week 8 dq Katherine Brookshire 


For me, I spend the overwhelming majority of my time trying to understand the context of the words I have learned to translate.

Sumerian and Hieroglyphics are the most difficult since only about 20% of Sumerian has been translated to a point of understanding. Although Hieroglyphics has been translated, the translations and meanings are from 50 bce, not and I repeat not from 3200 bce when Hieroglyphics actually came into being as a legit language. It has spent a bit over half a millennium as a “proto” language.

Cross cultural, 60 years ago the theme song for the Flintstones means “party”, 20 years later the same word literally means homosexual. The cultural context for said is actually centered on the change in culture focused on Tuxedo Park New York. Where the Tuxedo style dress was invented, that culture is who came up with the word and definition Tony. Which became the name of “the Tony Awards”. That culture when that area was on the extreme side of popular in the 1600 – early to middle 1900s had several waves of where high society were both in silent support of said sexual situations, as well as times when said was disallowed. The last wave when it became disallowed, the culture and lifestyle became insults. The Gay old-time concept turned from a normal high society party to a heavy insult for a “gay party”.

The Striker itself that name and definition has a profoundly huge amount to do with the Egypt and of course the foundation of civilization which sprang from Egypt from 3800-2900 bce (Rossi, n.d.). 300 years before construction on the first pyramid began. You know the man Striker by his other name “The Scorpion King” movie starring the Rock. However, his name Striker is actually a huge misunderstanding since it actually refers to the club in his hand as well as the tail of the scorpion. Which both are a direct reference to Noah and Noah’s Ark. But for the last 4000 years academics has been plagued with violent and not all that infrequent applications of genocidal rage regarding Jews and Jewish ideas. A solid argument can be made through the application of the drawing “The Narmer Scroll”, that what is depicted is the real location of Israel. However good luck trying to introduce that information to the world. The feet of the dude under the dominant hand of Narmer his “feet” are between Giza and Abusure. Jacob “Holder of the foot”. Feet and foot references in association with Jewish things are a further reference to Jews.


Rossi, A. (n.d.). The origin of technical drawing in the Narmer Palette. Nexus Network Journal, 19(1), 27–43. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1007/s00004-016-0307-7