2/2/2013 16:03:37

2/2/2013 17:25:07




City of Salem aka Jerusalem


Previous to being conquered by Monotheists after the exodus the city was built by and operated by the descendants of the people of Kaern. It was possibly one of the cities the Hyksos might not have been able to conquer, capture, and turn to their will.


The people of Kaern were the people who built at least some of the megaliths. The megaliths like Stonehenge were a multitude of different things wrapped into one. They were a calendar, an expression of mathematical precision, in a way a temple, etc.

Where the temple mound sits was a megalith. What that megalith looked like can only be guessed at based on surviving megaliths and their relation to the population.


After the exodus Jerusalem although records show the city was called in some form Jupiter or some reference to the planet Jupiter. Jupiter has a very different meaning to the People of Kaern than it does to the monotheists or Greco-romans.

Consequently the megalith at Jerusalem was most likely a major complex of mythic close to Stonehenge proportions; of several large stone circles with several sites connected by causeways and said. Jerusalem might be a reflection and or a copy of the architecture of what the capital of IWNW looked like previous to being remodeled into Heliopolis. Since Jerusalem was at least part of a capital city in the middle east. At least two pyramids in Egypt their causeways bisect different points on the temple mound complex.

For evidence the megalith; King Solomon is rumored to have used the preexisting structure to help built his monumental temple.

Indicating that in some way the People of Kaern through an expert use of electro-magnetics could create some type of portable zero G sphere; to move the rocks even in the modern world engineering has trouble understanding how to move rocks of 1000s of tons. Let alone how to build with extremely accurate precision (modern engineering has trouble doing with 5 lbs bricks) those 1000s ton rocks into perfect alignment with other similar weight rocks to form a foundation.

Which indicates that the http://www.bubblews.com/assets/images/news/358093693_1353845120.gif http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xjOo8xPCliY/TWTjJ5VzTrI/AAAAAAAABVE/SAPME0lkx0k/s1600/AIA+MANINAM+AIA+-+EGYPTIAN+TECHNOLOGY+%25284%2529.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tkYUK9BZ46A/TWTjMHR3eYI/AAAAAAAABVM/Lu0RtfzpVKs/s1600/AIA+MANINAM+AIA+-+EGYPTIAN+TECHNOLOGY+%25286%2529.jpg Egyptians also had similar zero G sphere technology. Since the ?-3500 pre-Pharaonic Egyptians were a megalithic building society as well. Proof for said can be found in all the pyramids, since the pyramid causeways 15 of them bisect something specific hundreds to thousands of miles away. The city of IWNW was a major city long before its 3500 b.c.e capture, renamed to Heliopolis, and remodel to monotheistic requirements. The reflection of the megalithic connections can be found in the crown of lower Egypt(which was taken and transformed into the pope’s crown; with the sun portion removed and replaced with the symbol for the crucifixion). So the Babylonians and consequently the people of Jerusalem pre exodus conquest could have feasibly possessed some type of electro-magnetics technology which allowed them to with atomic precision place 1000+ ton rocks in perfect positions.

Additionally; several things keep reappearing in similar sequences. Those things are; Osiris (the pillar of Osiris), Babylon, resurrection, the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza, Pyramid causeways (E K and L; all point to the temple mound, different places on the temple mound. Indicating the monotheists who remodeled did not know the causeway was so vitally important.), the hanging garden of Babylon (which legend states was a copy of the garden of Eden), radically advanced technology translated into some type of mythical angels and demons story, etc. more than a few points of continuity occurring over several millennia in different occurrences. Which the radically advanced technolgy would be part of what Zerubbabel erased edited out; because at 500 b.c.e the Greco-Roman culture was starting to become a threat moving eastward. Both sides of the same culture were going to be moving to conquer their ancestral line. A cultural patricide.


When the post exodus monotheists conquered, they immediately started work to do exactly the same thing they did in Egypt. Take the megaliths and remodel them to monotheistic needs; erasing the megaliths and reshaping them into temples/synagogues/churches/cathedrals/mosques etc.


Problem is; after more than 6000 years of erasing; the evidence still exists, consequently erasing the past will not work but working together will work. Plus since the base of every single ancient church is a megalith; the footers of monotheism are the mathematics, language, and schema of the People of Kaern it is not possible to remove it. working together is the only option. Unless you want to move every single church, etc. off the foundations of the megaliths. Everyone working together is the only option. You will also have to rewrite every word of genesis and most of the OT to remove the People of Kaern language, mathematics, and megalithic cultural influences.


The People of Kaern thought of Jupiter as a mini-solar system. Since their math was better than the single number line they could have calculated the gravity of Jupiter. Their mathematics was so good modern seconds, minutes, and hours come directly from them by evidence the city of Babylon.


Consequently the ancients could have known Jupiter was a mini-orange solar system. A mini-solar system means that planet was a mini-sun. being a mini sun making Jupiter translated from Indo-European language a slightly different definition of Heliopolis. Just because modern academics has a description and definition for something does not make that definition universal to all cultures (How arrogant; science has a classification but that does not mean the Babylonians shared that opinion. Since Babylon and the People of Kaern possessed a better mathematics and engineering skills, their opinion has weight.).  Connecting the people and city definition with Heliopolis with how important the city is with all three major branches of Monotheism. Five separate cultures have all called Jerusalem the city of the sun. The obelisk in the center of Heliopolis sits in the middle of st peters square Rome. Which itself is a megalithic site formerly known as the Rock of Mars.


To prove the point with a little better clarity; genesis chapter 1-12 is written in what academics calls “Indo European Language” or it can be called “The People of Kaern” language.

Even the very book all monotheism is based on the first 12 chapters are founded on the People of Kaern language and cultural schema. Removing their influence becomes impossible.