week 7 dq reply Katherine Brookshire


One of the interesting things about psychology I like other than history, is the field of neuropsychology. The field is a fascinating area to study. In that area, the sheer volume of information available at this point is very limited in comparrision with the vast amounts of which the brain and the nervous system actually do.

Upwards of several 100 billion to trillions of synapses, generating electricity at the speed of light. Sparks become thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, etc. Sparks activate area which produce molecular compounds to send information to the body and other portions of the brain with more and more complex instructions.

All of psychology begins in the Synapses of the brain, which quantum physics tells us said electricity exists both on this plane of existence as well as the quantum field. I started studying neuro about 8 years ago. Pericles “all things flow into the city” which is a paraphrase of about 50 different language paraphrase at least 20 of those languages from the original whatever Pericles actually spoke for the next 15 are languages which are either dead, or little fi any records of those languages still exist. Which means they are beyond impossible to reconstruct what he might have actually said. The Greek meaning has trickled down through the millennia as the main road of a city all things trickle into that main road. Where the citizens collectively (100th monkey) decide what is good and what is bad. However, some things the collective accepts differently at differnet times.