1/31/2013 07:39:12




Crown/ Diadems  is a http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/seamartini/seamartini1004/seamartini100400008/6725404-heraldic-crowns-and-diadems-for-design-and-decorate.jpgmegalithic representation


Pope triple crown; three monuments at Giza. Each crown represents the three founding profits of monotheism.  1 Adam, 2 Noah, 3 Abraham


Stonehenge the stages of construction; could be the stages of the or specific portions of Stonehenge. Take Stonehenge apart; first step of construction khafre pyramid, second step of Stonehenge Khufu, third step mankaure


The ceremonial crowns of Egypt would not have been buried; the crown would pass to the next pharaoh

The group of crowns over time would have either disintegrated, still be in a private library, or burned by conquest. .






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