week 8 dq post 1

being a person who cannot stand most of the activities which the cultures I was born into find appealing, this is actually an interesting topic for me.

As Will Smith character in the movie “Independence Day” stated “I could have been at a Barbeque”. For me a barbeque is a multi-hour waste of time. Not much of the events of that type of  gathering am I interested in.

I am a scholar, fun afternoons activities includes working on any number of different ideas I am writing down, drawing using my digital drawing programs, or studying to fill in gaps in my research. To me that is extremely fun. Going to hear music is not fun, going to a sporting event is on the extreme side of not fun, etc.

The cultures I choose are the scholars who are not interested at all in any type of normal social outing, we do things which we love to do but others find tortuous.  While at the same time, others who would find the activities we love to do themselves would find torturous.

That is not to say I do not have friends, just my friends do not live close to me. It is like ComiCon, we gather occasionally when we can, we live too distantly away from each other to meet up regularly.

What we consider fun other American cultures not only do not, but other cultures consider what we do to be not only not fun but a trip to the dentist.

for us a solid and well created TV show or movie is something to pour over and learn from. That is fun for us, hence the application of star trek conventions, and associated cyber discussion groups.

The two are very similar a group gathering to watch and discuss say the next star trek episode and a group gathering to watch a sporting event is not all that different. Both groups are very happy, but the differences between the groups is what needs to be focused on, the aspects of what is different are what separates the joy from pain. Screaming, loud music, etc. in a sporting event turn academics off. Although the food at times is rather similar. In a scripted tv/movie the outcome was decided months if not years previous, depending on when the production took place. It is more of an exploration of the sciences and mathematics involved with the plot and string theory.  In sports the outcome for the most part is unknown, the rivalry with the other team is a huge part of the event. We are better than you, type of deal. For sports people, the superiority of the system is a primary part of the reason for the gathering. Scholars are more interested in battling between ignorance and knowledge.

another aspect of happiness which the above directly reflect within economics.

in the business and or commercial world, similar activies bring pleasure. To work in a project which brings solid achievements is the goal (scholars are drawn to). Wjhile the other cultures are drawn to the we are better than the other competition aspects of business and commerce.

To defeat sales goals, or to have various and assorted other types of competitions. Sports and barbueques applied in the economic realm, the same pleasures or at least similar pleasures applies onteh weekends applied in the job. Many businesses gear employee projects towards the fun of the weekends, to get and keep employees motivated.

Where as scholars are drawn to the organizational structures of the back office, hwere they work on improving the structure of how things are operated. Fun of the weekend fun of the job, applied similar.