week 6 paper


When you take the subject of cross-cultural psychology and of course the roll of females, problems by default come up.

Patriarchal Societies

Most humans have formed into some type of a Patriarchal culture. From very light where the division of labor is 51/49%. In those type of societies females are just shy of equal rights to men. However around the world, this is a rather rare structure. Most cultures are about 75/25% patriarchal, which means men rule and have domination over females in a 75/25% split. Depending on a great deal of diverse interactions depends on if females in said culture have rights at all.

Then there are the what can be considered to be “bad cultures” where females have either very few if any rights at all. In those cultures the largest problem is, males are and or feel so threatened by females that females are treated equal to slaves and on occasion a bit worse than slaves.

In those types of cultures the largest issue is how much misogeny does the culture have. Some cultures with rather strong 75/24-99/1-100% not all of them are based on misogyny. Some are just so heavily male dominated and it has been that way for so long that it is just male dominance not nessessarily hatred of females.

In those cultures the torturing and eventually killing of females is not as common. However in heavily misogenistic cultures it is a common thing for the culture to injure, torture, and kill females. However in such cultures females are perceived to have a huge amount of bad behavior traits which causes the insecure men to harm them, and eventually build up to killing them. Many of those culture in the in the west as apposed to Asia east use the concepts of the original sin committed by eve as a theocratic excuse to punish and even murder females. in some ways those misogeintic cultures act and aoperate based on the theocratic and cognitive dissoncance roll that if they punish females who show “strenth” and or who show a type of behavior apttern where the male leaders feel their power base is threatened the solution in those cultures is to punish the “eve” like females to win back gods favor. Since Eve threatened the power of god regarding the tree he placed in the center of the garden of eden and informed both Adam and eve “do not eat the fruit of that tree”. At least that is how it is depicted and described in the first several pages of the jEiwihs holy book the Torah specfiicaly the book sof Genesis, which is the basis and foundation of the Old Testiment portion of the holy bible. Eve commits what has been considered to be “original sin”. In that she and her husband Adam are removed from paradise/the garden of eden and forced to walk the earth. Cutluers which are based on those ideals of those book have taken on the responsibilities that when things in their culture go wrong, god is sending them a message that they need to find the stereotypical “eve’s” in their midst and punish them. Sometimes the punishemtns are light, other times heavy, and on occasion and punishments are full on murder, occasionally mass murder. Other cutlurse commit similar acts but do not use the “bible” and “eve’s original sin” as an excuse, they simply perform the violence, murder, mass murder for other cutlura rasons. but the end result is similar acts of violence. 

Hurt Feelings

the largest issue of the above patriarchal cultural structure when boiled down to its most basic elements are that the men in the culture in basic have hurt feelings about being rejected by females they are attracted to.

in the wild, some animals when they meet up and it is breeding season, there is very little choice in the matter. If a male comes across a female, unless she can fight him off, he simply mounts her, does this thing, and continues his solitary lifestyle.

In humans this “I see, I want, I take, I move on” is still very much hard wired into some human males. This behavior pattern in some men and some cultures is still very hard and active. The men involved seem to think that females are simply present as a thing to mate with and move onto the next thing to mate with. With very little if any emotional interaction.

The key concept is “emotional interactions”, most men have various levels of emotional interactions. From very little emotion to overwhelming emotion.  

This is in a way the basis of how in interviews with various serial killers and politicains who have been convicted of crimes against humanity. Males or females it makes little difference, they are so afraid they must strike violence against any and all who threatened their power. Serial killers to prevent the fighting against will subdue their victims in whatever way the killer feels empowered by. Which allows the killer to feel a sence of domination and control over the victim. Sometimes victims are chosen randomsly sometimes the victims fulfil some deeply twisted fantasy concept for the killer. Some female from their past hurt their feelings, be that a mother figure, teacher, first love, etc. if they run across someone which resembles that type of person in their future. instead of hurting the actual object of their anger, they take their anger out on an unsuspecting victim to reclaim their power over the person who hurt them.

Self admitted this is the case of the serial killer Dennis Rader, his victims of choice were pretend “upper class females” in Kansas, who in his mind were actually in private dirty females who in his cognitive dissonance mind in public they appeared to be prime and propeor, but in their private lives they were sexual deviate. Which was in some way for his twisted mind presented in the form of most if not all of his victims “smoked”. Several as he self described them (during his testimoney in court right before sentencing) as being at least somewhat willing to be violated. He stated after he clmiaed dominance over the situation, he would say “relax”. He then describe them as relaxing by smoking a cigarette, then saying “ok let us get this over with”. His description was he needed to simply sexually violet them eg rape. But that was only to get them to relax and his trigger was to get them to smoke. After the cigarette, he would then get into position, but instead of the act, he would strangle them to death, then perform other acts upon the dead body. He convinced them in the start that “let me violate you, and eveyrhtign will be ok”. In some type of a meaning of “if you let me, will let you live.” When the whole his intent was to get them to relax so he could kill htem then violent the dead body.

How this affects teh violence in a community. Serial Killers be them politicians or individauls operaeting in each community, example sharia law they execute several to dozens and dozens of “deviant” males and females a year. Saudia Arabia, Iran, etc. All trying to use the rules they think god wrote down to punish the descendants of eve and her eating of the apple to appease some god to observe some type of theocratic concept. Which is literally no different than the actions done at the Salem Witch Trials. Same actions just different cognitive dissonance packaging. The compulsion to punsihg those who live their lives by rules you and or your community do not like and or cannot function with and or around becomes the psychological issue.

How does the rules and regulations of each culture merge when two or more cultures by situational example are forced together. The rules and regulations of each culture do not exactly get along  perfectly. When x culture breaks the rules of y culture, the individuals involved and of course the lone wolves of said cutleu become compelled to act. Those actions usually end up in violence. Sometimes light violence, in harsher customer service, prejudice, verbal violence, up to and through physical violence leading to death.

Cross Cultural

Every culture on earth has a specific set of rules from which they operate from. Each culture which operates based on those rules usually have to deal with other curtlures which operate based on other sets of rules and rgulatoins. The differences can and often do lead to inter cultural conflicts. Depending on a wide range of situations, sometimes it is only a mind resentment regardindt those differences, other times those differences result in open hostilities which can and often lead to war.

Each culture becomes compelled to in effect force the other culture to either give up their rules and regulations and or the aim is to destroy the other culture entirely. Removing the offending rules and regulations which are so different the cultures cannot both individually and collectively get past the diffences. There becomes not “live and let live” structure involved. It becomes “we must destroy, the there curtlure because their rules of order are simply unacceptable to us in all ways, shapes, and forms”.


Individualism is a psychological construct which provides that either groups and or individuals can and will act according to their own free will. Their wants, needs, and desires will come to the surface and associated behavior patterns will occur.

The balance between individualism and collectivism; this balance is difficult for strong people to mainting. The stonrger a culture is with their rules an dregulations the more they want to follow the collectice. however depending on the rules of the culture, some people have needs, wants, desires, etc. which are outside what the culture they are connected with are wiling to give each individual. so when said happens, a power dynamic occurs. between the person trying to suppress their wants, needs, desites, etc. which are not provided by the culture they live in. What suppression will come out and force the persons needs to be met. The stronger the suppression the more unconscious and violent the behaviors are from the individual to be able to have their needs me. Most of the time they are entirely unconscious of why they are doing what they are doing. They know they want something, but have no idea what that something is. They just have to go and get it, or a close enough equivalency.


Collectivism comes from what academics has determined is a more primatvie side of our brains. We are primates afterall, but even more basic we are mammals who function better in packs. The indivual watns, needs, desires are suppressed in order to have a stronger collecgtive. Which most of the time said coleltive is a culture which creates rules and regultions which govern both the individual and the group to achieve as many peoples needs as possible.

This system breaks down when intrudiced to a group of people acting from both an individual standpoint and a collectivism structure. A group can make decisions which the indivdauls might or nmight not be in acceptance with.

When a culture is forced to interact with different cultures, some people and smaller groups will have a collectivism compulsion regarding acting indivually and in even smaller groups to benenif the group/culture as a whole. Hence small one on one or one on a couple violence begins to happen. It boils down to collectivism in most cases subconsous behavior patterns, where an indivaul will want, need, desire someone or a small group of people from a different cultures to “act right” or in other words to follow the rules of the dominant culture. Rules which are usually not obvious. How to solve this problem, work from a how do we work together; what are our similarities, exactly what are each cultures A, B, and C rules of acceptable order. Group A is what does everyone (or at least most people) agree are the correct behavior patterns, B are gray area but mostly still acceptable patterns, C are unacceptable bahvior atpterns in most ways. When two or more cultures merge, each cultures A, B, C lists are not going to match perfectly. However being able to come to an understanding of what each cultures rules are is the key to being able to find common ground. Can they collectively create a new lilst of A, B, and C behavior patterns.

Actions A versus B

In most cultures there is a set of actions which are the public face of something or someone. Those actions and behaviors are A, example in the American south you have the phrase “Bless your(there) heart”. It means “wow are you stupid, but you do not have negative intent behind yoru stupidity, so your dumb actions do not need to be punished.”. A phrase means B translation. Most cultures have an A and B differential. Those differences when it comes to cross cultural psychology can and often do lead to rather intense problems.

Group A B C

Further, every group of humans have decided upon in some way, shape, or form of the 3 groups of actions. A group of actions is fine and dandy, B group of actions is neutral but frowned upon, C group of actions is in almost all ways not acceptable.

The Conflict

How to deal with the conflict and to bring it to a reasonable temporary solution. Examine the above sociological and psychology structures, interview the participants and the events. Determine what and hwere each person sits in each category.

then help them to see what the actual problems are and what the actual similarities are. Work to merge the two cultures both individual and group rules of acceptable order into a more cohesive arrangement.
