

If it looks like a duck, has a bill, webbed feet, lays eggs, has feathers the question if it is a duck is mute. The only question is “what type of duck is it”.


The English based on every single possible piece of evidence are renamed Romans.

Although there is a rather strong situation regarding the Anglo, Saxon, Jutes, Danes, etc. in and around London.

The areas around London are named for the Anglo Saxon culture and directions.


This does not make the people of London Germans. The areas most of the about to be English came from are were the Roman Soldiers retired after they were done with their services to the Roman Empire.

You see the Senate was afraid too many soldiers were retiring, and they did not want them to form their own army and attack the Empire. So they put retired “professional killers” as far away from Rome as they could get them.

However, when the Roman Empire collapsed the descendants of former soldiers had to make some decisions.

They could either remain in unprotected areas or they could re-banded together and reform into a fighting force.

Since the area of Germany was so undefendable, it was decided that the former Roman Soldiers who were not entirely convinced that the bran new Kingdom of Italy and or the Papal States was a good idea, they chose to create themselves a new capital.

The Old Roman city of Londonium was renamed and became a “come one come all former Romans to our new capital”. That capital since about 250 has been London.

Although there were more than a few hard-core battles in the city and the areas of Mercia over dominance and control.


The British on the other hand were fine and dandy in their extremely well defended Kingdom to the North.

That North Kingdom was a subject of many an argument with the English (former Roman) tribes trying to fight to control the entire Island Chain.

Those battles and wars would rage from 50 bce when Julius Caesar gained a foothold into Britain till the 1600s when the last of the British left Britain to head to America.

Unfortunately for the British as a culture they were destroyed entirely by 1889.

They held their last position of power and authority in Whatcom County, Washington State till the area turned from a Territory to a State.







TR Welling