MD1Assgn Welling T

T. "TR" Robert "Shawn" Welling

June 17, 2019

Dr. Jessica HOLMES

Cultural Issue Childhood Interment Camp Abuse Death

In this document we will be discussing the functions and structures of civilization from and through the application of how the American culture interacts with its heritage past from a couple sources as they apply to the child illegal alien self-created crisis so that the xenophobic groups can be outraged and have a target to be violent against (Baker, Cañarte, & Day, 2018). This document will cover the aspects of culture which Milgram proved that allows for the most beastly and inhuman actions to become accepted by the xenophobic groups who on occasion seize control over the police, military, and government in order to force their needs to perform crimes against humanity (Wisam Chaleila. (2016). The easiest victims to perform crimes against are of course orphan or near orphan children.

America was founded on  a couple of primary issues. One freedom to be yourself and xenophobia.

The American culture began as a very odd aspect of people trying to evacuate out of the constant wars being fought in Europe and other locations around the world.

The Wars being fought in Europe were in part about suppressing and killing people who only wanted the freedom to live their lives (Sekar Vusparatih, 2018).

Also by people who wanted to freedom to bring harm and misery to others to make themselves feel good about being bad.

America was founded by these two groups. Unfortunately the continent already had people living in not. The natives, the British, the French, etc. were already present and living nice lives before the above groups began to come across the ocean blue in droves. Bringing with them huge amounts of trauma and violence. Trauma manifests itself in unusual ways, sometimes it manifests itself into good solid civilization building and peace, other times trauma comes out as what can be labeled as xenophobia (Shuwiekh, Kira, & Ashby, 2018).

To make themselves feel better people who have been traumatized will join with others who have been traumatized and they will form a support group (Shubina, 2015). Those support groups can and will at times turn xenophobic (Whitehead, Perry, & Baker, n.d.). They take the hurt feelings, anger, rage, etc. and turn it into violence against usually a weaker group to feel superior (McCall, & Resick, 2003).

The American civilization itself began in general as an offshoot of the Mercia culture, their new name is Anglo Saxon (Halloran, 2016). But their pre collapse of the Roman Empire name was Mercia (Lowerre, 2010). The area of Britain from the southern edge of Sherwood Forest to the coast in central and east Britain (Bassett, 2011).

After 700 ce, that area became known as England. Now England and Britain are two entirely separate places. The English Culture are direct descendants of the Roman Culture. The British are by legend and DNA evidence direct descendants of the 18th Egyptian Dynasty and the Trojans from the Battle of Troy (Barnes, Whiffin, & Bulling, 2019). The evacuees name changed to British. Which is a very long and drawn out story.

Interestingly enough, the freedom people in part can be linked to the descendants of the Trojans and the British who wanted to get away from the theocratic wars raging nonstop in Europe. Whereas the xenophobic groups wanted to evacuate out of Europe so they could become the superior culture and dominate all others (Brenner, 2010). They were not going to be the superior culture in Europe, so they chose to be the superior culture in America.

America’s name comes from Amerigo Vespucci (an Italian) who name it as a play on words of his own name Merigo and the Merica, add an A before the M, and America switch the I and C (Amerigo Vespucci: Retrofitting of propulsion and generation systems on the Italian training’s tall ship. (2014). America is a play on the name Mercia who are a group of Romans who left Rome to relocate the families to south eastern Britain.

The freedom people just want to live their lives in harmony and balance with everyone. The other group will use any and all tools they can find to create separation between humans, so they can praise one as being better than the other, in order to turn the other into victims of their rage and hatred. It really does not matter what the subjects are, as long as the xenophobia group have the ability to isolate some group or other and take their rage out on it, that is the only thing that matters to them.

In the news in recent times, about a dozen different but connected from the same base xenophobia concept have all picked their own different targets to direct their hatred towards and have been as active as humanly possible to perform as much damage upon them as possible and not suffer damage and violence back.

Of course there is also the issues that xenophobic groups are almost always on the extreme side of cowards so they cannot stand up to much of a real fight. They gather in huge groups so that those who can fight a bit can take the majority of the punishment but the core of the group the leaders are so cowardly they all but literally cannot stand up to even the smallest fight.

At this point in the news where are any number of isolated groups that are the victim of the xenophobic groups. Illegal immigration, the adults are one thing, but a special sub section of children have been isolated and radically abused. Some have been sexually assaulted others have been murdered. With the leaders of the xenophobic groups claiming no responsibility at all in the crimes against humanity which occurred because of their political actions.

Like most bullies, it is always the victims fault that happened to them.

One of the primary prosecutors to the Nuremberg Trials recently stated that “those internment camps” America has created are a crime against humanity (Wolnik, Busse, Tholen, Yndigegn, Levinsen, Saari, & Puuronen,  2017). Since he witnessed the NAZI death camps firsthand, he has a very good idea what he is talking about.

Although the xenophobic groups will deny to their dying breath they did anything wrong. The facts are their actions lead to children being abused and killed.

From the perspective of the xenophobic groups, the crisis in central America has less than nothing to do with America. Those countries need to work out their own problems, without those problems becoming Americas problem.

The point of view on the same subject from a larger xenophobic group is that America is already too diverse. This specific xenophobic group has an issue with white supremacy, example Jim King from Iowa is a self-professed White Supremacist and he has not the slightest problem loud and proudly saying that people who are not white are by default inferior to white people. Which is on the extreme side of a very nasty and very close to a hate crime thing to say. But he and his voter supporters in Iowa not only support it but a lot of them proudly announce they are Nationalists. Which is the exact same word and meaning as the N in the acronym NAZI, (National Socialist German Workers' Party). The Nationalist is that N, which is world renowned understanding and association with both hatred and terroristic acts against people they have determined to be inferior. It does not really matter what or who they considered to be inferior, once labeled, the entire group turns its hatred, rage, violence towards the newly isolated group of victims.

Children are some of the most damaged victims of the xenophobic groups. They are targeted because it is almost impossible for children to fight back. Once the parents are removed, and or killed, the children have no defenders. Consequently, the children who have no ability to fight back are the perfect victim for the truly disgusting members of the xenophobic groups. The pedophiles, the serial killers, and the truly disgusting people like Joseph Mengele, who openly experimented on 1000s if not 100,000s of children, most of the experimentation was against any and all forms of morals.

Just because the world believes that era of the NAZI could not return does not actually mean a thing. Milgram proved that under rather easy to set up conditions. It is easy to pull the xenophobia out of people and make them perform inhuman acts. Milgram’s experiment regarding a strong authority figure who will not do the violence themselves, through bully force of will can make someone do actions which are entirely amoral. All the person has to do is blame the worst of their actions on the bully forcing them to hurt someone else. A rather simple structure if you think about it, a strong-willed bully simply uses language to force someone else to perform bad actions. The bully being a coward does not actually do the bad actions, and the pawn can blame all of their actions on the bully.

It is actually a really nice mechanism for the xenophobic groups to function from. They can work as a solid team to bring pain and death to the isolated group and no one has to take responsibility for the violence and deaths which come after.

Children can be mass sexually assaulted and murdered, but the group takes no responsibility for the events in any way. It is always something or someone elses fault.

In various camps across the US but mostly around the southern border, children are being stripped from their families. They are then  put into isolation, harmed, starved, abused, neglected, and a few have been killed. All the while not a single group involved will take any responsibility whatsoever. The watchdog groups keep trying to bring aid and comfort, but the military and political authorities refuse them admittance. going back to the same “it is their fault for coming here illegally in the first place. If they had not come illegally, we would not have killed them. Not our fault.”

Which is close to exactly the same response given to the LGBT etc. communities of several years ago. If you homosexuals would simply stop all this amoral behavior, we would stop hurting and killing you. It is not our fault you are being assaulted, harassed, and murdered it is your fault for flaunting your amoral behavior in front of me.

Of course, some of the children in US custody are fleeing central America over sexual orientation, the citizens of their home country would kill them in brutal and inhuman ways. So they flee to the US hoping for a reprieve from the violence. Only to find equal violence and murder in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. Letters stamped  into the Statue of Liberty, which was built during a time of extreme anti-immigration and was violently opposed by xenophobic groups of the time.


The effects of the xenophobic groups in political and military power in America at the present is causing a humanitarian crisis which has cascaded into crimes against humanity. This document has covered how America at times has returned to its extremely bad and Roman/English civilization roots of being so xenophobic it can hardly function unless it is causing harm to someone up to and including mass murder. We discussed the functions and structures of civilization to and through the application of how the American culture interacts with its heritage. From both the Roman Empire and its direct offspring the English. By way of how both of those cultures dealt with illegal  immigrants and of course, at times ,children. As has been shown xenophobic groups create problems so they can bring violent solutions and not be questioned regarding their ultimate violence goals. This document went over the aspects of culture which Milgram proved that allows for the most beastly and inhuman actions to become accepted by the xenophobic groups who on occasion seize control over the police, military, and government in order to force their needs to perform crimes against humanity. As the evidence clearly demonstrated the  easiest victims to perform crimes against are of course orphan or near orphan children.




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