week 3 dq post 1 to Jessica Holmes


As an about 10 year old kid, I theorize that Wilhelm Wundt after showing a talent for languages and linguistics was shipped to Tiffin Ohio to decript the recently seized from the Ogle family (224 and Market on the west side of the city ITffin Ohio) there ancient library. That library contained information dating back several millenia, which the Prussians would stop at nothing to obtain that library. The library they were entirely and completey convinced contained weapons of mass destrucciton, which they were afraid the British would build and use aginat them. Which was their aexact plan, to sieze the weapons and use them against all of their enemies. Starting with ht eBritish.

Wundt was brought to Tiffin because 20 to 100 schlars being shipped from Prussia to Ohio would not raise a single eye along the way. Just an ary moving troops, no big deal in any way. Moving an entireliy library from Ohio to Prussia, few if any would not become suspicios and want to find out what was so special about the secret cargo.

Wundt was partnered among others with Oliver Cowdery to translate the Ogle family library from the very recently seized Heidelber Tiffin Ohio library. During his about adecade give or take in Tiffin Wudnt experienced some of the worst behavior humans can experience. Hiwoever the winners of the war hate beyond hate the press.  So most if not all of their actions were entirely clandestine. Only very small remnance of said crimes against humanity survived. Although William James did reconstruct the events I did and he traveled to Tiffin Ohio years later to study in the same place Wundt reformed Modern Psycholgoy.

As to the male rituals of some primitive tribes, and their at times what puritican culture would consider to be Pedophilia. That is not the only culture which treats children incorrectly. At least according to French and English social customs. Wundt was informed that fi he breathed a word about what actually happened, he would be killed on site by the next Prussian soldier he saw. Since he lived in Prussia, for the majoritiy of his life, he was never that far from soldiers. The one thing about Russian soldiers, they have little problems killing who they are ordered do. UP to and including shoving people into large showers. You know Prussian soldiers under a different name; which there spy groups operate under a couple dozen different names in order to perform crimes against humanity and get away with them. If you look at it; what the Prussians in Eruopa and their descendants in America do and did and the very obvious pedofphilia written aboutu in that tribe are equally bad. But then again who are we to judge other cultures.

THE problem boils down to the function and structure of which aspect of Ameircan puritan culture do you like or reject. If you reject x aspects of puritan culture, those who like x aspects will they perform similar actions to the Prussian soldiers. Bring harm because they have been convinced that they have a divine right to perform those actions.

Most of the problems which scholars in the western world face are that the culture is based on and off of puritan values. Which means that those “acceptable” behaviors of other cultures the west find revolting. Most cultures have group A behaviors, B beaviors, and C.

A are actions the group/culture have determined are perfectly acceptable and see no problem with them at all.

B are actions the culture are neutral about, do those actions, do not do those actions, entirely up the individual and group to decide at the time if those grey areas are ok or not.

C are unacceptable actions.

The tribe you describe this pedophilia is clearly in the A group, when in American and most of western cultures there actions people go to jail for. Sometimes those sentences are years and years. Since obviously the adults perform this once or more times a year, and next year more kids will participate, but the same elders perform. Somewhere in the past, a strong leader and or a couple strong leaders “Leopold and Lobe” for example had a sexual attraction towards children, and their issues became a cultural ceremony/rite of passage.

Keeping secrets and having a clandestine army is also something western cultures have come to accept. It used to be a normal thing for boys as young as 6-7 to be “sold” into the army and or the navy to work as a “ships boy” to work their way up the ranks in either the official military or a merchant vessel. What happened on those ships, young boys living for months on end sometimes years on end with grown men. It was considered a right of passage and in some cases an honor, however if “inappropriate” actions were done, it was kept a carefully guarded secret.