican considered Manitou Springs Colorado to be close to the most evil place on earth. The problem with peer review resources is that some scholar has to write an article about it. If no scholar writes an article about it, means there can be no reference to said situation. Does not mean the incident did not happen, it just means no one had written a peer review article about it. Many of the events in Colorado Springs and Manitou have had not a single scholar interested in writing about it, let alone a group of peers available to review it for accuracy. But the level of incidence which have occurred in Manitou and old Colorado Springs deserve to have volumes of books written about them. Not just a couple articles on occasion about secondary items to the city or the mineralogy of the area. There is more than sufficient evidence to point to a long and serious war in Manitou in 1845-1859 but the powers that be who won, were less than not interested at all in acknowledging those battles occurred at all. City infrastructure was placed on the battlefields, destroying them forever. But the population from 1850-1990 was kept to a strict minimum. The politicians and religious leaders kept business interests from producing much the city. Denver grew to several million, and Pueblo was also pushing a Million. Colorado Springs stayed at just over 200,000 for most of that close to a century and a half. Never tell a fanatically religious person they are wrong, they will happily be as violent against you till they feel better.

Joseph Smith entering Manitou Colorado after about 40 days and 40 nights traveling from Carthage to

Ouija Ceremony in a FreeMasonic Lodge

Noah’s Ark


Torah Noahs Ark 2

A Torah consists of 42 lines, 42 Lines on each page. Each page is two columns. Noah Sailed for 40 light cycles and 40 night cycles. Day Light South, Night Light North. “And god made man in his image” a very likely code to decrypt the DNA sequence could be built into the Holy Bible. Additional codes could be present in the Books by Joseph Smith.

By using a Square and Compass Masonically as a Ouija Board and planchette it is possible to turn the Torah and or any other Holy Book into a tool from which god can communicatejoseph smith book 3. The Points of the Compass’s two of the four lines, the points on the square the other two of the four lines.

Those four lines are floating holy days, those four holy days do not count regarding the 40 days and 40 nights of Noah’s Journey.

The staggering of where the Ouija Masonic Planchette’s falls the sequence of days/weeks between the Equinoxes is another way to indicate the Futhark Calendar.

In a regular lodge have the Chaplin and the Marshal conduct this exercise at the altar side by side. Where the WM can see the actions and be involved. Where the Square and Compass lands as a Planchette, that needs to be accounted for. When the marshal takes the Chaplin to the altar.

But I had an idea which could very well have been part of Masonry from the start but erased 200 years ago due to religious fanatics.

Using the square and compasses as a planchette, have the marshal and the Chaplin touch the square and compasses witnessed by the wm.

The two men touch the planchette, that devise or devices one touching one, the other touching the other will very likely move. E.g. become an Ouija. Especially if the Stewards are on the other side making 2 people holding one item.

Two standing in the west, two standing north and south.

Which is fascinating, when the applications of the 40 days of light, and 40 days of dark are added regarding Noah’s Ark Journey. North Dark, South Light. Each Torah is 42 lines long. The two and two, are the two and two points of the Square and Compasses.

Since the planchette is on the holy bible, in a consecrated area, surrounded by good men who have sworn to walk the path of good. In a structure designed to be a very stylized and modified version of King Solomon’s Temple. The planchette surrounded by the grace of the holiness on all six sides, and working from the letters of the holy bible as its “a-z and 1-0 board” this could possibly narrow down the interactions to just being a device for good. Letters, numbers, and of course time frames, locations of various tabernacles, etc. many things can be communicated between the divine and humans.

Which is a strong part of the “legend of the Noachite Rite” they used their father’s dead body to discover if they could use his bones as a two way radio to god. This is not outside the parameters of said concept of the Ouija in a Masonic Temple.

Accounted for by comparing the separations with the separations of a Futhark Equinox Calendar. Joseph Smith did interact with Ouija Boards, he produced income for his family using Divining rods. Ouija and Divining rods operate on the same principles of physics.

Torah Noahs Ark 3

To the Great Awakening Movement followers, this entire exercise of the Noah’s Ark using the Torah and or any other holy book is close to the definition of Evil. During the early 1800s, this would have been more than sufficient evidence to execute anyone who participated. Which would be two strong reasons for the people who actually did the executions to be directed at said. All a couple of the enemies of Joseph Smith would have needed to do was to tell a “Tent Revivalist” like the Grey Militia, about the Bourbon Family evacuated out of Colorado and the Noah’s Ark Ouija format and that would be more than enough to stir them into a Homicidal Rage.

Tarot 88 Cards

The 88 Cards of a Standard Tarot Deck, 42 lines of each side the east (sun, fire, day) and the west (dark, water, night) Torah, is just 4 shy of an 88 card deck of Tarot. 42 lines West, 42 lines East makes 84. In the Torah there are 4 fixed places which are the other 4 cards.

God Made Man in his Image

joseph smith book 3

DNA built into the structure of the Tabernacle System.

23 base chromosomes, that would be Fehu – Othallo; how they work together, that is Daggaz.

Each Elder Futhark consists of three sets of Ætt’s; Fehu’s eight which is the community, Haggalaz’s eight which is the individual, and Tiwaz’s eight symbols which is how the first two merge into a society.




Letter when translated into Latin based languages

The first Ætt the community
































K c
















The second Ætt the Individual
















jera 2015 21 3 0758



















Written Language





Light spectrum




Third Ætt the society, how the community and individual function as one




















The Self





Higgs Boson




Ing in












Although there is something of extreme importance to note. Each of the words in the Holy Bible, specifically the Old Testament have a Hebrew equivalent. But since there are translations into English. There are also other layers of codes built into English based on Latin versions.

For instance

In the Beginning





















































































Joseph Smith and the Ouiji

Joseph Smith would have had to be an expert in reading Indo-European language, since it was the language of Adam. The Elder Futhark is the last destroyed version of Indo-European language. The origins of the Elder Futhark can be found in the Vinca language from the same area Nicola Tesla is from; the Vinca Valley in Hungary. He had to translate the writings of Indo-European into English. One of the tools he could have used to perform said is by using a dowsing rod as a Ouijas planchette to start to decode the language. Along with help from other sources. Understanding Joseph means, understanding the Elder Futhark.




The ability to translate what happens with the motions of the planchette, are in part connected to the actions and responses written into the holy bible. The locations and layouts of the Tabernacle Systems are built in, time frames, etc. there are layers and layers of codes built into the Torah.


Caligula very likely designed his Nemi Ships as a direct reflection of the Tabernacle of Adam System at Mecca.

The duel Towers seem to be a primary architectural significance. Since the windows in Miramont Castle are also Duel.

Tesla Death Ray

Found in Tesla’s things after he died, was a box labeled “Death Ray” the box had been used circa 45 years previous to January 7, 1943. Which was about 11 months after the Wannsee Conference started.

Which places that box and its contents built and experimented on within the timeframe Nicola Tesla was in Colorado Springs. Playing around with Miramont Castle and his Free Energy Tower. Would be a fascinating experiment to explore the fundamentals of the architecture to find out if the floors show any  signs of anything super heavy on them. Actually immediately behind the room to the immediate left of the external staircase. In the Grand Ballroom, the floor does show signs of an inch unevenness which was obviously built in. that unevenness could be a gun mount.

http://www.coreyann.com/colorado-3.jpg, directly to the middle and right http://www.coreyann.com/colorado-3.jpg of this image is the grand Staircase. http://csupueblotoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Miramont.jpg, easily match able by the design of the Windows. This Staircase has more than a few dozen similarities between itself and the FreeMasonic Winding Staircase which was a direct copy from King Solomon’s Temple Jerusalem. This first set has 16 steps, so does the FC of FreeMasonry.  Each step in the FreeMasonic Staircase which is also a direct my legend copy from King Solomon’s Temple, each step has a specific meaning which directly correspond to the meanings of the first 16 characters in the Futhark.

Of course Jerusalem: the base word is Jera which is the 12th (Jacobs 12th son was given the Cloak of many Colorsjera 2015 21 3 0758) symbol and means Time. Well the flow of time of the Sun.

The British in Colorado Springs previous to 1850 possessed at least one if not more than one working Tabernacle of Adam Systems. The Buildings of the very likely Manitou Tabernacle of Adam Systems; Glen Eyrie, Bancroft Park, the Spa Building, and a location close to the old Court House currently the Pioneers Museum Colorado Springs.

It is possible, although not very likely that Joseph Smith was brought to either the Colorado Springs System, or one in St Louis, Chicago, etc. and Human Sacrificed on the altar. So his death could be used to power the weapon to perform beastly things for the Grey Militia working in partnership with militant Islam.

Tabernacle of Adam System

According to several different sources, the Tabernacle of Adam System is a very complex situation to understand. The evidence was wide and scattered by a thousand different conquerors who wanted revenge against the Systems because they could not turn the tool into a weapon. When they were able to turn the tool into a weapon they would (Tower of Babel) Lobotomize themselves through Electric Shock Therapy.

The System consists of several buildings laid out in an infinity loop format with a building in the middle. The four buildings of the sides are designed to generate electricity specific waves and frequencies of electricity to direct to the center building.

The compiled evidence as to exactly how to understand what and where the Tabernacle Systems were and where each one disappeared from history is a great place to start to understand the Systems themselves. Most of the time conquerors would think they were different than the previous and try their luck with the System, come off damaged, dead, or lobotomized e.g. Babbling like an idiot. Their men would then destroy the System, because it was the Systems fault not theirs.

The design can be seen at Heliopolis.

The Tabernacle of Adam System the Nativity

Nativity DNA

A the Cave of the Nativity

B the Bent Pyramid; the causeway is the red line bisecting King Solomon’s Temple.

C Memphis

D the Pepi I Pyramid; the causeway is the red line bisecting the Cave of the Nativity.

E King Solomon’s Temple

F the Daggaz Infinity loop in the middle.

A very interesting thing about the Pepi I pyramid, the points of the small Pyramids around the Pepi I structure form the Hebrew letter for Sing or in Latin Simon.Pepi Hebrew Feh and Ishn 3 simon


Jacob and the Fallen

On the way back to IsrÆl from Mecca, Jacob was fell upon by a fallen his brother sent to kill him. But the fallen was limited in his interactions. After winning the wrestling match, Jacob was rewarded with being named IsrÆl. This is of the most critical of importance, because from this second forward, Esau would have a grudge against both Jacob and God. A grudge which was equally held against Joseph Smith by both Muslims in America and Great awakening followers. Since Joseph Smith dared to tell militant Islamic followers their book might be wrong. Great awakening followers their book might also be wrong. That is a totally and in all ways unforgivable sin to those two groups, militant Islam and great awakening groups.

Terah and the Tower of Babel

Using the System wrong will based on all the leaders and generals who have used it wrong kill the user through either a body or brain necrosis. Terah after seizing control over the Tabernacle of Adam System at Eridu, used the tool as a weapon and EST lobotomized himself.

Ogle Family Trade Route

Ogle Trade Route 2015 2 9 1300

To each side of that the river System were cites built as a support hub.

Manitou Colorado

For a very  long time in Colorado Springs, the city of Manitou has had a long standing legend. The legend is the following; after years of very  faithful service, god gave three of the apostles the gift of immortality. Their tasks were to wonder the earth providing aid and comfort, to wait on earth till revelations. Helping mankind between the crucifixion and the second coming.

The legends are that at least one of those men traveled from Rome helping Simon Peter set up his ministry  to Northumberland. Then from Northumberland slowly over the millennia crossed the Atlantic to America. In America slowly over the centuries crossed from the  east coast to Colorado.

Settling in Colorado specifically Manitou. The legend has it that one of the Apostles settled and lives in Manitou; has for centuries.

Joseph Smith being given an order by God to leave the area he was in June 22 and head to Colorado is a fascinating connection.

In addition, what if Joseph Smith did leave that night. Leaving his body double head body guard in charge while he went to Manitou. He would have literally been able to interact directly with the Apostle of Christ in Manitou in 1844. Those meetings would have set the entire rest of Joseph Smith’s life in an entirely different course. Joseph was starting his third Ætt adventure, an adventure which could literally lead to being given the gift of immortality.

Another idea in that same vain is what if Joseph Smith upon arriving in Colorado was given the gift of Immortality, but was under strict orders to spent from then forward living a life close to that of a monk. He could found churches but nothing like the LDS, he was to have nothing at all to do with the LDS church Brigham was by then in charge of. That part of his life was over.

Would be entirely fascinating if he was met alone in Kansas and guided to the Platte River, and then followed the Platte River to Ruxton Creek. Then up to Manitou. Where he interacted directly with an apostle who knew Jesus Christ personally. What those men built together, Fr Francolon attempted to come to the aid and assistance of said in order to further the basic work they did. That work was destroyed and obliterated from evidence in the decade after 1899.

Immediately after leaving his friends and family June 22, 1844. Joseph Smith would not have ignored or argued with god. Order “leave now, your life is in danger” those are words which are not arguable with. He would have flat out left, the only question was, when, and what did he need to take with him. He would have also ordered all involved to be absolutely silent about his departure. He needed to perform a Jesus wandering in the desert action for the next 40 days and 40 nights. While he made his way to Manitou Colorado. The location is specified, the action is described, and the timeframe for leaving is also clearly stated twice. “Leave now” and “after a tearful goodbye” they headed back into the Mansion. By the time they headed into the mansion Joseph Smith was well on his way West. By either foot or by horse. There is no middle ground when it comes to the events after, the sentence structure of the Body Guard/Body double Joseph Smiths entire behavior pattern changes from a holy man to a soldier. All the actions done from entering the mansion to the kill shots were of a soldier not a holy man.

So that leaves the general ideas what happened to Joseph Smith the second he stepped away from his family and friends to venture into the Wilderness of Kansas. He would have experienced something akin to what Jesus experienced as well as what Dante experienced through the summer months in Kansas and the nights of very likely the worst in his being attacked and attempted to be destroyed. Joseph needed to perform said journey entirely alone in order to come out the other side as a renewed holy man.

Joseph did have some experience with Colorado and the British and French Royal’s living in the area. He did know where he was going; also he knew that Napoleon III and the Texan’s were equally unhappy with his allies the British and French Royal family as the Militia’s who would kill his friends and brother in a few days. The capital city of Texas as the time was whatever Old Colorado City was called previous to 1858. Very likely New Castle, which translates as Jerusalem. Jera in Futhark means new day or the Time in context of the dawn. Salem is Hebrew for the Latin word Castle. New = Jera, Castle = Salem. Jerusalem is very likely the name of Old Colorado City previous to the Religious Great Awakening Wars from 1850-1870.

Next The Journey