week 11 dq response Katherine Brookshire 


I find the wage issue to be a very interesting subject to dive into. Although after listening to several commentators on the news and documentaries on the subject, my opinion did not change it deepened based on their input lead me to research aspects of the wage issue.

In America the wage issue has been a political hot button since decades before the American Revolutionary War. The war was obviously about the taxes imposed on the colonies, but it was more than that. It was the taxes balanced with the wages. Wages were and still very much are based on the Feudal system, how much does your work please your boss/person in charge/king/priest/potentate, etc. It has little if anything to do with the culture and all to do with pleasing the leaders.

Some leaders would not value a 1000 people working 18-hour days for years and years at more than a few pennies. The work they do to that person has almost no value. Other people on the other hand value said applications of work with fortunes. Reference the fictional character of Scrooge, who was when it boils down to it, he hated most things because he was rejected as a child by his father who spent years grieving the loss of his wife. The father could not stand the sight of his son, his son reminded him too much of the love of his life, his wife. Scrooge was left with only a little bit of love and support from his much older sister. Consequently, he did not value much of anything.

It has been proven that there is a small ripple through the economy, small businesses, and businesses in trouble fold. But usually they were going to fold anyway. Within a quarter to 4 quarters of a rise in the minimum wage the economy has a direct corresponding rise. People at the bottom have no choice but to spend, they are in desperate need of things. So, they spend immediately. However, when the rich are given tax cuts, they put the money in the bank and live off interest. The couple dozen times wages have increased from 1776-present, for the lowest wage workers the corresponding increase in base economy is more than justification for an increase.

But the same pundits who scream about vast unemployment are proven wrong, but when the chat comes back around to increasing the minimum wage again they scream and scream again about the same arguments which were proven wrong just the day before.

It is not about the minimum wage it is about the slavery of the Feudal System, the control over the populations, and of course making sure to keep those less fortunate fighting amongst themselves than turning their attention towards the leaders who like the infighting. The infighting is actually a very profitable place to be.