Elevator Paper 2013 11 1 0941


·     Introduction

o  This concept came as an exploration of the ideas from the Bible of Jacobs Ladder. A ladder designed to allow Angels and of course Nephilim to assend and descend from Heaven on.

o  To achive this, ladder. The latter would have been more of a Elevator than a true ladder. The Ladder would simply be too tall to climb. Being miles high.

o  the Aten itself.

o  The ATEN touching the Ben Ben stone with Ptah standing on it. Ptah in the role of Adam, standing on the Ben Ben Stone with the Garden of Eden on it.


o  The ATEN touching specific sacred place on the eaerth


·     British Empire Ogle Royal Family Presents

o  A Space elevator based on the ancient Megalith Technology.







o  Northumberland

o  Normandy

o  Holland






o  Boston

o  New york

o  Maryland

o  Ohio

o  Florida


·     St Augustine Megalith Dolman Mystery


·     http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4541469472588887&pid=15.1

·     Introduction

·      The alter was older than the Hearth

·     Is a direct reference to the Dolman insult of which the alter was constructed out of. In the middle of the 1500s during a major push by the Spanish Inquisition; one of the arguments regarding paganism versus the church was which one was older. So including this sentence; shows a direct reference to the 10s of thousands of megaliths/dolmans the Spanish and ancestral cultures knocked down. The problem is; the dolman and Stonehenge are in a way copies of the alter and megalithic structure Adam built. So in a very real effect; the Spanish tore down a design which was created by Adam. Which is one of the greatest negatives toward imposed Dark Ages, said types of information is erased. So later generations have no idea they are destroying something which is in fact very good. A Tabernacle and the Kaaba http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.5036597548222872&pid=15.1look so similar it can be theorized they come from the same designed building/tent. The tabernacle is the basic design of King Solomon's temple http://hkhill.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/temple.jpg?w=300&h=198 (this is actually Zerubaabel’s temple; he changed the blueprint from Solomon’s design); which was inspired by the temple of Heliopolis http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4879698157044826&pid=15.1 which itself is by legend where Adam built his alter. Also by legend one of the pieces of that original alter is the black stone http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4953979598735685&pid=15.1 (in the picture the wall to the immediate right points directly to 700 miles  away to the center of where Adam’s alter was pre-Flood)in the Kaaba. So we have an idea of what that tabernacle looked like and the associated megalith structure inside. Reference the Persian garden http://iranian.com/History/Oct98/Garden/Images/p9.jpg which is a direct copy of what the Garden of Eden was supposed to look like had a fountain and or a tree/megalith/dolman at its center. Larger Gardens having both. The tree would be a representation of the tree of life and fountain the water of life<which was edited out of the Hebrew bible>. That Dolman being at least in theory a copy of which was what the Spanish tore down to build their alter and perform their mass upon that ground.

·     Additionally; the tradition in Egyptology regarding the man who makes the first cut into a corpse must undergo various degrees of having his friends and co-workers throw stones and curses at him. This dates back from ancient Egypt back to the earliest days of Adam monotheism; where speaking specific words and the use of rocks has been part of monotheism since practically day one. You can find this exact ceremony inside the Hajj; unfortunately, the layers of understanding which preceded 2600 b.c.e have been erased.

·     The curses and rocks behavior pattern has carried forward into the modern age. Whenever someone rocks the societies boat with a new product or new thought; which disrupts (kills, dismembers) the old pattern. This same exact behavior pattern is present; illustrated by Einstein’s quote “first the idea will be insulted, then the idea will be tortured, then the idea will be destroyed, if the idea is still it will be accepted as if it had always been” . Same behavior pattern; the person who tears apart the old by this society must face the same ceremony to bring in a new thing. Many martyrs undergo this same being stoned/hurt/killed/etc. in order to bring in a new idea.

·     Spanish

·     The Spanish are a descendant culture from the Moors and Romans. With a few other cultures thrown into the mix.

·     Dolman front

·     Is a multi-rock architectural feature which has a few vertical pillars/stones and a capstone. Creating a gateway/archway/passageway out of rock. In most cases the rocks are more than a few hundred lbs. to several tons a piece.

·     The natives have the code

·     Timucua; tall, 12 inch (amber reeds) headdress, living within the appropriate distance away from a megalith. Vertical, amber, and specifically designated land timucua http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4757957307403347&pid=15.1http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.5064995884433977&pid=15.1http://ferrebeekeeper.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/crowns1.jpghttp://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.5064995884433977&pid=15.1. That is exactly what Yr Hen Ogle dd http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4552245560935522&pid=15.1 means; in Latin Northumberland. The Ogle Royal Family are in the British Royal family; specifically not the English. A palisaded Timucua village,  http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4945415405112082&pid=15.1

·     image005Which is remarkably similar (the circular wall was simply understood based on other portions of the scroll) to a village design carved into the Kirkwall scroll. A large rectangular long house (http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4919177470542043&pid=15.1) in the middle, with round tents or structures surrounding, inside a circular walled in area. image006 A Jewish Tabernacle.

·     Pharaoh Means

·     Guardian of the long house. Exactly the same as Nazareth. The title was stolen by Narmer and stolen again by the Hyksos. Then stolen again by Ramses, a Hyksos descendant.

·     Natives head dress

·     It is possible the natives head dress was inspire by some of the northern Europeans and or the Egyptians from Jacobs line crossing the ocean in order to create a new kingdom. In this case as far away from the conquering culture as they possibly could.

·     The conical shape of the headdress could easily be some form of shape of a Pharaonic crownhttp://ferrebeekeeper.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/crowns1.jpg. Connecting Egypt, resurrection, the British, with megaliths, with Adam, with pre-exodus monotheism, the fountain of youth for the resurrection ceremony, etc.

·     Pharaonic Crown

·     The double crown http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4734566916751904&pid=15.1 contains the code North(vertical)Amber Land(specifically designated area).

·     Fountain of youth connection

·     The fountain of youth was by rumor supposedly close to or inside a megalith; or some other type of ancient large stone monument. A dolman would qualify perfectly for this; unlike Pirates of the Caribbean http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4542689266895727&pid=15.1. The Megalith depicted in that specific movie was entirely minus the rocks and some basic architectural similarities fictional. The real at least according to the pre and post interactions with St. Augustine the real fountain of youth would have been a megalith looking like a dolmanfront or a full Stonehenge type complexhttp://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.5037314811627771&pid=15.1.

·     This connects St Augustine to a megalithic design, which connects the fountain of youth, to both Stonehenge and the pyramids. Giza specifically had a different architectural configuration previous to 2600 b.c.e. when it was changed from Stonehenge to pyramids. So that Jacob could build his alter to god; which I theorize was one of the three Pyramids on that line . Jacob built his ladder North West of Luz/Memphis genesis 28; 12. The Step, Giza, Djedefre pyramids are on and or in that line.

·     Basic rule of science/academics; 0 evidence disqualifies the theory. 3000 years of not finding a molecule of corroborating evidence; the pyramids being graves theory needs to be discarded. Since it does not even qualify as a hypothesis or even an idea at this point. 0 evidence means it has been successfully disproven.

·     Which Jacob was inspired based on his ancestors alter designs. His ancestors would be Noah and Adam. He might not have known the megalith he remodeled was a copy of the alter Adam could have built. But the pyramids and resurrection if a dozen other points were stolen from monotheistics by Narmer; why not the resurrection ceremony. Evidence “the Legend of the Noachite Rite” Raising/resurrecting Noah from the grave by his three sons; the third son Ashem aka Shem in some way succeeded. Which Moses then finished off erasing monotheists from connection to any type of ancient resurrection/fountain of youth concept. The languages the Jews used previous to the exodus were systematically erased and replaced. During the erasure process; resurrection and the history previous to the exodus were both erased.

·     If the British did have a foothold in St Augustine before the Spanish (as the archaeological evidence of the Dolmen strongly suggests). Than the British Ogle’s would have brought FreeMasonry with them. Which could make St Augustine (for a time) the Grand Lodge of Britain in the New World circa 1500-1565? Evidence and records for said would be high on the list of items the Spanish would have found Blasphemy and destroyed on the spot. But this presence would also account for why the natives would have chosen to emulate some of the ceremonial garb and customs of the Ogle’s.

·     The conical (Pharaonic) crown all Worshipful masters wear could be circumstantial evidence of what the British Grand Lodge wore previous to being conquered and absorbed into the United Grand Lodge of England or UGLE. Which U and O in Middle English were in some cases inter changeable; so OGLE spelling for the United Grand Lodge of England was not out of the question. So the Worshipful Master of a lodge would wear not a yet to be invented top hat, or felt hat, but a conical “Pharaonic” crown. Evidence for this connection can be found in Indiana; the WM’s wear a crown they call “the crown of Solomon” which looks like a shorter version of the Papal Crown. Although Pope; father/guardian of the long house does mean the same as Nazareth and Pharaoh.

·     Many native cultures will emulate a powerful culture they are around. The tall cone hat might be a simple emulation factor between the pre-Spanish British and the Timucua. Providing evidence to what the WMs wore previous to the top hat being invented.

·     Fountain of Youth Location

·     For millennia monotheists had been looking for the fountain of Youth. They exhausted themselves looking for it in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. They all assumed with the new continent they would find it there. From the point where the fountain of youth first came into cultural understanding; till St. Augustine, Europeans had been attempting to find it. Some portions of the story of the fountain of youth had been around since the earliest days of Sumerian/hieroglyphics.

·     When the Spanish came sailing up the coast; they looked out and viewed a dolman/Stonehenge. They immediately set ashore, tore it downhttp://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4542689266895727&pid=15.1 (exactly the same as their ancestors had done for cultural generations before), built themselves an altar, and immediately went about consecrating the ground with a catholic masshttp://neplains.com/ProductImages/41068/pcflStAugustineFirstMass9AH212.jpg http://thepracticingcatholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/augustinex-large-300x216.jpg. Every single old church in Europe and in previous cultures in America is built on the remains of an ancient megalith. Every cathedral had a huge megalith under it. Which were torn down and remodeled into the new structure. Notre Dame http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4556600678942047&pid=15.1, Westminster http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4978473783592881&pid=15.1 (which is built on the hearth of St Peters abbey), Vatican http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4652760662475503&pid=15.1, etc. all are built upon the hearths of megaliths http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4948314510657006&pid=15.1. Which statistically proves the exact location of the Rock of Mars?

·     But the time circa 1492-1560; there was lots of time for the British (Not the English; two vastly different cultures) (The British the only culture who still possessed the knowledge to create megaliths. Which has been mostly erased during the 1500-1700s.) to come across the waters and create or in this case attempt to recreate their megaliths in the new world before the rest of Inquisition filled Catholic's could come across the Ocean.

·     Britain

·     http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4813843404816417&pid=15.1 Specifically http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4813843404816417&pid=15.1

·     The British by all evidence had a fleet separate from the English.

·     The British were able to take regular journeys from Jerusalem and Egypt back to Northumberland.

·     Evidence regarding these journeys is the radical amount of education and foreign tongues scholars in Northumberland had. As well as the extensive library’s NewCastle and Edinburgh universities possessed.

·     So it is not out of the question that the Northumberland British could have come across the ocean within months of hearing about Columbus.

·     And started to create various settlements in the America’s.

·     It is possible some of the natives could have engaged and learned from the Northumberland British.

·     Some of that learning could be in the form of learning about other megalithic structures in different areas of the world. Including the pyramids.

·     Where they could have picked up the tall "pharaoh’s" hat from the history lessons the Northumberland royals were teaching the natives in a settlement of what would be called St. Augustine after the Spanish conquered both the natives and the Ogles.

·     The Spanish were great about removing things they did not like. No reason said behavior could be extended to a culture city which was present and thriving of Northumberland origin mixed with native before the Spanish arrived.

·     Making St. Augustine’s founding decades before; as evidence by the worked "hearth" used to describe the mass.

·     As in we replaced the other cultures hearth with our hearth.

·     Camelot

·     Define Camelot; Sacred location of the pond/spring. Which also contains the definition of the Ogle Royal family; Sacred/Amber (North), specifically designated area, pond/the water of life (amber).

·     I am saying this could be one of the places King Arthur's descendants could have come to escape the conquest of the Pictish overtaking the UK circa 780 ce; which is what caused the Age of Vikings. The City which stood year before the Spanish could have been in some way descendants of Camelot.

·     The Vikings started to invade the next year after the Pictish won against the Ogles.

·     The Viking invations stopped 1065.

·     The Vikings conquered and ruled Normandy. Which is OC French for the Good/Godly/Sacred Men of the North(vertical). Which is just another way of saying Northumberland or in Gaelic YR Hen Ogle DD.

·     The Vikings conquered the city of Dublin.

·     The Vikings coneured and renamed the city of x to Castle Belinghsm. Which brings up the question; why in the world would the Vikings rename a city in Ireland more than 30 miles inland from NOrthumberaland 30 miles inland is not exactly an easy location to just honor in a new area. Ogle Castle is 11.84 miles due west of the coast. Bellingham is 18 miles west.

·     Castle Bellingham Ireland is about 10 miles south of Northern Ireland. Bringing great credibility to the idea that in hard fact; the British not English own Northern Ireland. There is nothing at all the English government can do about Northern Ireland; since by law they do not own the deed, the Brithsh government does. Taking by conquest is not the same as owning. The enlgish seized the British throne; but does only entitles them to some Royal Ruling powers, not complete and totlal power.

·     The magnacarta is a direct result of this. The English King John (24 December 1166 – 18/19 October 1216) was forced to sign the Magna Carta. He was forced to sign since he aligned himself politically with the English against the British. His brother King Richard “the Lion Heart” aligned himself with his ancestors with the British.

·     Richard the Lion heart was a loyal Britain; naming Richard of Britany ruler in his stead; however the 3 year old was in name only.

·     John aligned himself with the English. Making the skizm of power in the UK an eventual break from each other. Forcing wars which the British eventually either lost or simply chose to relocated to the America’s to reestablish a kingdom their. The British knew about the Americas; the British being a very close allies with the Nordics who had a regular trade route to and from America. So the British and Ogles knew where America was. Something they did not share with the English.

·     The entire issue with Robin Hood is part of this political struggle between the British in NOrthumerlad; in brief from Sherwood forest up to Ogilvy, and the English from Sherwood forest south to the London.

·     Saint Augustine http://ts1.explicit.bing.net/th?id=H.4539098669123140&pid=15.1

·     St Augustine was a Missionary from Algeria/Africahttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/25/Algeria_%28orthographic_projection%29.svg/250px-Algeria_%28orthographic_projection%29.svg.png. Meaning at least some of his theories came from Jacob line sources. Several of Jesus’ (a Jacob line descendant) Disciples started ministries in Northern Africa. From Egypt West past Carthage to Morocco.

·     Adam and the beginning of Monotheism

·     What father would not want a murdered son resurrected from the dead. Consequently; just because Able was killed does not mean that Adam and Eve would not have on their knees begged to have their son returned to them. That deep grief would eventually end up in some type of grief ceremony. That grief ceremony would and has culminated into a ritual; in this case a very accurate and to the beginning of monotheism resurrection ceremony. Which the Egyptians then stole after they conquered the earliest monotheistics; circa Narmer reference the Narmer plate. Further evidence of Narmer conquering monotheistic cultures is the Narmer Monolith

·     oldest-images-egypt-royalty-pharaohs-boat-61637-600x450.jpg oldest-images-egypt-royalty-pharaohs-boat-61637-600x450.jpg http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4735189652997190&pid=15.1  which I theorize depicts the first time the story of Noah was written down; just like St Augustine the conqueror did his level best to erase the previous cultures existence. That culture comes into written evidence circa 3800 b.c.e from the  Hierakonpolis library and world map. From that map to 3200 b.c.e when Narmer conquered them and major cultures in Egypt; the symbol of Egypt had not changed. It was a boat from 3800-3200. Since the Nile is the only quick transportation it only semi-allows for logic, but then the question why from 3200 b.c.e to present the symbol of Egypt is not a boat.

·     Hierakonpolis

·     Located in Southern or Upper Egypt where said type tent remnance have been located.


·       The tents were made of Akasha wood. This tabernacle is in Hierakonpolis (25°5′50″N 32°46′46″E); among a complex of tabernacles. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ec/Nekhen_Map.PNG



·     http://www.touregypt.net/images/touregypt/her1.jpg


·     Map of the world circa 3800 b.c.e Presents a Boat as the symbol of Egypt; the boat being most likely Noah’s ark. Since this ship design and the 600 years later Narmer Monolith looks similar. This culture was conquered by Narmer; then sentenced to a reservation/refugee area on the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza.

·     With a small additional point of continuity; the Egyptians did not draw or create anything which did not have a communication purpose. Which would not normally be nothing; but if you stand in Cairo or Memphis and look east as the document points out, you will be seeing exactly what the document states. You will be looking at pyramids. From Memphis you will be seeing them from a different angle than from Cairo. Hence the discrepancies in the different angles; representing several different pyramids.

·     Pyramids

·     The pyramids being places of resurrection by Legend. Since the Narmer plate has the monotheists forced onto the exact areas where the pyramids were built immediately upon them being sentenced to be there. Pyramids, megalithic construction, resurrection, etc. are starting to form a picture as to how St. Augustine and ancient Egypt are connected. Both are strongly founded upon the idea of eternal life/resurrection.

·     Imhotep

·     Imhotep was born in Luz/Memphis and was for a time high priest of that same temple designed around the same basic standards Adam set down. Imhotep was also in charge of resurrecting or bringing eternal life to the pharaoh. It would not be out of the realm of strong possibilities to say Imhotep was a Jew.

·     Resurrection/gift of eternal life

·     Has been a mainstay of monotheism from Adam, through Noah, down to Abraham, Jacob, down to the exodus. Then it was removed by Moses. Replaced at least in part by Jesus of Nazareth, but heavily edited by the Esau line descended Paul as his descendants conquered and took over the church Simon peter and other apostles formed in Greece and Rome.

·     Narmer Dragon

·     In a way of looking at it; some dragons had wings others did not (or very small ones). But the long neck is a close giveaway to  this being two dragons. Forming a circle out of their necks; the circle being the standard Stonehenge megalith configuration. The Dragon is a reference to Polaris; since at the time Polaris was to earths configuration the constellation Draco/Dragon. 99% of megaliths which have survived point at Polaris. The destroyed ones; the infastructure placed ontop 99% of the millions also point at polaris. Math, science, academics, and medicine 99% is as close to dead on proof as you can get with all the documentation intentionally destroyed.

·     The holy acre

·     The Holiest Acre is where the first catholic mass took place. But it is also the site of a megalithic complex. Which stretched from just south of the village to present day Flagler College?

·     Configuration of the town St. Augustine

·     Orion's belt; the Timucua village, the alter, and Flagler college are in a similar alignment to Orion’s belt. Leads me to assume there was some type of architectural configuration inside that lake which Flagler destroyed, had drained, and built his infrastructure on top of.


·     Costo De San Marcos http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4869471825888983&pid=15.1

·     The second time the town was sieged was not by an English army but by a British one; specifically a family descended from the Ogles. Ogle-Thorp’s are an offshoot branch of the British Ogle Royal Family, which is very different than the English Royal family.

·     The Ogles have had more than a little influence over the town of St Augustine. The Castle was even signed over to the British (not the English) when Spain sieged Florida. Spain gave Florida to the British Ogles not the English.

·     Conclusion

·     It is possible all the above points are extremely coincidental; but when you start having more than 50 separate independent of each other points of statistical matching, the likelihood for this being an extremely to the max coincidence drop to a very low percentage.

·     References

·       http://www.archeolog-home.com/pages/content/nag-el-hamdulab-egypte-oldest-pharaoh-rock-art-rediscovered.html

·       http://www.hierakonpolis-online.org/">http://www.hierakonpolis-online.org/

·     http://interactive.archaeology.org/hierakonpolis/

·     http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/264976/Hierakonpolis

·     http://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Oglethorpe

·     Mehdi Khansari, M. Reza Moghtader, Minouch Yavari (1998) ”The Persian Garden: Echoes of Paradise” Mage Publishers,

·     Adler, J. J. (2012). THE LEADERSHIP QUALITIES OF PHARAOH. Jewish Bible Quarterly, 40(3), 190-192.

·     Bonvillian, J. D., Ingram, V. L., & McCleary, B. M. (2009). Observations on the Use of Manual Signs and Gestures in the Communicative Interactions between Native Americans and Spanish Explorers of North America: The Accounts of Bernal Diaz del Castillo and Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca. Sign Language Studies, 9(2), 132-165.

·     CONFERENCE OF THE SCOTTISH REGIONAL ASSOCIATION. (1921). Sociological Review (1908-1952), 13(4), 238-239.

·     Darvill, T., Marshall, P., Pearson, M., & Wainwright, G. (2012). Stonehenge remodelled. Antiquity, 86(334), 1021-1040.

·     Fenn, R. (1976). Bellah and The New Orthodoxy. SA: Sociological Analysis, 37(2), 160-166.

·     Forman, J. J. (2008). GLIMPSES OF THE PAST IN GENESIS-EXODUS. Jewish Bible Quarterly, 36(1), 49-53.

·     GAPOSCHKIN, M. (2013). THE PLACE OF JERUSALEM IN WESTERN CRUSADING RITES OF DEPARTURE (1095-1300). Catholic Historical Review, 99(1), 1.

·     Gilete, R. (2013). The Scarecrow, Narnia, and Jesus of Nazareth. Review Of European Studies, 5(2), 60-66. doi:10.5539/res.v5n2p60

·     GILLINGS, M. (2009). VISUAL AFFORDANCE, LANDSCAPE, AND THE MEGALITHS OF ALDERNEY. Oxford Journal Of Archaeology, 28(4), 335-356. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0092.2009.00332.x

·     Haber, C. (2004). Life Extension and History: The Continual Search for the Fountain of Youth. Journals Of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences, 59A(6), 515-522.

·     Izquierdo, C. (2007). MEDIATORIS SACRAMENTUM: CRISTO MEDIADOR EN SAN AGUSTÍN. (Spanish). Scripta Theologica, 39(3), 735-763.

·     Maarouf, N. M., & El Alfy, A. (2012). Towards Understanding Different Shopping Architectural Characters in Cairo.Journal Of Applied Sciences Research, 8(2), 1303-1320.

·     Mizrahi, N. (2010). A Body Refigured: The Meaning and History of Hebrew BDN. Journal Of The American Oriental Society, 130(4), 541-549.


·     Sancak, Y. (2008). MU' ALLAKALAR VE KÂBE'YE ASILMALARINA İLİŞKİN GÖRÜŞLER. (Turkish). Ekev Academic Review, 12(34), 381-398.

·     SCHACHTER, L. (2013). THE GARDEN OF EDEN AS GOD'S FIRST SANCTUARY. Jewish Bible Quarterly, 41(2), 73-77.

·     Selected proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Health Behavior, March 16-19, 2003, St Augustine, FL. (2003). American Journal of Health Behavior, 27S189-278.

·     Sigalov, A. (2012). THE CORNER BOARDS OF THE TABERNACLE. Jewish Bible Quarterly, 40(3), 143-150.

·     Wegner, J. H. (2012). The Granite Sphinx of Ramesses II. Expedition, 54(3), 29.

·     Zinkina, J. (2013). URBANIZATION DYNAMICS IN EGYPT: FACTORS, TRENDS, PERSPECTIVES. Arab Studies Quarterly, 35(1), 20.


·     Graphic references

·     http://www.egyking.info/2012/09/ancient-egypt-obelisk.html

·     http://hkhill.wordpress.com/2010/06/page/2/


o  The British colonies

§  Conquered by the English

o  Ohio

o  Treaty with the French

o  Columbia River

o  Portland and Ogle

o  Puget sound

o  Bellingham


·     In brief

o  I theorize the ancient People of Kaern built a Space Elevator from their megalithic infrastructure. That space elevator system is easily put back into place. Just follow the evidence the ancients hid within that which the conqueror would not destroy. The place with the most evidence regarding said is in Egypt. One such elevator/ladder was positioned on top of Jacobs’s ladder. That ladder to heaven allowing angles to ascend and descend was North West of Luz aka Memphis.

o  The ancient Egyptians from circa 4000-3200 b.c.e owned, operated, maintained, and lost control over their space elevator Space Operations to pharaoh Narmer. Who continued to use it; but for his own wants, needs, and desires. Which Pharaoh's for the next centuries to millennia continued to use the Space Operations elevators till each orbit decayed and one by one they fell to earth. The rest were pulled down by conquerors that feared the elevator would hurt them.

o  In short from 4000-2100 b.c.e; Egypt had its own NASA.

·     The basic idea which could have inspired the space elevator


·     Base of the Theory

o  Based on a culture which did not suffer from religious radicals preventing the advancements of knowledge and technology.

o  But instead knew well that the smart people with sufficient funds and sufficient support can and do think of things on a constant basis which by the rules of basic economics can and will allow the leader and his court to become more powerful and rich.

o  So if you have centuries of stability; a community will start to develop into a serious advanced technological culture.

o  Firstly by developing better weapons of war and defense.

o  Second by developing cultural technology which can and will lead to general advancement's in science.

o  Those advancements can only lead to one real place; the cutting edge of science and technology.

o  “Space; the final frontier” etc. from the original written by Gene Roddenberry for his television series on the same subject.

o  The theory maintains that from 4000(almost guaranteed to be earlier) to 3200 b.c.e the pre-Narmer Egyptians built and maintained a space elevator using the megaliths as landing and taking off points.

o  Of course this idea is not new; by any stretch. A major motion picture and resulting Television show Stargate SG1 is a direct result of this ancient legend.

o  But where the above fiction stops and reality begins is where this theory starts.

o  I propose the theory that the ancients, entirely on our own not alien influence needed. Were able to understand sufficient amounts regarding electro magnetics in order to create first a Jacobs ladder. Then progress to a rail gun. Then from railgun to an elevator. Of course the elevator might have come first.

o  A short elevator turn into a long and complicated elevator when the engineers and financial people agree to creating sufficient sized buildings.  In the modern world once engineering and architects knew the lift/elevator worked they started to instantly add dozens of floors to buildings. Just a few short decades and it would have taken less time if World War I and various other issues had not of stopped the technological developments.    

§  In 1823; steam engines were used to power an electrical elevator.

§  However fascinating connection.

·     1806 the Roman Empire collapses and releases the library they had kept it safe for more than 2000 years. Which the Egyptians before them kept it safe for 3000 years. The name of the culture previous kept it safe for an undetermined amount of time.

·     But the first major invention which came from the Romans stealing the library and carting it back to Rome from Alexandria was the steam engine.

§  But those steam engine elevators were used in mines and other industrial locations were work progressed faster and easier.

§  488 Broadway in New York City on March 23, 1857. The first five story building with a passenger elevator.

§  Five stories

§  10 more years till a commercial office building installed one.

§  The progress took almost a full century.

§  Because western culture has to tear things apart first. Then accept as if they had always been.

o  So where to go from up but up.

o  The idea of space travel using an elevator has been an idea for centuries. However that idea has met with nothing but ridicule and derision. Mostly because the developers have little understanding of any type of Electro-magnetics involved.

o  A mastery of electro-magnetics is an absolute requirement when it comes to any type of tall elevator and or space technology in general.

o  Consequently you have a profound level of educated scholars who are paid the think and come up with good ideas working hard for centuries.

o  They will come up with a space elevator.

o  Next question becomes when and how was the space elevator built, then put to use and how was it used. 

o  This idea requires the direct use of a megalith in order to achieve balance going into and out of the atmosphere.

§  Do not mess with the planets electro-magnetics field unless you want to die.

§  So the beyond western culture imagination the megalithic infrastructure was built to among a million other things; to work with and measure the earths electro-magnetics sphere. Or magnetosphere.

§  Places to anchor the space elevator is strictly and only where megaliths are.

§  The major problem is; the vast majority of the megaliths have churches built over them. The conquerors of the culture which built the elevator hated the idea so much that they literally created three 1000 year long dark ages to remove any and all evidence and common knowledge of this type of technology.

§  Including adding said story to its first holy book chapter 11.

§  But that is just fear and ignorance of the unknown talking. That is not any type of divine order.

§  the theory has so much evidence is it difficult to ignore

§  the heart of the theory the science is working right this second in a hundred different places.

§  the monorail systems, the bullet trains, rail guns, basic magnetic rules of order, lazars, etc.

§  the rail gun

§  the most difficult part of the theory; the lift capability is the easiest to prove

§  the second hardest part is also beyond proved. an Egyptian coffin uses exactly the same engineering to seal in a space vehicle.

§  the granite only helps in space flight.

§  heat, cold, pressure, radiation, etc. all are helped by granite.

§  no rockets needed. only electricity

§  maglev

§  proven maglev can lift tons and tons

§  maglev can take a million ton train and propel it 300 mph.

§  at ground level

§  get up to 50,000 feet and the speeds can reach ? 10,000 or more easy.

§  100,000 feet and 17-25,000 mph is almost silly easy

§  thinner the air the less resistance.

o  Nut symbol

§  Imagine with the dawn and dusk looking up at the symbol over her head? Only much larger. or the legs and arms descend miles away and you can only see that small part

§  the sun would hit the grid first, since it is 200 miles up.


·     Evidence

o  Khufu generates its own electricity proven using various laboratory tests.

o  Piece of evidence two; a sarcophagus has layers of boxes inside boxes each one perfectly sealed after thousands of years. When compared to NASA and all craft designed to go into the temperature extremes 250' + in the sun 250' - in the shadow. Three layers of seals is a triple walled thermos; e.g. the same basic engineering structure used on both the SRB and External Fuel tank. Some had five layers; more than enough to last as a structure in orbit. Air is an issue. but that is not the point. Mail works just fine with 0 air; but a temperature controlled area.

o  In truth in orbit; granite would be nothing other than solid solar protection.

§  Heat,

§  Cold

§  Radiation

§  All the dangers in space several inches of granite, gold, specific types of wood, etc. would only add to the safety factor.

o  A sarcophagus is form fitted; so are all and I do mean all space vehicles.

§  Every couch,

§  Every suit,

§  Everything a human needs for personal safety is custom built to that persons specific measurements. The more movement you get inside that sarcophagus at 12 gravity forces the more likely you will be killed.

§  A “death mask” common in rich mastiba’sMastaba can be seen as and is very much a helmet.

§  Layers and layers, inches and inches of custom to the person’s body thick wrappings. A mummy minus James Whale’s Boris Karloff’s mummy http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/5d/69/1b/5d691b5538bf727878d03bcabd9d75c1.jpg http://www.best-horror-movies.com/images/Mummy-boris-karloff-coffin-smaller.jpg?v=1; clean up the bandages and have them perfectly fitting and that is very close to how a NASA designs its space suits http://www.bogleech.com/scrapbook/monsters-mummy2.jpg. Although layers of tight cloth soaked in various viscous liquids is not entirely close to the sown together suits. But the principle are duplicate; just different techniques for accomplishing the same goal.

§  Millions of mummies over the millennia; all were sealed from the air. Once the wrapping was complete the bandages hermetically sealed the body in. alter back to a living being; add some plates over the midsection, leave the face open, and you suddenly have a semi-life supported pressure suit. Depending on the types of material wrapped between the body and the bandages; different things give off different chemicals at different times. It is possible from the neck down being surrounded by various gasses; and only the head being exposed to oxygen might be a good thing in orbit. Exact same mechanism in mix gas diving. When you dive deep you need other than oxygen primarily. Decompress and unless you are in a very high pressure decompression tank your body needs to be surrounded with as much pressure as possible without crushing you. Nitrogen will build up in the blood system. So the ancients of Egypt had a remarkably similar to nasa pressure suit and diving suit in mummy technology.

§  For a live person; place various braces and internal structure to keep the wrapping hermetically sealed but allow the living person to breathe.

·     A stomach shield.

·     A neck shield

·     Openings for the mouth and eyes.

·     Place matieral inside the sealed inner to maintain pressure.

·     Place matrial inside the wrappings to maintain oxygen

·     Place material between the inner most and next seal to aid in the pressure.


o  The Egyptians possessed extremely good threads

o  They knew how to create hydrogen; rotting foods. Think Hindenburg; which means the ancients without violent people keeping them down; could have used hydrogen and heilium balloons to get most if the elevator into orbit. Or at least up to around 200,000 feet or 37 miles up.  Since space has been classified as being 60 kilometers up that is only 23 more kilometers to go.

o  They knew how to have asbestos and the Finlanders used it as early as 2500 b.c.e..

o  The Finlanders are connected to both the Egyptians and Futhark peoples. The Finns could have learned about asbestos from this exposure.

o  Asbestos is a crystalline structure. meaning under the proper conditions it can be made to create electricity. Squeeze a crystal and it will release electricity; basic theory behind Radar.

o  Which means that just the string itself can be used to create the elevator. Drastically cutting down the weight of the first strings. Allowing for an easier assembly into orbit.

o  The scaffolding to create the first elevator; no reason to assume the scaffolding was anything shorter than say several hundred feet. It could have even been a thousand feet.

§  When the king gives an order; you follow it.

§  So if the king orders entire swaths of forests to be cut down and a scaffolding is erected. That scaffolding could be as high as an open structure can be engineering wise. Only the maintenance areas need floors.  The rest almost entirely open. It could reach a thousand feet or more.

§  With an electrical generator on the top.

§  Which can then power the Jacobs ladder from the top of thousands of feet in the air. Similar to what Jupiter two from the 1997 lost in space launch pad looked like.

§  This way; you can build thousands of feet of the ladder in segments.

o  Railgun technology is not much past kindergarten level.

·     Balloon

o  We know as a fact the ancient Egyptians were experts in fouling the air inside the sealed tomb. Funny how many seals they used.

o  But they would pack the place with food, beer, etc. and count on it rotting.

o  The rotting process of a few hundred lbs. of food will create an atmosphere inside the sealed room of all kinds of different ligher than air gas. That same concept can be applied to fill a room/mastiba with said types of material. Wait months, then create a release value, where the amount of gas released can be controlled. No reason to assume the ancient tomb builders did not use the same exact technology from creating and sealing mastibas to creating and sealing a hydrogen and helium chamber.

§  Then attach a sealed balloon;

§  Then allow that balloon; to fill with sufficient pressure to obtain a specific height. Exactly the same technology used in modern balloons of both hot and mixed gas.

§  Let the balloon carry elevator up to several thousand feet.

§  The bottom attacked to an electrical generator.

§  To have the balloon release; if the balloon is filled with hydrogen, one small spark from the Jacobs ladder and the balloon will explode. Release taken care of.

§  Attach more segments to the bottom with balloons attached at lower levels of the elevator.

o  So same basic technology; can be used to find gasses which are lighter than air.

o  Use silk and or the best quality cotton.

o  Soak the cotton in any number of different liquid materials.

o  You have a mostly sealed balloon. Capable of lifting x lbs.

o  If that balloon has sufficient helium or hydrogen than it is possible to have the balloon fly over 173,900 ft. which is more than high enough to with a little bit of assistance from the ground place a string into geosynchronous orbit. Based on technology the Egyptians proved over millennia and millions of times repeating the same actions; they were experts.


·     Cultural intelligence

o  the only difference between us and highly intelligent humans. the societal acceptance of said. I am determined enough to put up with the difficulties of my culture to think of this stuff. But my bank is empty, my rent is due, and I am out of food. but my steel will forces me to keep working

o  some of us are, by will alone, forced to do be thinkers and dreamers.

o  99 years from the civil war ships of the line still being produced to boots on the moon

§  1870 technology http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4778122262023516&w=224&h=173&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7

§  1969 “ Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.5016643246557084&pid=1.7

§  Two world wars

§  Three separate religious movements which caused untold amounts of problems with the advancements of science.

§  Dr Verner Von Braun  had the design for the Saturn five in 1938; but had 0 intention of giving it to the NAZI. So he had to hide the plans for 20 years. 20 years of missed opportunity because religious fanatics could not let the subject change.

§  The entire reconstruction of the south 1870-1910; did not help the cause of science one tiny little bit.

o  So what would occur if 99 years and an entire culture gave full throated support to the scientists and engineers to put that culture into space with a solid and dependable foothold. Sorry but the current ISS is not even close to a foothold. It can only hold 3 for six months; it cannot hold a crew of 30. Six to 10 crew can only do so much in the time allowed. That is not a foot hold that is more like a small ship trying to do the job of a much larger ship.

o  The Ancient Egyptians also did not have to deal with the religious fanatics going to war every five minutes convinced Knowledge was evil. They were around but Egypt is huge and most of the fanatics were hundreds of miles away destroying previous cultures science and technology.

o  The concord.

§  This airplane was the height of technology in 1960; but by the 2000s it was grounded and jet travel returned to subsonic flight.

o  Dropping in technology is much easier than striving toward advancement's.

§  Dropping in technology is something western cultures are not only keenly good at but they are good at accepting quickly drops in technology.


·     NAZI and aliens

o  There is no reason why the radically advanced technology the nazi found and used could not have come at least in some way directly from this exactly theory’s practical applications.

o  The remaining evidence most of the areas the NAZI controlled were where huge central control stations were. So the evidence of Aliens could just be evidence of human NASA of 4000-3200 b.c.e.

·     Hindu

o  Hindu conquered the Harappa who were an extremely ancient culture which had direct cousin ties to the described Egyptians, Cycladic, British, Sarmartian, etc. 0 reason why each conquerors perspective would not describe the same thing their own way. A space elevator. Hindu does have a legend of a rope in midair. Asbestos has been used since 2500 bce.

·     john searl S.E.G device is a wonder


·     Music

o  The Sistrum is an ancient Egyptians and Greek musical instrument. But it began as a mathematical teaching tool. But when conqueror after conqueror hates any type of advanced technology they cannot personally control; best to hide the most powerful of your ancient cultures technology safely inside items strings of conquerors do not find threatening. Especially if those non-threatening items bring them joy.

o  You as a person and culture simply have to direct their attention away from the secret and hidden meaning and direct it to that which the conqueror likes.

o  The number of items which have been carried over from conquest to conquest is enormous. Where few if any actually remember what the original purpose was; but they enjoy the remodeling.

o  The largest problem is; when you are working in and on hiding your stuff from the conqueror. 1000 years passes and your culture then finds it difficult to believe what the original purpose of x item used to be. Since it has been used for so many generations as the new purpose. It must have been designed for the new purpose, the old purpose is long since forgotten.


·     Maglev

o  how much weight can monorail system push up

o  all depends on how much electricity is used. The Khufu Pyramid more than a little torn apart can and does generate its own electricity.

·     Why I say 4000 b.c.e


o  I keep saying 4000 b.c.e; why am I so sure? Answer because it takes time to create a world map. Hierakonpolis takes time to calculate and measure out an entire world map. One could say from a mathematics and perspective point of view; this map could have been created looking down from a great height.

o  Yes that is the American Continent; From north to the southern Tip of South America.

o  Now that I look at it; the perspective of a person with their head in the West.

·     Death masks

o  Only a few death mask have been found.

o  I wonder if the millions of royals and thousands of Pharoah’s from Narmer to Cleopatra. If most of their death masks like tuts were destroyed; why? What could be the harm in keeping most of those death masks intact. Unless they were in some way a helmet with an open or windowed face. That could cause enough of an uproar to force the finding and desecrating of the grave to ensure the evidence of an open face(helmet) did not exist. Academics calls it a death mask; but why not call it what it is; a helmet. Or would helmet give the wrong impression? Would calling it a helmet be too close to the truth?


·     Khufu

o  Name translation

o  "Khnum-Khufu" which means "the god http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khnum" title=Khnum>Khnum protects me.” Sounds very similar to Noah, especially considering Noachian mythology, 7 boats outsideDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: solarbarque.jpg Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Ron_wyatt_with_noahs_ark_in_turkey.jpg Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: NOAHS_ARK_DIORAMA_NEW_0.jpg (other than the oars, the shape and cabin on top looks very similar), and Noah is a major player in the development of monotheism.  


o  Royal titulary

o  NomenKhufu
Protected by Khnum

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G39

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: N5


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Aa1

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G43

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: I9

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G43


o  Horus nameMedjedu


o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G5

o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Aa24
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G43


o  Nebty nameNebty-r-medjed


o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G16

o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Aa24
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D21

o  Golden HorusBikwy-nub


o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G8

o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G5Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G5
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: S12

o  Hieroglyphics translate the name Khufu to “Khnum-Khufu" which means "the god Khnum protects me (him).” Khnum made man on a wheel out of clay (Adam was made out of clay as well). Khnum is one of many monotheistic god names per city/culture. Similar to Ptah is a pre-Pharaonic monotheistic god from both Memphis 2 miles north and Heliopolis a few more miles north east. The city was conquered by the earliest pharaohs circa 3500 b. c. e. .


o  For instance “Khnum” one name in pre-Hieroglyphic of the one god (symbol is a goat; the main animal of shepherds of that time. Genesis 22;13. God might have sent a symbol of himself to be sacrificed; similar to the events depicted of Jesus.). An ancient pre-Pharaonic deity “the titles Divine Potter (using a potter’s wheel


o  Pharaoh lists

§  Palermo stone

§  Turin Royal Canon

§  Manetho's Aegyptiaca (History of Egypt)

§  Abydos King List

§  Karnak Tablet

§  South Saqqara Stone (discovered 1923, includes dyn. 6)

§  Saqqara Tablet (discovered 1861, includes dyn. 1-12)

§  Archibald Sayce gave comparative data on several of these lists in his book The Ancient Empires of the East (1884),[2] in addition to the lists found in Herodotus, Diodorus,Eratosthenes, and even a fanciful list found in "the Arabic writers". Yet another fanciful list that does not appear in Sayce, is found in the Book of Sothis that George Syncellus attributed to Manetho.


o  Egypt pharaoh’s Hyksos period 2100-1300

§  Hyksos pharaohs

·     Esau's line and Jacobs line

·     It is possible the pharaohs between 2100-1350 the pharaoh kingship traded hands back and forth between Esau's line and Jacobs line a time or two.

o  Hyksos circa 2100-1550 when Jacobs line seized the throne and become pharaohs.

o  Jacobs line from 1550-Tut 1320 circa.

·     Would account for why Amenhotep iv might have sent his daughter to first Spain then Scotland circa 1330. To both avoid the impending destruction of the Hyksos line as well as preserve the gathered knowledge from which their ancient past. Egypt would no longer tolerate the changes that Amenhotep iv tried to force upon them. They rebelled in very real and bad ways. So he knew he needed to reinstate the old to maintain the power of the throne. Unfortunately for his son the damage was already done; two of tut’s advisors took the throne after tut died but only held it for a few years before Hyksos descendants seized the throne. Ramses reinstated the old religions and old ways of doing things. Of course reinstating the cruel treatment of the Jews as the Hyksos did the first time.

o  He sent her because even thought she was entirely capable of being pharaoh and proved it by stepping into her mothers shoes when her mother was too sick to perform said duties.

o  Her younger brother/? Needed to take the throne. Tutankhamun. But he could not take the throne till he was 13. So he would rule as co pharaoh with his sister/? Meritaten till he became old enough.

o  Then Meritaten would then move to her established new kingdom in Northumberland.

o  Having sent advance teams decades before.

·     The winds of time were changing; consequently as the sociological infrastructure changed it produced a sequence of rather difficult choices. Which sociological difficult choices start to occur the powerful will mostly follow pathology of behavior. Hoping to preserve sufficient levels of their power.

·     It might be possible to assume Amenhotep iv and his line were from Jacobs and not Esau's.

·     Dynasties

o  Egypt and Jacobs line; the Egyptian pharaohs and Jacobs line traded the Egyptian throne back and forth from 2800-2100. When the Hyksos aka Esau's line invaded.

o  Esau's line and Jacobs line then traded the throne back and forth from 2100-1800 when Esau's line seized total power.

o  The fourteenth dynasty could be Esau's line

o  Fifteenth Jacobs line

o  The Egyptians retreated back to Thebes while the differing monotheistic tribes fought over Memphis and Heliopolis for control

§  20 Hyksos with Imhotep in their name

·     20 Hyksos pharaohs; with at least two of the syllables show a group of Imhotep in their name.

·     The Hyksos would not invade for at least 600 years; but directly before the construction

a.     (Hotep)sekhemwy[9] 2890 2852

·     2100-1350

·     Mentuhotep I Tepy-a

·     Nebhetepre Mentuhotep II[26] Gained all Egypt 2040, Middle Kingdom begins. 2060–2010

·     Sankhkare Mentuhotep III[27] — 2010–1998

·     Nebtawyre Mentuhotep IV[28] — 1997–1991

·     Khaankhre Sobekhotep I

·     Sekhemre Khutawy Sobekhotep        Compare Wegaf    c. 1767

·     Sekhemresewadjtawy Sobekhotep III       4 years and 2 months   c. 1755

·     Khasekhemre Neferhotep I 11 years 1751–1740

·     Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV 10 or 11 years 1740–1730

·     Khahotepre Sobekhotep V — c. 1730

·     Mentuhotep V —  ?

·     Sobekhotep VIII (Sekhemreseusertawy) – 16 yrs.

·     Neferhotep III (Sekhemresankhtawy) – 1 yr.

·     Mentuhotep VI (Sankhenre) – 1 yr.

·     Rahotep Sekhemrewahkhau 1650- ?

·     Djeserkare Amenhotep I - 1541-1520

·     Aakheperrure Amenhotep II - 1425-1400

·     Nebmaatre Amenhotep III The Magnificent King His name means Lord of the truth is Ra. He ruled Egypt at the peak of her glory, his mortuary temple was the largest ever built, but was destroyed by Ramses II refugees were able to build his own temple. Recent DNA testing proved he was the Grandfather of Tutankhamen 1390-1352

·     Neferkheperure-waenre Amenhotep IV/(Akhen)aten Founder of brief period of a solar-centered religion (Atenism). His original name means "Amun is pleased." 1352-1334

·     Named similar to Amenhotep but using the One god name Akhen; but from the Ramses line.

o  Usermaatre-(akhen)amun Ramesses VIII - 1130-1129

o  King Tut Tutankhamen DNA related to the Druid of the U.K. and Northern Europe

§  The problem is; academics tend to say away from questions which cause them to have an issue with some part of the equation. In this case; the issue is timing. WE can all count; which makes  our Judeo-Christian cultural ethics scream NO. Nefertiti died several years before her oldest daughter. Meaning her late teens early 20s daughter  Meritaten took over as co-Pharaoh. Once a year based on that time period religious ceremonies; the Pharaoh and his chosen first mate would travel to the headwaters of the Nile and consummate to ensure the Nile would flow and flood. If His daughter was a stand in; that makes the entire thing unacceptable to our cultural upbringing. Then do some more math; a few years later(?) Tut is born, but tut is too young to be from Nefertiti. To be from her tut would have had to be about 3 to 5 years older. Making tut the product of Amenhotep iv and his eldest daughter. Which DNA issues strongly point to this as being an extremely valid theory. So several years after Nefertiti dies her husband joins her in death; making an adolescent Tut now co Pharaoh and his eldest sister/mother co-pharaoh since she is old enough to rule. So she co rules with her brother/husband/son till he is 13. Which is several years away. But being an extremely strong person; and being co pharaoh in her early 20s, and then co pharaoh to her little brother/son she could not have stayed in Egypt when he took the throne. So she would have had to leave to form her own kingdom elsewhere. Breeding with her own brother/son e.g. the Nile Ceremony would not work. So Tut was married off to a sister much closer to his own age. His sister/mother moved by legend to Northumberland where the Hyksos Princess Alba established a beach head several hundred years before.

§  Why not use the established King lists which list the times each pharaoh lived. First because the dates we operate from are a statistical analysis of several king lists averaged together. Second those king lists have been altered over the scope of rulers wanting to shape history into their own image. Third above a certain percentage of wrong; a statistical analysis is not worth more than a rough circa. Just because politician’s and scholars agree to an idea; does not  make that idea correct. In the time before Galileo you could not find an open peer review article about heliocentric universe. All peer review articles by the dozen all stated as hard fact evidence the earth was flat; no one would or could defy the dominant paradigm regarding this hard accepted fact. Copernicus  tried but without a private army; if he would have published his work openly, the inquisition would have killed him in whatever way they saw fit. Galileo on the other hand taking Copernicus  notes decades later he did publish thanks to the private army of his friends the Medici. But they could not save him from house arrest etc. so you have to be extremely careful when the militant dominant paradigm decides x is true; if x is wrong or partially wrong. You cannot find yourself published; your peers will have no choice but to ridicule you because the powers that be cannot deal with information which forces them to be wrong.

§  Could it be that Nefertiti did not die; she went to Northumberland to assist in setting up the kingdom for her daughter? But died sometime after either her husband died or maybe lived for a long time.

§  Later scholars and politicians did their best to fudge the details. Same as the one or so woman who were elected to be Pope; the later historians messed with the details and added years to people who had either died years before or were not in Roma by years at the time yet in order to conceal someone’s existence. A practice so common that several equations have been crated in order to combat the problem. You can see this exact problem of messing with the numbers to promote your side and downgrade the opponents side; just watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc. and you will see direct evidence of this fact within either a few minutes or a few hours every single day. Example I remember during the housing bubble circa 2006; a couple political commentators were saying almost Armageddon regarding the mortgage rates and when this bubble bursts, their will be only economic collapse only comparable to the great depression. They were laughed at openly for years. Then the bubble burst when the poor ran out of money to pay the banks balloon payments. America has been on the verge of economic collapse ever since that bubble burst. The ones being laughed at were absolutely dead on the money but had to face years of ridicule and derision by the supporters of the housing boom. Same thing; mess with the math in order to promote your side. Tut is fascinating because the math of his existence and his family has most scholars locked in a very difficult puzzle to decode.

§  It all comes down to perception; it is a standard psychological tool to believe in x so strongly that the truth becomes illusion and x an illusion becomes the truth. Which suppression of truth will lead to various self-destructive behavior patterns which can be identified, measured, tracked, and the truth found through undoing the behavior patterns which lead directly to the mental break from reality. This mechanism of forcing one’s self to believe a lie cascades into; we shy away from asking questions which lead to answers which work against our personal and culturally created illusions of truth.

§  Evidence of his sister/mother being co-Pharaoh. Her body was desecrated, her name was removed, and her right arm was ripped off her corpse. If you examine the body; there is evidence in the positioning that the right arm was folded over the chest. Making her a pharaoh, or at least co pharaoh.

§  Akhenaten/Amenhotep iv; Tut Tutankhamen’s father


·     http://www.therightperspective.org/2010/06/06/king-tut-dna-99-6-western-european/

·     Ice Giants

o  If you have sarcophagus space capsules going into orbit and coming back down.

o  When the capsule arrives back from outer space; it will be 200’ below zero.

o  Thor with the generous encouragement from Odin. Odin being mostly likely an Esau line descendant; thor battling against the ice giants, could be a way to explain and honor destroying the elevator?

o  Loki of course worked with the ice giants. But loki also was cast by the culture as a villain.

·     Amens crown

o  Daniel Statnekov T.R.: I don't know why but I've always wondered about this enigmatic fret work on Amun's crown; when I count the contiguous pairs of arched openings I see five pairs of openings on each side. Taken in their entirety they remind me of the way in which the stone tablets upon which the ten commandments are often portrayed in biblical illustrations. I realize that this is a strange comparison; but nevertheless……...

o  Amun.svg

o  Daniel Statnekov's photo.


o  of course we also have to take into account; the 10 commandments were not written in hebrew, they were written in Indo-European. But five rows; that is 1 2 3 5; the fourth step in fib. which is the symbol Ansuz, which means sound, communication, or depending Odin/sound of god

o  Thebes the city of Kings. Speptor is the symbol for kings.

o  The crown of Amen; if you look at it from a railgun/elevator/jacobs ladder point of view. A double Row of two elevators as in 4 tracks 4 corners 4 directions with the aetts path in the center.


·     Garden of Eden

o  if you take a sumerian view of genesis 1; 9 sentence structure. you find three trees.

o  the fourth is for Adam to construct the loom of time from. naming and controlling the animals, sounds like an edited version of said to me. so taking material from the three trees and weaving them into the fourth structure.

o  a symbol for the garden like all conquerors; they corrupt like cancer that which is pure and holy and twist it ot their own ends. so the swatstica could have been a symbol for the garden.





·     Nieth-Hotep was a predynastic Queen...

16 minutes ago · Like


https://www.facebook.com/tr.robert.welling">T R. Robert Welling Thank you !!

16 minutes ago · Like


https://www.facebook.com/tr.robert.welling">T R. Robert Welling So the fiction "scorpion king" staring the Rock was not far off

15 minutes ago · Like


https://www.facebook.com/tr.robert.welling">T R. Robert Welling at least in that very small portion of the story he married a priestess

14 minutes ago · Like


https://www.facebook.com/tr.robert.welling">T R. Robert Welling so he in effect took on the roll of Shu while she took on the roll of Nut?? Thoughts?

14 minutes ago · Like


https://www.facebook.com/tr.robert.welling">T R. Robert Welling DNA; is in fact larger on the inside than on the outside. So is Electricity; larger on the inside than outside.

13 minutes ago · Like


https://www.facebook.com/tr.robert.welling">T R. Robert Welling By legend Abla and Meritaten spent time in the UK. From Egypt.

How did merititan wind up a mummy in kv

if you are rich, powerful, have your own navy, and have the skills to travel to a location you can come back at will.

before death, during, or after power is power

Merititen by all accounts was as formatable as her mother. A woman so strong she would give even the hardest fo men today a run for theri iron will money. So setting up her own kingdom and DNA shows this to be mostly correct. If tuts dna woudl be released it would be definitive. but egypt refuses to cooperate. which only stacks teh evidence against them. I take the 5th; guilty!!!!!

 she had to leave; one for iron will, second because by the time tut hit say 15-20 she would be late 30s early 40s. bad time to try and create babies.

 the very remote chance my elevator idea is correct. NOt just a theory with reams fo evidence but; actually correct. Egypt to edinburg was only about 4 hours away.

 the one thing which is the most difficutl evidence to ignore. A space suit and space vehicle is form fitting. They are descend to allow for close to 0 safety movement. you do not want even an inch between you ad the wall if you are pulling 12 gs. Sarcophagus are built to be absolutely form fitting. The wrappings are designed to be pressure suit tight.





3 minutes ago · Like


T R. Robert Welling Math and TARDIS. What does this have anything to do with Egypt. Previous to the Pyramids construction the dragons of the west side of the Nile needed to be tamed at least that is what the other side the the Narmer Plate depicts. So if correct in my translation; previous to 2900 bce, Giza looked like Salisbury.





·     Northern African rock art...this reminds of the images in this painted tomb. The oldest mummy was a black child found at Uan Muhuggiag in southern Libya and the pottery has been traced to a site in Gobero Niger and also to upper Egypt. The really strange part is the pottery shows up in Iran too.

·     https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/536975_444912652279983_1767559162_n.jpg

·     to me not even the mildest of strange. If my theory is correct; transportion between Iran and upper Egypt was not difficult in a few hours.

·     I had a thought; what if the lybians created the mummies to psychologically emulate the elevator idea/theory. Then as the elevator collapsed the Egyptians copied the Lybians emulation themselves?



·     https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1458686_444929558944959_2085449419_n.jpg

·     I downloaded these heiroglyphs looking for the long necked and legged birds I was comparing the Cat & Anubis scarf to...the one is the ba bird with the tuff going straight back behind its head and the other is the Khu bird with the tuff hanging down on its neck in front, but there's an interesting cat glyph in the middle...has the cat with its paw on a pyramid, not sure where they actual glyph can be found but its interesting...all these on the poster are from actual glyphs... Kelly Delaney Stacy






·     Island of Dr Moreau

o  Weird Egyptian and Enochian creatures were possible.

o  Genetically Modified foods the poison of the American food industry and various The Island of Dr Moreau. We have been able to do close to Moreau for decades; so modern proof it is easier to mix and match DNA than build a space ladder. Consequently; shape shift no, but manipulate DNA into strange creatures, strong possibility then. Hard proof "Dolly" etc now.




·     https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/996652_444923775612204_97158173_n.jpg

·     This has been found in Libya, Niger, Upper Egypt and Iran...I'm looking for similar connections in other places...

·     it would be interesting if the image to the right was what the  presumed elevators looked like from the ground?











·     Daniel Statnekov's photo.

·     an aett between a jacobs ladder; is what jumps out at me. but that all the hard work I have been doing for a week. My mind is starting to see what might be or might not be true.










·     https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/545998_10201693000462196_259724392_n.jpg

·     feathers are mostly straight; not curved at that type of angle. but that angle is close to the angle of a jacob spark. sorry

·     The crown of Amen; if you look at it from a railgun/elevator/jacobs ladder point of view. A double Row of two elevators as in 4 tracks 4 corners 4 directions with the aetts path in the center.




·     Michael Dan Wonsower's photo.








·     Michael Dan Wonsower's photo.

·     https://www.facebook.com/wonsower">Michael Dan Wonsower This supposedly used polarized mercury in circulation to create a magnetic field in a constant state of fluxing back and forth negating planetary gravity, and supposedly having effect on the space/time continuum itself.

·     Gyroscopic Thrust



·     https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/1396026_10202580271733637_835963228_n.jpg

o  Samsun and long hair



·     Scarf

o  Patricia Awyan's photo.

o  Patricia Awyan's photo.

o   idea could be a wind sock. If you have doing anything about a few dozen feet; wind measurements are 

o  a neck protector for the flight?? But these are just guesses based on my theory. Maybe some type of electrical generator based on kinetic or other energy sources.

o   loom !! good thought

o  I was thinking about those little Egyptian toys which move on their own, they need energy to perform.






·     Pharaoh Narmer

o  Pharaoh Narmer circa 3200 b.c.e is said to be the first king to unify Egypt under one rule. He was the first king/pharaoh.

o  He did it by conquering the existing kingdoms in Egypt. Of which there were approximately five; one for each of the major cultures which then corresponded to the five names the pharaohs for the next 3000 years adopted.

o  At least two of those previous kingdoms were monotheistic; the bull people (the people whom symbol was a bull {presumably the descendants of Able; yes that able}, and the people of Heron (the bird people who were related or descended from the people of Kaern, those that built the megaliths).


o  After the conquest this monolithic design was carved not as a tax report, but a conquest report. Subjugating both the bird people and the bull people.

o  Taking the powerful symbols of both and incorporating them into pharaoh Narmer’s power base.

o  The bearded individuals are cherubim in human form, the pointed ear dogs are actually dragons (same symbol was created for the blue Babylonian gate 2000 years later). Dragons have wings; but that is the monotheistics conquering the previous culture and taking the wings/power away from the creature, and forcing all dragons to simply be without their wings. Possibly giving the cherubim the dragon’s wings.


o  This depiction is telling about the conquest and subjugation of all the kingdoms under narmers kingship rule.


o  The currently assumed depiction as being a tax collection scene has nothing to do with the realities of what a king would want depicted. Conquests are what kings want talked about, not tax collections.

o  Nautical festival events; this would be a depiction of taking one of the monotheistic ceremonies and absorbing it into the newly established Pharaonic kingship symbols of power.

o  There is a story from the 2000 years previous to 3200 b.c.e regarding a nautical happening. This would be Noah’s flood; with the animal being carried two by two. Instead of looking at the pictures from a tax point of view, look at them from a Noah story point of view.

o  1 boat carries the king with a falcon at his feet, another boat carrying a snake, three of the boats have to do with the bull tribes. Five Pharaonic names, five conquered kingdoms, we also know a monotheistic kingdom conquered Heliopolis approximately 400-300 years previous renaming the city from IWNW to Heliopolis. Presumably because the sun was their symbol for god, individual animals were their symbols for the tribes.



o  Reservation/refugee area west of the Nile.

o  The pharaoh Narmer set up a reservation land/refugee area on the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza http://trwelling.org/Narmer_files/image014.jpg. Pharaoh Narmer standing in power between the cultural representatives of Upper Egypt (Left) and (Right) Lower Egypt both standing showing power; the full size man on his knees is a refugee being given access to lands in Egypt. But those lands come at the cost of a full ranking in Egyptian society. Ironically the position of the refugee is in the approximate area where Giza is located in Egypt. Another ironic depiction is the length of the legs of the refugee is approximately the length of the area between Giza and Sakkara. Pharaoh is standing on the east side of the refugee; His Left foot is approximately where Memphis is and his Right foot is where Luxor is. The arrows are behind his back; left arm holding the bow, right hand holding a weapon/scepter http://trwelling.org/Narmer_files/image016.jpg (picture shows dominance over all white skinned and black skinned. The white skinned being dressed as Egyptians, black skinned dressed similar to African tribal. Each paying both respect to and submission to the pharaoh.)

o   http://trwelling.org/Narmer_files/image017.png The crook or shepherds crook indicates the power of the shepherds rests in the left (dirty, unclean) hand of the pharaoh since the above (Narmer) action occurred. The flail in the right hand of power over the shepherds and all who oppose the pharaohs rule. The pharaoh looking east is a virtual map of Egypt. Upper (south vulture Nekhbet) Kingdom and Lower (northern cobra Wadjet) Kingdom Egypt on the forehead crown of honorhttp://trwelling.org/Narmer_files/image018.png. The City of Luz/Memphis/Cairo at the base of the skull  (tide in a strong knot. The braid indicating the Giza to Memphis necropolis also tied into the control of the pharaoh.). The beard on the chin represents the seizing of one of the symbols of power for the middle eastern refuge tribes; the Cherubim http://trwelling.org/Narmer_files/image019.png http://trwelling.org/Narmer_files/image020.png . Which the beard is located on the pharaoh on the bottom of his chin; again a position of not only insult but the lowest class of power. The religious symbols of upper and lower Egypt high on the forehead on the crown of power itself. The wings of the cherubim placed under the shepherds crook on the chest of the pharaohs; indicating importance http://trwelling.org/Narmer_files/image022.jpg. The lower on the body the less importance according to Egyptian and basic Mediterranean cultural rules of society. The blue and gold layers on the headpiece indicate the canals on both sides of the Nile. Major irrigation ditches were dug to produce maximum farm land.


o  Narmer plate


§  The plate has two sides. Both sides have writing .

§  Front side

·     The first side shows Narmer forcing a newly conquered people on to their knees. It also shows in detail the areas he wants those specific people to occupy.

§  Other side

·     The other side depicts what Narmer is allowing those people he sentences to the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza to do.

·     All those megaliths he wants them all eventually remodeled to not be megaliths but anything the yet to be called Jews want to build.

·     The long necked creatures forming a circle with their neck could be a stylized dragon with their neck in the standard megalithic circle.

·     Since this is at least metaphorically accurate; the megaliths on the west side of the Nile Narmer is giving permission to remodel them.


o  Narmer Passport

§  Narmer_Slave_and_Wunjo_Laguz_Ansuz_Thurasaz_Kannaz_2013_10_20_0909The Narmer passport used for the next 1100 years by the culture sentenced to that specific refugee/reservation area between Sakkara and Giza require a way to travel into and out of Egypt to conduct business and supplies but still maintain they can only be in the area described.

§  That area is depicted in detail by the Narmer passport.

§  Narmer Passport places the perspective East.

·     Each direction has a different and very specific meaning.


§  Hieroglyphics is only one language from Indo-European.

·     map of indo European language.



§  Although; there are nine groupings of Pyramids. Narmer placed his bow directly over where several megaliths were. EG I control this area. This is myn but I am allowing you to live there.

§  The passport used by the westies

§  To travel to and from their selected area. Which was used for centuries; especially between 2800-2500 when the majority of the pyramids were remodeled from the previous megaliths. Which corresponds to the times when the megaliths at Salzbury large upgrading of the monuments their occurred; with shockingly similar geometric site similarities.



o  Narmer Monolith

§  This depicts Narmer conquering one of the cultures he conquered was Jewish. Although it is interesting that he took as a wife a Jewish high priestess. Her title was Sumerian for doctor/healer. Since the Jews main symbol and figure head after Adam was Noah.

§  The Narmer Megalith shows a relief of Narmer replacing the symbols of the Jews with himself.

§  Stripping them of all their power symbols; taking those power symbols for himself.

o  Boat ancient symbol

o  http://trwelling.org/Narmer_files/image002.jpg 3800


o  oldest-images-egypt-royalty-pharaohs-boat-61637-600x450.jpg 3200


o  http://www.manufacturer.com/cimages/product/www.alibaba.com/0323/d/11174860_Wooden_Model_Pharoah_Solar_Boat_Ship.jpg

o  Boats in Egyptology have been a significant part of that area and all the different cultures of that area since documented 4000 b.c.e.. the question is not if boats were important; the question becomes how was each symbol used by each culture. Each culture used basically the same symbols in their own unique way. Consequently


o  Boat used in burial ceremonies from this point forward


o  West side of the Nile given to monotheistic descendants; erasing the presence of the bird people’s megaliths, and absorbing monotheistic ceremonies into the newly established Egyptian culture.

o  However the name Narmer used was not Egyptian. Egyptians were specifically the name of those that lived between Sakkara and Giza on the west side of the Nile. A name which they carried with them when the Hyksos forced the Jews to be their front line troops to invade the middle east, Anatolia peninsula, and the Aegean. When the Greek civilization formed; the Jews helped create the basics of academics. Consequently they wer able to place in to history key codes. Which descendants could use to track backwards to what the truth actually was.


o  The bird people of the west side of the Nile had created a vast network of megaliths. Which Narmer gave permission for the yet to be called Jews to remodel the entire area.


o  oldest-images-egypt-royalty-pharaohs-overview-61640-600x450.jpg

o  http://www.archeolog-home.com/pages/content/nag-el-hamdulab-egypte-oldest-pharaoh-rock-art-rediscovered.html

o  oldest-images-egypt-royalty-pharaohs-boat-61637-600x450.jpg(this image matches the boat graphic from Southern Egypt of the world map. The pointed crown of Egypt http://ferrebeekeeper.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/crowns1.jpg http://www.anytimecostumes.com/s7/170x214/A3465).

o  oldest-images-egypt-royalty-pharaohs-damaged-animals-61638-600x450.jpg

§  I have a different definition of what this means. I think this could be the first depiction of Noah's flood.


o  Khufu has 8 sides

o  Electro-magnetics

§  the Khufu pyramid has been known both by legend and by scientific measurements to have something to do with electro magnetics. modern science has determined that the only effective technology other than rockets to lift into orbit is by using electro magnetics. To accelerate and decelerate. Since the top 20 feet of Khufu was removed there is nothing left to find regarding connecting Khufu with some type of Idea but solid evidence had a space elevator/ladder on top.


o  Ramps


·     Khafre

o  By the Abydos and other traditions; Khafre was the son of Khufu and built his grave south of his father/grandfather. The problem is the scholars are trying to force a scenario the evidence simply does not back up.

o  The pyramids were never real actual graves. The pyramids were synagogues.

o  The three on the Giza plateau were memorials to the at the time great leaders of monotheism. Khafre = Adam, Khufu = Naoah, and Mankaure = Abraham

o  Since those names are that each person did in their life.

o  Name translation

o  Khafre in hieroglyphs




o  Horus Name Userib (Wsr jb )
With a strong heart

o  A heart (in Egyptian) is the locatqion of the soul. That which was given by god to Adam the first man blessed with a soul.




o  Nebti Name User-em-nebti (Wsr-m-nb.tj)
Strong with (for) the Two Ladies

o  Strong with/for two lady wifes; Lilith and Eve.

§  Both woman were created by hand by god; hard to get more ladylike than that.



o  Golden Horus Name Netjer-nebu-sekhem Nr-nb.w-sm
The Golden Falcon is Powerful

o  ?




§  Nomen Khafre ({{{1}}})
He appears like Re

o  Ra being short for the sun god etan

§  The man with two wife’s; Lilith and Eve.


o  Khafre in hieroglyphs

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G5

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: F12

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: F34
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Z1



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G5

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: F12

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: F34
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Z1


o  Horus Name Userib (Wsr jb )
With a strong heart

o  Genesis 2;7 breath of life. Breathe within the heart/living soul. Living soul as in with emotions, feelings, etc. A heart (in Egyptian) is the location of the soul. That which was given by god to Adam the first man blessed with a soul.


o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G16

o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: F12

o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G17

o  Nebti Name User-em-nebti (Wsr-m-nb.tj)
Strong with (for) the Two Ladies

o  Strong with/for two lady wife’s; Lilith and Eve.

o  Both women were created by hand by god; hard to get more ladylike than that.

o  Lilith and Eve. Khafre has one pyramid to the south; for I assume would be Eve. Since most pharaoh’s has several wife’s and Adam only had one (sort of) the two ladies and the one woman’s pyramid to the south matches in two ways.

o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G8

o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: S42Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G17
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: S12

o  Golden Horus Name Netjer-nebu-sekhem Nr-nb.w-sm
The Golden Falcon is Powerful

o  Birds and other fowl creatures have been associated with several ancient cultures; most of who had radically advanced technology. “The pillars/threes from the center of the garden” numbered three. Most cities were tabernacles

o  (I theorize) on either tundra or on top of glaciers in the middle east circa pre 3000 b. c. e. . A few of these cultures still exist as of 100 years ago


o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: N5

o  Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: N28
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: I9


o  Nomen Khafre
He appears like Re

o  He appears; and or is in the refection of Re. This fits the description Adam extremely well.

o  Ra is a very early and short form of the sun god etan.

o  Yahwey is specifically from Hebrew. Which did not exist till after the Exodus. The Name used was Israel. Is Ra El. Ra or Re are interchangle in Heiroglyphics and Sumerian. Appears like the Re/a of Israel opints to the masculine form of god and the name of the sun god Ra. Meaning if correct this is connects Adam to the sun god Ra; connecting Adam to Amenhotep ivDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 220px-ReliefFragmentOfAkhenatenWithSunDiskOfAten. Ra Atin the sun god eg genesis 1; 3. Of course appears would be genesis 1; 26 “made in the image.”

o  I theorize Khafre was Adam

§  Since I theorize Adams in hieroglyphics is spelled Khafre.

§  The Giza Pyramids are not graves; so what are they? The answer is specifically for these three (four)pyramids are memorial temples dedicated to the three great prophets of monotheism.

§  Which would mean the inside would not be a grave but laid out according to the important events of Adam’s life

§  To show the evidence; take each portion of the kafre pyramid and reexamine the physical architecture to see how close Adams life compares.


·     the lower entrance. fall from grace

·     down from the garden of Eden

·     life on earth

·     starting to recover from the fall from grace.

·     Children and starting to build a life.

·     Oldest son kills the second oldest son.

·     The long corridor after the upturned ramp

·     Burial of the second son. The coffer room.


·     Adam and Eve work to go back to the garden to have their second son resurrected from the dead. what parent would not give just about anything to have their child returned to them healthy after death. Traveling back over the very arduous journey back to the garden but this time not naive but with life experience. The path back would be different than the path from.

·     You cannot go home again. Home as a child and home as an adult are different things.

·     Reaching the garden earth entrance.

·     Adam working his way back up the gates to reach the entrance to the garden to beg god to give him back his son.

·     Reaching success with the second son returned to htem; alive and well. upon reaching the top of the upper entrance. Emerging back into the world.

·     This ritual would be repeated from Adam’s time forward.

·     The legend of the Noachite Ceremony is based on this first ceremony Adam created. In basic the entire framework of the first several thousand years of monotheism was based on the events of this ritual and most likely happening. What happened of course has been systemically edited from the records.


o  The Khafre pyramid

§  This pyramid was supposedly created by Khufu’s son. This pyramid is not built as tall but it was designed to be finished. With little infrastructure the coffer chamber is subterranean.

§  With two chambers.    

·     The first possibly for a treasure or stuff needed in the afterlife.

·     The second the burial chamber  shown with the lid propped up.

§  After the causeway is the Sphinx. Directly to the east of the khafre pyrmad.


Most megalithic structures have some form of Orion’sDescription: 275px-Orion_-_pyramids.jpgDescription: oions belt.jpg Description: Backup_of_sacred architecture 2.JPGbelt architecturally designed in.

The bible


Monotheistic pre-Pharaonic Egyptian god name variations; Orion(the Egyptian story is retold 4000 plus years later from Bethlehem.), Ra, Re, Ptah, Atin, Khnuma, Orion, etc.

Osiris, the sun-god of rebirth and afterlife. Is just one of the names for a one god concept formats least six different monotheistic tribes which possibly settled in Egypt after fleeing from the kingdom of Canaan versus monotheistics war.


o  1 [9] And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food (1); the tree of life also in the midst of the garden(2), and the tree of knowledge(3) of good and evil.

o  One tree/pillar for life; Adam Khafre.

o  Two tree/pillar for good v evil; Noah Khufu.

o  Three tree/pillar for the craft/knowledge; Abraham Menkaure.

o  Going from Center of Giza, North, then south according to both the rules of polarity and the rules laid out according to ;Description: giza black.JPG

§  Genesis 1;1 In the beginning God created(1) the heaven(2; Up, North) and the earth (3; down, south).

·     At the center of the garden/arboretum tent/tabernacle a megalith might be placed. Not to waist space, but to allow the plants to be pointed at the best place possible. Plus plants biochemically and polarity indicate the time of day, month, season, etc. They move according to specific growth patterns. Take all the measurements to create both an accurate reflection of time and astrophysics position of the planet in its orbit.

·     Menkaure in hieroglyphs

·     The southernmost and smallest pyramid on Giza. It has three pyramids pointing south on the west side of both The Khafre and two are west of the Menkaure center line.

·     Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 220px-MenkauraAndQueen-CloseUpOfKingsFace_MuseumOfFineArtsBoston.pngDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: abrahams.jpgDescription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: giza abcde.JPG

·     PrenomenMen-kau-re[2]
Eternal like the Souls of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra" title=Ra>Re

·     This definition is shockingly close to Abraham; the father of all souls. Since Re/Ra is the sun god and quite possibly a renamed version of Yahweh.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: M23

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: L2

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: N5

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Y5

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D28

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D28

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D28

·     Nomen:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G39

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: N5

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: N5

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Y5

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D28

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D28

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: D28

·     This pyramid would have been built according to specific parameters within the framework of the people of KÆrn mathematics and masonry engineering.

·     Consequently the size is not a relative thing to the current theories; size is relative to not heirrchal of family line and time on the throane but to the polarity of most important in the NE corner, middle the originator, and south west as the least important.

·     Being the person or the grandson of the person in charge of congtrustion the only logical thing to do was to place Abrahams in the same league as Noah and Adam but humble as being SW and the smallest.


·     Three holes


o  The shafts to the south side or the sun side of Khufu are a very good grounding rod; or grounding rods.

o  Coffer in kings chamber three holes


·     Evidence in Egypt regarding Space and Aerodynamics

o  Saqqara bird; the ancients used with direct evidence linguistically they used the symbols of nature to communicate. So using the symbols of nature to recreate flight is only a good idea. Just not literally recreate; just the basic shapes and aerodynamics

·     all types of different material would have been used to create the several hundred mile long strings from Nut's hands to feet

·     Radar

o  Stand between the Khufu and Khafre pyramids is a very similar shape to a radar dish. Although in truth the Giza plateau is most likely a  much better radar system than the type pictured. Since the angles are different. So each side redirects different types of sound and vibrations. So place several people at strategic locations for Maximum sound and they most likely will be able to hear some very interesting details from deep space.

o  http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/giza%20plateau2.jpg

o  Between the small pyramids has a very similar angle to modern radar.

o  Other locations provide other angles and other sound contrentrations.


o  Add in the fact that the Khufu pyramid had eight sides and the redirected and focused deep space telemetry becomes even more sensitive.


·     Piece of evidence two; a sarcophagus has layers of boxes inside boxes each one perfectly sealed after thousands of years. When compared to NASA and all craft designed to go into the temperature extremes 250' + in the sun 250' - in the shadow. Three layers of seals is a triple walled thermos; e.g. the same basic engineering structure used on both the SRB and External Fuel tank. Some had five layers; more than enough to last as a structure in orbit. Air is an issue. but that is not the point. Mail works just fine with 0 air; but a temperature controlled area. Evidence in Linguistics would be the name and description Nut also pre-Pharaonic. N; Nauthiez means present. U; Uruz menas Strength and electricity. T; Tiwaz means Directdion. Present energy direction; megaphorically is very close to this theory regarding a Space Elevator. Her male partner Shu. S; Sowillo meaning the light of the sun, the area between the upper atmosphere and the earth. H; Haggalaz means the Past. U;  Uruz means strength electricity. Metaphorically ; Light of the Sun Past strength/electricity. Which could in this case mean absorbing the lines of the sun from Nut down to a base Shu at a pyramid or other sacred structures absorbing the light from the line from Nut of the past electricity. Which is very close to being a landing pad for some type of electrical elevator launching and landing pad. Either past the descent stage or the past when the elevator was created in the first place.

·       The shape; ok think of Nut, now think of her say hand on Khufu (evidence of electrical generating capacity) and her foot on say Mexico city. Or foot on Egypt and her and in Indonesia. Next piece of Evidence the whole "the sky is falling" what occurs when orbital objects have an orbital decay? What if that thing is Nut and is connected to a grid? Parts of the grid will orbital decay. 

·       Next piece of evidence; 1000s of years previous science has hard evidence of jewelry, taking meters which are magnetic and rolling them into sheets, taking those sheets and making hollow rolls out of them, then wearing the rolled meteor is jewelry. Same thing; not just put a string through the hollow, make the string upright, now place another string of rolled meteor next to it, as a specific distance, now attach the bottom of both to an electrical generator, you have an instant Jacobs Ladder. http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2013/0820/Out-of-this-world-Ancient-Egyptians-wore-meteorite-jewelry



·     Emulation of ancient electro-magnetics technology

o  https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1453496_10151810016979024_1953600943_n.jpg

o  The one of the right is most likely a psychological emulation of ancient technology. The one on the left is a modern version of theorized ancient tech eg Amuns crown.


·     did Ancient Egyptians Find Uranium in Grand Canyon



·     Egypt was invaded 7 Major times from 4000-1500 b.c.e. Each and every one of those seven invasions. Salisbury Plane had within a decade of the invasions of Egypt an upsurge in construction at Stonehenge. Making the evidence of older construction at Giza direct statistical evidence of what the pre-remodel of Giza used to look like at Stonehenge. Stonehenge on Giza

·     Occam’s Razor;

o  is it more likely the Egyptians Pharaohs of Narmer and post Narmer created a layered and beyond imagination complicated culture, engineering, ceremonies, etc. from almost literally nothing. Or from 4000-3200 the culture Narmer conquered was Space (NASA) Operations and all aspects of Egyptology are simply trickle down remnance of that ancient space technology? Psychologically speaking I can easily provide hundreds of peer review articles regarding primitive cultures emulating when they are affected by to them radically advanced cultures. The advanced technology will be reflected in the primitive cultures schema in very short order. So that "poof" instant complicated Pharaonic structure is not actually poof but emulations of the culture they conquered.

·     The next piece of evidence; the psychological aspect requires that there be at least some major aspects of the conquered or influential culture the former power symbols to be used/adopted/etc. by the new culture. The evidence of this is beyond apparent. The Title Pharaoh from which was only semi used by the new culture; was used exclusively by the time Ramses was on the Throne. But Pharaoh was used in limited ways from Narmer down. The Hyksos "Shepherd Kings" used it sometimes. But the truth is Pharaoh is a Jewish title meaning "guardian of the long  house" the long house being a tabernacle. A tabernacle has been the name for the Monotheists "church" since Indo-European. As well as the cherubim beard, the wings from the cherubim, etc. were copied over almost instantly after the conquest. So why would the pre-Pharaonic cultures of said area need to have so many references to Birds. easy way to decelerate something coming back to earth.

·     Pharaoh

o  The first Pharaoh has been recognized as being Narmer.

o  Which most would look at the situation and think. Did he conquer the area and sieze the throne, title, etc.

o  Or did Narmer in some type of battle win over some foe of lower Egypt. Being given the kings daughter as a gift for coming to the rescue.

o  Being gifted for said; would he not have been given the title of pharaoh instead of taking it in battle.

o  Would he have not of pushed his newly conquered foe onto the nasties piece of land in his control. The west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza.

o  Centuries later; those refugees somehow managed to leverage and gain power back.

o  Could the royals from Narmers line not have then been deposed and themselves forced onto the very lands they were sentenced too.

o  Which would account for why construction and remodeling of Giza did not start for several hundred years.

o  This would also account for why a Narmer descendant was given the name Hotep circa 2800 b.c.e. Hotepsekhemwy[8] 25-29 years, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Dynasty_of_Egypt" title="Second Dynasty of Egypt">2nd Dynasty; around 2740 B.C.

o  He was the first pharaoh of the second kingdom.


·     It is 4000 years from now and alquida has won

o  The west is starting to come out of the grips of a second major dark age. Alquida won has power for 1500 years; erased everything they could get their hands  on.forced everyone tobecome Muslims or die.

o   this continent is rediscovered. Because somewhere between the middle of the first dark age and the second dark age the knowledge of the American continent has been erased.

o  So future scholars hhaving close to 0 knowledge of English discover the launch pad for appolo 1.

o  Everything about America has been erased. Everything about comptuers has been erased.

o  Everytign about the space race has been erased.

o  Adolf hitler is heralded as a hero of Islam.

o  We see adolf in a good and solid light regarding what he did. All really bad stuff has been erased.

o  The very limited hsityor books tell all glory to islam and no other cultures are allowed to exist. Systamic genocide is standard for any none Muslim.

o  So all that has been broken and islam has been almost relegated to the status of pagan in western culture vanacular. By the  conqueror who destroyed islam. All revolutions the conquer will be conquered.

o  So bits and pieces of appolo are found and it is up to future scholars to find out what this thing was and why it was built. Oh yes, it is a pile of rubble since the rebar corroded and broke apart. So only pieces of broken concrete heavily rusted remain.

o  Now rebuild the last 100 years from that.


·     Narmer plate


o  Narmer Passport


§  Obviously this is a century’s later reprint. But the map is unchanged from the plate to this passport

§  Notice the image shows Thurasaz which translates as "this is my land" and the Wunjo regarding the area between Sakkara and Giza.

·     Limestone

o   is what was used to create the outer skin of Khufu. If it was limestone quarts; that would be a really large electrical generator. according to Wikipedia "Limestone may be crystalline, classic, granular, or massive, depending on the method of formation. Crystals of calcite, quartz, dolomite or barite may line small cavities in the rock" so yes he limestone outer casing stones could very well have been 15 feet of quarts which based on the expansion and contraction of the sun; will by basic laboratory tests prove generate electricity. Same exact structure used for 100 years in sonar. a sliver of quarts is compressed it will generate some electricity. 481 foot minus the casting stones of Chrystal will generate a considerable amount of electricity. I mentioned eight sides before http://enkispeaks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/8-sides-toGreat-Pyramid1.jpg. Run four strings of meteor, copper, etc. up the grooves between the eight sides, the copper by all laws of electricity will transfer the electricity generated by the very possible limestone quarts to the copper/meteor wire to the top. that would be a huge amount of amps generated on an hourly basic as the sun moved across the sky. Every small motion of pressure change to quarts over 500 feet and at the base 750 wide that is some serious amount of electricity being generated

·     Tower of Babel

o  According to the Bible; the tower of babel aka the Eridu Ziggurat was attacked http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4872963713272603&w=258&h=178&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7, destroyed, and the building razed because the attackers felt they were defending the will of god by removing those trying to steal the power of god. End of chapter Genesis 11:1-9 tower of babel. Beginning of chapter 12. Abraham is in charge after his father Terah is killed in battle; after the razing of the tower and city . He constructs a temple in the Eternal city aka Luz aka renamed by his grandson Jacob (Jacobs Ladder) to honor grandfather Mem. The city of Memphis is renamed but maintains its original name Luz or the Eternal city. Genesis 28:10-22; Jacob is at the light place NW of the city of Luz. A light place is a Jewish insult for the megaliths; since one function of a megaliths is to measure light. Draw a line NW from the center of what used to be Memphis aka Luz and you will draw a line straight through the pyramid and Giza. So we have linguistic evidence as well

o  The Eridu that culture was so advanced it was able to figure out how to

create a space elevator?

o  The People of Kaern were beyond linguistically and mathematically advanced. Our best and brightest look like in comparison to what the people of Kaern left behind would be at best middle of elementary school.

§  It has taken till only five years ago for Google earth to come up to a point where the simple ruler tool can now prove with hard scientific evidence regarding the megalithic infrastructure. Till seven years ago without direct hard global measuring devices and perspectives the grid the megaliths were in was laughable legend.

§  we cannot repeat their dead on accuracy which includes adding in the curvature of the earth. that is a level of math by comparison to ours makes our best PhD in physics Nobel winner look like a first grader using fingers to count with 


·     Genesis 11; challenging god for control over heaven

o  Could the ladder have actually been a ladder?

o  Could the tower actually put people into orbit?

o  Could  space operations really have sent fanatical monotheists into a religious jihad to do anything it took to destroy the ladder?

o  The entire Greek mythology; since it did not start in Greece, the cultures which make up Greece are mostly transfers and conquerers from the east. They brought their rleigions with htem. Over time those religions which were brought with merged into one mythology; even though the mythology they created was from several very different cultures. IN truth; the whole peracles giving man fire from the gods; is not entirely that dissimilar to that of if the zigurates and late pyrmaids were in fact pads for a space elevalter. The problem is; psychologically speaking hwen you have a radical jump forward in technology, the religious go on a jihad mission. Most times even they consciously as a culture have no idea why they feel they must destroy it all. They just feel like it is gods will to literally destroy the items and culture which cause the advancements in technology.

o  Consequently; decades after discovering or being aware of a space elevator the ancestors to Esau would have been culture driven “group cognitive dissonance” were the group takes on the same power of suggestion and or power of assumptions. One person or group start to react in a specific way; and the rest of the community will react in specific ways. Over time the community can be brought into a group suggestible hysteria; with no real consciousness regarding behaviors and or outcomes. They all start to just react to that which has been presented to do. In the case of the tower of babel, the very possible space elevators in Egypt and around the world, and feeling the elevator is steeling the power of god.

o  The bible states build a brick tower. But then the Sumerian deviates. From the Top of the Brick to heaven is a different sentence structure; indicating different building materials. Each sentence is its own count; each count has its own meaning.

·     Genesis Chapter 11 בְּרֵאשִׁית

א  וַיְהִי כָל-הָאָרֶץ, שָׂפָה אֶחָת, וּדְבָרִים, אֲחָדִים.

1 And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.

ב  וַיְהִי, בְּנָסְעָם מִקֶּדֶם; וַיִּמְצְאוּ בִקְעָה בְּאֶרֶץ שִׁנְעָר, וַיֵּשְׁבוּ שָׁם.

2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

ג  וַיֹּאמְרוּ אִישׁ אֶל-רֵעֵהוּ, הָבָה נִלְבְּנָה לְבֵנִים, וְנִשְׂרְפָה, לִשְׂרֵפָה; וַתְּהִי לָהֶם הַלְּבֵנָה, לְאָבֶן, וְהַחֵמָר, הָיָה לָהֶם לַחֹמֶר.

3 And they said one to another: 'Come, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.' And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.

ד  וַיֹּאמְרוּ הָבָה נִבְנֶה-לָּנוּ עִיר, וּמִגְדָּל וְרֹאשׁוֹ בַשָּׁמַיִם, וְנַעֲשֶׂה-לָּנוּ, שֵׁם:  פֶּן-נָפוּץ, עַל-פְּנֵי כָל-הָאָרֶץ.

4 And they said: 'Come, let us build us a city, and a tower, with its top in heaven, and let us make us a name; lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.'

ה  וַיֵּרֶד יְהוָה, לִרְאֹת אֶת-הָעִיר וְאֶת-הַמִּגְדָּל, אֲשֶׁר בָּנוּ, בְּנֵי הָאָדָם.

5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

ו  וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה, הֵן עַם אֶחָד וְשָׂפָה אַחַת לְכֻלָּם, וְזֶה, הַחִלָּם לַעֲשׂוֹת; וְעַתָּה לֹא-יִבָּצֵר מֵהֶם, כֹּל אֲשֶׁר יָזְמוּ לַעֲשׂוֹת.

6 And the LORD said: 'Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do; and now nothing will be withholden from them, which they purpose to do.

ז  הָבָה, נֵרְדָה, וְנָבְלָה שָׁם, שְׂפָתָם--אֲשֶׁר לֹא יִשְׁמְעוּ, אִישׁ שְׂפַת רֵעֵהוּ.

7 Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.'

ח  וַיָּפֶץ יְהוָה אֹתָם מִשָּׁם, עַל-פְּנֵי כָל-הָאָרֶץ; וַיַּחְדְּלוּ, לִבְנֹת הָעִיר.

8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth; and they left off to build the city.

ט  עַל-כֵּן קָרָא שְׁמָהּ, בָּבֶל, כִּי-שָׁם בָּלַל יְהוָה, שְׂפַת כָּל-הָאָרֶץ; וּמִשָּׁם הֱפִיצָם יְהוָה, עַל-פְּנֵי כָּל-הָאָרֶץ.  {פ}

9 Therefore was the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth; and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. {P}

י  אֵלֶּה, תּוֹלְדֹת שֵׁם--שֵׁם בֶּן-מְאַת שָׁנָה, וַיּוֹלֶד אֶת-אַרְפַּכְשָׁד:  שְׁנָתַיִם, אַחַר הַמַּבּוּל.

10 These are the generations of Shem. Shem was a hundred years old, and begot Arpachshad two years after the flood.

יא  וַיְחִי-שֵׁם, אַחֲרֵי הוֹלִידוֹ אֶת-אַרְפַּכְשָׁד, חֲמֵשׁ מֵאוֹת, שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד בָּנִים, וּבָנוֹת.  {ס}

11 And Shem lived after he begot Arpachshad five hundred years, and begot sons and daughters. {S}

יב  וְאַרְפַּכְשַׁד חַי, חָמֵשׁ וּשְׁלֹשִׁים שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד, אֶת-שָׁלַח.

12 And Arpachshad lived five and thirty years, and begot Shelah.

יג  וַיְחִי אַרְפַּכְשַׁד, אַחֲרֵי הוֹלִידוֹ אֶת-שֶׁלַח, שָׁלֹשׁ שָׁנִים, וְאַרְבַּע מֵאוֹת שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד בָּנִים, וּבָנוֹת.  {ס}

13 And Arpachshad lived after he begot Shelah four hundred and three years, and begot sons and daughters{S}

יד  וְשֶׁלַח חַי, שְׁלֹשִׁים שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד, אֶת-עֵבֶר.

14 And Shelah lived thirty years, and begot Eber.

טו  וַיְחִי-שֶׁלַח, אַחֲרֵי הוֹלִידוֹ אֶת-עֵבֶר, שָׁלֹשׁ שָׁנִים, וְאַרְבַּע מֵאוֹת שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד בָּנִים, וּבָנוֹת.  {ס}

15 And Shelah lived after he begot Eber four hundred and three years, and begot sons and daughters. {S}

טז  וַיְחִי-עֵבֶר, אַרְבַּע וּשְׁלֹשִׁים שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד, אֶת-פָּלֶג.

16 And Eber lived four and thirty years, and begot Peleg.

יז  וַיְחִי-עֵבֶר, אַחֲרֵי הוֹלִידוֹ אֶת-פֶּלֶג, שְׁלֹשִׁים שָׁנָה, וְאַרְבַּע מֵאוֹת שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד בָּנִים, וּבָנוֹת.  {ס}

17 And Eber lived after he begot Peleg four hundred and thirty years, and begot sons and daughters. {S}

יח  וַיְחִי-פֶלֶג, שְׁלֹשִׁים שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד, אֶת-רְעוּ.

18 And Peleg lived thirty years, and begot Reu.

יט  וַיְחִי-פֶלֶג, אַחֲרֵי הוֹלִידוֹ אֶת-רְעוּ, תֵּשַׁע שָׁנִים, וּמָאתַיִם שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד בָּנִים, וּבָנוֹת.  {ס}

19 And Peleg lived after he begot Reu two hundred and nine years, and begot sons and daughters. {S}

כ  וַיְחִי רְעוּ, שְׁתַּיִם וּשְׁלֹשִׁים שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד, אֶת-שְׂרוּג.

20 And Reu lived two and thirty years, and begot Serug.

כא  וַיְחִי רְעוּ, אַחֲרֵי הוֹלִידוֹ אֶת-שְׂרוּג, שֶׁבַע שָׁנִים, וּמָאתַיִם שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד בָּנִים, וּבָנוֹת.  {ס}

21 And Reu lived after he begot Serug two hundred and seven years, and begot sons and daughters. {S}

כב  וַיְחִי שְׂרוּג, שְׁלֹשִׁים שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד, אֶת-נָחוֹר.

22 And Serug lived thirty years, and begot Nahor.

כג  וַיְחִי שְׂרוּג, אַחֲרֵי הוֹלִידוֹ אֶת-נָחוֹר--מָאתַיִם שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד בָּנִים, וּבָנוֹת.  {ס}

23 And Serug lived after he begot Nahor two hundred years, and begot sons and daughters. {S}

כד  וַיְחִי נָחוֹר, תֵּשַׁע וְעֶשְׂרִים שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד, אֶת-תָּרַח.

24 And Nahor lived nine and twenty years, and begot Terah.

כה  וַיְחִי נָחוֹר, אַחֲרֵי הוֹלִידוֹ אֶת-תֶּרַח, תְּשַׁע-עֶשְׂרֵה שָׁנָה, וּמְאַת שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד בָּנִים, וּבָנוֹת.  {ס}

25 And Nahor lived after he begot Terah a hundred and nineteen years, and begot sons and daughters. {S}

כו  וַיְחִי-תֶרַח, שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה; וַיּוֹלֶד, אֶת-אַבְרָם, אֶת-נָחוֹר, וְאֶת-הָרָן.

26 And Terah lived seventy years, and begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

כז  וְאֵלֶּה, תּוֹלְדֹת תֶּרַח--תֶּרַח הוֹלִיד אֶת-אַבְרָם, אֶת-נָחוֹר וְאֶת-הָרָן; וְהָרָן, הוֹלִיד אֶת-לוֹט.

27 Now these are the generations of Terah. Terah begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran begot Lot.

כח  וַיָּמָת הָרָן, עַל-פְּנֵי תֶּרַח אָבִיו, בְּאֶרֶץ מוֹלַדְתּוֹ, בְּאוּר כַּשְׂדִּים.

28 And Haran died in the presence of his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.

כט  וַיִּקַּח אַבְרָם וְנָחוֹר לָהֶם, נָשִׁים:  שֵׁם אֵשֶׁת-אַבְרָם, שָׂרָי, וְשֵׁם אֵשֶׁת-נָחוֹר מִלְכָּה, בַּת-הָרָן אֲבִי-מִלְכָּה וַאֲבִי יִסְכָּה.

29 And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai; and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah.

ל  וַתְּהִי שָׂרַי, עֲקָרָה:  אֵין לָהּ, וָלָד.

30 And Sarai was barren; she had no child.

לא  וַיִּקַּח תֶּרַח אֶת-אַבְרָם בְּנוֹ, וְאֶת-לוֹט בֶּן-הָרָן בֶּן-בְּנוֹ, וְאֵת שָׂרַי כַּלָּתוֹ, אֵשֶׁת אַבְרָם בְּנוֹ; וַיֵּצְאוּ אִתָּם מֵאוּר כַּשְׂדִּים, לָלֶכֶת אַרְצָה כְּנַעַן, וַיָּבֹאוּ עַד-חָרָן, וַיֵּשְׁבוּ שָׁם.

31 And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran, his son's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there.

לב  וַיִּהְיוּ יְמֵי-תֶרַח, חָמֵשׁ שָׁנִים וּמָאתַיִם שָׁנָה; וַיָּמָת תֶּרַח, בְּחָרָן.  {פ}

32 And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years; and Terah died in Haran. {P}

o  Genesis 11; 4. The tower with its top in heaven; allowed men to be scattered around the surface of the earth.



·     Destruction

o  Evidence of said erasure; Ramses II temple which was more than 2000 years old before he was born he renamed, remodeled, and erased the statue’s identity of the pharaoh to the left.

§  That big statue he had 40 feet of it carved off. just a little bit missing

o  sphinx remodeled

o  erasing of the Jews presence in Egypt before the exodus.

o  Moses is an Esau line descendant. He erased the language which would point to his heritage anything other than what he wrote down. Meaning he could make up anything he chose and it was a capital crime for centuries to question the rules of Moses. So Moses like Adolf changed his heritage to cover his true origins to make sure he could maintain a level of control over the people he required.


·     Causeways of Egypt.

o  http://trwelling.org/causeways.htm every red line is a dead on accurate to the mm hundreds and in some cases thousands of miles away

·     Imagine this scenario

o  It is circa 4000 b.c.e; and very ancient cultures in a very hard push manage to direct enough resources to move from bronze to electro magnetics in say 200 years. So circa 4200 b.c.e-4000 b.c.e it a very realistic time frame in which to perform bronze to electro magnetics. Provided the culture continuously pours resources into science and technology.

o  Consequently; you can go from bronze to extremely advanced technology in that time frame.

o  Just requires the culture to not hate scientists, egg heads, nerds, etc. the section of society which deals with thinking and inventing new things. Instead of working very hard to suppress every idea till it is absolutely proven beyond a doubt to generate more power of those in charge. Ideas are routinely killed in western culture.

o  But when if those same ideas were fostered and nurtured by most if not all the culture.

o  The equations would be entirely different. Instead of a standard it takes x amount of time to developed technology from iron to electro magnetics; it would take a small fraction of that same time to do that jump.

o  So it is possible and realistic to assume in 200 years to jump from iron to cyber.

o  Now evidence in the last 50 years since the start of the space race. The Religious who tend toward the radical first attack their right to do anything they want; whenever they want.

o  But what if Al-Qaida wins, or those who think “Ales Jones” http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=116803 01/17/13 etc. leaders like that win political power.

o  Based on 6000 years of documentation; it is only one very small step from “Nerds are the most dangerous” to “Kill the nerds; how dare they try to be god”. This sentence and these types of sentences are what leads directly to attacking and razing the tower of babel. Pure hard fear over the aggressors ability to be violent being infringed upon; additionally the technology developed by the nerds those drawn to violence to push their agenda fear above all else that the nerds and those who think of the next leaps in technology can and will connect with the divine. When that connection in the minds of people like Alex Jones; they fear god will approve of the nerds actions and disapprove of those that just want to kill nerds. They have shown a very long history (the entire length and bredth of western history) of they do not even accept god telling them they have done something wrong. Their wants, needs, and desiers they stand violently beyond the shield of god; ultimately afraid of even god telling them they are wrong. So they prevent with all the violence they can being told no even if that no is from god.


o  Their first enemies after killing the politicians and lawyers are the intellectuals.

o  As soon as it is an easy an 100% predictable behavior pattern repeated with 0 deviations for the entire length and breadth of human history. Scientific advancement brings those that are entirely geared toward destroying what the intellectuals think of and invent.

o  So it is 3000 b.c.e and someone thinks of the basic science to achieve a space elevator.

o  They use a ziggurat which can generate the necessary electro-magnetics polarity charge to generate the correct level of lift. Absolute basic of science with magnets; place the correct poles in close proximity and they will push each other away. Plenty of things in nature magnetize.

o  So you have an extremely advanced language and mathematics with a supportive culture. then you have small groups within that culture which will stop at nothing to destroy the advancements the smart people think of.

o  The small group of religious radicals win. They do their best to destroy the technological advancements. Then rewrite the history from their perspective, erasing the advancements as evil and praising their own genocidal activity with “gods will”.

o  If you assemble the evidence; the oldest five cities of record all “descended from heaven”

o  Which if you look at it in combination with a tabernacle.

o  Those cities where huge elaborate tents on top of the glaciers of 3000 b.c.e

o  As the glaciers  melted they produced a ramp.

o  The citizens simply lowered by pulleys and ropes the tents to the ground. Descended from heaven.


o  Now

o  Take this legend into account

o  The city of Eridu has another name. that other name is an insult regarding the Eridu library/university. http://www.enenuru.net/visuals/balag/hires/Eridu.jpg

o  http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_jphpvxoXoQA/TS70gi5asEI/AAAAAAAAF2w/0Jc2nhdJr5A/s400/Eridu-Map.jpg

o  http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4543861852340451&pid=1.7

o  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Sumer1.jpg

o  http://www.bibleorigins.net/EriduUrMapSatelliteDrawing.jpg

o  That university had contained within some of the most advanced language, mathematics, science, engineering, etc. imaginable for that time.

o  1870; the standard ship was a ship of the line which was the standard naval technology for the previous close to 1000 years. The ship of the line is only a large and complicated trireme; same engineering basis. But instead of oars they have cannon ports.

o  From 18650 steam engines were invented but not going very far back. Two iron clad ships were constructed but both sank very quickly after construction.

o  1860 The repeating rifle has been invented 20 years before; but the military hated the idea. Preferring to use muskets.

o  1969; “one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind”

o  99 years. From Ships of the line to boots on the moon.

§  two world wars. religious persecution to say the least. Radical fanatics doing their best to create death. And still "one small step”

§  now 99 years with no fighting, science with huge budgets, and religious freedom. With a math that makes the single number line look like we are counting on our fingers

§  Trillions of dollars donated to religion. including my families fortune from generations back. Turn those trillions on religion into trillions spent on science and technological advancements and we western culture can colonize space in a few decades. But the masses only want to cut the budgets for space exploration not increase them.

§  Venture Capitalists are for the most part only interested in funding projects guaranteed with 0 doubt that they can either sell to larger technology companies and or find engineers they can work with. Which does not occur very often. Inventors and business people have by all accounts an almost unacceptably violent history.

§  trillions of dollars to science and we could colonize alpha centauri

§  but no science is lucky to get 100,000 $ grants

§  only if the proposal is sufficient. and the givers are guaranteed an almost instant return on their investment. Instant as in they double, triple, or infinitely expand their money put ito the idea. What the idea is; beyond useless to a VC. Everyone I have chatted with only cares about the cash and the prestige the product will give them; what the thing is, they by the most part could not be forced to care less. This is a fundamental problem with the system. The only way said ideas can be funded is if the idea is already successful before money is available for it. Which is metaphorically the same as “show me the Oscar first; then I will be happy to provide acting lessons” which is the definition of a necrotic system.


o  Count in three huge wars; two of which were entire world wars.

o  Count in massive genocide conducted by several different cultures.

o  Count in religious persecution the likes of which only the inquisition was worse.

o  And you have muskets to boots on the moon.

o  Now think of this;

o  You have a language and mathematics which are so radically advanced the Egyptians built a door way in the causeway of the great pyramid of Khufu. That doorway if you were standing in it; and you could look 6000 miles away. You would be looking at the summit of Everest.

o  This is not a fluke; 16 of the causeways which are capable of being seen and measured bisect with equal parameters other very important positions. Rivers, buildings, caves, etc. All with to the inch perception hundreds and thousands of miles away.

o  In 2013; modern mathematics cannot do that. We can only prove they did it using Google earth and the provided ruler.


o  Knowing the type of math they possessed. They could move 200 ton blocks and align them like we align 5 lbs. bricks. They did this block alignment so well that they repeated building large rock rings 100,000 times. We cannot build one to the Stonehenge specs using same materials; but they did it 100,000 times. This gives modern science rock hard evidence of just how radically advanced and more advanced their math and science was than ours.

o  So in 99 years they could go from a similar level of technology 1870; to a space race.

o  Now we know they had knowledge of electro magnetics.

o  We know this because of some of the key items they left behind.

o  They left for instance the Bagdad battery and other electrical devices.

o  So we know that the city of Eridu was razzed to the ground circa 2700 b.c.e. Among other times.

o  But this one was specifically bad.

o  We know the conquerors wanted to attack the “tower of babel” because they felt that god wanted them to destroy that evil culture from constructing and completing its ladder to heaven. So the authors of genesis Moses chose to put all the motions into what god did instead of focusing on the humans did lots of actions.

o  (same behavior patterns as of now; the upsurge in religious ferocity is a direct result of the space race. I have no doubt that dozens of religious talking heads on radio and TV have screamed about the evils of technology. I am sure that the space race has been compared to the tower of babel.)

o  So behaviorally the space race produced the current religious jihad against all things education based. Except for their forms of education.

o  Adds more proof for what I am about to talk about.

o  If the city of Eridu was advanced enough to create a several hundred foot tall ziggurat. Which evidence suggests strongly that they built several over several thousand years. Some over 1000 feet.

o  The Chrysler building 1928; was the first building to raise over 1000 feet since 3000 b.c.e.

o  Once the Chrysler building and empire state buildings were complete; the 1930s witnessed an increase in religious ferocity and violence.

o  That is only a 5000 year drop in technology.

o  What if the Eridu ziggurat had a space elevator on top. Which is what the ancient monotheists were attempting to either destroy or take control over.

o  If they could not bring it down. They had to simply take it with them.

o  If they took it with them.

o  Where did it go.

o  Genesis 28; Jacob was in the light place (megalith) NW of Luz (aka Memphis) sleeping on the rocks.

o  At the light place. Jacob chose to remodel the existing site into his ladder.

o  Since his great grandfather had stolen the ladder from Eridu; it was starting to become difficult to deal with and move the ladder.

o  So a permanent solution had to be found.

o  So Jacob the crowned king of Israel (Is; Isis, Ra; the male god Ra, El the name of god; which is the exact same definition as Yahweh; feminine, masculine, balance. Two words with word for word perfectly identical meanings)  set to build his Jacobs ladder.

o  Well what if that ladder was in fact a true thing.

o  What if that ladder was a space ladder?

o  What if that ladder is what was on top of one of the pyramids.

o  We know space elevators have to operate based on electro-magnetics

o  We also know as a hard fact that the reaction to advanced technology by the religious radicals is to destroy it.

o  Space elevator

o  If the ancients possessed the technology in order to create electro-magnetics; that is the same exact technology needed to create a maglev system.

o  To push away requires both items to be aligned push.

o  To pull something requires both items to be aligned pull.

o  The Khufu pyramid as a fact has massive electro-magnetics signature. That signature can be changed; which means that electro-magnetics built in generator can have its electro-magnetics changed. To  push, pull, or combinations in select sequences.

o  Which means that the base of Khufu is still capable of generating the basic evidence required in order to have the Khufu pyramid  be a base for a space elevator

o  But what occurs once you get the space elevator  up to 60 kilometers.

o  The answer is; without a sufficient life support it is literally impossible to survive up their without one atmosphere of breathable to humans atmosphere.

o  Once up there in a suit. You have to then have somewhere to do other than just up to 60, 100, 200 miles up. After the first mile; the rest is easy.

o  Did they have the technology in order to create metals capable of performing. The answer is yes; they could hammer sheets of meteor. Then roll that sheet into jewelry. Which jewelry and electric wire are essentially the exact same thing.

o  So you find yourself in a pressure suit; 100 miles up. The elevator will start to bend as the effects of the orbit slowly bend the elevator to the west.

o  “The dark/black land to the west”

o  Could be an ancient comment regarding the space elevator.

o  So you keep building; which provides a significant view of the entire area you are in.

o  But the curving will eventually lead to finding a location were the arc of the curve can come back down to earth

o  That curve you can map out; and sail to that location.

o  Legendary evidence of this; the Irish mythology surrounding the Leprechaun, pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow, and travel by way of rainbow to distant areas. Pyramids at least Khufu and the Bent the angle of their outer skin is the angle of a rainbow.

o  Sailing to that location. create another pyramid; build that pyramid to generate the same type of electro-magnetics structure the Khufu pyramid does and the Eridu ziggurat used to.

o  You then repeat and build its own elevator from the end of the curve.

o  Built it up. That way you can connect the two and have an elevator which connects from Khufu to somewhere west of Khufu

o  Then after you get that done; you can then look around to see where other locations would be good to connect.


·     Question about meteors

o  From Evidence meteors come in all kinds of different shapes and textures. Egypt itself shows direct signs of at least one colossal meteor which exploded miles above the surface scattering debris far and wide. It was long before humans but millions of tons of highly magnetic fragments were scattered all over North East Africa for hundreds of miles .

·     Zerubbabel

o  The main guy how rebuilt the temple in his own honor or Solomon and forced the final erasure of Sumerian, Akkadian, Phoenician, Hittite, etc. had Babel in his name.

o  I wonder if that was some type of internal joke the Jacob line told to let descendants know this guy was a pretender and Esau line not Jacob line.

·     Mail in Indo-European language

o  Mummies, Sarcophagus, etc. is written in a language we do not understand yet.

o  What makes us assume mail would come in the format we in the western world have grown accustomed too? Why would we assume (almost always wrong); that ancient mail would use paper, left to right writing style, etc. to convey info. How arrogant. Now based on the basics of Mummies; we know as a matter of beyond hard evidence that mummies had writing on both the inside and outside of the   sarcophagus, the body/mummy inside had writing, the body also contained various items. Just because we are entirely ignorant of Indo-European language as a culture does not mean that is not Indo-European language. The placement in, on, around the body, as the reams of evidence point with lazar precision they used their environment to build from and communicate with. so what makes us assume for one second that all that stuff packed into a mummy is not actually Indo-European communication. That if you send a sarcophagus over my  theorized but starting to look like there is so much hard evidence my theory is starting to look more and more like it can graduate up the chain. Send a sarcophagus up and to x location; they could read and work with the info, then send the sarcophagus back.

o  The population then taking that basic idea and wanting to be buried that way after witnessing it many times. Standard psychology copy of cultural behavior patterns. Use a statue, or some type of dummy as a "this dummy is me, me who is written on the breast bone, and on the sarcophagus itself, this sarcophagus and all that is contained is me the sender communicating with you. This is my will, this is my voice."

·     Based on what the cultures around the world which used mummies; this is what they wrote in there description of "the travels from the sky/vertical/up their/heaven/eternal/etc."

·     Air convection in Giza

o  The pyramids channeled air, also electrified the air.

o  air currents in major cities with sky scrapers. hard fact

o  Narmer forced the Jews into Giza

§  In a very real way hoping they would be weakened enough not to attack and reclaim the throne.

§  Since they were forced to be in that area. no reason not to build something which will literally do a dozen things all at the same time. which we have evidence regarding culture wide behavior patterns of making one thing do as many jobs as possible

o  Giza air flow patterns

§  The way the Giza plateau is designed. The natural air movements caused by 500 foot tall structures in an off sequence row; the light side receiving huge amounts of sun and consequently would expand in the heat. The dark side contrasting with the in comparison with the south side would be many degrees cooler.

§  The change in temperature from the north dozen or more degrees cooler than the hot south side times three would create horizontal air convections. Similar in many ways to modern heating and air conditioning.

§  Using force high and low pressure to create changes in air temperature.

§  Would also be the basis of an electrical generator.

§  The displaced air, pressures, temperatures, wind currents, etc. will have the most profound effect on the surrounding areas of the Giza plateau.



o  Making the air

§  Health

§  Removing the nasty bugs from the composing issues of the Nile

§  And creating a convection which would cool the immediate area by at least a few degrees in the middle of the summer

§  Microbes grow less in faster moving air.

§  The o3 generated would also drastically cut down the percent of pollution


o  sound

§  how they were used; I guess we will have to keep searching

§  the air would also create sound

§  modern deep space telemetry uses a base framework almost to the exact dimensions of Khufu.

o  acropolis





o  the basic mechanics of an ozone generator this is the mechanics


o  generate amps of kinetic and static electricity 500 foot into the air with a sequence of 3 or 4 and the area around Giza would not be able to not be a wow air purifier

o  all hard evidence.

o  since the west side of the Nile is still to this very day called the nasty area because of the smell of the decaying croc excrement. said type of air purifier would be beyond essential for the Jews confined to live in that area!!!



·     Native American Totem poles

o  It is possible the totem poles could be represenations of the ancient space ladder which could have easily reached the America’s


·     Sarcophagus

o  The exacting details

o  The image on top

o  Is a representation of the mirror which used to be in front

o  A human size sealed box; complete with life-support and protections

o  Was part of the elevator

o  The later Egyptians simply copied as best as they could remember from the ancient technology their culture was descended from.

o  So the Sarcophagus is a symbol real life representation of the vehicle the elevator would lift into orbit

·     Al-Qaida

o  is entirely bent on destroying every single portion of anything to do with Western Culture. If they had their way; not a single scrap of evidence would exist that Europe, American, or Russia ever existed. Those countries would simply have their history rewritten and everything would point to either it did not exist or Al-Qaida was in charge the entire time. All it would take is killing anyone and everyone who knew different. Destroying every Latin based language, German, Russian, Scandinavian, erasing as much of the city infrastructure possible. Calling anything not destroy able "an ungodly thing". After about 500 years ; even cultural memory would not exist to tell the truth. So a Space Operations center three separate dark ages 2100-1100, 1000-0 and 400-present occurred. In different areas of cultural influence. Egypt, the middle east, and Europe respectively. Now say it is impossible to erase those languages; I can point to direct evidence of where languages which had a wider sphere of influence were erased. Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Phoenician, old Hieroglyphic, Indo-European language, etc. were erased. Gaelic a very good hard push to make it extinct only stopped within the last few decades. But from 780-1980 Gaelic was still illegal in some parts of the UK. So in this little theory; there is evidence by the entire library load as to when a conqueror comes to power, the previous is damaged. How huge a threat to their power would a space operations be to the Hyksos; when the Hyksos descended Al-Qaida would like nothing more than to erase all aspects of America right now. The question in my mind has always been; what caused so much fear that three separate 1000 plus long kill all that might know about the past occurred.

·     But if you want direct hard evidence of conquest culture erasing things in Egypt itself regarding the past that is easier than providing the above evidence. Ramses II temple. The head and back of the Sphinx was remodeled at the same time. Why the back of the sphinx; possibly to hide/remove the wings

·     Sound levitation

o  http://www.minds.com/blog/view/100000000000035472/acoustic-levitation. As other evidence clearly shows a 500x700 foot surface will expand and contract based on just the sun alone. consequently; the expansion and contraction will have a direct and measurable effect on the barometric pressures of the entire plateau. Which cascade effect high and low pressure areas on the north and south sides will alter the air quality and the sounds capable in the immediate area. Since we know some modern sonar is configured using the same parameters as Khufu; this means that using sound to levitate becomes a strong possibility on top of Khufu. The use of electricity is one thing; which Khufu does generate electricity, but electricity and sound together. This just creates larger quantities and backup systems to make the ascension and dissension of any type of proposed hypothetical vehicle all the more possible.

·     Thus building a global connection or web of space elevators allowing people to travel around continents in hours. Go from Egypt up to the gridhttps://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1380544_632143753495159_741184887_n.jpg

·     Then travel the grid almost entirely around the globe.

·     From  megalith to megalith.


·     The sky is falling

o  All orbits will eventually decay unless prevention is done.

o  So if the elevator grid was built circa 4000 b.c.e and most likely much earlier.

§  (remember a glacier is 2.5 miles high. 5280 x 2.5 = 13,200. Which makes a glacier an absolutely perfect place to build this ladder.

§  Since the ladder requires 300 miles of Jacobs ladder.

§  Which the really awesome thing about using electricity as your propulsion is not matter what occurs electricity can and still flows well provided it has a conduit to run though. Eg wire, water, etc.

§  So create dozens of 2 mile line sequences hanging over the edge of the glacier. All tied together; you then have the ability to in one careful shot to put up an elevator to low earth orbit while living on top of the glacier.

§  Which could place the elevator as far back as the last minor glacier age circa 40,000 to 6000 b.c.e.

o  Eventually things which move will break down. Unless maintained and properly oriented.

o  So eventually in sections the elevator system would orbital decay and fall.

o  The now suffering from extreme cases of conquest and politically imposed ignorance. The population would have no idea what was going on other than masterly large things were falling from the sky. The sky at night that grid system; parts of it would fall periodically.


·     Shu http://media.kunst-fuer-alle.de/img/36/m/36_162110~headrest-with-shu,-the-egyptian-god-of-the-air,-from-the-tomb-of-tutankhamun-(c-1370-52-bc)-new-kingdom,-c-1336-1327-bc.jpg a head rest

o  Lions on either side.

o  Both the arms are parallel

o  And the headrest itself is parallel.

·     Nut http://www.mindserpent.com/American_History/religion/egypt/symbol/nut.gif

o  Feet at one megalith

o  Hands at another megalith


·     Shu and Nut work together http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4616451100640865&w=250&h=184&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7

o   http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4571044731879695&w=211&h=188&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7 the sphere over Tefnut’s head is most likely a mistranslated Ætt. The tall double lines on Shu’s head could be a mistranslated Jacobs ladder/space elevator.

o  https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/1375198_655454814487088_607870591_n.jpg

o  Shu Might be a real thing

·     The Capsule




§  A top of the capsule

§  B guild wire from the base up to geosynchronous orbit

§  Most likely 4 guild wires;

§  C side of the capsule

§  D loop connecting the guild wires to the capsule. Also from fiction and close proximity; just like the current electrical car, the electricity created by a charged wire will generate electricity itself. Allowing for the capsule itself to generate the electricity needed to ascend and descend.

§  E the capsules Jacobs ladder. But this one is short and pointed down; to give a push off from the arc coming up from the base.

§  F floor of the capsule

§  G the arc/Jacobs ladder spark/the push push polarity allowing for motion

§  H the assertion arc. This one travels up the guild wires; pushing the G structure G is attacked E which is attacked to the capsule up. Same exact technology a monorail works on.

§  I

§  J

·     Elevator function





o  you need carts to move material from the elevator (?) to a market, home, etc. The elevator does not move but you might not be within 10 mile of an elevator(?) that is if my theory is correct. Think of trains; fixed locations; they can carry huge lbs but you still have to drive to the station.



·     Eridu

o  The city itself arrive int eh history boosk already a large and tghriving city.

o  By legend this city descended from heaven;

o  At first I thought descended from heaven meant; descended from top of a galceir. But with a ladder; no reason to assume with 1000s of years of capability; the ancient People of Kaern did not create space stations to avoid the glacier age. Meaning from 40,000 b.c.e to present humans were in low earth orbit waiting for the ice to melt.

o  Places a very nice spin on Brigadoon.


·     Eridu ziggurat

o   http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p52/sirhemlock/ZigguratEanna2.png

o  http://www.crystalinks.com/Sumer_Map.png

o  Ur was where Terah attacked from.


·     Eridu conquered by Terah of Ur

o  After the razzing Terah was killed on the planes outside the city of Ur.

·     Taking the ladder with them

·     Taking the ladder to Egypt

·     Jacob

·     King Israel aka Jacob

o  Jacob inherited the kingship; which included the Eridu space ladder

o  He moved the space ladder to his “ladder to heaven” location which he built at the light place NW of Luz. Which he changed the name of that city to honor his grandfather Abraham; in hieroglyphics Abraham is spelled Mem. The spelling of Abraham the letters, words, sentence structure, etc. for the name Abraham would not exist till Hebrew and another 2000 years. A place for angles to ascend and descend from heaven


o  The legend of which took three entire 1000 year long dark ages to erase 99% of the evidence.

o  As well as scrub the remaining evidence to point to other conclusion than the original truth.


·     Positioning the ladder over el Beth el aka temple of ptah

·     Jacob repositioned the ladder/elevator over the light place

·     Remodeling light place into his ladder.

·     Nut the elevator connection

·     Ancient Megalithic structures

o  Ancient megaliths were obviously not called that. Modern culture often references the Dragon since the constellation Draco was Polaris at the time. Draco or Dragon is a key measurement point to be able to understand where you are.

o  Ancient megaliths operated on a technology far beyond anything current technology can recognize let along duplicate. They operated based on the rules of electro-magnetics of the earth itself and the sun.

o  Megaliths are designed to perform a dozen tasks. They are also so old they have been remodeled a hundred if not a thousand times. Different cultures dominate the area and the megalith is then ignored, used for the dominant paradigm needs, dismantled, remodeled, etc.

o  Megaliths were laid out in a very specific and extremely complicated grid system which despite opinion did not operate based on a static repeat parallel lines grid. This grid operated closer to that of how the motions of the universe work. That way this grid could be used to measure those movements.


·     Ankh

o  An ankh is an amazing symbol

o  In truth the ankh is a flat version of an Ætt. The 17 line is handle of the ankh

o  But the ankh could be a representation of the elevator system. No matter how remote the idea it does have merit.


o  The graphic shows a community remembered ankh being connected to a grid which is then connected to other ankh’s. however each ankh/elevator was not close together.


·     Ancient Egyptian solar system map


o  This is the symbol for Hathor.

o  A cow deity which had been present in Egypt for hundreds if not thousands of years before Narmer.

o  Hathor is associated with Adumla https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1460114_10151721158746980_690011078_n.jpg

o  The cow deity on the Narmer Plate. Direct connection to Adumla of the Nordic Germanic Traditions, and the pre-Exodus Jewish ceremonies

o  directly connecting the Finnish People, the Asbestos strings they used, Adumla (some of the coffins at the Sakkara necropolis which did actually contained bulls; the species in question was an Aurox), the Jews, Narmer, and the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza to "the Black/West/Dirty/etc." side of the Nile.

o  6 lines could be a very strong piece of evidence regarding a connection to an altered and stylized Aett. Good base but the post Narmer had to change the design as to not encourage the common folk to said level of science and technology.

o  https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/1463726_10202576266113499_179384343_n.jpg

§  Polychrome terra-cotta relief of Isis and sphinxes; Roman, Augustan period. 
This is one of several reliefs that formed part of the decoration of the Temple of Palatine Apollo; Isis holds a sistrum and a plate of fruit; she is flanked by a female and a male sphinx. The Egyptian symbolism may have recalled Augustus's victory over Antony and Cleopatra at Actium.
Rome, Palatine Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 2004
Keywords: Augustan symbolism; religion; mythology

o  Where did I get the idea to remodel a Futhark Aett into my graphic regarding an Aett. I simply created a 3d version of the Celtic cross. signification goes under the first card, first card, second cross bar, earth, air, past, future, and the stick. Will look similar to this.


o  T R. Robert Welling's photo.

o  6 Lines; up, down, right, left, forward, back. 6 lines. Which are often fashioned to appear to be snakes; snake is an insult regarding Dragon/the constellation Draco

o  Genesis the snake at the tree. Problem is in Sumerian the sentence structure makes it three threes plus Adams tree. Making the center of the garden square; identical to large Persian gardens which are supposedly a direct as close as they can remember of the garden of Eden.

o  The Futhark has long been associated with music and tones. The wedding song was originally written in Futhark and translated into Latin.

o  That relief directly connects Isis to Eve. Fruit, sphinx, trees. BTW did you know most likely based on lots of behavior patterns and said that Cleopatra and all the Ptolemaic line were Jews? Many Greek communities had large pockets of Jews. Nothing wrong with it; other than properly labeling something as x when it is x. Nothing good or bad about x, y, or z cultures.

o  Want further evidence of Isis and Ra being Jewish spellings for deity? Easy; I do mean easy.

o  Is Ra El

o  Is = Isis, standard Hieroglyphic translation.

o  Ra ; beyond easy translation.

o  El; in more than a dozen examples in Jewish writings, god/deity/etc. states refer to me as "The" or in that case "EL"

o  Is Ra El is Jacobs Title as King/Pharaoh.

o  Is Ra El; remove the space, uncapitalize the R and E, you get Israel.

o  Want further evidence of this same exact thing in Hebrew; that is also beyond easy.

o  Yahweh. Yah; female. Wey; male. combined into one word adds the "el" or "the" to part of grammar.

o  What healthy parent would not do close to anything to have their murdered child back? Easy answer; "anything" comes to mind. Well according to legend the parents knew god personally. So begging god to bring their son Able back from the dead; they knew how to do that. They did not need a church they knew the location of the garden first hand. So they go to the garden and beg and beg, etc. After Set kills Osiris, his wife Isis then reassembles the pieces, places him in a Djed. That pillar is used to construct a major temple in Byblos. Byblos is the city which millenia later was the primary source of paper for the construction of the Greek bible. The name of the bible comes from the name of that town. But Isis goes to Byblos and takes the Djed containing her husband’s body back home. Horus is a direct result. Osiris and Horus become the first Pharaohs of Egypt. Forget the fact that the definition for Pharaoh is "guardian of the long house" exactly the same definition as the title "Nazareth" yes the title the Romans gave Jesus. IT becomes stranger and more layered. both Nazareth and Pharaoh buried deep in their definitions is references to trees and life. But Osiris predates Narmer by hundreds if not more years. An extremely advanced societal structure was already up and operating by the time Narmer was born by pure religious and construction evidence. Brings one to start to question the pre-Narmer the Egyptians were not much of a culture. Sounds from just the mythology alone; layers and layers of complexity. which Narmer and his descendants worked very hard to erase. Why erase unless that complicated society was a threat. It would only be a threat if they had strength even hundreds of years after being conquered and divided. The Horus stolen by Narmer Noah flood recreation; took in a form of taxes mating pairs of animals from the farmers to provide for the "guardian of the long house" which after Narmer stole it. He turned it into a tax. A once beautiful ceremony a direct result of remembering the Flood/schema change from Canaanite to Monotheism was then corrupted and used to force the people to support their conqueror. Since those that collected the animals 2x2 as depicted on the Narmer Monolith; were direct descendants of Noah, it was more of a service to their deity the 2x2. After it was a drudgery; going from a gift to honor Noah, it became a nasty "I am taking what I want. I am your new Noah". Not even close to a nice thing to think about. The Horus ceremony was used for thousands of years and the date of said is still effecting us today. the Date of the Horus/Noah ceremony was just After the spring equinox or Easter. Easter would fall around April 15. Which is why Jesus was forced to be born in Bethlehem; that was where one of his parents was born. This exact same tax collection/Honor Noah and his sacrifice which honored Adam in a yet to be translated; which is why Jesus was born where he was. Also why just a few miles north same time of the month; Jesus had to come to his place of birth to both pay taxes and chat with those at the great facade temple of god. The real el Beth el is in Egypt; specifically the temple of Ptah in Memphis. Which he had no problem telling anyone who would listen. A very bad thing to destroy the illusion the Esau/Hyksos/descended Moses and his descendants spent 1000 plus years erasing that fact. The murdered Able/Osiris (yes talk about complicated; bouncing back and forth from Adam 6000 b.c.e to Narmer 3200 to Moses 1250 to Jesus 33 ce to modern April 15.) being a statistical match to the biblical story. Knowing Egypt had been invaded and partially conquered at 3800 b.c.e and again at 3500 b.c.e. directly shows evidence of the change and manipulation of names, places, occurrences, etc. as to what occurred. Isis in this case is associated with both Eve and Ables wife; but in religious behavior patterns simplifying and compression editing is so standard an action it is almost a mathematical certainty that things have been compressed and need to be reexamined and expanded back to what they used to be. Exact example of this; Mary Madeleine appears a few paragraphs after a whore asks Jesus to forgive her and she will be a devoted servant to his cause. He helps her. A few paragraphs later Mary is introduced and Jesus and mary start to interact with each other. One of the popes forced an edit making Mary and the whore one in the same. http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~lcrew/joyanyway/joy70.html  I think it was Pope Gregory I; who edited that portion. Isis resurrects her husband and they have Horus. Horus becomes the second Pharaoh of Egypt. Of course the definition of Egypt is where ever the main tabernacle is located. Which Previous to el Beth el aka Memphis aka Temple of Ptah; the tabernacle was a tent the Jews moved as they migrated and or pushed by some conqueror or another. Evidence of said can be found in upper Egypt where a huge collection of massive sized tents can still be seen; although only the post support holes for the main timbers can still be seen. Which is how the name Mem became the Sumerian to Hieroglyphic name for Abraham. Although he was not called “the all father” till at the end of his life or decades later. When Jacob renamed Luz to the city dedicated to pharaoh Mem or in Greek Memphis; phis being the sacred city of x person. What does this have to do with that ankh type device; the ankh is the giver and provider of life from deity to humans. I find the theme of most of these portions is “resurrection” and how conquers can edit to not make it sound like what the truth is. Able, Narmer, Pharaohs, Mummies, Moses, Jesus; they have one common theme resurrection of the dead back to life. Later cultures hating this theme and changing it to hide the details. Has anyone else noticed the Djed http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4778934016082485&w=155&h=188&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7 http://solargeometry.com/images/Djed.gif used to resurrect Osiris and a tesla coilhttp://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4562029598344553&pid=1.7 http://blogs.cas.suffolk.edu/bpompilio/files/2011/05/tesla_coil-t30.jpglook extremely similar (minus a few structural differences).  Of course the temple in Jerusalem is not what a tabernacle looked like; that is an Esau line descendant Zerubbabel traditional view of their temple to god. But not Jacob’s line. Jacobs line temple is vertical not horizontal. Although the Kaaba  is correctly at least mildly similar to the Jacob tabernacle. Having three floors plus a roof; of course the Jacob line tabernacle has a megalith of wood on the roof. Similar ideas but one is laid out flat, the other has several floors. Of course the reason for the vertical was not shared with Esau’s line. The need for the vertical is what the building Adam built in the Garden of Eden (by legend) was to construct the weave of time. Each floor being tasked with a specific purpose in the creation of the weave/carpet of time. But that requires an understanding of Sumerian. And filling back in the edited down from huge to a few sentences in the first few chapters of genesis 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” Tree one life, tree two knowledge, three tree good and evil, tree four construction/infrastructure” the three trees have balance; hence 6 lines but actually only 3, but positive and negative aspects of each line, makes 6. So in a very real effect the ankh and that Sistrum are later conquerors representations for the garden of Eden, the Ætt, the Futhark, and the weave of time from which Adam as guardian was put in charge of.

o  The best the most efficient way to hide something important is to place that item into someone else which the conqueror will not figure out what it is. A musical instrument works great to hide things in plane site.

·     Noah

o  Problem; in Indo-European language the word for flood and the world for a paradigm change are similar but at base very different.

o  if it was water it would be a word based on Isa

o  so Noah's flood could be Noah's Laguz. which means a sea change in the way the culture responded. Like when Constantine converted to Christianity. that was a Laguz change. instead of open season on all Christians; the entire culture change to ok no violence cooperation and convergence.


·     Guardian of the long house

o  Nazareth

o  Pharaoh

o  Israel

o  There are two guardians;

§  one outside the temple, to guard the temple itself.

§  One inside to guard and work with the inside of the temple.  The trees inside. And work on the weave of time.



·     The only way to heaven is through me

o  A phrase which has been so twisted and edited by conquers it has close to no  meaning anymore.

o  Jesus was a Jacob line descendant. He was attempting to separate the Esau elements from Judaism and bring back the ceremonies of pre-exodus.

o  Since Moses and his descendants did a remarkably great job at removing as much of the pre-Exodus ceremonies as possible.

o  Through me was supposed to mean; you can only follow the teachings of Jacobs line. You cannot achieve if you follow Esau’s line.

o  Jesus was elected to be the next Pharaoh of Jacobs line. When Cleopatra’s son died in exile in Northumberland. At least according to the legend Augustus created. He told her detractors she was dead; he told her supporters where he exiled her too.


·     Stonehenge; electrical generator, and space elevator.

·     All megaliths were pads for the space elevators. Which means the People of Kaern had the ability to literally travel between continents in hours.

·     Ka er n; Kannaz, Ewaz, Rn;








·     energy source

o  monopolar energy source. They have bipolar as well

o  the design of the Khufu pyramid created/generates electricity

§  do soundings inside and you can change the voltage and polarity

o  his tesla coil came from Jacobs ladder tech

o  how what is Jacobs ladder gen 28 10 was a real one

o  what if that ladder was made of copper, allowing ascension and descension using push push and pull pull

·     the elevator itself

o  maybe four lines. With different polarity extensions; which also increase the speed to the ascension. Decreasing the speed of the dissension.

o  Four lines would also for a much more stable capsule.

o  An on the square.






·     Here are the facts

o  Khufu generates electricity all by itself

o  Khufu is partially destroyed from the original design; but still generates electricity

o  Jewelry from 3200 b.c.e proves the Egyptians took meteorites, pounded them into sheets, rolled the sheet into toobs, would put string in the toob, would then use the strung toobs to create jewelry from, those that could afford would then wear.

o  Meteorites are magnetic

o  A maglev system makes no difference how much weight is being pushed. The more electricity the more weight pushed.

o  Jacobs ladder for centuries has been known; place two wires close, an electrical arc would bridge the gap, the spark would then ride up to the end of the wires.


·     how to make a space ladder

o  using the most basic of electro-magnetics rules

o  create a capsule(for lack of a better term) have it connected to wires 2 or 4 depending

o  the wires send up charge of x polarity

o  the capsule creates opposite charge with an arch directed down.

o  that is a Jacobs ladder

o  e.g. arch welding

·     Get the elevator up

o  This entire system requires just one elevator to in a very real way Hindu rope trick rises up. Psychological examination of a younger culture emulating what they see without understanding what it is.

o  Now with poles it is possible to simply raise the platform above the ground as much as the scaffolding will allow.

o  But after a certain amount of raising; the rest of the device will have to be put into place using its own infrastructure to keep it up.

o  But since it is based on the Shu/pyramid of the base. The walls of the pyramid itself in this case 500 to 700 feet can be laid out.

o  The capsule then rises up based on the electricity of the already present four guide strings with magnetic rolled material around.

o  The basics can rise up around a few hundred feet.

o  The bottom or off the side can hang 700 feet from the top of the pyramid to the current top of the prebuilt guide wires

o  Then use the electricity to maintain at least a semi stable place on top of the guide wires.

o  Tying the loose string to the top of the electrified guide wire.

o  Thus making the electrified guide wire at least 700 to 1400 feet tall.

o  the capsule if stable enough can lower a string to the ground and haul up the next segment of 1400 feet plus at least 700 hanging off the pyramid and about 200 feet from the pyramid.

o  Each time the capsule rises it can go up by the area between the bottom of the capsule to the top then add 700 feet.

o  Which does not seem like much in the beginning. But after the 2000 feet is attached.

o  All the segments become more than double in length.

o  Depending in experiment. It is possible for carefully coiled guide wires to be set out so that it will only take a matter of a few attachments in order to get the necessary 80 to 120 miles of string and wire up.

o  In truth it is not logically possible to haul up to the capsule a string with attached metal of several miles long. Since it would weigh a considerable amount; that would require specialized lifting capacity in order to haul the next sequences and segments up.

o  It is possible, it just takes extremely careful planning and organization. The ground operations would have to allow for 120 miles times four of material to be mostly laid out, but laid out in such a way as to allow for the strings to be both hauled up to be attached and to be light enough to either haul or attach to the bottom to allow additional segments to travel up the ladder till geosynchronous orbit is obtained.

o  Of course; you could simply have 120 mile long string and corresponding metal in one complete unit. Slowly increasing the electricity to pull more and more of the string into orbit; using the capsule as a keep the same distance between the four strings constant. That way the arc will remain; although the bend at the top will make that beyond extremely difficult unless the metal segments have sufficient room built in to allow for a 90 degree bend.

o  Or have the base attachment be the area were the next portion is added. Two to keep vertical hold, two to add the next segment of string.

o  Each bow or arc of electricity pushing the capsule farther and farther up.

o  Even if the attachment at the bottom is only a few hundred feet to 1000. Build breaks into the system to allow for bending.

o  Or have several guide wire capsules or just one capsule with a very long support separator every x feet to maintain the proper distance of the strings as the height goes up.

o  But once the number of different ways the best is found. Once one ladder reaches geosynchronous orbit. The rest are easy.

o  Just build a set of four strings.

§  Lay them out straight.

§  When the next capsule goes up. Attach to the outside.

§  Upon reaching orbit. The planet’s rotation will push the guide wires west.

§  Once the proper location is found. In this case Libya had a megalith.

·     Have to remember the tilt of the earth in orbit; winter hard tilt, summer less of a tilt. That tilt will have an effect on the strings moving up

§  Attach the four new strings to the old with the ends like Nut; feet at Giza, hands at Libya.

§  Thus the start of the network/web/grid the Mayan talked about.



·     Yr Hen Ogle dd

·     Amenhotep iv

o  The family name is a very close representative of this idea.


·     Shangri la


·     The Egyptian pantheon

o  Many of the gods in the Egyptian pantheon are different cultures names for the same thing. But divine being does not mean what we assume divine being means.

o  The pre-Exodus cultures had a very different view of language then we do.

o  They had access to languages which went back from 1000s of years. Those languages were direct descendants of Indo-European language. So all that information was common knowledge.

o  It was not till after the Exodus and the Vatican forced European dark age that the common understanding for ancient words changed.

o  Divine does not mean god; despite what linguistics tells us. But linguistics is also directly from the Vatican as all forms of modern academics; so in a very real way what we know about the world for the first several hundred years academics was allowed back by the Vatican. All research subjects had to pass through the Vatican approval board before the scholar was allowed to study x subject.

o  The Vatican was not shy about killing anyone or anything which they deemed a threat to their power base. So the definition for Divine and the definition for god became the same.

o  Which lead directly to hard linguistic proof the concept of all those ancient cultures were inferior to modern culture because they mostly all were polytheistic. Which is not true by a very long list of mistranslated evidence.

o  The ancients simply had an extremely advanced understanding of electro-magnetics and wrote about it. the problem is; even as of 2013 November 8th. Modern understating’s of Electricity and electro-magnetics are still by comparison in elementary school.


·      Ice Age

o  Way back it was common to see cities being by sled, ropes, pulleys, etc. up and down ice.


o  So moving up and down a 51’ angle was nothing to the people of 3000 b.c.e.

o  There were still cities up on last bit of ice.


o  So up to heaven became a thing.

o  Let along the highways needed in order to have trade as the ice slowly retreated.


o  The Odin Rite thing and the elevating the pharaohs body by pulleys and levers thing could be a direct result of the cities up on the ice.


o  The whole spaceman thing; if you have cities just shy of 13,000 feet straight up from you standing a quarter mile away from the face of a glacier. The entire city is up there. They want to trade with you, you want to trade with them. But 13,000 feet up; that is a dangerous place to be. Especially since it is in the height regarding the air starts to become very thin.


o  So ramps up to heaven

o  Ramps down from heaven


o  So this is carried into the new monotheistic religion


o  The top floor was a ramp designed for a person to experience the trip up to and down from heaven. With a megalith on the roof.


o  Which is reminiscent of the third floor Adam built in his tabernacle, around the tree of building.

o  Adam would need to have a way into the leaves and branches in order to find the correct ingredients to build what which was nessessary.


o  So the ramp in the subterranean chamber, the ramp of the grand gallery, a few other ramps.

o  All which are used the same way were a reflection of both ascending and descending from heaven and Adam performing his guardian of the garden tasks. Using the ramp built into the third floor and the megalith on top in order to successfully weave the carpet of life.


·     Brigadoon


·     Nut in the dawn dusk sky


o  In the string I started I provided an explanation as to if my theory is correct; if you looked up at dawn or dusk that symbol would be mostly clear overhead if you were standing somewhere between Sakkara and Giza. Think of looking up at Nut if Nut was a Space Elevator maglev system extending from say Giza to x and from say the Step   to z location. That symbol is close to what you might see.




o  The circle is both the sun and Ætt

o  The double parallel line hats; no reason for some ceremonies, the person wearing the hat/crown did not have some time of wires attached to be a literally walking Jacobs ladder for the crowd and religious ceremonies.


o  I am working on an idea regarding the double parallel hats/crowns they wore. Since little to no actual evidence of the costumes worn still exist. I am thinking those costumes  were destroyed because the conqueror hated what the costume represented. So if that is true; what if a costume for say any of the deities which had double parallel vertical lines could have been in some way real working Jacobs ladders. Talk about a spectacle for the crowd; sound, light,   motion, the blue color, etc. if the pharaoh or priest walked through the crowd with a working Jacobs ladder on their head the masses would not question their connection to deity for a millisecond. Every incentive in the world to emulate the space ladder if this theory is correct; beyond every incentive for the conqueror to destroy it. Destroying the ladder in effect makes the previous bleed. If they are so powerful how did I destroy their crown? Make god bleed turns the schema to the conqueror.

o  The deities with circles. What makes us think the circle was not actually a sphere? the sphere would be the thing in between the parallel lines aka Jacobs ladder. above the arc is a zero gravity sphere. Or in Futhark an AEtt.


o  The sphere/circle above Aten's aka Amenhotep IV head his wife being the holder of the double parallel lines; caught my attention. In truth the tool is only as effective as the method of use. Using the created AEtt is far stronger than just showing you can create an arc.

·     Eridu conquered by Terah of Ur

·     Taking the ladder with them

o  By legend the Eridu ziggurat had something attacked to the top. My idea/theory is that the thing on top was a space maglev.

o  But when they razed the building; they took it and the elevator with them. Since the elevator was attacked to a grid; they could not pull it down or destroy it. they could only drag with it them. They did not want to leave it behind; the entire purpose for the razzing was to destroy the connection to the maglev system. To make sure the enemy did not have direct access to god.

o  So they had to drag the elevator with them.


·     Taking the ladder to Egypt

o  Abraham was either placed in charge of the elevator or the elevator was handed over to other more powerful Semitic leaders.

o  His grandson Jacob was given the elevator when he was elevated to pharaoh or Egypt. Given the title of Israel.

o  After Jacob was crowned Pharaoh; he was given the ladder. Which he placed on top of a remodeled Giza plateau.

·     Remodeling the megaliths at Giza

o  Remodeling takes a great deal of work.


·     Dragon aka Polaris

o  Each of the megaliths used Polaris to orient too.

o  But then Polaris was the constellation Draco or in English Dragon

o  So in ancient writings; references to dragon are references to the megaliths.

o  The megaliths had very special significance.

o  Some of the megaliths could have and some evidence suggests did have space elevators attached.


·     Stonehenge

o  Each of the times Egypt was invaded

o  4000

o  3800

o  3500

o  3200

o  2800

o  2100

o  1550

o  1320

o  1250

o  There was an equal and opposite serge which lasted for hundreds of years at Salisbury.

o  Every time Egypt was invaded and major changes to the megaliths which are where the pyramids are now. the builders or the megaliths simply moved away from the fighting and rebuilt what they had in Egypt somewhere else.

·     Israel

o  Is; is the ancient Egyptian way to spell Isis. As in a feminine deity; as in the electro-magnetics polarity of negative.

o  Ra; has been the spelling for the sun(amber) deity(in the sky) symbol a circle/Ætt

o  El

o  Same name different language as Yahweh.

·     The lands of Israel

o  One major problem with the lands of Israel; the Israelites have been pushed around more than a few times by conquerors. So Israel is both a specific location (the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza) and where the conquerors pushed the children of Abraham that decade.

o  Consequently the tents of the Semitic people have had to move several times.

o  Making more than one Israel.

o  Black lands points not to skin color or the soil color. But those of the west. The west being opposite of the symbolic sun. Fire east, water black west. Plus life comes from the east from the sun. So metaphoric if the life comes from the east death has to be in the west. Hence Necropolis. Black peoples is an insulting reference to the Noachite ritual regarding honoring their very long dead leaders. Noah and  Adam.

o  Yes the soil color is black but that is only a secondary issue. more of a oh yes the soil is black too.

o  The Hebrews did not exist as a culture till after Moses. all the rituals, names, dates, etc. were systematically erased when Moses did his nasty actions against those of Jacobs line. He wrote the history and his cousin by DNA and adopted brother Ramses decided together that he would erase any and all traces of the Israelites in Egypt (ha ha; if you know what Egypt means. Temple of Ptah Memphis aka Luz) and rename Levant Israel. Moses and his descendants did everything in their power to erase all traces of Egypt from the Israelites. Languages, ceremonies, dates, customs, etc. Ramses in Egypt was hard at work doing exactly the same thing. Erasing languages, ceremonies, dates, customs, monuments, changing the names of cities, areas, etc. to erase the Jews presence as a major force for 3000 years in Egypt. Although Narmer himself married a Jewish high priestess from the temple of Heliopolis after he conquered the culture of course. Making All the pharaohs from Narmer's son down half Jews. Of course that name and word would not exist till Jacobs fourth son was born and Hebrew was invented about 100 years give or take after the exodus.

o  The ceremonies Moses and Ramses hid with extreme prejudice are in fact still at least semi-intact. Those ceremonies can be found in the Egyptian book of the dead; the Hyksos version. Which means the book of the dead which inspired Moses an Esau line descended Hyksos with the 10 commandments.

o  Another major problem; the 10 commandments was written in Indo-European language  not Hebrew or Aramaic. They were not invented yet.

o  I can back that sentence “the 10 commandments was written in Indo-European language” up with hard fact. The hard facts are; that every single Hebrew character was created using the Futhark circle as a scaffold. So in a very real and hard evidence examination; every letter in Hebrew is at least 8 different words in Futhark. Makes the bible the TARDIS; profoundly larger on the inside than on the outside.  But the language used would not have been Hieroglyphics, or Sumerian(outlawed), or Akkadian(also outlawed), so the only language left would be Indo-European language. The language of Adam. We know the earliest example of Indo-European language after the cave paintings of Europe was in the Vinča culture; circa 6000 b.c.e. which means that was the only language possible to be used. Which after all that work to erase the past; would have angered Moses to no end, which would be one of the major reasons he chose to destroy the evidence of something he spent decades destroying. Now one more example of something he worked his entire life to destroy. Hence the coming of the mountain, finding the Jews trying desperately to recreate their ancient Adam ceremonies. Moses simply lost control over his temper destroying both the 10 commandments written in a language he hated and the symbol of Adam.

o  TARDIS; Time and Relative Dimension In Space. “In” the  beginning being a very powerful word and for Plural Mathematics the 0 of the Ætt. Is larger on the inside than on the outside. All fiction by mathematical evidence has grains of truth. This is what we know as a matter of hard fact. Several waves of Egyptians before and during conflicts escaped to the UK. Princess Alba circa 1550, Meritaten circa 1330, various other waves before and after. Cleopatra by buried code was exiled by her son in law to Northumberland. By many cultures laws he could not kill her; but he could exile her and claim she committed suicide. Her detractors would love that, and he left a code in to tell her supporters and her Egyptian people she was alive and living in exile in Northumberland. Same exact pattern used millennia before when a similar high priestess/leader/pharaoh was dethroned and exiled; Medusa. Medusa was conquered by an Esau/Hyksos invasion force; which came directly from Egypt, although decades or hundreds of years after they first set off to conquer the Middle East. You do not kill the head of the church/King/Queens; you exile them and then create really nasty stories to discourage followers from bringing that person back to power. The People of Kaern who built the megaliths in Egypt escaped when a culture invaded circa 3800 b.c.e; which is when a wave of construction started at Salisbury. Another wave started at 3500 when another invader hit Egypt. Another wave of construction at Salisbury circa Narmer. Previous to the pyramids remodeling process Giza used to look a great deal like Stonehenge (the evidence is clear but the cultural acceptance is difficult to perceive that as a statistical fact). Although the bible clearly states “the rocks at the light place” the Rocks are the megalith and the light place is the ancient Jewish insult for the People of Kaern’s monuments which measured with subatomic accuracy C. As in the flows and speed of light as in light 186,000 miles per second; the Futhark is a direct result of measuring too and from the fixed points of this planets orbit. Which means the Futhark mathematics the bible is based from follows the basic rules of math, which the single number line breaks the basic rules of math when it comes to measuring C. Making the plural number line by hard evidence the most powerful mathematics we know so far, and the single number line a +b = c close to junk. Metaphorically speaking the single number line is a standard to substandard horse while the Plural Number line and resulting math can be compared to either a formula one race car/a Lamborghini/a Rolls Royce/a jet/or a rocket. But perception is everything; if a culture cannot deal with the truth they force the illusion to be truth; with violent opposition to anyone who states the truth versus their illusions. The blue box many aspects of both Egyptian and Celtic cultures use the color blue as a religious color. Dark blue is also a metaphoric example of death. The Tardis itself is a fictionalized version of a megalith. The light place Jacob was at when he remodeled a megalith into his ladder.

o  The title the Dr Who is a valid reference very hidden behind layers of cultural illusions can be seen as being a connection to the definition of Hotep or even Imhotep. Which means healer and Master Healer respectively. What is being healed is another question. But more than a few conquest cultures have viewed the medical/healing/intellectual pursuits in the worst light possible. They are usually killed immediately after the politicians/lawyers; usually in very nasty tortuous ways. So in a very real way those that work with and or around ideas and death are referred to with some type of black metaphorical reference.

o  The black lands reference is the Futhark is designed based on watching the cycles of nature. A true and evidence based examination of the cycles of nature itself. Patriarchal society does not like feeling they  are not the dominant and most powerful. So anything which questions their power including nature itself is subject to attack and conquest. Since nature cannot be combatted; it can be insulted, ridiculed, degraded, and as much of its power erased as possible. So a language which is based on measuring to and from fixed points of time is also something which measures birth, life, and DEATH cycles. Death cycles is what the conqueror focuses on. The Death cycles of nature. Death and black become linked as one in the same. West, death, black, black lands, people of the black/death lands(Sakkara necropolis).

o  The Sakkara necropolis did not start off as a cemetery; that occurred over centuries. The necropolis started as a 64’ library/school and apartment complex which when the doors were sealed became an almost impenetrable fortress. Which was also extremely difficult to find. Since the culture Narmer conquered were not allowed an army; they had to find protection or find ways to protect themselves. So an entire population living underground; where the dead are buried. Dead are buried in the ground. An entire population which had for a 1000s years had a death rite as part of their religion. Had a 2000 year old other death rite which the 1000s year old rite was in large part based on.

o  The yet to be called Jews their culture was entirely surrounded by death things, ceremonies, language, living conditions, etc. with a dozen direct black, death, etc. as part of their culture it became close to impossible not to associate the yet to be called Jews with the name west/black peoples. Having not a single thing to do with their skin color.

o  Paul versus Jesus

§  Based on evidence Paul; not Saul was an Esau line descended infiltrator/cancer. I have little to 0 respect for that man; neither did Simon Pete, James, or any other of the Apostles by their own hand reference the Dead sea scrolls the was called "the evil priest" by them on almost all occasions.

·     Plural Number line or one Ætt.

o  In the; center 0

o  Heaven; up Uruz

o  Earth; down Thurasaz

o  Flow over the waters; water is a combination of four elements. Earth = Hydrogen, air = Oxygen, Fire = a catalyst to combine hydrogen and oxygen, into water.

§  Earth South; Back Raido

§  Air North; Forward Ansuz

§  Fire East; Right Kannaz

§  Water West; Left Gebo

o  Wunjo the end of the first two sentences

o  Haggalaz; separate the air from the firmament

o  Nauthiez; light

o  Isa

Welling Mathematics 

Symbolic Science

101 first lessons

Symbolic Physics

Vibration Alignment Electro-Magnetic sphere

Symbolic Midgard

Rules of Motion

Map of universe 

Rule and guidelines of how symbolic science works

6.  Symbolic Science Erdology mathematics/ Arithmetic , how the math was developed was in part by way of map making and figuring out how the

a.   Feminine count, this is where the counting starts with the Fehu, this is taken into account of everything is connected on a much greater scale.  As you casn see easily by the sheer facts of the 1-24 that the entire numbering system is the femining count is about starting from a placemtn holder.  The placemtn tholder in this case is similar to that of a the first century, or instead of calling a 1 year old after more then 12 gregorian months of life, the first year is about calling the first year the first year.  The feminine count is about the small details of what is imporntat from the get go.  So these definitions are all about the first beginnings of where things actually begin.  All the definitions have a preface of being in the

1.      Fehu Fehu: the priorities of the first priorities

2.      Fehu Uruz: the priorities of stregnth

3.      Fehu Thurasaz:  the priorities of boudareis

4.      Fehu Ansuz: the priorities of communication

5.      Fehu Raido: the priorities of jounrey

6.      Fehu Kannaz: the priorities of learning

7.      Fehu Gebo: the priorities of partnerships

8.      Fehu Wunjo: the priorities of emotional connections

9.      Fehu Haggalaz: the priorities of past

10.  Fehu Nauthiez: the priorities of present

11.  Fehu Isa: the priorities of future

12.  Fehu Jera: the priorities of time/cycles

13.  Fehu Eiwaz: the priorities of creation

14.  Fehu Pertho: the priorities of machine

15.  Fehu Alhaz: the priorities of awareness

16.  Fehu Sowillo: the priorities of knowledge

17.  Fehu Tiwaz: the priorities of directoion

18.  Fehu Bircano: the priorities of growth

19.  Fehu Ewaz: the priorities of movemetn

20.  Fehu Mannaz: the priorities of self

21.  Fehu Laguz: the priorities of motion

22.  Fehu Ingwaz: the priorities of th small details

23.  Fehu Othallo: the priorities of stability

24.  Fehu Daggaz: the priorities of end of sequence

25.  Uruz Fehu: the strength of priorities

26.  Uruz Uruz: the strength of strength

27.  Uruz Thurasaz:  the strength of boundraies

28.  Uruz Ansuz: the strength of communication

29.  Uruz Raido: the strength of journey

30.  Uruz Kannaz: the strength of wisdom

31.  Uruz Gebo: the strength of partnerships

32.  Uruz Wunjo: the strength of emotional connections

33.  Uruz Haggalaz: the strength of past

34.  Uruz Nauthiez: the strength of present

35.  Uruz Isa: the strength of future

36.  Uruz Jera: the strength of timing/cycles

37.  Uruz Eiwaz: the strength of creation

38.  Uruz Pertho: the strength of machines

39.  Uruz Alhaz: the strength of awareness

40.  Uruz Sowillo: the strength of knowledge

41.  Uruz Tiwaz: the strength of direction

42.  Uruz Bircano: the strength of growth

43.  Uruz Ewaz: the strength of movement

44.  Uruz Mannaz: the strength of self

45.  Uruz Laguz: the strength of motion

46.  Uruz Ingwaz: the strength of small details

47.  Uruz Othallo: the strength of stability

48.  Uruz Daggaz: the strength of end of sequence.

49.  and so it goes, Thurasaz Fehu, the boundaries of priorities

50.  Ansuz Fehu, the communication of priorities

                        ii.            Masculine count, this is where the first set of number is standard, and the Fehu Fehu starts from their. 

                      iii.            Balanced count: this is where the 2 of the counts work together.  Now an important note here is to suggest that the feminine masculine and balanced have only one application is quite wrong, infact there are more then a few ways to apply these concepts to the counts.

1.      one way is

1.      the forward count masculine

2.      the reverse count feminine

3.      balance is the time and movement factors in the middle like the a b c counts of the column map, the a is forwards month, the b is where we are in current time frames, and the c is the reverse count down to the next cycle.

2.      then there is the

1.      masculine of the current count forward

2.      feminine of the reverses

3.      balance of how to put the counts together.  Where the cross over is, that is a count in itself.  How best to see this count in action is how to months are put together.  Litha is not at the beginning of the month but in the middle. Each of the other Sabbaths have their date in the middle of the month this accounts for the coming and going inside of all the rules of motion.

                      iv.            basic forward count

1.      Fehu:

2.      Uruz:

3.      Thurasaz:

4.      Ansuz:

5.      Raido:

6.      Kannaz:

7.      Gebo:

8.      Wunjo:

9.      Haggalaz:

10.  Nauthiez:

11.  Isa:

12.  Jera:

13.  Eiwaz:

14.  Pertho:

15.  Alhaz:

16.  Sowillo:

17.  Tiwaz:

18.  Bircano:

19.  Ewaz:

20.  Mannaz:

21.  Laguz:

22.  Ingwaz:

23.  Othallo:

24.  Daggaz:

                        v.            Basic reverse count: this whole concept came from the reverse definitions I could not understand till I reversed the idea and instead of going with a the opposite of priorities for Fehu, I though about the count down and then realized that the reverse did not mean Fehu but the count down was the reverse of Fehu was Daggaz. Is I reversed the flow of the sequence to see how the definitions would work in a reverse count down instead of building up order. So I applied those ideas to what I was working on and they fit.

1.      Daggaz

2.      Othallo:

3.      Ingwaz:

4.      Laguz:

5.      Mannaz:

6.      Ewaz:

7.      Bircano:

8.      Tiwaz:

9.      Sowillo:

10.  Alhaz:

11.  Pertho:

12.  Eiwaz:

13.  Jera:

14.  Isa:

15.  Nauthiez:

16.  Haggalaz:

17.  Wunjo:

18.  Gebo:

19.  Kannaz:

20.  Raido:

21.  Ansuz:

22.  Thurasaz:

23.  Uruz:

24.  Fehu:

                      vi.            Balance count: this is a harder one to explain since this is similar to the cycle of 

b.      Science:

                          i.            rules of how the science works.

1.      Fehu what are the item in questions priorities, what is its vibration, how does it move, the basic priorities to the item being questioned

2.      Uruz how does the item in question apply its strengths, 

3.      Thurasaz, what are the item in questions boundaries

4.      Ansuz: how does the item in question from inside of the isolation sphere of its own electro magnetics sphere communication with the outside world.

5.      Raido: how does the item in question travel around, what rules of motion does it have, for Erdology the rules are mostly Raido motion rules, but if it is not a biologic then how does it move using other forms and rules of motion

6.      Kannaz: how does this thing alter itself due to the changing and variable short wave interactions it has, in short how does it learn,

7.      Gebo: how does the item in question connect with its entire environment,

8.      Wunjo: how does the item in question connect and work with items that are of a similar vibration and or similar to itself, how does the item in question interact on a close in scale to those things that it is vibration not in tune with.

9.      Haggalaz: how does the item in question action and react to its past, how does it alter itself and interact differently over time to its surroundings.

10.  Nauthiez: how does the item in question act in the present, now this is a snap shot of the mili second that is being questioned

11.  Isa: how does the item in question over time alter itself to interact to its surroundings in an improved way.  How does the item in question alter itself to interact with its future motion to improve the way it interacts and applies its priorities in a better way over time.

12.  Jera: what is the extended counts of this item in question.  How does this item move according to the rules of motion, how does this item in question track time,

13.  Eiwaz how does the item in question reproduce, what is the items created, what is the item in questions way of waist disposal

14.  Pertho how does the item in question do with its offspring, or what does it doe with its waist, or how does it apply its creation to the world.

15.  Alhaz how does the item in question sense its surroundings, what eyes, ears, nose, taste, feel, 6th sense its surroundings.  How does it interact with its interaction, how does it go about paying attention to its surroundings, process of information,

16.  Sowillo how does the item in question learn long wave length higher vibration information processes, process greater depths of information, process greater depths of past, present future, planning, work on multilevel of timing and cycles

17.  Tiwaz how does the item in question aim itself, how does it do more complex motion, that is greater distance consepted.

18.  Bircano how does the item in question grow and expand past established boundaries sections of size progress.

19.  Ewaz how does the item in question be in sequence with the planet on its elliptical

20.  Mannaz how does the item in question reflect as to what it is and how it responds itself to the environment it lives in

21.  Laguz how does the item in question connect to the energy of life itself.  How does the item vibration interact with the planets own electro magnetics sphere.

22.  Ingwaz what is the exact make up of the item in questions internal structure.  And where does that structure fit into the realm of where everything else is also.  From quark all the way up to its place in the food chain.

23.  Othallo where does the item in question live.  What kind of structure does it make for itself in its living environment

24.  Daggaz what is the item in questions vibration?  How big it the electro magnetics sphere that the item in question has, how much energy does the item in question process, what I the in and what is the out for material, how strong is the boundary between the internal world of the item and the external world of all that is.

                        ii.            time progression: in any given object idea and or anything else. 

1.      Fehu Daggaz: the start and end of anything.  The first is starting with what are the priorities, the second is the what ist he start of the end count.  How will this end, as how will this start.

2.      Uruz Othallo: strength comes from a stability 

3.      Thurasaz Ingwaz: boundaries and the internal structure are linked and work together.

4.      Ansuz Laguz: senses only work if there is a wave length pattern available to have the eyes, ears, nose, throat, skin, mouth, third eye to work with.  Their has to be a way for wave lengths to travel through to use any sense

5.      Raido Mannaz: to travel around at all their needs to be the desire amoung that which is traveling to travel. Motion requires a need to do that action

6.      Kannaz Ewaz: to learn requires their to be motion involved with any and all things.  You see that when there is motion their needs to be the process of motion. Wave lengths of energy is what we learn from, what makes knowledge possible is the application of celestial motion.

7.      Gebo Bircano: to grow and all things requires their to be a bridge and or a connection in the gap between 2 separate items.

8.      Wunjo  Tiwaz: in all things a internal desire is what forses motion.

9.      Haggalaz Sowillo: to learn anything more complex then basic wave lengths around you, their has to be a processing of information from the past, several steps of motion have to be in place for their to be anything at all that in the realm of higher learning.

10.  Nauthiez Alhaz: the present and the senses alive with the now.  To see what is happening in the now their has to be an awareness of any and everything in the envirnoemtn around at that very specifici second in time.

11.  Isa Pertho: future and forward motion with the combination of mechanical application.  To plan anything in the future requires their to be a partnership with the building something that is part you but still is not you.

12.  Jera Eiwaz: the sequence and timing of anything is a partnership in both ways by the concept of creation.  Ceateion and the motion of time are so imtamatly connected that the whole of Jera Eiwaz and Eiwaz Jera balance each other out.  One is impossible without the other.  Creation coming and going is all about the motion of time.  There is no creation on this planet with out the understanding of time.

13.  Eiwaz Jera: the process of creation on this planet requires the internal cycles of time to work. There are 3 places in the sequences of Erdology that are key points.  Fehu Daggaz Daggaz Fehu and Eiwaz Jera Jera Eiwaz.  These 3 places are the keys to life on this planet.  And with out understanding these key points life anywhere else is simply not possible.  The first part the initial concept is layed down, the first connections are made, from this point on the balance, the other side of the coin is then brought into play, the connection is established, the harmonizing can now apply to that which is going on in this Erdology. The more things are similar the more they stay the same.  But this similarities is based on a harmoniezing and balancing between all the cycles.  Here the double count forward and reverse are the definition of balande, as the first dominates for what is needed, the second comes in behind and dominates to balance out what needs to happen.

14.  Pertho Isa to build a machine requires a sense of how to apply that machine too the world and what time is nessessary for one to actually thing about it, put the idea together, start the internal construction process, finnish the project, then present that information to the world.

15.  Alhaz Nauthiez: to see the outside world one needs to see the moment, slowingn everything down to the smallest of second is the key to working with the

16.  Sowillo Haggalaz: the long lengths of wave motions allow for the progress of time to have set the repeat wave motions of  any action comes back with a reaction. Ripples on a pond ripple back when they bounce off different objects.

17.  Tiwaz Wunjo: all direction is balanced by motion.

18.  Bircano Gebo: to allow growth their has to be a even greater balance of their is balance and harmony when it comes to the other side of the Eiwaz and Jera connection.

19.  Ewaz Kannaz: the motion of celestial bodies, and the ability to see and understand the motion.  The short wave length is a large part of what causes the initial application of knowing that you can see what is happening in the world around you. For the Kannaz light waves we humans can mostly see. Sowillo roygbiv is in side Sowillo but there is so much more to energy waves then what can be seen by our limited eyes.

20.  Mannaz Raido: the journey of a thousand miles may begin with the impulse to do the journey , but here is here the steps for completing the journey happen.

21.  Laguz Ansuz: the energy waves of all electro magnetics cycles and sequences, well in the beginning its was in interaction with them, here its allowing the electro magnetics patterns to affect you

22.  Ingwaz Thurasaz: in the beginning the internal structure needed boundaries, now the internal structure is the structure of the bouncdardies.

23.  Othallo Uruz: pure strength is the base of home and stability,

24.  Daggaz Fehu: the end of any and all cycles is a reprioritiizatioon of any and all things.

                      iii.            Measurements: the more I worked on the sciences part the more I realized that the ancients had to have a measure concept or they would simply not have been able to do any of the items they did.  So I choose to take apart what information I could gather about the meanings of their language, math, and science to find out from a symbolic format how they measured their world.  First off I had to figure out how they did their measurements.  What was small, what was big, and how did they go about making maps.  Since I figured map making was high on the list of things that during an ice age was rather high on the list of items that they would have to have made to survive.  

1.      The first thing I had to do was to categorize the what was used to do the measuring. My first thoughts where that they used the measurement devises that are all around them. The size of different objects, from the size of humans, to the size of animals around them, to the size of various plants, to the size of a variety of items. 

1.      The second thing that I used to understand their measurements concepts was, shadows.  They would have had to use shadows to measure out the stuff they left behind, so they would have had to use shadows.  Only trouble is that there is evidence they used to measure with shadows, time, and distance, the problem is that they would have quickly had to understand celestial mechanics, and celestial motion to work out the differences between the shadows of high noon Yule in present day Norway, and high noon Yule in the Mediterranean.  The lengths would have given away that the shape of the earth, and the size of the planet.  If they understood that, then why would have understood global position navigation very quickly around the time of 10,000 bce.  Which makes Symbolic Science Erdology math measurements more advanced then indo European math would be up till the middle of the 1500’s c. e.  which is more then 11,500 years later.  This fact amazed me, and then I understood how the ancients made the megaliths, they had a keen understanding of celestial motion, the earth sun and moon.

2.      the second thing I had to do was not only what was used to do the measuring but what was the measurements based on. Inches, meters, well I knew that they did not have those items so they had to use their surroundings to do the measuring.

3.      any and all things being measured my have their own specific measurement lengths.  Inches meters may not be accurate measurement devise, each thing may have its own measurements concepts.

4.      the items actually used to create the measurements of Symbolic Science Erdology.

1.      Fehu:

2.      Uruz: 4 legged animals

3.      Thurasaz: caves, enclosed structures, electro magnetics spheres,

4.      Ansuz:

5.      Raido: the gate of any animal, 2 4 legs

6.      Kannaz: the length of short wave light patterns, fire light for example

7.      Gebo:

8.      Wunjo:

9.      Haggalaz:

10.  Nauthiez:

11.  Isa: glaciers, height, width, breadth,

12.  Jera: the movement of time, humans, animals, insects, plants, seasons, moon, sun, earth,

13.  Eiwaz: creation cycles.

14.  Pertho:

15.  Alhaz:

16.  Sowillo: long light wave length, the length of long wave lengths.

17.  Tiwaz: the measurements of motion.

18.  Bircano: trees, large plants

19.  Ewaz: celestial body motions, the planets, stars, sun, moon, all of those movements.

20.  Mannaz: the size and shape of self actualized items.  Things that have the potential to be electro magnetics spheres of self actualizing,

21.  Laguz: the size and shape of water in various forms.

22.  Ingwaz: atomic structures, salt crystals for instance,

23.  Othallo: a basic home structure, the size and shape of homes, and stability structures.

24.  Daggaz: the planets, various measurements, atmosphere, the various layers, the circumference, the diameter, the orbit around the sun,

                      iv.            Navigation: this is one of my most favorite and profound keys to unlocking that the ancients really did have a science.  Because the ancient left tons of material behind regarding their navigational, seamanship, and Boatwright abilities.  But to have those items one must, absolutely, positively, and no other way around it, has to have language, math, and a form of science to be able to accomplish the goals that have been set out in what they did.  I mean really, can anyone honestly believe based on the evidence that was left behind that the ancients could have traveled to Antarctica and mapped Antarctica with out language to write out the map, math to calculate out time distance and geography, and a science to have processed enough information to actually have the generations to seaman taught how to sail first off to have the skills mastered over enough generations to have enough skill to circumnavigate. The skill levels require a progression of knowledge over several generations which means written and spoken language, which means formalized instruction, with means formalized education.  In other words a science.  Formalized education, formalized spoken and written language, formalized progression of information processes is the definition of a science.

1.      Fehu center: diameter of the very core of the motion.

2.      Uruz radius up/mast:

3.      Thurasaz radius down/keel:

4.      Ansuz radius right/starboard:

5.      Raido radius left/port:

6.      Kannaz radius forwards/bow:

7.      Gebo radius backwards/stern:

8.      Wunjo rules of motion: Where is the next step diameter

9.      Haggalaz center of where this has come from diameter:

10.  Nauthiez radius up:

11.  Isa radius down:

12.  Jera radius right:

13.  Eiwaz radius left:

14.  Pertho radius forwards:

15.  Alhaz radius backwards:

16.  Sowillo continuity line between past and present:

17.  Tiwaz diameter center of where the expanded next step is.  Or the step after the next step:

18.  Bircano radius up:

19.  Ewaz radius down:

20.  Mannaz radius right:

21.  Laguz radius left:

22.  Ingwaz radius forwards:

23.  Othallo radius backwards:

24.  Daggaz diameter the electro magnetics sphere of the past, present, future of any given object:

                        v.            Rules of motion: any, every, and all things in this world have motion attached to them.  The question is how does those things work, and what rules of motion governs the items in questions movement and motion rates, how fast, how slow, what mechanics does it use to move, how best does it operate, how does those speed interact with its environment, see any every and all things that are about this world have their own separated rules of motion.  Since everything in this world is made of energy, and energy never stops moving, the question we must ask and understand of our self is. If we understand the rules of motion for this world, then we can understand how to build correctly, we can understand how to go about interacting and now wasting motion energy trying to accomplish something that is inefficient when it comes to the rules of motion.

1.      Fehu: how does it move, what causes it to move.

2.      Uruz: how does it use motion to strengthen itself.

3.      Thurasaz: how does it use motion to give itself boundaries

4.      Ansuz:

5.      Raido:

6.      Kannaz:

7.      Gebo:

8.      Wunjo:

9.      Haggalaz:

10.  Nauthiez:

11.  Isa:

12.  Jera:

13.  Eiwaz:

14.  Pertho:

15.  Alhaz:

16.  Sowillo:

17.  Tiwaz:

18.  Bircano:

19.  Ewaz: celestial movement.  This is an interesting section since this is exactly the place, size condition, rules, regulation, and all aspects in concern with non of an earth or planetary rules of motion.  This is the movement rates that separate out the planetary items with the planetary things.  for instance the incredible things that humans at times are capable of well those incredible things are ruled and governed by this section.

20.  Mannaz:

21.  Laguz: magic, prayer, electro magnetic rules and regulations of how this whole thing works on an electro magnetics scale.  This is the electro magnetics machine is

22.  Ingwaz: atomic construction.  This section is about the mechanics and superstructure of how to go about the mechanics of making something from a quark all the way up to something bigger, but this is more of a road map for construction processes, this is the blue prints, not the actually making of the thing.  this is to make sure all  the nuts and bolts are in the correct places.  the harmony between the smallest to the largest

23.  Othallo: building and structures.  This section is all about the various concepts involved with construction and building of physical items.    This may be a larger structure then small molecular structures.

24.  Daggaz: planetary studies.  I think, this is about the ways and formats with in the framework of the overall symbolic sciences. I categorize this as planetary studies because this is the shape of a planetary electro magnetic pulse planetary studies is not exactly what I am talking about.  this is more celestial body balancing and harmonizing for the existence of anything has to be in harmony with its immediate surroundings, the area of the planet where it is located, the planet on its elliptical, the planet in its internal counts, the sun, and the solar system just to name but a few of the things in which are all involved with what happens and is included in Daggaz electro magnetics  spheres


8.  Symbolic Science Erdology: Erdology: the specific study in Symbolic Science of the earth itself. See if have found that the Symbolic Sciences have many different fields of study. Based on the happenings and goings on inside of a specific electro magnetics sphere.  Well the earth has its own electro magnetics sphere and all things of this earth are in a codependent vibration electro magnetics sphere aragment with each other.  So I call Erdology earth studies from the German for erd and the Latin for format of study and learning.  So Erdology was born out of understanding the Symbolic Science rules of  how electro magnetics spheres work.  Now the moon is also a part of our electro magnetics sphere, but mars is apart of its own electro magnetics sphere.  Although the solar system we are in has a specific vibration each of the spheres inside or planets inside of this solar system have their own separate and isolated electro magnetics spheres.  It gets a bit complex dealing with how an isolation electro magnetics sphere can work in conjunction with other isolated electro magnetics spheres but that is why its separate and Symbolic Science and Symbolic Science Erdology are separate entities. 



Measurement tool

You are clearly suffering from the same psychosis mark sometimes does. You jump so fast (knee jerk) at what is told to you; you do not do the scientific thing and investigate what the evidence is first. You need to have a clear identification of EVIDENCE before proceeding to knaw on that shoe leather. So before insulting me and degrading yourself to look like a useless fool. Why not do the science thing and find out before doing the same thing the religious do and insult what you do not understand yet!!!

Try it, you might like it, plus it is what an actual scientist does.

First the TOE is at base wrong. STOP!!! You are jumping again!!! It is wrong not because of the evidence, and such. It is wrong because the base tool used to MEASURE is wrong! The one and only one number one rule with no exception is the following. Science cannot operate period, point blank, end of story, end of discussion without a MEASURMENT TOOL! A single number line is completely inadequate in all aspects to measure the gathered evidence to TOE! Sorry but it is simply flat out inadequate to do the job. Evolution requires measuring the electromagnetic interactions of atoms. Sorry but a single number line can only use statistics of the secondary and other effects from the internal structure of electro-magnetics. So the base rules which run evolution, cannot be measured with a single number line. Consequently no matter how much evidence is gather, no accurate measurement device is present.

Now to your oh so subtle insult and degrading comment about Publishing. As I have stated many times before in the previous lists, I have no idea how to. I have 69 credit hours from UoP which do not count academically; they count for business and psychology but not at all for science. So I have no standing in the academic community. Plus I am so dyslexic I have trouble writing at that level. So if you want to put your money where your all so big egotistical mouth is; I challenge you to flat out help me publish!! Until you help me to publish my solid evidentiary findings; you have nothing further to say. Criticism can only extend to the point of a realistic answer. I have provided a reason I have not published. Help me to shut up (specifically about yelling at me on and about degrading me about not publishing)!




The single number line


Errors an mistakes with the single number line philosophy


Single number line

a single number line cannot identify or properly measure the following; small, fast, distance, electromagnetics, destination, gravity, anything outside of 60 miles up, etc. So since it is useless measuring those things; the atomic and subatomic aspects of evolution cannot be measured. So yes I did prove my point. If the tool for measuring is not accurate; there is no science. Telling me to do more work on my end leaving you with no work is the definition of insufficient backbone.












Next leap in technology measuring tool



The next leap in technology will require a measurement tool equal to the task.

Current technology is limited to the extreme when it comes to small, distance, above 60 miles, fast, electro-magnetics, etc. The single number line a+b=c is incapable of accurately and efficiently measuring beyond just a basic level.

To fix this error in mathematical format “those who forget the past are doomed to repeat” it is best to instead of reinventing the wheel to start from older designed wheels which are inherently better designed.

Both the megaliths aka Stonehenge and the Giza pyramids (built using the same mathematics and construction techniques) are built with mathematics and technology the modern world is incapable of duplicating on a small scale; 1/1 scale is absolutely impossible.

The best solution is to reverse engineer the mathematics the builders of both Stonehenge and the Giza pyramids used by examining the blue prints and layout patterns those ancient builders used.

The first problem in reverse engineering those this strange and ancient mathematics which is the base of the engineering used in the construction is the European dark ages assumptions of what is

Pseudo science and what is a valid critical examination science. The label Pseudo science has been placed on any number of items in which have been deemed by the powers that be inappropriate to study. Most things in electro-magnetics have proved to be a subject science and academics is uncomfortable with; therefore have been deemed has been placed on many an item. The field of electro-magnetics has never been properly assessed with an appropriate measurmnet tool. The single number line in no capable of measuring the intracute nature and rythems within the framework of electro-magnetics.

Instead of cursing the dark, create a better measurement tool to come into the light of wisdom.



·       Electro-magnetics; electro is the effects the interplay between positive, negative, and neutral particles. Magnetics; magnet is one thing, add an s making it plural or more than one magnet interacting. The rules and regulations of how magnets interact is what electro-magnetics is.


§  The language of hieroglyphics is more than a little based on the ancient Indo-European language or the language of the people of Kaern.

·     The ancient people of Kaern (the people of the stacked stones) were named that by later cultures because they were the builders of the megalithic structures from around the world.

·     To give honor an descriptions; people in hieroglyphics reliefs are depicted size equals station and honor.

·     The honor the giants are given in these reliefs shows the level of respect for those that hypothesis developed radically advanced electro-magnetics research and devices.

·     We know from science that put two very powerful or harmonically attuned magnets close to each other and a zero gravity sphere will be created.

·     It is entirely possible that the Egyptians were honoring the settlers from the tower of babble war in these pictures; while at the same time decrying the effects the Jews (pictorial according to hieroglyphic description midgets) did. Placing the Jews (pictorial according to hieroglyphic description midgets) as slaves at the feet of those that they did so much damage over some 2000 years.


§  The people of Kaern lived up. Which up does not mean north it could mean up in the sky.

§  Adding credibility to my hypothesis that the people living in the clouds experimented with electro-magnetics. The devises in their hands depict “giants” with similar devices in their hands.

§  These people are many times the size of the humans at their feet. “Lending credibility to the concept that the Jewish workers were half standard citizens. The Egyptians being of normal to hieroglyphic standards with same size as the Egyptian in the images. The giants were not actually physically giants just like the Jews people at the feet are not actually (pictorial according to hieroglyphic description) midgets.





o  http://www.lost-civilizations.net/ancient-egyptian-science-alchemy.html

o   The Eyes of the Sphinx, Erich Von Däniken

o   http://www.scribd.com/doc/26634088/Ancient-Egyptian-Wisdom-Magnetic-Energy



·     Psychology

o  Everything about to be introduced to you has to be passed through a filter of your educational, sociological, and family filters before it can achieve your own personal point of view

o  Consequently as you are introduced to the concept of the methodical tool of a plural number line. Everything you have ever been taught is based on the fact that there is only one kind of math and that math is based on a single number line

o  That single number line indoctrination makes little difference where it comes from. What matters is to work on first undoing the Pavlovian aka Conditioned response in which you have been trained to see and examine all evidence through.

o  Everything about to be introduced to you has to be passed through a filter of your educational, sociological, and family filters before it can achieve an interaction with your own personal point of view

o  Consequently you will be introduced to the concept of the methodical tool of a plural number line. Everything you have ever been taught is based on the fact that there is only one kind of math and that math is based on a single number line

o  That single number line indoctrination makes little difference where it comes from (covered in the history section). What matters is to work on first undoing the Pavlovian aka Conditioned Response in which you have been trained to see and examine all evidence through.

o  A conditioned response is at base a conditioning which occurs over the course of time, usually three months, in which in the most basic of examples. Dr Pavlov rang a bell as a specific time when feeding his dogs. After three months every time the dogs heard a bell ring they would start to salivate as if they were eating.

o  In science, all of western academics is based on creating not only CRs but layers of CRs.


o  So in order to input the possibility that the most basic of scientific tools, the single number line/ruler is insufficient for scientific examination; one must set aside the prejudices and CRs and see the evidence as it is.

o  The single number line is a sufficient tool for measuring most things humans can interact with. However it is a completely insufficient tool in all ways when compared to anything not in the human measurement parameters.


o  A conditioned response

o  Math and science ages

§  Every age of thought is marked by how things are both measured and interacted with. As each age of thought starts, the flaws are found, some flaws are fixed, other flaws are ignored, and finally the age is replace by a better set of laws which give better descriptions as to how the universe works.

§  The ages

·     Plural number line

o  People of Kaern

o  Who begat in successive conquests from external tribes

§  Proto-Canaanite

§  Vinča

§  Indus Harappa

§  Cycladic/Minoan/Cretan


o  All the previous used a plural number line until they were conquered. Either the conquered was not interested in advanced science, or the now defeated culture was not interested in giving its secrets over to the enemy now its overlord.

o  The largest culprit to the devaluation of math and science; patriarchal tribes. Tribes who’s base philosophy is geared toward pleasuring the people or man/men in charge.

o  Pleasure negates advancement's.

o  The Dorian’s, Greek's, Vedic, and Semitic tribes were all interested in pleasure and not advancements. The Dorian’s and Greek's became the foundations of the culture, philosophy, and sociological infrastructure which all western cultures are based on.

·     The single number line.

o  Greek's

o  Newton

o  Einstein

o  Hawking

·     Plural number line



·     Single number line

o  A single number line of course works by way of

o  How a single number line applies in standard fields of science

§  Everything is measured by way of its place on the number line.

§  When the object in question breaks the rules of the number line; usually the fault is directed toward the examiner not the measurement device itself.

§  One way the number line works; although nothing in this universe works by way of this single number line. It does on the other hand work on the plural or Cartesian x, y, z format. Which means every single number line is designed to be vague so it can be applied to every single different kind of motion possible. What happens when a wide variety of different things are moving not in concert to each other need to be measured, compared, and contrasted. The fault has always been directed at the examiner and or the examination process. The fault has never been applied to the vague and misleading single number line.

§  It is great because it is vague, it can be assumed to be directed at any given motion with the need to labeling such. But science is all about measuring from fixed points. Without proper identification; no fixed points are even vaguely possible.

§  This number line works great in its vague and misleading format; as long as what is being measured falls within the parameters of the single number line unchangeable parameters. Everything outside of those parameters cannot be measured; only statistically guessed at.


·     Errors in the single number line 

o  Something cannot be fixed unless it is properly identified.

o  The following items the single number line cannot be used to measure, only vague and misleading statistical analysis can be rendered. Extreme hot, cold, fast, slow, small, and of course other dimensions.

§  The single number line is not possible to measure these items because these items fall outside the strict parameters the single number line exists within.

o  Strict single number line parameters

§  What exactly are the strict parameters of the single number line?

§  There is no way of telling what the fixed parameters are when using the single number line to measure. Since the parameters of what is possible and what is not in regards to specifics; only general the single number line can do those things. It cannot do those other things. Other than extremes according to the point of view of the humans and mentioned above; no specific data exists as to what a single number can and cannot do.

§  Thus disqualifying a single number line from being taken seriously as a science tool. No fixed points, only vague it can do x but not y. What specifically are the x and y parameters; those questions are outside the realm of possible to answer.

o  Errors in theories

§  Darwin evolution


§   this is only incorrect when the idea it forced into the model of the single number liner. http://science.howstuffworks.com/magnet1.htm

·     Fixing the errors

o  Mathematics and science absolutely depend with 100% dependability measurement tools which work from 100% fixed points. Measure to and from fixed points.

§  Those fixed points might not be solid unchangeable fixed; as long as how those fixed points move is 100% dependable in how they move than a moving point becomes a moving fixed point.

§  For example every year winter will be cold and summer will be hot. However they are not 100% fixed; some years the winters are heavier than others, some summers are colder than others, some winters the standard winter conditions did not occur (hardly any snow storms at all, the temperature did not drop below freezing), etc. However those parameters are statistical oddities, the motions of those oddities can be calculated in.

§  It is of the most vital of importance no matter what fixes to the single number line are found; the fixed points to measure from must be identified as accurate fixed points and not political opinion fixed points.

o  What in nature can an accurate ruler be created to measure from any given fixed points.

§  The answer; look to nature to build and or rebuild fixed measurement points from.

§  Where to start looking.

·     One look to the past; no reason to work hard to in effect “reinvent the wheel” as the saying goes.

·     Two look to what areas ancient cultures did create some kind of measurement device and see fi what they left behind as clues to their math and science; the same pieces of evidence can be found in the natural cycles which was the only way they could have built a ruler and then a measurement device. ****

o  When each culture who knew of the plural number line mentioned above was conquered and the conqueror used a single number line to replace it. The replacement procedure can be backtracked and the plural number line can be rebuilt.

o  Take each conquest culture and analyze the devolution process from plural to singular.

§  Dorian’s’; were not interested in any kind of knowledge. The secrets of Linear A were all but erased. Inside the secrets of linear A were the secrets to the plural number line.

§  Greco-Romans: the Greek's and their city of Rome first cousins only helped to devolve the education of the Aegean. The Greco-Romans have been and will always been interested in being in charge. Since they could not control the population based on the plural, they destroyed the plural and “invented the single number line” wow what an accomplishment. Destroying means erasing math from both the books and the populations knowledge.

§  Side note

·     conspiracy’s; a group can want something and work in tandem to achieve it with no area for the definition of conspiring together or separately. We want and we conspire are two different things. Example several hundred people will choose to arrive at a theater at the same time to do a group activity; no conspiracy present. Just a group wanting individually the same outcome.

§  Vatican; power and control has been the driving force in Catholicism since Civis Romanus Paul woke up from his vision/dream and decided to found a church based on what he understood happened in that dream. The only room in all of Catholicism is the point of view of the leader of the church. The church’s stance from Paul to now is the single number line is a perfect tool; the parameters keep education down to a good thrive but not too far into science achievements.


o  How to fix the single number line


§  Take each cultures destruction technique and philosophical rules which govern its actions and undo the damage.


·     Ancient history

o  Ancient civilizations.

o  Ancient cultures solutions

·     Applying their solution to our modern world

o  How to rebuild the plural number line.


o  Fixing the single number line requires going back down to the basics of Occam the simplest answer is most likely the truth. So taking a note from Occam; we know everything in this universe depends on the careful balance maintained by the following motions. From sub-quark up to everything in the galaxy operates from the following rules of motion; push push, pull pull, neutral, size, shape, density, location, distance, voltage, etc.

o  We know that every single atom is not only built with these rules but everything that atom does is governed by them.

o  The only real solution is to discover and determine how those laws can be applied to the current format of mathematics western cultures have been using for at least the last 1200 years.



·     Plural number line

o  Everything listed below are fixed points. Each fixed point has a way in which can works with all the other fixed points.

o  The rules of the single number line in mathematics.

§  A single number line with a 0 in the middle, positive numbers on the right side (in most examples), and negative numbers on the left side of the number line.

§  Polarity speaking

·     Push is the motion of forward. Something happening; as opposed to something being done to it. Would equal +.

·     Pull is the motion of vacuum/>. Something being done to something, absorption. Would equal -.

·     Neutral is the motion of pure neutrality. Would equal both 0 and =; depending on if it was used on the number line or in an equation.

·     Size

·     Shape

·     Location

·     Distance



o  A magnet









§  Magnetic positive particles repel positive participles

§  Magnetic negative particles repel negative particles

§  Magnetic positive attract negative particles

§  Magnetic negative attract positive particles.

§  http://www.flantoons.co.uk/magnet-motor001.jpg

§  http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/4595-magnet-motor.html




o  The globe


§  http://spaceshipearth1.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/the-earths-orbit-1.jpg

§  Math and science cannot function without fixed points to measure too and from

§  The orbit provides 4 primary 2 part time and 2 secondary fixed pointes in which to measure from. Or in this case build a mathematics model from.

o  Push positive, pull negative,

§  Then to mathematic single number line by way of; push is the positive + side of the number line, pull is the negative side of the number line, and the neutral is the 0. How push push, pull pull, neutral translate to equations; +X{push} * +y {push}={0, neutral} +Z {push push} or +X {push} (+y{push}) ={0, neutral}  +Z{push}. - X{pull} * +y {push}={0, neutral} -XY {pull push}. - X{pull} * -y {pull}={0, neutral} +XY {push; reverse direction. Pull hard enough and the momentum changes.}

§  In the equations section; the motion which starts as push or pull is where the motions starts. Whatever happens to motion after is changing that motion. Be the motion neutral, push, or pull.

§  In physics the push push, pull pull, and neutral apply with the following laws of motion.

·     Objects at rest pull pull.

·     Neutral between the reactions

·     Objects in motion push push.

·     Equal and opposite reaction; -pull x -pull changes the momentum direction turning a polarity pull to a polarity push.

o  (Unless an external force is applied to it. Rule one, when that external force is applied the polarity changes)

·     However two separate magnets which only momentarily interact with each other have different rules of motion than when two or more magnets are forced to work together and eventually balance each other.

§  The polarity of the number lines

·     The polarity -pull number lines are as follows in order

o  Back,

o  Down,

o  left

·     The polarity push number line are as follows

o  Up

o  Forward

o  right

§  Now add the polarity lines of not just back and forward number line or in this case single number lines. But each number line of the seven act semi-independently. An - X{ backward pull } * +y {up push}={0, neutral. Neutral because any of the three negative lines does not mean the next variable has to be placed on the positive side of its number line balance area.} -XY {down or left (depending on what the variable is assigned too pull push}. - X{down line pull} * -y { backwards line pull}={0, neutral} +XY { forwards or up number line push +; reverse direction. Pull hard enough and the momentum changes, once the momentum changes the polarity of actions change.}.

§  Momentum of action; everything moves according to specific rules of polarity. Push is positive or action (going out and doing something), pull is negative or pulling within (staying in one location pulling in what is needed for that location). Each number line works with the same rules. Up is polarity toward vertical away from gravity polarity (push away from gravity). Down is vertical toward gravity (pull). Back or south to the equator push. Forward is north pull. West pull of the earth on its axis. East push the leading edge of the planet forward. Add more globe descriptions of orbit and ecliptic *


o  0

o  1

o  2

o  3

o  4

o  5

o  6

·     Ætt sphere

o  The plural number line works inside an Ætt. Adding a 7th floating number line to the equation set

o  How the Ætt works

§  each line would looking like this.




o  Push, pull, neutral

o  Center

o  Up

o  Down

o  Back

o  Forward

o  Left

o  Right

o  Destination/7th number line

·     Equations the 7th number line


o   2+2=4 ; _,_,_

§  Ok we all know the most basic of equations. 2+2=4; ok let us break this down a bit. The first digit _; this is a space which will later be filled in by A letter to mark it as a place to put any number. The + is also a place. _ is where you put the action. So you have a digit in character position one and a qualifier in character position 2. Now in the third character position you put the second B which represents any number. _, _ ,_ ,_ what goes above each _ is so the point. Let me be three year old about to touch a hot stove clear. Each of the _, _ ,_ ,_ in sequence is absolutely beyond any synapse of a doubt important!!!! Important is an understatement. Without proper character in what sequence identification all math is a useless waste of time.

§  Each . _, _ ,_ ,_ aka 2+2=4, aka A+B=C, has to be understand with 0 doubt; this operates in a unchangeable format. No matter you switch the characters this sequence and every equation sequence is locked in. 4=22+ might be some other equation but not this one. Every equation has its character sequences. Break those rules and not only is everything from that pen stoke incorrect, but the answer is incorrect as well.

§  All math is useless; unless each _, _ ,_ ,_ has an absolute defined action. Be it a number or variable a qualifier (+-*/; which itself are also in an unbreakable sequence.) or show your work area. Everything depends on absolutely consistent patterns with every single pen stroke of absolutely the most critical of importance. All math fails after an incorrect pen stroke. The answer is flat wrong after the incorrect pen stroke.
Now that the 2 year old touching a hot stove critical importance of math equations each character and each pen stroke how important each one is. Now we can get down to business.

§  As I pointed out last night and the graphic on my index page www.trwelling.org points out yes that is what the main orientation looks like in graphic format. Each line is a standard measured out single number line. But that single number line is not just a single number line what actions that single number line does is more important than the fact of it just being a single number line. What actions that specific thing represents in electro-magnetics is more important than the _, _ ,_ ,_ character identification. Because every line of equation be it a blank _, _ ,_ ,_ or 2+2=4 or A+B=C; where that _, _ ,_ ,_ is on what number line is more important. It is of absolute critical identification to know exactly what is moving, how, when, where, why, ….. of all its motions. Everything moves. If it all moves devising a measurement system based on tracking motion is the only logical choice. Tracking motion comes into the fray with how to track motion, what is moving and how it is being moved; push push, pull pull, neutral, size, shape, distance, location, voltage, etc. is what causes the motion. What causes the motion is an absolute assured of how to track the motions. If push push, pull pull, neutral, size, shape, distance, location, voltage, are an absolute guarantee as to what they are and how they do their thing that 10 fixed points in which to measure from.

§  Western math only has 1 fixed point that that is only a fixed point to measure from because it is the edited down remnace of the above map. The = is in previous mentioned 0s; it’s a bit more complicated but this is just day one Welling math. (technically speaking the last sentence was incorrect, but metaphorically at this stage true and accurate). I found an equation formula which measures exactly from 10 fixed points. Proving again a single number line with no true fixed points is not an accurate measurement tool. The 0 and the distance between the numbers varies depending on a number of different factors.

o  An equation sequence; _, _ ,_ ,_ aka 2+2=4, aka A+B=C. Breaking each sequence down to its base what character to what first, next, next, etc.

§  Start 1 A

§  Position 2 Qualifier +

§  Position 3 second variable

§  Position 4 =

§  Position 5 answer

o  A list of the basic equations




·     List of equation 

o  Translating single number line equations into plural number line equations.

·     Mapping

o  A single number line allows only for things to be on their specific location on the one number line.

o  On the other hand a plural number line allows for accurately comparing and contrasting the differing aspects of the motion each equation is tracking to be balanced with not only itself but with other equation of similar motion around it.








Welling Mathematics


Currently the entire world is suffering behind leaping forward in technology. Almost all modern technology is based on ideas which were on the drawing board in the 1950-60s’s. Since it is 2010 some five full decades later it is no wonder why almost all aspects of advanced technology has stalled out.


Solution is not to try and make the current math and science tools work better. The solution is to recognize the current restrictions and limitations in the areas of mathematics and science and address the crumbling foundation rather than attempting to keep remodeling the same internal structure.


Metaphorically speaking math and science keep trying to remodel the inside of the structure, when the structure itself is what needs rebuilding.


So in order to achieve the next leap forward in technology what is causing the restrictions must be identified and fixed.



The only way to properly identify the problems and seek solutions is to understand the structure in which modern mathematics and science came into being.

By taking a good look at the blue prints the metaphorical example of the building of math and science can be assessed as to what the structure looks like.

Cross examining each and every aspect of the blue print which created math and science will allow a road map of sorts.

The road map has provided in the past has always provided a good structure in which to do a proper investigation.


The easiest way to do build a blue print and or road map of how math and science were constructed is to start now and work backwards through each and every advancement in both fields.


This rebuild process is very similar to building a three dimensional puzzle. Every puzzle of sufficient complexity started out as road map sketch, then became a complicated blue print. Or in this case layers of blue prints each layer of complexity having its own sheet; descripting exactly what is where, and what to build at what point.

Each piece can be seen as a puzzle piece, each puzzle piece fits into the math and science blue print, which builds the road map or construction plans to make the paper plan into a physical reality.


Determining exactly what puzzle piece fits into the blue print or road map starts with now and working backwards. 20/20 hind sight is an awesome tool to see how something was built.

Reverse engineering based on what piece was gathered and put into place at what time.

Example what does Baseball and the Cuban Missile crisis have to do with each other. The anwer is a historically complicated set of puzzle pieces, which create a historical blue print, leading to the road map of history.


Mathematics and its creation history


Science and its creation history


Literacy and its creation history.


All the above have to be solved if the cultures on this planet want to advance with math and science.







Welling Mathematics A single number line


A single number line works by way of a very simple format.

Real numbers, whole numbers, and integers.

Real numbers are 1-10; which produces a basic set of numbers and allows for basic calculations. The 1-10 can most easily be associated with the application of the 10 fingers on our hands. The very beginning and basics of counting.


Whole numbers are 0-9, which the addition of the 0 allows for all complicated math to come.


Integers is where negative are added to the left of the 0 and all the numbers to the right of the 0 the aforementioned 1-9 become positive numbers. Positive numbers +1-+9; although that is highly redundant. What it looks like is



The mechanics of a single number line work as follows.



Welling Mathematics recreating measurement


A measurement devise must have fixed points in which to measure. A ruler is an awesome measurement tool; but it has major unbending limitations which must be taken into account when applying the tool.


A rulers limitations are as follows.

No fixed points, completely arbitrary inches or cms distant fixed points, no ability to measure on more than one plane at a time, no ability to measure electrical synapses (what is going on inside the, which causes the discharge i.e. electricity), little ability to understand let alone measure magnetospheres, etc.


Attempts to measure inside the brain with CAT, MRI, etc. end with fuzzy and hard to understand images. The electrical part of the brain is working at some speed just below 300,000 kms and circulation system is operating much slower. But they are able to work in synchronicity, side by side. Radically different parameters but they work together without missing a beat.


fixed points


To scientifically build a replacement for the single number line a study needs to be done which will search for as many different fixed points in our sphere of understanding in which to both study from and build a new measuring device from


One of the hardest aspects of any and all searches is to stop searching before the root is found. I could point out the fixed points of summer hot winter cold. But those are secondary effects from the occurrence of other fixed points. The fixed points of our orbit cause the thermodynamics of hot and cold.




The fixed points in nature are as follows

A magnet

The 8 fixed points in our orbit


Not fixed points

The decay of atoms







Math and Science ages


Mathematics especially has always had a very difficult and tenuous relationship with both the society and population. A society being the whole thing from the leadership to the lowest members; including groups and organizations in a society. A population being the individuals and the mob of any given society; individual sub-societies within any given large society.

Based on the evidence they left behind many ancient societies had a more warm and inviting relationship with their mathematicians and scientist. Modern cultures for a variety of reasons have had a very rocky relationship.


Part of the rockiness comes from the attitude religious leaders have with mathematicians and scientists.


Neolithic Revolution




Renaissance technology
British Agricultural Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Second Industrial Revolution
Atomic Age
Jet Age
Space Age
Information Age

Electro-Magnetic Age




Consequently what is acceptable during one age might not be acceptable in a previous or in the next age.

For example the Romans’ could have ushered in the industrial age in 57 ce when (thanks to the Alexandrian library) one of their thinkers thought up a steam engine.

But the population and the political infrastructure was completely unimpressed and strongly discouraged the invention. “What would we do with all the slaves.” Was the response back.




Welling Mathematics Structure


TRs Plural number line theory


TRs Plural number line works by way of a strict adherence to the applications of Hierarchal actions, polarity, and the basic rules of physics.


The basic rules are as follows

·     Hierarchal lines

o  Down

o  Back

o  Left

o  Up

o  Forward

o  Right

o  Destination line

·     Polarity lines

o  Down

o  Up

o  Back

o  Forward

o  Left

o  Right

·     Balance



Very basically the single numbering you are used to courtesy of the Greek's by way of the Vatican is the single number line compressed from 6 lines down to just one.


I say 6 for this mathematical reason. For example a (down 1 + up 1 = up 2) same as in the single number line. Same as (back 1 +  forward 1 = forward 2), same as (left 1 + right 1 = right 2).

But where things start getting very tricky is here. Just because something starts out on one say down does not mean the =x will no on that same number line. (down 1 + back 1 = ? ?); how to solve this answer stick to the rules of motion.


Rule 1 Hierarchal is an indication that despite any other rule; the most important to the least in sequence down to right. Which coincidently that sequence creates an entire close magnetosphere of electro-magnetics influence.


Rule 2 Balanced sequence; is where the standard rules of the single number line live. This is where Euclid either copied directly over, or this is the only portions of the equations he could understand. (He knew Linear C, he might have known linear B. Linear B is about half or so linear A; but the comparisons stop at just basic language format. Linear A only lent its basic structure e.g. “see dick run” not the “what light through yonder window breaks”. For some reasons when Prince of Mycenaea Zeus of the royal family Olympia seized power; he favored a different language than that of his family culture. Or he might have been the product of a union between the Mycenaean partner and a partner from another land; a land who’s native language is the base of linear B.)

Unfortunately for western history the Dorian's poetic license the Mycenaean’s so much; most of the history and cultural framework is completely lost to truth. I guess that is what occurs when you have as conquest culture desperate to legitimize itself, it messes with the true history of its surrounding and previous cultures to fit in.








Welling Mathematics



·     Progressing into the next leap in technology requires a number line and measurement tools capable of measuring into that realm.

·     Math depends on fixed points. Ok why does the single number line have no fixed points. A single number line can be applied to anything as long as that equation does not move outside of extremely specific and limited parameters. A number line has to be invented/found which measures from accurate and real fixed points. The closest thing to a fixed point is the 0 and it is only a fixed point in direct comparison to the number line itself; nothing else. Which is great for upper end math.

·     What the modern world is then left with is a measurement tool which justifies itself by way of exclusivity of measuring itself. A metaphoric example, the single number line is like a computer virus. Some computer virus’ tell anti-ware “no; no viruses in here. Not a problem. We are all good” that is the same with math. It hides its flaws within its structure. Cannot question the structure, so the built in flaws become something wrong with what is being measured not the measuring device itself.

·     The Single number line, put simply, cannot measure inside its own limited parameters very well. Outside of its own parameters, the single number line is almost a complete waist of time.

·     The long list of errors and good tools made to look like pseudo-science. Many can be traced not to the field of academics and science in which has been labeled pseudo but to the internal and external limitations of the single number line.

·     The single number line limitations

o  First problem academics

§  The single number line is a philosophy science has been bound to since the Vatican started to allow education in Europe again. Almost every single theory math and science produced from the point the Vatican started to allow reading, by more than just priests again, till the mid-1900s are based within the parameters of a single number line.

o  Second set of problems; internal limitations

§  The single number line for starters cannot measure the following major categories.


·     super-hot, super cold, small, fast, distance, etc. Just to name a few.

o  super-hot,

o  super cold,

o  small,

o  fast,

o  Distance

o  Electro-magnetics

o  Third set of problems


§  Heisenberg uncertainty principle

·     During his day and age oppie had to accept this concept as fact because he knew all the measurement tools he had access to where almost completely insufficient, but that is all he had to work with. So he accepted the limitations he was forced to work within; measurement tool wise.

·     However this is no longer 1935, almost every household in America has a pc beyond fictional belief at the time of the most powerful computer the wildest Sci-Fi writer could not have imagined. So since almost all the variables have change from oppies time to now; we are no longer straddled with the yoke of working with a bad and highly inaccurate number line. The number line which all mathematics comes from; modern math and science no longer has to use it as the one and only measurement and math tool. The uncertainty principle is only a laughable excuse for not working with an accurate enough tool.

o  Forth set of problems


§  Errors in modern hypothesis and theories fixed when the limitations of the single number line are removed

·     Time is measured by way of a solid hard pure joke. The same exact critical failure flaw is built into the design of every single atomic clock. but the flaw is an unaccounted for and not understood variable. So instead of redundancy fixing the flaw the redundancy only multiplies the effects of the flaw.

·     a single number line cannot measure electricity. It can guess as to what electricity is doing. It can measure voltage and amps. Voltage and amps are both secondary cast offs; they are not measuring the thing itself. It is easy to measure the bow waves from a ship. Harder to measure a ship in motion.

·     A single number line cannot measure sub molecular. we have guesses and theories which are based on statistics, but no real actual measurements.

·     Some of the most difficult aspects to the Darwin Evolution debate is not the theory is wrong, but the theory is shoved into a philosophical format of the single number line.

·     HIV AIDS; the cocktail. The treatment for this disease required going outside the single number line system in order to create the what to do at what time.

o  Science achieved the goal by way of carefully studying the rhythms of the human biochemical system. Since biological systems do not operate based on a single number line; the drug cocktail was easier to develop.



·     Fixing the errors

o  The only real way to fix the errors is to have a thorough examination of what the errors are. Then find solutions for each and every one.

o  A process which is made both easier and harder based on the facts of buried within the framework of the single number line are some of the rules and regulations of the original or at least my hypothesis of the plural number line.



·     Cartesian number line xyz

·     The reason xyz is wrong, will always be wrong, and can never be fixed. Each and every single equation x is equal to y is equal to z.

·     X is a number line

·     Y is a number line

·     Z is a number line

·     But each are an equal plane to each other

·     Concept of greater than is not an appropriate translation over the concept to the xyz.

·     The whole concept of equal and opposite has to be examined when it comes to the Cartesian method. Everything is not equal and opposite.

o  If everything was 100% pure equal and opposite there would be 0 graydations. Everything would be either first or last. Since we know this is not true, we have to reassess how the equal and opposite are examined. We have to examine that format by removing it from the framework of a single number line.

o  A hierarchy of actions is the natural result of equal and opposite. For example electro-magnetics, chaos theory, and newton’s third law state that if you have more than one thing, to have true equal and opposite the things themselves have to form into an internal hierarchal structure. For something to be strong, something else has to be week. For something to be first something else has to be last. If you have a large group, equal and opposite means something has to be first, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc.. The rules of math themselves cancel the parameters of a single number line.









Welling Mathematics


TRs Plural number line theory


Welling plural math

Plural mathematics, in extreme brief.


Building an accurate number line

Start with determining exactly what around you are fixed     points to measure too and from.

The only fixed points which are absolutely beyond doubt fixed points are; a magnetic, the ecliptic, the orbit, Polaris, the rules of physics (newtsons rules 1-3), etc.



Push push

Ecliptic a day

Orbit a year

Polaris north star

Newton 3 laws


0 same 0 you are used to. 0 is just one thing a place holder for the number line or in this case the several number lines from the same 0.

0 forward or towards to bow of the ship is your standard normal + number line.

0 backwards toward the stern or back of the ship, the captains back. The area you just came from. Would be – or the negative side of the number line.

Same as the single number line you are used to.

But when dealing with measuring things which move according to rules more complicated than just back and forth more lines are required.

0 up vertical towards 90 degrees

0 down vertical towards the 180 degrees.

0 right horizontal towards the starboard

0 left horizontal toward port

Each equation needs to be according to the motions each equation is designed to track.

Everything moves, use a measurement tool based on the most basic rules of motion.

Each motion has a specific wave, frequency, and electro-magnetic signature. The motion itself of the item measured will indicate exactly what number line it is from and traveling too.

Everything moves. Tracking the motions based on how it moves is the point. Using the exactly measurement equation format quarks move in only seems like a good idea. Since everything has a couple quarks in them. (rim shot).

Negative just like standard math is not a good or bad thing, just an indication of location on the number line.




Building an accurate number line


TR’s Plural Number line 

Taking the rules of both the ecliptic and magnetic and building a number line system from that.

Rules of the magnetic; push push, pull pull, neutral, size, shape, density, voltage, etc.

Push push

Pull pull








Newton’s three laws of phyics

Law 1 objects at rest

Law 2 objects in motion

Law 3 equal and oposit reaction

How does polarity affect  the number line

The single numbelirne

Negative 0 positive; is the single number line.

However to match motion requires a strict adherence to newtons three laws applied to all aspects of math.

Why apply it to all aspects of math; because everything moves. A+b=c; a is doing motions into variable b. The motion of variable a and variable b merging creates the motion of c. three separate motions going on inside of each and every base equation.

Every equation adds more motion.

Has to be in balance;

Consequently it has to be balanced both vertical up and down, and side to side

But these balance lines to actually be of real balance require independence but balance of motion.

Consequently each numbelirne is not just a straight ridged line but amutable line.

The maliableness of each line requires each of the other 6 lines to move/balance  in accordance.

???All objects move, the only real question is how does it move.

What pushes it

What pulls it

What objects is it larger than

What objects is it smaller than

What density does this object have and how much inertial affects this object and objects around


What objects are in relative distance; from closer to farther.


TR’s number line

The TR’s number line is based on the concept of; knowing the inadequacies of the single numbleinr nagate any positives the single numberlinre brings. An entirely new measurement device needs to be invented/rebuild which will allow for all the measurmnets required in the next leap in technology.

The single number line

The greater than less than of each line.

All the negatives in sequences

First down; down will always be greater than back.

Back will always be greater than left. But less than down.

Left will be 1 less than back and 2 less than down

All the positives in sequence

(the equal and opposite are true)

Up is greater than forward

Forward is greater than right but, but less than up.

Right is 1 less than forward and two less than up.


Center is first;

Down second;

Up third;

Back fourth;

Forward fifth;

Left six;

Right seventh;

Destination eigth (where all first Ætt equations sit.);

The overwhelming number of calcuations are all about the motion of time. From then, through now =, to what happens next. These specific motions are involved with time; time is the back (before, previous, etc) through the 0 to then. 0 being defined in this specific back and fdorwrad as the present. The present is almost always =, since the motion of combining is done in the present. What to combine a+b is in the past. What is the outcome is the future.

Back 0 forward; the 0 is present.

Left 0 right is about actions/thoughts being done. Let me think about this. Stragagie. The 0 is also present.

Down 0 up; the 0 is only present when applied to input (newton’s third laws) from the other number lines. Otherwise the 0 had the definition and the placeholder of a connection between the poles. The

The ? electro-magnetics polarities;

The up and down.

Up and down is more like Polaris and the bottom of the solar system.

The top of the planet according to electro-magnetics rules is the north pole.

The bottom of the planet is the south pole. Electro-magnetics polarity speaking.

Electro-magnetics speaking many of the rules are set by sol. That dynamic will be discussed in later books)



The directions polarities; back forward, left right.

Are the cardinal directions polarities. They operate on a different






What is TRs number line








Destination (where all first Ætt equations sit.)


What is TRs number line polarities


Down 0 Up

Back 0 Forward

Left 0 Right

Destination (where all first Ætt equations sit.)






Welling Mathematics Megalithic structures


In Europe is a large group of archeological sites known as megalithic structures. My research began with a simple question “if the romans were correct, and the European before them had none of the following. They had no; complicated spoken language, written language, mathematics, written mathematics, science, engineering, architecture, technology, etc. Then how in the world did normal standard humans possibly create Stonehenge?”


Stonehenge the most impressive part is it is a perfect rock ring 20 feet in the air. Modern construction techniques cannot duplicate the design. The design had to include some form of understanding continental drift. I reference after some 5000 years the sun still lines up in the correct places as it did when the site was first constructed. Lining stones up, no matter what weight, to be in exact alignment with fixed orbital points is relatively easy.

But when you have to account for absolutely no maintenance of the site at all for thousands of years and the alignments still match up; that is impressive engineering.



Megalithic structures started to be constructed as soon as the ice from the mini glacier age started to retreat enough to not remove the permanent structure.

8000 b.c.e


Now it is entirely possible to do one or two of them purely by change and trial and error. But where the statistics fail is as to uneducated humans did it over a period or centuries with little to no technology other than antlers and simply stonemason tools.


There are more than 100,000 megalithic structures scattered from Korea through India. Down into the entire Middle East (lands of Canaan) <a megalithic structure format at least one major portion of the Hajj; a disgusting, reviling, and contemptuous portion of the Hajj. The act of murder in the first degree while shouting obscenities, in my opinion is nothing short of the above list. >, most land areas around the Mediterranean, most of European (every major city of sufficient age had a megalith at its center)<they were replaced or knocked down by conquest religions, namely Roman and Monotheism.>, 10,000s on the UK, several in Scandinavia, and rumored to be ruins in North East America.


A major land area to have the same basic design, engineering aspects, start and end at approximately the same time (depending on conquest of course), and on a global scale.





2011 7 9 0720 electro-magnetics mapping

Every atom has a specific set or count of protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.

Mapping means to have a set of equations which account for every item in a magnetosphere. Every item means every proton neutron electrons location.

But the data needs to be organized in specific FATs. Take all those equations and file them according to an extremely simple but on the surface complicated design. Every charter in the equation has to be carefully evaluated and placed correctly in both the equation sheets and equation fat.

What exact format etc., is the hard part or describe.




·     Egypt

o  Eg Y Pt; Eg temple, Y of, Pt Ptah. Egypt itself was named for the temple in Memphis. The same temple Narmer gave to the slaves he conquered and he gave them Sakkara to Giza to do with as they saw fit; as least according to the 3200 b.c.e Narmer place Eg

o  Eg temple; the specific temple being referenced in the great Tabernacle to god which was designed and built at least by this legend and Jewish history by Adam. Which references to the tree/s inside are standard secondary definitions.

o  Y; of as in separating the temple from who the temple is dedicated too. This separation is critical for any and all grammar in ancient Hieroglyphic.

o  Pt; the pre-Pharaonic god Ptah from which all life strings. Egypt was invaded at 3800 and again by a different culture circa 3500 b.c.e. by most accounts the conqueror simply wanted to be the next king but not disrupt what was happening in the country. A very crude way of having an election. Making Ptah a deity from one of the five major cultures living in Egypt at the time. Which Narmer conquered 3200 b.c.e and set to change and alter the way things were done. He wanted power, control, money, and above all to rule unopposed. So he divided the cultures under his dominion up into five segments. Placing them in the nastiest portions of his unified country. Very difficult to determine which culture used the spelling Ptah; many descending conquers of Egypt have systemically purged information they did not like. Details about pre-Pharaonic deities was the first on the list of many from the Hyksos 2100 b.c.e to the Muslims circa 600 ce.


·     Jacobs line in Greece forced the name change from whatever Egypt was called before to Egypt. Which means the temple of ptah Memphis Egypt.

o  The problem is; for most of the last 5000 years; the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza has been not a good place to be. Smelly, disgusting, the backwater of the Nile. Great farmland; bad for everything else.

o  Which is one reason the pyramids had designed into them an area effect air purification system.

·     Creation of El Beth El

o  Unlike conventional wisdom; I do not take theories as gospel till those theories hold sufficient water. In this case a pharaoh doing the exact same actions Abraham did at the same time in the same location is too much of a coincidence.

o  So if you remove the coincidence; you can see the name Mem means/translates the same in Hieroglyphic as Abraham does in Hebrew. The problem is; Hebrew came about more than 1500 years later.

o  to make hebrew; Moses's descendants followed the sounds each Futhark character made to create the hebrew letter.

o  So Mem traveled south to Luz.

o  At Luz he ordered protective dykes to be placed all around the city.

o  He left.

o  When he came back at some point later. He helped lay the foundation of the temple of Ptah himself.

o  His grandson decades later would make Luz his capital city as his the royal ancestors who held the title Israel did.

o  Jacob then traveled north to the light place. Where he had a dream; regarding where the put the elevator from Eridu. Place the elevator right there on that specific spot. Although in truth; that area most likely already possessed a ladder. Which means that the Eridu elevator was not needed. What was needed was to remodel the Stonehenge looking megalith and turn it into something is Jewish people could use. First priority get the scholars out of the 120’ in the middle of summer heat. 64’ is much better than 120. Body heat and a couple candles and you have a very warm room.

·     Positioning the ladder over el Beth el aka temple of ptah

·     Jacob repositioned the ladder/elevator over the light place

·     Remodeling light place into

·     Nut the elevator connections around the world

·     Shu the base of the elevator; the attachment point.

·     Ancient Megalithic structures


·     Ancient Egyptian solar system map

·     Negatives

o  Esau's line are like cancer. they pretend to be good but are actually evil

o  Esau's line are the ultimate facade culture. So they are infiltrators; they as a culture have been taught to go into something become it then corrupt it from the inside. So the Templar organization suffered from being good to start then being corrupted from invaders

o  a space elevator words based on electro-magnetics. it has been proven beyond a doubt the pyramids are electro-magnetics focusers. Em electro magnetics

o  Instead of the fantasy of star gate fiction. pyramids being launching platforms for a space elevator?

o  the pyramids were never graves

o   If an academic walked into a dissertation right now with the proposal that the pyramids were graves; that student would last 5 minutes before being laughed out of the room. No evidence means it was not that. So if not a grave what was it. What were they of

o   part of the evidence behaviorally for my theory regarding this. It is not just an idea since the evidence is starting to add up. Immediately after the space race as a culture the religious right in America have been on the almost constant attack. Which is exactly the same behavior pattern illustrated. Maybe what caused the radical rise in divide and conquer when the monotheists became strong enough to fight in a group was the People of Kaern had at least one space elevator. If Jacob copied the building design from Eridu on his ladder; elevator ladder same physics different language.

·     Electro-magnetics Ladder/elevator  practical applications

o  In practical applications

§  The ladder/elevator http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Railgun-1.svg/285px-Railgun-1.svg.png

·     Lowering a sarcophagus into a masitba

·     Moving the sarcophagus from the mastiba Mastabashaft into position.

·     Being able to elevate with extreme safety and preciseness the 100+ ton stones needed for Egyptian culture.

·     The legend of the Alexandrian library; had one weapon which could with blue light hit and sink ships from miles away. Otherwise known as a rail gun. Shoot any sized projective miles away.

·     Move the 1000ton granite into place with little effort. be able to move the elevator and you can move the tons of rock with little effort

o  200 miles of elevator up into geosynchronous orbit.

§  Instead of doing it piecemeal; use the projective portions.

§  Do not set to fire quickly. Set to fire as only a few dozen feet per second.

§  Use the projectile and have the barrel loaded with dozens if not hundreds of capsules.

§  As you start to fire the elevator

§  You need to start pulling the base from horizontal to 45’.

§  If you can add more capsules to the base and keep firing.

§  when you get more than 10’ up; there will be a bend in the barrel.

§  Which that bend will develop its own energy.

§  Once you get the base to 45’; stop and pulling and start to weight the base down as hard as possible.

§  The end will be bent;

§  So that bend has a huge amount of kinetic energy built up

§  That kinetic energy when the first projectiles are released from the end of the barrel; the end of the barrel will start to act as a whip.

§  The whip will then force the entire barrel to both straighten up, and the end to bend equal and opposite.

§  A few back and forward tilts and the barrel/elevator is in geosynchronous orbit.

§  Just like driving a car through a curve.

·     Hit the gas carefully.

·     Find the groove

·     Pull the vehicles center of gravity into the curve.

·     At the middle of the curve; hit the gas

·     Let go of the wheel.

·     The gas and curve will act together to whip the vehicle both faster and stick the vehicle to the road.

·     Coming out of the curve; you will be going faster than when you went in and your vehicle will be going very straight.

·     Same exact principle as putting a horizontal rail gun into geosynchronous orbit as an elevator.

·     It can also act as a gun to ward off anything which we do not want coming at this planet from space.


·     Laboratory tests

o  All laboratory tests depend on fixed parameters.

o  Those fixed parameters are great for exactly what is being measured; but outside those parameters, all laboratories are not designed to detect let alone measure anything going on.

o  The real and important things occurring outside laboratory parameters in a laboratory are similar to faei dazzle. It is real, it is happening, but entirely outside the scope of what a lab is designed to detect and measure.

o  If something cannot be detected it does not exist to the world of science.

o  Which is exactly like fixing a thermometer to not read below or above specific temperature range but forcing the measuring device to routinely measure outside; then coming to the conclusion based on what the device was capable of measuring x is not true because the temperature never reached that high/low.




·     Imhotep in hieroglyphs




Jj m
He who comes in peace




Jj m





Jj m

·     Was born in Memphis and was a chancellor to pharaoh Djoser, as chancellor to the pharaoh and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis he was in a unique position to allow his brilliance to shine.

·     Since Ra an Heliopolis are both highly suspect as being associated with monotheism/Judaism; the evidence is starting to mount as to the pharaoh djoser, Imhotep , Giza, Sakkara, an Memphis being of a different organizational structure than previously assumed.

·       Imhotep was born in Memphis Egypt 27th century 2655-2600 b. c. e. during a very difficult and tumultuous time in Egypt. Not only were the times he lived in difficult all the times in Egypt from 3500-1100 b. c. e.  were difficult.

·     They were primarily difficult because of constant and nasty political infighting.

·     One of the most interesting is the fictional concept of the American mummy motion pictures have Imhotep as being the mummy. Which is interesting because if he was a Jew; that puts an entirely different spin on the entire subject. The American Mummy picture with Imhotep a supposed high priest of the ancient Re/a discipline; now might have to be reexamined.

·       Imhotep was born in Memphis circa 2800. We know Imhotep is a Proto-Canaan name. We know that Memphis is named after at least one craftsman. We know Imhotep is credited with building the first pyramid design. We also know the building design is copied into all later Jewish Synagogues and Islamic temples.

·     I theorize the area between sakkara and Gizapyramidsheliopolis.JPG was a Jewish (not yet but you get the point) refugee area and or a reservation.

·     So would that make Memphis more of a Jewish city rather than a pharonic one? The people of the Kingdom of Canaan knew well how to build large, impressive, and backed by profound engineering eg Craftsman. The Egyptians specifically the pharonic craftsman previous to 3300 did not build anything big and impressive. But someone did after 3300 b.c.e.

·     So this leaves a large hole in the history. Something is missing.



·     medusa

·     I find Greek stories fascinating. Millenia after the events so much has blurred it is hard to put into proper context.

·     Medusa most everything you stated about her is true. However one built in societal illusion is incorrect. The Parthenon did not exist at the time, the temple of Athena was at the center of the old city, the Parthenon is also not a temple but a kind of bank or shrine to the greater glory of the City itself. It is dedicated to Athena, mostly because the patron god of the city was at that (when the Parthenon was constructed) point Athena. That specific city has changed names at least twice along with patron deities. Founded by ? but the first written account god of record is Poseidon. But linear A has not been translated yet, so the records only go back to about half way into the translations of linear B.

·     Now that I think of it, It is possible this is could a badly edited story of who the city was taken over by the forces/culture of Athena to begin with.

·     See the city itself was called Poseidon for about 1000 years before the Greeks came to the Ægean. They only arrived after the Dorian’s started to lose power say 1000 b.c.e give or take a couple hundred years. Before the Dorian’s ruled the Mycenaean civilization did from around 1600 to 1100. So the medusa story could be almost completely different than we understand it.

·     Medusa could be a word meaning priestess, or the queen of the city, a commanding general, etc. Ok look for proof/clues/cooberation within either the story and or the history of the city. Why would Poseidon defile his sisters temple? Unless it was his temple, Since Poseidon was the ruling god of the city before. Why was her anger not on Poseidon and on this women? Why then was this woman transmorphed into a gorgon and the Cracken (the Cracken being a major sea creature “Poseidon’s territory”) be a major player in the story? Although the Cracken is the adopted son of Poseidon he is relayed to hurricanes. But there is another story about the cracken which is similar to this. The cracken was angered by the city of Rome and devastated it. In around 753 b.c.e the Greek boys Romulous and Remus did create a revolution conquest of the city, taking it over from the previous rulers. The cracken it seems played a roll in both conquests.

·     http://socyberty.com/folklore/the-cracken-myth/

o  geocentric

§  about the time the Jews were exodusing out of Egypt the basis of modern academics was being drawn up. Sometime between the mycÆnan culture pulling away from the linear a governmental model and towards a totalitarian dictatorship circa 1500-1400, the jewish Hyposis were fully in charge of Egypt.

§  Since not only did the Canaan kingdom have log stnding trade routes with the Egyptians so did the ÆgÆn cultures with their parent culture the Canaan and the Egyptian.

§  In effect the thera volcano removed a very important triangle trade route and mutual friends enemies with each other. But it removed a significant ally. (more later).



§  Athens renamed from Poseidon circa 1500

·     All the constant battles happening after the thera volcano gave an opening for a conquest tribe from the Canaan kingdom to invade the Ægean.

·     That invasion let directly to Athens being sacked the the philosophy changing from what it was to the new.

·     The new Athens philosophy is the foundation or the first floor of what would become modern academcis.

·     Modern adÆmics is whwere both archÆology and Egyptology come from

§  Geocentric

§  **All the info below is the foundation of where all aspects of modern, this minute, today, and tomorrow academics came from. This is the exact people, location, mind sets, and sociological infrastructure from which the very foundation of cognitive psychology comes directly from. Without the info below, this class would not exist. The first written concepts of site were pen to paper, in the decades of Socrates and Plato.

§  The reason I am so confident with my different translation of what Plato was talking about is this. About 2 years ago I was in a history class; where I actually took the time to look up GeoCentric and translate it correctly.

§  Geo is Greek for earth. But not the earth you might assume. Their definition of earth was the area in and immediately surrounding the city in specific question. If you notice even to this very day, every city has a slightly different “x” factor. LA, New York, London, Boston, etc are all cities but they operate with their own unique sociological infrastructure. That uniqueness is exactly what I am talking about.

§  Which brings us to our next word Centric. Centric; centered on and or near. So in actuality the definition of Geocentric would be location based, not the planet as a whole. The geocentric of Athens, Sparta, Marathon, etc. to all the Greek city/states.

§  So Plato was talking about a specific interaction he would have been talking about a centralized specific interaction. Since he was talking about site; site is a personal thing. It is so personal that he figured by default his readers would just understand the self-centric portion and know he was referring to the site which occurs in our heads.

§  The mix of languages in Classic Greece was another hard to define concept. Classic Greece circa 700-300 b.c.e (give or take), most of the cities were well over 2000 years old by 800 b.c.e. How do I know this; Because the story of Medusa is a very edited (emphases on extremely edited) version of the conquest of the City of Poseidon by a Greek tribe, during or just after the Dorian times (Dexter, 2010). It is possible the conquest took place at 1100 and the attacking army was not Greek but Dorian; but those details are hard to determine. Suffice to say the City of Athens (renamed for the Commanding armies Mother, Athena) used to be called Poseidon before it was conquered. The history of Poseidon according to several Socrates sources places the cities age during his time at well over 2000 years then. Placing the cities age well before the 1650 b.c.e Thera volcanic eruption. The city was founded by the Cycladic/Cretan culture e.g. the Palace at Knossos. The language they spoke was Linear A (that is what linguists and historians call it), the MycenÆan’s spoke Linear B (kind of), and the Greek's created Linear C out of the bones of their previous to moving to the Ægean, linear A and Linear B. 

§  How do we know he might have been speaking or writing in Linear A. Well Classic Greek is academically labeled Linear C. Linear C being the third in the sequence of the same language format. Similar to all the Latin formatted languages; Latin, French, German, English, etc.

§  Plato would have had access to not only the Athenian libraries, but also other cities libraries. His mentor Socrates his father was a powerful and influential man, he had access to the library which would eventually be moved and relabeled the “Alexandrian Library” but before Alexander the bulk was in Athens.

§  So we have a good idea Socrates had access to the Linear A books in the library. So having a good idea about Socrates, he would have either taught or shown one of his brightest students the info. Plato being a shining star of his students.

§  Plato we can assume would have had access.

§  Why is all this important. Because as cognitive is strongly part of behaviorism, we know what the body does and what the thought patterns are; there is a direct correlation. That direct correlation carries forward with the following examples

§  We know the classic Greek writers (most of whom had access to some of the linear A writings) where the writers who gave the Romans their educational formatting. The Romans gave their formatting to the Vatican. The Vatican gave to the Guild system. The Guild system created Academics. The assembled and remaining Roman/Greek library was opened to Academic scholars in 1806. Notice the Greek library in which some of the copies that Socrates might have looked at German scholars were given access too. Linear A directly to Socrates, to Plato, to German Scholars, to Philosophy, directly to Psychology, directly to behaviorism, directly into Cognitive.

§  “I think, therefor I am” is almost the definition of the geocentric greek city/state sociological model applied to the self. I am my own castle.

§  The thought patterns which create “I am my own castle” is a direct line from Greece to you. Understanding as much about the footers of your foundation is what psychology and cognition, to understand thinking patterns, is all about.

§  http://www.metrolic.com/the-capitals-of-the-world-athens-116649/

§  http://www.bible-history.com/maps/romanempire/Athens.html

§  Dexter, M. (2010). THE FEROCIOUS AND THE EROTIC. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (Indiana University Press), 26(1), 25-41. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

·     The city of Poseidon

o  The Poseidon family

o  The Thera volcano

·     ReName the city of Athens

o  The armies lead by a general whos mother matriarch of the tribe is Athena

o  Poseidon is conquered

o  The high priestess Medusa of the city si forced into exile. That cultures word for exile would be “the monster gorgon?”

o  Medusa is forced to live under house arrest with her followers, in a special temple. Medusa being an expert in megaliths and such technology; can tell your life story in stone. Propoganda; life story in stone turns into turn you to stone.

o  Medusa and her followers hold onto ancient techogoy, including weapons.

o  Persius

§  Persius travels to the medusa temple,

§  captures her or at least one her descendants, forces the descendant to use the weapon,

§  Perseus uses the weapon against his enemies

§  persius goes from being a lower upper class ranked male. To through heroic deeds a prince of the city.

§  Being a prince he is able to marry the daughter of one of a promiant royal family


o  The mycÆaneans 1628-1650 circa


o  Zeus 1600-1100

§  The Cycladic royal family


o  son of Zeus;

o  the Dorian's

§  1100-800

o  The Classic Greek's 800-100bce


§  Socrates 300 b.c.e the founding was more than 2500 years before.

o  Pax Romana 100-400


o  Muslims

o  Nazi


o  The present


·     Jesus

o  Crown

o  Paul

o  Rome

o  Poep

o  Simon peter

o  Heliopolis

o  Obelisk elevator symbolism in Christianity

o  Eternal city

o  City of seven hills

o  Obelisk could represent an elevator.

·     Narmer Crown


o  Pharaoh Narmer stole the title of Pharoah from the Jews.

o  The crown of upper Egypt has a

·     IWNW;

o  The city of Pillars;

o  What makes us assume the pillars are just the stnding stones of the megaliths.

o  The city of Pillars could be a reference to the pillars but also to the space elevator the ancient humans operated.



·     Nebket Red, Green, Blue. Roy G Biv. The colors of a Rainbow; I would call the Bent "Intentional" since they designed it to perfectly be both sides of a Rainbow.

o  Green, Blue, Red. Green the earth; then the rainbow repeating the same RGB.



o  What a perfect fort. Almost entirely unbreachable. The damage looks more like side impact; than vertical crush. If it was crush; how did the buckled walls last for 4500 years?




·     Ancient Cultures the People of Kaern


·     As best as I can cobble together the first culture on the planet can be labeled “People of Kaern” obviously the name and spelling are a guess since three generations of languages back was not invented by the time this culture was an ancient legend.

·     The People of Kaern might be hard to believe; but my evidence for their existence is all the items they left behind.

·     First the basic structure of living in emergency conditions; a glacier age qualifies in ways only those experienced in the rolling 40s and Antarctica can have a bench mark of understanding for. Every major disaster which has been make a part of not only history but of the society as a whole indelible memory, one thing happened above all else. The people grew closer together.

·     Two that togetherness forces communication; a common language

·     Three that togetherness forces cooperation which eventually lead into trade routes. Some of those trade routes are thousands of miles long and last 1000s of years.

·     Four cooperation breads similar architecture. Architecture leads to advancements in the following fields; math, science, engineering, architecture, and technology.

·     Five advancement's in those five fields’ leads to most of the cultures connected to the trade route and have long standing cooperation and trust treaties share. Meaning technology advancement in the Indus Harappa all the way over in India can soon within a year or less find its way into a building design in Ireland.


·     So I hypothesis a very crude for of the United States of America might have existed at the end of the last minor ice age. The overall name was Kaern: each state being; Vinca, Indus Harappa, Sarmartian, Proto-Canaanite,


·     The people of Kaern birthed the following states/cultures



·     Proto-Canaanite; middle East

·     Vinča; Hungary east of Rome

·     Indus Harappa: India, the western side along the Indus river valley.

·     Sarmartian: central and eastern Europe into Russia

·     Cycladic; the Aegean before the Greek's, and well before the Turks.


·     The Phoenicians were a renamed proto-Canaanite culture; who sent out settlements around the entire Mediterranean including Spain/Iberia, Tyrrhenian/Italy, and inter spaced around the Egyptians. Although some could argue the first Egyptian civilization were Proto-Canaanite settlers.




·     The Proto-Canaanite/Iran culture has one of the oldest cities in record, 3200 bce. The city of burnt

·      being about half way between the cultures of the Indus Harappa a few hundred miles to the east and the proto-Canaanite only a few miles to the west.

·     “world’s oldest “animated” picture drawn around it.” Along with a “10-centimeter ruler with an accuracy of half a millimeter in the ruins of the ancient city .” Other finds in the city of Burnt are “artifical eye, backgammon pieces, and an example of animation.” Which for anyone paying attention, requires a degree of population wide science and technology to not only build those items but have the society use them.




·     57 kilometers from the city of Zabol


§  Jacob’s ladder


§  The above are just sketches but you get the idea. The outside ramp, the inside structure similar to the concepts of the Noachite rite. Which later transformed (within in the framework of what the victim would bring back from the trance) into a three part ritual regarding how the grand architect might want believers to conduct lessons, learning, and societal structure. Millennia later recreated using the FreeMasonic rites of the first three degrees. It is possible the ramp had 32 rows http://www.insteadofapes.com/Pyramids/Images/Ramp4_cutout_site.gif leading to a small but important temple room at the very top of Khufu. The 33rd ramp row might have led to the ritual room depicted in genesis 28:10–19. The top theorized room could be the area Jacob was talking about in regards to a place angels could come and go from heaven. The door being either the alter or a doorway behind the WMs chair. Or if the evidence from the polytheistic interpretation of Khufu is correct the doorways to and from heaven in the kings chamber are to the left and right of the WMs throne; on the North East and South East portion of the room. Which would put the airshafts to the East side of where the alter used to be in the middle of the room.

§  The boats outside are not funerary barges; they are replicas of Noah’s ark.

§  The Solar boat could not have been used inside the grand gallery; but that does not mean the smaller boats measuring less than 8.74 meters in height and width between walls base 2.09 at top 1.05 could not have been used to haul the ceremonially dead body of Noah/King of the Monotheists(Pharaoh) up the site architecture/Grand Gallery. The height could also indicate a layered architecture within the theorized arc on the sled. Since Noah’s ark was supposedly layered with partners(the animals/people two by two); there is no reason to assume the ark inside the grand gallery was not constructed with layers as well. first layer/floor a double or triple row side by side, second layer/floor two pairs side by side, third 1 pair or just one person in a row of people.

§  Done so to prevent the Egyptians and said from observing monotheistic ceremonies.


§   pulley attachment points to pull the ark up, the blocking stones up, and allow counter balance stones to descend down the middle.

§  Which the Egyptians with the name Hyksos Egyptians could have taken with them this basic design to first Anatolia then to the Ægean. Building the classic Greek triremes  http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Ships/Ships.htm. Each layer of the trireme might represent each of Noah’s three sons. The oldest on the bottom, second middle, and the successful one (who all Semitic cultures are named after) on top. Archeological evidence through the Hyksos descended Phoenicians Biremes were in full scale use circa 800 b.c.e. the bi and triremes might have been introduced to the nautical design through the Corinthians . The Dorian's were absolutely in control of that area at the time . Which provides additional evidence the Doric culture is a name change culture from the Hyksos.

§  taking them also to sarmartia where some aspects of these bcame Odins rites

·     Odin in the grand gallery



§  A building built with two major ceremonies inside.

§  Ceremony one to climb up the winding staircase to the top ritual/lodge room to communicate with god/angels. allowing a place for angels to ascend and descend to heaven*.

§  Ceremony two the ceremony of the internal structure.

§  the word and action regarding the framework of brethren or the architects to the world. They would need a place to not only do their basic ceremonies and lessons; but also do their grand ceremony. Wrapping a building around the ceremonies insures privacy as well as a large amount of mysticism.

§  Which would make the inside two ceremonies.

·     Needs work   One ceremonial location for the queen’s chamber to teach and conduct classes. The queens chamber or library might be where the mythical plates of destiny where placed. Archeologically speaking a ziggurat http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTyc5gtkjHkVJm9TJdAbXh6Y333hH_zSWGV60ehgaiRvD4jjbtXvg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rZGst9slf0k/TyHZO9fYRyI/AAAAAAAAAwo/UFuN7BLr7Kg/s1600/gutians_sumer_ziggurat1a.jpg is a monstrously complicated architectural tower/skyscraper; the language, mathematics, science and engineering the Sumerians possessed had to be extreme. Consequently when the inhabitance a small group from Ur 20 miles away attacked the city of Eridu ; sacking the city, taking the plates of destiny, and as many royal princesses with them as they could, then headed out of the reach of the Eridu army. Where the Canaanite army found them and battled with them. By legend killing the leader (Abrahams father; Haran, where his father Terah died) and at least a couple of his top lieutenants. The plates/tables could have easily been placed in some type of front (instead of top open) box. The lower queens chamber to conduct classes for x group and the Kings chamber to conduct classes for the y group. The subterranean chamber for initiates and those not ready for the lessons of the upper two chambers.

o  The subterranean

§  The first design could have been to hold the plates and conduct three part rituals till the upper portion was complete.

§  After the upper portion was complete, the room was retasked to give a larger complexity toward the initiate. Giving a sneak previous of what was in store in the above sections.


·     The ceremony

o  Similar to the U.K. version of Scottish rite. The door to Khufu’s pyramid might reflect this point of ritualized information.

o  An initiate would have to proceed x rows up the side before they were allowed to the level of the doorway.

o  Once in the doorway; they had the entire brethren lessons to learn and pass before they could pass beyond the doorway of the external ramp/rows.

§  ceremony two the king/Noah’s chamber

o  man was created twice

§  Genesis written in Sumerian

·     The Sumerian language contains within at least 50% of the spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc. of indo European language. The first language aka the possible language Adam spoke.

·     Consequently the language that most of the people in genesis spoke and possibly wrote in the language of Sumerian

·     Sumerian the sentence, spelling, grammar, etc. is both words and numbers depending on use. Consequently depending on use requires the framework of an equation to represent the numbers.

·     There is mathematical format within the framework of Sumerian; consequently there is a mathematical framework within genesis.

§  Sumerian different chapters different occurrence

·     The structure of the Sumerian language.

·     Sumerian is one of the first cuneiform languages circa 3100 b.c.e

·     Just like in mathematics and the rules of chapters. A different chapter represents a different idea. Consequently the two events are different occurrences.

·     The human form was created twice. In chapter 1 and 2.


§  genesis 1 man

§  genesis 2 human

§  man as defined by the bible is a beast

§  human as defined by the bible is a creature with a soul

·     first man was created in genesis, then humans with soul was created in genesis chapter 2. Men without the presence of the soul according to monotheistic traditions is not a human but only a man.

·     consequently there were many man around before Adam was transformed from man to human.

·     this event set up the war in the middle east between 4000-2500 b.c.e. Which is chronicled in the list of Sumerian kings. They engaged in almost constant battle with one another. According to un-canonized Jewish books  the war between the good angels and the bad angels might be a symbolic representation of the above fighting. Since the Sumerian and older cultures build very large towers of hundreds of feet tall; those towers might be a symbolic representation regarding those that live hundreds of feet in the air on top of a ziggurat. Second as the war progressed some cities/ziggurats would be captured and turned monotheistic. Consequently some of the below mentioned Sumerian kings and cities might have converted to monotheism. Still battling for supremacy. The good bad (polytheistic cities; according to monotheistic perspective) and the good (monotheistic cities; according to their own point of view. They wrote the descending history they were the good guys) cities then fought it out. Since the language these stories were written in was at least two language generations back; some political spin is expected. The later translations each time the stories are translated into a new language the spin factor doubles.


·     Symbolic Science Erdology translated into Egyptology

o  The soul is divided into 5 portions

o  Another portion of the self is divided into 3 portions.

o  Fibonacci each number has a sequence inside.



o  Ka

o  Me




o  52 tents

§  describing in detail the steps from the tabernacle cities of last glacier time

·     Adam and Noah

·     up to the library arriving in Northumberland

·     from Constantinople

·     from Rome

·     from Alexandra.

§  Giza project Pillars.

§  The city of pillars renamed circa 3300 city of the sun aka Heliopolis.

§  Most megalithic structures have some form of Orion’s275px-Orion_-_pyramids.jpgoions belt.jpg Backup_of_sacred architecture 2.JPGbelt architecturally designed in.

§  The bible

·     Biblical editing

·     English word Bible is derived from Byblos as "the (papyrus) book. “Christ; the light. What better way to represent light as to have the pyramids with the exact angles of the RoyGBiv of a rainbow or the bent with its double 53 43 degrees.

·     http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSn90jxaTeDx4HmJp0ll4ggNkvrMgZ_OR7MZqaB2XGBH_yTvDS2http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQhB6sFqOuZzUZb3a1gWE1Qkmtl74l6c504Y9jDPVKNTs0ZMBFolA

·     http://www.komar.org/faq/rainbows/airplane-rainbow.jpg

·     Double circle rainbow in the air.

·     File:Dahschur-snofru-bend.jpg 



·     http://paintersoflouisville.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/rainbow2.jpg

·     https://www.naturesforyou.com/shoppingcart/product_images/uploaded_images/Diagram_of_Light.gif http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e4/Aten_disk.jpg/300px-Aten_disk.jpgAmenhotep iv aka Acknaten relief. Grandfather of Tutankhamen and a strong DNA possibility of being the grandfather of the Scotta/Scottish people; at least the Pictish branch. Meaning 200 years later when some of the U.K. settled Hyksos traveled back to the middle east they brought back with them the framework for the to be created Hebrew from the rules of Futhark (see Scottish Rite 32’ Symbol).


·     In the pyramids section; you will notice most of the pyramids minus a few have the above angles.

·     The return of the light. 


§  Monotheistic pre-Pharaonic Egyptian god name variations; Orion(the Egyptian story is retold 4000 plus years later from Bethlehem.), Ra, Re, Ptah, Atin, Khnuma, Orion, etc.

§  Osiris, the sun-god of rebirth and afterlife. Is just one of the names for a one god concept formats least six different monotheistic tribes which possibly settled in Egypt after fleeing from the kingdom of Canaan versus monotheistics war.

§  1 [9] And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food (1); the tree of life also in the midst of the garden(2), and the tree of knowledge(3) of good and evil. These three pillars are also represented at Giza by way of the temples to the three greatest (up to that date) leaders in monotheism.

§  One tree/pillar for life; Adam Khafre.

§  Two tree/pillar for good v evil; Noah Khufu.

§  Three tree/pillar for the craft/knowledge; Abraham Menkaure.

§  Going from Center of Giza, North, then south according to both the rules of polarity and the rules laid out according to the follow.giza black.JPG

§  Genesis 1;1 In the beginning God created(1) the heaven(2; Up, North) and the earth (3; down, south).

§  At the center of the garden/arboretum tent/tabernacle a megalith might be placed (center tree of life, west tree of , north tree of, south tree of , east tree of . Not to waist space, but to allow the plants to be pointed at the best place possible. Plus plants biochemically and polarity indicate the time of day, month, season, etc. They move according to specific growth patterns. Take all the measurements to create both an accurate reflection of time and astrophysics position of the planet in its orbit.



·     http://www.kavehfarrokh.com/iranica/maps-of-iran-5000-bc-651-ad/the-ancient-ruler-of-the-burnt-city/

·     http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1359628/posts



·     52 Tents

o  Between 75-45000 their was a break in the ice. The ice sheets retreated, or they retreated enough to allow the pockets of people to start venturing out and around.

o  The ice was still present; but it was not a locked in situations.

o  Everyone and everything knew on top of the ice was safer than in front of it. However only humans, Cro-Magnon, and Neanderthals had the mental capacity to live up on the glacier full time.

o  At some point on those glaciers engineering was born.

o  How is happened is an unknown; however modern scholars can guess.

o  Need is the mother of invention. Get caught in one too many 3 month long storm where the population almost starves to death or the weaker ones do starve to death because the 100 degree below zero does not allow for theilliquiped humans to venture out for long enough time to hunt or gather food or sufficient fuel/heat sources.

o  Fight/curse the weather or you can innovate and make life better.



o  glacier yurt tabernacle 2 pulley.JPG

o  We know glaciers are tall ranging from 7000-13000 feet up from bedrock. The last glacier age ended approximately 6000 bce. We know how long they take to retreat. We have documentation of "descended" at specific dates. We also have the evidence of as soon as the tundra conditions stopped and the ground warmed up, the evidence of civilization almost sprang up out of nowhere. Literally speaking; that level of technology end of glacier line.JPGand multistory buildings takes time to figure out how to engineer; especially since some of those 8000 year old masonry is still in semi architectural formatgobekli-full_35417_600x450.jpg (gobekli a carved findable rock; a true 90’ corner circa 11,000 years ago or 9000 b. c. e. SE Anatolia peninsula). We can assume that level of tech did not just POOF and exist. No matter how much the Vatican backed academics want a poof it suddenly existed; that is just not the case. I am not indicting the Vatican now; I am merely calling into the framework academics comes from the Vatican by papal bull. Everything taught in academics from day one – to the early to middle 1800s was Vatican approved. Anglican Vatican in academics what is the difference.

o  So yes I say literally tents were placed on top of glaciers from sometime around 40,000 to the time the tents were descended from on top of the large ice. We have evidence of a glacier stretching from Spain to Maine making in effect a land bridge across the Atlantic; look at any good picture of the mid Atlantic ridge; there is a 1200 mile wide line which extends down in a cone shape some 1500 miles; looks amazingly the same shape as what pushed up dirt looks like in front of a bull dozer (almost like it was pushed their by some major big wall). Add the evidence of that south facing cone is only a few hundred feet down; just to the north of the horizontal line the ocean depth is I think 1000 feet. A bit more to the north and the depth drops to several thousand feet. So a pile of dirt 1500 miles wide which has the same shape as what is in front of a bull dozer in the middle of the Atlantic; interesting. Plus if you add the stories of mythology and religious belief “The bird People http://www.kusardi.com/ea/8107.jpg File:Ägyptischer Maler um 1360 v. Chr. 001.jpg” from Greek mythology also have consistency in the framework. Where do birds live? Birds build nests! What is the difference between a nest and the floor of a tabernacle/tent The Tabernacle surrounded by the Israelite Camp ? Plus in the same Middle East area at the same time and same cultures; the kingdom of Canaan versus the new monotheistic cultures all kinds of documentation about people living “vertical”. We know glaciers existed in the area the “bird people”/”people with wings

o  disk, symbol, crown, egypt, wings, winged, chest”/”angels”/etc lived so the lines of documented but mistranslated literal concepts of people living in large complicated tent cities exists. Since living on a glacier is much easier than living on the ground. Since that large vertical wall will move. The dead man’s land just off the face is also not a good place to live 100’ below zero a lot. On the face only occasional storms are an issue. The storms are 200mph winds; but that can be engineered around. A cubit of space between the ice and the floor, walls, aka sails, can direct the wind into angles to avoid being pushed or buried by snow; the walls can also be angled to push the tent to a new location. Of course the walls of the tent/tabernacle will have to be multilayered an a crew of riggers will have to be trained an at the ready. But similar technology the Middle Eastern Bedouins have been using this same tech since. So we have evidence of some of the cultures descended from on top of the glaciers to the desert floor but never bothered to adjust their glacier lifestyle. Moving where the water frozen or fresh was available.

o  So yes; tents on a glacier take it literally.



o  Nothing happens on earth with a “poof/conjuring” it exists. That is called magic; science is so not a fan of magic.

o  You also talked about the concept of North. But in most of those Eurasian folktales north and vertical are interchangeable; based on the words around in the sentence and paragraph respectively.

o  It is provable the earliest buildings just need to be reexamined for missed evidence of being build via a tent. Plus the evidence of the hanging gardens of Babylon; every city in the middle east previous to x point had a major garden. Huge trees completely cut off from any contact with the ground points strongly to evidence of a self contained tabernacle/tent city. Since we have to eat, ice does not grow crops, so we would have to in effect have a self contained garden to grow sufficient volumes of food in a tent. The evidence of the structure in which supported the hanging garden of Babylon has been located and studied. Major contained aquifers for holding vast amounts of water are easy to locate in the ruins. Why have several storage areas capable of holding 100,000s of gallons of water cut off completely from the ground? Not exactly an easy thing to miss architecturally. The evidence exists, it has been miss categorized.

o  We have plenty of direct evidence; architecture, linguistics (indo European language), neuropathways construction, etc to prove civilization did not just POOF/conjuring it exists immediately after a glacier age ended. We have proof of the glaciers existence. WE have proof tundra conditions exist long after the glaciers retreat. We have proof of the cone shaped area in the middle of the Atlantic. We have proof linguistically of a mother language. What we do not have is the ability for to academics to stop controlling this information and let the evidence speak for itself. The religious and academics might not like the answers, but the facts are facts.

o  Science and academics hates with a purple passion magic, but has no problem using the same pathology of poof to explain things it cannot explain any other way.

o  Why do we have to answer questions about the origin of language. Because indo European has yet to be found, all the early cuneiform languages are at best 25% translated, the second layer (akkadian) has at most been half translated. The Native American languages are an entire hodgepodge of differing influences and language origins which are very hard to track down; scientifically. Again poof/conjuring; science is so not a fan of neither am I.

o  If something has little direct evidence look for the secondary evidence. A sword did not make itself, nor did the ore the blacksmith used mine itself. The lord who purchased the sword did not poof/conjuring their money out of thin air. So since we have evidence of massive battles in the architecture from the earliest of cities;

o  Eridu, E-Abzu, Enki 5400

o  Ur, E-kishnugal, Nanna (moon) 4000

o  Larsa, E-babbar, Utu (sun) ca. 1961—1940 BC

o  Uruk, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-anna" title=E-anna>E-anna, Inana and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An" title=An>An 4000 to 3100 BC,

o  Bad-tibira, E-mush, Dumuzi and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inana" title=Inana>Inana

o  Girsu, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-ninnu" title=E-ninnu>E-ninnu, Ningirsu (5300-4800 BCE)

o  Umma, E-mah, Shara (son of Inana)3000

o  Nippur, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-kur" title=E-kur>E-kur, Enlil 3000

o  Shuruppak, E-dimgalanna, Sud (variant of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninlil" title=Ninlil>Ninlil, wife of Enlil) 3000 BCE

o  Marad, E-igikalamma, Lugal-Marada (variant of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninurta" title=Ninurta>Ninurta) . 2700 BC

o  Kish, ?, Ninhursag 3100 BC

o  Sippar, E-babbar, Utu (sun) 4000 to 3100 BC)

o  We know someone pulled an army together to constantly attack. Who the person or persons or group etc was we can only speculate based on secondary evidence. Since the origin of language comes to us directly from those battles; I am thinking those cities, culture, battles, and the languages respectively are a good place to start attempting to understand the first language. Understand the first language of all languages, from that first one can be understood with a higher degree of academic evidence; I think that is called linguistics.



The tents were made of Akasha wood. This tabernacle is in heiroconvalous; among a complex of tabernacles.


Strongly indicating the 3800 b.c.e settlement or in this case large kingdom was ruled by set/caine type character from the bible.


Life during a glacier age would be anything but easy. It simply requires a population with a schema capable of nurturing thinkers versus western culture which fights against new ideas. Or at least fights against them till the ideas and products prove to be of value to the culture.








o  The people of KÆrn aka the People of the Stacked stones are a vaguely referenced name for a group of inner cooperative cultures who used large complicated tents; placing those tents on the moving glaciers instead of fighting the conditions on the ground. The cooperative cultures within the KÆrn are as follows; 

o  Middle East, Vinča aka Hungary, pre-Vedic India aka Indus Harappa, Pre-Pharaonic Egypt, the U.K., Asia, etc.

o  The design of a tent

o  The basic design is a tabernacle with a few necessary additions.

o  A floor, which is approximately one cubit above the frozen tundra.

o  52 tents

o  The design of several tents put together creating a community of tents. construction A-F format A-F format; A outside, B first rest/temple area (entrance; purification area), C causeway, D main entrance area (main entrance to temple), E inner sanctum, F “footprints” poem; a place to walk around getting mentally prepared for what happens in the E area. Temples usually have at least two layers of the a-f format; if not a dozen.

o  KÆrn sub culture 

o  The area and people of middle east become labeled as the Kingdom of Canaan.

o  As mentioned the tent/Tabernacle concept is how the  cultures existed on glaciers. But unlike the current understanding of a tent; the tents the People of KÆrn used were extremely complicated designs spread over several large tents (the largest of said tents/tabernacles being at or near the center of a complex of tents. Reference the name/title of the ; big/long house/structure the leader/head of.). Complete with living quarters, arboretums, storage, etc. all the amenities required for thousands and 10’s of thousands of people to live together in one of the most dangerous conditions on planet earth; living in a city on a glacier.

o  Garden in ; an enclosed arboretum. The word garden in Sumerian would indicate an enclosed arboretum. That enclosed arboretum would most likely contain a wooden structure which would eventually be rebuilt in stone when the city was descended to the ground from on top of the glacier. The wood structure would look similar in basic to a three rock megalith; more complicated designs would look closer to Stonehenge.

·     This specific Canaanite hypothesis is in brief.

o  At some point after man. We decide the only real save place to be is on the glacier. So he takes his Tent, puts a frame under it, attaches the tent securely to the frame, and places the framework on the ice. The ice top being 13000 feet above bed rock. A glacier is 2.5 miles high. 5280 x 2.5 is over 13,000 feet.

§  Noah

§  It also answers how to get a 1000 foot long ship on a mountain top. The Glacier 13000 feet high sitting on the 7000 foot bedrock surrounding Mt Ararat; 7000+13000= 20,000 feet 4000 feet taller than the mountain itself.

o  Requiring massive amounts of skills, craftsmen, metal-smiths, machinists/metal smiths, greenhouses, etc. All the operations of a city, all in tents on the ice. Tubal Cain, the first metal smith and craftsman

o  Proof tundra and Arctic cultures use or used to use tents on frames, wheeled or sleds, and lived in them. The Mongol Yurt, the Inuit still do, Uzbekistan, and some tribes still travel around using tents they just no longer need the undercarriage.

·     Construction

o  Take any average tent, the tents of the time were well beyond what any modern camper would consider average.

·     Eridu was lowered from heaven. I think it was lowered from the top of a glacier to the earth at 4000 bce. But it took Ur only a few miles away another 500 years to be founded (lowered). I think Ur was still up on a glacier till they knew the Capital was going to be safe.

·     It is not that hard if you think about it. Just put a tent on a framework; which they would have had to do anyway. All the ground would have been in various stages of tundra frozen; minus the ground around the equator. All they would have had to do is move the framework and tent up on top of the dangerous moving thing.

§  Average tent ice age tent description

·     They would have to be built strong enough to deal with several feet of snow.

·     Large predators smelling something good to eat

·     Winds in excess of 100 miles an hour; maybe even 200 mph.

·     Stamped protection internal structure; just because a wholly mammoth, wholly rhinosaurous, mastodon, etc. will not want to eat a human or for that matter eat most of the meat stored as jerky does not mean they would not step on and crush a dwelling in their way.

·     Descriptions by Jean M Auel might be as close to an accurate hypothesis as one might find facts for.

§  Average tent ice age tent

·     Solid floor made of ribs,

·     Walls supports of tusks; since the tusks can be upwards of 6-16 feet long.

·     Covering with animal hide; as thick as several inches.

o  The use of tents

§  Government

§  Library/university

§  Community building/government (depending on side of city)

§  Tannery

§  Greenhouse

§  Family dwelling/Nordic longhouse; take the same basic design of a long house and put it on skids with a rib floor. Perfect for arctic conditions; perfect then perfect now.

§  Storage

o  How to assemble

§  You have a population high enough to warrant a need for space which is not available.

§  Your population has a medium education level high enough to warrant such consideration. Every person has to be educated enough to fix problems when they come up. Live in a moving 2.5 mile high ice cold and extremely windy thing is no easy task even for a team of experts. Think Antarctica and the team of researchers present.

§  Build a framework

§  Attach a tent to the framework; fortunately the construction of the on the ground framework will work for on top of the glacier. The tent and framework have to be extra carefully attached.

§  Put the framework on skids. To slide it around the ice. Sliding from dangerous ice to safer ice.

§  If supplies for wheels are available. Put the skids on a wheel frame.

·     No evidence exists to show any of this. But nothing suggests it did not happen; in fact the Circumstantial evidence and the secondary evidence all point to this scenario to be correct. After

·      the glacier age emergency

o  The Environmental situation has changed. Instead of sheer cliffs of ice. The faces are now at better than 45‘angle. Still wide enough to support the sleds but shrinking fast.

o  Some glacier faces have collapsed and deluged the surrounding areas with massive floods. The farthest south glaciers collapsed first. Namely the glacier which sat on the site where the glacier city of Eridu would one day sit; a glacier sat their till 5400 b.c.e. the

o  2.5 miles high highly compressed ice being overwhelmed with its own weight; collapsing and allowing hectares of pend up water to cascade down.

o  Have to play a very careful waiting game.

§  Wait long enough not to be caught up in the collapse deluge. Slide and be pulled down the angled face safely to the ground.

§  Before being caught on top during the collapse.

o  Nothing indicates the “cloud cities” would have not developed ropes, block, and tackle. For no other reason than to carry supplies from ground level up to the cities with ease. Thousands of years will provide plenty of time for such innovation.

o  When it was determined time to descend. It would have been an event of proportions hard to fathom.

§  First the wanderers would have had to see something; there is not that much distance between the see and the glacier face.

§  A sudden large city in parts is lowered to the ground from 2 or less miles in the sky.

The later conquerors would have written the details down from both oral and translation accounts. From previous languages into their new language. It is no wonder the translations have major errors to them; a historian trying to faithfully transcribe “a 100,000 citizen major metropolis over the course of a summer, the buildings were slowly lowered from on top of the moving walls of ice to the ground.” When the historian would have seen glaciers but by his time the glaciers are no longer 13000 foot tall behemoths in the valley. They are instead far away up in the mountains. The highly advanced technology of the cultures who built the places would be a distant memory or a distant enemy. Any way the information is collected it would not be presented accurately; the historian would have no frame of reference in which to describe the true.



·     The people of KÆrn

o  “I will not allowed you to harm my tribe” Now if a tribe is what is called the group who live in a specific set of tents. Those tents are in a general area. That might be a very interesting definition of tribe.

§  Of course tribes lived in tents,

§  My question is did any of those tribes live up on the glacier? Life on the ground during a glacier age is one thing. Hard but manageable; since the ground is frozen and the only thing to worry about is things around moving. Up on a glacier the glacier itself moves. I reference the previous section for how glaciers can move. It requires almost every citizen to be at the top of their game to have an entire 10,000 up to and including a million person population living in tents on a glacier

o  Most of the stories and history of the people of KÆrn can be found in the mythology of the cultures conquered by monotheistic tribes.

§  Each pantheon is the realistic equivalent of a royal family.

§  Any technically advanced culture is indistinguishable from magic. Would be the perfect description of an entire culture with technical capacity to not only live in a tent during the harshest conditions imaginable. But to have 1000s of years to do nothing in their spare time to learn and build advanced machines.

§  The basic definition break down

·     Giants; A glaciers themselves. B the leaders in charge of the tent cities. What would a technically unaware and simple tribe think of those that live on the glacier; when the glacier moves would the tribe not think the people living on the glacier responsible for moving the wall.

·     Throwing Lightning bolts=A Cyclonic storms created by the glacier can create lightening in snow storms. B any kind of experimentation with electricity will produce electrical generators. Being able to use and advance the area of electrical devices would be someone capable of throwing lightening.

·     Pantheon = the royal family. King, Queen, prince/ss children, advisors, etc.


o  Evidence of the tents

§  Why did little to none of the+ actual tents from the ice age survive for archÆology to examine. They were built for function not survival; life was so hard for each item new tents would need to be under constant construction. The old tents simple rotted away based on use. Any modern day evidence of the 5000 and older tent construction would have been simple to overlook.

·     Right now biblical scholars are missing almost entirely the concept that the middle east was tundra till sometime around 3000-2500 b.c.e. when the ice to the north melted sufficiently to make the dead man zone in front of the glacier which kept the area in front of the several hundred mile long dead man zone ¼ mile off the face tundra for an additional many miles.

§  Tabernacle

§  A hundred cultures still living much the same way they did during the last glacier age

§  The tower of babble

§  The hanging gardens of Babylon

§  The word and definition of the hyperborean people.

·     This people were supposedly an extremely powerful and highly advanced culture who lived in an area where most of the descriptions make no sense to modern western culture.

·     Even through academics knows a glacier age ended 4000 years before evidence of civilization started with various inventions.


§  Neolithic towns   

·     Most towns have evidence of some kind of really ancient settlements around them.

·     Like ancient campsites and the like

·     Instead of being the town are these camp sites. How about his hypothesizes

·     Major cities have people who like to go camping. Those that like to go camping will do so depending on weather.

o  Many who choose to go camping will do in any weather conditions.

o  They like camping and roughing it for short periods of time enough that they are willing to put up with as much discomfort with the camping experience up to but not including death.

o  Because they know a warm bed is only x hours away.

o  Have fun roughing for a while. But then be able to go back home.

o  I hypothesis that the camp sites around some of the most ancient cities on record have a possibility of being some form of the following

1.  families from the tent cities out for a vacation (they had plenty) vacations with a population which has plenty is not unheard of.

2.  Wandering tribes and cultures traveling to that city.

3.  Those that are not allowed to live in the tent city but are allowed to live close by.

4.  Youth out discovering who they are. “romspringa” as the Amish call it.

§  All cultures who have a location which moves. But the movements are regulated; as in depending on what time of year is where the city can be located. The only building capable of dealing with and being on the tundra or glaciers for any length of time are tents. The nastier the conditions which last a long time the more substantial the tents have to be as well as the more technology necessary to maintain tents with a large population.


o  Current tundra living tribes/recent history tundra living tribes

§   pastoralists

§  Nomadic and patriarchal tribes

·     There is a large number of tribes which developed sufficient levels of technology in tents and such to live very comfortably. When the glacier age was over they saw no reason to stop living much the same way they did for the previous thousands of years.

·     Many of these cultures are surviving by continuing to do the same behavior patterns from glacier times to now.

·     List of nomadic and pastoral tribes

o  Sammi

o  Berbers

o  Some Arab Semitic

o  Some Jewish Semitic

o  Gypsi

·     Most of the current very ancient cultures which are still clinging to age old ways are carrying forwards the tent lifestyle they perfected during the ice age. The glaciers obviously did not come down into Africa, but that did not stop the northern tribes from seeing tent cities an copying the designs.

·     There is a fine line between a nomadic life with just enough technology to not be considered living as an animal and the concept of living just one step above.

·     Taking the basics techniques of substance agriculture, tents, etc. and expanding that base exponentially into large metropolis capable of not only sustaining life, but sustaining it during the heart of a glacier age.

·     This pastoralist lifestyle have existed for as long ago as man has thought about living with improved; eating, sleeping, mating parameters.

§  The Inuit’s have similar technology to that explained below. The variables upon living back then and now are radically different. It is possible to live very comfortably without the major technology needed to be created below. The Mongols and Inuit use much less mechanically inclined technology to live on ice sheets; but their cold climate is also forgiving. The 100 below does not happen often or last for that long. 100 mile an hour wind also do not happen very often or for a long enough period of time to make special arrangements about.

§  The difference between ice age living and present day tundra living; then the extremes were too much. Now the extremes are short term tolerable; tolerable because the threat of imminent death is not as present. Yes freezing to death is possible over hours and days, not minutes.

§  Metaphorically speaking if you are sick you get a medical general practitioner appointment sometime in the next few days. But if you are dying 911, code three. The ambulance will arrive in under 10 minutes and get you to the nearest hospital in under 15. Flight for life from 911 to the hospital in under 30 minutes. Everything during a glacier age is an emergency situation.

§  sami people, also spelled Sámi, or Saami are the arctic indigenous people inhabiting Sápmi,  1900. This culture from the northern portions of scandinavia and north west most portion of russia have lived much like they did just after desending from the glaciers. Seeing no reason to upgrade, this culture simply reduced their technological footprint to that which is needed to live.

§  If descendants wanted to have more, there are plenty of allies around which can provide a more advanced and higher level of education lifestyle.

§  gypsys 

·     es

o  The people of KÆrn started their culture between 75,000 - 40,000 b.c.e when human began to think and create using cognition as motivation. Examples of basic cognitive motivation; “I have to have x”, “I need to have x”. “I refuse to accept x as the only answer”, “you cannot die”, “there has to be a solution”, etc.

o  The not people of KÆrn

§  Not every culture living in the glacier age were capable of engineering miraculous things. Only a select few cultures for some reason had the philosophical determination as a group to maintain appropriate levels of education amongst their citizens to support life on a glacier in a group of tents.

§  For those not capable of culturally stepping up, engineering wise, each tent city would have had to figure out what to do with the week. Based on a variety of evidence each tent city and applied tent cities came up with their own rules; much like they did after coming back to live in soil.

·     From banishment, through to creating special areas where the special in a society were taken care of in hope they would do something to support the city.

·     Those banished would be left to fend for themselves on the ground. Fending for yourself would produce large amounts of anger and resentment for those living in the “lap of luxury” above the worst of the glacier conditions. The cloud cities would be seen as living in the lap of luxury by any and all living on the tundra below. Huge levels of resentment would accumulate over time.

·     As evident by the fact the cultures on the ground as soon as the “cloud cities” started to descend started to attack them to conquer them in earnest as soon as the first tent hit the ground.

·     This philosophy is key to understanding why the great pyramid was not a mausoleum but was in fact a high security vault.

o  They do not appear much in the archaeological  record; glaciers are great at destroying mountains, buildings stand literally no chance. Metaphor of a building versus a glacier would be an ant trying to stop a mile long freight train; no matter what speed the ant will be reduced to a molecularly fine powder. No possible way much evidence will be left of the ant once the entire mile long train rolls over it.

§  Glaciers and the tundra effect are not measured in one or two miles; they are measured in hundreds and thousands of miles. Not only would there be no trace of the ant after 1000 miles of glacier rolled over it, but the entire ecosystem the ant lived in would also be completely obliterated.

o  The people of KÆrn did not take long to figure out several things.

§  One the ice was not going away any time soon.

§  Two life on a tundra is no easy task

§  Three to live will require building a portable tent. But this tent has to be self-sustaining; it has to be up on skids, the floor has to be no less than 18 inches or one cubit off the frozen ground, the skids have to be attached to a frame, and that frame has to be securely connected to the tent. Absolutely everything has to be secure enough to sustain not only 150 mile an hour winds, but large animals who will eventually find their way up onto of the glacier (polar bears live on ice), 50 foot snow dumps, the motions of an unstable ice field more than 1 mile thick, etc.

§  Four the entire process of living has to be built into each tent. Each village will have to have their own sets of tents.

·     Each tent itself

o  First thing to learn is how large living quarters has to be.

o  The basic calculations;

1.  variable one what condition is the ice the tent will be on. How wide are the crags?

2.  Variable two how many people does it take to sustain a x specific temperature range. Each human gives off x amount of btu’s. X humans together the multiplication equation would be a fairly simple thing to figure out. X people are not enough, y range is ok, z is not only too many but it gets too hot.

3.  Variable three the above is partially conditioned on the size of the structure. Heaters are not as necessary provided the number of people is above y. Heaters are necessary when major storms blowing in. Then the tent engineering requires the y range huddle together in specifically designed structures in the tents to maintain a minimum of ambient temperature.

4.  Variable four calculated into the design of the tent would be ways to change the shape of both the interior and the exterior.

1.  Reference buildings in Norway since they are permanent instillation create a wedge angle. They know where the heavy and strong winds come from and the Nordics engineer accordantly.

1.  Engineering accordingly requires knowing where the wind would come from in this specific storm and creating an angle ridge in the walls. Using the walls and internal structure to instead of having a tent/sale to be captured by the wind; instead have the wind be channeled around the tent. By keeping the walls as tight as possible and angeling the walls into the face of the wind ”Flatiron Building, or Fuller Building, as it was originally called, is located at 175 Fifth Avenue in the borough of Manhattan, New York City”. the tall roof is designed to channel wind around the structure.

o  Designing the basic structure of the tent

1.  First the tent has to be approximately 18 inches or one cubit above the freezing ground. In really bad cold snaps, the distance has to increase.

2.  (since the cubit size changes based on conditions. Might the box/s containing the various ancient holy items designed to change their shape. Similar to that of a expandable/collapsible suitcase?)

3.  The framework between the wheels and the floor has to be specifically designed to ensure ease of use. Ease of use is a complicated bit of engineering. Everything depends on the frame. The frame is the most important portion of the tents engineering. Each of the other portions can have a critical failure and not be a deadly problem; the framework having a critical failure will produce death depending on how serious the engineering failure. A hole in the floor can be covered over, a hold in the tent can be patched, and skids/wheels broken weight can be adjusted to remove dependency on that side. The frame fails and all the above will not work correctly. Maintaining heat in 100 below is a get warm again in 5 minute or die, possibly 3 minutes.

4.  The floor has to be light enough not to crush the skids, the wheels, or the framework the floor is sitting on, etc.

5.  The structure holding up the tent or walls has to be engineered knowing where the loads will be coming from.

1.  The load bearing internal structure has to be engineered with the same precision as a multistory moving building.

2.  A 100 mile an hour wind has a great deal of weight behind it; the framework has to be able to sustain with 100 mile an hour wind from multiple directions.

3.  Snow fall measured in dozens of feet is very heavy. The framework has to be engineered to hold up a dozen feet of dense wet snowpack

4.  The structure also has to be designed to fluff off heavy snow pack; without the humans having to venture out to clear snow off the roof. Allow the wind and pressure angles to clear the snow off the roof.

6.  Walls of the tent have to be made of different material depending on the needs of each area.

1.  Leather,

2.  Canvas (of course for canvas a large loom and sufficient supply of cotton or other knitting material is necessary. Animal hair is good for making thread out of. It might stink when wet but warm stinky animal hair life leave off that ingredient and you freeze; give me the animal hair canvas thank you.

3.  Fur covered leather

4.  Woven together plant material

1.  Bark

2.  Leaves

5.  Paper or a rudimentary form of it.

1.  Crushed together (papyrus) pulp of different plants.



o  Designing the internal structure of the tent

1.  Each tent specific will require different engineering specs. A living quarters tent and a laboratory tent have different structural needs.

2.  But they do all have specific engineering parameters necessary to maintain survival and structural integrity.

3.  It is possible due in no small effort that human habitable tents and temperature control tents had to be extremely large e.g. more than 75 feet in diameter to accommodate all the structural needs.

4.  The below listed layers create several heat and wind safety layers.

1.  Layer one the outer walls. Outside environment, first layer

1.  The area between the first and second walls is a thermos of protection. No matter how cold it is outside; a couple feet of as sealed as possible layers will produce a marked ability to keep cold out and warm in.

2.  Second layer a few feet between the outer layer and the first inner wall.

1.  The area between the second wall and the third wall is a second thermal/vapor barrier between the outside world and the inside conditions.

2.  It also acts as a backup if the outer wall ruptures. The second wall becomes the outside wall.

3.  Third layer; a few feet between the second and third wall.

5.  Part of the “general quarters” order on a ship would be used during the heavy storms.

1.  Citizens trained in jobs where all they do during their “watch” is to look for the variety of structural integrity marks. To watch the walls, floor, support beams, etc. standard cold weather gear monitoring jobs.

2.  Another job would be to monitor and change the angle of the windward structure support. Then changing the angles of the walls to reduce the chances of the wind ripping through the walls. If the walls are kept tight; that reduces the chance of the walls ripping and letting 110 below zero air and 100 mile an hour wind in to the living structure.

3.  The workers between layer 1 and 2 would be protected enough from the cold they could spent most of their watch time between wall one and two. No need to go outside for any length of time.

4.  Have a once an hour or so “officer” go out and look to see if any changes need to be done. If the ice is developing cracks or other area changes need to take place

6.  It is possible that some kind of dragging, rigging system could be created to do small subtle movements of the tent structure. If the entire structure needed to move a few feet or so away from a potential crack in the ice, or a particularly heavy snow drift. It is possible to develop between layers 1 and 2 some kind of motion devise to drag, push, etc. the tent structure out of harm’s way. Not major motions, just a nudging motions of a under a half mile.

·     Living quarters

o  Living quarters have to be designed to accommodate for all the differing aspects of life but all those aspects have to be done inside.

1.  Sleeping, mating, infants, toddlers, politics, youthful indiscretions, boys needing to prove their worth, girls doing little girl actions, scholars, warriors, etc. all have to be accounted for by equivalent actions inside.

o  Sleeping quarters

o  Cooking areas

o  Family storage areas

o  Change shape of the tent for nasty cold snaps to ensure each group has a y calculation and not z. Z is too many in one area which causes its own problems. This technology was copied over and used in ships. Many ships could change configuration from; dinner, staterooms, battle, general quarters, extra storage, state dinners, open everything up for inspection, etc. The captains room could easily be moved around to accommodate just about any need the navy and admiralty needed those specifically designed ships to do.

1.  Remodeling a house or business has been part of construction since the first permanent buildings.


·     Medical tent

o  For larger cities someplace to put the sick and the grievously injured would become a necessity.

o  Performing all the tasks a normal hospital would perform, just in a tent on a glacier. The evidence of similar would be the research facilities in Antarctica. But conducting life in such conditions; it is not advisable to inflict young children to such conditions. No matter if they knew about germs etc. it does not take long to determine a link between infants and critical injured citizens need to have a separation between. Kids need time to play. Youth need time to explore their personalities and find mates. The sick need to heal. Creating a separation would be determined in a small time of absolute necessity for any tent city of more than x citizens.

·     Kitchen

o  A communal kitchen. A communal kitchen uses different tools and equipment to cook for the entire hundreds if not thousands of population citizens rather than just cooking for a few to a dozen. A kitchen tent or kitchen tents would be essential for major cities with over 50,000 in population.


·     Storage

o  Special tents just for needed but not every day equipment.

1.  Weapons,

2.  Super cold weather gear

3.  Fuel

4.  Building supplies to build the next tent.

5.  Building supplies to repair the existing tents.

6.  Food

7.  Day to day living supplies for the entire community. Large quantities of both raw yarn/string ready to be woven and woven string ready to be put into a loom.

8.  Human and Animal waste; storage facilities. Freeze to death or use body waist to burn in the stoves.

·     Compost

o  Tents which are designed to deal with all the processes involved with composting. Since there is no soil; soil has to be created. Soil can be created or at least supplemented with fertilizer. Fertilizer is made by composting.

o  This tent will stick and draw some very unwelcome attention but is an essential part of life on a glacier.

o  The other really nice thing about composting.

1.  If you can get the engineering down. Running some kind of heat transfer material into the middle of the composting pile of more than 120 degrees is a built in major heater.

2.  Run the material from the compose piles into and around the living quarters tents.

3.  One large composting tent can if engineered correctly heat a number of tents around it. Creating a large bubble of shared body, compose, animal waste burners, and animal generated heat bloom. During the harshest of 150 below with 200 mph winds that heating system can sustain a large 10,000s of humans for weeks or months. Just keep adding waist to the compost pile, and not mind the smell.


·     Libraries/classrooms

o  Study requires concentration.

o  To maintain a proper level of education in the entire community, every citizen would be required to maintain a high degree of education.

o  Unfortunately for life and death, someone who just could not hold up intellectually might face banishment. You carry your weight or you leave. Not saying all the tent cities on the glaciers would have strict rules; but a few almost had to have strict rules.

o  To maintain an entire culture would require a room dedicated to just storing books, codex's, scrolls, any anything else capable of maintaining literacy. Scratching figures into round clay to tell a story. Carving symbols into tree/animal bones/antlers.

1.  Literature

·     Education

o  Creating a complicated verbal language would be essential to maintain this level of thriving in a glacier age. Finding the materials capable of making life incrementally better.

o  Creating a complicated written language would be just as much of a need as the parameters of maintaining heat.

1.  Every once in a while every culture develops a really intelligent person.

2.  Every few centuries someone emerges who is born and have the motivational drive to use there neuropathways to think as deep and hard of thoughts as possible.

3.  The problem has never been the concept of finding the super geniuses of the world. The problem has always been recording as much as what the genius can think of, teach everyone in the community those thoughts, and sustain the ideas and inventions the genius think over for the next generations. Which means it takes more effort to duplicate the ideas and inventions a genius thinks of than it takes that genius to think them up in the first place.

1.  a genius can think of how to build a sterling engine; but it takes the collective wisdom of the group to learn what the engine is and how best to go about implement it. Which is the person is alive they can figure out how to implement their idea; but say the idea ha been implemented but the genius was only a limited applications genius. They invented the machine for x purpose; but have no understanding how to put product x into each of the problems from a-g.


·     Laboratories

o  Every society which wants to survive must work on advancing ideas.

o  The advancing ideas concept requires a work space in which to play around with ideas.

o  The work space in academic terms is called a laboratory.

1.  A laboratory is like a school/classroom.

o  The people of KÆrn who after the glaciers retreated turned their megalithic tent shadow measurers into actual stone shadow measurement devices.

1.  To learn how to do that, required work space in which to have a concentrated area to work and think.

·     Barn Animal husbandry

o  The floor engineering for the cows will have to be just as precisely created. There is not shoveling and such. The tons of waste a day will have to be corrected for properly. Cows with filth all over there feet will produce disease. Answer creates a groove system. Create grooves for the feet and channels for the waist. So the waist as least most of it lands in the channels and is at least semi-easy to clean up.


·     Greenhouse

o  The design of the greenhouse, arboretum, etc. is one of the most important things for this entire set of cultures to design and design correctly.

o  They would have had to design them according to the following principles

1.  A huge base,

2.  The base floor would have to be capable of taking many tons

3.  The first floor would have to contain either cows or pigs to offset the slipperiness of the ice and the many feet able the ground the center of gravity would be.

4.  The second floor would be where the plants would start to be grown. The second floor plants would be placed just over the layer of animals; the plants chosen would

5.  Rotating the soil

1.  The modular technology for centuries later in tigerous and Euphrates barge boats might have come directly from the engineering of a 3 to 15 story tent. Capable of producing acres if not more crops on an every few months basis. No need to the fallow seasonal observance. Just rotate the soil out, keep the nutrient system going.

2.  Thanks to the glacier age, rotating the soil into some aspect of frozen fallow is easy. Just build another tent with a large floor. Patrician the tent into sections; each section would be for a specifically timed area for maximum fallow of nutrient soil. Then mix the soil coming off the frozen tent with compost. Then add the freshly fallowed for months soil with half and half mixture of fertilizer from the compost process and you have good fresh soil in which to plant the crops needed for food in 4 months.


o  Vegetables are an absolutely essential part of sustaining human and some animal lives.

o  Place the compost turned fertilizer into areas capable of holding soil and water.

o  Place seeds in and grow. Some plants can sustain in the shade. When it is warm enough out planet the crops requiring limited direct light.

o  Barn for housing on the first floor high heat output animals. Cows, pigs, etc. which would allow the crops to say warm, the animals to feed on the provided hay walls, and allow for a solid enough tent base to have a dozen floors of wheat/crops to feed all the cows and humans.

o  Agriculture would take on an incredibly important task. agriculture, and the beginning of the t building.

1.  wow, wow, and wow. I just tripped over the infrastructure technology of the hanging gardens of Babylon. they are in Eridu. Something I have been working on for weeks now and I just tripped over it.

2.  it also explains why the gardens could move. why the arc of the covenant could change shape (the box container not ....), and how life on the ice after Adam and eve left is possible. Thanks to the institutional memory of portable stages. If you live on tundra, you have to be able to build tents with floors a cubic (the minimum distance of thermodynamics between 100 degrees and 20 below) above the tundra and have multiple floors of wheat/etc. to feed the cows/pigs. I am thinking a cubit is whatever the distance is to keeping a vapor barrier; 130 degrees below and man at 100 degrees above. I am on my knees humbled I was allowed to see it; thank you <G)reat one.

3.  For the needs of large quantities of food; say wheat, soy, etc. the framework would have to be just a little different.

4.  The framework would of course have to be able to cover the plants when it gets cold. But most of the time when the wind is not blowing; just a wind shield is all that would be necessary to open up the green house/tent and allow the plants to get a nice bit of sun. Place cows in the bottom and they generate enough heat to cut the freeze off of most of the plants growing above.

5.  The t building structure.

6.  Build a framework with a strong floor but open sides, build the framework with just enough vertical room to allow for just the size of the plant to grow.

1.  Make a framework much like that on a construction site.

2.  The framework would have walls of almost pure polls. That way there is little if any impediment to the growth process.

3.  Which is how the hanging garden of Babylon were made. They took the framework of the tent removed the movable portions; put the moveable portions on rock. And continued having a multistory garden and crop production now a building capable of being expanded exponentially up and out.

4.  Which is also how they might have thought of the engineering to build a 50 plus story tower/ziggurat. They had to build multistory tents to house crops sufficient to feed the herbivores.

7.  Which would also allow the idea of how to

o  Greenhouse hanging gardens of babel.

1.  This concept is a very large misnomer concept.

2.  There is so many stories and so many political add in that this story is all but mythology. Adding the current papers hypothesis and theories creates a new way to decrypt this story into fact

3.  If we know every major tent city had a greenhouse. We know every greenhouse has to be of y dimensions in order to sustain y population. X dimensions will not produce enough food, z will produce too much. Storage for said extras becomes a problem. A desperate need to do exact calculations of for x people x lbs. of food in x time.

4.  Of course there is nothing that states that the wonde3ring tents did not have elaborated on the ice with other tent cities and on the ground with on the ground cultures did not happen. The y of the extra mouths would not only have to be accounted for; but the entire infrastructure of what food goes to what mouth goes from on the ground a whatever over or above is all good. If we need to store the extra we do; building a gain or other solo is an easy task. When a culture carries literally everything with them, every lbs. of additional weight is one additional lbs. of weight which has to be accounted for.


·     Food storage

o  Food storage techniques during a glacier age has unique and sometimes hard to understand properties. When out camping it is common in specific areas to need to put food and other valuables into bear proof containers or out of the reach of hungry anything.

o  In glacier age; food can be the difference between like and death. A good meal can increase the metabolism of an animal and allow them to stave off freezing to death. The breaking down food process produces heat. The broken down food also acts to provide additional energy to get more food.

o  The food storage tents would not be just another place to put stuff to eat like putting a box full of dear hair yarn away; food storage requires first disguising the smell. But do not disguise the smell so much it spoils the food. For instance do not put food in the compose tent; the cross smells will spoil the fresh food.

o  Creating specially made and strong tents and building an infrastructure in the tent which makes it extremely hard for even a bear to smell something good to eat.

·     City hall

o  A common hall/meeting house/government building/etc.


·     With properly maintained tents, even in the deepest and darkest coldest portions of a glacier age; it is possible to maintain a comfortable 60-70 degrees ambient throughout the living and working areas.

·     Wooden megalithic structure.

o  To keep track of astrophysics some kind of complicated interlocking sundial is needed.

o  Keeping track of the following

1.  time of day.

2.  Days since mid-summer

3.  Days since last mid-winter

4.  Days till the next mid-summer

5.  Days till the next midwinter.

o  This structure which would need to be both in a tent to not damage it due to storms, and open it up for sunlight. If this is true, this would be the first solarium

o  One of the most valuable things to learn about when playing around with megalithic designs is the volume of available information packed into situation so tight it is hard to process all the data.

o  The variable in megalithic architecture.

1.  First the shadows of what time it is

2.  Second the shadows of what longitudinal access you are

3.  Three where on the latitudinal access you are.

4.  Fourth the position of the planet in its orbit around the sun

5.  Fifth this is where things get interesting.

1.  Sound has been a part of the noticed megalithic examiners and scientists since Stonehenge and similar megalithic structures first starting to come into the preview of western culture. Western culture being specifically the rebuild Greco-Roman culture.

2.  Sound is a huge part of the base engineering.

3.  It does not take long working with light and sound to start noticing the structures of sound and light.

4.  The structure of sound and light match the observed structures of how magnets and electricity operate.

5.  Meaning four separate things all match in application structure.


·     Yurt/Tabernacle electro-magnetics

1.  Mecca always has been a place to invite scholars. It has always almost had large and well trained army. Mecca is also a city in which contains, or at least did before the Muslim’s tore it down, a megalithic structure I hypothesis with the same or very similar design of the wooden megalithic structure on the tent the people of KÆrn built in order to study and record weather patterns. Then started to study astrophysics. Stumbling onto the field of electro-magnetics in the process. Cycladic storms can produce lightening. Very low humidity can produce static electricity very quickly. Two very simple and easy ways in which the tent living nomadic people of KÆrn could have first discovered electricity and start to experiment with it. Nothing in the archaeological  record suggests Mecca is not an ancient city with a strong academics base.

o  It is possible that while the people of KÆrn were creating schools, laboratories, libraries, etc. they might have run across the concept of magnetism. In magnetism it does not take much experimenting to know the vast array of knowledge which can be learned from playing with electricity.

o  Thanks to Nickola Tesla, modern academics also knows that in a short few decades with a little bit of experimentation mysteries of the universe can be uncovered.

o  The technology build from learning from these experiments might be one reason the ancient monotheists were angry enough with the ancients who built the tower to begin with. They were angry for much the same reason in 2011 many religious and academics are extremely concerned over the concepts of all research into upper end electro-magnetics.

o  The tabernacle might be a special tent designed for the express purpose of experimenting with and creating products based on those experiments. Playing with electricity is one way to get not only yourself but everyone around you very hurt or destroyed. All laboratories that are aimed at the field of electro-magnetics have to be specially constructed so electricity does not arc and damage things which are not good to damage.

o  The evidence for at least some degree of electro-magnetics experimentation and products can be reasonably assumed.


·     Assending and desending

o  https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/483638_270049569785214_840878811_n.jpg

o  A pod designed to raise and lower someone from the ground up to the top of the glacier.

o  http://cronicasdelgrantiempo.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/la-nave-de-toprakkale.html

§  Five The only way to live is to build as many communities on the ice as possible

§  Six at the end of the ice age; what to do next. Before the ice melts descend from the top to the ground; into an area of earth not going to be flooded by the melting ice behind.

§  Seven; it is possible, major barges were created around the most important of the tents. The barges were then just floated down when the glacier collapsed. Some successful some crushed.

§  The above mentioned steps are the framework for what creates and causes extremely complicated and what modern humans will one day label advanced architectural engineering to be invented. As every single person who has had anything to do with artic life experience; glacier ages are the definition of serious. Glaciers will kill you in a second if you are not prepared.

§  Humans came into cognition at the end of more than 100,000 years of glacier age. Or for the creationists; humans came into cognition while glaciers were still surrounding the garden. Once they left the garden, they had to immediately content with having to invent all the technology needed to live on ice full time. The end conclusion is the same; invent architecture and artic engineering or die.


o  Banishment

§  What happens if someone is unable or unwilling to be a gainful member of the society.

§  Every culture on the planet academics has any record of has had members which were deemed by society to have unacceptable behavior.

·     Be that behavior

o  Criminal

o  Educational; those that refuse to learn enough to help sustain the technology level needed to stay alive.

o  Medical; those incapable of taking care of themselves or others.

§  The consequence would be simple. The tent citizen would either have to do one of the following actions

·     find another tent city willing to take them in,

·     find a ground culture willing to take them in

·     or learn how to live by themselves; or in a small band. Nomadic and hand to mouth subsistence level of survival.


o  52 tents52 tents. What life was like on a glacier. How those reflections are still in the variables of the modern day nomadic and tent cities of those same areas.

§  What the tent cities would look like is a large group of tents usually in a circular pattern. With one or a couple major large tents at the center with progressive rings of tents surrounding in even widening circles.

§  A picture of said is illustrated on a monolithic scroll in Roslyn chapel. The scroll talks about the history and progress of the temple of Jerusalem

·     1 How it started as a tent complex

·     2 Then moved into semi-solid architecture at some point in history. The reason for the change from tent to semi-permanent is not listed on the scroll.

·     3 Then the first actual physical temple; location possibly Jerusalem. But Jerusalem was at the time firmly controlled by the Canaanite/people of KÆrn.

·     4 1 After a battle the first actual temple of Jerusalem. When the Semitic conquered the city from the founders. Previous temples were rumored to be only in tents and other smaller temples from other cities and hidden in caves.

·     5 2 an exact copy of the Jerusalem temple which is a close exact copy of the tent complex from the end of the glacier age. Is constructed on the island of tyre; now submerged. The temple of tyre was renamed the temple of Hercules.

·     6 3 Jerusalem is conquered (probably from the new Babylonians; similar to New York. Two different cities similar name) the temple of antiquity is rebuilt circa 900 b.c.e.  by king Solomon

·     7 4 a series of build the temple in Jerusalem on the temple mount, then have successive conquerors knock it down. In this sequence, it is rumored that the 5th time the temple is rebuild; the messiah will come/return according to Jewish and Christian scholar's respectively.

·     8 5 the coming back of the true power of Canaan. (which who truly owns the lands of Canaan; will shock most of the entire world. The land is still called by their name. All the buildings still reflect the basic engineering the people of KÆrn in this specific location were called the Canaanites. The people of KÆrn language is called by scholars another title Indo European language. Since the people of KÆrn lived almost their entire 10,000 plus year reign living on glaciers the evidence of their existence is spotty and misunderstood at best. How do I know they lived in and had vast tent technology; all the descended cultures of the middle east copied and used their yurt/tabernacle tent design. )






·     Gaelic

o  The language of Gaelic has not official parent language. It was almost entilrely formed prior to commign to the attention of history via the Roman empire invading the UK.

o  The framework of Gaelic and seom of the words of Heiroglyphics are not only that far apart when it comes to the way they not only sound but a few of them look.

o  Now hieroglyphics is a language which was extinct (thanks to the Roman Empire and the Vatican), so the application of what ancient hieroglyphics sounded like is entirely based on impressions from Latin and Greek scholars who knew what words and names like Cleopatra sounded like more than 1500 years after extinction. But those languages like Cleopatra Egypt pronunciations ran thorugh several languages before arriving in their post dark ages pronunciation format.

o  Consequently; there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to spelling or pronunciation for hieroglyphics from 2000 b.c.e and back. 100 years can change a lgnauge in ways which can be measured and tracked in just the modern languages from 1900-2000. One language; words with careful definitions and pronunciations changed a great deal. Egypt from 3200-1900 b.c.e had to undergo no less than two major invations; invasions always change and alter languages. Additionally; the conquerors language was not the same as the conquered. The Esau descended Hyksos did not speak the same language as Heiroglyphics. It is very possible Narmer spoke the same language as those in Lower Egypt. But doubt is prevalent.

o  Consequently





·     I never claimed the idea of a space ladder was original. No idea where I could have given that impression. I have been clear regarding the standard technology concept of a space elevator. But placing it as human made circa 4000 b.c.e is a radical idea. The evidence is starting to stack up to say the Egyptians could have developed this technology. Not saying they did; just stating as a growing evidentiary theory that they could have with the technology they were masters at could lead one to the educated assumption that yes they could have built a space ladder infrastructure.




·     Hieroglyphics possible evidence of a space ladder

o  The graphics, pictures, and words which could be some type of reference to a space elevator.




·     Yr Hen Ogledd <OGLE>; (Manx Gaelic) The family/Owners of the Old North. A bit of mystery still surrounds this definition, since north depending on use could mean Polaris, compass North, Vertical/Up, etc.




·     Norman (1066-), Plantaganet (1154-), Lancaster (1399-), York (1461-), Tudor (1485-), Stuart (1603-), Hanover (1714-1901), Windsor (1901/1917-present)

·     Ogle Family Trade Route


·     The Ogle Family date back to De Ogle circa 1050.

·     The Ogle family had been working in and around the Northumberland since previous to the Roman invasions.

·     The Ogle Family are why the Romans were dead stopped at Hadrian’s well.


·     The history and exploits of the family are absolutely legendary. The Ogle family either did the actions or were associated with many or the most important actions of the last 2200 years in western culture history.


·     The Roman invasions of the UK, the Age of the Vikings, Northern Ireland, The British colonies in America, East India Trading Company, Lewish and Clark, Several states in the America’s the Ogles founded or helped lay the boundaries for. Georgia, Ohio, Illinois, Washington State, Oregon, Maryland, Virginia, Massachusetts, etc.


·     Not to mention the Ogle Family owned and controlled the area or Northern Florida up into Georgia for several decades. 1600-1700s.


·     To achieve all this; the Ogle family had an extremely extensive and long standing trade route with most of the major countries in the world.



·     For more




·     British Royal Family

·     British Empire

·     Ogle Family

·     Ogle Trade Route draft three 2013 6 25 1705


·     Part one foundation of the Trade Route

o  Previous to the Romans invading the UK the history is entirely sketchy

·     Part Start of the Trade Route 50 b.c.e.

o  After the Romans invaded; the Ogles sent an open hiring call to any and all soldiers interesting in fighting

o  The Mercenaries the Ogle's hired arrive in droves;

o  The Ogles train the soldiers to fight and defeat the square

o  The Romans are stopped dead at what would

·     Part Foundation of Rome ?

o  Jacobs descendants

o  Esau Descendants phonetically Asia

o  Tyrolean's

o  Cycladic

o  Alba longa

o  Spear of Longinus

o  Joseph of Aramathia; Roman citizen member of the counsel

·     Part ancient history

o  1500 b.c.e

o  Stonehenge and Giza similarities

o  Nile, Mississippi, Indus river, Columbia river,

·     Part Constantine

·     Part Constantinople


·     Part Vikings

·     Part Crusades

·     Part Foundation of Academics

·     Foundation of FreeMasonry

o  1300 Northumberland

o  Ugle is a homage to the Ogle

o  Rossyln chapel

·     Part Northern Ireland?

·     Part the regular North Atlantic Trade Route

o  Vikings

·     Part alliances with Europe

o  France

o  Germany

o  Norway

o  Swizzerland


·     Part first mound builders

·     Part second mound builders


·     Part Precolumbia

o  St Augustine

o  Carolinas

§  Gaelic speakers in the Carolinas;

§  The white streak of hair over the luz bone

o  Cherokee; eyes, skin, dimensions, architecture, location, first mound builders, etc.


·     Part America

o  Boston

o  Ohio leg; NewCastle Delaware to St Louis through Chicago


o  South Carolina to New Orleans

o  Ogle Family Trade Route; Worth Trade Route leg, Fort Worth Texas, fort worth house in fl,

·     Part British Versus England

·     Part American Masonry

o  Northumberland grand lodge

o  Grand Lodge of France; Louisiana, New France, Ogle territory between NewFrance and the colonies

·     Part Vancouver Expedition

·     Part Napoleon

·     Part Royalists in France and NewFrance

·     Part America erasing the Ogles

·     Part Lewis and Clark expedition

·     Part New France to new colonies


·     Ogle family

·     Yr Hen Ogledd <OGLE>; (Manx Gaelic) The family/Owners of the Old North. A bit of mystery still surrounds this definition, since north depending on use could mean Polaris, compass North, Vertical/Up, etc.




·     Norman (1066-), Plantaganet (1154-), Lancaster (1399-), York (1461-), Tudor (1485-), Stuart (1603-), Hanover (1714-1901), Windsor (1901/1917-present)




















Hadrian Roman

Begun in AD 122


200-400 in exile

In exile in Normandy for the first recorded time. Immediately following when hadrien built a wall literally cutting the ogle influence in half.



Kings of

(Hane) Yr Hen Ogledd.



After the roman empire fell the ogles came back to reclaim their territory.

But the mercers already reclaimed their London and the merci areas. Declairing themselves kinds of englaihd.

Engliand is from mercia south to the sea, minus cornwall.

Britain is from just south or York the northern boarder of mercia up to Scotland.

During the 400-800 scotland started north of the firth of foel or north or st Andrews.


Camelot ?400-500



New Castle


Conquered by the Picts and Scots




Age of the Vikings

The Vikings landed at Northumberland exactly where they had for the previous 800 years. Hired as mercenaries by the ogle royal family as an ever renewable army to defend against constant and continuous attacks from the









Who at 780  ce formed an allange together and conwquered the ogles. Forcing the ogles into exile.

That exile the ogles went to Holland/Normandy.


In exile in Normandy 826-1050


The ogles escaped to Normandy for 200 years till a cousin put an army together and invaded.



de OGLE circa 1000 
Saxony, Germany

circa 1000


Hoggel of Northumberland

Hoggel of of Northumberland Icn_world Icn_collaborator_both_14

Birth:   1034 Citation_note

Death:             1088 (54) Citation_note


Humphrey De OGLE (Sir Knight)

Humphrey (Sir Knight) de Ogle 1055-1125 Icn_world Icn_collaborator_both_14

Place of Burial:           Northumberland National Park

Birth:   1055

Northumberland, England Citation_note

Death:             1125 (70)

Ogle, Castle Ward, Northumberland, England


de Ogle

Birth: 1085 
Ogle, United Kingdom Death: 1167 (82) 
Ogle, United Kingdom


Gilbert De Ogle

Birth:   1130

Ogle Castle, Ogle, Northumberland, England Citation_note

Death:             1182 (52)

Northumberland, UK


Sir Richard de Ogle

Birth:   Ogle, Castle Ward, Northumberland, England

Death:             circa 1252

Ogle Castle, Northumberland, UK, UK


Thomas Ogle, Sir Knight

Birth:   1219

Ogle Castle, Northumberland, England Citation_note

Death:             1270 (51)

Bothal Castle, Northumberland, UK, UK


John de Ogle

Birth:   circa 1264

Bothal Demesne, Morpeth, Northumberland, England Citation_note

Death:             July 3, 1323 (59)

Bothal, Northumberland, England


Sir Robert de Ogle, I

Birth:   circa 1295

Bothal Castle, Bothal, Northumberland, England Citation_note

Death:             circa 1330 (35)

Bothal, Northumberland, England


Robert de Ogle, II

Birth:   circa 1315

Ogle Castle, Ogle, Northumberland, England Citation_note

Death:             June 16, 1362 (47)

Northam, Northumberland, England


Sir Robert de Ogle, III, Baron of Bothal

Birth:   May 10, 1331

Ogle Castle, Northumberland, , England Citation_note

Death:             November, 1375 (44)

Berwick Castle, Berwick, Wiltshire, England


Sir Robert de Ogle, IV, Baron of Ogle

Place of Burial:           Hexham Abbey, Northumberland, England

Birth:   December 8, 1351

Ogle Castle, Ogle, Northumberland, England Citation_note

Death:             October 31, 1409 (57)

, Hexham, Northumberland, England


Robert Ogle, V, High S iff of Bothal

Birth:   May 21, 1379

Ogle Castle, Northumberland, England Citation_note

Death:             August 12, 1436 (57)

Bothal, Redesdale, Northumberland, England


William Ogle, of Choppington

Birth:   circa 1412

Choppington, Northumberland, England

Death:             August 10, 1474 (62)

Prudhoe, Northumberland, England


Henry OGLE

Birth:   1450

Ogle, United Kingdom

Death:             circa 1541 (91)

Northumberland, UK


Luke Ogle

Birth:   circa 1520

Eglingham, Northumberland, England

Death:             circa 1542 (22)

Ogle, United Kingdom


Luke OGLE of Eglingham

Birth:   circa 1540

Eglingham, Northumberland, England

Death:             November 23, 1597 (57)



Luke OGLE of Eglingham

Birth:   circa 1580

Eglingham, Northumberland, England

Death:             July 29, 1604 (24)



Captain Henry

Birth:   circa 1600

Eglingham, Northumberland, England

Death:             1669 (69)

Ogle, United Kingdom


John (of Eglingham) Ogle, Capt.


November 25, 1621 
Morpeth, Northumberland, England


circa 1686 (65) 
Eglingham, England

1.Eleanor PRINGLE was born ABT 1631 in Stitchell,, Scotland, and died BEF 1666 in Eglingham, Northumberland, England. She marriedJohn OGLE 1648 in ,, Scotland, son of Henry OGLE and Jane FORSTER. He was born NOV 1621 in Morpeth, Northumberland, England, and died BEF 11 JUN 1686 in Eglingham, Northumberland, England.


  ID: I08530

  Name: Eleanor PRINGLE

  Sex: F

  Birth: ABT 1631 in Stitchell,, Scotland

  Death: BEF 1666 in Eglingham, Northumberland, England

  Event: AFN M4XC-GQ

  Reference Number: 8530

John (of Delaware) Ogle


September 30, 1649 
Berick Upon Tweed, Northumberland, England


February 8, 1684 (34) 
New Castle, Delaware, United States

Immediate Family:

Son of Captain John Ogle of Eglingham andEleanor Ogle of Eglingham
Husband of 
Elizabeth Petersdotter andElizabeth Ogle
Father of 
Thomas OgleJohn Ogle, Jr.Mary OgleThomas Ogle and William Ogle


Thomas Ogle 1667-1734

Birth:   January 23, 1749

Frederick, Maryland, United States


Joseph Ogle

Birth:   1707

New Castle, New Castle County, DE

Death:             1756 (49)

Frederick, MD, USA


Thomas Ogle


New Castle, New Castle, Delaware, United States


July 13, 1734 (68) 
New Castle, New Castle, Delaware, United States

Immediate Family:

Son of John (of Delaware) Ogle and Elizabeth Ogle
Husband of 
Mary Crawford and Elizabeth Ogle
Father of 
Thomas Ogle, Jr.John OgleJoseph OgleJames OgleJudah Ogle and 9 others
Brother of 
John Ogle, Jr.Mary OgleThomas Ogle and William Ogle


Joseph Ogle


New Castle, New Castle County, DE


1756 (49) 
Frederick, MD, USA

Immediate Family:

Son of Thomas Ogle and Mary Crawford
Husband of 
Sarah Ogle/Winters
Father of 
Thomas OgleCaptain Joseph Ogle;William Ogle and John Ogle
Brother of 
Thomas Ogle, Jr.John Ogle;James OgleJudah OgleBenjamin Ogle and2 others
Half brother of 
David OgleElizabeth McDonaldSusannah OgleJane Ogle;Alexander Ogle, Sr. and 1 other

ogle county ill named after

Thomas Ogle


January 23, 1749 
Frederick, Maryland, United States


1790 (41) 
Maples farm, , Tiffin, OH, USA

Immediate Family:

Son of Joseph Ogle and Sarah Ogle/Winters
Husband of 
Sybilla Ogle
Father of 
Margaret Thomas (Ogle) and Joseph Ogle
Brother of 
Captain Joseph OgleWilliam Ogleand John Ogle


Joseph Ogle


circa 1781


circa 1864 (83)

Immediate Family:

Son of Thomas Ogle and Sybilla Ogle
Husband of 
Elizabeth Ogle
Father of 
William Ogle and Thomas Ogle
Brother of 
Margaret Thomas (Ogle)


Thomas Ogle


circa 1816


circa 1899 (83)

Immediate Family:

Son of Joseph Ogle and Elizabeth Ogle
Husband of 
Mary Ogle
Father of 
Elmer Ogle
Brother of 
William Ogle


Elmer Ogle

Place of Burial:           Tiffin, OH, USA

Birth:   1861

Tiffin, OH, USA

Death:             February 13, 1942 (81)

Tiffin, OH, USA


Helen Shaffer



Mary Lou Welling



Wes Welling



T “T.R.” Robert “Shawn” Welling






·     https://scontent-b-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/9819_725837587443493_970271556_n.jpg



·     Ogles and FreeMasonry through history


o  Robin Hood a Mason

§  I found 15 points of continuity between Robin Hood and FreeMasonry
Friar pre1600 meant fraternity not a religious order. So Friar would be old English possibly middle English for Brother. Friar tuck is seen as having some type of cover on his head. So does Robin Hood; infact hood or cover is part of his title/name. Tell me; what type of cover did a WM wear previous to current head covering being invented. The brimmed cap, the top hat, etc were yet to be invented. So what type of hat did a WM wear? Secrecy has always been a very EA important thing. Add to that the British and the English have rarely if ever gotten along. The O and U in middle English were for the most part Interchangeable. Making UGLE and OGLE virtually the same in middle English. However OGLE is the Gaelic name for the Northumberland Royal family. Which just so happens to be where FreeMasonry began 200 years later. Gaelic at the time was a capital crime. Their is a very long list of items the English stole from the British without so much of a thanks. So why would secrecy regarding the creation of FreeMasonry be important in the 1200s when Gaelic was a crime punishable by death and the Catycism is based on Gaelic. Outlaw means; outside the bounds of the law. Are we talking British law or English. since the English won the war; that obviously means English law. Where does Sherwood forest lay; exactly between the northern boarder of Mercia aka England home kingdom and the old Southern boarder of Ogle aka Northumberland lands. I have more

§  Scotland is alba

§  Alba is also the name of the city 7 miles west of Rome. inous in a way means the same as alba. Longious and alba longa the definitions are very very close. Alba by legend was founded by exiled princes from troy. Troy means descendants of the foot holder aka Jacob. David was a direct descendant of Jacob


§  Another point of continuity. York is not far from Sherwood forest.

§  York rite was invented long before robin hood. York rite goes way back to 700; predating Robin Hood by more than 200 years.

§  Friar or Brother Tuck



§  Robin Hood

§  Little john

§  Friar or Brother Tuck; Friar could be a slang term attempting to hide the concept regarding Frair Tuck being a Mason.



§  Connecting the York being the bottom end of the Northumberland Royal lands. The bottom of the lands being part of the lands of Sherwood Forest. Directly connecting the Ogles with Robin Hood and now friar or the friary being a 1600s translation change from Brother Tuck to Friar Tuck. Back then committing a crime was usually as easy as breathing in the general direction of an authority figure.


§  So it is very likely the Robin Hood story has a profound connection to the Ogle Family, and the Fraternity or brotherhood of Masons which the Ogle Royal family brought back form Jerusalem. Interestingly enough; Masonry was brought back from Jerusalem at the same time the Robin Hood legend began.


§  the definition of Friar changed in the 1600s reformation. From brother to the friary. Friar meant; Fraternity. in a very real way Friar means Brother. So Brother Tuck would be an accurate definition. The area between Nottingham and York is the area of Sherwood Forest. From 1066 - 1600s the Ogle Royal Family owned and partially controlled that entire area from middle of Sherwood forest north to Perth.




§  Both robin hood and frair tuck  by legend had some type of head dress of head covering.

§  Indicating friar tuck and robin were at one time WMs of hteir lodge.

§  Of course times being difficult.

§  A lodge would be connected to a tree if they could not meet in a tabernacle. A grand oak or similar would be in place of the tabernacle. Since the tabernacle itself was a house for the great tree of life.

§  So the meeting tree of Robin Hood could be seen as a lodge room


§  The staves both friar tuck and a few others carried could be easily seen as the saves and or the items used by the deacons and wardens.

§  Robin Hood.



·     Ogilvy

o  Prove the Ogles had direct serious ties to the French Royals in the 1400s.

o    Sir Patrick Ogilvy commanded the Scottish forces that fought alongside Joan of Arc against the English, and he was styled Viscomte d'Angus.[2]

·     Empires

The city of Bellingham Washington has a history beyond comprehension more complicated than can be imagined.


In just five moves I can connect Bellingham the city itself directly to Emperor Constantine

          Bellingham to honor Lord Bellingham

          Vancouver Expedition

          Castle Bellingham the name sake of Lord Bellingham

          Castle Bellingham was founded/renamed in the Viking invatinos to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland.

          Castle Bellingham Northumberland is 18 miles a couple points north fo due west from Ogle Castle .


So you ask your self what in the world does Ogle Castle have aythign at all to do with the City of Bellingham America and Emperor Constantine.

Ogle Castle is only 11 miles north NewCastle 8 to  of Hadrienswall.

Hadriens wall is wehre Roman Legeons went to die from the second the Romans hit Northumberland the boundary itself circa Caesar to the very last day of the Roman Empire the wall was a place Romans went to die.

The wall was erected in the first place to prevent the Ogle Royal family and their impressive to say the absolute least army from pushing the Romans into the sea.

Empeoror Constatine the great is by hard fact a direct descendant of these battles where the Romans could nto stop loosing.

So tell me something; did the Romans do A, win battles and then sign peace treatiest with the enemy army and the emperor marry the commanding generals daughter. Or B did the Roman army loose and part fo the armistis was for the emperor to marry the daughter of the commanding general?

The answer is of course the Romans exectuted the commanding general and his entire staff in Rome as spectacle of the might of the Roman Empire.

So Emperor constaintine was dirct evidence of Roman bragging it won but in truth leagon after leagon died at the wall.

I know the last name of the British Royal family because there is a nuersery rhyme about it. “old king cole”

That has the family code burie. d inside it in several ways. The code is the very name of the Manx Gaelic full translation of the actual name of the Family. The full name of the British not English Ogle Royal family is Yr Hen Ogle dd.

Which means exactly the same as the Latin translation fo that name. North (old English North did not mean compass but it meant vertical almost solar<amber>, although in very hard truth when the name was created Polaris was the constellation Draco or Dragon)Umber as in amber as in gold as in sacred, Land a specifically designated area.


Age of Vikings

We know Western Washington university its mascot is the Viking. Why; because the age fo the Vikings started the very year the Pictish alliance against the Ogle family worked and the Ogles were exiled to Holland.

The age of the Vikings lasted from the year the Ogles were defeated to the year the Ogles reconquered the UK with William the conqueror.

Additional evidence the Vikings and the Ogles are directly connected; besides the year it started and ended the ogles were directly involved with both.

The Vikings conquered and renamed Castle Bellingham Ireland. The exact namesake of the city fo Bellingham Washignton. Since Lord Bellingham his name and title came directly from the conquest nad rename.



Western Washington Univerity

Western Washignton Univeirty is situated onteh very spot wehre the original founded city fo Bellignham used to be.

The buildings of the original city; city hall, businesses, etc were converted over to the university.

Which is perfect since the city itself is dating back into very very ancient hsitoyr has unless in times of extreme war Roman invasinos, English invasions, etc the city has always been the host of major centers fo learning.


The name and title of western has more than one meaning.

The name is compass heading; but it also could be a very ancient reference to Westies. Which is the Greek Nick name for the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Where just shy of all the pyrmaids built between 2700-2100 were constructed.

But despite all you might have heard; the evidence regarding most everything you have heard about the pyramids is in almost all cases flat out wrong.

The pyramids at Giza were not graves; they were monuments to the three great monotheistic profits. The rest of the pyramids were made for different ceremonial purposes. The Bent for instance was built for both men and woman to attend or to flee from attackers. Since a pyramid is not breachable; without extreme effort.

John Ogle

one reason john ogle his grave cannot be found is he suffered the fate of anyone who breaks the FreeMason code of secrets. LInking John Ogle directly to the foundation and forumation of the guild structure of FreeMasonry. Freemasonry was developed in part after teh crusades. when the ogles took direct and hard on approach to the establihment of FreeMasonry after they arrived back from jeruslame. working to both conquer the city and establish a safe zone for pilgrims can travel from home to jeruslam.


viking invasions

during the age of vikings the ogles exiled to first holland then normandy. of course the vikings cionquered and name changed normandy.

normandy means; the good/sacred family of the north(vertical), which contains the code.

the vikings also conquered and renamed Dublin.

Bellfast also contains the code. Bell sound/god/sacred from above. which a bell can be heard over a specific designated area.

Vancouver expedition

Lord Bellingham was on board. Lord Bellingham was nto only on board but most likely provided the maps his heretical ancestors had already created thanks to John and Joseph Ogle’s explorations of the Americas in the 1600s and early 1700s.

the vancouver expeditino took place in the

with lord bellingham involved vancouver knew or at least had a ready good idea where he was going. it is very possible vancouver sent his ships south around the horn himself traveled the few months from the east coast along the Ogle fmaily norhtern leg trade route to the city he woudl rename after himself.

sending his ships years in advance to be able to arrive at approximately the same time in his new city as his ships. which woudl also allow him to commission a new ship in that area incase he lost one on either the trip around the horn or the trip from the future vancouver to china.

which occurred just south of vancouver bc. another city he both conquered and renamed. Although since the area already had one city renamed and at that point it all all british territory. their was no oregon or british columbia yet.

although the province fo british columbia

naming BC to honor the British the original settlers in the area by hard evidence in the islands to the west fo bellingham still show large settlements. although those settlements were abandoned quickly when the ogles managed to transfer onto the mainland.

how do I know as a matter of hard fact the ogles were present in puget sound prior ot the vancouver expedition. naming things is a privelage reserved only for the highest ranked royals in the area. and they name things to either honor themlsves or honor their fmaily.

so in truth the name british is only realistically possible to be if a British very high ranking Royal fmaily member of groups of very high ranking british fmaily members were present.

naming the area britiain is like constatine naming his empire Byzantium.

which in truth byzantium is late latin for the gaelic britain. so in a very real way British columbia is Byzantium Columbia. to tie the voyage of columbus to the british. who funded the expedition and one fo the ships of columbus's expedition was built by the british. that same ship part fo the timbers which made up teh ship itself were used to build a public house close to the ship yard where that ship was built.


one of hte hsips that columbus used went thorugh the most radical of of journeys all by itself.

one fo the ships columbus used was beached; the ship itself was used to create the town of navidade, and columbus left 8 men (who were most likely his jewish crew members) behind in navidade. when he came back years later, instead of finding a thriving city he found an abandedoned ruined area. the timbers taken from the beahced ship were both gone. adn the skeleton of the ship itself was also gone.

which leads one to speculate that the jews he left coudl have easily rebuilt the ship using the saem exact timbers taken off of it.

they coudl have taken that ship north west with little to no difficultly.

evidence of DNA in the desert south west around hour corners area shows jews in that area circa the early 1500s.

naming British Columbia that

is a linguistic code the very high ranking british royal fmaily were not only present. but remmebered the exploits of 1492 honoring columbus for his giving his ship built by the british to the jews. so they coudl establishing a new jerusalem in Amerca. all the while hiding all those facts so that the inquistion priests adn theri army woudl not execute the jews because they were jews nad not converted christians.

more than a little bit of evidence storngly suggests that columbus who his family just a few generations before were jewss.

he had to travel through more than a few obstacles to prove he was a true christian and not a jew pretending to be a christian but held onto his jewish beliefs. those tests and trials forced him to record and name things to hide his true intentions.

to honor that sacrifice; it is likely the british wanted to honor him for providing what he did and allowing the jews to create a new jeruslame in america.

which is also why in another city the Ogles founded Tiffin the high school is named after columbus. That high school I would have been a graduate of.

Lewis and Clarke

Lewis and Clarke directly plagiarized the Ogle family maps, diplomatic connections, etc to perform their trip. They knew where they were going and directly lied about it.

Lewis was killed because he broke international law by creating a grand lodge of England in British Masonic Territory. His lodge in St Louis was within miles of the British Grand lodge established by the Ogle family almost a full century before.

Lewis is murdered

Lewis made a termillaly fatal mistake. he was clearly allginued as an American and Enlighsman. hwich at that time was still an acceptable format. the english once defeated allowed the colonies to be independant but still english. so as to remove the british influences from the formulation fo American.

so lewis became a Master FreeMason under the United Grand lodge of England.

when he traveled to St Louis. Lewis broke many an international law by placing a United Grand lOdge of England grand lodge in St Louis miles from the United Grand lodge of Britain the Ogles had built in the early 1700s

knowing that he broke international law; he knew he was facing punishment regarding his lodge. his punishment was to either be killed or commit suicide under the direct watchful eye of those that he had broken international law with. his transgression building a major center of power well behidn enemy lines and not bothering to ask any type of permission. from America, England, Britain, and France.


British Versus English

The cultures of the British and the English are entirely and vastly different. The English have gone to wwar against the British on more than a few occasions.

Robin Hood

List of facts

First Sherwood Forest in the 1100s was the border lands between the British Northumberland Kingdom and the Kingdome of Mercia which is the northern territory of the English culture.

With no top hats, or other fancy head wear. FreeMason Worshipful  masters wear a type of crown to signify their rank and position. But when being attacked almost constantly; hiding truth becomes a survival technic. So the Hood could be a sign that the

Robin Hood politics

The entire situation of Robin Hood is a mini-war fought between the English culture aligned King John and the British allied King Richard. But Richard lost causing the case of Robin Hood to g

Erasing of the British influence

Every single conquest which has occurred in the entire length and breadth of written history the following is beyond a hard 100% repeat pattern fact.

The new culture either erases the previous cultures accomplishments or they absorb them as if the accomplishments were created by the new culture. The evidence regarding how long before the item existed to the conquest date is usually applyed to the work the conqueror did before they were able to topple hte old culture.

A type of "we knew we were going to be take over; so we built x, y, z, etc preparing to take over"

The evidence it existed very long before is either erased or flat ignored.

Which becomes an in teresteing situation when you add what occurs in a given amount of time when the new culture is conquered and their conqueror does the same hting. creating layers and layers of political spin regarding who did what and more importantly when.

the British has a profound influence onto the American continent very long before the English came into the picture as a strong influence. In a very real way the Engilsh did exactly the same behavior pattern in both the UK and America to the British.

including but seriously not limited to absorbing the name British Royalty as the name of the English Royal family. but since the British Royals are the rightful rulers of the UK and not the English; when the english finally conquered the british in the UK circa1600, the English took the name British ROyaltiy for their own. Rewriting the documentation to say it was actually the English are British. which is violently not true. The British are the rightful rulers of the UK and the English are descended from Romans and the Anglo-Saxon cultures.

Anglo Saxon

the anglo saxon culture is actually comprised to a very large degree of former Roman settlements in Germany. after centuries they mixed with the native rhineland tribes, who htemselevs have a very muddled hundreds to thousands fo conquests erasing the counter erasing the events fo histoyr.

in a way of saying it, part fo the original tribes who comprise the germany/rhineland cultures are a sizable chunk of the Hyksos. the Hyksos invaded the middle east and pushed themselves up into thracian land, this specific branch who later became known as descendants fo Odin pushed north on the east side of the black sea, pushed north around the Urals, pushed and traveled west above the urals which put them directly into Poland and Germany.  Odin's cutlure then met nad warred with the already existing Vinca who are mostly likely descendants of hte Vanier of several millennia before.


is an insult description for the Hyksos. the Hyksos is ancient egyptian description for "shepherd kings" shepherd over sheep. So the insult is the kings or those that speak with Sheep. So sheep speak, the bah of a sheep became an insult regarding this cultures interactions with the sheep speakers/shepherds.

bar/bah bar/bah person of the sheep; over time became bahbahrian, then changed to barbar ian. turning into Barbarian.

so in a very real effect the barbarian wars were the cutlures in the aegean fighting against the remance of the Hyksos.

who in a very real way; the hyksos invaded upper egypt from Mecca.

making the hyksos descendants fo Esau.

Making the barbarians and Odin both descendants of Esau's line. Which makes the English at least in a very large part descendants of Esau's line.

which is not really a problem because Paul who the dead sea scrolls call "the evil priest" was also an Esau line descendant. Simon Peter and Paul in Roman had more than a few arguments. Unfortunately for the vatican organization it was Paul's teachings and not Simon Peters teachings which conquered and become dominant.

Screwing the message of Jesus from Jacob's teachings to Esau's teachings. the two most famous Esau teachers other than Paul were Moses and Mohammed. Moses himself was an Esau/Hyksos line descendant.

Making the English ROyal family at least 25% Esau line descendants. the British Royal family are descendants of Jacob. since the trojan war the princes one of the places they escaped to was Northumberland.

we know trojans are Jacobs line descendants because the translation fo the word troy itself is "Descendants fo the foot holder" as any one can tell you jacob means all be it in ancient Sumerian "the Foot holder" translates into Latin as Jacob.

the battle of troy and bellingham

since one of the places the princes of troy went is northumberland to the kingdom Meritaten by DNA evidence shows (although the Eghyptian govermnet refuses to release the evidence of tutankamun's DNA results. refusal to release said data forces teh idea that the current egyptinas are not interested in any way allowing theri ancient royaltiy to be anything other than Arabic based. Of course the Red haired mummies cause a problem with that forced assumption that does not mean by any stretch that the truth is any different than a few of the princes of troy who escaped traveled to the UK at some point in teh battle.

since the battle itself lasted for 10 years. the smart princes would have known and would have found escape routes. the escape routes being not to the sea but to the east. then making their way from antilia peninsula north into the aegean and south to tyre.

the princes then moved steadily west to NOrthumberland.

who would eventually be absorbed into the name British before being exiled from northumberland and forced to travel to America circa 1500s. it does nto take much stratagie to iknow if a conqueror wants to take yoru castle they will find a way after a given amount of time. almost always by bribbing their way past the defenses.

which is exactly how they breached hte walls of troy. and breached the walls fo rome. and breached dozens fo other cities. pay or convince the powers that be a gift is a gift and not a concealed weapon. Rome fell once because the best soldiers of the attacking army were given as slaves to the ROmans. months later when the inside defenses were down. the soldiers simply went to the main gate, killed the guards at the gate, then opened the gate up, then signaled for the toops to invade. same stratagie as the Esau line horse.

this effects belingham because descendants fo those princes are some of those that created a trade route between Boston/NewCastle Delware to the columbia. that trade route led direcatly to  exploring the puget sound. which led directly to the founding fo Bellingham.

The five points from Bellingham to Northumberland

          Bellingham to honor Lord Bellingham

                 lord bellingham was on the vancouver expedition. hte vancouver expedition based on the fact that lord bellingham was on board provides a considerable amoutn fo circumstantial evidence that Vancover knew close to exactly where they were going. It is even possible vancouver ordered or reordered a ship to be construted at a ship yard in either the city north of the columbia name changed to vancouver or a ship yard in the puget sound. Possibly seattle possibly bellingham.

                 since the Ogles had created a trade route for almost a full century before the hte vancouver expedition formed and left.

                 the trade route the Ogles created was in existance from Circa 1680 when JOhn Ogle on board the British fleet to take the island of manhattin away form the Dutch. since the dutch had been slowly taking power away from the Ogle family who founded newamsterdam although what hte name was before it was called new amsterdam might have been lost to histoyr. the guesses are "New Castle" or "Castle Ogle"

                 the univerity of columbia was first founded under the Ogles in the area. but their presence was erased by the dutch from 1650 to john Ogle came back to take the palce back from the dutch. the English then took Manhatin away from teh british. Although the city was founded by the Ogles. why because teh Ogles had a fleet and had the maps to show them how to cross the atlantic. which are the same maps that columbus used to cross in the first palce. columbus did nto think he was in india he knew he was in America but he did nto want ot anger the priests and their army on board. so they needed to hear the place was india so columbus wrote down india. but india was an acceptable name because the Ogle family had direct connections to the Indus Harappa culture from ancient histoy. the indus river was and is condidereed to be extremely sakred. the first charter was destroeyd, the dutch charter was semi-documented, but the only charter which is still in existance is the univeristy charter the english called for again from the pope circa 1700s. which means columbia unirsity has been chartered by the pope at least five seperate times. two of which were by the same culture the British Ogle family.

                 wihtout the 1610 and earlier presence in America the Ogle family built a huge amount fo infastructure which was then taken and their influence removed. Boston, NewYork, Belllingham directly own the city's founding to the British Ogle famliy.

                 to go from boston new york required going inland. so teh Ogles of hwich john ogle did his best to repeat this same pattern at his time was to start making inroads from the coast inland. once inland by a few miles. the ogle family are really good at creating trade routes. those trade routes required diplomacy. the British are good at diplomacy teh english are good at diplomacy by violent force; as in do it our way or else we kill you. which has resulted in more than a few needless battles. but the english from Esau to the english have used exactly teh same behavior pattern fo diplomacy by violent force.

                 so the Ogles from new york made headway with the natives the farther west they traveled. the farther west the natives started to devleope a trust with the british since the british allowed the natives to control the trade route and control most of hte flow of money. best way to win the hearts of the natives by giving them power and money. the ogles did not care about the money as much as they cared about a safe way to arrive at the pacific. to create a northern silk road from china to europe. being able to cut more than two entire years off the journey around teh cape of green horne was seen at the time as the most desperatly needed road from 900 ce forwrad.

                 so the ogles needed to create a way to security create a trade route of 2000 miles from boston/newyork to what woudl be called astoria washington state.

                 so teh ogles traveled the rivers leading thorugh pennsulvaiana, into the ohio river valley, down into the mississipii, up the mississippi to the head waters fo the missouri,

                 once at the headwaters fo the missouir, it is only 200 miles to the headwaters fo the columbia.

                 once at the columiba a short and mostly fun sail down teh columbi to the pacific. thus creating a trade route from new york to astoria. that same trade route and maps is hwat Lord bellingham used and gave to vancouver in order to arrive safely at the columbia.

                 but once at the columbia it is only a few hundred miles north to puget sound. 

                 evidence of this trade route can be found in the renaming of Vanover washington, the renaming of a city a few hundred miles north south of seattle called NewCastle. the extreme infastructure already built on the islands and at the city fo bellingham. most of that oroginal infastructure in bellingham sits below teh campus of Western Washington univeristoy and in and aroudn teh Pickin's building a bit north of the 1892 city hall.

                 it is very safe to say the founding fo western washington univeirty is at least 100 years older and chartered not under the english/americas but under the british. all of that has been edited out fo existence and or buried under tons of later construction

                 the original city fo bellingham sits under what is now western washingotn univeirty.

          Vancouver Expedition

                 the vancover expedition was an expedition far more complicated than


          Castle Bellingham the name sake of Lord Bellingham

                 lord bellingham found

                 move to the next section

                 lord bellingham was so titled and named due to the vikings invading ireland after they conquered parts of northumberland and scotland. conquering the city in northern ireland and renaming it bellingham. hwich creates a direct and hard target evidence regarding why did the vikings spend the time to conquere and city miles inland from the north east coast of ireland and name it for a city 18 miles west of Ogle castle. itself miles inland from NewCastle Northumberland, itself miles inland from the coast. the entire proceedure smacks of enitrely odd. but when you add the facts regarding the year the ogles were conquered by an allegance between the Pictish, scotish, mercia, etc. the vikings immediatley invaded. the area the vikings invaded was the exact area from whcih the norseman had been coming to northumberland for centuries to be trained and hired as mercenaries hired by the British Ogle Royal family to fight against the constntly attkcing armies of hte above mentioned cultures. which directly connects the city fo bellingham, to lord bellingham, to castle bellingham, to the vikings, to castle bellingham northumberland, to the British Ogle Royal family. of which the Ogle Royal fmaily chartered the name adn titles of Bellingham to the British Bellingham royal family. directly connecting the city of bellingham washginton and western washignton univerity to the vikings and the british Ogle Royal family. evidenc eof this connection is the mascot for western washington university is the Viking.

                 now you might ask why in the world does the Ogle Royal family have anything at all to do with the the city fo bellingham and then connections back from northumberland bck to Troy and back to the Pharoahs of egypt. the answer for each is less than 5 moves each traces the Ogles back to troy, similar but differetn five moves traces the Ogles directly back to the Pre-Exodus Pharaohs of egypt.


          Castle Bellingham was founded/renamed in the Viking invatinos to honor Castle Bellingham Noerthumberland.

                 insert above here

          Castle Bellingham Northumberland is 18 miles a couple points north fo due west from Ogle Castle.

                 Caste bellingham sits 18 miles away form Ogle castle. Ogle castle has a long and almost beyond calculation complicated histoyr. it first came back into documentation evidence as being a realistic thing after hastings. William the conqueror gave the land and granted the right to erect a castle on lands the Ogles were kicked off of circa 780 ce. by giving back and using the word giving back shows hard documentation that ogle castle in fact existed before 780 and was owned by the Ogle family.

                 this evidence also shows that the Ogles were major power brokers of the Aurthirian age. Being able to hold off for 400 years the attacking armies of the six cultures that surrounded northumberland. the pictish to the west, the scots to the north, the mercia to the south, the welch to the south west. the Anglos and Saxons who were between the mercia and the welch. those other cutlures lost from teh age of the Roman empoire to the pictish revolts the Ogles won almost consistantly till they were ventually toppled.

                 which places Ogle castle jsut 7 miles north of Hadriens wall the only army in hte hisotyr of the roman empire to defeat them from 50 bce to the final day fo teh ROman empire the Ogle royal family won and the only army capable of winning and winning consistantly.

                 which makes Emperor constantine his mother was an British Ogle Royal fmaily descendant. which is one of the reasons why constanitn enamed his new empire Byzantium. which is late latin for the ancient Manx Gaelic British.

                 Emperess Helena was married in a diplomatic efort to keep the peace between Constantines father constantinous and the daughter of the commanding general of the forces to the north of the wall. only one castle is close enough and that is Ogle castle.

                 addtional evidence regarding htis last name of constatine is Ogle is the rhyme; :"old king cole" which if you break the langugage up you will find the code for the Ogle Royal Family buried deep inside.


the Ogle family code

inserter the places where ethe code exists. the code is who under extreme long standing combat the ogles could name change and still be recognizable to cousin cultures decades, centuries, and millennia. later. when you are almost alwasy under attack; you ahve to devople ways in which you can change as a culture but still leave clues for your cousins to find you.

the code is

yr hen ogle dd

which means north(veritcal), sacred(amber), a blessed man/family(the specific area where the family itself is located is classified as a specific sacred area of land, specifically designated as teh land the sacred fmaily controls), means exactly  the same as the latin equivalent of Northumberland.

records of this can be found in several Welch maps naming the Ogle fmaily and its teriroty. which at various times included north of Perth. which by legend that city was founded by Merittaten the princess then co PHaorah, then sole pharoah, then co-pharoah again till she gave her throne over to her little brother Tutanhamun when he reached the age of 13.

by legend after relinquiching the throne to her little brother/very possibly son, she had already established a kingdom in northumberland.

so immediately upon passing the flail and crook over to her brother/son she left egypt for her already thriving kingdom in northumberland. by DNA evidence this legend has a profound level fo credibility. since Tuts ancestors are supposedly from northumberland.

in northumberland Meritaten had commissioned the holy sanctuary at perth which is not a cathedral. at that specific location; she had built a thing she called the throne of destiny. of hwich she used her family's plates/stones of destiney which her family had been in possession of for thousands fo years. which by legend states the plates of destiny are the same plates of at least copies of the same plates Abraham took out of the Eridu ziggurat circa 2800 bce. when at tower or ziggurat was razzed. the city of eridu had another name; the tower of babel.

university and the Ogles

almost eveyr where the ogles created a city a major top end univeristy has remained in place.

boston, new york, tiffin, st louis, chicago, bellingham, portland, and vancouver seperately, NewCastle NOrthumberland, Edinburgh, oxford, etc just ot name few were the Ogles have had direct hands on invovlment with the fouding of places fo higher learning.


three steps from northumberland to the pharaohs



       arriving in the uk from Egypt

       approxiately between 1500 bce and 1300 bce. which if you know anythign about egyptain history. their was a major coue which occurred between teh ruling hyksos/esau line and the then powerful jacobs line. forcing scoots (the namesake of scotland) to flee circa 1550 to first ireland and then to scotland. 1320 meritaten was forced by legend to escape due to the fact that you cannot have two sepperate pharaohs co rulling for long. so dad amenhotep iv desired that his very capable daughter would form her own kingdom in northumberland after the spanish settlment failed. since tut only had a very small chance at remaining in control of egypt from 13 to his natural death. teh forces of other cultures pressures were most likely not going to be able to allow tut to hold onto the throne. and by all accounts the advisors who took over after tut died only held the throne for a matter fo years before ethey were toppled by Ramses from a former Hyksos stronghold. making ramses line royal descendants fo the 1550 hyksos line. which could explain the radical hostility between the scots and the ogles. told in part through the story of william wallace and his wars against both the british to the south and the english south of york.

       in egypt

the story fo egypt and bellingham grows very thin but is still present.

egypt has a layered and extrmeely long story which dates back to in part 4004 bce.

since according ot the Khufu pyramid was created to honor the monotheistic prophet Noah. the grand gallery line if measured using jewish inches marks to 4004 bce. which woudl either be teh name noah's wash over the population occurred. or the date noah sons Ashem entered egypt from upper egypt.

3800-3500 first empire

3500 - 3200 second empire of which Esau's line would take after this monotheistic cousin.

3200-2100 Narmer and a united egypt under the pharaonic government framework

2100-1550 Hyksos

1550 - 1320 amenhotep ivs ancestors.

1299-300 bce when Alexander conquered egypt.

300 bce - 300 ce Rome

300-650 Coptic's rule egtypt. copti means christian. the apposiles who went ot egypt created coptic christianity. they ruled egypt till the muslims invaded.

650 to 1934; muslims control egypt.

1934-1947 when the Nazi conquer and control egypt till the English conquered them. although in very serious truth their is a considerable amount fo evidence that Adolf after being excommunicated by the Vatican turned to Islam and became a muslim. which woudl make Adolf and all his upper most NAZI in very serious truth for at least 1939-1946 muslims.


3200 bce; when Narmer "the striker" conquered the five cultures of egypt, forcing them all under his control Narmer stole the name pharoah from the previous holders fo the title. Pharoah means "guardian fo the long house/tabernacle". which is the same exact meaning as Nazareth. which strongly means that Jesus of Nazareth means Pharoah Jesus. Remmber in latin last name/surname first first name last. narmer forced the yet to be called for antoher 700 years jews to live on a reservation/refugee lands between sakkara and giza on the west(west/western) side of the nile(sacred river/indus river/mississippi river/columbia river/ other sacred rivers around bellingham) between sakkara and giza. which is were most of the pyramids are that were built between 2900-2100 bce. narmer on his plate gave the yet to be called jews the land to remodel the existing megaliths into whatever they wanted to. that way narmer could erase teh very powerful people of kaern megaliths like stonehenge and give the jews their own monuments. which being allowed to build monuments woudl then allow that culture to direct their frustration at building instead of trying to revolt. so the jews of the west side of the nile between sakkara and giza chose to go into extreme construction. remodeling the steonehnges into pyramids. thus the nickname that stuck till the jews from the middle east and egypt immigrated to ireland keeping the name west's but then forgot why they were labeled west. fo which the univeristy fo western washington si partially named to honor.

which also accounts for jesus by legend having blue eyes, the irish blue, norhtumbelrand blue, and the eygptian specifically the jacobs line having blue eyes



Vertical Sacred land


Yr Hen Ogledd


Each of these has the same meaning; a reference to up/vertical/heaven (color; amber or red), long expansive area, that area also have a reference to being sacred/touched by god.

42; separate subjects


1.  I am the way the truth and the light

a.   Light

b.  Truth (vertical)

c.   Way land; specific location regarding map.

2.  Adam; red earth;

a.   Red; means in this case two things.

                                             i.     Red/amber is a color used from Adam to Moses to strongly indicate the color of god.

                                           ii.     Red; genetically means red hair, fair complexion, tall. Many of the Hyksos Pharaohs had red hair.

                                         iii.     If Jesus was a direct line descendant of Adam; which his name Emmanuelle means, than it is a very good genealogical chance Jesus did actually have blond hair.

b.  Earth; means a specifically designated area.

c.   Would be interesting if all of these words came back to the same route; from Adam.

3.  Knock on wood


4.  Baptism by fire

a.   Fire; amber

b.  Baptize

c.   I; Jesus

5.  Tiffin

a.   One of the most interesting surnames and deriving from the latin "Theophania" which means "the manifestation of God" or "the Epiphany".

Read more: 

6.  Jacob;

a.   Defined as foot holder

b.  But foot holder since Moses change the definition means holder of the foot of god. Specifically the arch and the color of god meaning Amber.

c.   Holder or possessor of the footprint/land of the arc/vertical of god/amber.

d.  This legend could have been retold in the lion king.

e.   Just because it said foot holder; does not mean Moses and or his descendants did not change it fromm

                                             i.     Hand holder.

7.  adam http://www.prlog.org/11409306-the-creation-of-adam.jpg

a.   http://hollywoodjesus.com/movie/constantine/08.jpg

b.  ? left or right hand reaching to god.

c.   http://hollywoodjesus.com/movie/constantine/08.jpg

8.  Meritaten; bearer of god, bearer holder from the sun god aten.

9.  Polaris; vertical, yellow/f8 color, fixed point in the heavens. It consists of 5 stars; 1 huge, 2 medium, 2 smaller stars.

10.                Khufu pyramid; Red/amber granite room gods/the kings room, several hundred foot tall building with said chamber half way up (matching the metaphoric placement of the gold wrapped around the spear of longinous). In a specific location.


11.                Arimathia as in joseph of Arimathia; joseph of Arimathia is interesting for both being the uncle of Jesus and being closely tied to Northumberland. since his last name in Gaelic is Northumberland .

a.   Ari; Royal amber, Mathia; gift from god.

12.                Excalibur in the rock; http://images.marapets.com/castle/sword.gif http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/Disneyland_Sword_in_the_Stone_by_Dave_Q.jpg which could have something to do with the spear of Longinus. From the founding prince Aeneas of alba longa. Who’s grandson Brutus Britannia circa 1100 b.c.e traveled to Northumberland to aid the established empire in that area.

a.   Which is very close to the definition of Theseus; the person who conquered Poseidon renaming the city for his mother Athena. Which Athena was then made the divinity of the city. Although the translation of divinity from whatever language they were using is wrong. Divinity only means something or someone with a strong Ætt around them. It does not mean they are god or a god. That is a missunderstnding; it is closer the definition of saint.

13.                http://www.burlesonmasoniclodge649.com/images/holy%20alater.gif

14.                Crusifixion;

15.                Cornbloom; Corn/yellow, bloom/vertical, towards the sun/sacred.

16.                Arcadian; arc high up with a circle, aidi; village, ian "God is gracious".

17.                Hyperborean; vertical, designated area, person of said described area who has been blessed by god.

18.                Jack and the been stock; originated from Northumberland.

19.                Jack and the candlestick;  is at base a story with the three key parts.

20.                Nativity; the magi used an extremely complicated and now mostly erased mathematical (Erdology)format to locate the place where Jesus Christ would be born. The location of the nativity; on a large hill (which used to have a megalith on it), in a cave (similarities abound with other ancient holy sites of monotheistic origin; Khufu, Ptah, Sakkara, Mecca, Jerusalem, etc.), where the light of the world born from heaven(amber) would be born.

21.                Amber room; Vertical; amber; designated sacred area.

22.                Kings chamber Khufu pyramid; Vertical, amber/red (highly polished), specific location, extremely holy.

23.                Judaism

a.   Stacking stones on the grave; both the  mastiba and tabernacle/pyramids

24.                tabernacle

a.   one ramp down, one ramp up, one ramp up

b.  megalith, synagogue, celtic cross

                                             i.     celtic cross navigation aid

                                           ii.     synagogue; vertical

                                         iii.     megalith ground

25.                Yrggdrasil

26.                Pharaoh; "pr-aa" which means "great house". Divine (amber of the great/tall/vertical) house. located on a specific location. is in very brief the name of Jerusalem/northumberland.

a.   The amber disk

b.  http://startheory.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/horus1.jpg

c.   https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRxnyPT0BY6J3K3Kfr2sx8kx-8CDB8FtbA-DFaqmWgxxdn7AnPCkg

d.  http://e-ducation.net/painters/egyptian-art-hathor-et-sethi-ier-3100013.jpg

e.   http://www.delange.org/Egyptian_Museum/Mvc-002s.jpg

f.    https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT9Wxktl77m9Kclf7rvMZwnG9GvBU214ZzFsZHhEt_TZ6QY3tPU

g.   http://www.gks.uk.com/images/cobra_sun_disk.jpg wedgit

27.                http://proteus.brown.edu/urbanism/admin/image.html?imageid=3009793 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e4/Aten_disk.jpg/300px-Aten_disk.jpgAmenhotep iv

28.                Pyramid; Tall house of the amber(soul)/fire.

29.                Parthenon; the design is closer to that of Solomon’s temple than of Zerubbabel’s.

30.                IWNW (pre-monotheistic culture conquered name of Heliopolis); means capital city for that specific areas People of Kaern which means standing stones/megalith.

31.                Crown of lower Egypt; The crown of lower Egypt; also means the same http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/pharaoh/explore/images/red.gif.

a.   Although; the http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/pharaoh/explore/images/red.gif indicates two things. First some type of obelisk in the center of the circle (the circle being a worn or wearable megalith), and the curled top being a representation of time. Many megalithic cultures used the spiral to represent the passage of time

b.  http://www.jqjacobs.net/southwest/images/masonry_spiral_t.jpg; the passage of time being a representation of the sun.

c.   The Celts specifically after 1350 b.c.e used the spiral a great deal. Indicating at least in general a connection to the Celtic mythology regarding Amenhotep iv’s daughter relocating to Perth to establish a new kingdom.

d.  Would be interesting if the crown used by western cultures turned out to be a wearable representation of a megalith.

e.   The battle crown is in regards to the flow of water.

f.    Another is the Ateh crown; a much more specific crown directly representing North/umber/land

g.   http://qph.cf.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-472559ac0e2e79f4528efec215013cc6


32.                https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRd7yk7BdgVcCgKEg3XOG25QCi9dzx7bXJFymCkS-fgY2_Dpzn2 Circle; vertical frames, with an amber cross on top. Amber literally is a representation of god. This crown represents specifically designated areas

33.                Popes crowns; three have the three key words build into their basic framework

34.                Pope costume;

a.   Red shoes

b.  Red waist coat

c.   Red hat

d.  Red inside the crown

e.   The higher the red the close to god.

35.                Roman soldiers

a.   Wearing red is gods color

b.  Wearing red for officers;


36.                Spartain warriors

a.   Spartan warriors woar a red clock.

b.  Spartans were descended from Dorian's. who were theselves desendants of the Esau line Hyksos.

c.   Would be interesting if the entire Sparta versus xerxies was two Esau line descended cultures fighting for control.

37.                Mayor; M is the shape of a megalithic structure. the top of to the M is where the sun is; the base of the M is a city which is the definition of a defined area. The distance from ground vertical to the sun; which is recorded regarding the standing stones.


38.                King Solomon’s mines; A mine inside a mountain = vertical (similar to the ben ben stone), mines = amber = gold = gods power, a king Solomon a specific person in control/king over a specific location.

a.   Double meaning

                                             i.     First Solomon's connection to Gizahttp://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/194977/194977,1231148253,2/stock-photo-egyptian-papyrus-showing-the-sphinx-and-the-pyramids-above-the-solar-disc-22794343.jpg; the symbol of atem Amenhotep iv’s god from pre-Pharaonic Egypt. Pre-Pharaonic Egypt from 3500-3200 was at least in parts monotheistic.

                                           ii.     Second the library of knowledge in the mountains of amber

                                         iii.     Third; a possibility regarding the Sakkara necropolis. It only has vertical associations with the rather tall and large fitted boxes; from which written material can be placed inside. Each box being a vault. Guarding's of ancient wisdom.

39.                Governor; comes from the x of Gebo, which is from Indo-European language. Each of the points connect several or more megalithic sites File:Annotated.jpg.

40.                Kansas; land of the great wind

41.                Albany, NY; campfire of the people

42.                Garden of the gods https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSa4z5Fi-79Kf1wvWNt1YRFkuoFw7ORIH62jgqgI0QeZmTxAGKN (behind is Manitou Springs Colorado); is the vertical red rocks of which have always been considered sacred by those around it. Manitou Springs with its mineral water coming directly out of the red rock is directly behind the garden of the gods to the west. I have speculated the legendary El Dorado was the settlements and towns of Manitou and the ancient town Old Colorado City sits on top of. Those ancient cultures respected and held in the highest regard knowledge not gold. The gold part came in a mistranslation of Amber (the light of god) for the mineral of god aka gold. The volume of gold taken out of said are from ancient cultures to today is unknown; at least several large scale mines are still in operation between Manitou and Cripple Creek to this very day. Manitou and old Colorado City are both Mound Builder settlements; which were by many different variables directly connected to the Nordic Germanic settlers who crossed the pond looking to escape the wars against knowledge the descendants of Esau's line were conducting. Those wars have extended almost non-stop from circa 3500 b.c.e to now. This would make Colorado Springs and Manitou the mythical Garden of Eden. Of course the facts regarding the sheer volume of gold found in the immediate area of Pikes Peak which is directly next to Manitou; also adds to the variables lining this theory up. Both Manitou and Old Colorado City were both radically large population cities. Then the Azteca from Mexico invaded twice; once on the way NE to avoid the drought on their way to the Mississippi (which destroyed the first mound builders culture{the first mound builders culture were directly from the UK and Germany}) than again on the way back to Mexico. The Azteca knew about Europe because the two cultures they conquered the Hopi and mound builders were both from Northern Europe.

I suspect gods have been mistranslated from some ancient now extinct language.

I suspect the definition is more akin to various monotheistic cultures battling

for supremacy. Ask a Muslim; they will say based on everyone I have heard,

“the other monotheistic cultures god is a minor deity” creating the illusion

of a pantheon.

Another interesting fact; Egypt was invaded several times from the south conquering north.

First  monotheists

Second monotheists



What is interesting is; Pikes peak is walkable up its south face, but can only be climbed by the most experiences mountaineers from the North.

The culture which attempted to conquered Egypt from the north

Sea people failed


43.                El Dorado; means holy city of the light,

a.   Dora(r) 3. To gild, to illuminate with the rays of the sun, as a mountain top. (Poetry)

b.  Rado(Raido; Radius); a large expanse of an area, from a center point out to a clearly defined edge.

c.   The Spanish thought that El Dorado was in Mexico since the Aztecs could not stop talking about the wonders of the magnificent city of the tall/tall/ amber. Where even the streets were paved in amber.

44.                Westies; Greek name/insult for those inside the Hyksos/Dorian culture who were Jacob’s descendants.

45.                Alba longa; white/sun of the long/vertical appearance. The holy light/white of the great distance vertical distace(possibly some type of solar/nautical distance)

46.                Northumberland; North (old north means vertical), Umber U to an A Amber, Land.

a.   It is possible the original name for Egypt was Northumberland. Or in Gaelic Yr Hen Ogledd


47.                Yr Hen Ogle dd;

48.                Banha; (was named by Mohammed) two slaves girls from Upper Egypt from this city delivered Mohammed honey. Sacred mission from a specific location, amber/honey, Upper/Vertical Egypt(temple of Ptah). This city is close to the same distance and angle NW of Memphis as Megiddo is from Jerusalem.

49.                Ra; sun god

50.                Etin; sun god

51.                Atem; http://image.absoluteastronomy.com/images/encyclopediaimages/a/at/aten.svg.pngthe benben rock(or stack of rocks) species both vertical and specific location, god = amber.

a.   A god who created himself sitting on the ben ben stone.

b.  Two gods came from his mouth

c.   He is associated with the sun; specifically afternoon and dusk sun. as Ra is associated with the morning and midday.

d.  Atem could be one of the easiest spellings for god; predating Sumerian by at least 500 years. Placing this name squarly into the Indo-European category of spelling.

52.                Ben ben stone; http://hans.wyrdweb.eu/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/ben-ben-stone.bmp

a.   aka the stone of destiny

53.                Amen; a sky god of Thebes and Karnack; was a principle sky god of the 18 dynasty (Jacobs descendants)

54.                Spear of Longinus http://s3.amazonaws.com/readers/2010/05/15/holylance_1.jpg; Spear/vertical, gold amber wrapped around, destiny/location.

a.   Ben ben stone; aka the stone of destiny


55.                Held by Longinus; Long, vertical distance. Inus; destination. Longinus could be a takeoff of Longa regarding Alba Longa. Which would fit well regarding if Longinus would have had to have been an officer. Officers were by default land owners in Rome. Which means Longinus could have been a descendant of the Alba Longa family. He could have been a descendant of Romulus. An officer would be just about the only way to get the message from Pilot to the execution site; an officer would have to be just about the only person capable of performing a public execution of a Royal lineage man.

56.                Khenti-Amentiu; guardian of the area of the dead. king/leader/guardian, area/land, of the cycles/death/sun’s sequence.  Which matches the; person, vertical amber, land definition.


57.                Abydos, Egypt

58.                Porto Ricardo; area/land of the powerful leader/king/ruler. Leader/Kings are so chosen by god in the language of origin.

59.                Colorado; light from the son above, holy land it arrives on.

60.                Beacon Hill; beacon = light/, saving light, hill an established land. This city was established by the Northumberland Royal family as a new capital city after being defeated by both the war of the Roses and Cromwell.

61.                Apis bull http://www.touregypt.net/images/touregypt/bull4.jpg

62.                Sakkara necropolis;

63.                Aesier http://images.villagehatshop.com/media/viking-helmet_horns_lrg.jpg

64.                Upper Egypt; the breakdown of  the words themselves means Northumberland specifically the house of god of the upper portion.

65.                Eridu

a.   The several cities which were descended from heaven

66.                Basarab

a.   Origin of the name is Thracian

b.  Bas; holly

c.   Vlach; is derived from the Hyksos from which most of the aggressive conquerors in the areas deriver. The treacherous name points to the family was labeled some type of deviation from the source; which points to them being not Esau's line but Jacobs.

d.  Ab; father

e.   Ar; boundaries, the way in which someone protects their boundaries.

f.    Prince Vlad Wallachia was from the Royal house of Drăculești; which claims descendant from Basarab I of Wallachia. Part of what Dragon means is; of the order of Dragon. B

                                             i.     But the pope approved order of dragon has a deeper meaning.

g.   Dracul; means special Royal in charge of the megaliths. Since the dragons was the old name for megaliths.

67.                Order of the dragon; the families put in charge of safeguarding the megaliths. Identification, remodeling, and proper use of said megaliths.

68.  Caduceus http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/Caduceus.svg/170px-Caduceus.svg.png

a.   Staff/vertical

b.  Snakes/dragons/megaliths, a combination of two or more megaliths

c.   Wings; a reflection of the (Greek insult) Bird people. The bird people were the builders foteh megaliths.

d.  Golden ball on top.

69.  Best medical schools in the western world.

a.   Edinburgh; located in Northumberland.

b.  Harvard (Ivy Leagues)/; the old American capital of the Ogle Empire

c.   Johns Hopkins; Maryland close to NewCastle.

d.  Seattle; located about  80 miles south of Bellingham wash. Bellingham UK is located about 30 miles west of Ogle Castle. Ogle Castle is in Northumberland.

70.                Nute http://www.csupomona.edu/%7Eaalaule/space_place/egypt.png

71.                Medusa

72.                Hecate

73.                Cleopatra

74.                Roman blood bull ceremony

a.   Standing in a pit below the bull;

b.  The bull is a special (reminisnet of the Sakkara {possibly where the ceremony with Jacobs line originated}necropolis 3800-3500 b.c.e ceremony) bull species used exclusively for this blood rite

c.   The bulls throat is cut/amber; pouring out over the protector in question.

d.  The pit, two stories, and the blood collection area in a floor below the inisiate. Making this three stories of a specific tower.

75.                The blood countess’s supposed ceremony.

a.   The rumors are elsboth baithed in the blood of virgins to maintain her youth and beauty. The story of snow white comes from one of the only victims to excape her wrath.

b.  Many of her victims had their throat cut while she let it wash over her from beelow.

c.   Performing this rite; others claimed she did it in service of god.

d.  This rite has the three key factors;

                                             i.     Designated area

                                           ii.     Amber/blood/red

                                         iii.     Divine purposes

                                         iv.     Vertical; by either the body sprayed down on her, or several were sacrificed at once to fill a tub. Enough inches to submerge in amber/red/ blood.

e.   Pointing to this story is entirely false but was made up for the nobles to talk amongs each oeeach other what the real charges were. While those that could hear thought they were listening to a murder trial.

f.    She was actually on trial for witchcraft. Each of the main words has more than one meaning.

76.                Doric/dorian; Northern (vertical) Mountian, Trees. Vertical, amber/trees, specific location northern Greece.

77.                Firestone

a.   Fire

b.  Stone

c.   Location

78.                Ladislas's bathelray and Vlads coat of arms

79.                A forge; hot coals off the ground, with forced air pumped into the middle of the coals. So in a way Smith means Northumberland too.

80.  The egg

a.   Totally remove 

b.     “The Egg and the Serpent: Part two of three The philosophical or cosmic egg is another nearly universal symbol. Alchemically, the egg is a symbol of the cosmos, as it is in a multitude of folk legends. In Hindu cosmology, it is the source of the universe. The egg as a container of the universe is found in many ancient religions. The egg symbolizes birth and potential. It contains within a miniature sun, and it features prominently in solar mythology. The gods Vishnu, Phanes, and Mithras, are all “egg born” solar deities

81.  Kundilini; a snake which rises from the base of the spine riding up the spin to the brain. The color of the snake orange. Base of the spine. And of course vertical. All the key components

82.  Shu (pron.: /ʃu



/; meaning "emptiness" and "he who rises up") is the land sky god of Heliopolis. Son of Anum and Heliopolis. In effect the floor of the kings chamber; anum thebenben stone/coffer. Shu air, Tefnut is wife moisture. Their daughter Nut the night sky .

a.      This is in effect th

83.                Enneaud; is in very real effect an ancient version of genesis. Nut separating the ground from they sky; which is also the top of an Ætt;

84.                Shu http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Tutankhamun_headrest.jpg/220px-Tutankhamun_headrest.jpg

85.                http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/power/library/pa-hrrg1/figure-02-jacobs-ladder.jpg 

86.                alexander’s light house

87.                Eucharist; “this is my body (physical location/vertical/holy) this is my blood(amber).

a.   It is possible this last supper was the gathered elders of the church choosing the next Pharaoh or Israel.

b.  Since by now (if my theory regarding Cleopatra {most likely a distant Jacob lien descendant with the Hyksos invasions from Egypt}is correct, regarding Cleopatr and her son were sent into exile by augustis to Northumberland) Cleopatra and her son were most likely dead of old age. It would be time to choose another pharaoh to lead the Israelitse

c.      Mathew 16;18

88.                colossis at Rhodes

89.  election of a new pope/pharaoh

90.                Anke; could be a symbol for monotheism.

91.                Celtic cross;

92.  Ner Tamid~~




Which is itself an ancient representatn of the sun. a cary over from






93.                Old King Coel; pipe (amber), bowl well defined circle, three fiddlers (3 different forms of music; mind, body, spirit)

94.  Gnostic tome; the story of the roman soldiers standing guard over the tomb. Several portions of that story tell about the presce of the code.

95.                That particular "sea" is represented (in type) in a part of the design of Solomon's Temple known as the "Molten Sea." (See 1 Kings 7:23 and 2 Chronicles 4:2.) If you look at a diagram layout of the Temple you will see that this sea is between the Altar and the main part of the Temple where the Holy Place and Most Holy Place was.http://www.kjvbible.org/images/moltensea.jpg http://i0.wp.com/mormonopia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/inside-the-temple-baptismal-font.jpg?resize=150%2C150





the word of a mastger mason. or in this case the replacment word for a master mason. importnat to dive into. 2013 10 26 1408











Ogle Trade Route Script 2013 5 23 0158

·     Introduction



o  Ogle family

§  The Ogle Family dates back to the earliest records place de Ogle (circa 1000 ce) in Germany (possibly recruiting German mercenaries to build an army for William of Orange aka the conqueror aka the bastard). De Ogle was taking advantage of an ancient Ogle Trade Route and Political connections between the Ogle’s and various European governments. Which allowed troops/mercenaries to move from Europe into Northumberland to defend the homeland against invaders. Most likely De Ogle was in Germany achieving the same goals his ancestors did gathering up more troops and shoring up support for William to be recognized by the Holy Roman Emperor and the Vatican after taking the British crown back. De Ogle coming back to first Holland then with William the conqueror to take the UK back from the Pictish. The resulting battles is illustrated by the Battle of Hastings 1066. Where three generations of Ogles were present at Hastings; De Ogle, his son Humphries, and his son.

§  After the battles William the conqueror gave Northumberland back http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4779071258755899&pid=15.1to the Ogle family. At least Humphrey and his son fought in the battle. The land William gave back to the Ogle family was, Northumberland. Which was conquered by the Pictish circa 750 ce. The Ogles owned the land from the time the Pictish finally where able to conquer them to previous to the Roman invasion circa 50 b.c.e. The Ogle’s owned and were Kings of Northumberland from no later than 50 b.c.e-750 ce. When the Pictish after some 350 years of constantly attacking (circa 400-750 ce) were finally able to topple the Ogles in Northumberland; the Ogles exiled to Holland/Normandy, Ireland, and presumably some traveled across the Atlantic. Just because the Vatican forbade all from knowing about the American continent does not mean Northern European tribes forgot. The Ogles not only had extensive trade routes but they also owned and operated the ships of those trade routes. The Ogles and the Scandinavians created a regular shipping lanes between Norway, to Iceland, to Greenland, to newfound land. The longest leg is the first one. No reason at all not to assume they did not venture the few miles from newfoundland to the mainland.

§  The Romans were only able to take half of the Ogle Royal family lands ending 11 miles south of Ogle Castle at Hadrian’s Wall. The Ogle Royal family was able to achieve a goal the entire rest of all the Roman enemies were unable to achieve; defeating the entire might of the entire Roman army for 400 years. No matter how many waves of squares the Romans sent the Ogles fought them back. This led directly to a peace deal between the Romans and the Ogles circa 300 ce; thus Constantine the great was born from the uniting of the Roman Emperor and the King(Cole) of Northumberland’s (the Cole family of Kings; the tale of Old King Cole, he was part of the Ogle family) daughter, Helena. How do I know this as a matter of hard fact; because around 300 ce, the Romans at Hadrian's were fighting almost nonstop across the wall, losing almost constantly. The family north of the Wall were Coel; from but coel is a Britannia word for the title King. Helena and her family were Ogles. The Ogles contracted out to the various countries in Europe for mercenaries. Thus creating a standing mercenary army for which stood strong from the Roman invasions till 750 when the Pictish army and axis finally conquered Northumberland. Proof of the German Mercenaries the Ogles hired to maintain a major army in Northumberland became known as the Vikings (793 AD to 900 AD) who started to invade immediately upon the Pictish conquering Northumberland. Not the first trade route the Ogles created; nor would this same exact behavior pattern be the last Ogle descendants would employ. One of the behavior patterns the Ogles are by nature extremely good at is creating trade routes. Defeating the Roman empire, maintaining a standing army 400-750 ce. Creating the Holland trade routes. Assisting in the creation of the crusades trade routes. Which led directly to the founding of the Knights Templars. Same behavior patterns which created the American trade routes which created the physical and economic trade routes which turned the colonies into states, which turned into the American super power.

§  The Vancouver expedition used and did not give credit for knowing exactly where they were going to find the Columbia.

·     The following was erased because the Ogles were British not English. So erasing the British/Ogle presence was just good politics. Repeated with 100% evidence whenever a culture is conquered; their presence and strongholds are erased. Most recent evidence; Adolf’s bunker in Berlin was with 0 fan fair or choice from historians was blown up and buried under a large amount of dirt.

·     The Ogle’s could have done the following; sailed across the Atlantic.

o  Stopping in Newcastle Delaware, which had a huge shipyard, or Boston which had a larger shipyard. Commissioned replacement ships from those ship yards,

o  they could have sailed around the horn,

o  sailed up to the Columbia,

o  around the Puget sound,

o  founding and naming dozens of towns. Including NewCastle and Bellingham. Both of which are cities in Northumberland.

o  The expedition could have simply abandoned or destroyed their ships recorded Queen Charlotte Strait is a strait between Vancouver Island and the Mainland of British Columbia, Canada. It connects Queen Charlotte Sound with Johnston Strait and Discovery Passage and via them to the Strait of Georgia and Puget Sound. 

o  In very real effect; reversing the trek Lewis and Clark would do decades later. then used small boats off the ships to row up the Columbia, carry them the few hundred miles to the headwaters of the Missouri, then rowed all the way back to the huge metropolis of St Louis, turned east, then up the Ohio river to Pennsylvania, at Pennsylvania using that river system to board replacements for the ships destroyed off Queen Charlotte Strait.

o  This trip being possible because Vancouver knew exactly where they were going because Lord Bellingham (his ancestors were from Castle Bellingham in Northumberland) had access to the Ogle Family maps and surveys of the area.

o  Vancouver would have had easy access to know exactly where he was going.

o  It is even possible the Ogle Family City north of Portland had a very large shipbuilding facility. They did not have to navigate around the horn; simply overland to Portland, then use the ships commissioned a decade before to sail up and around the Puget sound. Then back overland to the ships they left in Boston or NewCastle.

o  The main expedition could have traveled the way they claim; with small contingencies of men to track around. A group of a dozen or more to track over the Ogle Trade Route to the mouth of the Columbia. Then back the way they came. NO real reason to include said excursions into the official history. That would be specifically for the Trading companies and military presence which would follow.

o  Plus if that did occur; this would create a very short few months to allow the British access to the pacific. Land in NewCastle, overland/river to the Columbia, then ships waiting at Vancouver to go the rest of the way. Most of said was erased for security purposes, and the facts regarding a fast route to china. With everyone scrambling for the horn, a short overland to the Columbia with a safe and secure route through, which would take less than a year. Would be a secret worth its weight in all the trade from between china and the UK.

o  Plus the family running said trade route already had a proven track record with said due to the ogles or their close cousins formed the from Northumberland to Jerusalem trade route. Ferrying first knights then pilgrims to the holy lands and back again. Also known as the Crusades; the trade route the Templar Trade Route. The Ogle code is within the word Templar; since the word Templar is French for temple, or the great temple of Solomon. Which itself is a copy of the great tabernacle of Abraham.

o  The book “showgun” illustrates how secret and important this specific trade route was too all sides in this discussion.

o  The Spanish had to go around the horn, the British and the English stole it; cut two entire years off the journey.

o  Not till the English took over and wanted to dominate did the safe passage break down and the natives started to retaliate.

o  Cutting at least 2 entire years off the journey.

§  However the Lewis and Clark expedition for sake of honor, academic integrity, accuracy, truth, and filling in historical details the expedition took massive advantage of the Ogle Family American trade route. The expedition started where the Ogle Trade Route at least the currently provable portion ended. Meaning the first several hundred miles of the trade route Lewis and Clarke already had detailed maps, easy communication with the natives, and many miles of existing civilization infrastructure in which to start. All of said was unaccredited to the people who spent at least 100 years building it; the Ogle family.

o  Northumberland origins

§  The origin of the name Northumberland is the Latin translation of the Gaelic Yr Hen Ogledd. Which means in very brief; the honorable citizens of the vertical (old North) area. This code has an extremely long standing code dating back to the beginning of monotheism.

§  The current boarders of Northumberland are only a fraction of the lands the family used to own and control.

§  At various times the Ogles owned from the middle of Scotland down to York. The boarders moving frequently based on different battles and struggles for control over different areas. Several times the Ogles owned and controlled most of northern Wales. They also owned and controlled most of and or parts of Northern Ireland. Which might be part of the reason the English cannot relinquish; still suppreossing the Ogle Family’s hold and control over Northern Ireland. Or the Ogle family is the ones who own and control Northern Ireland; the English are just keeping the deeds for safe keeping.

§  Yr Hen Ogledd translation

§  2011 6 12 0336

§  http://www.gaelg.iofm.net/DICTIONARY/dict2/dictionary2e.html

§  Yr Hen Ogledd

§  http://eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yr_Hen_Ogledd

§  From the relatively southern Welsh perspective, these are stories of the Gwŷr y Gogledd (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language" title="English language">English: Men of the North),

§  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Yr.Hen.Ogledd.550.650.Koch.jpg

§  http://www.ancientsites.com/aw/Post/1142903

§  Linage. Descended from Gwyr Y Gogledd

§  http://www.bbc.co.uk/cymru/canolbarth/hanes/pages/brycheiniog.shtml

§  I am aware of the non-genealogical warnings. But I also know a king would not do what William did if the family, land, and the old 55 BC boundaries were not of specific significance. I know the map says 400-650 but that is speaking of a specific thing during that specific welsh reign of power. He could have given land, but why allow the castle to be named? That fact is a neon sign of extra special significance that is hard to define. The Pictish did their best to remove whatever the family did before they took over. The stewards and tutors did their best to revise the history books as well. So finding the details is very difficult. My first question is always, why go to that much hard core trouble; unless the family are a major threat! That is the only reason I can think of as to why three separate ruling kings would waste any time at all.

§  If the Welsh still were using this as a marker for the family and ancient boundary; the significance goes up dramatically. The welsh in 820 allied with the pics and Scotts to defeat the still named rulers of the area. Very hard to use a language that did not exist yet. North Umber land are English words eg Old English began to appear in writing during the early 8th century AD. English did not start to take shape till after the Ogles were defeated and exiled to Normandy. I find it very difficult to have a bunch of Northumberia kings when the word might not have existed yet; but I have not looked that specific portion up yet (I could easily be wrong some if not all the north umbr and land/ia might have existed/used in Anglo before 700. But then again who wrote the history; if the history was being written by Anglos and Mercia the Northumbria kings could easily have been mistranslated; Gaelic Ogle Anglo Northumbria? Maybe?).

§  <men of the old north is a welsh Gaelic Celtic code for the ruling man/family of the area before the detested Romans. Gaelic codes might work similar to Ebonics codes. But if there is no records of Ogle in Normandy they Of Ogle might also be a code. Since the family had at least 3 forced name changes in almost 900 years and were forced into exile twice.

§  I am thinking that is one reason records are so hard to come by. Because the word is a code but it might also contain a portion of the original name within. Ogle without the accents is not a word in the dictionary I found. But that means it is easier to be a name in Celtic Gaelic if it is not a word. Some words and families cross over, but specific families absolutely do not. Most the pre Romans were British.

§  Yr “of the (North/Elevated/ altitude/Mental ie head thinkers)” hen “location” Ogle “a specific kind of land” dd “the specific kind of land described, special skills associated with a family with special land, special location land”

§  Northumberland Northumbria

§  North Umber Land. North “a specific direction; location” Umber “the possessor or the claimer of a specific piece of land; a den in English “is a form of an old office but a home semi-formal office.” Land specific construct of referring to a den not a floating den but a physical den; in this case a north piece of land of a semi-formal formal i.e. honorable but not full royalty. Only royalty can own land of which others are dependent.

§  They mean the same thing.

§  Yr

§  yr; “of the North” translation there are a couple hundred examples

§  Amm(yr) ny Halbey ~ North Channel

§  yrdjaghey ~ upward gradient, appreciation, advancement
yrdjid ~ altitude
yrdjid vaghtal ~ apparent altitude
yrdjit ~ advanced (heightened)
yrjaghey ~ rise, raise, hoist, heighten, draw, retract, go up, enhance, exalt, elate, exhilarate, elation, exhilaration, exaltation, elevation
yrjee ~ ring up, exhilarating, elevating
yrjey ~ elevation, higher
yrjeyder ~ elevator
yrjid ~ headway, eminence, highness, height
yrjid etlee ~ flying height
yrjit ~ drawn, elevated, exalted, elated


§  hen

§  hene ~ self, very, even, own, actual; hen and ogle would point to a family of ownership tasked to specific very specific and important goals.

§  aachentyn ~ flashback; location ie land

§  Abbyr shen reesht! ~ Say again!; possessions/land

§  ad hene ~ fairies; a being other worldly

§  ad shen ~ those; those possessions

§  adhene ~ themselves: possessing themselves

§  agh son shen as ooilley ~ notwithstanding

§  ammys er hene ~ self-esteem


§  Ogle

§  boglee ~ bog ; place what kind of place b and e at the end

§  bogleeys ~ swampiness

§  fer ny bogleeyn ~ bog-trotter; fer ny would be the trotter portion. Who or what is doing the actions, in what place.

§  follan y voglee ~ swamp bedstraw;

§  lhag boglee ~ moss hag

§  shirragh ny bogleeyn ~ marsh harrier

§  creelagh ~ swamp, withered place; ogle does not mean swamp it means a location specific which is of high importance and has been labeled so. The family of the Ogle means the family is of the most high importance. The Gaelic culture swamps are of the most extremely of importance for several heavy responsibility reasons. A family put in charge of said reason is of a major concern.

§   dd


§  maddaght ~ mathematics, specialized skills.

·       Revolution

o  In every revolution it is never just one

o  Once the powerful are toppled the ones doing the toppling are always toppled in return

o  The group which did the toppling do not have the infrastructure in order to maintain power.

o  Before they can put an infrastructure into place. A group of disenfranchised who were massively oppressed by the old regime topple the newly installed government.


·     British

o   The British were specifically those descended from the British Royal family; including the Ogles

o  The British where not the English.

o  Part of the American Revolution although against the English was in name against both. But both were accustomed to being gathered into the same. Since the English had conquered the British the last time; this meant the English was the dominant name but the British was what was identified.

o  The history regarding the British are coming during the revolutionary war was specifically regarding the last strengths of the British in the English colonies.

o  The hessians were specifically called upon by the British. The English government had no real diplomatic connections in order to pull sufficient troops from Europe. But the British had an almost 1800 year diplomatic relationship.

o  In different areas the American’s were fighting against the British and the English. The English had of course larger and stronger ships with a larger stationary army.

o   The English also forced the British to take the majority of the front line battles. Preferring to stay behind and let the American’s cut the British forces apart. While the English stayed behind.

o   The British were to the English what the Hessians were to the British; in most ways cannon faughter.

o  Allowing both enemies to battle against each other; then would come in and clean up the victor.

o  Not counting on diplomatic efforts which allowed the British to “turn coat” and ally with the American’s against the British. This little note of history was erased in favor of the legends against the British.

o  And the war of 1812 the war between America and England.

o  But as any true revolutions occur. The 100% guaranteed actions occurred again.

o  The Ogle family was singled out as being the leaders inside British family.

o  The ogle family and their accomplishments were identified, and slowly and bloodily removed from the history books. Why just because the ones who win the revolution; means they are easy to topple by the next great power. The next great power of course being those who were not loyal to the king but still English.

o  So the English but not royals between 1795-1810 did eventually using the ballot box did revolt against the ogles and their masonic organization.

·     English

o  The English were specifically descended from the Germans and the Romans.

o  The English plan for the conquest of America was to force the British /ogle descendants to fight against each other. Whichever side won the mighty English empire would then crush the victor..

o  Not thinking that the British would allies with the French and the British and French would allies with the American’s.

o  All three then turned against the English.

·     France

o  In order to achieve some of the goals; the Ogle's had to have very long standing diplomatic agreements with the French government

·     Passports

o  The most difficult thing about travel in the ancient world is the concept of passports.

o  Depending on the time the levels of passports could have been extremely extensive

o  During some countries feudal states; being able to leave the castle itself required written permission from the lord.

§  Some local leaders were so strict about the people in their charge that they only allowed a very select few to move outside the castle walls.

§  They would allow outsiders to come to trade; including firewood, but those outsiders would be allowed into just an outer area, the goods they had for sale were the exchanged with a go-between who would be handpicked by the lord.

§  The go-between would then sell the good they purchased to the citizens under guard in the town itself.

§  If the go-between did not like or want specific types of products inside the city; that product would never be allowed in. no matter if the population wanted said item or not.

o  The rules regarding settling in different areas was at time in the 1500-early 1700s for some countries was extreme to the max.

§  Today we think nothing driving from New York to la or flying from Miami to Seattle.

§  From flying from Denver to Russia. No big deal

§  Back then the story was so radically different the perspective is almost entirely different.

o  Passports

§  For some areas this is the ordeal of paperwork you had to have

·     Passport to leave the city

·     Passport to leave the area

·     Passport to leave the region

·     Passport to leave the country

·     Passport to board a specific ship

·     Passport to arrive at a specific port

·     Passport to get past the dock itself

§  Feudal rules; which were still very much in effect till as late as the middle 1800s. in some areas as late as wwi.

·     Lord

·     Baron

·     count

·     Earl

·     Duke

·     Prince

·     King

·     Docking attendant

·     Ship captain

·     You had to have permission from each of the eight to even get onto the ship.

·     You then  had to have sometimes written permission to reverse the process;

·     Docking attendant, king, prince, duke, earl, count, baron, lord.

·     Not an easy thing to do in any account.

·     But the Ogle family had long standing trade agreements with most of the countries in Europe from previous to the Roman invasion of Europe up to and through the 1800s.

·     So settlers were not actually making a real choice. It was  more. The Ogle family sent word through the chain of royals. The chain of royals would then decide which city needed to be given opportunities.

·     The citizens of said would then be given a choice; they would then apply

·     But if the lord or baron choice he did not want any of his citizens to leave; none of the citizens in his realm would be given any knowledge and or opportunity.

·     It was only the leaders at the exit and destination who made the agreements. Then allowed those that applied to either go or not go based on the needs of both leaders.

·       University


·       Western academics


·     Indians, Old Gaelic name of an eastern portion of Scotland India,

o  The English were at times just as bad as the Spanish for erasing what they did not like and putting into place items they did like.

o  The name Indians stuck not because it was the name of India; but because it meant both India the subcontinent but it also was an insulting slang term for those of Northumberland descent.

·     Trade routes

o  A list of the documented trade routes and who created them.

§  Northumberland 50 b.c.e – 780 ce.

·       Which morphed into the Vikings; with no commanders the German and Nordic mercenaries simply attacked the enemies of the Ogle royal family without the Family being present. Or only stragglers of the Ogle Royal family present in order to direct the mercenaries. A stratagie which worked mmostly well; minus the inability to sieze real areas of land back from the Pictish.

·     Although in Ireland the Ogle probably did manage to head the mercenary Vikings to successful campaigns and win back territory. But in Ireland not in Northumberland.


·     Like any unregulated army, militia, etc. battle hardened troops will attack; it is the commanders who are in charge of making sure the troops in their command act according to the rules of that cultures combat and restrain them against inappropriate behavior..

·       In the case of the Vikings; without the command infrastructure of the Ogle Royal family, the Vikings did what any overly prepared army will do against soft targets and few rules of engagement. Over time; they continued to conquer, invade, take territory, make settlements, take treasure, etc. eventually being so overmatched; the Vikings simply faded into the populations they had invaded. Not able to create proper infrastructures; minus Dublin. The Vikings simply had nowhere else to go but as a majority fade into the areas they took.

·     Culture requires civilization infrastructure; without the infrastructure, the entire need to conquest will burn the armies out. As well as when the power structure was restored to the areas by the William the conquerer seizing back control over the UK. The Viking invasions stopped because they had both hteri command structure back; courtesy of the Ogles back in Northumberland and an entirely new areas and battles to fight in the Middle east. Which those battles were far larger, more encompassing, and required a great deal more from the mercenaries. As well as a larger degree of training; no longer was simply chain mail and an axe sufficient; army and the rules of chivalric were required. One the common infrastructure the Ogle's established was remove by the Pictish; the rules of war being the modern definition. Once the Ogles were back in power; all the countries in Europe decided that the age of chaos which was the time between 780-1066, needed to have a more centralized code of conduct spread to each of the major countries. That way if any such Pictish revolt should occur again; then the young men needing to prove themselves would have an entire infrastructure created to allow them to sew their oats but within the framework of civilized society.  Plus the number of extremely well trained warriors needed to fend off another invasion from the Muslims would mean even larger numbers of young men needed to be extremely well trained.

·     That extreme training and no place to use it is what partially led to the Viking invasions in the first place. Previous the young men from northern Europe had plenty of civilization and infrastructure in which to direct their need for battles. The Ogle family and the Ogle trade routes kept a plenty supply of steady jobs.

·       To show additional evidence this comes back to the Ogle family; chivalric code started almost immediately after 1066. The knights going to the crusades were trained in honor and the glory of the civilization; not just how good a fighter are you. What you do with the tools you have honorably is the real test of a warrior not how many killed, towns sieged, money plundered, woman dishonored, etc. Maintaining civilization became the key not the skills in battle.

§  Ireland;

·     It is possible the Ogles who traveled over to Ireland; met the invading Nordics and after some negotiation managed to curtail them into the old command structure. the Ogles commanding the Norseman exactly the same as the previous 1000 years in Northumberland.

·       So in a very real effect the Ogles could be the founding Royal Family of Dublin. The Viking army with the Ogle family as commanders.

·     Dublin; “ Town of the hurdled (elevated) ford(passageway/port/causeway)” which to the 800 ce Nordics. This city dates back to pre-historical times. Although conquered and renamed by the Ogle Family led Vikings. Either renamed or the name was updated from the previous name to that of German or Gaelic depending. The Nordics who conquered the city located just south of what was then considered Northern Ireland; were surrounded on many sides by then the Ogle Royal family in exile.

·     Eblana; which is only one small Greek letter away from being Alba. The city Romulous was from. Also the name of the 1550 Hyksos female Pharaoh who exiled to the UK to avoid the threats from the Jacobs line who coup d'état her father in Egypt. Ana possibly being some form or version of the name and word for city; in some language of either Egypt derivation or UK.

o  Hyksos the shepherds and  apostles

o  Shepherd kings

·     Ana means in Greek; to stand, upwards, and or back(the human backbone/spine; which allows for upright motion). Indicating the vertical structures of a city.

·       This same behavior pattern was repeated at Hastings with the Ogles (William the conqueror strongly possible a direct descendant of the Ogles); De Ogle, Humphries, and William commanding mercenaries from previous well established trade routes and military structures. NO reason to assume the Ogles were not in command of the Viking army again in Ireland. Since we know the Ogles after both 780 ce and 1600 did exile to Ireland among other countries around Northumberland.

·     Making Dublin a new Ogle family settlement in Ireland. Of course the Vikings are credited with the founding; but more than a few aspects of history have been rewritten to make things seem a certain way. Just because that group of Norsemen could have been commanded by a Ogle General does not mean that small fact would have made it into the English history books. Since the Pictish at least for a few centuries were English; the English after simply repeated the legends from the past without bothering to fact check.

§  Crusades Trade Route; The First Crusade (1096–1099)

·     From the UK to the Holy lands, the different ways to go to the holy lands.

·     The Knights were part of the Ogle Family which did not relocate to the UK. Or their family did fight at Hastings 1066 but returned home. Only a few years latter to head south east to the holy lands.

·     The Crusades was a response to invasions of the West started almost immediately after the Muslims failed in a huge invasion push which lasted from Mohammed to circa 1050 ce. After that devastating loss; the Muslims started another round of invasions of the West. The response from the West was to form armies and head East to stop the invading Muslims. Just as the Muslims tried to invade unsuccessfully several times from Mohammed through present.

·     A teenage knight at Hastings could have been part of the Crusade 30 years later.

·     The Knights were descended from the Exiled Ogles in Normandy France.

o  c. 1119–1312

o  In 1120, the French knight Hugues de Payens

o  Hugues de Payens or Payns (c.1070 – 24 May 1136)

o  Huges was from just south of Normandy in France.


§  Ogles and the French Royal Government

·     Several times from 50 b.c.e to 1800s; the Ogles has a working relationship with the French Government. It was in fact this relationship which assisted in the American revolution between the British descended colonies and the English government.

·     The English government and the British government are entirely different entities.

§  East India Trading company

·     The east india trading company was founded by the Ogle Fammily in NOrhtumbeland. Headquarters in London circa 1600ce.

o  This company was formed as an extension of the Trade Route the Ogles worked from before the Romans invaded the UK.

·     The easts india trading company would travel from Northumberland along the

·     northern atlantic to first Boston.

·     From Boston to th Ohio river valley

·     From Ohio to the Mississippi rriver system; including Missouis

·     From the headwaters of the Missouri to the headwaters of the Columbia

·     From Portland on the Columbia across the pacific to china and india.

·     First formed legally by the Earl of Cumblerland; which itself formed after the NOrhtumbelrand Ogles conqured and exiled the pics from the UK. (Many of which traveled to America becoming known as Red Necks and Hill Billys.)

o  George Clifford, 3rd Earl of Cumberland is T R Welling's fourth cousin 14 times removed!

·     T R Welling

·     Wes Welling 
your father

·     Mary Lou Welling 
his mother


·     Helen Shaffer 
her mother

·     Elmer Ogle 
her father

·     Thomas Ogle 
his father


·     Joseph Ogle 
his father


·     Thomas Ogle 
his father

·     Joseph Ogle 
his father

·     Thomas Ogle 
his father

·     John (of Delaware) Ogle 
his father

·     Captain John Ogle of Eglingham 
his father

·     Captain Henry Ogle of Eglingham 
his father


·     Isabella Ogle 
his mother

·     Edmund Craster 
her father


·     Eleanor Forster 
his mother


·     Dorothy Forster, Lady Grey 
her mother


·     Margaret Scargill 
her mother


·     Margaret Gascoigne 
her mother

·     Henry Percy, 4th Earl of Northumberland 
her brother


·     Henry Percy, 5th Earl of Northumberland 
his son

·     Lady Margaret Clifford (Percy) 
his daughter

·     Henry Clifford, 2nd Earl of Cumberland 
her son


·     George Clifford, 3rd Earl of Cumberland 
his son

·     The Vancouver expedition used the survey maps the Ogles created; courtesy of Lord Bellingham.

o  Plagerising the maps

o  Renaming Vancouver from the Ogle name to Vancouvers name. but they did manage to honor the Ogles by naming a city on the southern portion of the Puget sound after NewCastle. The Ogles major city.

·     Lewis and Clark followed the survey maps the Ogle's creatd in the 1500-1600s 200 years later

o   York Factory Express

·       http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9b/York-Factory-Express.png/400px-York-Factory-Express.png

§  Hudsons bay company

·     The Hudson’s bay company formed in New France the city of York. Which was still controlled by the Ogle Family

·     The Hudson’s bay  company started out as a subsidiary of the East India Trading Company.

§  From London and Paris to America

·     First Boston

·     Second NewCastle

·     Third New Orleans

·     Strong possibility of the st Augustine natives were part of a pre-Columbian trade route to Europe the ogles established or worked with

§  American

·     First Boston

o  Presumably down the Mississippi to the headwaters; founding a settlement for the French. Two hundred years later to be called New Orleans.

o  Ports to attract UK settlers at NewCastle,

o  Port to attract French, German, Irish, and mainland European settlers at New Orleans.

o  The land was set up, trade routes established, roads started to be constructed, tent cities being created by Ogle family descendants

o  A new Northumberland Kingdom starts to formulate; 1550-1680, then the English government comes with full military force. Capturing as much of Old Northumberland and new Northumberland at virtually the same decades.

o  The Ogle trade route is used and lays the foundation for France and the UK to establishing large footholds in the new world. but the family and name of the trade route are erased by the conquering nations

·     NewCastle to Chicago

·     Renaming Delaware to Virgina

·     Chicago to St Louis(Kaskaskia)

·     Ireland

o  Ireland settlements

o  Late 1500s to the 1800s many settlers from Northumberland who did not go to the Americans traveled across the Irish sea to North East Ireland to establishing a new home their.

o  Sir William Bellingham’s ancestors did this; moving from Bellingham Northumberland to Ireland. CastleBelligham in Ireland is a result of said actions.

·     Puget Sound

o  Sir William Bellingham, 1st Baronet; namesake of the city of Bellingham  Washington

o  Circa June 1792; an expedition of Vancouver, which explored the Puget sound. Both Vancouver Washington and British Columbia are named after the Vancouver expedition.

o  The first settlement in the area was on an island just off Bellingham bay.

o  The British were only semi-successful in being able to establish an appropriate town in the area.

o  Bellingham is actually the city close to boulevard park.

o  The name of the actual current city of Bellingham is the city of Whatcome; which became the country of Whatcome when the area was renamed.

o  Vikings

§  The Vikings were simply mercenaries from Scandinavia and Germany who came to Northumberland seeking work as soldiers. After the Pictish conquered the Ogles in Northumberland.

§  The word Viking means to go a Viking/exploring.

§  The Vikings conquered and renamed the capital of Ireland Dublin; which means “the city of the elevated causeway/passageway/port”

§  Which is remarkably similar to the name of Portland in both Maine and Oregon.

§  Vikigns started to invade immediately upon the conquering of the Ogles in Northumberland. They invaded not because they were not invited but because the family who sent for them as mercenaries were defeated. So they arrived expecting to be paid to battle and beat back the Pictish. Unfortunately for the Pictish; just because you take out the commnders, does not mean the reenforcments are going to simply go away.

§  It means the unregulated army will simply arrive anyway and attack you without the bennifit of the commanders aka the Ogle Royal fmialy telling them what to do.

§  Which was really bad since the Pictish faced unending Viking invations; partially due to the fact their was no reason not to continue fighing against their allies enemy, but also because their was no reason to stop fighting. The picctish were no match for the vikigns; the Vikings could hit harder, take more money, and do more damage without the constraint of the Ogles holding them back.

§  Which is exactly what they did in NOthern Ireland. Taking the conquering Northern Ireland with the Assistnce of the Ogles who either joined the Vikings in Northumberland, met the vikign army as they landed, or the ogles could hve simply traveled to where the vikigns would cast off from and joined the army as their commanders before leaving home port.

§  Any way you look at it; their was little reason for the Ogles not to join their paid for army and simply whittle away at the Pictish till they could come back with a substantial army and take the country back.

o   Chivalric code

§  Chivalry is a set of rules and regulations regarding how an honorable man should act at all times.

§  Which started as a result of the Viking invasions of Europe; due to the demands of the young men needing a way to express their transition from child to adult but still remain honorable.

§  One of the key features regarding the chivalric code; was it was partially developed at Oxford; under the guidance of William the conqueror, in order to retell a story about the time o honor between 400 ce when the Roman empire collapsed and the Pictish revolt. When the Pictish formed an axis with seven other cultures (several of which were allies against the Pictish) and attacked the Ogle Royal family in Northumberland.

§  The set of rules and regulations put forth in the chivalric code were copied from rules the royals in the UK operated from. Which was spread across Europe by the publishing of the first modern understood and recognized novels. Those novels also defined the virtues of going on a quest or going on a sacred journey for the honor of the community you live with and serve.


o   Exile in Holland/Normandy; the name Normandy

§  Exile in Holland for the third time

§  First time Roman invasion 50 b.c.e – 400 ce

§  Second time Pictish revolt 800-1066

·     war of the roses 1455–1485

§  Third time Oliver Cromwell

·     Oliver Cromwell 1599- 1658

o  Founding of America by the ogles

o  Ogles in America

o  St Augustine Florida

§  Timucua http://www.pobladores.com/data/pobladores.com/na/ic/naiche/channels/el_espiritu_indio/images/timucua2.jpg

§  The dress has the code built in; vertical, orange, sacred.

§  1100 - 1300 St Augustine

§  The St Augustine natives were exceptionally tall all by themlves. All the foot tall reeds headdress and the natives appeared to be over 7 feet tall.

§  Which makes the natives of St Augustine their traditional costume is the definition of Northumberland.

§  The hat of reeds; being both a reflection of the yellow sun, but also the writing/library writing on said reeds. Which also goes back to the real weapon of all cultures is knowledge.

o  New Amsterdam 1630-1680 (1650-1680)

§  New Amsterdam is the name of the city from which the Dutch in partnership with the ogle royal family founded and helped to build.

§  Then of course the Dutch betrayed the ogles and took the city for themselves. Possibly evicting the ogles from the island; forcing the ogles to move south of the island. Which would be the second time in similar decades the ogles founded a major town and were conquered exile from their own town by those that they once called allies.

§  The puritans pushed the ogles out of Boston

§  The Dutch pushed the ogles out of new Amsterdam.

§  Which the relatives back in Northumberland and the uk received word and sent an armada.

§  John Ogle was aboard; when he arrived the Dutch surrendered peacefully. Thus ending a very short couple decades power in the new world.

§  Which they then turned their attention to the triangle trade the ogles had also founded. But the Dutch added the Africa third leg and started to trade in slaves.

o  John Ogle 1680 New York

§  Birth records for the 1600s were based nothing formal other than what the priest or authorized record keeper would put down. It was entirely the preview of the record keeper as to what date was recorded.

§  It could be date of birth

§  Date of baptism; in either the catholic or Anglican faith

§  Date of 12 years old

§  Date of being recognized as a royal.

§  Date of first communion.

§  Anyway; John Ogles records were scrred by this arbitrary record keeping. Especially since the Ogles and the English government during the time of his birth were not exactly seeing eye to eye on the subject. They were in a low grade civil war. So the royal descendants of the ogles the records of their birth would have ba problem being recognized. John ogles descendants had a profound problem with this said subject.

§  So when john Ogle immigrated to America; he did so not recognized as who his father was or recognized as being a royal. Which has plagued the family ever since.

§  But New York would not be called New York without the signed permission from John Ogle. A royal charter was the only way in which a city could be recognized, it required a connected royal to sign the document in order to properly identify the name. the name would be in some way to honor the royal himself. In some cases the name would be the royal himself, or to honor a favorite relative.

§  So in truth New York could just as easily be called New Ogle, or New Castle.

o  Clear evidence

§  Although undocumented on the Ogle portion; the Ogles and French played a beyond significant part in the formulation of America

§  Ogles in America;

§  John Ogle came to America grandson of Henry Ogle. Henry's son John (1621–1686) was High Sheriff in 1654 during the Commonwealth. Henry's grandson John (1649–1687) emigrated to the area that became Delaware in North America.

§  The only clear evidence of John Ogle 1649–1687 being directly descended from De Ogle is where the Ogles started to head west to Upper New France aka Ohio river valley, the French government allowed the Ogle Family to not only stake land claims in the new world but they founded hundreds if not thousands of towns. Including Chicago, St Louis, Kaskaskia, Tiffin, etc. Possibly even New Orleans.

·     The largest portion of inconsistent data; how could a unknown family not only make contact with the French Royal households; but be granted tremendous honors in lands and establishing towns. Unless John Ogle was a direct blood relation to the titled Ogles of Northumberland; who the Anjou family and the Ogle family circa the collapse of the Roman empire were descended from the same family line.

·     Some English none royal would not be given the time of day to French Royal society; let alone be granted lands. Evidence is clear the amount of lands, towns, major cities, the length of time generations of Ogles were able to maintain operation under the same rules from both the British and French Royal governments. Operating under the same rules from the middle 1550s up to the American revolutionary war 1776.

o  Benjamin Ogle

§  Benjamin Ogle (January 27, 1749 – July 7, 1809) was the ninth Governor of Maryland from 1798 to 1801.

o  Charles Stanton Ogle

§  Charles Stanton Ogle (June 5, 1865 – October 11, 1940) Born in Steubenville, Ohio

·     Charles Ogles remarkable career


o   Boston the unofficial capital of the NE. Boston; colony and Ogle Capital city, still unofficial capital of the NE

o  New Amsterdam 1620-1663

o  New York 1664-1686

o  Ogles transitions from Boston to NewCastle

o  Ogles to NewCastle

o  NewCastle, Delaware

o  Frederick Maryland

o  Pennsylvania

§  On March 4, 1681 Charles II (29 May 1630 – 6 February 1685) granted the area to William Penn. Problem was more than half the land was already chartered to other families. Although those families were not as loyal to Charlie’s as Penn’s family.

o  Fredrick Maryland

§  Fredrick Maryland; founded and named by the Ogles by family legend Newcastle to middle Pennsylvanian (pre-William Penn)

o  Middle Pennsylvania to upper New France New France in 1750 Map of New France at the time of the Conquest, 1759 Fil:New-France1750.png 

o  (1655 to 1763). The area between the English colonies and new France was settled, owned, and controled by the Ogle Family aka the Kingdom of Northumberland.

o  Ogle Family start to assist French settlers to colonize New France

o  Mason Dixon line; stealing Ogle claimed lands 1763 

o   File:Mason-dixon-line.gif

§  One of the most difficult items which occurred in the development of the Ogle family American Trade Route is the times when the land, names, titles, deeds, etc. were flat out stolen from the Ogle Family File:Penncolony.png.

§  The Mason Dixon line and the history of said is part of that stealing process.

§  The Land the Ogles claimed and legally belonged to them previous to this survey paid for by the British crown (who were not the least bit fans of the Ogle/Northumberland family) and the Penn family.

§  Originally the land from New York down to the Carolinas belonged to the Ogles with their capital city being NewCastle. The northern boarder was a few dozen miles north of Philadelphia.

§  But the survey pushed the lands down to just a few miles north of NewCastle.

§  Losing both Boston and now Maryland to the British government. The Ogles chose to instead of fighting to move and build a new in what would be called western Pennsylvania over to the Mississippi.

§   although it is fascinating to see George Washington chose an area only 100 miles away from the old Ogle Capital to place his new Capital for America. 100 miles south of Newcastle was well within the borders of the Ogle 1600s kingdom in America.

o  The Kingdom of Northumberland,

§  Existed from 1495-1860; but was erased from history little by little.

§  The east coast was divided between the Ogles (Boston), the Dutch (close allies and partners; New Amsterdam), and the Spanish. Of course those three had to eras and move the Pictish settlers from previous to Columbus farther west.

§  So a semi-circle from Boston to NewCastle was agreed upon. The ogles owned from Delaware to Chicago, and the entire Mississippi.

§  When the English started to get conquest oriented. The Ogles formed an alliance with the Dutch and with France. Hence New France and Louisiana.

§  The Ogles were betrayed by the Dutch.

§  Then conquered by the English again. New York was supposed to belong to the British/ogles; but they broke the agreement.

§  Then the English brokered  deal with William Penn; giving William Penn most of the areas the Ogle's had spent a 150 years settling and making a new kingdom. After lots of negotiation and bloodshed, the mason Dixon line was the result. Officially cutting huge amounts of Ogle family territory out and giving it directly the Pennsylvanian.

o  1650

§  First round of conquests hit the Ogles in America

·     Boston is conquered by the English and Puritans; erasing the Ogle presence, minus Beckon Hill.

·     William Penn steals more than half of the Ogle Territory.

o  1806

§  The number of truly devastating things occurred in last 1700s and very early 1800s which all but devastated the entire Ogle Family. A powerful and rich trade route which ran for over 1800 years was all but erased and absorbed into conquering culture.

§  The collapse of the Holy Roman Empire has a cascade effect onto the Ogles power.

·     France and Germany were major allies of the Ogle family. They supported each other for millennia through the entire Roman empire pushing into Europe. The three or at least sections of the three were allies.

·     When the last breath of the roman empire collapsed the entire Ogle, France, and German/Sarmartian triumvirate collapsed. Critically injuring the Ogles and America.

·     The Ogles in America were strong and powerful in America till then. After they became easy pickings for the new colonies.

§  The same time the Lewis and Clark trail carefully left the Ogle family plagiarized and out of the history books. Even though the Lewis and Clark expedition would not have been possible without 200 years of work by the Ogle Family; all unaccredited.

§  Civil war

·     First wave; 1806- anti-masonic movement, anti-British(not English movement), anti-Northumberland war

·     Second wave

·     Third 1861-1864

·     Fourth segregation; till 1964

·     Fifth

o  Ogles move west

§  Ogles continue to make a trade route between the East Coast inland.

§  Ogle family start to move inland  negotiating with the natives along the way

o  Upper new France aka Ohio to Indiana

o  NewCastle to Ohio

o  Ohio

§  The Ohio river valley was sandwiched between the English colonies and New France. Both sides slowly encroaching

o  Ohio to Indiana

o  Indiana

o  Indiana to Illinois

o  Illinois founding Chicago

§  Chicago Illinoi to Chicago early 1600s Chicago would not be founded for another half century. "Checagou" was by Robert de LaSalle around 1679

§  Chicago; Means wild garlic, a symbolic reference to the structures of the natives architecture. The natives laid their tents out in layers, a core building/tent, with dozens of tents around, with additional fencing around that.

o  Down the Mississippi river

o  Mississippi

o  Mississippi steam boats

§  Hwo did the steam engine; in oglel family territory end up in France

§  How did the watt steam engine from Ogle hands end up being improvd in France

§  How did the steam paddle boat from France end up in NewCastle penn

§  How did the steam paddle boat end up on the Ohio river which was clearly in Ogle NewFrance terriroty.

§  How did the Steam engine travel from the Ohio river into the Mississippi?

§  The Mississippi starts to use the steam paddle boat; mmovign up and down the Mississippi water ways. Which was at that time still very much in Ogle family controeld lands.

o  Mississippi to Kaskaskia

o  Kaskaskia

§  Joseph Ogle June 17, 1737 in Frederick, Maryland - February 24, 1821 in New 
Design, Illinois
File:Map of Illinois highlighting Monroe County.svg); settles in Northwest Territory, which is present-day Monroe County, Illinois which is directly north west of village in Randolph County, Illinois. Kaskaskia Detailed River Map http://maps.google.com/staticmap?center=,&zoom=6&size=420x350&maptype=terrain&markers=37.92139,-89.91306,blue&key=ABQIAAAA5xlHZUdNNmE93spjGxtmOhRbZirJJhxUDdWKnPoJ8UVCBOSnPRSVlJkUxFrXud1DS0NghIaNLPir8A could be where Joseph Ogle created a new capital city for his families new area of influence in New France. The early 1700s not till Napoleon sold New France to America; west of the western boarder of the British colonies was owned and controlled by France. To establish anything in that area required the Ogles to be land granted by the King of France.

o  Kaskaskia capital of upper new France





o   South to St Louis

o  Mississippi to St Louis

o  Mississippi south

o  St Louis

§  St Louis to an already established site of a couple of huge wars centuries previous to Columbus.

o  Mississippi to new Orleans

o  New Orleans

o  Ogles and the anti-masonic party

o  Erasing the ogle trade route

o  Masonry

o  Masonry spreads along the Ogle family American trade route

o  Louisiana purchase

§  When the third president of America chose to purchase everything west of the colonies; he did so through a great deal of political trickery and mostly illegal military operations.

§  Mostly seizing lands and erasing the rightful owners.

§  Imminent domain.

§  But he had a problem. Even though the entire area from west of the colonies to the mouth of the Columbia was extremely well surveyed and had 100,000s of thousands of people from Germany, France, Scotland, Ireland, Northumberland, Scandinavia, Spanish, etc. living on the lands. He did not want to acknowledge any previous claims to the lands.

§  So he ordered up an expedition to explore the lands for himself.

§  So Lewis and Clark were sent out to explore the areas and report back what was present.

§  Lewis and Clark knew very well where they were going; but all the information as to where they were going and what they needed to achieve along the way had to be erased. The maps, surveys, the major 100k white city’s along the way were simply written up as Natives. Ignoring the facts that the natives were not actually the at the time called Indians and or aboriginals. Since the work and title of Indian is also vastly mistranslated.

o  Lewis and Clark

§  The Lewis and Clark expedition owns a radically large percentage of credit to the joseph Ogle and his descendant. Because not only did the Lewis and Clark expedition start where the by current evidence states the Ogle Family American trade route ended, the family surveyed at least by previous behavior patterns 100-300 miles around the areas they set up areas of settlement.

§  So the first 100-300 miles of the Lewis and Clark expedition was in a very real way plagiarized by at least 100 year old Ogle Family maps of the area.

§  Which is one very good reason why the first 300 miles of their journey was so unprecedentedly easy.

§  But give credit where credit is rightfully due.

§  Academically speaking; the “maps they started out with” fully had names and an entirely family hisitoyr associated but, instead of crediting, Lewis and Clark flat out stole the credit.

§  That is point of fact which needs to be not only recognized but academic and federal credit needs to be returned to the Ogle family.

§  Lewis and clark did their expedition in the early 1800s.

§  Joseph Ogle did most of the really hard work more than 100 years previous. Not to mention his ancetors who could have easily blazed a trail previous to 1720s. Joseph Ogle had a remarkably easy time with his 1500-2000  miles journey from NewCastle Delaware to St Louis Missouri. He very well might have kknow exactly whre he was going because of his 1600s ancestors could have done a profound amount of exploring in the 100 miles around the area of the trade route.

§  One reason Lewis was executed for treason was he put up a Grand Masonic Hall a few miles away from the New France Grand Masonic Hall just across the Mississippi. At the time 1810; the paperwork was not finished. French Loyalists were still attempting to topple Napoleon. If they had successfully topple him; Louisiana was going to be New France again. So in a very real way; St Louis was not the correct place to form a Masonic charter when one already existed in France approved by the grand lodge of Northumberland since the 1600s.

o  Kingdoms of the Ogle Royal Family

§  Pre-Roman kingdom

§  Roman period

§  Camelot

§  Pictish period; evacuated to both Normandy and America

§  1066

·     De Ogle as written came to the invasion from Germany. He may or may not have lived in Germany, but did bring German Mercenaries to the Battle.

§  1066-1600

§  Oliver Cromwell; the Ogles were forced to leave northumberland.

§  Boston; Beacon Hill

§  Tiffin; the Maples

§  Detroit

§  Chicago; amber color of garlic in pods is a symbolic definition regarding what the natives of the areas used as a way to construct their villages. The natives constructed their villages in a round; with a tall wall, building long houses in concentric circles, each row of houses would be built onto progressively taller mounds/heaps of dirt, till the center long house which was built on the largest and tallest mound at the center.

·     Which the Aztecs copied this design from both the anasasi and the first mound builders.

§  Kaskaskia

§  Vancouver Washington state

·     Fort Vancouver was a thriving city well before the Vancouver expedition arrived.

·     The Vancouver expedition when they arrived simply took control of the city from the Ogle family which had been in the area since circa 1650


·     Fort Vancouver High School; this school began inside the walls of Fort Vancouver, but the school started at least 100 years previous circa 1770. The Ogle family who most likely were in the area shortly after Joseph Ogle or decades previous circa 1690; courtesy of John Ogles descendants. Possibly earlier since John Ogles father was a ship captain. The Ogles were British not English. The English did their level best to erase as much of the ogle and British history as they possibly could.

·     Which is one reason why the American Revolution; the saying was “Against the British, and now Against the English” the English were running a propaganda war against both the colonist and the British. Specifically the Ogle family.



o  Pictish in America

§  After the Pictish were conquered in the UK after 1066; they were exiled from the UK. Not all at once but over the next few hundred years the Pictish were banished from the UK.

§  Some small pockets traveled to mainland Europe; but the UK royals developed large loyal alliles in Europe so only a small number could go to Europe in safetly.

§  Since most if not all the Nordic cultures; Scandinavia, Ireland, Pictish, UK, Germany, etc. did not forget the continent to the west. When religious and political persecution became too difficult. The families/cultures simply got in some way shape and or form ships and sailed to the new world. just because the Vatican forbade said knowledge did not mean by any stretch of the imagination that the fringes of the Vatican influence forgot.

§  The Vatican might have been able to erase said knowledge at its core; the farther away from the core the less erasing of ancient knowledge happened.

§  So the Pictish were able to go to America and set up colonies.

§  Which is why when Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492; courtesy of the Spanish Royal government; several of those early explorers especially around the Carolinas found whites who spoke Gaelic and some even spoke Latin. Most were killed outright. The priests who came with found Gaelic and Latin speakers to be blasphemy; to erase the facts of history the priests simply did the exact same thing that they had done back in Europe.

§  The remnance of the Pictish in America are the descendants of the southern cultures; the cultural labels “Red Neck” and “Hill Billy”.

§  Many Pictish cultures especially the ones from the Carolines have a blond streak over their Luz bone at the base of their skull. Which is a connection to the city of Memphis Egypt; which was most likely founded by monotheists after Pharaoh Narmer conquered egtyp and forced one of the monotheistic cutlurles he conquered to live on the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Which is illustrated by the Narmer plate. Which this is also

o  Notable Ogles in American History

o  Notable Ogles in European history

o  List of cities founded by the Ogles

§  In short almost every town from including NewCstle Delaware into Pennsuvlania, Norhtehrn Ohio, Northern Indianaa, Possible southern Michigan, Chicago, down the river to St Louis, down to NewOrleans. Hundrds of towns were either founded by or reestablished bythe Ogles.

§  This is not to mention the 80 years the Ogles were exporing the Mississippi and sourroudnign river systems estabishign towns and settlements along the way. From st Louis to Portland.

§  Boston

§  Chicago

§  St Louis

§  New Orleans

§  Steubenville, Ohio


§  Tiffin

·     The city of Tiffin was founded as a town in NewFrance New France in 1750

·     Tiffin had to be rechartered under British rule in the early 1800s. the previous 100 year the ton was charted under the NewFrance rules of law.

·     The ancient connection between De Ogle and Germany came back up regarding the 1800s settlers to tiffin. De Ogle and some of this descendants continued to keep ties and connections to Germany. Consequently; when the area needed settlers; the Ogles reached out to their contacts in Germany and invaded German settlers to come one come all. Which would be just an enhanced version of the pre-Pictish revolt circa 780 ce in Northumberland, trade route.

·     So German's started to arrive in droves to upper central Ohio.

·     Heidelberg University in Tiffin is part of that ancient Northumberland trade route extension the Ogles used for almost 10000 years.

·     Why was this mostly written/edited out of the history books; because the Ogles were both Masons and worked with Britain, Germany, and France. Disloyalty to the British way of life was absolutely untollerated in the late 1700s, merging into outright hatred in the 1800s.

·       http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>Heidelberg university

o   Founded by the German reformation church in tiffin in 1850. Which was only 45 hours after the collapse of the holy roman empire in Germany. Consequently; part of the holy roman empires 5000 year old library could have arrived in tiffin courtesy of the Ogle family trade route and the German founding of the university.

o  Heidelberg university has been consistently one of the greatest centers of learning in America. Which reflects the origins of its library.

·     Vancouver Washington

§  Detroit Michigan

·     I have not found evidence of Ogle presence in Michigan as yet; but the Ogles had more than sufficient time to explore within 100 miles of each of the cities I can prove they had direct involvement in the founding of.

§  Quabec

·     Ottowa

o  It can be argued that the Ogles and the established trade route is responsible or a vast majority of the early settlers to the area of new frnace. Since the Ogles not only had the connections but had a navy.

·     Hudsons Bay company formulated in NewFrance; which means the hudsons bay company had to be chartered by both the Ogle Family and the French Royal government.

o  Similarities to Egypt

§  Chicago =  Alexandria

§  St Louis = Memphis

·     The city of mounds; Memphis from Sakkara to Giza previous to the 2600 b.c.e remodel the mounds and megaliths on Memphis, the two cities and surrondign would look extremely similar.

§  Little Egypt, Illinois

·     Located a bit south of St Louis.

·     Cairo Illinois

·     Memphis Illinois

§  New Orleans = Carnak/Thebes 

§  Mississippi  = Nile = Great River

§  Indus river = Nile = Mississippi; East India Trading Company, Indians, Old Gaelic name of an eastern portion of Scotland India,

§  Indus, Nile, Mississippi, Columbia

·     Portland = Memphis

·     Vancouver = Cairo

·     Walla Walla = theibes

·     Arcadia = Alexandria

·     Welch island Columbia ? = Heliopolis

o  Or Long View


§  Minneapolis = Alexandra

§  Map of Egypt 


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>Conclusion  

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>Columbus and the Ogle connection

·     Intro

·     Richard the 3rd

·     Professional Political Operatives

·     Exile number 3

o  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>Knowing the Plantagenet family were about to be replaced by a different branch of the family; a branch of the family the Ogles did not have close ties with. Meant that the Ogles were about to be out of royal favor.

o  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>Out of royal favor is a monumental deal when it comes to the Royal families who support Royal family on the throne. When a Royal support family has built up centuries of loyal support but something occurs which causes the Royal house on the throne to be replaced; all the positives of support turn to negatives when the new royal family assumes the throne. All the good will toward the first family becomes negatives to the replacements.

o  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>Loyalty is a cornerstone deal for royalty and their supporters. No documentation can ever truly provide a good bond of trust. A document which recommends or is in other forms of the Royal seat is backing the family of which a member of that family holds the document; only actions can prove the worth of the document holder.

o  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>The Ogles or Northumberland, a place named after them way back before the Roman’s invaded, had a choice to make they could either stay and hope they would not be treated horrifically by the new royals or start working toward securing the family legacy in another area.

o  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>Although the Plantagenet; the York, Lancaster, and eventually Tudor come directly from the Plantagenet does not mean the same allies and allegiances are maintained through the family lines. When a cousin take the throne does not mean the cousins allies carry over.

o  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>Knowing the ogle family were about to lose political footing some other kind of plan was starting to become a grave necessity.

o  So what to do.

§  Could they go back to Normandy for a few centuries and come back with another army? No

§  Could they go to other European countries? NO

§  So they had to find another area to exile to.

o   Solution; the ogles at various times were sea farers.

o  Knowing they had at least semi-connection to sailing life they knew about the continent across the pond ripe for resettling down.

§  They knew cousins had established a foothold in the north east.

§  They knew older cousins had established an entire empire from Florida up to the great lakes from the east coast all the way over to the Rockies.

§  They knew the save routes, and the safe times of year.

·     So how do we relocate across the pond?

o  The problems with recollecting across the pond are the following.

§  The Vatican problem

·     First the Vatican has gone to an extraordinary effort to kill anyone who knew about across the pond. They like the flat earth for keeping everything in their power.

§  Second how to find a sailor willing to take the risk

§  Third how do we fund it without drawing too much if any attention to ourselves.

§  Third how do we do this and not become victims of the inquisition and burned at the stake ourselves. (remember before Henry VIII, the inquisition was just as strong in England as in other European countries.) Henry came into power many kings after Richard was killed in battle. )

§  The Spain problem

·     Spain was so hungry for power they would do anything to gain it.

·     They where in an ongoing plan to take England.

·     They were ongoing looking for more converts to their religious beliefs.

·     They were willing to do anything it took to gain more power.

·     Solution. Distract them.

·     Genoa the area still semi-controlled by the Tryrrohean family.

o  Half way between the two major powers of the Vatican who wanted things kept ignorant, and Spain who wanted gold and world dominating power is genoa an ancient allies.

o  So if we either go to genoa or send a representative to genoa to look for possible candidates;

§  A candidate would need to be the following

·     Hungry for power

·     Adventurous

·     Exceptional in math, science, navigation,

·     Be middle class

·     Have some royal connections but mostly just a few steps above peasant. Meaning hungry for more if given the opportunity. But after the opportunity will be poisoned with his own success and end up destroying himself i.e. not creating another threat to the base plan.

·     A skilled negotiator

·     Someone who might have been in some trouble with both the law and the church at least one time.

·     Someone disillusioned with the church and willing to forget some of the base teachings; flat earth, demons out beyond shore, etc.

§  Go to bars and other areas and interview through conversation

§  Find potential candidates and start feeding them small portions of info; see how jumps at the bate.

§  The hungriest of the candidates;

o  The Spain problem

§  Isabel of Spain hates with a passion her husband. The only encounter each other when they absolutely have to; he is not thrilled with her either. They are very incompatible in most aspects of life.

§  So she is a perfect “cut out” for the plan. A person who acts as a simple go between. Person A wants person D to do something but wants no actual communication between or even knowledge of D knowing A’s involvement at all. So A uses C as a contact for person D. Person C knows about Person B; person B might be either a servant of A or another go between a hired political operative who knows about the B liaison to a mysterious A person, knows about their D contact. The job of B or the political operative B hires to find D. Then introduce D to C. Contact made.

§  That way if several layers of cut outs are used. Both A and C have complete deniability and it is all a handshake political deal. So neither side gets into any documented trouble. Documented trouble in those days could lead directly to being executed. Executed by; your country, the country the other party is a royal for, the Vatican, the inquisition, or another royal family who wants in on the deal.

·     C is introduced to D   

o  D makes his pitch to C; I need funding. C agrees and provides appropriate funding.

o  In the history books it talks about the facts of Isabella gave Columbus a ring to pay for the expedition. Problem is a ring in political circles and Spanish is not the correct definition of what occurred. A ring is not a finger ring, but a promissory note or a promissory nod of agreement. If they wanted to keep things nicely under the nose of the Vatican, the king of Spain, etc. something physical would not have been done. What is a ring.

·     Ring

o  A ring is a royal promissory action. A bind between two or more parties a very real thing but something designed to be kept private and most of the details hushed up.

o  It is designed to not have a documentation paper trail. Or at least a very small paper trail. Documents which lead toward point of sale items are usually hidden inside manifests for other things.

o  So Isabel would not have given Columbus a ring off her finger, she would have done one of the following actions.

§  Had a proxy go with Columbus to start purchasing his supplies.

§  Had a proxy go to the shop keeper and have all the bills sent to a designated area and appropriate funding or trade for service provided.

§  Or told Columbus where to go and he could have the supplies he needed.

·     Point of sale

o  Purchasing the ships

o  Supplies

o  Crew

o  etc

·     Ireland

o  Columbus arrives in Ireland to gain as much info on and about his journey as he could get. Since Ireland is the closes land point to the continent he has been told is their. He wants the Irish to tell him about what is out their.

o  The Irish tell him the same  basic info the political operative does.

·     1492

o  Trip one

§  Setting sail

§  Arriving in the new world

§  Arriving back home

o  Trip Two

§  It is never a good idea to bite the hands that feed you.

o  Trip three

§  A remarkable journey of note all by itself.

§  But it d

·     The Ogle family

o  Immediately start to make arrangements to move from Northumberland to the new world.

o  But instead of heading to where Columbus landed, their destination will be the north east. From Maryland to Maine.

o  But they still have to wait till the Vatican and Spain proclaim the land. Other adventurers start to explore.

·     1500

o  The ogles spent the entire century both trying to prepare to leave and hedge their bets and make nice with the new royal dynasty.

·     1600

o  The move starts

o  Immigrations start

·     The natives

·     The trade route starts

o  From the minute John Ogle of Delaware immigrates to Maryland he immediately start to create a foothold.

o  A foothold made even harder because although the civilized tribes are distant cousins.

o  Other white settlers who have no family connection to the 5 civilized tribes

·     Conclusion

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>Ogle empire 2012 10 7 1751

·     Controlled most of Northumberland till the romans invaded

·     Roman invasion

·     The royal family escaped to Normandy till the romans left; but feed troops and supplies into that area the entire 400 years.

·     Roman collapses; the Ogle Royal family returns

·     Camelot

·     Pictish, Scotts, Mercia allies against the ogles. Ogle royal family escape back to Normandy

·     Only a few Ogles remain in Northumberland

·     1066; the alliance weakens and the ogle royal family can return with a vengeance

·     From 1066-1500 the ogles are in charge again in Northumberland

·     Another revolt and the ogles seek to build another empire in America

·     1500-1680 the ogles build an empire in the NE portion of American with Boston as their capital city.

·     The English government comes and takes over. Battle of New York.

·      New York was supposed to be a secondary major city. Since an Ogle Descendant had permission from his families highest ranking royal and the king to rename New Amsterdam to New York. York being a major city in the Northumberland kingdom.

·     Beet them or join them. The Ogles attempt one more time to merge into the new English empire.

·     Most of ogle royal family history is erased from the history books.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois>  Ogle trade route

NewCastle Delaware to Chicago Ill is 650 miles as the crow flies. More like 1000 miles.

Along the way Pittsburg Pa, Tiffin Ohio,

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois" title=Illinois> 

Ogle trade route

NewCastle Delaware to Chicago Ill is 650 miles as the crow flies. More like 1000 miles.

Along the way Pittsburg Pa, Tiffin Ohio,

I am wondering if the previous to the interstate system ran along the same route the ogle trade route took

Ogle castle and the near the location of the first Masonic lodge is less than 100 miles away. Most of the time between 1066-1500




·     Greek automaton

·     image001entrance kings chamber

o  The Greek culture which the Jacobs line still possessed the technology from their ancient past;

o  Individuals from the Greek period put their ancient mechanical knowledge to work.

o  http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VDrKwAX3dms/UVkKlfI5VeI/AAAAAAAAGgM/Ld90ebcdKAA/s400/greek-water-clock.jpg

o  http://digitalarts.lmc.gatech.edu/unesco/vr/timeline/images/vr_t_02.jpg

o  The Greek's built amazing machines using the most basic of a wind up string, gears, a string, sometimes water, gravity, etc. to make very small things move according to the programmed designs of the gears and strings.

o  One such invention from the earliest of Greek periods; created a free floating/free access temple. Where a chariot carrying an atomiton of one hero would litterlaly fly around the middle of the temple to the delght of the crowed and amazement of even the most skeptical of witnesses.

§  Of course that was done using the most basic of electro-magnetics rules of order.

§  Have a floor several feet think of one specific type of mineral with a specific charge

§  Have the walls and roof with feet of minersals but the other mineral in the walls have to be of different polarities.

§  The roof has to be of the pull pull to the object flying around the room in its own zero gravity sphere.

§  the floor pushes up,

§  the walls guide the flying thing

§  the roof pulls the item up.



§  With this level of technology in being able to raise and lower 4 100 ton blocks. I am thinking using string, pulleys, and levers it is possible to make a wooden box telescope into different shapes.

§  Different shapes based on what is wanted or needed at the time.

§  Similar to the concept of the cube in the hell raiser series.

§  Parts which are designed to move and maneuver around. In a strange way the engineering would not be all that different from the fantasy “transformers” TV and movie series.

·     Take a couple pieces of wood, and attack strings to key fulcrum points.

·     Then as you pull string x the items string x are attacked to will move according to the rules of motion.

·     Pull y string and the same pieces of wood move in an entirely different direction.

·     Now add a crank and or something similar to get the strings to move based on pushing/rotating something that pulls or pushes the attacked string and you get massive amounts of motion.

·     Add a couple hundred years of innovation and engineering to the task and an engineer can get that box to move in a dozen really complicated motions.

o  The evidence for said technology and engineering skills can be found in classic Greece where a Greek polymath created small machines with based on extremely similar engineering tools could make autonomous machine do almost anything “preprogrammed” he wanted this handmade machines to do.

o  The boxes which hold special and sacred items. Have always had a difficulty in being accurately measured.

§  since the cubit size changes based on conditions. Might the box/s containing the various ancient holy items designed to change their shape. Similar to that of an expandable/collapsible suitcase?

o  The arc of the covenant being so famous and such meticulous records should have an accuracy of measurement down to the mm. but instead the measurements depending on source are off by as much as an entire 12 inches or greater than 30 cms.

§  Basic academics teaches us that there is of course only one possible size for any one given object. But what if that was not the engineering case. What if the technology of the tents to create areas and rooms within the tent to expand or collapse was carried over to both the tabernacle and the boxes designed to hold the most precious of holy items. I reference a combination of fictional sources for this concept; Dr Who. The box Dr Who travels around in is the size of an English telephone box; but the inside is of unknown dimensions, at least a skyscraper of hundreds of stories. Various mythical European “bags of holding” which have been scattered throughout European, middle eastern and northern African mythology and later fantasy stories. A bag of holding looks like a standard bag but on the inside it is of any specific dimension the author wrote; be that size feet cube, yards cube, an entire living quarters in space, etc. the idea of a holy box being designed with some kind of (as copied over from the plant and animal world) holy item storage. The changing sizes not only makes the box seem even more holy, but it confuses both the followers and the enemy. Confusion in battle is a hard fought for prize; if the enemy is confused they are more likely to run for the hills.

·     For instance if a box comes out of a tent as a standard small arc size. The priest does something or nothing at all (pushing an easily depressible and concealed button) and before their eyes everyone witness’s the box or in this example the arc expand.

§  So each of the measurement instead of all but one being wrong. How about all are correct, but the dimensions are based on someone making the box expand or contrast for different purposes.

§  The evidence for said is all around archaeology

·     Most religious and of government buildings from the beginning of modern architecture have used generously the concept of forced perspective.

o  Usually designed to make something look much larger than it actually is.

o  Making something important look small or inconspicuous. For a dramatic example; operation Overlord in  WWII was partially pulled off because an entire army was created out of cardboard and false radio traffic with Patton put in charge. Making the allies enemy think Patton was going to attack Callie instead of the actual landing in Normandy.

o  The Parthenon looks but bigger and profoundly grander than it is, forced perspective is used on several aspects of the building.

o  The Persian army division “the immortals” made it appear the entire army would never die. Because there ranks were always the same. No one could tell from the black face covering if those killed in battle yesterday are back today.

·     The size of a males “ceremonial” plumage is absolutely important for mating. For religious artifacts the same cognitive concept might be applied. To store decrease the size of the container, for display increase the size of the container, for work configure the size of the container, and a hundred other reasons to change the size of the container.

·     The only sure way to invent technology as quickly as possible is to not reinvent the wheel but look to existing items and reengineering what that thing does. For instance a tent is a portable cave; no need to reinvent only build an equivalent. Many creatures and plants have engineering which allows them to expand or contrast based on the needs at the time; watching how those animals and plants change their size will teach man how to immolate that technology into creating a tent or box capable of changing size.

·     List of animals who change their shape

o  Bears gain and lose weight

o  Dear grow and lose their antlers

o  Peacocks collapse and expand their plumage for both mating and domination contests with other peacocks. They also use to defend against predators. Since some predators will only attack things smaller. The short and small peacock when its feathers are extended is almost 4 feet tall; as opposed to his head which is only 18 inches off the ground.

o  Bull frogs will expand their chin skin


·     List of plants who change their shape

o  Flowers expand leaves in the sun and contract them in the dark


o  Missing evidence facts

One reason this might not be a widely known fact is the later dominant paradigm cultures were not interested in dealing with collapsing or expanding technology. They like things standard and uniform. One item capable of changing shape that much has always been looked at with extreme skepticism.







·     Ancient Aircraft


·     http://www.crystalinks.com/Seti1AbydoCeiling.jpg

·     Ceiling Beams - Temple of Seti I at Abydos

·     http://www.crystalinks.com/heiroceiling.jpg

·     I took these images while visiting Egypt in December 2000.

·     http://www.crystalinks.com/hieroplanes.jpg

·     Flying vehicles that resemble modern day aircraft




·     Helicopter




·     Submarine or USO?

·     http://www.crystalinks.com/sub1940a.jpg




·     Glider

·     http://www.crystalinks.com/glider_gyph.jpg




·     Zeppelin - Hindenburg - 1940 - Airplane

·     http://www.crystalinks.com/hindenburg_glyph.jpg




·     The Saqqara Bird - Spaceship?

·     http://www.crystalinks.com/saqqarabird.jpg





·     One of the artifacts called Gold Flyers found in Columbia

·     http://www.crystalinks.com/goldspaceship.jpg





·     [Go to 2:06]



The search for clues to humanity's creation is often linked to ancient astronauts who came here in flying vehicles throughout Earth's history, leaving behind clues to their encounters with humans. Pictographs and megalithic monuments throughout the planet describe human interaction with ancient astronauts, allowing those in our timeline to piece together what happened in the past that shapes out destiny today. 
UFOs in History - Art

Mesopotamia -- The Hakatha (Laws of the Babylonians) states:

·     "The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient of our inheritances. A gift from 'those from upon high'. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives."

Chaldea "The Sifrala" contains over one hundred pages of technical details on building a flying machine. It contains words which translate as graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable angles, etc.

Alexander the Great purportedly gave a description of "dozens of silver disk-like objects" entering and leaving the Jaxartes River in 337 BC. Alexander, so the story goes, then became obsessed with the craft and spent many hours in a primitive diving bell searching for them. (Source: History Channel "Unidentified Submarine Objects")

Some modern UFO enthusiasts have pointed to ancient aircraft as evidence for advanced technological civilizations in the distant past, or as support for the 
ancient astronaut theory.




·     Nazca Lines and Ancient Runways





·     King Pakal of Palenque

·     http://www.crystalinks.com/pakalmayanspaceman.jpg

·     Did King Pakal fly off in a spaceship after he died? Ancient Astronaut Theory speaks of this depiction on Pakal's sarcophagus lid as preparing for space flight. He sits on a chair, his foot on a pedal, his hands manipulating the controls, and his nose is a breathing apparatus. Pakal is seen as a Maize God falling into the open mouth of death, an image conflated with the glyph for a Black Hole. A World Tree emerges from his stomach indicating Earth's renewal through Pakal's death. Then again it could mean so many other things.




·     http://www.crystalinks.com/rukma_vimana.jpg

·     Vimanas - Ancient Aircraft of India

·     Vimana is a word with several meanings ranging from temple or palace to mythological flying machine described in Sanskrit epics. References to these flying machines are commonplace in ancient Indian texts, including descriptions of their use in warfare. As well as being able to fly within Earth's atmosphere, vimanas were also said to be able to travel into space and under water.




·     http://www.crystalinks.com/ufos_crucifixion.jpg

·     UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Art History




·     http://www.crystalinks.com/petroglyphufo_panama.jpg

·     Ancient Petroglyphs




·     http://www.crystalinks.com/jesustomb212f.jpg

·     Tomb of Jesus - Fish or Ancient Spaceship?

·     http://www.crystalinks.com/ancientaircraft.html


Tomb of Jesus - Fish or Ancient Spaceship?


Ancient Tomb Holds Jesus Mystery   Discovery - March 1, 2012

Jerusalem: This tomb carved out of rock, 
could be directly connected to Jesus' first followers,
those who knew him personally, and to Jesus himself.


One ossuary was finely carved with a decoration which looks like a fish 
but could it be a spaceship as ancient alien theory might suggest?
Would that make Jesus an alien or 
his story myth?





Symbol for the Dogon Nommo
Gods who came in ships from the skies


The 4-word Greek inscription below says,
"The Divine Jehovah rises from the dead" or "
Lord Jesus rises up!"


The tomb complex - Overview



New find revives 'Jesus Tomb' flap   MSNBC - February 29, 2012
Using a remote-controlled camera on the end of a 
robotic arm, investigators have found what could be the earliest evidence of a Christian iconography in Jerusalem, engraved on a set of "bone boxes" inside a nearly intact 1st-century tomb. One of the limestone boxes, known more formally as an ossuary, carries a Greek inscription calling on God to "rise up" or "raise up" someone. Another box appears to show the carved image of a fish, perhaps with the prophet Jonah in its mouth. Allusions to fish and the "sign of Jonah" came to be widely used among early Christians, but not among Jerusalem's Jews.

Possible Earliest Evidence of Christianity Resurrected from Ancient Tomb   Live Science - February 29, 2012
In an ancient tomb located below a modern 
condominium building in Jerusalem, archaeologists have found ossuaries - bone boxes for the dead - bearing engravings that could represent the earliest archaeological evidence of Christians ever found. The tomb has been dated to before A.D. 70, so if its engravings are indeed early Christian, they were most likely made by some of Jesus' earliest followers, according to the excavators. One of the limestone ossuaries bears an inscription in Greek that includes a reference to "Divine Jehovah" raising someone up. A second ossuary has an image that appears to be a large fish with a stick figure in its mouth. The excavators believe the image represents the story of Jonah, the biblical prophet who was swallowed by a fish or whale and then released.

Doubts about 'the Jesus Discovery'   MSNBC - February 29, 2012
Now that the word about "the Jesus Discovery" is out in the open, outside experts are weighing in - and many of them look upon the robotic exploration of a 1st-century Jerusalem tomb as a technological tour 
de force resulting in an archaeological faux pas. On one level, the "Jesus Discovery" investigators saw this project as a follow-up on the sensational claim they made five years earlier in "The Lost Tomb of Jesus," that Jesus and members of his family were buried in what is now a southeast residential neighborhood of Jerusalem. On another level, they set forth what they said were the earliest known evidence of Christian references in the Holy City - in the form of an inscription referring to resurrection on one casket, and a fishlike design on another casket.




Ancient Aircraft

























·     Ideas to add

o  Life on a glacier


o  Israel (has been located in several areas based on who owned what lands.

§  Include Hierapolis as one Israel

§  Giza

§  Levant lands

§  Rome

§  For a time Simon peters cathedral

§  Detailed descriptions of Khufu

§  Possible inclusion of Ogle Rite; minus all masonic references. Switch wm for king of x, sw king of y, jw king of z. of course for the layers; plenty of royal layers.

·     King

·     Prince in queens chamber?

·     Arch duke

·     Duke

·     Arch

·     Baron

·     Earl

·     Count

·     Lord

·     Knight

·     Each room/stop will have its own court




·     Conclusion




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1. ^ a b c d Bovis, Antoine. "Excerpt from Exposé de M.A. Bovis au Congrès International de Radiotellerie à Nice". (Nice: Bovis, c. 1935). Translation by Jean-Paul Buquet. Skeptic.com.Retrieved November 24, 2008.

2. ^ a b Drbal, Karel. Patenti Spis c. 91304. (Prague: 1959).

3. ^ Toth, Max, and Greg Nielson. Pyramid Power. (New York: Warner Destiny, 1976). 165.

4. ^ Toth, Max, and Greg Nielson. Pyramid Power. (New York: Warner Destiny, 1976). 177.

5. ^ De Mattia, Joan Ann. “Enjoying the Fruits of Pyramid Energy.”Pyramid Power, edited by Max Toth and Greg Nielson. (New York: Warner Destiny, 1976). 198.

6. ^ Drbal, Karel. “The Struggle for the Pyramid Patent.” Pyramid Power, edited by Max Toth and Greg Nielson. (New York: Warner Destiny, 1976). 143.

7. ^ Loxton, Daniel. "Junior Skeptic #23: Pyramid Power".(Altadena: Skeptics Society, 2006). 81–83

8. ^ Laigaard, Jens. "excerpt from Chapter Eight ofPyramideenergien – kritisk undersøgelse". (1999). Translation by Daniel Loxton and Jens Laigaard. Skeptic.com. Retrieved November 24, 2008.

9. ^ Ostrander, Sheila, and Lynn Schroeder. Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1970). 340.

10.               ^ Loxton, Daniel. "Junior Skeptic #23: Pyramid Power".(Altadena: Skeptics Society, 2006). 83

11.               ^ Bovis, Antoine. "Exposé de M.A. Bovis au Congrès International de Radiotellerie à Nice". (Nice: Bovis, c. 1935.) PDF scan of original hosted at Skeptic.com.

12.               ^ Drbal, Karel. “The Struggle for the Pyramid Patent.” Pyramid Power, edited by Max Toth and Greg Nielson. (New York: Warner Destiny, 1976). 141.

13.               ^ Drbal, Karel. "Patenti Spis c. 91304. (Prague: 1959).".English translation hosted at www.amasci.com. Retrieved November 2008.

14.               ^ Loxton, Daniel. "Junior Skeptic #23: Pyramid Power".(Altadena: Skeptics Society, 2006). 88.

15.               ^ Loxton, Daniel. "Junior Skeptic #23: Pyramid Power".(Altadena: Skeptics Society, 2006). 82.

16.               ^ Coleridge, Gilbert. Letter. The Times. 7 Oct. 1933.

17.               ^ Grange, William D’Oyly. Letter. The Times. 19 Oct. 1933.

18.               ^ Ostrander, Sheila, and Lynn Schroeder. Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1970). 339-340.

19.               ^ Ostrander, Sheila, and Lynn Schroeder. Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1970). 342.

20.               ^ a b Loxton, Daniel. "A Conversation with Max Toth".Skeptic.com. Retrieved 1 December 2008.

21.               ^ Toth, Max, and Greg Nielson. Pyramid Power. (New York: Warner Destiny, 1976).

22.               ^ Flanagan, Patrick. Pyramid Power (Santa Monica: Pyramid Power – V, Inc, 1975).

23.               ^ Ostrander, Sheila, and Lynn Schroeder. Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1970). 339-348.

24.               ^ page 431

25.               ^ William G. Bailey, Frank Hoffmann, Mind & Society Fads, p. 225 (Haworth Press, 1992)

26.               ^ Pyramid House website

27.               ^ (Satellite via Google)

28.               ^ (Summerhill Winery Pyramid Story)

29.               ^ Savage, Adam; Adam Savage (2010). "MythBusters’s Adam Savage". Volume 34.6 (in English). The Committee For Skeptical Inquiry. Retrieved 7 September 2013. More than one of |author= and 

30.                Lost Cities of the Libyan Sahara: according to University of Leicester Press Office, UK, satellite imagery revealed a lost Garamantian civilisation of the Libyan south-western Sahara, comprising "more than 100 fortified farms and villages with castle-like structures and several towns, most dating between AD 1-500." The castle-like buildings were said to have been built with mud brick and some of their surviving walls are up to four metres high. The British team from the University of Leicester that discovered the “lost cities” say the culture of the people who built the lost cities is far more advanced than previously suggested. The full article which contains some satellite images of the lost cities can be accessed at:

31.                Rare Aerial Look at Fezzan: where ancient societies thrived and collapsed as the rains came and went.

32.                Gobero: the Largest & Oldest Stone Age cemetery in the Sahara desert was discovered in northern Niger in 2000 AD. The uncovered 200 burials are said to belong to two "vastly different cultures that span five thousand years": the Kiffian culture (7700 to 6200 BC) and the Tenerian culture (5200 to 2500 BC). More at: news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/08/080814-sereno-sahara-missions.html

33.                Professor David Mattingly.

34.                The Archaeology of Fazzan, by D. J. Mattingly, C. M. Daniels, J. N. Dore, D. Edwards, J. Hawthorne, and Edited by D. J. Mattingly: Volume 1: Synthesis, 2003, Edited by D. J. Mattingly; Volume 2: Site Gazetteer, Pottery and other Survey Finds, 2007, Edited by David J. Mattingly. 

35.                Tacitus, Annals, III ; IV. [Garamantes].

36.                Tacitus, Histories, IV. [Garamantes].

37.                Ptolemaeus, C., Geographia. Ed. Muller, Paris, 1883-1901.

38.                Lucan, Pharsalia IV - XI.

39.                Strabo, Geography.

40.                Herodotus, The History of Herodotus, Tr. and annot. G. and H. Rawlinson and J. G. Wilkinson, New York, 1859.

41.                Ibn Khaldun (Kheldoun 1332-1406), Abu Zayd 'Abd er-Rah'man Ibn Muhammed Ibn Kheldoun Al-Xedrami Al-Maghribi, [cited as Ibn Kheldoun], Kitab el-'Ibar wa diwan al-mubtada wa al-khaber (Universal History), 1868 edn. 7 vols (Bulak). A.H. 1284.

42.                Leo Africanus (H'asan Ibn Moh'ammad el-Wezaz el-Fasi), Africae descriptio, Leyden, 1632.

43.                Sergi, G., The Mediterranean Race: A Study Of The Origin Of European Peoples, London, 1901.

44.                Oric Bates, The Eastern Libyans, Macmillan and Co., Limited, London, 1914.

45.                Evans, A. J., Scripta Minoa, Oxford, 1909.

46.                Caputo, Scavi.

47.                Gsell, S., Histoire ancienne de l'Afrique du Nord, 8 vols., Paris,  1913-1929.

48.                Duveyrier, H., Leso Tuareg du Nord, Paris, 1864.

49.                Daniels, C., The Gararnantes of Fezzan: excavations on Zinchecra 1965-7, Antiquaries Journal, 50,1, 37-66, 1970a

50.                Daniels, C., The Garamantes of Southern Libya, London, Oleander Press, 1970b.

51.                Daniels, C., The Garamantes, Geology, Archaeology and Prehistory of Southwestern Fezzan, Libya, PESL 11th Cong., pp. 31-52 (1969).

52.                Ayoub, M. S., Fezzan: A Short History, Libyan Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities, Department of Antiquities, 1968.

53.                Goodchild, R. G.,Oasis forts of legio III Augusta on the routes to the Fezzan, Papers of the British School at Rome, 22, 56-68.1954

54.                Il linguaggio berbero di El-Fogaha (Fezzan), Ann. Istit. Univ. Orient. Napoli, XIII, 1963, 93-126.

55.                Paradisi U., El Fogaha, oasi berberofona del Fezzan. Riv. Studi Orientali, XXXVI, 1961, 293-302.

56.                Herzog R., Ethnische und soziale Differenzierung unter den Bewohnern der Oasen des Wadi es-Sati im Fezzan, AuU, XLIX (1966), 136-144.

57.                Beguinot, F., Studi linguistici nel Fezzan dans Bol. R. Soc. Geogr. Ital., serie 6, vol. 12, 1935, pp. 660-5.

58.                Beguinot, F., I Iinguaggi dans Fezzan e oase di Gat, 1937, PP. 493-513.

59.                Beguinot, F., Le iscrizioni berbere del sahara dans La rivista d'Oriente, 1935, PP. 59-62.

60.                Dassaud, R., Les Civilisations prehelleniques, Paris, 1910.

61.                Duprat P., Essai historique sur les races anciennes et modernes de l'Afrique Septentrionale, Paris, 1845.

62.                Duveyrier, H., Leso Tuareg du Nord, Paris, 1864.

63.                Gootlob, A. K., Sprache von Ghat in der sahara, 1884.

64.                Lanfry, J., Deux notes sur le berbere de Ghadames, GLECS, 16 (1971-1972), 1977, 175-183.

65.                Lange, D., La Region du lac Tchad d'apres la geographie d' Ibn Said: texte et cartes, AI, 1980.

66.                Wiedemann, Stelac of Libyan origin. In PSBA, xi. 1889, P. 227.

67.                Mattingly, D.J., al-Mashai, M., Aburgheba, H., Balcombe, P., Eastaugh, E., Gillings, M., Leone, A., McLaren, S., Owen, P., Pelling, R., Reynolds, T., Stirling, L., Thomas, D., Watson, D., Wilson, A.I. and White, K.  1998  The Fezzan Project 1998: preliminary report on the second season of work. Libyan Studies, 29, pp. 115-144.

68.                Mattingly, D.J., al-Mashai, M., Balcombe, P., Drake, N.A., Knight, S., MacLaren, S., Pelling, R., Reynolds, T., Thomas, D., Wilson, A.I. and White, K.  1999  The Fezzan Project 1999: preliminary report on the third season of work. Libyan Studies, 30, pp. 129-145.

69.                White, K., McLaren, S.J., Black, S. and Parker, A.  2000  Evaporite minerals and organic horizons in sedimentary sequences in the Libyan Fezzan: Implications for Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. In McLaren, S.J. and Kniveton, D.R. (Eds.) Linking Climate Change to Land Surface Change, Amsterdam: Kluwer, pp. 193-208.

70.                Mattingly, D.J., Al-Mashai, M., Balcombe, P., Barnett, T., Brooks, N.P.J., Cole, F., Dore, J., Drake, N.A., Edwards, D., Hawthorne, J., Helm, R., Leone, A., McLaren, S.J., Pelling, R., Preston, J., Reynolds, T., Townsend, A., Wilson, A.I. and White, K.  2000  The Fezzan Project 2000: Preliminary report on the fourth season of work. Libyan Studies, 31, pp. 103-120.

71.                Brooks, N.P.J., White, K., Warr, B., Drake, N.A., McLaren, S.J.  2000  Remote Sensing for Dryland Geoarchaeological Investigations in Southern Libya: Preliminary Findings from the Fezzan Project. Adding Value to Remotely Sensed Data, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society, 12-14September 2000, University of Leicester, 17pp., ISBN 0 946226 30 X

72.                Mattingly, D.J., Brooks, N., Cole, F., Dore, J., Drake, N., Leone, A., Hay, S., McLaren, S., Newson, P., Parton, H., Pelling, R., Preston, J., Reynolds, T., Schrüfer-Kolb, I., Thomas, D., Tindall, A., Townsend, A. and White, K.  2001,  The Fezzan Project 2001: Preliminary report on the fifth season of work. Libyan Studies, 32, pp. 133-153.

73.                White, K., Brooks, N.P.J., Drake, N.A., Charlton, M. and MacLaren, S.J.  2003  Monitoring vegetation change in desert oases by remote sensing; a case study in the Libyan Fazzān. Libyan Studies, 34, pp. 153-166.

74.                Drake, N.A., Wilson, A., Pelling, R., White, K., Mattingly, D.J. and Black, S.  2004  Water table decline, springline dessication and the early development of irrigated agriculture in the Wadi al-Ajal, Libyan Fazzan. Libyan Studies, 35, pp. 95-112.

75.                White, K. and Mattingly, D.J.  2006  Ancient lakes of the Sahara. American Scientist, 94, pp. 58-65.

76.                White, K., Charlton, M., Drake, N., McLaren, S., Mattingly, D. and Brooks, N. 2006  Lakes of the Edeyen Ubari and the Wadi al-Hayat. In Mattingly, D., McLaren, S., Savage, E., al-Fasatwi, Y. and Gadgood, K. (Eds.), The Libyan Desert, Natural Resources and Cultural Heritage, London: The Society for Libyan Studies, pp. 123-130.







·     Introduction

·     Egypt had a NASA

·     In brief

·     Basic evidence

·     Maglev

·     Basics of electro magnetics

·     Egyhptian gods

·     Egyptian pharaohs

·     Pre-Pharaonic times



·     Ice age


·     52 tents tabernacle





·     Biblical references

·     Exodus




o  There were spun glass globes, for lights they powered great wireless power



































·     Conclusion

·     References

have to remember the equation is not entirely complete. e = mc2 = e