Dissertation Minotaur


The actions of a minotaur despite being a mythical creature mirror that of modern day serial killers.

Although, there is no reason to assume serial killers did not exist previous to 1870. So many areas and the like were wilderness that “Serial Killers” could simply operate with out much oversite, and ro they could simply move out to the frontier and kill as many as they wanted.

More than a few criminals, gunslingers, etc. had reputations for killing many different types of people. Of course the I killed x number of people not counting native Americans, Orientals, and Africans. As to point out that killing ethnic people was not only not against the law, they were so easy to kill that they did not pose a challenge.


However the facts remain. The Behaviors of the mythical Minotaur is shared by a number of modern day serial killers.


HH Holmes

Jack the Ripper (despite he might be one in the same as Holmes)

Ted Bundy

Aileen Wornous (being a prostitute is a form of cannibalism, was part of her thing), she was a homosexual but make a living from the age of 8 till the day she was arrested as a sex for money worker.

BTK (although cannibalism was not part of his thing) he did mutilate his victims. He also frequented the prostitutes, homeless, etc. in the areas he was around. but those crimes he did not mention and the cops obviously did not care. Only his kills of good upstanding people did they care about.


People like Mason have an entirely different MO, no hwere near close enough to count as minotaur patterns. Richard Ramirez, monty Rissel, Speck, etc. are not close enough


A tool to scare the community

A selecting victims

Killing them in a regular (or at least semi regular pattern)

Having an intimacy aspects to the murders

From not much of a plan to a fully drawn out hard core plan, the uvra to perform the plan is the point.

The murder itself

After affects with the corpse





The character of the Minotaur appears to be part of the communities descendants from Esau. The minotaur is one of the characters in the culture. On occasion, one of their citizens becomes overwhelmed and must act out the part of the minotaur.

Serial killing

As Shakespeare so clearly stated “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages”

As Richard Pryer pointed out the same. When he went to Africa, he noticed that the same people he grew up around were there. He saw the “whino”, the major, the street girls, the hustlers, etc. white, black, no matter a large enough city and you have people assuming specific types of parts. Those parts are of course part of the society makeup.

The Trojan War began with a battle over an out of control “character” that out of control character is the fictional Minotaur.

take away the anti-Semitism and or the Esau line king gone mad, you have a stereotypical serial killer.

a specific type of serial killer, not the Monte Rissel, Charlies Manson, etc. type. Those are a different type of killer.

Ed Kemper, BTK, Ted Bundy, etc.










TR Welling