Class 1 week 2 dq 1


I have to say I am not enjoying this assignment. It is frustrating for me to figure out how to describe in extremely simple details what I do 1000 times a day in my work.

I do not think like others, I process information different than most humans on the planet. I struggle to an extreme measure with trying to describe basic and simple tasks. I think so layered, detailed, complicated, that I can almost always type out between 1000 and 3000 words for a simple DQ post. I have overwritten almost every paper I have been assigned. So to say “can you answer simple” my nswer is with extreme to the max difficulty. About 20 seconds into the rewrite of this DQ I was already constructing a algorythem/matrix in my head to explain how I separate junk information from facts. That matrix was about 5000 words when I started to think “ok this is not a paper, this is just a DQ. What am I dong”. I know the answer you want to have, but newer artciels with lots of peer review might be the answer you are looking for, but it is actually not even close to how I study. It is just a Memorex answer. I am seriously not a fan of Memorex answers.

I use an agorythm to determine the validity of an article or book. Most do nto pass my tests, so I by default assume most articles are junk.

One website which is not scientific but has a monsersous amount of infmration on it is

My website. Which if you read it; good luck reading it in less than a year. I have more than a million words written over the course of more than two decades posted. Most are not referenced, I am not a fan of references. Almost no citations, I do nt want to spent the time needed to back fill in citations. But you wanted a website, although I do have a page with more than 600 peer review articles specific to the events which lead up to the Wannsee Conference. A book I wrote in about 5 weeks. Zero to 130k words.

In articles I look for; Flowery words, Overblown explanations, too many facts which are disjointed, age and the number of people who argee (peer review) means not much considering some groups are entirely theology based. Example Egyptology.

Sentence which are purposely too small and as analytical as possible. You spent so much time trying to fill in the gaps that you forget there are no gaps to fill in.

One example of a large collection of articles and books which have all but zero basis in reality. Any article and or book which places the Pyramids and mummies together, at the time of construction; every single one of those books and articles has no basis in scientific structure. I have asked this next question to about 50 different working Egyptologists. Each and every one of them gave me in basic the same answer; “I cannot answer that”, most have refused to interact with me, a few blocked me on Facebook, but one we have continued to chat but very little.

In 2500 years of working and digging archaeology in the pyramids., not a single molecule of evidence can be taken to the laboratory and tested that places a mummy in any of the 120 examples of pyramids at the point of construction. However more than 1200 years later, a dozen bodies were buried in, but you can place most of the entire Roman Empire in that whole between construction finished and a person’s death. This has no basis in reality.

No evidence, then it did not happen. It is pure peer reviewed propaganda. Most of the field of history is also based on propaganda. The amount some governments lied is staggering, and modern historians eat up their propaganda as if the opinions of people who were disgusted by who they were writing about had weight.

Now on the other hand an article which has a great deal of validity to it (Gundlach, 2018). Although this article is about the mythologies regarding the actions and events which occurred to push William James away from Medicine and towards what would become the field of Psychology. The amount this and all connected authors of this subject are entirely ignorant of shows through with huge gaping holes. This article is actually funny to read because I can fill in the mistakes the author and the other authors which proceeded this author in trying to understand how James got into the field of Psychology. I know what happened. Not to James but with Wundt, this article in its opening synopsis flat out states in several paraphrased was “I have no idea what happened”, all I know is what the end result was. What the author is unaware of is that Ohio and Heidelberg in all hard reality both Heidelberg Universities (yes there are two; one in Ohio Tiffin to be specific, and one in Germany/Prussia) the hard facts that there is no record of James being in attendance at all for three years points to he was likely not in Prussia but in Ohio. He was attending Heidelberg University Tiffin Ohio. The actual birthplace of Psychology. There is no real reason to assume Wundt from 1844 – to when the Prussians let him out of his indentured servant contract that he did not go back and forth between Prussia and Ohio several times. Look for records at Heidelberg Tiffin Ohio for either James and or a John Doe pseudonym at the time James was attending in Ohio. Faking paperwork is one of the things the Prussians were the best at.

The story of the founding of Psychology is actually much more elaborate than even I knew of and I have dug deep into it. My stats equation all but proves Wundt was in Tiffin Ohio when he was writing his first notes.

 Peer reviewed articles about the Pyramids and Mummies. A huge amount of fiction (Day, C. (2016).

But on with a trustable peer review reference.

A non peer reviewed article which is mostly fiction (National Museum of Natural History, W. D. (1991). How do I know, because I know the basic facts regarding the pryamids, and any article which tries to convince me that mummies and pyramids are the same subject is fiction. My knowdgle base is large, so no matter what the evidence presented, if an article violates basic facts like Khufu was buried in his Pyramid. This has zero basis in reality, so the article might have something else to say, but mostly it is pure fiction.


It is a proven fact that the 100th monkey situation is not only real, but it is how some species learn and grow on a quantum physics level species wide (Shoup, 2013). In basic the syndrome was set up on very remote islands in the South Pacific. 1000s of miles from the nearest nothing open ocean.

Extremely remote areas. A researcher was researching a group of monkeys, after a time one of the professionals began to develop a rapport with one of the test subjects. That rapport led to some type of an interaction over food. A monkey got some food, but it was so covered in sand it was not edible. So the researcher got the monkey’s attention, and took out a piece of his own something and washed his piece in a body of water. The monkey figured it out and took his sand covered piece of food to the water and washed it off. Removing most of the sand, which allowed the eating without the issues. that monkey taught his collection of monkeys the trick, and from then forward they as a collection of monkeys began to wash their food in water. A long enough distance away on another island, impossible in the time period for a monkey to swim. The monkeys of that island began to suddenly wash their food in water, out of nowhere. This explains the phenomena, when a movie, or entertainer, or a new gadget, song, etc. is introduced to the collective. It is instantly loved, hated, or ignored. This is the humans repeating on a selective species wide scale to wash their food in water.

Shoup, A. (2013). MONKEY HEAR...MONKEY DO How Far Are We from Our 100th Monkey?. Audiology Today25(2), 48-53.


Gundlach, H. (2018). William James and the Heidelberg fiasco. History Of Psychology21(1), 47-72. doi:10.1037/hop0000083


Day, C. (2016). Archaeology by Internet. Computing In Science & Engineering18(2), 108. doi:10.1109/MCSE.2016.40

National Museum of Natural History, W. D. (1991). [Egypt: Selected Readings, Egyptian Mummies, and the Egyptian Pyramid.].