Select and describe three influences on happiness and well-being that vary across cultures for your new nation.

Explain why you think these three influences are critical to improving national well-being.



Happiness is a concept which is one of the most difficult in all of psychology to define. Every induvial has different things which make them happy, cultures are the same. Not all large groups of people belong to the same cultures. Any large culture is a collection of smaller groups and cultures, some of which might have vastly long histories, some have a very short history. How much each group depends on each culture depends is also a huge factor in both the individuals in the group and the group itself’ s happy ness factor.

overall Happiness is as difficult to define and describe as love. because of this, discovering a new culture and being able to recommend any type of happiness improvements for the culture will require a huge amount of time and effort. Happiness is like any other x factor concept, the x factor in mathematics is in the very definition “undefinable”, it is not all that different than trying to balance both sides of the HUP concept.

“you can know where an object is, you can know how fast an object is traveling. but you cannot know both of those facts at the same time”. Happiness is as definable as HUP, you can know a few of the details at any one given point, but those details and data will change subject to enumerable amount of different stimulations.

You have to also deal with another aspect of HUP. “An object under observation will be default be changed by that observation”. In essence how someone or a group feel about being observed will change the what they consider to be happiness.

three factors of happiness

what do the individual’s in this culture consider happiness. sub questions, do they find individualism to be a type of happiness, do they find collectivism to be a type of happiness. Example some people are entirely comfortable with whatever the groups decisions are. They are entirely happy and content to do whatever the group decides. From the greatest good to the greatest not good, as long as the group is happy, they are happy. Example Illias Koch was entirely happy with her position and her husband. Despite being in a location some of the people around her were in what can only be described as evil incarnate. She was happy, her follow friends were also very happy.

what definition for happiness does each group define as happiness. Being able for the collective to define happiness, what is happiness for each group, what is the balance between individual happiness and group happiness.

the decenters in the group, some people are only happy when they are causing problems. What form of happiness do people in said group find as dissent.


Select and describe three influences on psychological distress and disorders that vary across cultures for your new nation.

Explain why you think these three influences are especially significant for understanding the nation’s psychological distress.

Cultures Three Groups

first thing which much be addressed is the gropuings. All peoples and cultures divide themselves into three categories. Or course there is some overlap based on peer pressure and other various Milgram proven intimidation factors. But the majroty of the facts are starting with individuals, all individuals as they grow in life create three categories of behavior patterns. Group A, B, and C; which are organized as follows.

Group A

each individual on the planet builds a set of ruiles and regulations which are divided into three sections. what they absoluteky positively lthink are good things, and little to nothing can diswade them from thinking Group A catagoryof actions and thinking are anything toher than good.

Group B

Category B are actions, and behaviors which are in the grey areas. Actions which are sometimes ok and sometimes absolutely not ok in most situations. Example in western society post 1950, if a female asks a male “do these jeans, make me look fat” the grey area is to replay “no, you look great in those”. It in some cases is technically speaking a lie, but it is a little white lie to ease the feelings of the person asking. The person knows how they look, but they need peer reinforcement to convince them solidify their cognitive dissonance which balances the reality of the situation with the need for emotional reaction. At times speeding is also within the realm of grey area decisions, most drivers do not stick perfectly to the posted speed limit, for in many cases it would be considered wreckless driving to exit a freeway moving at 75 mph then suddenly press the brake very hard to slow down to 25 as quickly as possible. The chances of causing an accident are very high. This si where the behaviors and peer pressures of Milgram can take absolutely not acceptable in any form Group C actions and turn them into either B and or even A actions and bahviors. Which this equation format is where to find unhappiness in a culture. People using the 3 primary tools of psychology to justify their actions.

Group C

actions which have been determined in all ways, shapes, and forms minus extreme issues and situations to be bad actions. To either never do or only do under extreme duress. Example if a burgler is coming into your home to murder and rob you, taking lethal action against is an acceptable completely unacceptable in almost all ways bad action. Self-defense is acceptable to use lethal force. However in most other cases, the use of lethal force is not only unacceptable but the culture usually reacts in a rather negative to the maximum way. Usually the punishment for the use of lethal force is imprisonment and or the culture uses lethal force against the individual, sometimes group.

The human species universally is wired to have the following responses.

Conditioned Response; the easiest example to present what Conditioned Response is the expariments which proved the condition species wide. The Russian researcher Pavlov proved that if he rang a bell before feeding his dogs, his dogs after a while of repeating the bell ring every time he fed them. Every time a bell rang, the dogs would begin to salivate.

consequently when exploring a new culture, the first thing to do is find out what the cultures CR’s are to find out what type of function and structure individuals and the group itself respond to. what Conditions have the individuals and the groups accepted as group A type motivations for modifying beyond. What type B motivations are grey area motivations, and what type C are unacceptable behavior modifications which do achieve the goal but the actions are conditioned either very bad and or acting against most rules of societally acceptable formats.

Operative Conditioning

Shortly after Wilhem Wundt published his book the first modern textbook on Psycolgoy. Among the many people who purchased said book and turned Wundt’s research which was in a huge part based on the Trojan War. Many academics took up the functions and structures of that book and began their own scholastic careers based on the work in that book. Among those scholars was a man by the name of B.F. Skinner who took some of the more unacceptable tools Wundt discovered in “The Classics” which are in a huge part based on a collection of Authors from 1330 bce to 1750 ce the translsations of the stores of the Ilaid. The Iliad is a collection of stories which detail a story of gencide and a 20 year heroric tail of a group of cultures convinced to perform crimes against humanity, all based on the use of violence, lies, cognitive dissonance, and genocide level hatred of Jews. The authors have take the words of the namedeplume “Homer” and turned what should be considered a holocaust and turned it into a solid story where the incredibly bad behavior of a central character “Paris” steals the wife of the brother of one of the Trojans fierstest enemies Agamemnon. However if you compare the cultures side by side you will see that this fiction and the fictions (Skinner box tools) employed to force the war and to force western culture to believe the fictions which Agamemnon and the author Homer have forced western culture to accept. Trapped in a box, to escape the box (Skinners Box) you have to perform x action, all other actions will result in both pain and eventually death. However being able to exit the box also results in some degree of pain. It is up to the thing trapped in the box to decide between death, pain then death, or some pain and escape. Most cultures have some degree of skinner box applications to live within the rules and regulations of the culture itself.

which lead to stress disorders, which leads to a meriad of both individual and group behavior patterns. Some of which are good and some of which are to varying degrees of violent.


when the above tools are used, especially skinners techniques (Skinner Box; examples if you break a rule of the culture in the wrong way, you have to go through the “pain” of a culturally created and accepted punishment/pain process. If you speed at the wrong time and place, you have to go through the pain of a ticket, if you say steal from a store {and are caught}you have a harsher more defined form of punishment which could include humiliation, arrest, being booked, jail, and a criminal record.), etc. All of which amounts to a suppression of personal will and possibly some form of nature nurture needs not being fulfilled. When a nature behavior pattern is suppressed, that behavior pattern has a tendency to come out hard, uncontrollably, and in a lot of cases violently. The individual usually has little to  no conscious idea why they are doing what they are doing.

which lead to unhappiness disorders which for most people they have no idea why they are unhappy, they just are.

Nature versus Nurture