Chariot of RA

 Image result for Chariot of RA


The Amun

The Amun standing on the Ben Ben Stone, floating on the primordial ooze.

The power given to the Amun is through the ATEN. The ATEN above is not all that dissimilar to the Sun and its effect on the earth.

The ATEN with the Arms/Limbs/Legs/Feet/Foot/Hand/appendage/etc. touching the Amun, the Amun stands on the Ben Ben stone which is not all that different from the concept of “The Garden of Eden”.

The Top of the Ben Ben stone being where the Garden of Eden would be located.


Which in effect places bits and pieces of the Garden under the Pyramids.

Since the Pyramids are a a collection of Ben Ben Stones.

They are not upside down, they are correct side up, sailing through the cosmos with the planet earth on its back.

Well the planet earth divided between a couple dozen “ships” aka “ben ben” stones.

Of course, there is always the situation of the Bent Pyramid being a Ladder between Earth and Heaven, designed for angels to ascend and descend from heaven.


After leaving the Garden of Eden,

Adam built many replicas of the Ben Ben Stone (which strongly points to a collection of seriously huge ships/barges capable of carrying tremendous volumes of materials, and buildings). With its associated Garden of Eden and its even more specific Tabernacle of Adam System which is 4 Kaaba located in a 4-quadrant pattern around a foundation which divides into 4 rivers (Gihon, Pishon, Tigerous, Euphrates), which flow in four separate directions. North South East West.


But Adam built one specific which was the capital city of all the other Systems he built. That system was according to legend the temple of IWNW. Which became a subject of attack and destruction at 3500 bce from the invaders from Mecca to Egypt 300 plus years previous. It took the invaders more than 300 years to conquer from Hierakonpolis to IWNW.

But once conquered, the renamed the city something. About 1500 years later that culture from Mecca invaded Egypt again but this time they were called Hyksos. Whatever the name the Hyksos gave to IWNW, was purposely lost to history. In its place at 800 bce the Hyksos/Dorians called it Heliopolis. Or the Sacred city (Salem) of the New Sun (ATEN).

The city of IWNW off and on from 3800 bce to 30 ce was the Capital of Egypt.

E.g.: temple

Y: of

Pt: Ptah

Ptah was the first High Priest of the first Temple located at the city of Luz. Which was renamed to Memphis.

The Temple of IWNW was moved to Rome by Caligula. Memphis was moved to Rome 80 years previous by Caesar.

The city of Samhain was built as a copy of the Pyramids to keep the secrets/library. Memphis was the center of the ATEN, IWNW was what can be considered the “wheelhouse” not unlike the Millennium Falcon with its “wheelhouse” located off the center line of the ship. Image result for Millennium Falcon

But in which case, the Wheelhouse is to the Left not the Right.

Image result for Millennium Falcon

The head a few dozen feet to the left. The upper chest cavity, just off the bottom of the lower chest cavity (the Sistine Chapel and its Wheelhouse) the wheelhouse/command and control structure, the lower chest cavity rib cage, sternum/pelvis, hip joint, legs, feet. One foot standing on the Castle of Angels, the other foot a dock connected to the River. The right foot touching the river.


Next subject to bring up regarding the construction of the Pyramids.

That would be the adventures of Noah.

Which is an extremely similar story to that of the Chariot of Ra. A huge ship/barge capable of sailing the cosmos.

What is not described in the bible is a larger and more complex story the story of Noah came from the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Where he had a fleet of ships, and the cargo was not animals 2x2, but the Nephilim and their library. X

Which is depicted on the Narmer Monolith of 3200 bce.

You see Noah did not settle at Mount Ararat, the next paragraphs were edited out thanks to Moses and his hatred of the Jews.

At Ararat Noah/Gilgamesh found its headings. And set course for the temple of IWNW.

Evidence from the next 4000 3500 eras Egypt was the thrust and core of Civilization. Farming might have started in the Fertile Crest, but civilization grew up in Egypt.

There is no civilization on the eastern portion of the Anatolia Peninsula. Sparse buildings, sparse populations, and even more sparse ecology.

Egypt had the Nile and sufficient farm lands to literally feed itself and surrounding countries.


Noah’s fleet






A boat several Egyptian deities; the end of a neuron with several synapses.



The Pyramids location in Egypt


Pyramids generate electricity;

Based entirely on the electrical conditions of the Pyramids themselves, their interconnectedness, and the facts of their architecture. It is fair to assume the Pyramids could literally in some odd way generate a crude version of thought.

Each Pyramid generates electricity. Each pyramid is made of mostly materials which are extremely high in quartz. Compressed quartz generates electricity.

Furthermore. There is absolutely no way to deny the facts that the large pyramids were covered in strikingly white limestone. Limestone is between 70-95% quartz. The large pyramids on the  Giza plateau the covering stones were all but literally several feet thick.

Several feet 400 feet tall, capturing the heat of the sun at first light. That 400-foot wall would expand, when it expanded, it would push into the still cold and north and south walls. The exact same physics which causes Sonar to work; a pressure wave in the water impacts a thin slice of quartz, with a simple electrical plate sandwiched next to it. With another piece of quartz directly next to it. A pressure wave in the water compresses the first piece of quartz, that pressure compresses the first and possible more pieces of quartz, the stronger the pressure the more electricity is released.

Same exact physics works with the Pyramids.

External and internal shape of each pyramid is different. Hence different shapes produce slightly different frequencies, waves, and of course Electro-Magnetic signatures.

Those different signatures interact. Those interactions depending on use can and in some cases can be on a technical level be linked to the mechanisms of thought. Mixing different types of Electro-Magnetic signatures, but the problem is. a need to record those electrical impulses. The greatest thought in the world is only as good as the memory associated. Memory is key. No memory and all thoughts generated are nothing.

Egyptian Mythology has a very  detailed and complex hidden message inside of it.

Those very detailed and hidden messages are, specifically regarding the concepts hidden within the Ra Atun the rays of the sun cascading onto the earth. That would be the structure of the ATEN the first deity of Egypt, previous to an invasion of Egypt from Mecca circa 3800 bce.

The new military might hated the ATEN and all associated things, consequently they introduced their names for old concept.

The ATEN became first Ra then another merge and Ra became Ra Atun.

But the same emphases on the sun and its journey through the cosmos, pulling the earth in its gravity along for the ride.


After much cultural arranging and reorganizing after conquests, the concept of Ra steering the fleet. The Fleet/chariot is a very edited part of very ancient mythology which is also directly connected to the Narmer Monolith. Which depicts Pharaoh Narmer as not only the first Pharaoh of Egypt but also he placed himself as the new Noah, the King of both Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.

First message is the message of RA. The Rays of the sun touch the pyramids, when the light touches, how long, how long is the full day in seconds specific to each tenth of a second considering the earth is rotating at 17,000 plus miles an hour. The amount of .0001 of a second to nullify the motions.

The second is the information of Osiris; where the sun travels on the other side of the planet. The pyramids through the underworld to various points and objects around the world and their locations in association with the pyramids. Pikes Peak for instance. Fixed locations to measure to and from say Khufu to the Peak. Newgrange to the Bent Pyramid. The mouth of the Indus River to any given pyramid. Those are also fascinating numbers.

It would be fascinating to build a comparison between “the journey after death” and what the globe looks like through the center of the earth measuring to and from the millions of fixed points around the globe.


Then there is the calculations numbers to letters of each and every pyramid in association with the other pyramids.

from the center of each pyramid to the next closest, have the next closest draw a line back. Add up those numbers/letters into a solid sequence.

R from the bottom left and T from the top right.

Now add the motion lines of the day RA

From dawn to dusk the position of the sun in the day draw a line  from the center of each pyramid to the sun. As the sun moves the couple ways to lay out the numbers/letters are extremely important.

Those numbers letters in the dozen ways to lay them out collect all of those 1000 of letters in sequence. Compare them to the already in existence numbers/letters from the layout of Genesis.

"and god created the heavens" that would be RA

"and the earth" down to the earth itself. the pyramid fixed lines

and god flew over the waters

south, north, east west.

That is the order of operations to collect the letters for every single second of the day.

That collection of real and very hard defined letters are the real Genesis. That is the stuff for which god ordered Judah to receive and build the world of god into.

From Jacob's journey north west of Luz aka Memphis Egypt.

He traveled to the location of a former Megalith likely where the Bent Pyramid sits now.

That ancient Stonehenge was used to identify where Memphis used to be since there was going to be an issue when Memphis moved to Samhain in the next 2500 years.

After the journey of the day, is the journey of the night.

The sun on its invisible journey into the underworld.

That underworld journey  can just as easily be traced

However, the sun will pass along and through various fixed points around the globe.

Those fixed points around the globe itself can and likely will add letters over the course of a day

and 365  days.

All in all, the amount of hidden data is absolutely staggering.


EL the reeds of language

Ra the motion of the sun

Isis the position of each pyramid. Think of Isis raising the pyramid to her, the primordial ooze is just the night and the cosmos. The Fleet is Isis, the “captain” is Ra, and in effect navigator is Horus, what allows the navigation is El.

Horus collector of the letters in order to produce language.

Horus aka Abel; the collector of the letters to make the words, sentences, etc.

He was gifted with the talent to understand the language of the cosmos.


Who are you, what is your life’s journey in comparison to your proximity to each of the pyramids.

All the motions you do, draw a line from you to each pyramid. Those collection of letters will say something profound.


From the point earth rotates around so the sun’s rays hit say the top of the first pyramids in Egypt. Those rays are coming in from a very specific direction and vertical angle.

Those horizontal and vertical numbers/letters not only add to the number of overall numbers/letters but also an ever-changing sequence of numbers letters.


At 17,000 ish miles an hour the earth is rotating. Each translates to every tenth to hundredth of a second the smaller numbers/letters in the sequence of directions and vertical angles changes.

The number of words present will number in the millions if not billions.

Over the course of a single day the amount of seer knowledge is staggering.

These are only part of the secrets which the Hyksos hate and worked for the last 4500 years non-stop to systematically find and destroy.

In addition

Since the earth rotates in a 365.4-day sequence, mid-summer back to mid-summer where the earth rotates to have the sun’s rays touch the pyramids also changes.

That sheer volume of words alone is by volume more words present than the entire library of congress.

But that storehouse of information would be an absolutely fascinating library of information to read.



 If correct, present are trillions of words in the Pyramids of Egypt. Since after all the function and structure of say .00001 of a second the earth is rotating at 17000 plus miles an hour.

To divide the second sufficiently to have the earth and sun stand still.

There are 10 numbers/letters per tenth of a second.

There are 50 characters between .1 and .00001.

Then you get 60 seconds per minute

60 minutes per hour

24 hours in a day.

You have with just .00001 you have 1500 of those a day x 365 = 51,000 characters in just the 24-hour period. Not to mention the vast amount of numbers/letters on the ground the center of x pyramid to the center of y. 120 pyramids there are millions of fixed point to fixed points.

Each corner to each corner. One given pyramid lines to all the other Egyptian Pyramids. How far away is each one from each other one.

The sun is just the numbers from the very center of the sun to the very center of each pyramid. This also does not add in to each corner, the very top, entrances, down the causeways, any given fixed point on a pyramid to any other given fixed point of the sun.



 But we cannot forget the ATEN structure built into the Pyramids either.

 A couple of the lines are so long they encompass several from dawn to dusk sequences before the sun’s rays hit the Egyptian pyramids.

Example the Khufu Pyramid causeway bisects the very top/summit of Mount Everest , talk about a fixed point in the journey of Osiris.

Noah’s Fleet

This concept and of course this entire mechanism is in itself highly controversial. Since it introduces that one there is more than one ship which Noah both built and was the Admiral for on the high seas. Evidence for this can be found in both the Epic of Gilgamesh and of course the Narmer Plate, where Narmer aka the Scorpion King recast himself as Noah.

But there is something else. This of course has to be compared to and with the function and structure of the first days, weeks, and months of Christianity. Emperor Caligula was on the Throne at the time and the Senate had a difficult time determine which they hated more, did they hate Caligula or Jesus more. In truth the rage towards both was more than enough to destroy the entire Roman Empire. The senators and rich in Rome Proper would do anything up to and including destroying the entire Empire to destroy the brand-new Christianity. However, all of their efforts were in absolute vain. But they did manage to convince the later historians that their versions of what happened were “the gods honest truth” despite being 98% pure fiction. For 2000 years a set of stories have been told and retold with close to no historical accuracy at all. It is like if the historians in charge of writing about the presidency of Obama were only the most conservative pundits from Fox news, Breitbart, InfoWars, etc. people who hate Obama without unrealistic and very delusional aspect of perception. But their paperwork and documents were the only ones to survive if and or when America is collapsed and defeated. Which has occurred in Egypt and Rome about two dozen times. The Enemies of facts and evidence took over and altered history to meet their mental disorder needs. Which included altering the entire history of the founding of the Catholic/Christian church. At least Four Ships are present. The Lake Nemi Ships, the St Peters Basilica, and of course the Sistine Chapel. Each have a strong connection to being ships and or being made from ship parts. Which reminds me there is another great story about converting a ship into a religious object which gave birth to the Roman Republic and of course the Roman Empire. That ship was one of Agamemnon’s Ships or several of them, and was rebuilt into “The Trojan Horse”. Which was more likely a “Trojan Bull”. Since the Bull is the symbol for the Pre-Exodus Jews.

The Trojan Bull was a ship. The Lake Nemi Ships 2 of them, with a couple smaller support vessels, St Peters Basilica, and of course the Sistine Chapel all have strong connections if not were outright ships at one point. Caligula ordered the construction (or refurbishment) of the world’s largest ship. So that Heliopolis could be transported from Egypt to the marsh next to the Vatican Hill. He achieved this goal. But where did the ship go. The ship either rotted away, or is still  under St Peters Basilica.

The story of Noah is unbelievably similar to that of the full Noah’s Ark Story, when compared with the function of the brain.

The information comes into the Hippocampus, the message from god to Noah.

The Hippocampus processed the input and sends the info to the different lobes.

That processing and sending out. That is the construction of the Ark and then sending it out.

40 days 40 nights. The Neuropathways ready and waiting for the message, and the 40 nights, the synapses which were not activated until after the first 40 received and processed. The 40 active thought patterns, and the 40 inactive thoughts which become active.

Then of course the thoughts are collected and sent to the conscious mind for activation.

The ark is sent from the different lobes to the conscious mind “Mount Ararat”.

Then the conscious mind begins to act on the thought.

Mount Ararat to Egypt.

Where the ideas are processed and put forward into the world.

The Ararat to Egypt is the idea/Ark going from the mind to Egypt. Into Civilization.


When a thought bounces around inside the head, it is not unlike that of a collection of different firings gathered together traveling as a pack bouncing around inside the skull. 2x2, that is a solid description of how the molecules bounce around inside both sides of a synapse in order to produce the “lightening” strike/spark of thought. Said thoughts

Some people have the capacity for great and impressive thoughts, while others have less of a brain capacity.

This is specifically focused on Noah’s fleet being a collection of sometimes complex thoughts bouncing around inside the skull.




The thoughts which run through the mind. As like the Pyramid fleet which can be observed as a copy of Noah’s Fleet. The ideas of the Pyramids flow through the planet, as ideas flow through a skull. Bouncing around the various lobes of the brain.

Once a synapse file fire occurs, the next step in the situation is there is an unknown next sequence.

Some synapses fire to add to the mixture of information, while others remain either entirely out of it or only add a little bit but do not fire a huge amount.

This is a profoundly interesting area to study and research since

Synapse language

Since some synapses light up and others do not. The selectivity of said some light up with electricity and some do not; proposes an interesting idea.

Do the ones which light up present connect the dots into shapes. Are these shapes repeatable, if they are repeatable, are they also some type of language. Can those shapes be translated into letters, and can those letters be translated into words.

Can those words be translated into sentences.

Which goes to point to some very interesting shapes when it comes to the path of those in Osiris’ and that of Seti. Can the shapes presented be translated or identified as being letters.

Do geological formations and of course humans our actions/behaviors within our close proximity to any given geological shape. Do what we do created letters, do those letters create recognizable words.

Of course, that is just the surface motions. That does not apply to the earth’s orbit around the sun. That is a different set of numbers/letters. From the earth’s surface down is a different set of numbers. Those numbers are obviously connected to the path of Seti Osiris are when the path of the sun is visible in the day. Be interesting to find out the numbers for the other side. How the stuff streaming through the planet affects everything on the dark side.


A Voice from the Heavens

The Language built into the structure of Time and Space.

Ra Amun points strongly to documented evidence that the pre-4000 bce Egyptians not only knew about whatever they called Ǽrdology but for a wide variety of situations were all but experts in it.

The science is Ǽrdology cannot be proven to have existed, since so many conquerors who hated the very notion of the existence of a library they could not control, burn, destroy, force scholars to write down what that specific times leaders wanted things to be said.

Every dictator, petite tyrant, etc. demand that history be recorded to reflect their perspectives. The things they do wrong become great, the crimes against humanity become not their fault, and of course everything else are things which make them look that god asks their opinion before making an action.

However, where or not Ǽrdology existed in the ancient world is of little to no material. It exists now, and just like the spotty evidence of some type of a nuclear blast in India 1000s of years ago. It has zero impact on the fact that today we have nuclear bombs, today Ǽrdology does exist. Not only does it exist but it also proved the concept that the Spiritualist Movement of the early 1800s the Akashic Record is not only a very very real thing, but this is exactly how to find it. Of course, reading the words present, the sentences is a different story all together.







As the trillions of synapses in the brain generate small amounts of electricity, the over all whole amount of electricity is a rather significant volume. There is enough electricity to create enzymes which are released by the synapses and neurons to give more complex instructions to the body.

Which is interesting since an enzyme and a sarcophagus is of similar shape.

Also, the tradition of making a custom fit to each individual body is in itself part of the Osiris Seti Horus story.

Seti being insanely jealous of his brother Osiris, tricked him into getting inside a sarcophagus. To see how it fit, but Seti tricked his brother and sealed it shut. Sending the Djed to the city of Byblos to be part of the temple construction there.

The Djed looks surprisingly similar to that of a Tesla Coil which is also connected to the Egyptian Lightbulb.

Each side uses a Djed as a base.



A boat several Egyptian deities; the end of a neuron with several synapses.


Two parts of a synapse. A singular synapse; ship below, deity above.


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A more complex synapse, with part of a synapse below and several synapses above.

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The in-effect top is the universe, the bottom is in the shape of a boat.

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The Enzyme; can be observed/compared to a sarcophagus. Holding the remains of a life.

Image result for synapse                  


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An intense drawing which looks extremely similar to that of a ship, with meeting other side synapse is the deities riding in the ship.



Basic neuron types. Unipolar, pseudo-unipolar neuron, bipolar, and multipolar Neurons. Neuron Cell Body. Different Types of Neurons Stock Vector - 38744161

Of the many different types of synapses and neuron structure types. The ships and associated Egyptian deities come in many forms.




AErdology Personal Calendar

Neuropathways of History

Neuropathways and language

Compass Headings

Misspellings Language Chariot of RA

Misspellings Language Chariot of RA 2018 8 12 1154

Word and Letter Time Maps

Key Letters

What are the key letters/words in this specific document.

The 24 months of the T Calendar Elder Futhark.

Draw a line from the center of x to the center of y, both directions give a different letter.

Adding in year of culture, year of the building construction, the approximate year when said geological structure formed,

The current generation of said culture.

The current sequence of time regarding the previous equinox/solstice fixed points.

The number of letters involved could reach into the trillions.

These are copies from a book about the Viking compass.

The Viking compass used an extremely detailed historical account of when the earth would rotate around to the sun on what exact angle.

Then of course keep track of the length of the day.

That was an actually better system then longitude and latitude.










TR Welling