FreeMason Queen of Sheba Ceremony


The Queen of Sheba roll in King Solomon's Temple is based on an ancient ritual. Which was copied several times by cultures which simply did not understand it. They saw all the greedy parts, but did not see a single one of the divine purposes and or the good stuff.

What can be described as “puritan” aspects. Which is just another way of saying descendant of Esau the brother of Jacob. That culture in a very real way hate sex, they hate sex in a huge and demonstrative way. The men love sex, but they do not like the female part of it.


·       Yaywah

o   The Union between Yah balancing Weh; which translates to Masculine balancing Feminine.

o   But the descendants of Esau hate the female parts. They do not want to be equal in any way, shape, or form to the feminine. The entire culture of Esua and all of its descendants is based on the male is superior in all ways to the female.

o   The most radical members of this group hold that if they could get past their abject soul level hatred of education. They could simply clone a group of non-sexual humans who would only be interested in. No genital biology of any kind.

o   Then the males would simply implant their minds into the body with no genitals and live out the rest of there life without those thoughts of concerns.

§  Which to them no more female drama is the entire point to society. No one to offend Allah, the males would not be led astray by any tempuous females, and there would be no more females at all. So they could work, live prosperous lives, make more bodies, without the issues of life with woman.

o   During the 1860s, their was a man who literally castrated himself by choice to ensure that he would not be tempted by evil thoughts any more.

o   In several Islamic cultures, castrating males to ensure they can be trusted around a sultants females was a standard practice. In the east China, Japan, etc. castrating survants was a normal thing. it was assumed that if a male was released from his testicles that all nasty and evil thoughts would no  longer be part of his thinking patterns. This is an abject falsehood, on many occasions the castrated males if they have a strong enough personalty can and will be even more aggressive regarding some of their “this is myn”, reactions. It is interesting to note castration does not always work to reduce a males aggression. In fact at times it only increases the aggression and decreases the moral implacations; the castrated do not care as much about their actions.

o   In Italy castrating young men who had beautiful voices was not an unheard of thing. the men usually came form huge families with 5 or 12 children with many boys. The oldest brothers would want to have their little brother castrated in oder to ensure he would not be a threat to their enharitance. He would have a career in music and be just fine.

o   It is said that the castrati in Italy had undescribable voices, extremely high soprano. But only one recording exists with one of the castrati at the end of his life.

o   It is interesting the number of cultures which openly not only advocate for castration, but at times force it. in india in the resent past. A huge religious group following a specific guru became under the influence of a mass hysteria. The leader decided one day that the key to spiritual enlightenment was for his male followers to castrate thsemlsves.

o   He preached about this for a long time, slowly convincing member after member. The group who had castrated themlsvess, formed into a peer pressure group. They would form around male members who had not done it yet and put extreme pressures on them to castrate themselves.

o   A highly educated professional who was a member of the church felt so much pressure to do it, he did, but when he did it he bled so much he was afraid he might die of blood loss. So he want to the hospital, in hopes they could reattach. But the culture of India and in some locations the middle east still practice castration as part of society.

o   In India it is illegal to be homosexual. If homosexuals are caught they are castrated to prevent further infringements on the law. which semi-works for those who are transsexual, but the India culture works differnet than in the west.

o   The castrati of India have become a group of people who live as a third sex and enjoy being half man half female in their culture. At last a few of them do.

o   It is interesting a culture which strongly advocates the execution of strong females and castrating males who do not follow the cultural norms; this location has been a breeding ground for radical hard core terrorism for the last several decades.

o   Al-Qaida itself thrived in Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. the leader Osaba Ben Laudin lived 8/10s of a mile from the Pakistani Military Academy. He lived their for most of the time from September 11, 2001 to the day he was killed by American Special Operations forces Seal Team B. it is interesting how much a culture who is disgusted by Homosexuality punishable by either execution and or castration. Cannot deal with strong females and usually kills them; more than a few dozen middle and older teenage girls have been executed in places where Islamic law aka Sharia Law is enforced with extreme violence. Want direct hard evidnece of a hatred for science side by side a want to remove sexuality from a culture, look no further than the hard line sharia law cultures. But their hatred of science is just as much as their hatred for femalse.

o   Why because hatred of females is considered where science came from. Since Eve did a scientific experiment with the Apple, temped by the snake, curling itself aroudn the tree of creation. The problem is, the snake aka devil was not allowed in the Garden. So the whole eve, snake, apple thing is pure fiction to give an excuse for hatred of both science and females.

o   Same cultulres also strongly advocate for female genitle mutilation. They think is it similar to male circimision, but it is abjectly not. It prevents a female from ever achieving an orgasm. It prevents a female form every enjoying insertion. Her future husband can on occasions. Removing the lips generates a huge amount of pain, when they are interacted with. This is done in similar cultures to prevent the female from being able to use her sexuality to force men to do bad things. Many times this procedure is done without anesthetic, and it is directly cutting into live active nerves. So the pain is extrutiating.

o   Cutting males testicles off who refuse to live ther lives according the group think what is exected model. Removing a females two portions of their genitles in order to ensure that the female will never achieve orgasm. Sex becomes excruciating.

o   All this proves that Esau’s line hates sex in almost every way. Would love to have science invent cloning of non-sexual bodies in order to facilitate; but at the same time hates science as much as they hate females. But at the same time depends on the inventions of western science to exist and conduct war against the west.

o   Smoking, radios, computers, the internet, planes, trains, explosives, etc. all western inventions. All used by terroritsts to force the west to crumble under the might of allah. However the problem becomes, in the bible it clearly states that the argument between God and Satan was based on the demand for free will.

o   Satan demanded that all humans worship god in a specific way, god demanded that all humans have free will and worship him in whatever way they so choose.

o   The Hebrews are of course a special situation all together .

§  The Hebrews are not actually Jews, the Hebrews are a Hyksos created version of Judaism. Which has only one ceremony in common with ancient Judaism. That Ceremony  is of course male circumcision. But almost no other aspect of post 1300 bce Judaism match pre-1300 bce Judaism.

§  Difference

·       Different languages

·       Different and profoundly longer Genesis.

·       Different ceremonies

·       Different interaction between males and females

·       Different distinctions for their rabbies, technolcaooy rabbi came along after 500 bce when the second Temple was built by Zerugabel. That temple was dismantled and moved to Rome rebuilt into the Coluusim, can you think of a better place to execute Jews than in their own sacred temple.


·       Hatred of this side of society has been established

o   With all the above, their can be no doubt the descendants of Esau and the same philosophy of life ancestors like Terah the father of Abraham have a soul level disgust for sex and sexuality. It can be equally established that Jacobs line also has a strong and substanacial reactions to intimacy.


·       The other side

o   The other side is the side of Jacob and those who follow a more balanced philosophy. Not based on supremacy/hate/rage/bitterness/etc. but based on balance.




·       18th Dynasty




·       The Whore of Babylon


·       King Solomon's Temple

o   King Solomon's Temple had a vastly complex back story.

o   First just because the current understanding of the research states that the current location of King Solomon's Temple is the correct one, does not make it so in any way.

§  In fact the current location of where king Solomon's Temple was supposed to be is accurate but it is connected to a wide variety



o   Historians job


o   1790 removed

§  During the late 1790s early 1800s this “intimacy” ceremony was removed from Freemasonry for several years. Minus the south, hwere the ceremony was continued till somewhere in the 1940s-1970s. but not much after than since, the society turned away from said actions. And the really really bad men and lodges who performed the rituals were in almost all ways died out, or the ldoge decided that they would no longer conduct said evil rituals.


o   The ritual

§  Inside King Solomon's Temple, the descendants of King David Knew full well that unless they did something radical, that the real form of Judaism would be lost forever. So they attempted to create a building and a collection of ceremonies from which to help preserve pre-1300 bce Judaism.

§  Some of their efforts succeeded with extreme success, other efforts were attacked without mercy till only slight hints of their existence are around.

§  Queen of Sheba

·       The queen of Sheba enters from the north west door. Either nude or scantily clad

·       On her back is the full scroll of Genesis. The Full version of Genesis does not include the writing of Moses, nor does it include the Moses/Avaris/Hyksos version of the Exodus. Where the brutal dictator and Jewish genocide events occurred, they cast Moses as the good guy and his adopted brother and family as the bad guys. However in all hard reality Moses was just as much of a bad man as his adopted father and brother. Seti and Ramses II. The full Story of Genesis can be found literally inside the architecture of the Pyramids. Which is an intensely long and complex story. There is little more important to the descendants of Esau than to take the function and structure of the real portions of Genesis and destroy it. they will do anything and everything to make sure that the real story of Genesis will never be seen and or be presented to the light of day. I have spent the last 8 years trying to rebuild the Pyramids in model form to try and work on decrypting the original story, but alas my efforts have been blocked at virtually every turn.

·       The above needs to be kept in mind as you read the next portions of the Queen of Sheba Ritual. Since the next portions apply a balance between males and females, the tools of the craft with the tools of life. It also has several bits of inclusion tools which are designed to have an interaction with the divine. In a couple ways.

·       The first way is by placing the metal down on the book, if needed for authenticity sake. Have either a young girl (job) or a young  boy (De Molet) come in to set the metal. Then have them leave, as they leave have the historian come up and make a note of the characters the child placed the metal over. Those characters in sequences can and will make at least one word, and will make words when placed in the circle.

·       That circle of words is part of a much larger, more complex, and detailed structure of ancient FreeMasonry which has been long ago lost/destroyed by the followers of Esau. They simply hate the hidden information within the stated communications.

·       She would be brought into the room from the north west door.

·       She would be walked around the room, at least once, if not a couple times.

·       She would be placed near the alter, by the SD

·       She is placed on the alter by the stewards, in the good version with full and complete cooperation. In the bad less cooperation. Although with the gift it is both good and bad cooperation at the same time. she has been trained to obey, but has little if any free will involved.

·       In a variety of positions. She is placed to achieve the goals.

·       If placed on her stomach, the wm and sw aling according to her face and legs with the bible or scrolls on her back.

·       Or the other way around with her head pointing west

·       On her back the same thing however her hands are available to touch the metal as well. Her hands and either or both the WM and or SW.

·       Of course there is another combination.

·       If the female is the wife of the SW or WM, then he makes the decisions regarding interactions.

·       The female being a member of Eastern Star and or the mother of one of the girls auxiliaries. Jobbies, rainbow, etc.

·        For the evil version, a young girl is chosen to be the object of the Ouija, however this is beyond doubt pedophilia. And there can be absolutely no consensualness involved. It is an old man being evil and committing several times against a child.


o   The Evil Ritual

§  The evil version of this ritual is to have a  young slave boy or girl come in to set the metal.

§  Have that childs mother or another slave female come in, nude or in just a simple covering not unlike a toga.

§  Have her come in be guided around the room as any EA, FC, MM would during their first initiation.

§  Then guild her to the alter, lay her down.

§  The one of several aspects of the following would occur.

§  The slave female would be facing the east or west. If facing the west than the worshipful master would be given privileges to enter the woman. That woman would have the scroll placed on her torso, the metal placed on that and her hands placed on the metal, the worshipful master soudl also place his hands on the metal which then creates a Ouija barod out of the scroll.

§  The metal would then be allowed to move as it does. The historian to the north would take notes as to what characters the metal was placed over. Each location would be marked in the ways it would need to be.

§  When finished, eg the stylist moved, the scroll would be removed, by the stewards. The female brought off the alter, and removed back to the antiroom. Usually after the worshipful had finished in her.

§  If she became pregnant from said exchange she would be executed by handing outside on a tree, eg lynched. “it is a very good bet that the term ‘Strange fruit’ is a direct reflection of this turning the female into Eve and her body into the fruit.

§  The Ouija aspects are important since they represent several aspects of language. Of the divine communicating with the lodge. That being any number of ways the communication can be done.

§  The characters in their associated Hebrew, creating interesting combinations of words which could be a cryptography form. So that the divine can say many things in a very short amount of time. 8 characters can represent a couple dozen words. That is if the Ǽrdology circle is used.



o   Arab Gift

§  This slave being turned into a sex slave has its origins at least in part in the Arab Gift aspects, where the youngest daughter of a younger if not the youngest wife would give her as a gift to a white Plantation owner to take back to either Europe and or the Americans.

§  Instead of killing her, she would be encouraged to have children cooperate in any way with her new master/husband. And of course cooperate in any way with the FreeMasonic Ritual.

§  That ritual the female would be trained to help with the Ouija ceremony, allow herself to be used by any of the men present.

§  If it turned into a whole lodge or officers, or primary officers gang bang. That is what she was trained from childhood forward to do. Those females would not be put through the above FGM ritual, since the orgasm would be part of the ritual.

§  Of course, offspring would be given any amount of money their grandfather could in order to purchase their own plantation. From the early 1500s likely middle 1400s to the late 1700s the number of active Muslims plantations in the Americas was substantial to say the absolute least. But in the early 1800s the south began to pass laws preventing the Muslims Plantations from being anywhere but in a swath of lands roughly where Sherman’s march to the sea would take place in the 1860s. in case you missed the point, Sherman’s March to the sea was designed to find the Islamic plantations and destroy them outright.

§  Removing any and all traces of Islam in America.

§  Which the Muslims saw coming from about a century previous, by the end of the 1700s the Muslims began to move out of the South and to the headwaters of the Mississippi, the lands were oftentimes extremely cold but they were too far away from the American and most other cultures to send troops in to harass them. Even the English were forced to leave them alone. Too far away and too difficult to attack them. This however changed after 1865, a lot of the remaining union army was sent to the headwaters of the Mississippi, in order to find and clear out the Muslims. If they found natives long the way, clearing them out too was just find and dandy.


·       Females in Simon Peters Church


·       Females in Paul's Church

o   It is interesting the number of people who choose to go against their own best interests when they have better options.


·       Third Reich

o   Lebensborn project


·       Present day

o   This ritual and aspect of society cannot be suppressed, but it can be treated horribly by puritan cultures. They hate it but depend on it for a variety of reasons.

o   Street prostitutes

o   Brothels






 TR Welling