German inquisition


Adolf’s war was first and foremost against the Jacob descended line not the Esau descended line. Adolf was an Esau line descended; possibly even a Moses line descended person. But he was not from Jacob’s line. Dirty Jew specifically means Westies; or the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza on the west/left/dirty side of the Nile.

By behavior pattern; it is more than likely the Pope granted the devout catholic Adolf the rites of Grand inquisitor. To use his third Reich to clean Europe of all heretics’; Jews, Freemasons, gays, etc. all the enemies of the inquisition are the enemies of which Adolf’s final solution targeted.

Extreme realistically what Adolf did can be labeled as the German inquisition.

So in a very real effect; probably findable deep in the Vatican archive’s is a document granting Adolf Hitler permission to turn All of Europe into one huge inquisition trial.

Removing the evil Jacobs line for the righteous Esau line.



The last great inquisition was not led by the Spanish and Torquemada; but by Adolf in Germany. Adolf was not an ordained priest but he was sanctioned by the Vatican to perform an inquisition. Cleansing by fire all those that were heretic’s.



This inquisition worked almost exactly the same way the previous inquisitions operated. Although under German laws and organizational structure. which was different than how the Italians operate theirs. Which is also different to the way either worked to the Spanish. German inquisition operated under an organizational structure which permitted the application of a king/emperor to be grand inquisitor removing the need for a priest to be the judge. With a stable of priests to guide the king/emperor in the advance of the holy task.


But the German inquisition under Adolf is how the Vatican would allow itself to get away with removing heretic’s from all of Europe and not face direct blame.


But direct blame is a strong fact regarding a careful examination of the behavior patterns.


The Vatican is itself equally to more guilty of the final solution to Adolf than Adolf himself is. Since Adolf was a ptsd and homosexual syphilis addled frustrated artist/architecture. The Vatican on the other hand had 1400 years of direct inquisition experience with thousands of people making entirely informed decisions.


The Vatican can also be directly blamed for the holocaust because it was their “malleolus malifacarum” which had been published and used as a hand book for previous holocausts of hundreds of years. Adolf was evil but he was only following the orders of the Vatican and Pope. So in very real truth; all the world should blame the holocaust on the Vatican itself.