week 6 paper


When you take the subject of cross-cultural psychology and of course the roll of females, problems by default come up.

Patriarchal Societies

Most humans have formed into some type of a Patriarchal culture. From very light where the division of labor is 51/49%. In those type of societies females are just shy of equal rights to men. However around the world, this is a rather rare structure. Most cultures are about 75/25% patriarchal, which means men rule and have domination over females in a 75/25% split. Depending on a great deal of diverse interactions depends on if females in said culture have rights at all.

Then there are the what can be consired to be “bad cultures” where females have either very few if any rights at all. In those cultures the largest problem is, males are feel so threatened by fmales that females are treated equal to slaves and on occasion a bit worse than slaves.

In those types of cultures the largest issue is how much misogeny does the culture have. Some cultures with rather strong 75/24-99/1-100% not all of them are based on misogyny. Some are just so heavily male dominated and it has been that way for so long that it is just male dominance not nessessarily hatred of females.

In those cultures the torturing and eventually killing of females is not as common. However in heavily misogenistic cultures it is a common thing for the culture to injure, torture, and kill females. However in such cultures females are perceived to have a huge amount of bad behavior traits which causes the insecure men to harm them, and eventually build up to killing them.

Hurt Feelings

the largest issue of the above patriarchal cultural structure when boiled down to its most basic elements are that the man in the culture in basic have hurt feelings about being rejected by females they are attracted to.

in the wild, some animals when they meet up and it is breeding season, there is very little choice in the matter. If a male comes across a female, unless she can fight him off, he simply mounts her, does this thing, and continues his solitary lifestyle.

In humans this “I see, I want, I take, I move on” is still very much hard wired into some human males. This behavior pattern in some men and some cultures is still very hard and active. The men involved seem to think that females are simply present as a thing to mate with and move onto the next thing to mate with. With very little if any emotional interaction.

The key concept is “emotional interactions”, most men have various levels of emotional interactions. From very little emotion to overwhelming emotion.  

Cross Cultural


Actions A versus B

In most cultures there is a set of actions which are the public face of something or someone. Those actions and behaviors are A, example in the American south you have the phrase “Bless your(there) heart”. It means “wow are you stupid, but you do not have negative intent behind yoru stupidity, so your dumb actions do not need to be punished.”. A phrase means B translation. Most cultures have an A and B differential. Those differences when it comes to cross cultural psychology can and often do lead to rather intense problems.

Group A B C

Further, every group of humans have decided upon in some way, shape, or form of the 3 groups of actions. A group of actions is fine and dandy, B group of actions is neutral but frowned upon, C group of actions is in almost all ways not acceptable.

The Conflict

How to deal with the conflict and to bring it to a reasonable temporary solution. Examine the above sociological and psychology structures, interview the participants and the events. Determine what and hwere each person sits in each category.

then help them to see what the actual problems are and what the actual similarities are. Work to merge the two cultures both individual and group rules of acceptable order into a more cohesive arrangement.