The Development of Psychology



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The Development of Psychology is actually one of the most complex fields of study in all of science. It is complex because is has so many moving nparts, a sizable chunk of it was erased, and a serious portion of it was altered from fact to fiction.

One of the most profound reasons the field of Psychology was damaged almost beyond repair is the solid and undeniable facts that before it was called Psychology it was in part called “The Classics”. Not because the Battle of troy was so difficult, or the story of medusa is odd, or even the other stories which were collected from any number of different languages from 1500 to 800 bce when they were collected and turned into a form of education which the not yet called Greek cultures formed.

The Greek Cultures formed although they would not be called for till post 400 bce. The Greek Cutluers fought a war against each other to end the Dorian Dark Age.

The Dorian Dark Age was a direct result of the newly named Dorians from their old name Hyksos which is a very serious insult regarding “Lord of the Sheep”. But the Lord of the Sheep is also a pun regarding (where the men are men and the sheep are nervous) a very crude joke. Which happens to be in some ways accurate.

Of the dozen likely languages used to write the stories down previous to 800 bce. Post 800 bce they were trnalated under the military threat of the Dorians to be a collection of sorites under the new Greek lnfuage. Which is actually linear C, or at least in the sequence from the rules and regulations of the Grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and letter construction of Lienar C. which became Classic Greek.

Linear B has its own distinctions, Linear A has its own, Heiroglyphics is in part an entirely different language from C but is a close kissing cousin to A. Linear B is an outlier and has a huge amount of proto Cyrilic as a base. The Lienar B has a huge thumbprint from the language which would become Persian. Which is where the Hyksos/Doroians are from. They are from Mecca.

Why is all this 3000 year back story importna to tht edevelopment of Psycholgoy.

Because it points to absolute consistnaices within the structure of the enemy of knjwodgle who is still as violently strong controlling Psychology today ias it was at both 3800 bce when modern semi-transltable languages were started to be invented out of the base of Indo-European as well as each step along the way.

the histoy of Psycholgoy dates back to the city of IWNW, but that infomraiton is entirely unacceptable in all ways to the cultures which desciend from the Hyksos. They as a culture on a soul level fight against that inofmraiton with every single ouce of force and the last full measure of their devotion to in effect evil as possible.

What is the problem. The definition of evil that they hyskos and most all of their decsendnat cultures have bragged abot for the last 4500 years is this.

God and Satan one fine day had an argument.

God gave humans the gift of Free Will

Satan was offended to the core of his being for this gift. Since angels were not given the gift.

God instructed his angels to bow down to his nnewly made humans not to worship them but as superior beings to help the humans on their paths in life.

Satan refused to bow to the humans. Refusing flatout to acknowdlge that man was superior in any way.

God commanded Satan to bow and obay

Satan responced with “my lord. Man must worship you in the way I have decided is the best way to worship you. Man must not be allowed to use thei free will and worship you in any other way than the way I have desiced they will”.

God disagreed, he wanted man to worship him the way each individual person decided to worship him. Every different way man desiced to worship him was the perfect way to perform said devotions.

Satan grew angry and resentful not understanding why man was not forced to worship god in the way he had decided was “the proper way”.

God demanded that satan help man on his journey in life to worship him in the best way each man chose to.

Satan refused and a battle raged.

Satan was cast out of heaven into the pit of hell hwere he would be forced to spend eternity.

Satan void revenge and would take every single human that strayed too far from the path of god and punish that person for all eternity.

God and his angels would help, and satan and his fallen would distract and pull man away from gods path. The more satan was able to pull man off the path, the closer to spending an eternity in hell that person would become.

Satan set to work to corrupt each and eery human off the path from god to his path of punishment and betrayal.

That is the Hyksos version of evil.

Satan being the ultimate evil being.

However their si a point missing.

According to the Hyksos’ philosophy which omes from Esau, which part of that comes form Terah, Satan hates free will.

According to the HYsoso philosophy which omes from Esau, which part of that comes form Terah Satan hates humans not being able to follow the truth to the path of god.


Removing information and facts from god to man is a satan thing.

Why is this situation so important to the devlepment of psychology.

Because by the time time the Hyosos were defeated in the Aegean by the thera volcano 1532 bce. The aftermath was all but hell on earth. Most of the Aegean, Antonia peninsula, and portions of the northern section of Levant lands was covered in severl ainches to feet of volcanic ash, pumis, and other volanci debrie.

Impossible to live, breath, grow crops, etc. in effect the classic definition of Hell is what the area 1000 miles around the Thera volcano looked like.

The Hysos were beyond soul level angry the vast manjority of their population was obliterated, even more angry their army was gone, a huge portion of their navy sunk. It only took a few hours to kill and destroy their seized areas of lands and cities in the Aegean.

However they were warned about the eruption by the Cyclacid (minoan) culture who were in the process of evacuating the area to head to bith Italy and northern Eruoepa as the Hyksos with their Jewish slave shield wall army approached.

The usually message was “why are you attacking, give us a bit of time since we are n the middle of evacuating out of the way of a super volcano about to erupt. You can have all of this land, just back off for a few days to a week. We will be out of yoru way.”

But the hyosos wanted to kill ther enemy. They wanted to seek revenge upon the cultures and the Jews whom had evacuated out of their invasion of Egypt circa 2100 bce. It took the Hysos from 2100 to 1900 bce to fully and completely seize control over Egytp and start to direct their army into first the sinai and then levant lands.

More centires to fight around levant through antolia

More centires to fight through the Aegean.

Blood lust was their primary gaol.

To find the descendants of the Jews and other enemy cultures and erase their existence from all knwodgle.

Statically why was Oliver Cowdery, the book of Mormon, and Wundt’s interactions erased from existence when it is not that difficult to rebuild what actually happened.

Statistically there is no other place Wundt would have been but in Tiffin Ohio circa 1846 at the latest. He was a trained linguist and that Prussian Army demanded he be present to translate the books from the newly captured from the Ogle family Heidelberg library.

The good part about that is the evidence is easy to produce the only place the books for Heidelberg could have come from is the Ogle family. Since only the Vatican collection of books was smaller but equal. But the Vatican collection was for the overwhelming part, not allowed out of the Vaican. The Ogles spread their library’s around to ensure that some copies of the orignals would remain. The more copies in the more remote locations the harder time their enemy would chase them down and burn the library to the ground.

But something of the most profound of important.

Not long before the Prusians arrived in Tiffin to officially station themselves at Fort Ball, Mary Shelley Publisher her novel “Frankenstien”.

Her book came from her friend allowing her access to the former Holy Roman Emprei library. Her interest in the strnage and unusual, revolving around reanimation of dead tieeus.

Her daughter several years previous drawn in the river while they were out at a piknick.

The gemrans had been reserahcing enetricity (synapses, and nerves) and its affect on the human body and other biological beings previous and post death.

The germans shared their reserasch with their allies the britsih. The enlighs and the Prussians were kept out of the tecnolgoy loop wchi caused no end of anger and violence.

The English and British were at war with each other from the second the romans, anglos, danes, Saxons, jutes, etc. merged and name changed to English to the present. Which adds more interesting details since the British and the Thule Society were allied together working against the Prussian subsidiary group the FreiKrops munich branch which name changed to NAZI January 1920. The Prussian empire controlled both Heidelbergs in 1846, owened Wundt (under contract) and easily lhad more than sufficient power to clandestinely transport him from Konesburg to Tiffin. A couple dozen guys raise not a single issue, however 40 or more tons of books from a library will raise so many red flags veryually every navy on the high seas will want to attack and seize those books.

So the Prussian FreiKorp statistically could not bring the books to Prussia, but could easily and with little effort bring the scholars to the books.

But there is a problem Oliver Cowdery ahd been living in Tiffin Ohio since 1838, under direct orders from his boss Joseph Smith. The two of them in 1823 worked for 2 years to translate the golden plates ancient and archaeic language to egnlish.

So to the Prussians at Fort Ball Oliver was just another linguist. For that matter so was Joseph Smith. Kidnapping him and forcing him to take another name while he translated various anciesnt stricts is something the Prussians did so many times and often that by the 1800s they had about 600 years practice. By then it was an artform to kidnap soeone in the middle of the night. Sometimes without leaving a trace, sometimes leaving a look alike dead body. Sometimes as harsh and wild an attack as possible. Anything to hide the fact they did the deed, in order to take the person with the knwoegle into their custody and force them into indentured servitude.

Wundt, Oliver, and statisticlay speaking Smith working together at Heidelberg to translate ancient books from the Ogle libraries.

To cross match the information from that library, with the Harvard, Columbia, oxford, Heidelberg Prussia, munich, etc. library’s to cross compare the infoation to find the ancient technology. So the Prussians could make tiehr better population control devices eg psychoogoy or improved army killing weapons.

But the Prussians did not start out being called prussins, firs they were called Teutonics.

Bebore they were called Tuetonics, they were just part of the old Persian culture, which was still in part intact from the Greek and Roman invasions. But they were still mostly based on behavior pttersn Persian. Descendants of both the Ottoman Empire and previous King Xerxies and darious.

The defeat by the greeks only 1300 years previous is hwere the battle of Marathon was named, the runner from the battle ran the 26 miles from Sparta to Atehsn to inform the Atheians the Persian army were obliterated. Most never made it off their ships, burning alive as they hit the shores.

Those stories would be later added to “The Calssics” in order to make a better sequence of stories as well as teach the same population control lessons using different stories, schema’s, and cultures.

But that would have to wait till those stories were transferred from the aEgean to the city of Rome hwere the romans needing to build their academics which they were inventing into a more legitimate format. Invented “the Classics” in order to legitimize their own acadmics programs. They borrowed from the Greeks in order to have a reference sequence from wehre their work came fomr. Which is a huge and substantial way of saying “ we did not invent acadmeics, the greeks did” which is a total fabrication. It made the greek descendants living in rome happy, but ignores and erases huge amoutns of facts and details from the pre 800 bce world. Including the fact the pyfamids were never intended to be graves. They were intedted to be temples specifically synagogues. But still to this very day, anti-semitismis still hard and vildent inside acadmics.

Unless you did not notice there are two patterns emerging which prove the events of erasing the past of Tiffin ocured, and is not the first 100th time the Hyksos/Doroians/Persians/Teutonics/Prussians/FreiKorp performed the same exactd action in a newly conquered library. In this case Heidelberg ITffin Ohio. But the first documented time was at Heirakonopois 3800 bce in upper eygpt.

That civilization and culture possessed a huge library and mural. That mural is still in existence. It is painted on a wall in different perspecitves in order to show different apsects of a global map. The American Continent from pole to pole is painted clear as day. But the continent is horizontal not vertical. Is to looks odd.

But portions of the library which were portable were shipped north down the nile to first the city of Luz (and Jacob left the city of Luz to head North West to “The light Place” aka a Megalith, where he had a dream about buidlign a ladder to heaven. Which became the Pyrmids. Jacob ordered his people who would become known as Jews after his 12th son Judah become the new leader. The 12th character in the Ftuhark alphabeta is spelled Jeru which means “new day”. Jacob ordered the Megaliths similar to Stonehenge to be redesigned into the Pyramids. Each with a design to reflect a specific story from their holy book of Genesis), which was renamed Memphis during the time of Jacob to honor his ancestor Abraham. Despite the fact that Abrhama is a Hebrew word which would not exist for another 1200 years. Abrham’s Sumerian name translates as “Mem” the father of all.

Mem is both an Egyptian deity and the first poart of the name of the southerh most great pyrmid on the giza plateau Memkaura. Mem; the father of all, Kaura; sacred place.

Sacred Place or in Hebrew Salem, or in Latin Castle. Father of all Castle.

All this was erased from hsitoyr by the Dorian Dark Age to be even mreo strongly influencd and taught as the basis of acadmics by the later greeks, wich was hten adopted by the Romans. The romans who had little if any care or love for Jews. Minus killing them if the slave got out of line. A Jew unless under extmrey situations was a Jew in the entire roman empire history. They were allowed to be little else. Minus if they paid the roman empire tons of gold to purchase their freedom, and owned large areas of land inside Rome proper with sufficient sized army to defend their lands when Romulous took the city of Samhain and renamed it Rome to honor himself after he crushed the Samhain army at Alba Longa in 753 bce. Which concluded part of the Trojan War. But not the entire war. Jstu one portion of it.

The Trojan War which is in a very large part what the entire sequence of “The Calssics” is based on, which includes the Hyksos/Persians invading again and against the aEgean to find and kill every last Jew he managed to evacuate from their clutches previous and those that mamnaged to evacuate their later invasions of both Egypt and other Jewish stronghold cities.

Athens for example was and in more than a few ways still is very much still a Jewish city.

The name of Athens itself is jeiwhs.

Take off the h and the possessive ‘s.

You get the ATEN.

The ATEN is the oldest deity of Egypt.

That deity which is monotheistic has been incorporated into dozens if not more pantheons but that is just another statistical aspect of taking what they want and destoyrign what they do not like. They do not like the Jews so they destroy their past, heritage, and hsiotyr. They being 1000 different named cultures with the same origin. Terah, Esau, the Hykpsos.

They only want their story to be told, they want to destroy all other philophsies and all other cultures who do not follow their religion. Their way of worhsiping god.

They worhisp god in a ery specific way, and all others who worship god differnet must be sought out, punshied, converted, turned into slaves, and eventually killed.

Which is exactly the same equation as the argument between god and satan.

Now to change areas of explanation to evacuation routes

When the not yet called Hyksos invaded eGytp circa 3800 bce. Some books as described above were shipped north but that was realtively easy to just sail down stream to first Memphis and then IWNW. But anyone with a brain and abilty to think strategically knew flat out that the hyskso were going to keep commign. They werr enot going to stop till they possessed every single book, destoyrign that which would not lead to weapons, kill every single scholar who did not immediately help them make weapons of mass destruction, and erase the philosophy which tlls them they might be wrong in any way, shape, or form.

The dividing the Heriakonopolis library into three parts. Taking part if it south to Ethiopia, part is it west to Niger, then across the ocea to the Americas, and part of it north to Memphis/IWNW became the plan.

Now in Ethipoia is plenty of evidence of ancient library’s which have been kept close and secure for the last severl amillennia by various cultures and theological organizations which let no one see the library. In part because if they havfe something incredible a hell fire middle traveling at mach 3 to 5 can make vvery quick work of that building. A couple patriot missles can make quick work of ht entire block that library is sittign in. so best to not let anyone in, and allow them to assume the building is empty the scare them and have weapons of mass destruction oblirated on a molectual level the library. The mreo scary the information the higher the chance of being seized by a powerful army or desctroyed in a 3000 degree explosion which takes out the block as well.


Best to take no chances since the statistucs are more than 100% based on the alst 6000 years of documented civilization of that happening. It becomes not if but when the books will be seized or destroyed.

Which only brings the point to a harder and most substantial portion that the most sacred, secret, and incredibly important books were hsiped west through the river system outh of the sahara to the Americas.

The trade winds in say February are not so strong as to destroy a small ship but strong enough to make a consistnat 10 knots from niger to Brazil, west indies, the Carribean, florida, or the entire east coast. Before the trade wind turns east and heads back to Eruoepa.

Taking the library on board the hsips making copies of the books on board ship in the weeks to months it takes to cross the atlantic. And droping the books off at several losations in the Americans is just flat starategically a good idea. Since the enemy is afraid of sea travel.

They are so afraid they only followed a few hundred miles west when the Jews at htat point (despite not being called that yet) circa 3800 bce did not follow west out of upper Egypt. Too afraid, too far away from their home army, too far away from mecca. NO ability to obtain bdk up and call for  more troops to come and genocide those that ran away too fast. Hence library caches in America.

But modern acadmics which is 90% based on the teachings of Esau/Hysos/Dorians hates the Jews to aa point of mass psycosis. Although they claim at least a protin of them claim to “Jesus in lord” but what they di not understand is that jOhn Calvin and Martin luther simply used the name Jesus as a label for mohammed, to teach a slightly different version in a much less fanatical package of Islam when they created Protestantism.

The Evil Priest Paul is one of those Hyksos descendants who took up Esau’s philosophy and created Christianity next to the Jews who were following Emmanuella Jesus Christ.

Paul’s began and descendants wen tot work of ht enext 300 years to find and kill every single Jew who would not convert to his repackaged Esau philosophy. Which would be renamed 600 years later as Muslim.

All desption, lies, fiction, and ersing of the truth in order to sell a specific way to worthisp god.

What does the Paul thing have to do with the fouding of Psycholgoy in the theory regarding Tiffin Ohio. The most simply of answers. The followers of Paul who became the followers of John Calvin and Martin Luther were the primary agressors and liars regarding the foundatinos of Psycholgoy and the Masters of the indentred servant linguist Wilhem Wundt as well as a copule dozen other linguistcs and other scholars. If it was the last thing they ever did, the followers of Esau, Moses, Paul, mohamemd, Martlin Lutehr, John Calvin, etc. will do is to find the divine weapons and use them to assist their lord in conquering all humans to turn them away from worshiping god in any other way then the way they have decided in the one only and true way to worship god.

Which brings up to why the Ogles with their libraries were in Tiffin Ohio to being with. The Ogles evacuated out of the east coast to the Ohio River Valley after they were followed to Ohio from the east coast.

They were followed to various locations of the east coast and kicked out of eacn every one. They were followed from Britain to the east coast in order to silence their way of worshiping god, and the associated technologies. Prvious to evacuating into exhile from Britain to the colonies circa 1500-1600s the British and English fought long and hard battles for the previous 400 years in the British Isles after William of Orange retook the throne and most of the island back for the British. The English were not happy, their Muslim allies from Mecca were far less happy. The Muslim reaction was to regroup their army at mecca and to create a wave to leave mecca and follow the same path their ancestors had done twice in previous millennia. Into levant lands, into the antolia peninsula, then into the Aegean, then up into Hungary, not planning on stopping till they retook Britain.

But the British under the command of William’s descendants nad of course De Ogles descendants form Hastings a decade before dispatched their army to meet the ottoman surge. They met in Levant lands and proceeded to battle it out for the next several centires.

Which is where the Teutonic Knights which became the Prussian Empire which a small branch of the Prussian Army under the command and control of the FreiKorp which operated under the command and control of the Prussian Army, which operated under the command and control of the Prussian Government send troops to Tiffin in order to seize the libraries and kill the Ogles and any other Jews in the area.

one of the major motivations for the Prussian Empire was the fact that when they first formed aka the Teutonic knights, they did so in order to spy on the Templar Knights and their undefeatable army who set up position around the Temple Mound and began to dig archaeologically in various locations. It is assumed based on the amount of boxes and the military escorts which accompanied them back to Britain that they found gold, precious stones, and of course book caches under the mound which would obviously contain information of the most powerful and likely divine tools and knowledge imaginable.

When the Prussian empire’s army sub-group the FreiKorp munich branch took over the think tank of the Thule Society’s political party the DAP. They infiltrated and conqured it, in about 6 months.

Those six months were a gear up to change the name of the DAP to the NAZI Party and from within Topple first the German Government and then the rest of the govemrents which opposed the Prussian Govenrmetn. The NAZI Party former DAP most of the DAP and Thule Society members did not shift to being NAXI party members, they either staied with the thule society or left entirely. Kowing how sadistic, violent, and genocidal the Prussian Empire was. They onlyl had an 800 year long history of being violent, sadistic, and genocidal every day of their time in power.

One of the main reasons tey formed was to conquer the Germans and the Bristih through their think tanks in order to gain access to the secrets of advanced technogy and of course divine weapons. To control al of humanity.

But you can only conrol humanitiy to a point where you kill all humans but yourself. So the next point of control is mind control. To force the populations of the world eg the entire human species to obey your rules and religion wihtouth question. Which is part of the story of the Tower of Babel. Where man found tools to challenge both humans and the power of god himself. According to their own rules and stories.

The problem is statistically speaking based on when the Prussian Empire turned into the Third Reich, using that name and of course the puppet of the Third Reich to conduct crimes against humanity in vertualaly every aspect of existence. The Third rehich and of course by extention the Prusisan and Russian Govemrnts were entirely fodused on sending out their scholars and troops to obtain sacred items. Items they hoped to turn into divine weapons.

The Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of Longinous, likely some work to obtain the LDS Plates, etc. any and all divine tools the Third Reich spent huge sums to find and bring back to Berlin. Including the Lake Nemi Sjhips from Lake Nemi Italy. Just a few miles south of Rome.

The building was destroyed, but ht eships were transported to Berline wehre they were expariented on. And part of the lebensborn project was performed in the reconstructed towers above.

The towers were the important part. The 2 on each bow and stern making 8 towers. 4 on the larger ship 4 on the smaller one were recreted based on research, diaries, and descendants of the area acocunts of what the towers appeared to look like. Also almost all of operation Barbarossa was based on killing “unacceptable solderies” and captureing the Prussian amber Room.

Ark of the covenant

Spear of longtinous

Lake nami ships

Prussian amber room

Plus a dozen if not dozens of other religious artifacts from levant and Egypt. Not to mention the millions of items stolen from Jewish famililes in Europe itself.

Hoping beyond hope to find hiden powerful weapons made by god or which could challenge the authority of god.

This si what the Prussians through their subsideirary of a subsideiray of a subsideairy the Third Reich were tasked with performing. Spending huge chunchs of their GDP, as well as countelss troops and scienists from 1920-1946. That is 25 entire years of massive efforts directly at one profoundly huge goal.

Why was Wundt brought to Tiffin, because Mary Shelley's book about “resurrection” matched a invasion and conquest story of a wild scientist deep in the Austrian mountains who built Electro-Magnetic machines in his castle and expareimeted with them. Those expareiments were successful and the locals became afraid, told relatives and friends. Which those sotires arrived the Prussian Govemrent who immediately dispatched their spy organizations which would in 1754 be renamed to FreiKorp to kill those involved. Capture Dr Frankensetin, possibly  his/her assistance capture the castle, seize control over the equipment. Transport it to the capital and have their top sciensits expsareiemtn to find out how to resurrect their dead troops. An unlimited army is exactly what some commanders want. A never undeing supply of trained and battle hardened soldiers.

They failed with Dr Frankesntein to achieve the goal. But Mary shelley reminded them of those exparimets, the Prussians looked around and round untapped library’s and scholars hidden in the little hamlet of Tiffin Ohio. Although not called that yet. It would not take on that name till 1825, or about the same time that Oliver and Joseph were owring on their Book of Mormon.

That timing is profoundly interesting. Tiffin is a city which was not actually the first city in the area. It was founded by bowe, but he build a pub and house next to Fort Ball, to supply the troops. On the south side of the river. The north side of the river was a different city likely something like New Castle/Baltimore/Ogle Castle/Bellingham/Bamburgh/or one of a 1000 other names for cities and castles they built and operated till just a centiru before Tiffin was invaded by the American and FreiKorp.

The good part is, that the city of Tiffin and the descendants of the FreiKorp love to bragg about their chievemnets. But they like psychology have also erased a huge chunk of their past. Huge chunks which force them into being their own religion great awakening fanatical fersion of evil. Tey created the definition, so if their ations regarding forcing others to worship god in their specific (satan) way is what they created. Than if their actions are a mirror of satan than they are by their own definition evil.

Statistics do not have the capacity to lie. Only the mathematician who includes or excludes key dtailss to alter the equation to fit the answer. If virtually every single day from circa 1250 ce to 1810 the Prussian Empire pull the same junk, kidnappingns, murder, geneocide, invasions, burning librarys, lustful demand for all the best most advanced weapons, etc. than what makes anyone in the world assume based on a 99.9% consistnat behavior pattern that the FreiKorp did not perfrm the same exact actions in tiffin as they did in Georgia, Maryland, New York, Maine, Florida, etc.. they helped destroy the backbone of the birtish at Salem, which cascaded iot the Salem Witch Trails. They helped the Dutch conquer the city which was present previous to New Amsterdam. The did the same exact thing to Heidelberg minus the name at Trinity Universaity circa 1630 renamed to “Kings College” circa 1660. Which was renamed Columbia in 1776, in part to honor the Jews who helped Columbus sail the ocean blue. The Santa Maria was purchased by the Ogles to help Colubmus. The shp was beached, and the city of Lanivida was founded. Since the beaching occurred on December 25. Hence spnish for the Nativity. Which is a very closely held secret about Columbia university and its jeiwsh heritiage since anti-semitism is still rather strong and vioeltn inside acadmics. Despite the fact it is denied. But even suggest that the pryaids were synagogues and the conversation ends immediately.

The Ogle family possessed the only large library outside of both Rome and the Holy Roman Empire library. Most of the Ogle library is in part of the Constanitniple library. Shiping it back from antolia in order to not allow the msulims to burn it all to the ground, was a profound task of both the ave of the Vikings and the Crusade's which only a few year gap occurred between the two.

However all those invasions, destruing the past, burning the library, or possessing the most valuable books in order to find weapons, is so part of the pattern of behavior from the Prussians, it is an expected situation. The Prussians and all of their connected cousin cultures have no idea how to function unless they are burning books, denouncing anyone who says somtejhing they do not like, attempts to be violent against anyone they do not like, and further more suppresses the worship of god to exactly the format they demand from their citizens.

St agustuine, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, New York, Massacheusetss, were conquered and each major library was seized. Some were burned, mst were kept because they were too valuable and  full of just too many really good books regarding weapons. If just those few examples on the east coast had FreiKopr direct invovlment in partnership with axis cultures. That what makes anything assume even for a second that they were not performing the exact same actions in Tiffin they ahd done 1000 times previous with both named and unnamed “take that library”, kill as many Jews as possible, strip the power from the Ogle family, and bring in scholars in a secur location to ensure the weapons could be found and exploited agians thte Jews and the ogle family. If posibley the whole of the British culture as well. But htat is wishful thinking.

All that evidence, all those accumuliated battles and repeat equations matched side by side those equations create a situation far beyond statistical rpove of what the FreiKorp army were doing at Fort Ball. They were sizeing control over first Heidelberg and tehn decades later Tiffin library. Although they renamed the second. The family was allowed to keep some personal books in their own library at the maples which was an entire room. floor to ceiling bookshelves in a room larger than a large bedroom capable of holding a king side bed, dresser, and desk.

Bringing Wundt to Tiffin is just one of the uncountabl3 times the Prussians performed that ssame actions. Not all that different than taking Jews from their homes and putting them in consentration camps only 80 years later. Same organization operating under a sub-sub-sub-sub puppet from the original. Working very closely with their Russian axis. Those murdered by the invasion of the Third Reich v Russia were undesirables on both sides which both sides wanted to kill. Both sides killed ababout as many of their own solderis in friendly fire while they retreated from murderous machine gun fire and were cut down by enemy machine gun fire. Each wave was about killing the maximum number of people, victory was not on the table. Minus st catherines cathdril to capture the Amber Room and haul it firt back to Konesburg, then onto a uboat, then to the Koch family dock in Texas. Hsipping it north to the family estate in Kansas.

Why is that important, because the NAZI wanted that tool to turn it back into a weapon of mass desctution and to generate electricity through its use. Amber when compressed releases electricity. That electricity itself used to be directed to power some type of machine. But netiher the Prussians nor the Rusians based on avaialbe evidence from cultures which absolutely love to lie; had electrical machines connected to the room. But it is entirely a good statistical bet the Koch did not hestitage to use their chemical and electical expertise to make the room generate electrity again. Which found the Koch family cousin at Bernanau under arrest for stealing from the Third Reich and was executed shortly before the war ended. They wanted to know if he any part in stealing the amber room from the reich. He was executed so there is no way to knjowing if he told them anything he might or might not have known.


The Classics begin shortly after Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten began to realize tat the Hksos in their captical city of Avais were building an army and were going to topple his govemrent wtiin a century or less.

Meritaten was not yes more than a toddler and he began to implament his plan. The plan would take at least 1500 years to play out. But the plan was incredible in its scope. It even included strike and counter strikes to an empire which would not exist for more than 600 years after his death.

Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten began to study his ancestors history and noticed what happened when his ancestors were forced to evacuate Egypt circa 2100 bce to not become part of the Jewish slave wall the Hyksos would use to conquer any and everywhere, till the thera volcano erupted.

The plan did not start at 2100 bce it began shortly after Jacob decided to change the design of the Stonehenge like megaliths into pyramids. Pryamids on the other hand are extmreely well fortified synagoues. What do synagugues have have even the smallest and mildest thing to do with the structure of psychology. The amount of hidden information contained in the pyramids is beyond belief. First the ATEN is built in. it has both the male aten and female aten built inn. From Memphis the pyramid causeways out to the city of Heliopplis (Jerusalem) back. In other wrods the symbol Vulcans use in Star Trek as a greeting and goodbye. “live long and prosper”, is not Vulcan but Jiwsh. Because it is Jewish that means it predates the moses version of Judaism by more than two entire millennia. Since the ATEN was part of the city of IWNW beore itw as conqewured at 3500 bce by a culture which would become called Hyksos in a 1400 years.

What does this plan have to do with the founding of Psychology. Because the pan was about how to create copies of the library and send those copies to far flung areas which which the enemy would not find or seek out to destroy. The plan was to use the mathematicsl of the ATEN to find solid locations far away by 100s if not 1000s of miles to set up a new city, to place the library. Then to report back so clues could be left as the clues were left in the pyramids to find the other librarys. To find the secrets of the library built into the pyramids themselves.

Napolean based paritaly on the research he found when the French Royal vfamily evacuated out of France and traveled West to Mantious Springs Louisiana. To be called Texas in several ldeaces, to be renamed to Nebraska, then Kansas, currently Colroado. Napolean wanted access to the PYrmiad and he wanted to be the nextr pharaoh, despite the fact he had no qualifications other than being a war lord to be the next pharaoh. He was a HHksos by heritage, not a Jew. He could only be a fasade pharoh. He also could only be pharaoh for the time he was in Egypt. But he was deposed very quickly after he left. Which is part of the stories and mythology regarding Egypt. If he stayed in Egypt and ruled that country as Emperor; being deposed twice, Russia, waterloo, etc. would never have happened. His crypt would be a sarcophigous not a tomb in the middle of Paris. But he di dnot do that. He ignored what he was supposed to do.

The plan Akanaten came up with was an insanely awesome plan. He modified the plan from Jacob knwign full well that at some point the pyramids would become konwldge, that they were synagues would become knowledge, and the hysos would invade chasing the Jews out of Israel.

Akentaten knew abou thtis plan from the library his ancestors had kept since the days of Heirakonopolis and he studied.

The plan was to have scribes create as many copies of the most sacred and highest level of technology books they possessed and make copies of them. So that when in the future his chireln grew up, he would send each one to a different location to set up a new kingdom. Same as Jacob ordered. Some went to new places, some when to old cities well established and either merge with the current royal family ro they would take over a close to abandoned city and rebuild it.

Taking more than a decade to start laying the groundwork for the paln which would take not only the full measure of his life but the full measure of the next 1500 years to play out most of the little details.

Ths si the start of the Trojan War.

His oldest daughter was needed to co-rule as his wife Nephertiti could oversee some aspects of construction for her childrens kingdoms. Amenhotep sent his second daughter to be married to King of Troy PRiame, they produced several children but one of them would be Paris. He was arranged to be married to his oldest daughters granddaughter helen. Well before they were even conceived.

Meritaten produced at least two male children. Likely several others as well. One of her children was King Tut who took the throne when he was just 9 years old when their father died. The toher notiable was a man by the name of Theseus.

Theseus is hwere the story of the trojan war begins. Not because of the fiction the supposed Homer stated but because the enemies of the Jews found an opening. An opening in the defenses of Akanaten. They would wait till Amenhotep iv aka akenatan was dead and his crippled son was on the throne. King Tut was 9 years old, his eldest sister/mother was co-pharoah nephertitit was off helping her other children establish their kingdoms in other areas. Troy, Teir, Smhain, Paris, Munich, and of course the are to be called Northumberland.

Meritaten would leave Egypt soon to follow her son to Athens and then she would retire in Northumberland. But her body would be returned to Egypt and mummified. A very long and drawn out story. The last members of the eroyal house of the 18th dynasty sacrificed some five decades to maintain their lives and their resepective cpies of their library so the information would not be lost or stolen by the wrong people.

Tracking the boosk from Egypt to Troy, to Athens, to Smahain, to Norhtumberaland, to massachuessets, to Manhattin, to belitmore, to Ohio is relative easy. Previos to that tracking the location of the books is problematic. Assumign the bulk of the 18th dynasty came back to Egypt from exist by the Hyksos. They brought their books with them. But that is an assumption based on the basic statistics of what royal families move with then they as a group do move around.

The books which Wundt used to translate for the Prussians an unbroken line can be drawn directly from Heidelberg back to Amhenhotep iv aka akanaten. But line has to be drawn through both the Torjan War and the Odysse. Which the Odyssee itself is mostly fiction, the Cyclops is the battle over vastly dusperior forces at the cities of Alba Longa and Samhain. 600 years later when Samhain fall to the more than half a millennia later desciendants of the forces of Agemmono the city was renamed Rome. But Samhain means the same thing as the city of Luz which is what Memphis used to be called.

What is really really interesting and a key part of the development of this entire situation is that the cities of Memphis and helipolis were bothmoved to Rome by the Julii family. Caesar and Caligula respectively moved those cties from their original location to Julii estates in Rome. Then renamed the city to a Latin version of Samhain which is “the eternal city” which is what Sahain and Luz both mean.

What does this have anything at all to do with the structure of psychology. The motivation behind why the Prussians demanded to access to the Ogles library’s is because the kings incharge of Samhain were the Ogles. Who evacuated out of Italy to Northumberland. The romans possessed from day one a huge library, but they did not write it, they seized control over it. many of those books are stil in the Vatican archive, and will likely never see the light of day again.

Some of those books were seized from troy. Others were seized from Athens. A few were seized from Constantinople. While still others are seized from varous European library’s during both the witch burning times as well as when the Third Reich seized control over Europe.

The battle of troy does and does not specifically start with the birth of Theseus, it starts with the enemies of Amentoep iv willing to stop at nothing to erase the fact Jews exist at all. Erase all of their achievmentes, all of their writings, evyerhitng about them, they want erased. Knowing as some level of fact that operating from an educated level is far better tan operating from ignorance and in basic animal instincts. Which is what the difference between Jacobs people and Esau’s people; eduated and ignorant respectively.

For some odd and strange reason although the reason was described in the book of genesis. This war beween ignorance and education centered upon Esau and Jacob when the strength and muclses of Esau could take hteir fathers number one son roll. But the brains and strategic thinking of Jacob kept taking it back. Brains versus braun.

This has played out every single day from heirakonopolis to present without a second lisp. The worst part is, this argument is also what began the Trojan War.

Akenateans second child a daughter Meketaten was



cleopatra, because she was not only a descendant of the 18th dynasty, but she was going to marry caesar after he caused a revolt and siezed the yet to be invented throne of ROme. and two would rule Egypt/ROme together.













Oliver Cowdery was in Tiffin Ohio working with clandestine linguists for the Prussians about the same time that Wilhelm Wundt (the founder of modern Psychology) was about to write his notes which became the first textbook for Psychology. A textbook which was then used by William James to teach the first Psychology class to Mary who went on to form the American Psychological association with help and become President. The same book was used by Lightener at Penn State to found their Psychology department similar James at Harvard, the entire field of Clinical came from Penn State and that single book. Years later Skinner used that same book to create at least semi-behaviorism from. One book, the founding book regarding the foundations of Psychology written by Wundt at Heidelberg Ohio. Not Prussia, since the Prussian paramilitary clandestine troops wanted less than zero information about the weapons they wanted built from Wundt and Oliver’s translations to become public knowledge.

Oliver was a gifted linguist, so was Wundt. Wundt was smuggled from Prussia to Ohio. Since it is entirely easy to smuggle a couple dozen scholars from x to y locations. But impossible in all ways to smuggle 40 tons of books from y to x location. Since the Prussians were never known for their respect for education, knowledge, and books, minus those capable of being used to create better weapons.

Smuggling books was entirely out side of character. But people was just another day for the future Nazis.


Oliver being dragooned into assisting and Wundt being under contract, they would have been put together to work as a team to translate the ancient Gaelic, hieroglyphics, Sumerian, etc. into German so the Prussians could build their better weapons.

Since Oliver had the book of Mormon memorized 20 years previous 1825 and Wundt had not begun to write the notes for this book yet 1848. A very strong argument can be made that a load bearing wall of psychology came directly from what Oliver told Wundt about the BOM.