Fixed Points Web


From the basic understanding of the Nut, Shu, Geb interaction.

In the Futhark Gebo means to connected through partnership. The partnerships created are technically speaking random and with whoever we encounter.

However as the evidence mounts through the study of Ǽrdology, there is a language built into absolutely everything. Numbers and letters and letters are numbers.



In the circle of fixed points as the earth rotates around the sun.

Every one given point has 8 associated points to it.

It is the eight fixed points each have their own counts, in hierarchal format.


A group of people, the cross connection of lines start to look like neuropathways.

In side the neuropathways begins to take on the form and shape of letters/numbers within the matrix of connected lines.

Not real physical lines, lines of connection between two or more people who are in some way connected.

Be those connections a one time close proximity on a street and or in a social media platform, or those connections begin between intimate partners. As well as everything in between.


The brain has letters/numbers as different neuropathways become electrically charged to hold thoughts.

Same mechanism works between people,

Works in communities. Symbolized in the crown of the leader.








TR Welling