Week 3 dq 2 Amy Grasse 


As I do my own research on a variety of subjects. One of the major problems I run into is the I find evidence which forces me to reevaluate key aspects of my hypothesis. I find evidence usually that my hypothesis is not wrong, but not in-depth enough.

Example I was privy to one of Ted Bundy’s last murders. I walked through the active crime scene with him 15 to my right and her/it 70 ish feet to my left. A fence and tall weeks prevented my seeing it.

However as an adult more than four decades later I began to write the story of what I experienced.

Not long after I found a mountain of information I did not like. I kept having to revise my hypothesis till the point I had to start again.

The evidence was completely clear and undespitable. Ted chose that dump sit because it was within half a mile of my bedroom window. He chose it in part because that was the backyard of the Davis Hayes family and hteir still at that point strong political power base. The daughter of Jefferson Davis moved to Colorado Springs specifically to Old Colorado City circa 1870. She lived in the area for the rst of her close to 5 decades of life.

What does this have to do with Ted the serial killer. He was a hard core serial killer and a contract killer or the mob. He got his start in his teens in Seattle. His family often traveled up to Whatcom County to Lynden where they had lots of friends and a community of like minded NAZI.

The more I dug the harder the statistical analysis pointed away from just a mindless killer, and toward a well planned out and mythotical contract killer. About 12 of his victims were the daughters of politicians running for office against someone ted liked. Low end politicians, who would be very difficult to connect to any real political importance. Law enforcement and the like. He also killed the daughters of several prominent Jewish business man and bankers. If you were Aryan you were safe, if you were Jewish or similar you were on his radar.

On some subjects, the more you dig into research the more the “accepted” story will soon look like so much fiction.

The first aspect of what caused me to do a very deep dive into Ted’s work. I saw me and chatted with me for a few seconds. 6 months later and 2000 miles away he was within 15 documented miles of my cousin. Dads brothers oldest child, in st Augustine FL. He could have sat in the same business as she was sitting. He kept the receipt for gas not the receipt for a possible lunch. Within a month he was arrested with a “bad bag” in his possession. That bag was more than enough to have him sent to the needle, but they gathered more and more evidence.

The first offspring of the only suriving relatives of a key event which occurred in 1844, he is close enough to both in 6 months to eyeball each. Intentionally.

That tells you the story of his capture and confessions left out a huge amount. I can go on with the missing details of his life and his parentage.

In research it is imporntat to keep digging for the facts, despite what the author claims is correct and what science has accepted as fact.