3/4/2013 07:21:50




Esaus Line Scape Goat



Dominant cultures have always needed to find a different scapegoat to distract from their real intentions.


This is not part  of the cultures consciousness; 1000s of years of learned behavior or CR regarding acceptable and unacceptable rules of order, turn a conspiracy into the standard acceptable rules of order for a culture. To conspire requires a perspective of actions done are wrong. There is a radical difference between conspiring versus this is just how we do things.


Judas since Jesus Christ has been used; the problem is, it was not Judas who did the damage but the Esau line philistines and similar who did the damage and blamed someone else for it.

Plus if you have cultural rules which “I had no choice” start to be put into place. When a culture turns needing someone to pay for the no choice actions; human nature will find someone else to place the blame on. In this case it is the standard judas character. Innocent but used as a scape goat; mostly in this specific framework by Esau line descendants.


How can this be factually verified; Esau’s line is almost by cultural definition first to write down their version.

Moses and Paul were both from Esau’s line; both are primarily responsible for writing the OT and NT.

Esau’s line are responsible for assembling the first church in first Greece then Rome. This enraged the Jacob line actual participants; said argument can be seen in the dead sea scrolls. Where Jacobs line Christians are arguing and flat out stating the Esau line Christians were not following the teachings and or anything close to the word.

This argument continued till most of the men involved were dead.


But as the Christian church developed the concerns and lessons of Jacobs line were erased and Esau's line information was not only advanced but the other information was by Esau line power structure destroyed and or erased.


Attempts over the years to correct the mistakes Esau's line put into place has led directly to violent opposition. Including the 1000 year Esau line Vatican forced Dark Age/Medieval times. From roughly 500-1500 ce anything against the church was strictly forbidden. Repeating the same behavior pattern Moses, the Hyksos, and Esau did destroy anything which threatened their power. Including the truth of god’s word; just editing god’s word to make it more accepting to Esau's line. Like all the events from 2500-1320 b.c.e in Egypt; which is only a mere 1500 year’s, erased because Esau's line did not like what occurred during those years.

Starting with the facts regarding the Pharaoh that Jacobs son was sold into slavery to was Esau.