Week 2 dq response Jessica Holmes 


For me history and neuro are psychology. If those two are not the starting point, the 0 of study, mathematically there is little point o the rest. But that is just me.

In my life I have lived all over. Ohio, Colorado, New Mexico, Az, Cali, WA state, Florida.

I have spent some time in about 20 other states. Some very short (a few hours), others days to weeks.

In all those travels I can state that almost everywhere you go, language changes and varies. What a word means in locations group A does not translate well to other locations. You are absolutely correct when it comes to the application of acceptance. I have been in places where the locals were almost hostile towards me when I arrived. I had one person inform me “just sit back and stay quiet for at least a few years. so we can get to know you”.

The audience has to be receptive towards the speaker. If the audience is not receptive, it does not matter what you have to say.

Example in another research project I am working on. About a month after Notre Dame Ceiling burned, I connected the statistical dots between the Sorbonne and Leonardo Da Vinci. One of the buildings originally used to house the Sorbonne was/is Notre Dame. It has been part of the campus for several millennia. Counting the destroyed previous building circa 1140. That building was at least 2300 years old. I did a bit of digging into Leo’s life and found that totaled up he was “missing” from documented history books about 17 years of his professional life. From 21-20 he was entirely unaccounted for for months at a time over those 3 decades. Since the Vatican wanted to kill him (talk about an unaccepting audience) and tried on 4 separate occasions to kill him, revoked his Italian citizenship the 5th. He spent the rest of his life in France. I started to look at some of his drawings for the 100000s time and it occurred to me while I was channel surfing one night and I caught a portion of Apollo 13. I saw the Launch Tower, then looked up some of his inventions and it struck me that each of the 50 absolutely required beyond any doubt inventions you cannot achieve the goal if you leave even one of them out can be directly (and I do mean directly) compared with modern space flight equipment. Some of the inventions modern designers the only thing they changed from leo’s sketches is using modern materials. However communicating that idea to the world has proven to be on the extreme side of difficult. If not all but impossible. The audience simply cannot deal with the facts as presented. That Leo’s inventions are the blueprint which Van Braun copied (without credit) to build NASA from. Some of the designs are not even 1% changed.