o   FreeMasonry science and Giza


o   The staircase


o   From the EA; eheheh = 11-18, 21-28, 31-38.


o   Kings chamber Khufu



o   Khufu degree work



o   Dirty side of the nile between upper and lower eygpt

o   Why would the largest building in the world be located on the dirty, unclean, west side of the Nile. Answer statistically speaking the entire concept regarding the pyramids or at least this one pyramid as a grave is not supported by evidence.

o   There was a war occurring in the Middle East. What occurs every single time a sequence of battles ends in a war. Refugees stream out of the conflict zone in droves.

o   Consequently those refugees have to have someplace to go.



o   They could not go north into the mountains of Turkey are formidable. Do not bother trying to cross them unless you have serious mountaineering skills.

o   Cannot go east the Indus Harappa aka Iran India/Pakistan culture is a strong ally of the people the refugees are fleeing from.

o   Cannot go south the Sinai/Saudi Arabia is strongly in the hands of the Middle Eastern culture.

o   Cannot go west the Mediterranean is not a place to live

o   So the only option is to go into Egypt. But they have to have permission from the Egyptian rulers/Pharaoh to enter and be given pass to travel to the reservation lands in Egypt.

o   The pharaoh Narmer set up a reservation land/refugee area on the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza . Pharaoh Narmer standing in power between the cultural representatives of Upper Egypt (Left) and (Right) Lower Egypt both standing showing power; the full size man on his knees is a refugee being given access to lands in Egypt. But those lands come at the cost of a full ranking in Egyptian society. Ironically the position of the refugee is in the approximate area where Giza is located in Egypt. Another ironic depiction is the length of the legs of the refugee is approximately the length of the area between Giza and Sakkara. Pharaoh is standing on the east side of the refugee; His Left foot is approximately where Memphis is and his Right foot is where Luxor is. The arrows are behind his back; left arm holding the bow, right hand holding a weapon/scepter

o     The crook or shepherds crook indicates the power of the shepherds rests in the left (dirty, unclean) hand of the pharaoh since the above (Narmer) action occurred. The flail in the right hand of power over the shepherds and all who oppose the pharaohs rule. The pharaoh looking east is a virtual map of Egypt. Upper (south vulture Nekhbet) Kingdon and Lower (northern cobra Wadjet) Kingdom Egypt on the forehead crown of honor. The City of Luz/Memphis/Cairo at the base of the skull  (tide in a strong knot). The beard on the chin represents the seizing of one of the symbols of power for the middle eastern refuge tribes; the Cherubim   . Which the beard is located on the pharaoh on the bottom of his chin; again a position of not only insult but the lowest class of power. The religious symbols of upper and lower Egypt high on the forehead on the crown of power itself. The wings of the cherubim placed under the shepherds crook on the chest of the pharaohs; indicating importance . The lower on the body the less importance according to Egyptian and basic Mediterranean cultural rules of society. The blue and gold layers on the headpiece indicate the canals on both sides of the Nile. Major irrigation ditches were dug to produce maximum farm land.

o    as presented the area between upper and lower Egypt is where most of the 110 plus pyramids are located. On the dirty side of the Nile.


o   The area between Giza to the north and Sakkara to the south as indicated by the yellow line in the graphic is the area in which I theorize is the actual location of Israel (in this case Israel one). Where Jacob was crowned king/Pharoah upon his return from Mecca.

o   The designer of the Pyramids

o   Imhotep

o   20 Hyksos pharaohs were also called some form of Imhotep.

o   Knowing that the last Hyksos pharaoh was DNA descended from the same root as Druid creates an interesting dynamic as to who Imhotep was.

o   Are the druid a polytheistic religion or were they actually monotheistic. After the romans when the Vatican came up into the UK and Northern Europe an already imbedded monotheistic ruling group would have made the convergence of all the tribes and groups to monotheism easier. But that also points to massive persecution to the monotheistic embedded tribes; which evidence suggest the above is the reason the church persecuted some of its own members who converted to monotheism too fast in the UK.

o   Also draws an interesting idea into the concept of which rules of religious order are mummies brought back to life? If Imhotep was a Druid; then is the Egyptian book of life and the different book of the dead druid creations.


o   Jacobs ladder


o   The above are just sketches but you get the idea. The outside ramp, the inside structure similar to the concepts of the Noachite rite.

§  The boats outside are not funerary barges; they are replicas of Noahs arc.


o   Noachite rite



o   Artist’s representation of Noah’s ark alongside a reconstructed Khufu boat. The similarities are striking. The number of boat pits is far more than the number of supposed bodies transported to the site.


o   F for circumambulation areas.

o   City of Luz aka Memphis aka Cairo

o   As each successive culture or neighborhood took over. The capital building changed but the city remained the same.

o   Many of those cultures chose to change the name of the city to reflect their own greatness.

o   Remember all ancient cities sprawl; having a major 100,000 plus population city stretch over 50 miles is not uncommon. Paris, London, LA, Rome, etc. all sprawl over vast miles.

o   Israel one


o   The area as mentioned above is why and how a group of refugees were able to build such elaborate temples. They were given the land to do as they pleased; as long as they give proper tribute to the pharaoh.

o   To hide true power; there is no reason the monotheistic refugees would not have used the word pharaoh to describe their own king. My king; is an arbitrary term, especially during which decades what pharaoh was in charge. Sometimes upper pharaoh, sometimes lower pharaoh, sometimes a unification pharaoh, and then it can be theorized a specific pharaoh regarding the refugee area to the west side of the Nile.

o   For sociological proof; look to other refugee cultures who adopted the ways of social order as their oppressors just to fit in. On the inside of the culture it is understood, on the outside looking in; they all look like they are performing the same sociological rituals you are. They might look the same but in fact they are vastly different.

o   Recent genetic testing proves King Tut and all the Hyksos Pharaohs were in fact from the same genetic line as the Druid (pronounced drooj).

o   The Druid arrived in Northern Europe and the UK around 1500 b.c.e running from the Thera volcanic eruption.  The whole in the middle is where the volcano used to be; after 3500 years growing.

o   The symbol below is from the runic (secret or hidden meaning) Elder Futhark. More than 10 Hebrew characters do the exact same as the below. The following character; you can do the same draw a line from the T B and M ט . The characters are at the bottom left side of the circle.



o   Kirkwall scroll


o   Tells of the story of the great temple. Only after the sacking and construction of Jerusalem north of Hebron was the great temple called Solomon’s temple.

o   The controversy surrounding the age and story of the scroll make no difference to my point. My point being that the Kirkwall scroll and a few others scattered around the UK tell a story of each of the Great Temples to god. As well as the framework of El Beth el temple/synagogue.




o    a drawing depicting a tabernacle tent described from the bible; where the arc was kept before Abraham built his first temple in Egypt. After they left Egypt the arc was kept back in the tabernacle tent; till it was placed in the temple of tyre , then in Solomon’s temple Jerusalem.

o    Rosslyn chapel Edinburgh . Which the Ogle Royal family owned from north of the Firth of Forth approximately the city of Perth (Pertho is the 14th symbol in the above listed Futhark language circle sequence), Scotland.


o   Which according to the Yr Hen Ogledd map; the city of Perth seams to have been fought over many times. Being the city almost directly on the boarder of both Picts territory and Northumberland territory.




o   (the waterway North of Edinburgh) down to York from most of 1066-1600s. The Ogle Royal family owned that same area from 400 when Rome fell down to York as well. Edinburgh to Ogle castle; it is only 76 miles away

o   , Ogle Castle is the name sake castle in which the Ogle Royal family owned and aided in the creation of FreeMasonry.


o   The basic information which allowed FreeMasonry to flourish in Northumberland to begin with came directly to Northumberland from the Constantinople library probably twice

o   The Constantinople library came from the Imperial Roman library

o   Second 1100-1300

o   The imperial roman library came in part directly from the Alexandrian library. The romans burnt the building; taking the scrolls and codex's out first.

o   The Alexandrian library contained both information regarding the building of the pyramids as well as all the amassed knowledge of Egypt, Aegean cultures, and the middle east.

o   Which is how our complicated ceremonies came into existence in the 1300s when all knowledge the church did not approve of was found.

o   First 100-400

o   Emperor Constantine and the imperial library in Newcastle UK



o   Distance from Ogle Castle to Hadriens wall about 5-7 miles. Parts of NewCastle Hadriens wall is still viewable.



§  When the Roman empire collapsed there is no reason to assume they took their entire library out of York. As the maps show Northumberland/Northumbria extended south of York from 1066-1600; since William the conqueror/orange gave the area back to the Ogles. It is only reasonable to theorize he was also giving back the pre Pictish revolt land back to the Ogles. Consequently the Ogles might have owned that area of land from 400-700(circa).

§  Previous the boarder was highly contested from Hadrian ’s Wall down to York from 80-400.

§  Also based on evidence indicates if the Northumbria could hold off two separate walls from the entire might of the Roman empire they had an army equal to or (Rome had to defend a huge section; Northumberland/Ogles only had to defend a small area. Reference Thermopolis 1500 versus over a million. Pick the area to battle over; in this case home ground) better than the entire roman army. A feet unmatched during the entire stretch of the Roman empire. The Northumberland defenses had to be (by evidence) capable of defending against thousands of Roman squares; over 300 years circa 100-400.

§  Wales was not a threat with a major huge population Resort town built only


§  37 miles from the Welch Capital city.

o   As all EAs know; Pens/quills, paper, letters, and all forms of writing were absolutely forbidden by penalty of immediate death.

o   So unless the above theory is incorrect; how did all that complicated information come into the hands of the earliest FreeMasons.
