week 8 dq 1 second response to ERIKA HARRIS


Tonight, on the news, a report about DNA test results. The reporter gathered a group of several people who all had the DNA tests and it came back with on the extreme side of surprising results.

It is actually starting to become common for long, and in some cases very long buried family secrets to be revealed. Many Africans have proven they are the descendants of slave owners, dad was a slave owner and mom was a slave, but obviously several or more generations back.

It brings up a lot of family issues. Previously happy in their ignorance families have reacted in some cases on the extreme side of badly with the news of said offspring’s, and or affairs. One specific person being interviewed, she is the produce of an affair. Her mother had an affair with a guy, and her assumed “dad” knew about the affair and just dealt with it. But never got over the fact that his “daughter” was not his. When she reached out to the survivors of her bio dad, the family all but totally rejected her. The mother is “white and the bio dad was “Jewish”, he had been dead for a large number of years.

I was thinking about the concept of happiness in direct relationship with cognitive dissonance, how some cultures are built around a central theme of believing lies are truth and truth are lies. I will give one huge example, the country of Egypt literally has the flag of Israel carved into it. The carving is not small, the carving is more than a few million tons of rock over the course of 300 square miles. But the evidence could not be any more clear. However, I guarantee to you that either the Israelites nor the Egyptians are interested in dropping their cognitive dissonance regarding the facts that Egypt has the double symbol of the ATEN built in. Happiness for them is to ignore the facts, happiness for them is to remain in mortal combat killing each other over different aspects of the same set of lies.