week 6 Helen of Troy


The winner of the Trojan War demanded that the Trojans play specific roles. Roles I might add is in part what the entire field of Psychology is based on. Wundt created a statistical analysis while he was translating the 20 different versions of the Iliad into languages his slave masters the Prussian Empire could read and hope to understand. Not being a culture known for solid scholastics, for 800 years the Prussians used their military might to force those who could do, to do of them or be assaulted, tortured, and a few played the role of example and were killed to keep the other scholars and academics involved.

Wundt saw this and knew that the Iliad and Odyssey were fictions created to reflect a real event or sequence of events to make themselves the hero’s despite performing genocide. Turning Genocide into a heroic battle good against evil. Where the good side were simply trying to reclaim the hand of Helen to her rightful husband Menelaus, all the deaths and genocide which followed is all the trojans fault for not giving up Helen back to her slave master. The problem is, this is pure hard core fiction. Helen was never within half a mile of her so called fiction husband. The closest they ever came her husbands army was standing between. Her real husband was Paris, he did not steel a thing. Helen very likely never saw Menelaus. However, to sell the situation, Helen was cast in the Role of a stolen wife from the culture of Agamemnon and his brother. The stolen bride role was a pure fiction created to rally the troops, but had absolutely no basis in reality.

It would be like if the brother of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia decided that he was going to marry the daughter of the Head of Mussada. Trojan means descendants of the holder of the foot, which in Sumerian the holder of the foot translates to Jacob. So in all hard reality Trojans are descendants of the Jews. Agamemnon was descendant of the Hyksos who were directly descendants from Esau the brother of Jacob. In other words, not Jews. It was the descendants of Esau working against very hard to find and kill every Jew they could get their hands on. Those books of the Iliad reshape the genocide from a bad thing to do, to the in effect nazi’s are the hero’s of there own written story. Using Helen and other Trojan females the pawn role characters to motivate their followers to perform crimes against humanity.