Esaus line conquered Egypt


There are at least five times when Esau's line has conquered Egypt. Each time minus Narmer they were conquered by a Jacobs line descendant.


1 3400-3200

Conquered by Narmer 3200; gave generous land to Jacobs line.  Reduced to become (mirrored in Esau's behavior patterns centuries later) becoming just another culture in the Pharaonic Egypt

2 2100-1600; Hyksos invasion

Coupe de tant; Jacobs line takes over; control Egypt from 1600-1330 tut

3 300-50; Alexander who was a Hyksos Esau line descendent with Zeus as his god.

Conquered by (possible Jacob line) Julius Caesar;

4 50-200  ce Rome rules

Coptic Christians a straight Jacob through his gxgrandson Jesus take over and rule till Islam

5 700 ce Islam rules Egypt

Conquered by Esau line descendant Adolf Hitler’s third Reich. Which is not really a conquest more of a same philosophy just slightly different name of leader.

Several Esau line descendants besides Adolf used the same conquest and oppression governmental and population control structure besides him. Several Muslim cultures use and used it.

Time for Jacobs line descendant to rule Egypt again.